Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 18, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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New York Apple and rear
Mirket Dull-Pears Sell
ing From $1.50 to $2.00
The New York market for pears uml
apples continued to bo dull, tho inuin
feat u ro being low prices ufferod for
fancy pears. A market bulletin for the
week ending September 12 its as fol
Apples Itereiptti have continued lib
oral again this week und market haw
weakened with nearly all varieties sell
ing at lower prices. Trade has be
fairly active at the decline and the fruit
lias moved out well when (thawing fine
quality, but common sorts drag. Some
late varieties commencing to arrive
but such fruit will probably do better if
held back until the flush of the season
is past for fall fruit.
Pears Many of the up river Hartlett
nmving are over-ripe and of unattrac
tive quality, and state fruit has had
more attention, with market firm and
ndvancinfi. First of the week prices
wnre advanced fully fiUc. and a further
advance of 5Uc lias been established
fliuco then, fancy large green now welling
at $.'i.75(fM, in instanced higher, thougl.
general run of stock does not show qual
ity to exceed $'2.rit)0i.i, with poor lower.
Beckol have been in larger supply and
declining; a few fancy exceeded
early in the week, but that figure- has
now become exceedingly high, with bulk
of sales from li.f0, and common
range lower. A few fancy Huerro Bose
have sold up to $ 2.7.'), but lat
ter figure exceptional, lieurre Clair
geau, d Anjou, Louise Honne and fchel
doa selling mainly at $l.ti)(w 1.7:1
though strictly fancy still command $i
Kiefer selling mainly at $1.251,7,1 fo
nouuie nendtt and .f l(n l.L'o tor open
Reduced Rates to Btato Fair at Salom,
The Houthoru Pacific company will
sell round trip tickets to Salem at the
rato of ono faro and a third for round
trip account Oregon atnto fair, to be
hold at Suletn September 14 to 19 inst.
Tickotos will bo on Halo September
13 to 19, incliiflivo; continuous pannage
in both diroctiout. Further particu
lari 157
August D. Singler is remodeling the
old Wilson second hand store on West
Seventh street and will instill a full
lino of Kdison phonographs, musical
instrument and sewing machines. P.
K. Martin, tin bicycle man, will oecu
py half the store.
Social and Personal!
(' stin Mineral water for weak
stomachs. 157
Frank Bennett and Mind Hess Nickcll i
were married at the residence of the I
bride's parents, comer Fourth and .1
streets, Thursday evening, Rev. W. T.
floulder officiating. The young couple
will leave for Spokane in the near future.
D. F. Waterman and Charles Krieg
er were over from Sams Valley Thurs
j. J. Whitcomb, who has been ope rat
ing in timber land located some dis
taneo east of AHhland during the past
season, is in Med ford again.
Colestin Mineral Water makes little
appetites huge. 157
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kennies of
.laeksoiivillo were among tho many in
Med ford Thursday.
William Warner, late rural mail car
rier, is assisting Postmaster Woodford
Mrs. William Hundley has joined
her husband, late chief clerk of Hotel
Nash, who has secured a position in
l.ewiston, Idaho.
Mrs. W. K. Meiid-r (nee Tucker)
of Lane count v is visiting relatives
living (it Phoenix and Med ford.
V. ('. Deneff, who has been en
gaged in tho liquor business at .lack
sonville for a number of years, in com
pnny with Kd Dunnington, has sold out
to his partner.
Colestin Mineral Water is sold by
all drink dispensers. Ask for it 157
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Simpkins 'of Cen
tral Point precinct were Med ford vis
itors Wednesday.
CharleH Y. Young of (iold Hill has
been making Mcdford a business visit.
C. K. Harmon, 0. W. Lewis, Jr., and
,T. T. (Jilmore of (Irants I'ass made a
business trip to Med ford Thursday.
William Jennings and Orion Kose.
omployos of the Sterling Min company.
tarried u short time in Medford Ihurs
Prank H. Neil came down from Itees
i-ek Thursday on a trading expedi
Prank Menzog of Wat kins, the well
known miner, was in Medford Thursday
land business.
Your fuel bill will be cut in half if
vou use a t;oie s urrginni Air-iigin
Heater. Sold by Medford Hardware
Co., successor to H. K. Hoyden, lftO
V. K. .lohiison of Trail precinct, tin
stockman, spent a few days in Med
ford this week.
John Westerlund of Chicago, a mem
ier of the Western Oregon Investment
eompnnv, whose orchard, local eo: near
Medford. is one of the most ex ten
nive. in this state, is making us a busi
nesH visit.
W. II. Clement, of Applegate, 1 hi
tern ii miner, made Medford n busi
ness visit one day this week.
