;MflDrOBD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, hm. 3 WESTERN RANCH LIFE IN THE mil DAYS TBS. VATBMUO 4MUTOB, Among the many interesting scene depleting western life in the early days which will be preeented u part of Buf falo Bill ' wild west when it visit thia eity will be "A Holiday at T-E Ranch." In thia scene the pleasures and pastimes of the plainsman will be de picted. His sports and amusements will be re-enacted with the same fidelity to fact which marks all the features of Colonel William F. Cody's remarkable exhibition. The scene painter has re produced with as much exactness as circumstances will permit the ranch house of Colonel Cody and its surround ings. T-E ranch is the winter home of Buffalo Bill, in Wyoming, near Cody, a prosperous city which has been yarned in his honor. Here it iB that Buffalo Bill Bpends his vacations between the traveling seasons of his historic ex hibition. Tho scene depicts a typical cowboy holiday and the sports and pleasures of the plainsman are enacted in detail. Ray Thompson's troupe of educated bronchos and mustangs is alBo introduced in the ranch scene. They are the first western horses that have over been trained to duplicate the featB of thoroughbred circus horses. As a climax to their exhibit, one of the po- nies jumps over a table, where a group of diners are reveling. Never bofore havo the accomplishments of theso po nies been attempted by horse trainers, for it has been an accepted belief that bronchos and mustangs could not be trained to do exhibition "stunts." The holiday festivities are interrupted by an attack by Indians and tho resulting ac tion shows in a striking manner tho per ils of life during the era of the pioneer settlers of the praries. Other typical westorn scenes, open-air melodramas, in fact, will be "Tho Batle of Summit Springs" and "The Great Train Hold Up" two strikingly different, still typical Western scones. . Add to these dioramas, tho congress of rough riders of the world and it will be readily ad mitted that Buffalo Bill presents an en tertainment unique in character- ; and Btrictly alone in its class among open air amusements. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Judgo Dunn was down from Ashland Tuesday afternoon on businCBS. A. J. McKinney came down from Grants Pass Tuesday to testify in the Cobb caso. Mrs. L. J. Sears is helping in the suit department at Deuel & Kentner's during the fall rush. T. H. Moore, proprietor of the Hotel Moore, was a business visitor Tuesday. Mrs. Hugh Elliott and son Ernest ar rived from Portland Saturday and havo taken housekeeping rooms at Mrs. Hoff man 's. Mrs. n. P. Mcador of tho Kisor or cnard spent Tuesday in town. Mrs. Ouy Lawton and MiBS Laura Evans were over from Medford Tues day afternoon. Monday evening Ruth Rcbekah lodge No. 4 celebrated tho anniversary of the ordor with a social time.- Mesdames Emmn Dunford and Alico Ulrich wore in chargo of the evening. . Mrs. Schultz came over from Medford Tuesday afternoon on legal business. R. J. Smith of Grants Pass is in town this week helping District . Attorney Mulkey in tho Cobb case. WATER FROM SPHINOS rOB KLAMATH FALLS . KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Sept. 24. Klamath Falls will soon have a water system sufficient for a city of 10, 000 people. Two reservoirs on hills overlooking the town are now nearing completion, and with the original reser voir tho total Btorago capacity will be 700,000 gallons. The source of supply is a number of large springs, and as not all of these are now used, others can bo opened if toe growth of the eity demands more water. GERMAN PRINCE FREED, OWING TO HIS HEALTH BERLIN, 8ept. 24. Because no ex act time for a continuance of his hear ing can bo set, Prince Zuclenberg, ar rested on a chargo of jorjury in connec tion with the "round table" scandal, is frco today, having been allowed his liberty without bail or surveillance un til such time as his health will permit him to appear in court again. - ' (."ttrittea tot 'The TrtbuM.) The oatriotie voter Will now take up his work And in clarion tones Demand that we oir t $ UK Uric. Vote for the griand cJW Jiy And that familiar dinner rjiM That never wil he lilftd If wicked democrats psevoil. He will quote impassioned oaatoas And "canned arguments" galore, Ho will tell you how we suffered Way back in '84. He will call the recent panic A "slight