MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22, 1908. ' r Medford Daily Tribune1, A Live Paper in a Live Iowa. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokjb Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted i Second-Class Matter in the Posftof ficc at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On month, by mail or carrier. . . .$0.50 0t year, by mail 5 .00 BUY AX'S CHANCES UUOW1XG. From all parts of the nation conies reports of the grow ing strength of Bryan with the voters and strife and fac tional fights among the republicans. The Maine election only indicated the way the political winds blow, and if there is anything in signs, there will lie a Bryan landslide this year. - .- j-j Is is Bryan against the lield, and Debs, Hearst, Watson and Taft are all centering their fire upon the Commoner, who is gaining in the contest daily. Back of him is a united democracy, united for the first time since 18!)2. His per sonal following is the largest that any candidate ever had bigger than that of Henry Clay or James ti. Blaine, and for hun there is tremendous enthusiasm. Taft has a party divided against itself, because there is as much difference between the Roosevelt republicans and the Cannon and Sherman republicans as (here was between the Bryan and Cleveland democrats. Corporations control the republican organization and dictated the republican platform. Roosevelt forced the nomination of Taft, whose hands arc tied by his party, as Roosevelt's hands were. The trusts named Sherman. All of the Roosevelt reforms wen; overwhelmingly rejected by the convention, as they were by congress, and if Taft were elected, lie could accomplish nothing for if Roose velt was blocked by his own party, wouldn't Taft be? In every state is this division among republicans. No where is there unity, and no party divided against itself can be victorious at the polls. SEA BATHING. j The Effects of Salt Air and Water on i the Human Body. There is a reusun why parents Lave la all times ami lu all ages endeavored to give their children the beueflt of sea air and sea bathing. An Italian pnysi dau, Oerosa, tells out It: if la Hiri-ei-d. he miv. that all living oriraulsuiB bi nnn their first existence in ! suit water una tnut ns a result uie uu-, man body (uud Indeed every anlinul I hi.lrt Ih made ui of salt, if you taste your blood or your tears, j which are the extract or blood, you j will And that both are unite salt In flavor. More than this, however, every living belug possesses within his body, In the cellular stage, all those strange murine orirunlsins which we study so curiously lu museums. And, seeing. sny8 Oerosa, that the amount of sea water contained In every body Is equal tn nni-.thlril of that body's weight. It is clear that in the iultnlteaimally rudi mentary form all known marine me must be present in the blood. The re sult is that when we bathe In the sea or breatlio tho sea air wo replace the amount of essential salt which Is eou utHiiiiv ilecrcuslni! lu the system aud, all unconsciously to ourselves, weak ening it Salt water, says l.erosa, is really the main principle or life, since It is tho Ilrst condition of existence which the living organisms know. It Is therefore always good or tne uouy, whether it bo enjoyed at the seaside or brought In bottles from the sen. In Tiiirilciilnr Is it very valuable In the case of weakling children, and there la no hoilllv stimulant so Invigorating to tho very young as sea water. Levi Ankeny was defeated for reiiominatioii for Unit ed States senator in Washington, largely because it was proved that, although a millionaire, he had never "nailed two boards together or laid one brick on top of another to improve his home town. 1 le amassed a fortune through taking advantage of the efforts and misfortunes of others whose energy created cities out of country villages. How many men are there in Medford getting rich like Ankeny did, and doing nothing to improve and build up the city ? Does the recall law apply to municipalities without act of legislature? Can a city ward which is not; a county precinct invoke the recall These and oilier legal prob lems should be referred to the attorney general for an swer. Blind action will provoke injunctions and entail needless expense. Because the Associated Press carries so much news favorable to Bryan, tin; Morning Mail reprints clipped stories from old papers rather than publish live telegraph news. Why not cut off the press service as well as the city reporter and save expenses? Chairman Hitch -k admits that the republican ecu tral committee has not vet raised nionev enough to send the special t rain of orators through the count ry campaign ing. This shows the hopelessness of the cause. Governor Chamberlain is to take the stump for Hrvan It is good politics, for Bryan is stronger in Oregon than Chamberlain. TWO TOWNS WIPED OUT BY TOKE8T FIRES CHK'AdO, ill., Hept. 12. 1)i:it.-li.