L. C. Coleman, the San Francisco cap
ilalist, who has been stopping in Med
ford during the past few weeks, left
or his home Thursday.
lames II. Tofl, the painter, has re
turned from a week's stay at Sterling.
Mrs. Waller Anderson of California
is visiting her mother, Mrs. II. .). (il
Classified Advertisements
Ono Coat Word No lnglu loser
tlooi lei than 16 cents. SIX Insertions
for the price of four. Seventy fl
cents a Huh per ntn.
Importations of Various
Countries Amounts to a
Sum of $285,600,000.
Pew people have the slightest con
tention just how important a part
Umbel and ii'inrinufuctured wood play
in the trade Vlween tho world's great, uu J doubt'esH it is news to
raay t' warn that the lumber impor
lat'oiis of tin, canons countries amount
to '."S.'j.(!i.t-1,,: ., This is according to
ft urates for the whole world compiled
Dr. Lruest Fr n o rich of the Gor-
i .an romineii'ial U o'i school at Leipzig,
Xotw.lli'tand;i.g tho fact that it finds
its own supply dwindling, tho United
StatcH furnishes about 20 per cent o
the lumber imported by other countries,
Austria Hungary furnishes 1! per cent
Itussia Hi per cent, Canada 13 per
cut, Sweden IS per cent, Finland 10
per cent and .Norway and Houmania
small (piautity.
Reason for Importing.
The countries importing wood are
those on the highest economical piano,
winch were Iheniselves in earlier times
lensely wooded, but whoso forests hav
ieen denuded to a greater or less ex
tent to make room for agriculture and
other industries, says Vice-Consul James
A. Hurrcll of Magdeburg in a report
to this government. Only 4 per cent of
the territory of (.rent Britain is cov
red with forests, and during the year
100.6 that country imported lumber t
the value of $135,.fifl,7.'0. Germany
has still per cent of itH territory cov
red by forests, but imported in 1906
lumb r valued at $lil,2S.'.,0O0. Helgium
and the Netherlands that have but
per cent of forest lands, Denmark that
has 7 per cent, France and Switzerland
with a small percentage, are all com
polled to import lumber.
Besides these countries, those lands
lying on the dry western side of the
sub tropical zone lacking forests nrc
forced to import wood. Kgvpt imports
wood and coal tn the value of about
fltt.fino.OoO annually; Algeria, Tunis,
Spain, Portugal (with onlv 3 per cent
fon-Ht land), Italy, Greece (with !) per
cent forest land), the eastern part of
Asia, Mntish South Africa, tho west
ern part of Chile and Peru, the Ar
gentine republic and Australia all poor
in wood are dependent upon import.
FOR SALE A four-cylinder "Pacific"
automobile; will Bell cheap; will make
terms if desired. J. M. Jtoot & Son,
over Jackson County Bank. 167
FOK SALE Choice business property
on five years' time. Address Lock Box
418, Medford. 162
FOK SALE Old papers, 5 cents a hun
dred. Tribune office. 160
EOIt SALE Largest rooming house io
Medford; location unsurpassed; genu
ine bargain for the right party; cash
proposition only. Address J. C., care
of Tribune. 175
FOR SALE 3 20-acre ranch, $12,000,
first class improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See
U. E. W., Tribune office. tf
or any other old lime, when you go down town, drop in
and see (he new store, just west of the Moore Hotel.
There are over 'JO(M) useful everyday articles here, all
at a very small cost, quality and usefulness considered.
In Such Lines as
Kitchen and Cooking I'tensils, Dry (loods. Notions,
Pins, Needles, (). N. T. Thread, Combs, Buttons, Elas-
tic, Toilet and Laundry Soap, Fancy China ware and
Glassware, Enameled Tinware, l'.rooms, Brusla
Pockethooks, Knives, Scissors, Stationery, Etc, Kic.
For tomorrow we have
made up a big table of
everyday useful items
that we are going to sell
at, your choice
5c Each
Your Choice
25c Each
lor over 100 pieces of
fancy China, Glass and
.1.. i ii-
v rockery are, ami even
piece a useful everyday
Don't hesitate. Come in and look around. We
would like to get acquainted with you, and we would
like to have you get acquainted with our store and
the line of goods we carry. Whether you come to buy
or just to look around, we will try and make your visit
as pleasant as possible.
Hussey's Cash Store
U 2 West 7th St.
Anybody wishing a nice, new resi
lenco property, 100x150 foot big, with
lawn, fruit and ornamentnl treos, lo
gnn and strawberries, modern in ovorv
way and located on the best street in
Medford, should address P. O. Box
572. ICS
P. F. Heiiiiiicu, the export pomologist,
and his wife went to Woodville Thurs
day evening.
