MEDFORD DALLY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OKEOON'. MOXDAV, SKl'TKM UVAl lis, 1!H)X. a. i I i KLAMATH FAXXS FUGITIVE CAUGHT AT ALTURAS ALTVRA3, Sept. 2s. Last May a man by the name of.. I. A. Stickle stole a horse from John Shook of I'oe valley. Klamath county, Oregon. He escaped and since that time be hut beeu travel ing under an assumed name, He has been assisted by a woman, who furnish- ea nini wirn money nna lulormntioit. Stickle was first heard of by Klam nth county oficials at Xew Pine Creek. Oregon, doting word from the woman that tho officers were on his trail, he again made his escape. From New Pine Creek he went to Lake Shone Knnch at Davis creek. There he remain ed about a month, when the officers again hoard of him aud he again skip pc-d, this time going into Nevada. Sheriff Caldwell of Modoc county was notified and got trace of the man Deputy Sheriff C. C. . Dcnsenroth of Klnmath county came over here and together the two officers went in search of the fugitive. They captured him at 'Deep Hole, Nevada, about 12 miles north of Buffalo Meadows, and brought him to Alturas and lodged him in the county jail here. Several letters from the woman the case were found iu his poteiessiuu. It is stated that she. too, will be arrested later. Deputy Deisenroth left yesterday for Klamath Falls with the prisinner. GOVERNMENT PLAGES BIO ORDER FOR CANNED MEAT CHICAGO, .Sept. 28. Tho United States navy department has just or dered 1,275,000 pounds of canned meats. This is the largest single contract for meat over made by the government in time of peaee. It will require the slaughter of 2S.000 head of cattle and G000,hoRs to fill tho order. The meat, when packed and ready ftr delivery, will amout to about 45 carloads. GARFIELD WILL TAKE THE STUMP FOR TAFT CHICAGO, Sept. 26. It was unnounc ed today thnt Secretary of the Inte rior Garfield will take the stump for Taft and will speak in Indiana on three day trip to begin October 1, Garfield, who has been intimately connected with the affairs of tho campaign, is expected to put in some heavy blows for the re publican candidate in the doubtful state nf Indiana, where most of tho contest is now centering, it was announced also today that Secretary of Agriculture AVilson and Attorney Bonaparte have offered their services and are willing to tako tho stump for Taft. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. H. P. Predenburg has gone to Med ford on a visit. H. PJ. Double-day h:rs come down from his homestead and gone on a busi ness trip to Medford. The new schoolhouso is rapidly ap pr caching completion and will soon be ready for occupancy. It is a most at tractive building, reflecting credit upon tho builders and a splendid advertise ment for our town and the enterprise of our school directors. Claspill & Wheeler are about to move Into their new store building and will p.tock it p with a fine selected stock of goods. Many strangers are in the hills, bent ou hunting and incidentally viewing out the land. J. II. Miller and B. It. Harris have returned from their Crater lake trip and are now at the mill getting out orders. J. P. Hughes has been enjoying the visit of somo of his kinfolks from the valley. Messrs. Castor, Neil aud Perry, with the county surveyor, have started to view out tho proposed new road around Rocky Hill and this much needed road will soon be built. Tho Bradshaw lane is tveing thorough ly piked by the county and soon this terror of a road will be good travel aide condition. A large attendance is expected at the fair, as many of our people are arranging to go to Medford. St. Mary's Academy Directed by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Medford, Or. Raea for the scholastic year, or per iod of 40 weeks: Boarding School. Board, tuition and laundry $180.00 Private room 50.00 Day School. Tuition primary and grammar grades 20.U0 High school and special course.. ;it).0' Luncheon for day scholars who too far from school to rteurn home, or who prefer a warm meal at noon 50.00 Special rates to parents entering two or more ebildren. Music Department. Piano, two lessons per week . Violin, two lessons per week . Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc. . . vMii twn Imhuhh ner week . C0.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 N. B. The rates quoted aoove iu elude an hour's practice daily, under the supervision of a sister. Art Department. Pen, ink, charcoal and water eolor. 30.00 ou 40 00 Miscellaneous. Graduating fee (at completion of four-year academic course) . . 