MEDFORD DAILY TR1BUXJL, MEDl'ORb, OlMldOX. TJilK'SDA Y, OCTOBER 1, 1008. s Medford Daily Tribune A Liaiq ii'juUL ijMS Tovtn. the dm nil Something New Medford Loan Office You Do Pulrliitoi en err rrwir p Ansa.!?. MEDI,OB P ITAiMgHlSft CO.' Nf M P AVUMIQE i ML II I LH I IIUUUL j Mill iNot See FOR SALE N, fr 1" V on 15 lti th III Admitted as 8(!oJ-Cla 3tfatt? in tht PotrtofWrtf ft Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On mouth, by mail or carrier 0.!SU On rear, by mail $5.01) VALE WASXOX CA'VO. At last the members of the water committee have heen forced to hid farewell to Wasson eanvon as a source of municipal water supply. It has heen a touching and lingering farewell, extending over many months, and probably it is with sorrow and regret that members wit nessed the slaughter of their first choice by their own en gineer. ;s soon as it was seen mat asson eanvon Iiad an insufficient flow, it should have been dropped from fur ther consideration. Instead of this, the committee clung tenaciously to it, the city's money has been spent in useless surveys and three councilmen left the council chamber because a motion to tie up with it failed to pass. .Had the majority of the water committee had its way, the deal for Wasson canyon would have long since been closed and the contract for pipe let and the committee claimed that it was acting upon the advice of its engineer, now first made public. Engineer Roberts' report, while administering a coup dc grace fit Wasson canyon, is a disappointment in that it, recommends the selection of a system that costs more than the amount of money available and where is this money to come from if There is available, according to the engineer, for expenditure, ir'272,2.)0, that is. ifrto.l.OOO bonds less sale discount andTlistributing system. The es timated cost of the Fish lake proposition is placed at 28!),- )":i, or !jl(;,800 more than the amount of ney in sight. The Fish Lake company claims that this estimated cost can be reduced to within the amount of money available In taking out the water from Little liutte, a mile or two fur ther down stream, and constructing a reservoir at a lower elevation than that proposed. Engineer Roberts once stated before the council that actual cost, would probably vary from estimated cost by from ') to 10 per cent. Say it exceeded cost bv H per cent. This would add 2:1,1 24 to the .f28),()f:, , iake the total cost $.'112,177, or aproximately 40,000 more than is in sight, $!)2,000 more than the Sterling proposition, and still more than the Condor proposal. Another item that must be figured on is the interest that would be saved on a cheaper proposition. Sav a sav ing of $100,000 in original cost and construction is made. This would mean a saving of .-())() a year in fixed charges from the outset and in .'10 years a saving of i:0,000. Tt is evident, that Engin Roberts' report does not settle the water ipiestion, because it supplies no wav to raise ine necessary money to buy and construct flu ed svstem. 1 ;:;r;:: fletftofl C4i ftow Boast ol Finest Small Theatre in Southern Oregon" IN Without (Mll)t t tl' Nil lit t fit' i KUtll y 1'iuinlinl ).l;iy!i.iiiM in Hunt hern ' Orison whh i-uiiitlet'l Wnl nt-silav in J J, '. HjiII'h new Inttliliiij; mi 'Anjoii strict, mitt will . thrown open tn the pllblir this rvrniny. It iinlr:uTs all of the cunvrnii'iti'os of a nimh-m met iunjitun theater in having elegant M-atK, ttlopihjr flour ami a sh-iiliIIv I'minlied interior. was Home montlis :ii that llnhhanl 4 Sears, proprietors of the popular Kijou," on W'fHt Sevriitli strtM-t, real i.i'd that I here niuxt lie Home steps tflkeil to aeriiMIUtoilati' the whnW Invill" juihiee of this ritv. They emilil other way In this, us liny ! lv of th.' Bijou, ah e;nly taxed to overt lowing. thev deei.lnl tet ;iel I. nil I the e: taxd to Studying over tlx matter to open a new down town I h sueeeeile.l mi uettini' .Mr. Midi 1 hem a theater alone; up tn dale liin s. I IllH daei- lias lieeu enmplrl. il au. I has heen niitiied the Savoy. Mr. Iluli hard will lain- eharee of I he new In ithni, while Mr. Sea i h will t-niit imie t Hiiperillteiid the Bijou. I'mler the same innn.'iy-rniMit that h;i plaei'd (he IIijoii upon lite plane it n..u Ids iiiiimii; Medford 's theatergoers. I lie Savov is Kiire to lirosper. KKewhere n Ihm incite will lie found the roinph te prormu for tonight's etiterhtiimienl. MMlford eode may now visit n moving picture show :im enjov the ntertainmeiit siirronudei wit!: all the luxuries of n f irst i'I.