W. K. Page, who recently sold his
. usim'Hs interests and property on C
street, went north Thursday, but will
return soon.
Mrs. Renter of Jacksonville was in
Medford Thursday, accompanying her
daughter. Miss Cordelia, this far on her
way to Ashland.
Oliver .Tones mid V. K. Morrison of
(iriffin Cn etc transacted business in
Medford Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Stewart of n-th
Jacksonville made Medford relatives j
and friends a visit Wednesday.
tieorge A. Morse and A. Weathnrby
of Phoenix precinct have been in Med
ford several times lately.
Mr. IVZiuig. the miner, is in Med
ford on Ins way to Siskiyou county.
' 'altfnrnia. In company with his broth
r he has been developing an excellent
iminng property in Josephine county.
Mrs. I.angley and her daughter are
making Jacksonville n visit.
(ieorgo K. Xeuber of Jackson villi
has made an assignment for the bene
fit of his creditors. T. J. Kenney is
t he assignee.
Mesdatnes John F. Miller and Harry
Uiy visited in Medtonl Thursday aft
I nomas J. Carney and Paul Morette
returned this morning from a trij
throughout central Oregon. They re
port great interest in that section re
garding the building of a proposed line
to tap that country.
FOR SALE Five-acre tracts inside and
adjoining city limits of Medford, on
five years' time. Apply Gold Ray Real
ty Co., in office Condor Water & Pow-
or Co. 1C9
FOR. SALE All my household furni
turn, cheap. II. V. Lumsden. 100
ANYBODY- wishing a nice, new resi
donco property, 100x150 feet big, with
lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, Lo
gan and strawberrie3, modern in every
way ard located on the best street in
Medford, should address P. O. Box
572. , 165
FOK SALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. F. Osenbrugge, Stude
baker Bros.' warehouse.
FOR SALE A good small business on
Seventh street. Reasons for colling.
Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this
office. tf
FOR SALE A first-class pianola-pia-
io; a bargain. P. O, Box 95, Medford.
FOR SALE! Dry cordwood, pino, firj
oak and laurel. F. Osenbrugge, Stude-
bakcr Bros. Co. warehouse. 163
FOR SALE Improved or unimproved
city lots, 5 and 10-acre blocks, near
city; orchards and farm lands. W. M.
French, over Jackson County bank. 179
FOR SALE Lot 50x100, within one
olock of Soventh street; old house;
splendid will; good location for nice
residence; price $i00 cash. Address
h, Tribune. 156
FOR SALE Why pay $200 to $300
for un ord'nnry lot, when you can buy
an acre of ground that will support
a family, planted to small fruit and
gnrd'm, fj- i'200, only one and one
half miles r m postoffice; nlso two
and five-acre tracts, all under irri
gation, ono '(nartcr down, balance- on
easy terms. .lames Bowling, Seventh
and V streets, or P. O. Box 842. 156
FOR SALE Dry oak stovo and cord-
ood. Apply Hotel Nash. 178
'OR SALE Fine residence lots, cheap,
block west of Bungalow addition, West
th st. Inquire on premises. Runi-
se v, 1j
WANTED Experienced middle-aged
woman to do cooking and general
housework; will pay good wages. Call
on Mrs. Copeland, Talent, Or. 163
WANTED At ouco, a waitress at
Blade house, Jacksonville. 160
WANTED To trado. timber claim for
city property; Baker City property for
Medford property : piano for irood
horse. W. II. West.
WANT10D Position in charge of fruit
ranch; recommendations furnished. II.
W., euro Tribune. 161
WANTED Japaueso man and wifo
wish situation as cook, house, or office
work, or can do any other work. Ad
dress N. W. Wah Chong, Ashland, Ore
gon. 52
WANTED Thrco toams, work horses.
about 2t)00; one team ponies about
-000; one team about 2300; must be in
good order and reasonable. W. II,
West & Co. tf
Prepaid Railroad Orders,
"Something which is of considerable
interest to tho public generally and
which is perhaps not generally jenown
is the system of prepaid orders now in
effect between stations of the Sonthern
Pncific company and all points !n the
ntted States. By means of this system
tickets may be purchased at Medford
from any place tn the United Stt8 and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here. Sleeper
accommodations and small amounts of
cash in connection with these tickets
may also be forwarded at tho same
tlms, " tf
Reduced Rates to Livestock Show.
The Pacific National Fair and Lice
stock show will be held in Portland
September L'tst to S-pt ember Jt'.th.
