MK1JFOK1) DAILY T-K1BUNL, MEDFORD. OREGON. TUESDAY. SEl'TEMHKK -.K 1W. K tl tl ' to ill f T K Ir Hi Fi if. I.c l "P t dt la If" wi M 57 III lo l' Medford Daily Tribuneii A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffiee at Medford, Oregon. I I i i What Papers Say WATTERSON'S FORECAST SUBSCIil PTION KATES. Oat mouth, by mail or carrier 10.5(1 lasJeear, hy mail. . "TJJJ'J KISG CAS DO SO WUOSG in days of old the doctrine of divine rights of kings held well nigh unversal sway. Today, in the, minds of many good American citizens, Theodore Roosevelt, like the mon arch whose glory lias long since faded, can d no wrong. Perhaps never he fore since the days of Washington has any American hcen so immune from criticism as the president. What would shock the nation to the verge of hysterics under another executive is now passed by unno ticed, or commended. Everyone who quarrel with the president, he calls a liar, and the public believes him, despite proof to the con trary. He swings his big stick, righteously and unright eously, and the people applaud. He uses the immense power and prestige; of his position to dictate his successor, and, forgetting his dignity as chief magistrate of all the people, wallows in the. mire of partisan politics to force the election of a personal favorite. His friends are dis creetly silent, and his enemies have; learned the futility of protest. The country is witnessing a curious condition of poli tics. In the west both Taft and Bryan claim to be rightful heirs of the Koosevelt policies. Taft, is now all but lost sight of in the wrangles in which the president of the Unit en niaies is ine cniei suahincr. Tart is running on an anti-Koosevelt platform, dictated by the president's em lines, which docs not, contain a single policy favored by Mr. Koosevelt. yet is noisily supported by the executive, ...1,.. ;.. 1 i :i..i : : i i ; . i ,' . iiiiw m mini iiri inking Ills nig SUCK, lirvail, WIlo was the original advocate of the Koosevelt policies and wliost plat form endorses them, is as vociferously opposed by the president on purely partisan grounds. In the east, the tide of popularity has turned against the president. I aft is making his campaign on the anti .Koosevelt platform, and is strong because it is felt that Ik will abandon the president's policies and join the rent titularies. ISryan is gaining strength principally because .Koosevelt is opposing linn. The attitude regarding the president was thus expressed by a New York banker: "If it came to a choice bet ween Theodore Koosevelt anil Harrv Thaw, we would choose Thaw." Koosevelt, is evidently preparing to break another pre cedent anil to take the stump for Taft in the middle west, I'll- ..... imping ny ins personal el tort to stem the Bryan tide. It will be rather startling to see the president making stump speeches, but it need surpris one, for the father of civil service reform has already dictated a presidential nomination hy means of the federal office holders, and his cabinet has spent more time doing politics than loo after their business. Many people will agree with Bryan in regarding the p resident's acts as "a violation of the obligation that the president owes to the whole people to use the offictTthat belongs to the whole people as a parly asset for the ad vancement of a personal friend and i.oli'ienl ...,,,,. ii i ' i "in i in- wisi, majority will not criticizt has fallen the legendary mantle of the no wrong. ting . for to Koosevelt ting who could do coun- few da vs. Med- SI'EKDY ACTIOS DKSUIKIK Kngineer Kohcrts will make his report to the city o upon i ne various water propositions within " '." ll,s "''if.i,laf.ns are followed or not. ..... ... ... ..- ,, IS, lor ,s l,i, tj,llt '"'i s source o! water supply was determined. '' several years the city has been agitated over iii'n t pin nl . .,; i ' 1 " aiie.uaie Wat..r supplv. Tliif .iiiiiiiiiuieu on .pn :; j 1. lo e. ... . 1. . " ac.uisuion o such a supply 'Ml ... I . i II' i ne nouns were voted Upon tin report and recommendation that the desired ,,,,,.., i , , . ... 1 " " asson canvon sprin I lie ..iiiiiiintt i ..... i .... 1 , ""mci i oer us signature that th o. aier inrougii,,t the year was from to mcnes. or from five to eight million When investigation and iutiiiry iiui ice nan overestimated the f, (lint ;,...(.... i .-, ...... mi.-.ii-.hi hi ,,.hi . ii.ii.o ..... ... , . . , ' " "I n now there m inn ni mcnes in summer tiiiu ccncii a severe jolt .in the mind 1 II.. ..... I In (loinanil that otlt y. This voting of $.00,000 wah'i ((nnniitU'c's "iii;- hunted for and ( Louxvillt Courier .luurual) The rt'ult iu Muiue clearly prtnafs the triumph of tUe ualiooal democratic ticket iu November. Never yet baa the outllook for the re publican! looked so gloomy, for the dem ocrats so bright, at this mid-period of a presidential' battle. The whole trend of public sentiment is Bryan ward. We shall sweep the country in 1U0S precisely as ....