15.00 Library fee 100 Laboratory fee 500 Singing in concert, physical culture, elocution in class, art needle work, plain sewiug, do not form extra charges. The sisters are happy to inform their friends and the public that the new and commodious building and the mod tru improvements introduced therein, enable them to en pure the Amfort of pupils while facilitating educational ad vantages. Write for program of sties, alto for booklet concerning dress regulations, etc. Add mm: SISTER SUPERIOR, 0TcMABT'B AOADBMT, URDfORD, OR. Social and Personal Irvin Wilson, son of II. F. Wilson, who has htfn studying telegraphy, has gone to Sau Krancis.-o to complete, a course in one of the leading schools of that city. S. J. Van Ainberg, who recent! rived in Medford,1 has opened a feed store on Kiverside avenue in the rear of Hubbard Bros. ' implement emperi inn. John Ash pole aud 1 Ciugkade .of Eagle Point were among tho many who transacted business iu Medford dur ing the past week. i. Pennimorc, who has a fine farm near Table Kock, was in Mcdfoid a few days since, accompanied by rela tives. $200 down and $10 per month with out interest will buv 10 acres of choice orchard laud, one mile from railroad station, ('nil at our office and we arrange to show you these tracts. Wor rell & Dwssler, west of Seventh street, near Moore hotel. 170 K. L. Jacobs, who attended the an nual meeting of the supreme council of the Improved Order of lied men, held at Bridgeport. Conn, returned Satur day. He reports a very interesting ses sion, at which it was shown that the order had gained yearly 70.000 mem bers during the past year and had over half a million active members, which is surpassed only by two other fraternal societies. Day Parker, formerly of Medford, is, located in Portland, where he holds a lucrative position with an eastern com pany. Prank Trricey. who left for Portland recently, is employed ns a solicitor for Tanglefoot , a niont hlv magazine pub lished by II iles Overholt, formerly of th Jacksonville Post. V. C. Sparks of Thompson Creek and John Of feubacher of Applegate were among the many iu Medford Sat urday. Mrs. M. ,T. Lawrence of Gold Hill spent Katurdiiv with relatives living in Medford. A good house lot, close in, for sale at a bargain; easy terms. Write M. T., Tribune. tf M isses l4ie McCully and Anialia P.ritt, Mrs. W. S. Itanium and Airs. 1 1 ugh Klliolt were over from .Tacskson ville Sal unlay. L. A. Mai l in of Foots Creek transact I'd business in Medford Sal unlay. Al Itell, who has been spending the past several months in Siskiyou coun ty, California, is in Medford again. Mrs. Harry Lny. Mrs. Lewis TH rich and Miss Lcona Plrich were over from Jacksonville Saturday evening. The registration books for the No vember election are now open. Thoy will close October 20 :it ,1 o'clock p. m. and the unregistered person will be minus a vote at tho regular election in November. .All those who did not reg ister for the last general election, nud those who have moved from any pre cinct since the last election must reg ister at this time if they expect to vole. Although there are 20 days in which to register, it is better to look after Ihe matter promptly so that no mistake be made. .Your good friends I try an and Taft will hardly appreciate it if you are careless and lost that votej P. Thieiol'f of the Crater Lake bum ber Co., has returned from a short busi ness trip north. W. II. I trow ii, who recently sold his 0 acre orchard on t'olier Potto for $22, 000, has bought SO acres in lfoxy dis trict from Win. Shaffer, paying 10.000 therefor. W. IF. Canon, Pnited States Commis sioner, made a trip to the Ifoseburg land office Saturday. Clinton I''. Textor has returned from a trip to Coos Pay and Ifoseburg. J. A. Mcintosh, the architect who has been spending a few days at Portland s at home again. Col. Gordon Yoihies of Portland who who has been looking after his interests in ltogue liiver valley lefl for his home Wednesday evening. John T. Maker, a large land owner and influential man of affairs iu the Hawaiian islands, who has been hunt iug in Klamath county the past two weeks ordered a car load of Klamath county horses shipped to his ranch on the islands. M r. 1 taker came to the Pnited States with Prince David and a party, expecting to hunt in the wilds of Oregon, Washington and Alaska. On account of the death of Prince David in San Francisco all plans were changed, and Mr. Maker went back to Honolulu with the body. On his return to Ran Francisco the Klamath country was recommended to him as an excellent