Round trip tickets will be sold at a
fare mid n third for this event, tickets
being en sale September 21, good to
return until September -7. Further pnr
ticiilart at the depot. 163
WANTED Japanese, honest worker,
wants situation such as house clean
ing and garden work, etc.: city or
country; by month, week, day and
hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th
street, near bridge, Medford. 155
WANTED1 To buy from 100 to 300
Bead of stock sheep. Write Box 131,
Medford, Or.
FOR RENT Two houses,
hibit building.
Call at Ex
FOR KENT Furnished room, electric
light, with bath. Mrs. W. W. Eifert. 48
TO TRADE Light single covered bug
gy for two-seated rig. L. E. W.f Tri
bune office. tf
SX FRANCISCO. Cel., 5ept. R
It is announced it the kedffarters of
the Southern Pacific compeny that dur
ing the 13 !v t, colonist Call
forn rati i effect 6000 set
tlern save fccta i :ftt into this state
over thft 9 bfyi.
BERKELEY. Cal., Sept. IS. As the
result of his efforts tit avert a boiler
explosion which threatened the lives
"f employes of the Paraffine Paint com
pany, W. Lewis is suffering from a
broken leg t-iay. ,fter breaking his
leg Lewis crawled to the boiler, opened
the exhaust valve and hanked the fires.
The injector which feeds water into
the boiler failed to work properly yes
terdav afternoon, and when Lewis dis-
en-d t he fact the water was verv
low in the boiler. In his haste to bank
the fires, he stumbled over ap ile of.
brick and his right leg leg snapped. tn
mindful o fthe pain he was sufferir.f. !
Lewis extinguished the fires and open
;.l the exhaust vah noting the.
threatened explosion. H was later
found unconscious bv the side of the
boiler. O
Displaying the New Goods
Something new every time you come in
Almost everv time you come to this store from now on we can show you some
thing brand new. As'fast as the new goods arrive we mark them in plain figures
and put them out on display. "Ve invite you here often to examine the new arri
vals. You are sure to find what you want here, for we make it a rule to try to
keep just what is called far.
Values in Petticoats
$2.50 Heatherblooms $2.00
The window today shows a line of fine Silk Petticoats,
including almost every color and black and white; skirts
that sell in most department stores regular for .$7.50 each ;
we place over (0 of these skirts on sale for, A f. Q
choice -P1.U7
All colors and black and white in fine, large, full,
Ileatherbloom Petticoats, several styles to choose from;
sold almost everywhere for $2.50 ; our price for ff Afl
Ileatherbloom and Satin Skirts, exceptional values,
to choose at
$1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Medford's Exclusive Apparel Store for Women
Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank
The swellest, classiest, fanciest garbs for the night ever
seen in Medford have just arrived and can be seen in our
windows. Tliev are in all colors from unblemished white
to the multihue'd colors of the rainbow. FOR MEN AND
PRICE, and their value cannot lie exceeded anywhere
for the monev.
In these chilly morns and eves that mark the beginning
of autumn the need of warmer UNDERWEAR becomes
JUST APR IV ED The finest line of Underwear of
all kinds ever displayed in Southern Oregon. All stand
ard makes for which we have the exclusive agencv. There
WEAR from $1.50 per suit up. See them. When vou
once wear them you will wear no other.
Then there are new patterns in Don! el's ('rich rated
Linen Mesh, that has no equal..
The famous O. and M., the world-renowned health
giving Duofold and all kinds of cotton, linen, wool and silk
undergarments at prices that suit, from 50 cents a gar
ment up. Where ?
Medford's Fashion Store
for Men. that sets the pace
in stvle and fabric.
The biggest crops
We ever saw.
You're "it," old man.
Give us pour paw.
(iood things are assured and
to boom things along we are
lending a helping hand by
furnishing the very best Ci
gars at the lowest prices con
sistent with the best quality
If you have not tried our ci
gars you have missed a rare
treat. Here's your opportu
nity to test its merits.
Medford 5 cent. R R V 10 cent
and Del Marca 15 cent Cigar
R.R.V. Cigar Works
A big laugh.
Admission iq cents.
Instructor of "piano. Liszt 5ttctb'&
Stulo at H,lnc. t.-rlb J Strtt
phont 824
IH-wry, mo of tin l-t known
of tfei1 city, foot thia iornic i
'ibt Inn. Tfcr lata, b mwvJ lit
:if wA lilMW Mi '..
Th ,nnk wiiniM t tt t for
toA (foe .' irl..l.
Ho CJ lt n , to
!n O
Don't Bother to Cook
Its too hot. Get what you want alret iv f
prepared; we have .t.
We cater to those who want the best.
oo o