MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOON. Fix I DA V, NF.PTFMliKR 2:, 1!MK FORMER GREAT "FOREST FIRES History of the Destructive forest Fires in United States-Thls Year Worst FUND SET APART FOB TITLE LAKB 'Kfcs w tiki work tt aa aUiasa Wfck BT' fcus4 arar ui Jsatrosd kaattoaal of Iknudi of mih f Ha T prirty to tka t1iu of nil sVns Ik t lKa ataM faaaila ta sain tly after gnat tsraat Dm waia kara alfaSMS kiatorte iapsrtauiaa. Vm af tk ivllHl tkaaa wu ika AM IWraaltki fba at 1M4V It- bag i1 graattaat dssmatiea aboet 1 o 'aleak ' & tlMruiii of Oatobar 7 of that 7ot at plaM akoitt W mllea abore MM ton ef Jfoweeetlf ou the Mirami aV rtTT, i Siw Jnutawlek. Before 1 a 'aleak at utgkt it waa 80 milee be low Jfeweaetle. Ia alaa aonre it had mrttojai a Wit at forest SO miles toig and 2S-aallea wlda.' Orer more t-Bas two aad eae-kelf milllaa aerea, al matt rrtrj ttriag thing waa killed, srfaa tka fiah ware afterwarde found daad ia keaps ou the fiver baake. Fire aSuulrad aad ninety bulidisga ware burned, and a number of towns, includ- Newcastle, Ckntham and Douglas town, were destroyed. One hundred and siity peraone perished, and nearly 1009 kead of atoek. The losa from the Itirsaataki fire ia estimated at au(i, MO, net taelnding It-J raue of the tim ber. in the majority of euok forest fires as this the deetruetion of the timber is a more serious loss, by tar, than that of tk4 "eattle and buildings, for it car ries with it tke imporeriakinent of a whole region for tens or eren hundreds af years aftarwarda. The lose of the: slompage Talue of the timber nt the time of the fire ia but a small pnrt of the damage ta the neighborhood. The wages that would have boen earned iu lumbering, added to the value of the nroduoe that would have been purchas ed to supply the lumber camps, and the Faxes that would have been devoted ' fo reads and other public Improvements, furnish a much truer measure of how Adah, aooner or later, it costs a region wn Its fo rests are destroyed by fire. ' The Penh ti go Fire. . She Feehtigo fire of October, 1871 waa still more aovere than the Miratni- eut. lb- coverod an area of more than 2900 eqnare mllea in Wisconsin, and involved -a loss in timber and other ))foperty of many millions of dollars. Between 1800 and 1500 persons perish-ad,- inoludiog. nearly half the popula tion of resbtigo, at that time a town af SUCH) inhabitants. Other fires of about the same time were most destruc- ilea wide and Saibcmfwvpjpujpuup live in Michigan. A atrip about 40 iai)ea wide and 180 miles long, exteml ing) across the central pnrt of the state, JroBi Lake kfiohigau to Lake Huron, waa d areata tied. The estimated loss in timber waa about 4.000,000,000 fect heard treasure, and in money over $10, 8M;000. Several htinrtred persons per ished. Tl tka early part ef September, 1M1. (rant fires covered more than 1800 square mllea in various parte of Mich ifaul. The estimated loss in property, ik Addition to many hundred thousand aerea of valuable timber, waa more than $.,800,000. Over 6090 persona were made Jeatihite ad the number of lives lost it variously estimated at froat ISO to .- Daarructiva Firs. Tke west- destructive fire ef inure reaeat years wsa that whteh started leaf Rinekley, Minn., September 1, 1IM. While the area burned over wss leaf than in eoma other great fires, the leas af life and property was very kaitvy. Hinckley and six other towns were destroyed, about S00 lives wers 1mA, snore thaa 8000 persona were left iaasilaae aad the estimated losa in prop erty of various kinds was $(,000,000; araacpt for she heroic cenduot of Income tire engineer tad other railroad men tka loss of Ufa would have been tstieh .aaiaatar. -This fir was all Ik mora deplora ble bealiree it. was wholly nssecesaary. Pot stany dayt tiefore tka high wind iaae sad drov u into uncontrollable fury, it was bnrainj slowly oios to the Mara of HtnnVley, aai could have aa jut' net. KLAMATH KALL8, 25, The