Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 29, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
By far tut largest and brat news report
f asy paper in Southern Oregon.
!Tu1edfrdl Daily trofeMirae.
The Weather
Fair wi'iitluT in promised fir touight
ami tomorrow, with variable winds.
No. 16o.
Eugineer Roberts Rushing
Work and Will Probably j gers Goes Ashore Tug
Have It Ready to Submit, Echo Goes to Rescue
to Council Tomorrow ; Shock Not Heavy
Kngineer Roberts has nearly com
pleted his report to the eity council
on the various water propositions, and
will in nil probability have it ready for
submission to that body Wednesday.
Mr. Roberts has been engaged uMn the
work for a week, and at last is getting
it in such shape that he can see I lie
The report will cover '2't typewrittin
pages. It will diseuss the merits and
demerits of all of the water proposi
tions that have been discussed by the
water committee in the eity council, nr
Pish lake. Wasson canyon. liig Unite,
Little Apphgate and the Hay offer to
furnish water from the Rogue. A ree
ommendntion will also he included in
the report.
"I in tend," said the engineer, "to
have this report very plain, so that if
any mistake is made in the choice of
a source of supply that it will not be
the fault of the engineer."
In all probability there will be a
meeting of the council Wednesday eve
ning, and the report made public.
dent interest is being taken in the
district fair, which will open in this
city on Thursday. Many exhibits are
beinir prepared by residents of the va!
lev and the interest in outside towns bold! Steamship company, has been for
is continually on the increase. ;he past Ihree years operated under the
The two and n half-mile ladies' relay j flag of the Pacific Cons! Steamship
race is attracting considerable ntten company. She is in command of Cap
tion. Talent will be represented by , tain Knughmaii, who has been her mas
Miss Lvdia Kheppy, who is ' practicing , ter lor the past five years.
The buildings are being completed j
and booths are going up. Kveryt lung REFUSED ADMITTANCE 1 sabs, showing thai your people are lib
points towards a great success, as many j (,rj
visitors in the city yesterday remarked FK A N' 'ISCf , Cal., Sept. -jit. I " Vesterday was payday with the cir-
that they would be back in Med ford V)'(mIIM.vs ltit,.r1' ji.'.snian, tl.oVhi- j eus. Some 7hihi was expended in sal
the latter part of the week to attend ( mijiillI:iil.t, tll,.V .lMU,:iied to Sec- aries. Hesides this V spent some r,00
the fair. ' ! retarv Strauss of the department of for supplies. This made ..WH I t urned
'cMinmeice and lal.or at Washington from loose in this city, for the boys spend
MIXUP BETWEEN CITY : (u j,.,.,,,, (lf t)l(. ,..,,) immigration their money as soon as they get it. Of
ATTORNEY AND MAYOR , Mtticial. who last ni-lit refused to ul irse some sen, I their money home, but
- j
LOS ANl.F.LKS. Cal.. Sept. Fob !
lowing the acitvitv of Citv Prosecutor
Woolwaine, who during the past lew j tn come ashore, however, on Points giv
weeks hac closed all club buffets, raided en by the Pacific Mail company that he
the exclusive California club and made : WOnId be present if ordered for depor
opeu charges that the mayor and po-' tat ion. and he left the Korea last night
lice board are guilty of protecting vice, tor the licrmnii hospital, where he is
ttcps are being taken today to force j nude! g-dng t r-: nt in- nt for a nervous dis
the recall of City Attestor McAllister.; ease.
PrrMfwiH-.r Wonlwnine's chief. ,
Mnvnr Hnrner and the police commis
sion have not idly accepted Woolwaine 's j
charges against them, and today the
city executive announced that he would
force the prosecutor to a ' ' shown
down. "
"Mr. Woolwaine will either have to
convict or acquit me," declared the
mayor. "He will have to prove his
charges against the police commission
ers or admit they are false."
HAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Sept. '!. -Sau
Fraueisco merchants are rejoicing
today because the government has rais
ed the quarantine on all vessels comiig
from this port. Word was sent out
from Washington yesterday that vessels
from Ran Fr.meUeo need not be inspect
M unless sickn. sh is discovered.
This action was taken at the r m
mendation of Dr. Ulne. who has charge
here since the plague scare of Inst
spring. Dr. Blue stated it had been so
long that a cae of the disease had
been reported that he thought it wie to
take off the quarantine.
PORTLAND. Or.. Sept. -0. Fred
Nelson, a Swede, wan drowned shortlv
after nonn while attempting to desert
from his ship, the Weenstoy. which
lying off the North Pacific mill. VI
son and a countryman named Allen
Hansen put their clothes into a wahtub
and then, tying n rojn- around their
waists, the men attempted to swim
Nelson became eihamted and sank,
while Han-ten wai pulled nut of the wa
ter by the wmchman of the North Pa
eilie mill.
Hinnbolt With 38 Passen-
SF.ATTI.K. Sept. The
steamer Humboldt, with :s passengers
aboard bound fm- Skngwny, Alaska,
went jirilioro this morning at ("live I'ass,
Vancouver '.sland.
All the par.sengers were rescued by
th.- tug F.chu and will be landed at
either Seattle or I'ort Towiisend tiis
nl'teninuu. The Iluml-oldt was speeding
along in a doiie (t-t when suddenly
she came lo a . The shock was
not very great, but siitlieient to cause
most of th - passenger to become pan-ic-sl
'They were soon calmed by tl di
cers and the wireless operator was im- j
mediately in com mimical ion with shore.
I The l YIm. which happe I lo be close f
I by the sliainer. came to her aid and j
I look all her passengers off.
Not Known How Serious.
The wireless 01. era I or aboard I he
lliimboldl didn't tell how
riouslv the
i vessel was injured. A ft
he made
! known the predicament of the craft it
inpossible lo get
ation wilh him. It is no! thought that
I m vessel is seriouslv injured, but the
salvage lugs were dispatched from Vic
toria immediately upon receipt of the
news of the wreck.
hater information says tin' Humboldt
is being kept afloat by her huge pumps, j
The Humboldt left Seattle last night ' n, nf.nioon performance started my
nt !) o'clock. The steamer is one of the j H,t, n;)n told me over SOOO were in
best known on the Southeastern Alaska I sl)-(, thl. in.,j ,.(. After the show was
route ami, while owned by the Hum- j
low the millionaire to land because he
: that lo- had two wives,
T),,. Chinese uieirhniit was permitted
'I lo- Chinese savs that lie came In
I vantage ot Ameriean medi
co and des not think that he
ui-ddepd an immigrant. He is
b.iim subjected to such an in
md savs that he will fighl the .
law to the last ditch.
VI-'W VMlMv Sent !. The an
iiouncem. nt here today by Kdna Wal
bicellopper i tut do i- going to marry
A. O. Ilrowii. despite Ins bankruptcy
and arn -t i-.r alh-j.d tiand in stock' l.a created no little yum rise
in social cireles, where il had been
frankly pr-d;i-ti-d that the actress would
not many the broker after his failure.
Miss Hopper says that the date has
not et been set, but that she and
P.rown will be married anvhow. She
savs that she M-eive. a jf'oito automo
bile from him as a present and thinks
that it i- nob.-dy e-e 's business what'
her fiance jjives lo r.
I Iron a testified yesterday thai he
had gi ven Mi- Hot. per ,-, nulornobilf'
valued al 7(
IS" O. Cal.. Sept. L'0.