-ms met ropolitan house. .vconinunHl- They Want What They Want When They Want St "9" 'jfcv GETS LIFE SENTENCE IN PEN FOR BURGLARY STORE AT RXAMATHON ENTERED AND ROBBED I.W'OMA, WnHh., (. 1. Alm it t injc Unit be hud served Ihri'O mntencos of twn yours ow'li for liiirrt(ry i ,,, pnit(ntinripa of California, Washing ton nuil Ilritish Columbia, lioftidos nerv ing a turm in the stale rofonnntorr of falifnrnin, Dnva McAnllo jili-mlril guil ty to liurglnrizing the limine of J. O. ilillinrtl nuil lian jnitt Iiim'ii Hi'nti'lireil by JimIki. Snrll to the poiiitontinry for lifo, in comiilinnro with tho Htatitlf providing that any one MTving mori' than twn ti'rms in thi poniti'iitinry iipon roiivii'tinn thiTi'aflor shall draw n lifo ftnitfinco. McAnllc in nut v.-t :10 yi-ars of ngo. HINDU COLONY FACING DEATH BY STARVATION VAXCOl'VKH. II. I'., Opt. 1. VuAng what Ht'iMiid like i-i-rtain Ktarvatinn, the nirinlifTM nf Hit' Hindu colony of Van rnuviT and Vi.tinini!rr alii tliii fall in moro di'Hporato jitraiN than llny have over ln-fitro cxpfrirlii'i'd anil no rflirf ill in aiht. rrrxent indications point to the diMith of liundnHla of lliom lioforo llio coming trintor ill over. A larc iiunilicr nrp mm rating only ono nioal ll any, while oth m gn Hcvr-rnl houm n: a timo without tood. Fovpr and eoliU prevail in the colony tn an nlnnning extent. VHKKA. Cnl., Oct. I. Word was ceived yesterday that Small's store at Klainalhon was lirnkeu into Sundav night li.v unknonu persons mid roldied An nltempt to gel into the safe was made. The lock had been tampered with and il was impossible to get tho safe open. The thieves succeeded gelling a couple of pairs of women's shoes, one pair of men's dress shoes six shirls. n box of women's hose, a boll of plaid dress goods, $S in dimes and nickels and a hit of tobacco. ' Oeputy Sheriff ( lawson of Horn was notified and went lo the of the robberv. Iirook HORSES BARRED FROM TRACK FOR PRACTICE iciicing October first, no horses will be allowed upon the race track be i ween 10 o clock am nVLa il uiiiit of preparing the course for ing. I here are three good running es on i ne card for Thursda All stock which is to be exhibited in the fair must b itered bv li ti m iiiurs.iay. Octolier 1. The stock will be judged lit II o'clock Vrlday morning l arnes wishing may keep their slock nt Inline nights or thev will 1 for on the gronnds. ci ic.l FIRE WORKS HAVOO IN CITY OF DALLAS DAL LA SO. Tei, )t. 1. (hie fir man waa killed and is.iiird tiw terdny in tt fire thai aewtrwrea' several htisinoHft Morka. ot Ik iijured firviHva raauot lira IcoLf TWa iajnrad ma imp it the eollapHB of hitilaiif into which thev a (M ta fit the flilmes. TW tfamafre is estimated Jit tlilo.oOiV PLANT 8000 FISH IN LAKE NEAR 8ISHON R1SSON. Cl., Oct. 1. :yde Arena, W. Randolph and K. .1. Lawless made a trip Bunday tn Castlo lake to plant about unnn fish from the fi.h hatchery Probata. Kstnte Matthew H. t'oleman; inven tory and appraisement fj,., showing esiaie vnluiil at 1 172. Kstate Mary Vettn Pankev; J. W. .Merrill, W. C. Leever and J. r. Hob inet appointed appraisers. r.mnlc H. uiuiin Khodea; order nia.le conrirminf ante of real propertr. t'eiiplo In Hie gn-iii iliios nil Ian,,,. p:u:os of llh- ),! i:, v. sp ip-'iM w i !i WAXT A liS. U'lii'M I tn -v want hit they wuitt wlii'ii lliey .ut il. lliev iall'niiii I lie WANT AM. .uluiiin-'. The Hume tiling can lie done ill llii.-i lowii und this pnper Mi,- iilrotliii-U"ii of (lie willllor In Iho walilef. If you have anything fur sale, for relit, for oellilll..e; If yiill want to buy or rent nnylhing. if yuil laut to L'ot tl posllloii or If you waul In hire some body - A III t la- WANT Hill bring you wlnlt you want. The cost Is Inslgnlilcaiit compared to tile Htulsfai-liiry result. WHAT MO QV WANT? t Aitaii a tA UVR-li,ll. c. Mepternber L'n. hy .IiMjv Hail, H. L. Mason and Katie l.ainh. OOK M'I)()A,1)-In Xlfor,l on September 'JS. by Hev. Marion K. Horn. Leslie A. Cnok and Adelaide Mellon aid. s-clal Train to Fair Grounds. Muring the fair, October 1, 2, ,1, the ncific 4 Kastern railwav will run a peeinl train from the Southern l. Thl, ... th. ,eor,. lima fl.h h... . P."' ' ' '" i .... . . f" "'l"wil L- n. m. mot r. i been taken from the hatchery to h. Pux K m datv P. m. niul rftiiri..nn IIIOII' V jt , i 1 r v te,, whi. h e . ,-(.. v le veil tn h lo'.V i !.