- bringing meager informal ion Imvn just beea ret'i'ivcd hiTO Htuting that tlio towns of Oaggaa anil Woodlmro, Wis., near llliinelaiitler, have hivn wiped out of existence by forest fires. It is reporteil that the 4(1(1(1 residents of tho two towns aro fleeing through t ho woods in this direction nnd that soveral persons of Woodhoro are miss ing. It is thought, however, thai during tho excitement people simply became separated from their friends and r. la Uvea, LOCAJj MAAKBT. T folelwing quotations are an im portfal nport of tho prices paid by Mod or doaferw Whoot o por boihol. Flour 1.78 por ewt. Wholo borloy 2.1 por ton. Hay U m toa. Alfalfa ilo iw toa. Ifow potatoes 11.25 por cwt. BnMor 49o por roll, bard 10 por pooa-l. Boau 6o per poand. BtfWib por iem. Sugar ti.e0 por owt. Tnry lie por porad. Haoiii lis p ponad. BkautttarlOe por ponad. r to por ponad. U por 4. 800 down and 10 per month wit b out Interest wHl buy in .,,,, 0f choice orchard land, ono mile from railroad tution. Call at onr offlao and wo arrange to show yon thniui tracts. Wnr roll ft DimiW, wwt ot Rov.nth itt, noar Monro hotol. j7q Treat of Soasou Coming. When Manager 1'itzgerald booked (lornian's All Star Comedy nnd Van 'leville company lie assured his patrons a treat of the season. Kvervthing about this company is high class and opto date. This high clnss company will pre sent the laughing comeilv sm ss "Who Is Whitf Itesides this roaring there are seven all star vau.le ville net.- lu this great array of tal eat nr. j-liris, the worlds greatest S.nm.l mil. cor; K.blie l.ang. the nut comedlin. SM.gcr on.l dancer; O'dav .f (loll class nketch artiste. sisted by Katun, in their latest l I. v'et success entitled "Th Man; ' I'arold Yates tl.e minstrel man in hono'irgue singing, d.iucing and Wilis llmg; .I.ick ! evs. the ladies' favorite Mnnclif! '1.1 A Fisher, comedians, i their hiin:oions act, "tho Actor and Ih Piitcliiii Mi: Mcl'hnil. the great, peer of all femrl mporson:,ters, known as th mile lelpan Jtntissclt AM who atttnd (Jorman's roiuedv and vatiihnilh i ntert:,inment can rendilv see a I 'eh class performance sel dom giver. h a trave'ing company and out of the ordinary will bo given on lliursd.l Mining, September SI, for one nilr ;.r,tv and it popular prices. Tickets on sal,, nt llasVins' drug THE VOODOO IN HAITI. Human Sacrifices to tho God of the Serpent. There Ih ample proof that hmmin be ings bnvo been ufiVivd us sacrifices to tho Kuil of tho Rcrpcnt In Ilnltl. A I-'ronch nrcliblshnp of the lslsim de scribes n visit innde by otic of the priests to a voodoo nrwMiiHy. The mini had dl-KMlscd himself ns n negro, mill he wns thus nMc to mlnglo unrte- Uk-UmI with (Ml crowd in the otixrurlty outside the wncml circle. After the white cock und white puit hnd been iliilii nnd olTereil up nml their blnoit !md lieen Hprinkled on the eoinpnny n liurly ynifni: nwro eauie forward nnd nrnslrntt'd himself before the priestess. Then, still kneeling, he nuule his prayer: "O niainau, I have n favor to ask of thee." What Is It, my boh?" said the nejiress eiieourahitfly. Wilt thou not give us, to complete llie F;n rilice. the Koat without horns.' The priestess give a sipn of nsseut. I'he crowd riiuinlabout separated, nnd 1.- : .. rev.u!v'd eblld : l:tl:iK with lis feet hound. The Kremh priest rushed away In i-eatvh of assistance In (irevetitlns Hie unholy rite, but the iiitV'ri'.Ics ;:i whom he culled were strangely slothful. Wlien tlnally. on the day fnllnwlpir. they arrived nt tht place f nssemlily. they found the i-ewsone remains of n sacrifice and n feast, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ir them the bolle 1 skull of (lie child. -Marvin luinu in Metropoll Ian Mapizine. When Men Hurry. 'Slntitilar." said a mail waiting for a irahi on an elevated railroad platform Hid looking ih'Wii it street to where n hundred tueii nnd boys had gathered iruuiid two wagons that had come to jet her in collision, "there nre n hun Ired men standing n round those two wagons, Just standing there, gawping. ipl-arehlly witli noihiug elso to do ind iit In u hit of n hurry, but let any me of (hose men come up the stairs .o thi-i i-latforui when there Is a train omihg in and he'd rush and hurry and lear himself apart to catch that train uid glum if lie missed It. though he knew very well that there'll be un it her train hero lu a minute, bet him miss a train by a second aud he L til it k the world Is coming to mi end; let him see somebody hoisting n safe up the outside of a bnUJIns nnd he will slop and waste half an hour. "How do you Account for that?" Xew York Sun. Mme. tie Struve's Wit. Secretary Itlaino hud said of Mme. de Struve that she was the brightest woman lie had ever met, nnd every body who knew her agreed with tills verdict. Her knowledge of Kngllsh was remarkalile, even for n Ilusslan. and her sallies were famous. For In stance, the day when Secretary Hay ard was made head of the American diplomatic service his daughter, Miss Kate Uayanl, said laughingly to n voung secretary of legation, "Kemem-Imm-, I am now daughter of your chief!" to which came, quick as a hash, the retort from Mine, de Struve's lips, "(h, we all know that you nre mlss ehlef Army and Navy Ufo. POLICE CLOSING IN ON DARINQ ROBBERS nouri,:u( wv, s,,,t. lv The tate police arc thought to he closing in tmlny on tin two nuisKcd robbers win held up ti tialeon nt Columbia nnd en rnped with 'oil Sunday night. I Altluuigli the hoi. tup men have n eood lend, the p.. lire nr lint on their trilU.I ns .ndirntinl hy telephone moftntigos. It i....uKiu tip lmmiuii MrupM on faat His Terms Varied. "I give u little reception next Thurs day evening, and I should like some music, piano solos particularly. What would be your terms'.'" Thus u lady to a professional Instrumentalist. "Kef 1 go zere simply as u," wns the reply, "und hlay my selections und leave I gharge life guineas, but eef I must go as a guest uud spend T.e whole evenings talking to von pack of finds I gharge den guineas!"