hunting grounds. He wax delighted and expects to come back next year -with a party of friends. J . K i nerk ha s ret u rued t o Med f ord after an absence of a year. He was in the middle west most of the time and reports a decided llryan sentiment pre vailing there. Now that tin dancing season is near a number of young men are wondering who is to lead the grand march for the Su a' iska club this vear. GROCERS LOOK TO BIG CONVENTION POKTLAND. Or.. Sept. 2. An or gaui.ntiun of the retail grocers in all of the smaller towns in Oregon will be made at once by n state organizer tn he employed by the president and neere tarv of the state association. This ac tion wru at'f'' d upon at n meeting of the executive cuiiiniittee of the Oregon TN-tail Gn.r- r- ' and Merchants nsso riati"ti ln'M yt'Htt-rdoy afternoon. The rea-'Mi l'.ir (ri;;uiiing the groi-TX in the -mail- r t.tH f the state it to gt ri-adv f'r 'I'"' n:ifi".tl anoneiat iin eon venlii-ii wlii'-h ni-.'U in Portland next June. The tat.- :iH-.Ni;lti..n will meet in Portland January The following miiip"i Ihe ewntiv mmittee of the Mate a iati.m: P. 1r-er of Sea- id l'-t'i K-lah.r Portland. W. M. Green of 'nv. W. T. S.-hnfield of A-toria. K. II. Gr..-r of Tinhorn. G. W. Ingram f iViwII-t-.n. -t-.te pr-si-unt. and M. I. Kline of Corvalln. Medford Tribu. tOt per monta. AOEXTS. FOK :.. BUTTEH1C.K 1UTTEKXS.AND P U.BL IGA.TJ.OXSS. First Anniversary Sale You Should Visit This. Sale Tuesday Saturday was the largest day in the history of our sfore, and proves that the people are eoniing to realize that we advertise the truth and stand hy every word that we say in our ads. Ite member that anything you purchase here is worth all that you paid and it' you two not entirelv satisfied, bring it back and got vow nionevi ," FREE RAILROAD FARE AVe will pny'the railroad fare of any person pur chasing goods to the amount of. $.1.00 or over a discount of f per cent will be giv en Io all people who do not pay railroad fare. . .1 visit to the store will convince yon thnt ire arc of fenny the laricit assort ment of dry yoods anil ladies' ready-to n se articles ever offered in this section and for the lowest prices ever attempted. rnwm '' ' MEDFORD S EXCLUSIVE LADTES' STORE. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVENUE .HIST NORTH OF JACKSON COUNTY HANK. Prepaid Railroad Orders. "Soinolhiog wliifh is of considerable iptereat to the public generally aad which is perhaps not generally known iB the system of propaid orders now in effect botween stations of the Southorn Pacific company and all points in tho United States. By moans or mis system C.k.t. mnv 1m mirchlLfted at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to wo party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of riinh in connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same time." ' I'olestin Mineral Water is a splendid article for weak stomachs and kid ncv,. 1W Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No slngl Inser tions less than IB cents. 8U lnsrtl6ns for the price of four. SerentyflT cents a line per month. FOB 8AXE. Knit HALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir, ..ak and laurel: Si'iO.OOO brick. . E. iicnhniice, Htudi bnker ltrr.' ware house. KH SALE Homestead relinquish incut; 120 acre; small bouse; 8 acres 2 year old orchard; 40 acres fnci'd; X mile from town; "i00. P. O. Bl 4."", .-it v. 170 1'uR BALE Largest rooming house in Medford; location unsurpimsee' ; genu ine bargan for the right pnrty; ensh prnpnsitra only. .T. care of Tritmeo. 175 AN'VHODY witting a nice, new reai ib nce property, lOMil.OO feot big, with latrD, frnit and ornamental trees, Lo- Qin and strawb4riej, modern in every way ard located on the best street in Ulf,irJ. ahould aJJrr-g, V. It. Hot 1'6 n m A Skirt Values J nit received, a large shipment of all wool panama and fancy Skirts in black, brown, navy and fauey mixtures. Those skirts are thrown into this sale at ex- eeplionnlly closo sale prices. A look will couviuco van that -wo save Jou monev. j $3.60 AND TO $22.98. Acme Cement Plaster t'OU 8AI.K 320-acre ranch, $12,000, first class improvements, well, family I orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See j I.. E. W.. Tribune office. tf I FOR SAI.K lry oak stove und rord wood. Apply llotol Nash. 178 KOIt SAI.K A good smull busincs on Seventh street. Roaaons for colling. AddresK, P. O. hoi 512 or call at this office. tf FOR SALE A first-class pianola pia no; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Med ford. FOR SAUK Improved or uiiiiiiprovt'd city lots, 5 Anil 10 arm ItloekH, noar city; orchard n and form landti. W. M. French, over Jackson County bank. 170 FOR 8ALK Fivo-acro tracts inside and adjoiuing city limits of Medford, on five years' time. Apply (lold Kfy Heal ty Co., iu office Condor Water 1 Pow nr Co. ICt) WANTED. WANTKI) At once, prune pickers. In- quirr of J. M. Wntt or itt York k Co.'s office. 