Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 24, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Eastern Slroerters Iter. t
Try Their LuGk with tlte
Clay Birds
On Monday next at 1 o'clock t lie
Medford Rod and Gun club will hold
a shoot on their ground for the bene
fit of several eastern shooters, who arc
visiting in Medford. All members of
the club are urged to attend in order
to make the occasion ns enjoyable as
Among tho visitors arc tho Mallory
brothers of Fnrkcrsbiirg, N. Y., Chris
Gottlieb of Kansns City, Mo., and W.
II. Seavor of Now York City.
Social and Personal
Jeff Heard spent Thursday Ashing on
Bogue river.
J. K. Enynrt is entertaining a num
ber of eastern friends with a few days'
hunting and fishing.
Dr. .1. Ii. Keene will lenvo for Port
land Thursday evening on a business
Edgar Hafor will leave in the near
futuro for a short visit in J'ortlnnil.
Charles Nickell left Wednesday evo
ning for San Francisco on a business
A good house lot, close in, for sale
at a bargain; easy terms. Write M. T.,
Tribune. tf
Blaine Kliiui, the cartoonist, is in
Grants I'nss for a few days on busi
ness. F. ,1. Ulnkeley returned Wednesday
ovening from a trip to Hcjuaw fjiiltn.
Earl Heynolds is fishing at Fish lake.
Ho is accompanied by Ernest ltiden.
MisRcg Mnrthn and ,Tano MeKny of
Colorado are visiting in tho city.
$200 down and $10 per month with
out interest will buy 10 acres of choico
orchard land, ono milo from railroad
station. Call at our offico and we
arrange to show you those tracts. Wor
rell & Dl easier, west of Soventh street,
noar Mooro hotel. 170
Wo pay alio ciibIi per dozen fur eggs.
Miller A Ewhiink. Mil
Joe Drown of Eagle I'oint was in
Medford on business Wednesday.
Earl .Inhnsou from Applegale was
greeting acquaintances in Meilford on
Mr. and Mrs. If. II. Lorimer are ex
pecting relntives to arrive from the
enst in tho near future.
Anybody wishing a nico, new resi
dence property, 100x150 feet big, with
lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, lo
gan and strawberries, modern in ovory
way and locatod on the best street in
Modford, should addross I'. O. Box
572. 10S
Culestin Mineral Water is a splendid
article for weak stomachs and kid
neys. 103
Your fuel bill will bo cut in half if
you use a Colo's Original Air-Tight
Henter. Bold by Medford Hardware
Co., successor to H. E. Hoyden. 100
Anderson & llurhidgo urn agents for
Colestin Mineral Water. 1011
Beginning Frklay morning, September L'5,'at 9:00 a. m., we inaugurate our first Anniversary Sale and will offer hundreds o f articles at prices never before attempted in
Southern Oregon. AVe invite every person in Jackson and Josephine counti es to attend this sale and get acquainted with the wav we do business. If vou buy only one small
bill of goods you will learn that we are giving the people of this section the best values for the prices asked that have ever been shown in Oregon. We started in the first of
last October with a small ready-to-wear store for lad ies ; since then we have d oubled the size of our store and added more tha n five times the original amount of stock carried
and today we can offer to the people of this seel ion the largest and most complete stock of Ladies', Misses and Children's Readv-to-Wear Goods and Drv Goods that can
be found within a radius of 100 miles. Our liberal policy of guaranteein g everything we sell has gained for us a very" large patronage, and we feel that if ever you traded
with us that yon should make it a point to commence at once, for we can save you money on every dollar's worth of goods you need in the lines which we carry.
vuva'j Tj.uis.jvrs jo JJUi'i'Ai.o BILL'S WILD WEST SnOW
on any bill of goods amounting to $10.00.
Anyone purchasing goods to the amount of $10.00 on or before noon of September 28 will be given absolutely
free a ticket to "Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show ;" $20.00 wort h of goods will entitle the purchaser to two tick
els; $.10.00 worth to three tickets, etc.
Hosiery Sale
A - a pair for nil sizes in Children 's
J Hose, worth 5c.
10 a i,a'r 'or iai'es'f b0y"' an,i
girls' fine itnd heavy ribbed
cotton or wool Hoko, formerly 25c.
for lndioa' and children's Ho
siery, worth 35c.
In addition to free tickets to the show, we will pay the railroad fare of any person who comes from Ashland,
Talent, Phoenix, Jacksonville, Eagle Point, Gold Hill and Grants Pass on any purchase amounting to
$.3.00 or over.
Outing Gowns
Xo need to buy outing gowns,
sleeping garments with feet and
short skirts, when you can procure
such splendid values here for spe
cial priceB.