I t he Snijt Iutii Pacific
vine; ti.ibiv lo reach an
tl itv roiiio-il of Oak
if(-r rout ro ersy. where
;i i n-T the coin
a 1 1 il- be nppealed. The
, t...l-,y that they
i ti a l'I eirn li t jt h t he
The ..,h.-;.l !'
c.iiupfi ii v .'ir'' ! r
agreem- li! " if h
land in H.-- ea
bv the de
par.v 1:-' -
railroad oib. iai
hope to r- a. h
conned of Oakland.
The suit Mil blought bv the Western
Pacific when the O.mld lines and Hnr
rimnii ere at oats and Ilaminnn was
trvMiic t.. i.rewnt 1 1n Gould line frM
petting nn nutlet on S.m Francisco bay.
Receipts Totalled $11,
5oo--Paid $7,8oo to the
Men in This City-Much
of It Was Left
A few circus day figures:
Tm thousand seven hundred and six
ty three paid admissions to main show.
Klevcn thousand five hundred dol
lars taken in by wild west show.
Klevcn thousand people in main tent.
Seventy-eight hundred dollars in sal
aries by Ituffalo IVill.
Five hundred dollars for circus sup
plies. The bitter was left in Med ford to a
great extent, which, added to money
spent in restaurants, on trips to circus
grounds, feed for teams and the like,
must total nearly the nuiount taken
from the city by the show.
Only Words of Praise.
'Vlop.d YV. F, Cody had only words
of appreciation for Med ford after the
Ml'leruooi performance Monday. Tie
repent ceMy spoke of the wonderful re-
ception he had received hern when, to
use his words. 14 he was iistouudcd when
1 1 ,000 people were on hand inslead of
I he 30110 expected."
"Med ford is the best town, accord
ing t pop11'1'1' 'nn' ' ' have ever
showed in," he continued. "Where you
get your people from I do not know.
I only know that 1 was very agreeably when a short time befor
surprised when a short
V(.r ,nv. ,,, told me that I0,7li.i per
son had paid their way and that the
complimentary tickets totaled in the
neighborhood of 2o0, milking about 11,
ooo people who witnessed the show.
"Wo took in about $11,5000 when re
ceipts from side shows and the con
ceil are counted in. The boys selling
(popcorn and the like reported brisk
the cash is left in your city.
"Med ford is a wonderful, live little
city. I heard of the place previous to
my arrival in the city, but I did not
expect such n wonderful reception. If
I over make the tour of Oregon again
I shall certainly be sure and lull Med
ford, for it is without doubt the livlicst
city for its size I was ever in with
lit v show. '
svN K If A N ' 1 SCO. Cal.. Sept. 2!.
. , , , -,,, M ...... i;,-ht weiidit
tight tomorrow night are today at H to
I with the Knglish champion on the
oil' side of the betting. The all
my Han Ion money nut il late to
lay had the effect of making betting
I ,, hut the -Native oii s oacners
! . ame from cover today and there was
' plenty of money bet at 1 to 2.
flanlon had one lid too much
.ti his weight last night, but went at it
j with the weights and worked it off.
Itoth fighters discontinued using the
gloves vesterday morning, and neither
one put in an appearance indoors after
o ii 'clock this morning.
" I 'll whip him in a few rounds,"
said Moran today. "I don't sec how
they figute these odds against me,"
said Hnnbiii. "but I'll show these
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Sept. !(.-
l'I... u.... L'r i,;Uj(I ii rr, urn
paring tinlay to mak'
iniMiilN c.'llll
paign for and against the proposition
to establish a reservoir for municipal
water in tin- Siena Nevada mountain"
ill the Hetch Hetchy valley.
The board of supervisors yesterday
afl-rnooii called a special election for
November 1 to vote on the proposition,
and the friends and enemies of the;
movement nre busy trying to work up
sentiment for their reipective sid-s in
the controversy.