financial flurry," But put Big Bill in office .,' And there will be no cause for worry. He's so mighty strong for battleships . ne chews naught by navy plug. On each freighter he'd have cannon Likewise on every tug. If you want to see him sidestep, . Just ask him if it's true That the G. a P. in congress - Cut Teddy's navy bill in two. He feels that it 'a his mission To protect the sons of Ham. He loves them most sincerely, But is silent ss a clam If yon chance to mention Brownsville, Or state you often feel Some of our colored soldiers Didn't get that famed . "square , deal." He's solicitous for labor, And down on every trust; His is the only party . That knows what's right and just. Ho exclaims that wealth and powor , Guilty men will not avail, But we can't recall a magnate Now sojourning in a jail. .. B. O. Chester. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mnry A. . Isaacs to C. H. Brown, N W section . 8, township 37, range 1 W .$11200 Mary A. Isaacs et al.fi to C. H. Brown, N W 4 section 8, town ship 37, rango 1 W 10 Siven Borglund to Mary H. Low ell, land in section 18, township 38, range 4W 1 Mary H. Lowell to Siven Borg lund, land in section 16, town- Bhip 30, range 4 W 1 William C. Deniff to 8. E. Dun ' .nington, half Interest to prop erty in block 2. Jacksonville .... 900 Jesso Cook to W. H. Brown .81 . ncros in D L C 42, township 37, rango 1 W 1 M. Clemens to W. II. Brown, .81 acres in D L C 42, township 37, range 1W 1 Sarah M. Andrews to R. O. Shear- - er, lot 3, block 1, Sunnysido addition to Medford 150 Annie Gosh to Almira E. Mat tingly, property in Ashland . . . 2000 Frederick C. Page to John Greb, lots 17, 18 and 19, Alva Vista orchards 275 W. B. Maley to J. E. Roberts, E ot N W S section 17, townBhip 37, range 1 W 1800 Charles H. Veghte to J. W. Ab bott, land in sochon 15, town ship 39, rango IE 50 Lizzie Millsap to C. H. Neat et al., lots 28 and 29, block I, Railroad addition to ABhland 400 C. C. Barkdull to W. M. Holmes, property in Mod ford 1 W. M. Holmes to W. D. Roberts, property in block 55, Medford 700 S. C. Hamaker to Lewis Dennis, property in Ashland 1500 F. E. Snyder to K. J. Edwards, 10 acreB in section 6, town ship 39, range IE 10 Elizabeth Miden to William H. Hamlin, 10 acros in seetion 26, township 37, rango 2 W ... 300 Nathaniel F. Thompson to Ogns , Lindjen, land in section 8, township 35, rango 1 W 2000 Ida B. Tryor to H. E. Boyden, lot 12, block 40, Medford ... 500 A. L. Wimer to Laotha Young, part of lot 4, block f9, Jack sonville 100 E. Hormcnn to C. Garrison, min ing property in Elliott Creek mining district 1 E. Hermann to F. Edwards, min ing claim in Elliott Creek min ing district 200 Cora F. Wilson to Mary B. Orr, lots 3, 2 and part of lot 1, block 17, B atty's addition to Med ford . 800 Elizabeth M. Smith to Lou A. El- wood, 2i.91 acres in D L C 46, seetion 8, township 38, range 1 W 4750 William Shaffer to W. H. Brown, ft of 8 W T section 5, town ship 37, range 1 W 10000 O. i C. Land company to O. It o. Ken road companyfl property in Ashland, Medford and Phoei.il ; 1 A. Bertha Canning to George W. fanning, property in Railroad " addition to Ashland , i 1 Maria Haesett to Jacob Conley, 8 W H of N W 54 section 34, township 35, range 2 W 100 1 ? m COPYft'OMT Autumn Days will soon be upon you now, when you will need a suitable outfit for intermit tent heat and cold, and we are prepared with the proper fabrics to fashion yon a Prince Albert, cutaway or sack suit, or a fall overcoat, in all the latest outs and styles, that will give you ths proper style of a man of fashion and taste at J. A. KREUZER & CO. - DsTOMBM ArTB TAAOBL tJOM ISUnTD, MXDFOKD, OU Sheriff - D. J. Jackson to Mrs. , Dose D Grout, N E i seetion ' H, township 33, range 3 . . il Cnired State to Jaeob 0ev, N E Vi of N W U aebs W, townstaki 34 rang t T pm Isottfe i. J.Wl V si. s Atn Coutfty Improvement ottnpt, ' 4 sure ftt iDMiist kj, twaa p 38, mango IT 1 D. B. Sage to Christ L. Einkoff, M acme in I C 84, tomship 3", range 2 W , . , jjoo Abel D. Helman to City of Ash land, property in Ashland ... 1 nenry R. Hesse to Otto M. 8els by, land in soction 28, town ship 37, range IE 1 D. B. Soliss to Mary A. Isaacs, Exc, N ft section 8, township 37, rango 1 W 3000 . 