60c AND TO $2.00.
'SI .
m i . s ' t. :
I '. m
Ladies Suits
I, tut fall we ttold hundreds and hundreds of ladies Suits
that is up to the time tho spring season began, and we
havo novor heard of anyone complaining that these suits
did not wear Bntinfactorily. If anyone bought a suit
of us at any time that did not prove satisfactory wo stand
rraly at this day to niako it right. Our stock of suits
rnmprisi'M something like two hundred separato and dis
tinct styles and colors, including tho prettiest shades in
blius, browns, navies and London smokes, and any num
bor of tho fancy mixtures, herringbone stripes, diagonal
weaves and fancy pin stripeB.
Long coats stand first in point of style, although short
and medium lengths will bo extensively worn. Tho skirts
are mostly of the plain gored stylo, many with buttons
down tho front and quito a number of the plea tod styles;
in tact you can get moHt anything you desiro in a suit
nt this stun1. During this salu every pneo will bo n. spe
cial, not a reduced price, but a special value, marked for
)eH than the same kind of a suit usually sell. for. It will
be to your advantage U, pay this storo h visit and try on
soino of these swell suits.
AU alterations free and a perfect fit guaranteed. Suits
that usually sell at $15.00 and along to $100.00 are marked
at t his storo to sell for
$10.00 AND ALONG TO $75.00.
The ladies will bo delighted to visit our Millin
ery Department. The largest and most complete
line or patterns and trimmings to be found any
where within a radius of 100 miles.
CHOICE, $1.00 AND $5.00.
Wo have made up a jreat njmber of very neat
Street nnd Dress Hats that would ordinarily cell
at $7.00, $S.00, $9.00 and $10.00 at most of tho city
millinery stores. During this cale we offer these
liatn nt the special figuies of
94.00 AND $5.00.
Vou will find most anything vou desire in trim
mings nnd feathers fo! making a hat in any stylo
you may desire. Our expert trimmers will execute
your order in tho best possiblo manner and in the
shortest possiblo time. We can show you hats
made up which are tho best bargains you ever snw
at from
$2.60 TO $50.00.
Call and select a hat or leave an order for ono to
bo made up for you and you will sco that you not
only get the most pleasing style, but that we save
yen niniiey on anything you solect.
Ladies' and Children's Coats
For months we have been searching tho mar
kets of tho cast for tlio best values in Coats for
ladies, misses anil children, and today we can
show tho largest assortment and certainly tho
dpsi values over olteretl in Southorn Oregon
for tho prices asked. Bolow wo toll of a few
exceptional values just to give you an idea of
what wo have to show:
CI Of? for Children's Long Coats in sizes 8, 10
yl.LJ and 12 years, worth at least $2.25.
Si I R( for Cnildren Coats, sizes to 14 years,
4)1. JU worth tJ $2.75.
CO flfl for c,lil',rcn'8 Coats, sizes to 11 vears,
4.vU worth to $3.00.
CO ft ft for Children's Long Coats, sizes to 14
iJlJ.Uv years, worth to $4.25.
Children 's Coats in sizes 8, 10, 12, 14 years, in
navy, red, green and fancy mixtures; overy sin
gle one worth moro than the price we ask; now
selling at prices ranging from tl.75 TO $15.00
r A A each for Ladies' Long Coats, empiro and
.J) J.lU 2oat styles, lined and unlined, plain and
fancy cloth, exceptionally good values ever of
fered ut from $7.00 to $9.00, whilo they last
at $5.00
An exceptionally largo assortment of Ladies'
Coats in the new empire, half-fitting, plain and
coat styles, plain and braided effects in black,
brown, tan, red, green and navy; overy singlo
coat a special value at $7.50, $9.00, $10.00, $12.50,
$13.50, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 and $35.00.
t&$d I;
hi m
Resolution of Sympathy.
Wentonkn Tribe, No. ill), I. O. It. M..
Medford, Or., Kept. 2:). To MrH. ('. A.
Scheauvel Dear Madam: We, the mem
berji of Wentonkn Tribe, No. 3D, I. O.
R. M., do hereby send our heartfelt sym
pathy on account of your late bereave
ment. Yours fraternallv,
Following is the list of uncalled for
letters remaining in the Medford pout
office September 23:
M. Altestect, J. (1. Anderson, V. I,.
Benson, John lllnsih, Mrs. M. Hrown,
Johnson Iturkley, Mr. Pnvid, Thornns
Donovan, Clins. l-'ngan, II. 1. drove, .ler
eminll Ilenru, Frederick I.nwton, l'red
Lanco, Henry Meyers, Charles Pierce,
Fred Itenm, Mao Iteiims, James ltnbiu
boh, Homer Hcssion, I.illio Williams, W.
