MEDFORD DAILY TftlBUNJL, MEDFQBD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Papeu in a Live Town. Published every evening except .Sunday. HEDFOE I) P U H L I S II i N i (J O M P A N V George Putnam, Editor and Manager. WILL ESTABLISH LARGE CAMF NEAR MXBRH.L Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the l'ostul'f ice ut Medford, Oregon. H UJ3SCK I PT LOS KATES. Ou mouth, by nmil or carrier iu.SO One rear, by mail. . ..5.00 A BUSINESS I'UOl'OSITJOS. Comity J udge .Noil last evening pledged .f 30,000 on th part of Jackson county to aid in the building of the Crater lake road. The county judge made a good move lit; sim ply took advantage of a splendid business proposition. For every dollar that Jackson county expends on this pro ject she will receive some five in return before the work is completed, and every year thereafter a harvest will he reaped from the visitors who will be attracted to the lake. There is to he .f 150,000 expended in building a road '-') miles long, a great portion of which will lie within Jackson county. Jackson and Klamalh counties furnish only .flUO, 00U of the amount. There will be .f:!."0,000 of foreign money come in and will be spent locally for labor, material and supplies. Who can gainsay that ibis is a good business proposition I After the road is completed, year after year, tourists will come. Southern California and Hawaii are each a shining example of what tourists will do. Los Angeles lives almost entirely from the business brought each year to her gates by the floating population of tourists. The legislature of Hawaii appropriated $.30,000 a year at their sessioji of 1!J07 as a fund for the Hawaii promotion com mittee to work with. It is estimated that this money will all come back with interest. The appropriation was not an experiment, but the continuation of a policy that had proven its worth. Here, awaiting only the load to make it .irccssihlo, lies one of the most magnificent views nature has ever mod eled. Such an attraction would draw thousands of visitors each year, and the visitors would leave behind, with hank er and baker, farmer and tradesman, a flood of golden shekels. Ai A Lore than that, many visitors would discover a new world ono that would appeal to them and we shall see Jackson county with a trebled population within a few The $.30,000 will prove the best investment. Jackson county has ever made. t i.A.MATH FAt.. Sept. -". b. F. K. ruMltuu u Southern r-ac-ifii: engineer, l.:n jual trivnl iu Klumutb Fulls and i imtUing urraiigt-nif iiIh to establish a lurge railruud survev cauip near Merrill. IU lius lieca biiyiiug florae aad supplies uii an exti-naive scale llie pant few daya. It in believed that the survey will be for u line of roud from Alturus north to connect with the Caiforuia Nortb- in Kailtvay at Midland, eight miles l-liu- Klliinutlt FhIIh. A few weeks jitfo incorporation pupers were filed for the Modoc Northern rail way mid Kniii'-er Kuowltou's survey h believed hc to be for the establish ment of the route for this line. The utmost secrecy surrouuded the engineer's movements, but through his I'lirchliscH of horses and other equip ment Ilia identitv became known. Hood River's Fruit Output. TDK llAI.LKS, Or., Sept. 23. The .iitpiit of fruit from Hood Kiver county this veer li:is been e.iiiriiioiis, according ibilii ii ivcil here by the IJusinuss .Men's assiii-iatiou. Over oOO.UOO boxes f apples, "idilil boxes of pears. ."000 mxes of cherries, .'I'lOU boxes if prune-.), ii. 'inn crates nf litraivlierries. "i00 crates of iie.pli-rro-s ami -'nun crates of blaek- rrii-H have been shipped from Hood ;ivcr this S' asou. THOSE 1' IS II WAYS U.I.Y. Master Fish Warden McAllisler thinks ihe continued writeups of poor fishing in the Rogue river by (he news papers of southern Oregon, particularly The Tribune, uncalled for. lie quotes Mr. O 'Mai ley, the government fish commissioner, as being satisfied with conditions, and seems to think that as long as he is, the j jit. (.f this sec tion have 110 kick coming. If Mr. McAllister will lake Ihe time off to visit Ihe Rogue river at this season of low water bo will find out whether there is reason in the continued ipluiuts and he will learn a thing or two about this region that will be of advantage in the conduct of his office. When he was here and saw the fishways, the water was high, and it was possible for fish to get through. It is next to impossible now, even it. the tish are luckv enough to find the ladder Jf Mr. O'Malloy is satisfied with the few salmon caught at Elk creek racks, why