(Continued from page 1.) the council in a good, Huffieient and legal rcusou for his removal from such office, "Jt is uiirt'asonuble and unjust that the .First wurd should have hut one resident councilman, and another ward of the same city have three renideiit councilmen. Therefore, we tmbmit our cause to the people. " J. H. Howurd, M. M. Casett, A. Jlub hard, 0. ir. Corey, K. ('. Oaddis, Win. Hockenyon, Frank H. Hull, C. W. Pavls, Win. Angle, L. Ki. Porter, Win. IIgl, B. 8. Wever, O. (inble. E. Denton, W. C. lieuter, I. J. 1'hipps, O. A. MeCutch eon, J. W. Anderson, I. T. Law ton, G. K. Corey, J. W. Smylie, II. L. Robin Hon, W. II. Meeker, W. K. Km bank. Wm. Davis, K. A. Seller, W. Kawlings, W. II. Hradshaw, V. M. Carter, J. II. Daily, I. J. Starey, D. Meeker, O. W. Itonk, J. A. liobbiiiH, J. C. Smith, C. C. Taylor, A. Win. A. S. Wells, h. W Dansker, J. K. Watt, .1. Me.-ker, Vol ney Dixon, J. W. Lyon, (i. W. Niehnh, W. K. ThoinpHoii, Tom ( 'nreutt, F. M. Jordon, J. J. Seal, W. II. Ihillm-lt, S. II. Knnk, W. T. Vincent, C. A. Hoard man, .1. K. Swinden, J. W. Lnwton, L. O. Wells, DeW. fJondpaHture. C. T. Nieh oIhoii, Jan. II. Hitter, It. h. Tavlor, J. F Cook, N. E. ChilderH, It. T. Childcrs, M. C. Chapman, A. X. Woody, I). I'. Myler, N. Ji. liradbury, I. D. I'hipps, J. V. I'ifler, IV MeCormielt, A. L. Wed lam, 0. A. MeVay, fi. W. Bish, A. A li'mh, II. C. (llaHseoek, h. II. Tucker, lint Vertner, .1. 71. Toft, II. ,T. Hchutte, (!. A. Toe, 0. J Itnnner, .r. L. Wonderlv . L. Wimer, H. II. Jiall, K. !'. Itnhiii boh, M. McDonough. The Recall Law. The recall Inw rends us follows: flection 1H. Every public officer in Oregon is subject, as herein prnviiled to recall by the legal voters of the state or of the electoral district from which lio is elected. There may be required 25 per cent, but not more, of the num ber of electors who voted in his district at the preceding election for justice of tho supreme court to fib their petition demanding his recall by the people They shall set forth in said pet it inn the reasons for said demand. If he shall offer his resignation, It shall bo accepted and take effect on the day it ib offered, and the vacancy shall be filled as mav be provided bv law. If he shall not resign within five dnyi after the petition is filed, a special election shall be ordered to bo held with in 20 days in his said electoral district to determine whether the people will recall said officer. Print Roasons for Recall. On tho sample ballot at said election shall be printed in not more than LMhi words, tho reasons for demanding the recall of tmid officer as set forth in tho recall petition, and in not more than 200 wnnls the officer's justification of his course in office, lie shall continue to perform the duties of his office until the result of said special election shall bo officially declared. Oilier candidates for the office may be nominated to be Voted for at said special election. The candidate who shall receive tho highest number of voles ahull be deemed elected for the remainder of tho term, whelher it be tlio person against whom (he re call petition was filed or uimfher. The recall petition shall be filed with the officer with whom a petition for nominntion to such office should be filed, and the same officer shall order tho special election when it is required. No such petition shall be circulated against any officer until he has net Dally held Lis office nil months, save and except that it may be filed aaint a sonalor or representative in the leg tslative assembly at any time after five days from the beginning of the first session of his election. No Double Recall. After one such petition and special election, no further recall petition shall be filed against the same officer dur ing the term for which he was elected unless such further petitioners