E. Wood.
Classified Advertisements
FOK BALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel; 21)0,111)0 brick. F.
Osenbrugge, Stiidebaker llron. ' w are
FOR SALE A four-cyllndor "Pacific"
automobile; will sell cheap; will mnke
torms if dosirod. J. M. Koot & Son,
ovor Jackson County Hank. 107
PPp for double Riay, wliilo and
JJl) tan cotton liiankcls, regular
75(1 grades.
for largo double gray, tan nnd
white HliuilcntH, worth 00c and
for largo double eotton
Illankets, worth to $1.35,
Other Hpeeinl prices on cotton Hlan
kets aro $1.25 AND TO $3.00.
Wool Blanket h in ray, tan, inot
tlrd and white, exceptional vnluoB
nt $4.25 TO $12.50.
J .-'.
Our anBortinent of whito and colored
tailored Waists ia complete in sizes
and styles.
$2.00 TO $1.25.
Net, Bilk and lingerie Waists, a very
largo nttBortmout. Ev
ery price, n special
$2.19 TO $25.00.
Waists worth to $5.00
now soiling for $2.19.
Ladies' Petticoats
for regular $1.25 and $1.50 val
ues in Satine Petticoats.
P AO for regular $2.50 values in fine
iJjKjO black and colored Heather
bloom Skirts. A large asoartment.
Hrn for regular $7.50 Silk Skirts
U J in all colors and black.
Save on Staples
Cc for Outing in lijjht nnd dark styb't), worth 0c.
10c for regular l-',je Outtngrt, dark and light styles,
fie for black, gray, light, navy and red Prints.
Cc for inch Wenched MuhIiii, worth 10c yard.
We nave you money on all staple dry goods.
Fancy Aprons
The dearest, daintiest little
Aprons one cou'.d ever wish to see,
and such a very large assortment
from which to choose. Prices
25c AND TO $2.50.
A very largo line of plain nnd
fancy nil silk liiMmiiH, comprising
all widths nnd similes.
a yard for a lot of ltihbon
worth to 17c a yard.
p n yard for a lot of Hibhon
Ul) worth to L'.'ic a yard.
Wo can supply your
needs in (ilovH.
1 J) thread Gloves in col
ors mid black.
a pair for wool Unit
(lloves, a regular
FOR 8ALK Choino business property
on five years' time. Address Lock Hex
418, Medford. 102
'OK BALE Largest rooming house in
Medford; location unsurpassed; genu
ine bargain for the right party; cash
proposition only. Address J. C, enre
of Tnbuno. lio
Tho finest litis and largest as
sortment of Hags ever attempted in
a town of this sire. Sale prices
lc AND TO $13..rH).
IArtn pnir for short
UUkitl and cape
(lloves that sell in nearly
overv storo for t." and
8, 12 nnd Ifl buttoti (lloves
in kid and heavy cape, all
marked lew.
i00 TO 3.f)0.
1 Si ,rv !eAi j?i-5 :
Penrl Buttons, throo
dozen for 6c
Hooks and Eyes, four
dozon for 5c
7e Kid Curlers now. .6c
5c Pins 4c
10c Pins 8e
5c Safety Pins Sc
10c Safety Pine 7c
Four boxes morning
Pina 6c
5c Finishing IJraid ..4c
10c Braid 7c
15c Braid 10c
Six Thread 25c
Ten Handkerchiefs. .25c
Ten Handkerchiefs. .10c
5c Cube Pins 4c
10c Cubes 7c
Largest nssortment of
Handkerchiefs in South
ern Oregon.
Heatherbloom Skirts
n large assortment of
tyles at $1.25 and $1.50
Silk Skirts in large as
sortment of styles, all
colors, at $7.50 to $20
On for Comforts filled with nico
OJl) clean cotton nnd covered with
ailkolcne, a regular $1.00 value.
AA for Comforts, full bed size,
4)111 covered with nico silkolenc,
one piece of white laminated cot
ton, our $1.25 seller.
PA for Comforts cover with
-4) 1 J v trice silkolcne, both sides
figured, one piece of pure white,
fluffy laminated cotton, our regular
$1.75 and $2.00 value,
tf'l AA each for nice, large Com
JjL.VU forts, covered with silko-
ene of a fine quality of sateen, one
piece of pure white laminated cot
ton, regular $2.50 values.
Other grades of comforts, all nicely
-finished and covered with silkolcne
nnd sateen or silk, filled with fine,
elean, white cotton down, to sell at
$2.50 AND TO $5.00.