-'.e,. j hand a tin.- sr...- e v.ill yive the e he!e tn want our t ta.. te.l ia 1-,-Hiiiiu' est, on all tleserij'tion nf value ljuii4, mubieal iuit ri rni'ii t:r etc. ii nr 'leeinej Wltehes, jewel rv. Lest JiarniiiH ever nfferetj in Med . .i ' : y to do tlio beBt und make I'leane yive n.-t a call. Von will or in Inlying. Ilefore yuil jjo to buy r.-nt, in., r t he n:;me The Ffledford Loan Office . I.' le V..J V. Ill ,,. I, CORNER SEVENTH. LOOK LOAN orncE. .l plic. fr,,m a ; e take in : ,,.! I lil l.ric. .'uTiiril . NO. I SOUTH C STREET, FOR THE SIGN: MEDFOKD U-,1 I and silver. We v.;ll take ,j. We gi'. tiau'ii !icl;e:s on all law. Southern Oregon District and Roue River Val!ey Fruit Medford, Ore. Oct. 1, 2 and 3 $1250 in PREMIUMS For l''ruil;.-Sti)ck, l-'illli'V W'lll'li' nn.l 'arm Products, Paint intrs, VAc. Three : Days : Races i.'o i H,"! urscs I' rcc in 1 lie :s liven ulilic DAY, Bring Your Products Show tlic world P.MAT TJ II- KA If vour irodiicts. I'll ON Fit PIT Smith Molony Cnvvy the St longest Line of IliP at the i I In v inn Cut Boots icst pi icos in Southern On i"i you will need tlieill goti See tor Window SHOlv lMCRI'KCTIOX So matiy of tile defeets in -.luv-sueli as liroakiuj; ilnwn vi lu toes ami lieel coiinli'i tti iiin of slitellini;. etc.. prue , eonstaiil soitree ot annoy. nuv, :i wtii a a iU li nu ill lo tin., !n.i result from lack of ptnii atti n lion to I lie details of tie i. in.nle with the m.. e itefiit liny. It ninlonn iM-ellellie !' struetlon .hnu ou of its i.( tie, Van Dyke's ! -; ... 'v 'rvr-;! I .j?- iV' '' ' " ' . ; . s ' I j (MTV TAII.Ol. Toque Point Oysters h:i nnw thr I'Xi'lu Tt-nuc Point Oys- liMcwIt ilril to lp i a trial. The Emerick Cafe If You Will its i:! on tin swell nmde to aro offering, "you will tire exren- ;u iHi.'e that thoy alui'H. Vou will find over five .-1 .IitTereiit suititiifs hfr from li I.- n.aki a H'hvtiou. We would t utv niir nuH!iirimonti (w. Many signs of this character about Medford. We always find a desirable tenant before a good building has been "to let" more than 24 hours, and land owners know we can always find a purchaser if a reasonable valuation is put on property. Consequently Medford does not impress the homeseeker as being "under the hammer." This is as it should be. This is the season of the year when home seekers want winter accommodations. Use business judgment; get free rent and make a winning by purchasing one of these beauti ful cottages of the Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD '. USDrOBD, OBXOOK t. TIME Bute Depositary. CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS $115,000.00 la an important matter ia the transac tion of business. Business men realize the convenience and time-saving afford ed in paying by oheck, A check account with the Jackaon County Bunk gives you the advantage of prompt and obliging servioe. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per ytar and up. Finest equipment in southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTER, President G. B. LINDLEY, Cashier Notice to Water Consumers WATER MAY BE USED ffOR IftltltlA TIQiSr AT ALL HOURS UNTIL ORDEB- ED OTHERWISE By order of the WATER COMMITTEE"" September 21, 1906. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stoek cheap Officii Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F ST BEET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND 8 EVENTH STREETS. J. E. ENYART.Preeid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN 8.-QRTJJ, Oashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Caahier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OS. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage Pry OfuDinj & Tminf EI PERT MEDFORD o Mrs. .'rene 3'famplcn Isaacs liiftnulcr of llauo. Tlit tttctho PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. in all its branches. Surveying Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Bank Building. J 1st ! , eenta. .il.; N.'tlS .1 li;l "Ph.-IK f 14 1M Q T