shall lirst pay into the public treasury which has paid such special election expenses, the whole amount of its expenses for the preceding special election. Such addi tional legislation us may aid the oper ation of this section shall be provided by the legislative assembly, iiicluditii; provision for payment by the public treasury of the reasonable special elec tion campaign expenses of such offi cer. Hut the words "the legislative as sembjy shall provide" or any similar or equivalent words in this constitu tion or any amend men t thereto, hall not be construed to grant to the b'iis bit i vo assembly any exclusive power of law -making nor in any way to limit the initiative and referendum powers reserved by tho people. Your fuel bill will be cut in half if you use a Cole'i Original Air-Tight One Cent a Word No tingle Inwr- ! tioni loss than 16 cents. Six insertions Heater. Sold by Med ford Hardware f tot the price of four. Sovemy-fiY Treat of Senson Coming. When Manager FitGerald 1 k (Ionium ' All Star Comedy and Yi deville company he assured his patron a trent of the season. F.vervl hine; about this couipanv is high class and up to date. This high class company will pre Bent the laughing comedy stoves "Who Js Whof Itestd.s this nmring Comedy there are seven nil star vaude ville not In this great array of tal cut nr." It ris, the world 's greatest Sjuini i: unticer; Eddie I-ang. the Dutch fomodiin, 8r.ger and dancer; Ma v of (Jold Irgh class sketch artiste, as sisted by A!;m Eaton, in their latest remedy ph v'et surce! entitled "The Man; I'aroM Yates the minstrel man in honolt gue singing, dancing and whis fling; .T.ick Keys, the ladies' favorite; Mnnehfl Id A fisher comedian, in their hiiworoui net. "the Actor and the Dutchman: Md'tunl, tie great, peer of all fenu'l Miipervoiti.ters, known us the mile Lilian Itunset All who atttiid (lormans comedv and vnudevilh ntcrtninment can r- adilv sec that I 'nil class performance sei Co., successor to II. K. Boyden. 300 Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Hoyden went to Jacksonville in their auto Saturday aft ernoon. i I). JScott and his faintly, who huv been sojourning in Ashland during th past several weeks, will return to Med ford this week. Mrs. A. M. Woodford and her young i-st daughter visited in Ashland Sun day afternoon. M isses Clrirh, Kenney and Neulu were over from Jacksonville Sunday. William Wilder of Phoenix, tin sue ernsful strawberry raiser, was u Jack soiivillo visitor Saturday. E. W. ( 'arnahaa, superintendent of the HI u i Ledge, and his wife were Medford the fore part of the week. William T. Campbell, the miner, is down from the copper belt. John iVrnoll. the genial Applegatr merchant, spent Sunday among his M ford friends. If vim have not registered ard want to vote for president, ynu can ge the list now. See the count v clerk or any notary public. Anybody wishing a nice, now resi donee property, lOOxlflO foet big, with lawn, fruit and ornamental treos, lu gnn and etrawborriea, modorn in every way and located on the best street in Mod ford, should address P. O. Box 572. 305 Mrs. Mamie Day Dox of Jacksonville is stopping at the Klamath hot springs for the benefit of her health. Emory Hunt of Rogue Itiver transact ed busi'iess lit the courthouse Saturday afternoon. I). Iiruly, at: expert woodsman, spent a few hours in Medford Saturday lift- noon. M. El wood tarried in Ashland n few hours Saturday. F. W. Streets, who in planting a big orcherd in Ward's Creek district, apent Sunday in Medford with his family. Will I trow n and 'harles Thomas of igle I'otut transacted business in Med ton! Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Xye of Knots Cre k were among their Med ton! rein lives and friends Saturday. E. S. Tull, one of the pioneer resi lents of Klamath county, is in Med ford, theg nest of his son, C. E. Tull. Wilson Howmaii, who went to tiouth ru 'altforuia some weeks ago, is at home again. (!. Van Iyke and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Anderson of Phoenix precinct were among the many who spent Satur lay aft ernoon in Medford. 4 ur hardware mcn-hants are mak ing a successful campaign against the St. Louis cont ingeut. who are sidling ranges at an exorbitant figure to those who do not understand I he nit nut ion. The foreigners are taking notes pable years without interest, which is ample evidence that llicv make an im mense profit, for they have heavy ex penses to meet. The safest and best way is to buy ranges from local lacr imals, who pay taxes. Keep money at home and assist in every way to build up tin1 town and country. Mrs. lilnino Klum visited in Ashland, her former home, on Sunday. J, C, Stone and his family have re- moved from ( olestm to Medtord. .Mrs.! Stone will conduct a boarding house at I P. II. Moore residence property on Fi street near Seventh. I l. It. K'eame was a Jacksonville vis 1 itor Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jackson are visit ing relatives nnd friends living in Medford. L. C. h'ainev was over from Beagle li strict Monday. II e returned from Klamath count v lately. I. C. Barnard and I. J. Estes of Cen ' tral Point transacted business in Med ford Saturday. I Mrs. W. C. Kenyan was in Jackson i ville Saturday visit i rig relatives and f riends. M r. and M rs. Monroe Sanders of San Francisco tarried in Medford for it few hours during the past week, whil n their way north. Mrs. C. 1. Hutchison ha returned to Vriland to remain several mouths. Sh viii aecompanieo: ley i er daughter. Miss Vrn, who will continue her musical t miles. M. E. Worrell, the real estate agent wis returned to M ed1'.ni after spend ng several weeks in Portland. It. Koh.-rtson, Southern Pacific round nmc ton-man at Kochui g. who was i candidate for the republican nomiiia ion for railroad commissioner last priug. dropped dead Saturday exening while on Ins wny to -ittend a meeting of the I. O. (t. F. ludee at that nlrtce. H nan i teen a sn lerer I mm Heart uis se some time. Mrs. t . II. Hart made a business tri Jacksonville Saturday. cents a Huh per month. TOB SA.LE. FOlt SALE A four-cylinder "Pacific automobile; will sell cheap; will make terms if desired. J. M. Jioot & Son over Jackson County Bank. 307 Foil SALE Choice business property on fivo years' time. Address Lock Box 4 IS, Medford. 362 FOIi SALE Old papers, 5 cents a hun dred. Tribune office. . 300 Ft Ml SALE Large at rooming house in Mcdforu; locution unsurpassed; genu ine bargain for the right party; cash proposition only. Address J. C, care of Tribune. 375 FOII SALE 320 acre ranch, $12,000, first class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See L. K. W., Tribune office. tf Foil SALE Five-acr tracts inside and adjoining city limits of Medford, on five years' tune. Apply Gold Ray Heal ty Co., in office Candor Water & Pow or Co. 109 FOB SALE All my household furni ture, cheap. II. V. Lumsden. 300 ANYBODY wishing a nice, new resi donee proporty, 100x150 feet big, with lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, Lo gan and strawberries, modern in evory way and locatod on tho best street in Medford, should address P. O. Box 572. 165 FOB SALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir, oaK ana laurel. J? Oaonbrugge, Stude baker 33ros.' warehouse. FOB SALE A good small business on Seventh street. Beacons for celling. Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this office. tf FOll SALE A first-class pianola-piano; a bnrgain. P. O. Box 05, Mod- ford. FOU SALE Dry cordwood. nine. fir. ojik and laurel. F. Osenhruggu, Stude baker Bros. Co. warehouse. 