Interior Pepartutiut has appropriated th niony to ha used next year iu the further uouttuvtion of th eUaiuaitk re clamation project, and as a part of the appropriation, is a sum for wareful ia restigutiou of the mysterious under ground outUt to Tula Lake, that Las aroused such great intarevt among the people of that satitiou. No official announcement of the ap propriation has been uiud, but mem bers of the VTater I'st-rs association who have been in conference with 0u prising fjngiuer U. 0. hUuary and hi, U. Hopsou, make. public the iuuutiou of th Govsrnment to flud out whether enlarging the present opening down whieh the water is now rushoing will aid in the draining of Tule Lake, wkich is part of the plaa ef the Klamath pre- jwt. Th old emigrant road whieh sk1rtd tk lak ytar ago, i now far u into th water, indicating a railing of tk watr, supposed to be eaused by tke eleg ging of an underground outlet, aad it is the firm belief of many old settlers that if this opening eould b eleard, many aarw surrounding th lak aonld be re claimed, and in time tk wkele lak could b drained. SXAT MAN UP FOB OWINO HIM MONST INDIAN IS KILT) WITKOWT BOWDS rixtm arnmnts xsvste bans or vomm&imvTtnn H.ffVi, TTssk., Sept. S4.-As spe aial palie offtaers ware surrounding, nrssaraiorv'to making a desrent upon at old cabin' lest- night- on 'the tide Cats, atd' supposed to. he oceupied by fSusterfaitari, flames sudJenl buret fart frem the eheeV sad destroyed the building and oenienta. No oae came nut, knt when the omers were watching tka blSKe Oeorge Pearson, kaewn as a snspioious charaeter and whose pisture adems the rogue's gallery, appeared a4 wss srrested. Several metal bsr wr found oa his person when wss saarekM at police headquarters. EL A MATH FALLS), Spt. WU liam Barclay, . the ' half-breed Indian; charged with th murder of Sid. O. Jncobs of Alturas. on ths Klamath In dian reservation, August 20, was brought from Alturns to th stats lino by th sheriff of Modo county and turned over to United States Marshal W. B. Griffiths, who came here from Portland to receive the. prisoner. Barclay, was brought before fTnitotl States Commisiouer Alex. Martin, Jr., for preliminary hearing. He waived ex amination and was committed to the custody of the Marshal without bail, to nppenr before the Fdeeral graad jury at Portland. Muny Inditing were iu town, ou ac eount of the case, among them "Littlo John," Bin-clay's old uncle, who knew of the crime and coufessed, resulting in the finding of the body of Jacobs. Ho will be called to Portland later its the pjriucipal witness. ' It is stated hero thnt Jacobs, the mur dered imui, cuuie to the reservation, to buy cuttle, but was really enguged in liquor traffic with tho Indians. ' This will appear in-tlie trial. ONB MAN DBAD SECOND MAY DIB , MONTAGUE, Sept. 25. A sad asei dent rcsultiug in the douth of one and probably of two men, occurred Monday at Kegtf, near Mount Hebron, on .the California Northeustern Kailroad, which connects at Weed and runs to Calor, just across the Oregon line. The railroad compnny'a employes, uu der Fo. email A. D. Smith, wore blastiug a well, and upon putting a charge of giant powdiu and it failing to' explode one of the men went to the bottom to nsccrtuin the cause,- where, the action of the fumes overpowered him. A nother man went down and met the same fnte. The foremnn then want down and wns drawn up inscnsihlo. By this time the posionous gss wns exhausted and the men were brought up. One died yesterday morning at the Weed hospital. Foremnn A. D. Smith is in a serious condition. Tho name of the dead man is unknown at the hoi pitnl. The third man recovered before reaching the hospital. MAHYHVlLLa:, Lai., ept. A fruit uiekar named Fred Cairu w'as found oa the south bank, of the Tuba 1 riyr yesterday e.vntng in a badly bvat au and nueonswious uonditiou from th effects of a trouusiut; he received at the buds of a fellow workman named h'd . Smith. Tbr is a