1 Notice to- Hunters. As the Impression that it is lawful to kill deer by dogs during hunting season has gone forth, I wish to tsate that In accordance with a decision ren dered by the attorney general, it is unlawful to kill deer pursued by dogs at any time of the year, and that the law in regard to the same will be rigid ly afereed. B. O. STEVENSON, State Game Warden. HARRY MESSLER, Deputy Game Warden. , MRS. ED ANDREWS Voice Culture and 9rt of Singing. 1, Studio at Residence. East Medford. Phono 225. The Ever . Ready Bottle Keeps Liquids, hot or cold, for forty-eight hours. Medford Pharmacy - v n E H,' H. Smith Silver 1 grnutMi H tin tot silver mde. 1 1? fuil lin. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postofflce Fin Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. BIJOU THEATRE TONIGHT "STREET SCENES IN CHINA" A most inter- esting picture on Chinese living. "DICK'S SISTER" True to life. "KING LIGHTHEAD" Unsurpassed ns a laugh producer. Admission 10 cents. Southern Oregon District and Ro&ue River Valley Fruit sn n m re 1 I If J -. -w $3000 Cash Balance in 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years at 6 per cent interest, will buy 240 Acres of fine Orchard Land, one mile from railroad station and shipping point. Price $50 per acre. Nearly all cleared; mostly level. A good tract to subdivide. J. C. Brown OFFICE: PALM BUILDING, UPSTAIRS. 5 " While the battleship fleet is traveling around the globe on its mission of peace, we are busy in Medford on our mission of supplying to our many friends the best cigars that can bo made. Netioni 5 cent, R R V 10 cent ml Del Marca 15 cent Cigar From 15 cents to $15 'VSHBaiMSm aM On and aftor Soptoinbor 21 the Em erick Cafe will serve mcnls from lHc to $15, so you may nil come, both great and small, and rocoivo the samo Borvice. If you can show us whore you can get tho samo sorvico for tho same mon oy, wo will give you a $5 dinucr. Try us once mid you aro Biiro to como again. The Emerick Cafe yttrs. Krene .Ifampton Isaacs instructor of "piano. TLtsit !lttttr)00 Stu&lo at 3ltt6nc. 3lortb J Strut pboiu 824 R.R. V. Cigar Works!! ANGLE OPERA HOUSE One Night, Thursday, Sept. 24 Gorman's Comedy and Vaudeville Co. Presenting the Side Splitting Comedy " WHO IS WHO" Including 7 High Class Vaudeville Acts PRICES 25, 35 AND 50c A S even Room Hou se can bo built now for what a six-room will cost a little later. Is this worth taking ad vantage oft Our stock is complete and we solicit your orders for your requirements, pledging satisfactory service. C later Lake Lumber Co. Medford, Ore. Oct. 1, 2 and 3 $1250 in PREMIUMS For Fruit, Stock, Farm Products, Fancy Work and Paintings, Etc. Three : Days : Races $750 in Purses. Free to the Public. FOUR RACES EACH DAY. Bring Your Products Show tho world vour products. BEAT THE EARTH OX FRUIT PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying Et in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Bank Building. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. Thonmiigh ami practical training in CO AIM H1SC1AL, SHORTHAND nml KNC1I.1SII. individual inat ruction by experts. Wo havo boen compelled to enlarge our qnnrtors ovory year, and linvo now socurod amplo accommodations in tho Snoedenbiirg block. Twico as largo as ever. Nothing in tho lino of business training is too good for our students COMPLETE COMMERCIAL COURSE At About One-Half the Usual Expense. Foil inf 11 Filiation free. P. R1TMI0R. President. ST EVERYTHING THAT'S OOOB to eat or drink is hore the eatables niculy cooked, if cooking they need tho drinnbles properly hot or eold, as wanted. Your individual taste is eoa suited and entered to, and not an iteat on tho billo f faro but is well and itttif served on cloan tnble ware. If You Will foeiiB vour ove on tho hwgII order Suita wo aro offering, jt n.'un.o ut oitco tlmt they art tionul values. You will find ov hundred dilTorcnt suitings hr which to niuko a anient inn. VT liko to tnko your mwaHuromtntl French Dry Cleaning and Frwjk neatly done. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR MBDFOS Tribune Ads Bring Results FOR BARGAINS IN REAl ESTATE CALL ON H. M. COSS CORNKR WKST TliNTH AND K StRERES City Properly, Farm Lands, Orchard Laud,' Hay Land Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta tion to and from all tracts. Office in residence. No com in ssion business. I buy and sell direct. Bargains in Pianos I have a few fine Pianos left that I will sell at tv bargain. Call at my office in residence, corner "W 1 Tenth and K Street. n. m. coss. - la