$5.00 1 wo swept it in The people f rom Maine to Texan, from Sandy Hook to the Golden Gate, are sick of republican waste and false pretense, of republican double dealing uud extravagance, of republican uusiunp- tions of patriotism in the interest of the preferred elussea. honeHt wealth too often making comiiiuu cuuse with din lion oh t and lawless wealth, in short, of republican inaH(ucrnding as a "friend of business" hi the east and o friend of humanity iu the west, still holding the sou'.h at arm's length and in .abey ance. There in not an argument, not an epi thet, uHcd by the rcpublicnnH against liryau which was not used by them against Tilden, against Hancock and against Cleveland. There is not a re publican abuse against which dcinoc. raey trained its guns in 187(1, in 1HH0, in 1MHI and iu lMllli, which is not yet alive and crying to heaven for reform. The republicans Ihi'mselves admit this find join in the call for the reform of their own abiises. Thus their platform in twii-faced and their ticket two faced. If Taft be not JtooHPvel., he is nailing under false coIiitm. If he be Koosevelt, he ought to get off a ticket Hi ving ' ' Nu mi v Jim ' ' Sherman and oipporfcd by Aldrich, Camion and com pany, tnint builders and grafters inor dinary, preaching socialism to tho so cialist, priihibilion to the prwhibitiou ir's, promising nihat they have no power or intention to give, witholdiug the sim plest remcdicH, protectionism the) fath er and mother and wet nurse of monop oly their single cure-all. The trick is worn out. It will not work any longer. They hnvn shrieked wolf " too often oven "man over- 'io:ird ' ' will not suffice. Tho public intelligence is aft routed nud is tired I. wants a change for the wa.t of :i change. It knows that it is not in the ii tu re of parties to reform themselves in iKiwer. Thev need to bo lick?d into it; to be reminded by defeat that there is an institution! system, commanding llie ullegiaiicn of man, that there are a people and a God. 1 lint T lit election of Itrvaa means iMininess disaster, or stagnation it is a lie a phi in, barefaced, pnlablo lie lie out of the roten old cloth which has been worn by republican politicians and editors until it cau scarcely hold to h'irher,ani was long ago greasy, dirty and disreputable. That Taft is Koosevelt, and Itoose It is Taft it is a trick, a sham to serve its purpose in the west, whilst Sunny Jim" keeps the boys quiet iu Wall Street the Koosevelt flag waving from the foremast, Taft ami Koosevelt making signals from the bridge, whilst under the gunwales, are crouched in ocoalmcut, but ready to spring, nil the pirates of high finance and all their grafters of high protection, from Ifarri- niiin to Cannon, from Kocke feller to Aldrich. Kven in Maine thev see it, Kock und, iron-clad, they are yet able to distiguish betwixt hawk and buzzard. As iu the olden days when ' ' Mainn went Hell bent For Governor Kent," the "pointer" is unerring -one lonelv straw ' ' may show which way the wind blows and oii'e ngain, as in INK) ns goes Maine so goes the Union" for, taking the percentage of tho repub- ican luHttes and the democratic gains in last Tuesday's election, and apply this to the debatable states, and we enrrv nil before us: only the itercentaffe in our favor will be much greater in New York for example, than iu Maine, increasing wo come went ward, insuring us (Oiio, Indiana and Illinois. Tho republican managers se death staring them in the face. Me fore thei middle of October as their last desper ate resort thev will have Theodore Koosevelt upon the iituuip vainly trying to stem the torrenti Nothing run avail them. They have been tried in the bal mice and found wanting. The tax pavers are wearv unto death of bitliou dollar Cnugresst'H with nothing to show for them. They are weary unto death w i t h promises t o reform abuses, each mid every one of them of republican oi iginntiou. The devil is sick the devil is full of penitence let him die, th- wretched old son of a gun let him die and be born again, say the voters of Maine, and "so say we nil" will be the confirming voice of the nation the coming third of November. V (low M miners' gallons a day. L-ln ) Jl. .1 .1 .-Miiivtrii i,i;u IM( nm in Wasson canvon and asson canvon n- h the taxnaviiN. win ;in inaileiiiate supplv. iit sources lie a so eonsi,I..r...l 1 mi universal that the rouiieil ordered th jcpori upon iheni. It is this ivp..rt that pletion. Speedy rn-t ion ly the council is desiraU. uncertainty that han-s over the city's future, lienilent upon its water supply, may In- dispi engineer to is neariiu; eoiu- . so that the which is do- 8TF.AMER SAILS, NEVER MORE TO RETURN HOME WIN'MCKU, Mull., Sept. 29 Alarm ii Iiimiik IVlt tmlav ovrr thf wh.Tt' altiHil. of tho sttMiutT Wolverine, nrhi.'h t olio trip ovenluo l Solkirk, 'J. miloi from horo. Tho boat was on tho way tlown l..iko Winnipo from Warron'. Iim.linu. whii'h i many mlloa from Sel kirk. hon all traoo of hor waa loaf. A a vory boavy storm has boon raging an tho lake nvontly it ia foantl thai tho p.