difference of opinion aa to whthr Cairn deserved the tratuia h rrivd at the hands of mith. It appears that t'airu borrowed $' from Smith while they were employed on the tteorge Wappl plao iu Sutter ouaty. Tstrday was payday, and when Cairu sought to collect his woee appi mionnta him that he had prom ised Smith he would hold out the 17. Cairn told Wapple that they had adjust ed that matter between themselves and Wapple then paid him in full. Ou learning of .the deception played by Cairn, Smith hunted him up und aim tk beating. Tiny first met oa ths Maryavllle aide of the river aad feagkt roaad one, Cairn still re fusing produe th money. . At the latter s naggeetioa they rossed th river, aad there Calm was reduced to iaseailbUlty, Smith then getting the l with ease. $3000 Cash Balance in ,-, o, 4 ; iiid .") years ai ti rr rent will lniv inti'i'cst, 240 Acres of fine Orchard Land, into mile from railroad station and shippim"- point. Price .."0 per acre. Nearly all cleaved ; mostly level. A good trad to subdivide. J. C Brown OFJ-'JCIO.-.PAL.M HUILIUXC. ri'STAl kS. Southern Oregon District and Roue River Valley Fruit 1 o n it m m M II HI Prepaid BaUroad Orders. 'Something -which is of couaiderable istarest to ths public Generally aad which -is peThaps not ganerally.fknown is the system of prepaid orders now in offset between stations of th Southern Pacific company and all points in tho United states. By means of this svstem tickets may be purchassd at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed diroct to tho party wishing to coma bore. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of ensh in connection with those tickets may also he forwarded at ' the uamo time." tf taWksaatestaVsUbsam T.-JtlW Toque Point Oysters 'Tin.' Kinerifk Cut'' link now the exohi xive iit-Tii'v for t lie Tuque Point Ort lets. Tlusi' ;iiv iii'knu.vl.MkjtfJ to b tin' Ih'sI. (live tliiMti u trial. The Emerick Cafe "3ntructor of "Piano. lLlit M2ctbo6 S tueto alpilcn. Mcrtb J Strscl Beduted Bates ta Idvsstook Show. The Pacific National Fair and Lico- stok shew will b hld ia Portland SepUmbar Slst to September. . 86th. Bound trip tickets will be sold at a fare and a third for this event,' tickets being on sale September 31; good to return until September 7. Further par' titulars at tka depot. let Medford Tribune, 60e per month. - v MBS. BD ANDES WS - i -Vol Oultur and 8 it of Singing. - Studio at Rtdne.- Bast Medford.. ....... Phose 8 J. NIW POWEB LINE IS PLACED IN OPBBATION KBNNETT, Cal., Sept. E5,The nei power line of the Northern California Power company, directly from the Volts power plant, to Keunett, a distance of forty miles, is in full operation today, the current being turned on for the first time yesterday afternoon at 4 o' clock. line of this company to this point, in dicating the supremacy of- Kennott in the eyes of the compauy as s distribut ing centor. Tho new line will have a carrying capacity of "0,000 volts, instead or 20,000, as is the case in the two previous lines the one originating at the fularc plant, the other at the Volta plant. The new line, however, will not be charged with the (10,000 volt load unil the com pletion of the oew tOOO-horsf .'power unit at Volta in Oetnbor. By that time the three big now transformers, weigh. Inn IT tons apiece, will also be in posi tion to handle the service st ths -new enbstatinn being built at Kenntt. . MICHIGAN LUMBERMEN - INVEST IN VANCOUVER BEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ,1.8. Bnysea to Id H. Tryor. lot 12, bleak 40, Medford frrj Knotts to J. I.. Williams, lot 9, section 27, township 3d. reage 3 W Abel D. H'liraa to Hilton Berry, at sL, tot I, bleak fi, Ashlaad t. J. Betas to Thome J. William set. teas' is township ST. ran S W s0 li'ia VW OSBM. E. V. Carter vs. JVos aaj fct Ur sst f. WrkMfi-kar. cuv; ap U Sal aaa a, VANCOUVER, B.'O., Sept. .