103 Foil SALE Improved or unimproved city lots, 5 nnd 10 acre blocks, near city; orchards and farm lands. W, M. French, over Jackson Countv bank. 179 'UK SALE Dry oak stove and cord wood. Apply Hotel Nash. 178 'Oil SALE -Fine residence lots, cheap, block west of Bungalow addition, West 7th st. 1 nquiru on premises. Rum s''. 358 WANTED. WANTED (iirl for general housework: family of two; easy work; good wages. M., Tribune, Medford. 170 Write WANTED Position on ranch for man ami wife; experienced in all branches of fanning, i 'harles Ewer, Medford, Or. jiia WANTED Experienced middloaged woman to do cooking and general huusework; will pay good wages. Call on Mrs. Copelainl, Talent, Or. 303 First class milk cow, fresh; Address T, Tribune. 102 WANTED no scrubs. WA NT ED At ouoe, a waitress at Blade house, Jacksonville. 300 WANTED To trade, timber claim for city property; Baker City property for Medford property; piano for good home. W. 11. West. WANTED Position in charge of fruit ranch; recommendations furnished. II. W., care Tribune. 161 Hoodoos The Science of Spooks. Dr. Bancroft, the famous psychologist will deliver his startling lecture. "Moo loon. mis evening at Angle s opera house, auspiees of Kedmeti. Dr. Ban- roft will give a scientific diseu.ioti (so railed 1 supernatural pheiioni WANTED Three teams, work horses, about 2600; one team ponies ebont 2000; one team about 2300; must be in good order and reasonable. V. II, West & Co. tf WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock shoep. Write Box 131, Med.ord, Or. FOB BENT. 'OK lU'.NT Two houses hibit building. Call at Ex-i TO TKADE Light single covered bug gy for two seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf Foil KENT Stable for two horses, with hay lott and largo carnage house; suitable for garage. E. B. Sawyer, 303 North C street. 100 iftJSlNLSS CARDS. COfJVia & DURHAM, Attornejrs-at-fesw, Goo. H. Durham Grants Pass, Or. wm OX. Colvig. Medford. Or. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and 9nrg?on. Office at Residence. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Fhonee: C. W. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 14S. 00 TO DB. GOBLE FOB YOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry "a Warehouse SEVENTH STREET. Jena, xi.: Spirit table tipping, lift ing of ponderous weights, independent of pliy sual contact, suspended animation, pre sent no iiM. premonition, hunchet, tele pathy. mind reading, elairx oanco, clsir I audience, trance, mediumsliip. etc. All I of the plivsical phenomena of nirituil ism acknowledged and explained with ivi: lei trave,;ng company ami ' in (he pale of a fcnofta ft itmil tiir. ott of 11, ordinary fi ll be given on i Dr. Bancroft Hill be ably a- ted tMft-fe t M ptcmher 21. for 1 b the liarmit sii r, ! D. 1. ill. on itl ! popnr pricm I.'!". a rrCMo r ef -h :i 1 antj l.f ; 9dWto W ! drug rf'. j ,'nirv 'tioi j Don't miss th enter' bin lit i Pmmy T4 Pitree Ern-r I H be new. original and noxel 6f fdl nmV Hi1iy feini frB a startling an. I entertaining Vl 1$ fHtnP Itrniff vour rnbt.it foot. Admission lii Inko. Wbile out ftor.; rhiblren 2."c AnuePa ..... r Ulu ,m.A f. iv., ... ..... .... i 'nK. i b op rn Ueft. unions the Mhmmm. 1 '-- 1 I no'f l ief .f ' H Hu N Other Bininew." B. R. SEELY. M. a Phrsjcuui aad iturgvon Uwir Equipped tpenitiii X b'fc.v vffic lloom, 10 11, 14 P. f, Qttc ts Jackson County fionk BlAt WbMj oibert fiu I. tnll on DR, E, JT. BOmtEB, t'ff f in tlio Ur&od Tfecuter tJlf. - O. U JOJiEli nftrhiotottmlf9 'rt SAX JOSE, Cal., Sept. 21. The po lice today are investigating the cause of a miniature race riot which occurred here last night, leading to the arrest of three Japanese K. Nagao, T. Nagoa and I. Ha to. The tight occurred when five Japanese on their way to tho Pirst Presbyterian church became involved in aa encounter with four white youths. A mob came to the assistance of the whitCB and the orientals were badly beaten and kicked before they made their escape from the crowd. Twj of fhe Japanese escaped unidentified. Rev. McOuilken of the Presbyterian church furnished bail for the three who I were arrested. ( Prepaid Bailroad Orders. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is the system of propaid orders now in effect between stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in tho United Btates. By means of this system tickets roar be purchased at Medford from any place in the United Btates and mailed or telegraphed direct to tho party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash In connection with these tickets may also be forwarded at the same time." tf Beduced Bates to Livestock Show. Tho Pncific National Fair and Lico- stock show will be held in Portland September 21st to September 26th. Round trip tickots will bo sold at a faro and a third for this event, ticketB being on sale Soptember 21, good to return until September 27. Further par ticulars at the depot. 163 BALL ft GLOSCOOK, Coutrautors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with 0. H. Pierce & Sou. Phone 658. P. O. Box 77V Look Here Before Buying Your Fall Supplies Largest Assortment, Best Values, Lowest Prices on Ladies' Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Underskirts, Raincoats, Etc.; also Misses' and Children's Coats, Sweaters, Headwear, Hosiery and Underwear. Watch this Space and our Show Window. MEDFORD'S EXCLUSIVE LADIES' STORE. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. CENTRAL AVENUE JUST NORTH OV .TACKSOX COUNTY HANK. BIJOU THEATRE Monday and Tuesday. "THE GREAT CITIZENS' BANK ROBBERY" A thrilling holdup. "THE HINDOO RING" An extremely clever il lusion picture. "A POLICEMAN FOR AN HOUR" A good comic. Admission 10 cents. 1 b. mmm r PORTLAND OREGON Modehit Comfort Modkratk Prices Country Club and Live Stock Show HEADQUARTERS Septi'liibiT 21-20, 1903 Retcrrt' Pooms l'nrly Ojtly Koof Gakdex Is roinxAxi) A. & NUKTUX, llanafer ANGLE OPERA HOUSE One Night, Thursday, Sept. 24 Gorman's Comedy and Vaudeville Co. Presenting the Side Splitting Comedv " WHO IS WHO " Including 7 High Class Vaudeville Acts PRICES 25, 35 AND 50c U I !IG SWIFT PLANT FREE M otahv nr tup niri&& d i ua 1 ur 1 nL diij e n COLUMBIA TRIOTSKT Shwirv w!i.it a trrMion.'m:s influrnce for pool it v. iU bo !u Oregon '.h ir-M::lKT of )khs, c.tttle nnd ht-ep V it tnu-t be r- ;-e-'. the nionvy to be male i;i stivk the .h:e of a bt-iu r mnrkvt the er.or imuis ir.on ase nf n n.l et Vi' v.ilues that is certain to ii !!n.v a rr;'' te sti-ry of the world's bipest trthistry, mailed I UK1 to you on request. The .iIitioa is limiteil. Seu.l (i joslal for it today. jTZj ClO CCUCH PORTLAND, ORE?' Don't Bother to Cook It's too tot. Gt vht you vat aijnafriT yrtpartd; w htT it. Wt cater to those who vaat tt bat. THE DELICATESSEN C STJigET, NEAR EIGHTH Your New Fall Suit VashinSton fashioned Apparel TKI NalNIMTON OOt Getit righthere At right prices Right now $9.75 for a scrvicealilo, stylish and durable autumn and winter Suit. Sounds like a dream, doesn't it ? But it's the honest truth about an honest suit. The only thing cheap about it is the price. fit h pr Snits for '10'00 a,ul !fl2'00' whit'h dral" llllUl ers cannot duplicate either in material and style or in price. Ye can prove it if you will let us. B Is Not Merely High Priced Suits that we are talking about when we tell vou of the profusion of colors we are showigffravs, gl.eciis, biwnw and elephant shade-handsomelv made up w.th all the lit.le cuff and flap novelties." All finelv tailored and honestly made. It applies to even- suit ; ur large stock, and whether you pay .73 or 40.00 for it. it has our reputation and guarantee for service back of it. For Men Who iCnovr." Vjnt fASWIONSHO-y ORE'