The election in called in accord with
the term hnd do by eretary Gnr '
ti Id. when he granted the right for .
the tv tof..etlli 44ftrl0 vavi
f. watr 0irpo6 q
Los Angeles Man Throws
Light on Historical Event
o! 1858 Confesses That
He Threw Bomb
LOS AXCKLKS, Cal,, Sept. :!!. liar
ring the details of the famous attempt
to assassinate Kmperor Xapnlcuu and
the empress in Paris in ls."iXf when ten
persons were killed and 1'tO wounded
by the explosion of bombs. Conic Cam
illo de Kugio, desiding nt lo:i-i South
l-'igueroa si reet, this city, throws new
light upon one of the most remarkable
events of l-luropcan history by a state
ment made public today after a silence
extending over ."0 years. . .
Do Rugio Throw Bomb.
Coute ile Rugio says that he threw
t he bomb which destroyed the royal
carriage, and describes in detail how
the plol was arranged, 100 bombs hav
ing been prepared, though only three
were t hrowu. lie was arrested, con
demued to death, reprieved through the
'efforts of the Kuglish woman whom he
married, was sent to Hovil 's island,
escaped and camo to America. He
fought under Generals Grant and Slier
man in the civil war and knew both
generals personally. He left the army
with t he rank of major ami drifted
westward until he arrived here, where
he has lived ipiietly.iu retirement with
his wife, who sharcH the secret of his
Statement Lifts Veil.
II is statement gives detail hitherto
unknown lo history am) lifts a veil
that has hung closely about the event
which shucked mid astounded the whole
civilized world. He implicates as one
of the chief conspirators Prnnccscn
Crispi, never before suspected serious
ly and for many years honored as one
of I taly 's greatest statesmen.
He is 75 years of age and has ex
cellent health. lie lives happily in
a ipiiet mansion with his aged wife
and his history is only known to a few
friends here.
The plot was arranged in Fnglaml by
Orsiui. lie took into his confidence
de Itudio, dome, am) Pieri, all Ital
inns, The conspirators went to Paris
ami there learned that Napoleon mid
Km press Kugenie would attend the op
era on the night of January I I. When
the imperial carriage drove up Ihree
bombs were I hruwn. hie exploded
among the cordon of police and the
crowd and another demolished the car
riagc. killer) horses ami attendants, but
by a miracle did little harm to Napo
leon and Kugenie. They were scratch
ed bv splinters and the empress' silk
d ress was splashed wit h blood.
Judge K. K. Kelly will address t he
Itryan club on next Thursday e cuing
at a meriting to be held upstairs in the
Miles boihling. Th" judge will 'review
the issues of the campaign and will pay
considerable at tent i on to the all it ude
o. the president in the recent Hask'dl
Hearst controversy,
A large attendance is urged. The
club will also discuss plans to get speak
ers from other parts of I he country to
speak in Med foul.
WASHINGTON, Sept. il. When
Cobmel William F. Stewart, the ho call
ed Amberiean Dreyfus, who appeared
before 1 he ret i ring board ordered by
the war department is given an oppor
tunity lo int rod uce evidence, he will
endeavor to show that if his heart is
weak or he is disqualified in any other
way. the failing is due to his enforced
exile at Fort Grant. Charles Stewart,
brother of theVoloiiel, and a San Fran
cisco attorney, is (i 're in his behalf,
and todav asserted that it could be
'Proven "ibmio-ii mmv
I ... II ... ...I.. .. I.
Iieairil was esceiicoi io n ii
was sent
to Fort Giant. He says that th" colonel
nun examined at that ti ami that
the records of the exam ma I ion will be
prod net d.
14 a mmm
The 'rl,r All. 11
you sill. Inn I ill -r t V"1' m '"f
ki:.iml I li:il 111' Ii will mil..' V""
s. 1.!
r lli-it
bai 'i.'n
Fire. Started in Basement
and (Caused a Loss of
$15o,ooo-Great Excite
ment Among Chinese
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. Sept. 1M.