-iftongrs anil orow, numbering 20, aro in troublo. Something New Medford Loan Office We loan money with low interest, on all description of value diamonds, jewelry, watches, pistols, guns, musical iustrumeiitu, etc. 9lno have on hand a fine stock of unredeemed watches, jewelry, etc., which we will give the best bargains ever offered in Med ford. We ure here to sta and try to do the best and make f.ieuds. Wo want your trade, l'lease give us a call. Vou will be well treated in loaning or in buying. Hefore you gu to buy remember the name The Medford Loan Office beta bargairs. NO. 4 SOUTH C STREET. LOOK TOR THE SIGN: MEDFORD w litre you will gtt the CORNER SEVENTH. LOAN OFFICE. The highest prices paid for old gold and silver. We wiil take anything from a gold brick down. We give pawn tickets mi all articles we take in, according to law. Southern Oregon District and Rogue River Valley Fruit U u H " lU- II II II I c Medford, Ore. Oct. 1, 2 and 3 $1250 in PREMIUMS For Fruit, Stock, Farm Products, Fancy Work and Paintings, Etc. Three : Days : Races $730 in Purses. Free to the Public. FOUR RACJEIS EA( Ml DAY. Bring Your Products Show the world your products. BEAT Tith EARTH OX FRTJT You Want To Be Swell . ..And Up-to-Date It lfrfiR , - -t -.mi. jr ;ind yet you waul always to apply that stime good judgnient to purchases of city proper ty which will enable you to Cash Up At A Profit should you desire to do so. Why not aid your own good judgnient hy invoking our knowledge of local values? We have the best list of city property we have ever had, and are confident we can fit you oiit. Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDINCr, MEDEOR1) MEDfOUD. OREOON S. TIME Is an important matter in the transac tion of business. Business men realize tli convenience and time-sH vhig afford ed in paying by check. A check account with the Jackson bounty Bank gives ymi the advantage of prompt and obliging service. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per y-ar anil up. I'Muest equipment in southern Oregon, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS w. VAWTER, President O. K. LTND1.EY, Cashier Stats Depository. 1116,000.00 Oregon Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? 0RE80N NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains,. stroYg hands and n willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Company ( Lines in Oregon. ) is sending tons of Oregon litoruture to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work f building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your frieud3 who are likely to be interested in this statef We will be glad to bear the expense of sending thnm complete information about OKEOON and its opportunities. COLONISTS' TICKETS will be un nalo during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBUR from the East to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few prfnoipol oities mr From Denver $30.00 From Louisville. . $41.70 From Omaha 30.00 Kroin Cincinnati. 42.20 Prom Kansas City 30.0G From Cleveland.. 44.75 From St. Louis. . 33.50 From New York.. 55 00 Kroin Chieago. . . 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or relative ' Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our iij;oiits. The ticket will the be fur 'nirihed by telegraph. A. S. KOSENBAUM, Medford, Dr., Local Agent. VM. M MURRAY, General P:i..,..g,.r Agent, Porllaud, Or. Notice to Water Consumers WAT MAY HE VHKD FOR IRRIGA TION" AT ALL HOURS UNTIL ORDRR-' EI) OTHERWISE Bv order of the WATER COMMITTER September 21, 1DU8. MEDKOK1) SASH & DOOR f'OMI'WV RHONE 2291. Wiudow Frame. Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel 1'late, carried iu stock ehuap Office Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, includi Turned Work and Funcv tirilis. V STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S EVEN Til STREETS. If You Will focus your eve on the swell made to older Suits we are offering, you will realize at ouoe that they sre eieep lional values. Yon will find over five hundred different suitings here from which to make a selection. We would like to lake your measurements now. .1. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S. OHTH, Cashier.- W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $-,0,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patrouage Freucu Dry ueatlv doue. Cleaning aud Pressing XritaLMs 1 POWER EXPLODE8 IN HAND BUT STILL LIVES HtHjriAM, V.nb.. Sept. I'S. That John Benton, a laborer, is still alive le.lay to tell of his experience when a can of bl.iiting powder exploded in his hand ve.ieiday, is considered remarka ble by the physicians attending him. Benson's hands were terribly burned and in .nine places the flesh w at ' most stripped from the bone. His face,' Is swollen frightfully and his clothes ' w. w. CITY TAILOR EIFERT MEDFORD PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS HILL Military Academy A Private Boarding and Day School Iir loys Primary, preparatory and academic departments. College preparation. Business course. Manual Training Principal SO v.ars' experience i Portland. The Hill Military attracts and retains good bovs, tnt It no place for any uthera. Fall term begins September 1(1. VaiM r lion w ,tm rnning vacancies. Cat al eft ue on slt,tion to tk l,rini J. W. HIM,, M. D., Portland, Or. Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jacks County B.aik Building. ti. 0 O o O o o Q