-London (trophic. A Sure Thing. ShePld father say anything nbout you Ndng too young? He Well, yes; hut he said I'd nge pretty rapidly After wo were ninrrhM nnd I found I hnd to pay your bills. -Tlluslrnted Hits. A hnpplness that Is quite until s turU'd luHttmes tlrts-;tie; we ntut have ups ami downs. Moller. NOT ICR It lorehv given that the undersigned will npply nt the next meeting ef the city council of Medford, Oregon, for license to sell mult, vinous and spirit ens Inpiors in le'.-n quantities than one gillon. for ix months, at lot 10, block J'i, in Met! fit rd. Oregon, for n period of six month. HASS A HALK. Dated September 10. lflT Smith S Molony Carry the Strongest Line .of High Cat Boots at the best prices in Southern Oregon . Buy now, for you will need them See Our Window Good Luck 1 Lt .XL KADrOBA OUOOV M CAPITAL ill STJWLUi $115,000.(0 Where Are Your Valuables? Your jewelry, silver, Btocke, bonds, deeds, mortgages or.will are they ex posed to danger of loss by fire or bur glar! At a small eost tbey may bo placed In our fire and burglar proof vault, whore they will be beyond the possibil ity of loss. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. Finest equipmont in southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTER, President G. K. LINDLEY, Cashier waits upon all who buy through us, and yet it can hardly be called "luck," for our customers get the benefit of our best judg ment in every investment made through us, and we never permit them to buy at unrea sonable figures. "We not only want them to get value received today, but to secure prop erty which will be worth more tomorrow. In a rapidly growing town like Medford knowledge of present and prospective val ues is very important. There never was a better time to secure a home in Medford at rock bottom price than right now. Inspect our list and you will be convinced. Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD Notice to Water Consumers WATER MAY BE USED FOR IRRIGA TION AT ALL HOURS UNTIL ORDER- ED OTHERWISE By order of the WATER COMMITTEE. September 21. 1008. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE T- I - sr CoPVRlGHT Early Autumn Days are upon vj now, when the orlmson is upon the maple and a new fall over coat on your arm in the evening. For the man who would look swell and "trig'1 a new cutaway or Prince Al bert suit, made in up-to-date Btylo, "the thing for Soptombor days." If you haven't ordered your now overcoat for fall call on J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AKS TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFOED, OEE. JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule.We pay the freight. The Tribune 91 Central Ara MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Wiudow Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bovol Plato, carried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, Including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STEEET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE J. E. BNYART.Presid ent. J. A. PEHEY, Vice-President. JOHN S.-KTa, Cashier. W. B. JAGESON, Ass t Often ler. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL........ $50,000 SURPLUS.,..-. 10,000 Safety Boxes to Reiit. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage HILL Military Academy A Private Boarding and Day SGhool for Boys Primary, preparatory and academic departments. College preparation, Business course, Manual Training. Principal 30 years' experienco in Portland. The Hill Military attracts and retains good boys, but has no place for any others. Fall term begins Soptombor 16. Make reserva tion now ,for few remaining vacancies. Catnlogue on application to the prlnolpal. J, W. HILL, M. D., Portland, Or. uOregon Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? 0BB801T NBHDS, honest farmers, mechanics, maroaanu, sloki, ryie with brnins, strog hands and a willing heart capital or no oaiitflj. Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.) is sending tons of Oregon Utoraturo to tho East for distribution iironjk every avallaM. .ganoy. Win ytu net hol the gootl work of buQing 0f on by taM us the names ana addresses it your friends who are Dlitjy to be interested is fltis stare t We will be Sii"' 'h0 dng them complete information ftbont 0SON and its opf trtuni ties. OOLOKIOTS' THSOBP3 will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBBB from the Bast to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few prisciial oiftes are From Dearer $80.00 From Louisville. . $-11.70 From Omaha. . . . 30.00 From Cincinnati. 42.20 From Kansas City 30.0G From Cleveland . . 44.75 From St. Louis. . 35.50 From New York.. 55.00 From Chioago. . . 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or relative Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our agents. The ticket will the. be fur nished by telegraph. A. S. ROSBNBAUM, Medford, Or., Local Agent WM. M 'MURRAY, General Pass-nger Agent, Portland, Or. THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBU NEHASfilE BEST NL1VS SERVICE IN SQUTUERN OREGON o