The whole Chinese quarter of this city
was threatened by fire today, when a
blaze, supposed to have been caused
by spontaneous combustion, started in
the basement of a building occupied by
Vuw Yoen and company, 717 Dupont
street, destroying almost the entire
building and entailing a loss of $b"0,
111 Ml.
Much excitement was caused among
the celestials for it time by it report that
leu Chinese employes had beeu hemmed
in by the fire and burned to death. It
was learned after (lie fire hud beeu ex
t iuguished that they had escaped.
Owing to the nature of the firo, it
was difficult to check and il was only
after a hard fight, by almost the en
tire department, that the flames were
prevented from spreading I hrouhoul
( 'hinatown.
SOCTK NOKW AliK, Sept. Hell
Island, the New Vork summer colony
on Long $slnnd sound, near this place.
lays claims to having the tiniest; hero
in the laud, Franklin Foote, threo years
old. When hltle Unll, Hockwell, o years
old, of Perth, Amboy, N. .1'., fell in
u pond this morning, Franklin, who
(as spent all his days al the side of
the water, jumped in and rescued her.
Kuth is a guest al the home of Jesse
.I. Ferris, treasurer of the Manhallan
bobber Manufacturing company of Pas
saic, X. J. The first that the family
knew of the affair was when Franklin
dregged her in t he door, her arm
around his neck, ami fell pros! rale upon
Hie doorsteps.
Itoth children were wet and covered
with creek mud from head to foot.
Their lit 1 1 - shoes had come off in the
mire, mule evidence of the fight Ihey
pnt up to reach I he shore. The pond
in which Itulli fell is e private one on
t he estate id' Will in in F, Clarke, a
Brooklyn lumber merchant. iWnmiiig
excited in her pursuit of mummies, t he
lit t le girl, who is in r hea It h, fell
headlong into the water. She was too
scared and weak to help herself, so
Franklin jumped in and brought her
out of the mire and up the bank. The
litlle hero is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Cenrgc F. Foote.
ItosTO.N. Mass. .Sept. UO.- Kl'fort
are being made today to learn exactly
hov serious the spinal trouble for which
K. II. Harriuiaii, capitalist ami railroad
magnate, luis been taking treatment for
several months.
Harriuiaii refuses lo discuss his ail
mint, and Dr. It. W. Lovctt of j:U
Marlboro street, Mho is caring for lie'
magnate, declares il Mould be nn prof en
sional for him to di-tcnss his patient 's
It is known, however, that Harriuiaii
has been mifTering from stiffness in his
back, caused by sonic mild spinal
tr.oible. ,
Il is understood ;hal the ailment is
not serious.
SlSSON, Cal., Sept. H. P. Sto
iter, an advance ag -nt of K'ckhardi '
Ideals, n traveling show thai is billed
for thre. ntghts here. OctoU-r I, '.
ami had his face badly cut up a
a result of a tall through one of th
sidewalks Ion Saturday niifhf. M was
dark and Mr. Sloiier could not see junt
where he nun going and stepped into
one of the sei'ii thai run along 111
side of the walk. He savs Hint he will
sue the town for :f -ion damuieH. Tic
people of S-on hope that now Hie
town trustees will talie some i.rtion in
rt-gard l the sidewalks, as they are
badly in need of repairs.
rAKACAN, Vfiir.tifln, via ('nrncna.
SM,t. "J!. - I'll rr in.-ilia of President t'astro
started a movement 1o proclaim
him presiib-nl of Vi-nczoi-ln f. ,r lif'-.
Me is still al V.-iJ'-ncia enjoying; him
Holland's answer to Velie.uelu's :
est note was delivered lo liim last Mon-
. .
.. ... ..... ....i.iiMv ...... 1.. i. I,,. frie,l
thnt he never will consent to bo Imjunon
International Tuberculosis
Congress Convenes In
Array ol Statistics
WASH IXtiTON, Sept. 211. That
the great white plague ' ' costs the
opto of the world a thou
sand lives a dav was the statement
made today by Professor Irviuv of
Vale in a paper read before that aec-
I ion of t lie international tuberculosis
congress devoted to the discussion of
I he hygeiiic, socinl, industrial and eco
nomic aspects ol tuberculosis.