103 'ANTKI Hewinjj !y Hay r tnhe homo. Inquire nt Oddl, rnntn !, or ndlrcHi Mihs llillcn, Medford. IHt WANTKh Girl for jf-nem. honncwoik; fninily of two; r.'isy work; wa(jeH. Write A. B.,, Medford. 17't WA NTKU Kxpcrieticfnl middle -wi woman to ro cooking and gene ml housework; will pay good waffes. Call on Mrs. Cupelimd, Talent, dr. WANTRD Thre teams, work horses,' about 2000; one team ponies abost 2000; one team about 2400; mnst he is (food order and reasons ble. W. V. West A Co. f WA NTKD To trade, timber claim fr city property; Kaker (,'ity pruperly for Medfosil property ; piaon for nA horse. . . West. Notion Sale Pins for ,4c Pins for only '. 8c 00 Safety Pins only 4c 10c Safety Pins only 8c ic Finishing Braids 4c 10c Pinishiug lira ids 7c loc Finishing liraids 10c "c Kid Purlers only 7c 4 dozen Hooku and Kyes 5c 4 Hoxes Mourning Pins , 5c 10iv Cube Pins only 7c fiii f'ubo -Pins only 4c 10 Handkerchiefs for 26c 10c Handkerchiefs for 10c 1 dozea PeaTl Buttons 5c 1 WANTKIl llorMcs for paslure, t) per mnnlh; no wire fences; shade, wator and grans. Apply to Walter Moore, Phoenix, Or. , ISn VANTED--To tjuy frp'm 100 to 300 fcaa of stock' sheen; WViie Box 1S1, Mdi0rd, Or. I'O TRADE Light single covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. K. W., Tri bune office. tf FOB BENT. Volt KKNT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 124 .North O st. 111.'! BUSINESS CABDB. COTTVIO at DUBHAM, Attortiejs-at-kiw. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or Wd 14. Oolvlf, Medford. Or. Medford Furniture Oo., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. W Oonklin 3G; J. H. Ifutler 148. OO TO SB. OOBLE FOB TOUB OLA8SES. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse. SEVENTH 8TKEET. "He Has No Other Business." E. B. SEELT. M. S. Physician and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. iX-Kay. Office Honrs, 10 12, 2 4 P. M. Office la Jacaeon Ootntr Bank Btdg. When others fail, call on DB. B. J. BONNEB, Eye Specialist. Office i the Grans' Theater bldg. flMK 3a. .ith mi Mais tmn -tt mi m f Bigig. isudio at Residence. mHftttltffi. Phone 225, Southern Oregon District and Rogue River Valley Fruit i.u Ism Medford, Ore. Oct 1, 2 and 3 $1250 in PREMIUMS For Fruit, Stock, Farm Products, Fancy Work and Paintings, Etc. Three : Days : Races $750 in Purses. Free to the Public. FOUR RACES EACH DAY. Bring Your Products Show the world vour products. BEAT Til E EARTH ON FRUIT PERKINS ARCHITECTS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying . in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson ALL the News ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Asliland, Oregon. Tlioroniitfli und practical training in COMMMUCIAL, HHOHTIf AND it ml KNOI.IHII. individual iiint ruction by exporU. Wo liuve bcon compclleil to en In i go our quarto rs every your, und liavo now secured niuple accommodations in tho Sweedenbur block. Twieo aB lure as ever. iolliiti(r in the lino of biminestt training is too ood for our students. ( !().M l.-LKTK ( !OiM M KU MAL 'OU ItSK At About One-irulf Iho Usual Kxjk'iiho. Foil infunnntion free. V. RITNKR. Tirsidont. fftfj $3000 Cash Kalancc in 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 years at (i per cent iiitfi-rst, will buy 240 Acres of fine Orchard Land, one mile, from railroad station and flhipping point. Price $.)() per acre. Nearly all cleared ; mostly level. A good tract, to subdivide. J. C. Brown OFFICE: PALM JHJILDIN'Cr, UPSTAIUS. yttxi. 3t T(avn$ ton. Isaacs "nrricl f "pm. "tlt ttttboA . Stuil al 3iiiiki. 5)li i Ci mr. xinroKD daily HSWS SERVICE IN U & JANNEY AND ENGINEERS County Bank Builduig. the day it happens EVERYTHING THAT'S OOOD to eat or tlrink is here I ho eatubles nicely cooked, if cooking they need the dritinblcH properly hot or cold, as VMintcd. Your individual tuHte is cun siiltfd ami catered to, and not an Item on the billo f faro hut is well uud doflly 'sHfl- imrfi rii'. in iiimio nuru. I,,,, c, Toque Point Oysters The limerick Cnt'o has imw the exclu sive niMiiy for Ihe Toque Point Oft furs. These are acknowledged to k the bet. (live tlo-m a trial. The Emerick Cafe tribvxe has the best SOUTHERN OREGON. O o