does he also put racks in at Kind lay Eddy . I f the salmon can get over the dams so oasilv, why does Ik; find if necessary to go be,,w all the dams in order to get enough salmon to justify continuing opera t ions on the Rogue I The government's main work is to propagate salmon. Rut few trout arc stripped, and the trout end is merely an incident, the hatcheries being conducted for the I fit ,,f Mr. Hume and the (Irauls I'ass l'ish(.,inen's union. No "lie else on the river reaps any benefit. When the summer and fall rims of steelbead and salmon are prevented as i"ty aie prevented now. trout fishing with i ..I iii'i-uiiics si, pour mat it i i i iicic is out one wax ti I) ... noguo, ami that i the cessation nf s. racks on tin of natural spawning gr St. Mary's Academy Directed by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Medford, Or. Kates for tho scholastic year, or per .xl of -10 weeks: Boardlug School. Hoard, tuition and laundry $180.00 I'rivate room 50.00 Day School. Tuition, primary and grammar grades $20.00 High school and special course.. 30.00 Luncheon for day scholars who too fur from school to rteurn home, or who profer a warm meal at noon 50.00 Special rates to parents entering two ir more children. Music Department. I'iauo, two lessons per week . . . 60.00 Violin, two lessoliB per week ... 80.00 Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc 00.00 Vocal, two lessons per week . . . (10.00 N. B. The rates quoted above in clude an hour's practice daily, tinder the supervision of a sister. Art Department. I'i'ii. ink, charcoal and water colors 30.00 Oil 40.00 Miscellaneous. 'Iradunting fee (at completion of four-year academic courso) . . 15.00 Library feo 1.00 Laboratory fee 5.00 Singing in concert, physical culture, elocution in class, art needle work, plain sewing, do not form extra charges. The sisters aro happy to inform tboir friends and tho public tbut the new and cotuiiiodiotiB building and the inod i ru improvements introduced therein, enable them to etlBiire the comfort of pupils while facilitating educational ad vantages. Write for program of studies, alse fur booklet concerning dress rogulatiouB, etc. Address: SISTER SUPERIOR, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, MEDFORD, OR. U a, ! ( 1 1 1 : 1 1 wasted e More good ' I'ishwavs it aiii fort. fishing vor th line n tin dams, ibove tidewater, the removal of ower river, and the conseuuent restoi-al ion mids, and as sunn as possible, the establishment of a trout halcherv on the upper river in .1 . i .... 11 "m" lms is accomplished, as it will be in the "ear future, the Rogue will again b ne the M a for Ihe world, the finest fishing SHOK l'KRFECTIOX S ninny nf tin.' ik'ftvls in shot's, sik'Ii its lirt-akiiiK ilwn of lox tm-. and hctl rnniilrrs, tipiinji of stitching, fie., which prove a constant sonn c of annoyance, as well as a tli ti ittii-itt lo the shoe, iesnlt float lack of ptoju-r atlen t ion In tlieilela'ls of cottsii net ion. is niii.W with (he nu.-il cm-fiil iru tinv lis nni.'onn exreUiMive of run si ruction axmrrw you of iu (n-rfei'tioti Van Dyke's sxirtsmeii from all part stream in the I'nioii. H KTOWT WATCHMAK AHIENTKD rot m.OXT l'l.,l KICWITT. I'.il . S,.,i I'l.vnu. en night watchman who was cap lured .-,vt Friday ,Kh, j ,,,, tins arraigned esiei,l., l f,,,,. .I;,,!.,, I,r" i t" ili:c8.. I,t, f,- ddHlhilig iuo:y under iNc ,,.t, , He pbavlcl mil guile.- and ,; ,,. inary eaiifli,ai WlH ,,,WD ,, Friday. The M..a r,ji.a p W, was arre... ,, hW.ll5,,,,, CONXTKUC'TIOK CVAMFH HFAt KLAMATH FALLS M.AM M il I'.M.I.s, sept. '-..-- Hail ,1-iihi i n. I ion camps are now es tablislied nilhiii sight of this city. A Mib contractor of Kricson I'eterson. I"1'"" "I' the l ain',. in, a Noitheasl .in. has ,Mahlisli,, a camp about two iinl.-s f r. .in llils cilv. at ihe en. I nf the gial,, air. .'i,li completed, and I"' will ImiM about ;, mile and n ipiar tir of gi.-i'le, including the onlv cut I'.twi.n l Ins ciu ,i,t M'f.lland. th tiisl slal on. eight miles south. I;''l'"k oi It c.nsliiicli,,,, tflil . Witnessed beta),...,, I'llv jJ.A Why Not Iron in Comfort? No rfn to It unconfi,nM4v ia a bat. ttuffr litrbsa Vou cat tkf yoor Kleuls-i Una u any rt of tat aaum lr taara I a lipit loeast. An ptoio cord from iba kittkra liht will eosbl yea to tit It o Iks porch. j I TelepkaB 8".i al , riectric M b Milt Voaj o aa afiwi 'i f'e tnl. JOCi'E IIVII ELCCTtIC CO. 0ai to t'undor Watr nait Co. Of,. Ivvecta St., Oa0w a4 atjBtiU Si. Mti k Molony Crv t( Skfooat Line of II i g h Cot Boots at the best prices iu Southern Oregon Buy now, for you will need them See Our Window The rroecries von buy tnaj be good. You may be quite sure they are if you buy them here. Allen & Reagan QUALITY GROCERS copyright fA (iZ-e' Autumn Days will hood be upou you now, whea you will need a suitable outfit for intermit tent hoot and cold, and we aro prepared witu the proper fabrics to fashion you ft Prince Albert, cutaway or sack suit, or a fail overcoat, in all the latest cuts and styles, that will give you the proper ntyle of a man of fauhion and taste at J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS Him TAJXiOKS. PAXM BTJTLDINO, MEDFORD, OBB. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE You Want To Be Swell And Up-to-Date and yet you want always to apply that, same Rood judgment to purchases of eity proper ty which will enable you to Cash Up At A Profit should you desire to do so. Why uot aid your own !od judgment by invoking our knowledge of local values? We have the best list of city property we have ever had. and are confident we can fit you out. Rogue River Land Company MX 11 LBIT BU1LDTN0, MKDORL If You Will focui your av a laa mMl aadat to ordar Suita a are offerlia Jn will roaliia at onra tkat thaj ara aierp tional taluw. Yeu will find or Qs t audrl diint lultiia lr aick to make a telethon. Wi waulfl liba to taVa vour aiwiti a. 'ti TIME Sttt BeposMry. CAPITAL AN dOBFLUfl 115,000.00 Is an important matter in tU trautas tiou of busio. Buiuctat meu rAtiii thv i!onvttnienc uud tints trnvtiig affsrd t ed ia paying by uheck. A check auooUn with" b -Jukioi County Bunk gives you the dvmntf of pro ihpt and obliging rvlet. ' ' H fit deposit boxes to rent, H per year and up. Finest equipment in southern Oregon. W. T. VAWTER, President O. R. UNBtEY, Cashier Notice to Water Consumers WATER MAY BE" USED FOB, IRRIOr, TIPS AT ALL HOURS UNTIL ORDER-y ED OTHERWISE By order of the WATER COMMITTEE.' . September 21, 1908. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY ' PHONE 2291. Wiudutr Framas, Oak Vaaeered Doora, with Burel Plata, oarrlad iu iftok.a4uMf. Offlii Flxturea and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, Including TuraaJ Wfk and Fancy Grills. '"'' F STBEET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STBrBTS. ' ' THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON.-, J. E.'EXYART,Prcaia cnt. 3. A. PERBY, Vice-President. JOHN 8. 0R.TFT, Oaahier. '. ."" W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL ..." $50,000 SURPLUS 19,000 v Safety Boxes to Reut. A General. Banldng Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage - . HILL Military Academy A Private Boarding an(T Day SGtiool for Boys, Prut&rjr, praparatory and acadeutic departments. 'College praparatfon Buatnaas conraa, Manual Training. PrinoJpal SO years1 experience-' iai . Portland. The Hill Military attracts and retains good bo)-a, bat hAt ao place for any others. Fall term begins September 16. Mako reserva tion now ,for few remaining racancies. Catalogue on application to the' priacipaJ. J. V. HTLL, M. D.,' Portland, Or." " iVsiwii My CIA mi Prag aeaUy aVaia. W. W. EUFRT CITY TAILOR MUDPORl Tribune Ads Bring Results Oregoni Builders Are you doing what you Gap to populate your State ? 0HE8CJS NEED PEOPLE Settlers, honest firmets,' raaci8iM, ' merohanta, clerka, people with brains. strAig banda and' a witting ' heart capital or no capital. , Southern Pacific Company ( Lines in Oregon. ) is seudiug tenj of Oregon literature to tho Eajt for distribution"'' through arery aratlaMa ageney. Will you not help the good wptk of buHding Oregon by sending us tbe uaiuas and addressct of jour friendo whe are llkaly to be interested in this state Wo will be glad to bear the eipeoso of lending them complete'infoftnatro'n about' OREGON d it opportnni ties. OOLONISrS' TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEilBJili AND OCTOBBK from the Boat to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few pltnftipal oiliee sn Froui Daver $30.00 From Louisrille. . $11.70 - From Orajtha 30.00 From Cincinnati . 42.20; Prom Kansas City 30.00 From Cleveland . . 44.75 Trom St. Loms. . 35.50 From Nw York.. 55.00 From Chicago... 38.00 s TIOKBTS CAN BE SUB A ID. If Teu want to bring a friend or relatire "" Oygju, defioajt the. proper amount with aay of our agents. The tiokat will the I nishel by telegraph. A. 8. KOSBMBAUU. Medford. or., Local Agent. WM. MMTrBRAT, Oeneral PTg.r Agent, Portland, Or. i be .Iw- THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BES1 NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. 90 o o o o o o o