Professor Fisher s paper was heard
by a great throng of doctors and lay
n that crowded the assembly hall of
the enw uutiounl museum which is not
large enough to hold even half of the
delegates to the congress. It made a
profound impression.
Many Victims a Year.
Professor Fisher estimated that con
sumption kills i;iH,000 a year in tho
FuiTed States alone, which is equal
to the deaths from typhoid fever, scar
let fever smallpox ami n score of other
diseases taken altogether.
As startling as the array of figures
given by Dr. Fisher were those given
bv Waller F. Willcox of Cornell univer
sity in a paper on "The Kcouomia Loss
lo New Vork State in 1107 From Tuber
eulosis. " The minimum total loss to
tin? state of Now Vork from tubereu
osis may be estimated at 4tl'i, 000,000
'itch year," said Willcox. "The eco
nomic, loss is in increased ny I no raci
that tuberculosis is the only lending dis
use which prefers the most valuable,
lives in t he community, the young
udulls." In 1007, the number of deaths
New Vork stuto from tuberculosis
was ni,.nii, one -milt ti oi tue numner
from nil causes according to Willcox.
Hut of all who died between tho ages
of 15 and it"), more than three tenths
died of tuberculosis.
Starts in Childhood.
"Tuberculosis in Childhood " wiii ; the
topic of a number of addresses, un4 all
the speakers agreed that the disease
attacks Hie lungs in childhood as in old
age, lusteii'l ol Hie nones, ns 1:1 some
t s beeu stated.
"The field in which the decisive bat
tles of our future campaign against
.tuberculosis must be fought is the
home," declared lr. Woods Hutchinson
of New Vnrk. "Our chief enemy is
infection in early elnldl d; our heav
iest gun and our most crying need,
camps, preventoria' for the reception
and cure of infected children, but thus
far they have ! me unmistakably
t ubcrciilosis. ' '
WASH I NGTON. Sept. "Jit. Andrew
Kightfoot, aged a mulatto trusty at
St. Ktiabcl h n insane asylum, today
was seized with homicidal mania, and
ran amuck, armed with an eight ypound
crowbar. He first struck down and
instantly killed his keeper, Patrick M:i
hoiev, overseer of the grounds. Walk
ing about .Ml yards, he encountered Mil
lie Follin, 4H years of age, u white in
mate. He crushed in her skull witli
his crowbar, killing her instantly. He
next encountered Kliabetll K. Robert
son. whiteOH year of apt, also a pa
tient, and struck her senseless; she may
die. Tl taiiiac then fled to a swamp
In addition to 'JO policemen. aiMl civ
iliaus engaged in the man hunt that
follow, d. When overtaken Light font
had thrown away the ciowbar and was
ar d wilh u club. Ile savagely fought
i hose whp sought to capture him n
lo subline htm three I ads of .birdshot
iv eie emptied into his legs.
Light foot had been in the asylum
eiht years. His mental Hibnent had
not been considered serious. He saw
irtive service in Hie 1'hilippinv islands
as n member of the Fortycighth infnn
tiv volunteers. Those who knew him
s.iy he was addicted while in the Philippine-!
lo the use of the native drink,
vino, which usually crazes its victims.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Sept. !!!.
There is sorrow in Chinatown today.
( hau C ng, Hie king of Chinatown,
lies at death's door. He occupies a cot
at San .lose Charlie's sanitarium, wilh
his wife and children from China by
i his side and his friends are nwaiting
the iucMtnblc
t'lian lias for years eoutrolbil all the I
theaters. Joss houses, and jumbling; I
places in (Tiinatnwu ami own" consul-
nrut.ln tin Will ft VPrV WOlll-
.1 ,. r-..n nt laon.