-v7. B. White, a niilliouaire sawmill owner of Boyne Oity, M'ieh., head of the firm of White brothors, announced today that on behalf of that company and Chicago capitalists he had .iust complet ed the investment of !,noo,000 in tim ber property onu .Vancnuraf Island, On' tract purchased is estimated to con tain S. ono.000,000 (,,t timber. For this, approximately l,ii00,noo was paid by the easternors. It is the intention of the owners of .the timber, according to the statement of Mr. White, to erect a sawmill as large as any in the world. LOCAL MARKET. The fololwing quotations are an im partial report of ths prices paid by Med ord dealers Wheat 85e per bushel. Flour 12.75 per cwt. -Whole- barley M per. ton. Hay per ton. Alfalfa 10 par ton. New potatoes 4 K2o per swt. Batter 40e per roll. Lsrd 10c per pound. Bean-5e per pound. EggsJZWe per dwen. Sugar $8.60 per cwt. Tnrkeys 13e per ponsd. Hams I2e per pound. Shonldsrs 10c par pound. Hogs 4V4e ts it pr ptund. CatQ 1 t m par pauad. Closing Out Sale I my time exclusively to watch in' which deiiartiuents niv litis- ln order to tlevote and jewelrv repairiiu iness lias increased TOO percent in the past 12 nmnths, I will sacvitice inv lariif stock id . Jewelry at cost Unparalleled Opportunity tfr get fint" Watches, ('harms. Vuha. Si: "Clocks at low prices. niel ltiiiir anil . Wkil tk battleship fleet is traveling around ths globe on its mission of peace, we srs busy is Medford on our mission of sapplyiag.te our maiiy frlenda the keel eigare that eaa be made. ' fikdlerd 5 eent, R R V 10 cent ami Del rlarca 13 cent Clyar ; Never Before Equaled 'Southern Oregon. The sale will con! the entire stock is exhausted. iinie until W. JESCHKE T II F, .I F, W K Ii V) U R.R. V. Cigar. Works Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get what you want alrea iv prepared; we have ;t. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN . . . ,G STREET,, A It UIGHTII Medford, Ore. Oct 1, 2 and 3 $1250 in PREMIUMS For h'niit, Stock. Farm 1'roduds, Eaney Work and Paintings, Ftc Three : Days : Races $750 in Purses. Free to the Public. FOUR RACES EACH DAY. Bring Your Products Show the world vour products. HEAT Til K EARTH OX FRF IT PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Piaiia, Specifications, Superintendence. in all its branches. Surveying Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Hank Building. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Aslilaud, Oregon. TludoiuiKh ami practical truinin in l.'OM M Kl,'l A lj, SIIOUTITANU aiitl KNULISII. Iiulivitluul inat rui-tiiui liy I'JtpurtH. Wo lmv been 'om'lk'U to (nlarj0 our (uurtn-M every your, ami Imvo now secured jiinplo ac-coninioilationi in tho H w.i'iiiiiliiirjj block. Twii'o iih large uu ever. Xolhing iu lli lino of btisinottx tiaininj; is too 't(l fur our stiuimifn. ( 'OMl'LETE CO .MM Eli( 1 1 A I , CO I T RR F At AhoutOne-l lull' the Fsual Kxpense. Foil inrurmiition free. P. RITXFR. President. EVERYTHING THAT'.S GOOD to n or ill ink x lie um-pIv eoolu'il, it' eooK Hi h iuiihles jH njt. rly if.mhvl. Vour iiuliv;ih stthctl ami i-iiteiii to, ; ou (lif hillo f fare Imt ii n- flirt entablpH nj; I hoy nerd hot or cold, uu ;il lasle is cou nul not an ham i w)l uml dufllr anrvi'd oa I'lryn Initio WHIT. Acme Cement Plaster it is up to You What Will You Do? If you do u lot of thinking, if your brain is active aud tfhe sto-aia in wcawag out youi- nerves and breaking flown your system day by day, then you may reflect foe a moment, if it would uot be wise to drink "tlie strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack ago of Golflen Grain Granules No man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily, f OLD I9K GRAIN GRANULHS is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 2"c. Order a package today. All grocery sell it. E. H. H. Smith Silver l fsmnnlMd to the best silver made. I carry a full line MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postofftce Fin a Watck ana Jawelry Repairing a Specialty. JLL the Ne-w's tVve day it happens