Suit Cases
Just received a very largo ship
ment of Suitcases and we can now
Regular $2.00 values for $1.50
Regular $1.00 values for $3.00
Regular $7.00 vulues for $5.00
Sale of Table Linen
In order to get you acquainted with our values in Table Linen,
etc., during this sale no offer your choice of any piece of Tabic
Linen, Towels, Crnshs, Napkins or Cloths at a clear saving to
you of J15.00 on eacli dollar's worth purchased.
This is a very substantial saving, when you see our linens
and realizo the prices marked on them in tho first place aro
exceptionally low.
Knit Underwear
JtL :
Wheu you want Knit Under
wear that is knit to fit and fit
to wear, we can show you the
moat widely advertised lino ever
shown in this section.
will suroly please you. Most
anything you may desire for la
dies, misses an! children. Pricoa
very reasonable.
50c to $5.00
Tho Red fern, Warner Bros, or
Sahlin models will certainly please
you, and the prices aro certainly
very reasonable nnd a good cjrset
is absolutely necessary if ono is
particular about having their out
er garments fit properly. We will
be glad to help you fit a corset that
is suitable for your figure.
Just received, new (ihipment of
Klastic, Leather and Fancy Bolts,
and every one .s offered during
this sale at special prices. A lot
of nico wash bel;s on sale at half
19c TO $2.98.
FOR SALE 320 aero raueh, $12,000,
first clasn Improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See
h. E. W., Tribune office. tf
ANYBODY wishing a nico, new resi
dence property, 100x150 feet big, with
lawn, fruit and ornamentHl trees, Lo j
gan and strawberries, modern in every ;
way ard located on the best street in
Medford, should address P. O. Box
672. 105
TOR BALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. F. OsonbrugHft, Btude
baker Bros.1 warehouse.
FOR BALE Dry oak tiove and cord
wood. Apply Uotal Naib. 1TI
Beautiful Neckwear
Ho sure and select some cf the new Neck
wear. A largo assortment ,iusi in.
for a lot of Collnrs that formerly sold
up lo :r.c. Oilier special values nt
f.c AND UP TO 8!lc.
Fancy Goods, Etc.
Tillow Tops, fancy Drawn Linens, plain
and stamped linen squares and scarfs for fan
ey work; also a new assortment of Wash
Kmbroiderv Silks.
FOK 8ALK A good small busiuc-s ou
Kvmth strct. HfSBons for celling.
Address, I. O. boi 61S or fall at Ibii
offles. t'
FOll SALE A first-clnn ptanola-pla-
o; a bargain. P. O. Hoi 93, Med
FOU Improved or nniniprovcd
city Ion, 5 and 10 acre blocks, near
city; rrhard. and farm lands. W. M.
Fr.n.h, 09 .L.kiot County bnk.T
FOU SAI.K Five acr tracts inside and
adjoining city limits of Medford. on
five years' time. Apply Oold Kay Real
ty Co., in office Condor Water Pow
e'r Co. 1(W
VVANTKP Sowing by day or
hem.-. Inquire at tMoll. room
address Miss llillen, Medford.
take 1 WANTEP Experienced middle aged
lo'. or woman to do cooking and general
housework; will pay good wages. Call
on Mrs. Copeland, Talent, Or. 163
WANTED First-class milk cow, fresh;
no scrubs. Address T, Tribune. 102
W A.N r 1 1 1 At ou.-e, prune pickers. In-
quire of J. K. Watt or at York &
Co. ' office. Ian
WANTED Girl for general housework;
" family of two; easy work; good wages.
- Write A. P.., Tribune, Modford. KO ;
j . .. WANTED Three teams, work horses.
WANTED Position on ranch for man1 about 2000; one team ponies about
and wife; experienced in all branches 000; one team about 300; must be in
of farming Charles Ewer, Modford, ' good order and reasonable. W. H.
O. 1W West Co. tf
WANTED To trade, timber claim for
city property; Baker City property for
Medford property; piano for good
horse. W. IT. West.
WANTED Position in charge of fruit
ranch; recommendations furnished. H.
W fare Tribune. 101
WIWTCD To buy from 100 to 300
bead of stock sheep. Vi rite Box 131,
STtdftfrd. Or.
FOR RENT Healthy furnished front
room, electric lights and bath. 401
WANTED Horses for pasture, 2 per I """" PP I; 11
month; no wiro fences; shade, water j to TRADE Light single cover. d hug
and grass. Apply to Walter Moore, J tr for two seated tg. L. E. W Tri
Phoenix. Or. 1 bun(, ,f