1 hiii th flames cnt away th ureixtfltl 0 the lender today.
1 portion ol h'n property n4 h hai brsns
in iniHleralo circumstances liner. tttT tt
Launch Blows Up Hurling
the Men Into End olthe
Boat-Loss Will Amount
to Over $30,000
.MONTKKKV, Cal., Scptk 21). Fivrt
men who were sleeping on the big new
launch Sagamore narrowly escaped be
ing burned to death when tho gasoline
tank exploded at .t;:tO o'clock this
morning, setting fire to the launch
and t ransforuiing it suddenly into u
floating furnace.
The terrific shock of the- explosiou
hurled the men into the end of tho
launch. In the excitement they suc
ceeded in climbing Into n skiff which
was tied alongside uud made for tho
shore. They could hnrdly tell now they
escaped, and are unable to remember
what happened before they got into tho
The sudden explosion and the blind
ing flames were such u shock to the
men, who a moment before had been
ipiietly reposing, that, they havo little
remembrance of it. All weru slightly
burned and two sustained bums that,
may prove serious.
The flames from tho gasoline nscand
ed into the air, making a remarkable
display on the bay. Tim machinery of
the launch was entirely ruined and tho
launch is a total Ions. It was finished
only two weeks ago ami was anchored
off the depot wharf. The launch was
valued at :Ui,iniu and belonged to T.
A. K. Lee, It was one of tho best
bouts on the bay.
Shelby Pickles was the most serious
ly burned of the men who escaped from
the launch. The nth.-r four were Jap
anese, two being badly burned and two
being only slightly hurt.
('iirlomln c.f niiili rii.l for tin' mviiitf
f Sovimlh utri'Pt a ri" Iiciu ri'cwived
oiii-li ,ln v by tin! Wnrri'n CoiiNtrurtimi
onnimnv unci il will mil In- 11 ront whiln
b.'foi-f. tin" nrliml work of k1'1"'1"!; 1,11
Spvcutli fttrri-l will ioiiitim'ihm. Noar
tlio citv limit on the Vnt Hid" bunk
er are fust being; ronipletpil, riml nt
the iiirrv .'HI men arn encnKeil in Ret-
linn mil rock unit milking, it remly ror
I'oiiHiileriible piivingr materia! linn been
reeciviil, the non nrrtvai oi inn puun
beiliK the principal thing; that in hold
ing; hack the work. allhoiig;h there ia
much of a preliminary nature tn be ac
complished before the plant could be
used. Hiiperintcndenl I'hipmna of the.
Wnrren Constructinn company in doing
all thai he call ill order to g;et stnrtiKl,
but the preliminaries are holding; him .
Il will not be long; before tile work
will be started on the itreets.
I.IlM ANCKI.KS, Cal.. Hept. Ml. Aft
er spending; several thousand dollars
and several months hunting; for her
liuslmiii.l. Mrs. Arthur II. Donaldson of
Detroit today had him arrested oil 11
i lialg;.' of lion support. She swears that
.he will prosecute linn for bigamy.
Donaldson is aa insurance man nnd
declares that he was divorced from the
Detroit woman in Sail Francisco last
.1 His wife declares Hint she was
never served with paper ill the di
vor nurts and that she will have it
invalidated and then have her former
husband jailed for lii gj.-i my.
I. A COUTH, hid.. Sept. 211.
The d cratic slut" committee
today was advised that Oeneral
Nelson A. Miles mid Admiral
Wintleld Scott Schley will stump
Indiana for Hrynn.
It in expected that the famous
gicnernl and admiral will travel
In a miecial train and arrange
ments tire being; nuule for Hevorul
bigr receptions in their honor nt
several cities. '
Tim ttniHivmceinent thai Mllcn
and Mchtev aro colll'uiff Into thi
atnte an political campaiginera
. . . . .
hn nroused irreat interest nmonu -V