MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE MEDFORD, OREGON'. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1908. BILLY DELANY TO E Attell Says He Has Been Poorly Managed in the Past-Cans Gets Offer MANAGE AB SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 17. Abe Attell today promised to fight hard in the future and not to stall, aa he has been accused of doing in his laot few fights. Billy Delaney is installed today as the now manager of the American feather weight champion. "I have been poorly managed in the paot," said Attell today, 'and in tho future I am going to knock out my men. I realize that 1 havo fought too cautiously in the past. Delaney is go ing east with Kaufman and if ho ar ranges a match for me I shnll join him at once." Delaney began his career by offering KutMing Nelson a side bet of 45000 to fight Attell 15 rounds. Wants Gans to Box. Benny Selig, manager for .Too Gans, has :eceived a wire from New York offering the negro ox-champion $2000 tr. box Packy McFcrland, Leach Sross or Tommy Murphy. Sdlig has wired the offer to Gans. who is on his way to Bnltimore. It is nut likttly that Gans will accept, says Sflig, because he wants to tako a rest before entering tho ring again, if he ever does. Nelson Not Anxious to Fight Battling Nelson is not quite anxious to fight just at present. IIo has re ceived soveral offors from magnates duriug the past few days and this morn ing stated that he is oging to stick to the stage for a time. "I am making a big hit in tho Cen tal theater just at present," said Nel souo, "and I am not anxious to get back into the ring until something good trrus up." Nelson received an offer from Har ry D. Edwards of the National club ut Philadelphia offering $1000 if he w uld fight Pneky McFarland a six roiind go during the Founder's week, tho last week of October, which ho de clined. Abo Attell, through new Manager 1,'illy Delaney, has also offered to fight v a ID-round battlo with Nelson for a ' " s:de bet of $5000 in case the match if- made. Nelson laughs at this offer Ho sayo that no promoter can afford r take chances on this fight. EEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Minnie Barlow to II. J. EdwardH, 120 acres in stction 10, town ship 30, rango 1 W f A. 1). Helman to Emilia C. Har rison, property in Ashland . . B. E. King to Mrs. Lou Roberts, lots 33 and 34, block I, Kail road addition to Ashland .... Hattie T. Seiner to Lora A. Law rence, V iS of S E V4 and W t!2 of S W Va of N E yx section 12, township 40, range 2 E... .T. E. Plaisted to W. M. Holt, 89.5 acres in section 15, town ship 30, range 1 E 10 10 10 Fred G. Stinsnn to Daily and McComb, HO acres in section 27, township range 1 . 4750 Melissa C. Taylor to Almira Blader, lots 1, 2, 5 und 0, block 0, Jacksonville Elizabeth A. Smith to J. W. Ab bott, 100 acres in D L C 45, township 39, range 1 E ,Tnhn A Doney to George W. Brown, 1.10 neres in Ashland George W. McNabb to Henry C. Cole, lots 3 and 4, block 2, Pracht's Alaska addition to Ashland Abel D. Helman to Ann R. Greg ory, lot 2, block 19, Chitwood tract Abel D. Helman to C. V. Crews, property in Ashland Charles M. Allen to H. M. Coss, land in township 38, rango 1 W Thomas W. Harriott to William T. Grieve, ItiO acres in section 12, township 33, range 2 E . . . George E. Neubrr to J. D. Heard, mining property W. II. Barr to W. It. Coleman, undivided third interest in soc tion 12, township 34, range 1 E Frederick G. Stimson to A B. Doremus. 80 acres in section 27, township 30, range 1 W ... Pacific Coal company to P. F. Murphy, land in soction 25, township 37, range 1 W Fred Hansen to Mrs. Emma E. Coffee, property in Chitwood 5000 10 in 10 0000 10 10 50 5000 tract, Ashland - 20000 T. W. Daily to A, B. Doremus, 80 acies in station 2", township 3fl, range 1 W Abel D. Helman to Martha Y.. Rapp, property in Ashland . . . Ah D. Helman to George W. Stephenson, property in Ash land Abel D. Helman to Emma Steph enson, property in Aahland .. 1 James Grossman to J. E. Plaisted, acres land in section 15, township 39, rango IE 10 I). B. Soli.M to H. N. Marry, property in Barr 'a addition to Med ford 500 H. N Marry et al. to O. G. Gar rett, property in Barr's addi tion to Medford 2500 R. L. Burdir to H. M. Coss, prop erty in Medford 1250 R. L. Burdie to H. M. Coss, prop- erty in Medford 4000 Medford Tribute, 60e per month. RE"AX "WESTERN' 3RONCO ' WITH BUFFALO BILL Let no on fear thit they "will not see plenty of real excitement with Buffalo Bill s Wild West when it exhibits in this eitv. There will be plenty of ex citement, of the genuine sort, and not the least will be. furnished by the rough rider delegation which consti tutes a part of the entertainment. The horsemen, drawn from the equestrian nations of the world, will lumisa a wide variety of during feats, ranging from the fearles Cossacks from Russia to the American cowboy from our own western plains. Tho cowboys will introduce the real ism of life in the boundless weat; an existence which is led in the free, open air of the prairies. They will show the sports with which they while away tho hours of leisure which fall to their lot in pursuit of their call- ug as herdsuien and watchers over the cattle which graze upon the plains. The most interesting features of their life naturally center around their horses thoir care and management. It must be remembered that most of tho animals run looso during the winter and when spring comes and they are called into requisition for tho active work of the roundup their cpiriu have largely reverted to tho wild state from which the broncho of today originated. The work of taming them is the most important feature of a coWboy's ex istence. To be a successful herdsman, he must bo a "broncho buster" of unfailing expertness. One of the most diverting features of Buffalo Bill's exhibition will be a truthful representation of ' broncho busting" by real cowboys and real bronchos. Their antics may bo describ ed as pure devilishness on tho part of the horse and pure recklessness on the part of tho riders. No one seems to know just whv a broncho makes him self so disagreeable; it seems to bo born in him. No attempt is made to train them; it is not even correct to say they are broken. Thoy aro simply busted." It is not a gentlo process for tho horse, nor is it short of any thing but violent for tho rider. Often the animal has to be thrown before tho Badle and bridle can be fixed upon him. The "bridle" by the way, is a halter, brob band and throat latch, with a circle of leather which passes around tho jaws. Tho tackle, when pulled tight, closes tho broncho's mouth and shuts off the wind The rider must mount with agility; often- he does it by straddling the prostrate horse and letting him scramble to his feet with the rider upon his back. Once the broncho has his four feet planted upon the earth the veal fun begins. A description of tho exhibi tion is almost impossible. There are several varieties of bucking und the horso cometimeR uses them all in one melange of devilishness. Tho perform ance is fraught with great danger to the rider, and at every exhibition given by Buffalo Bill's rough riders a dozen men tnko their lifo in their hands in subduing tho half-crazed and always thoroughly angered b onchos. Jt is : 11 genuine; there is no deception about a western broncho. Notice to Stockholders. Notice is hereby given that there will be a special mooting of stockholders of the Medford-Blue Ledge Telephone Co., September 18, 190S, at 2 o'clock p. m., at the Commercial club rooms, tc consider tho sajo of tho company's properties and dissolution. Bv Older of tho president. II. WITHINGTON, Secretary. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST The following is a list of letters re maining uncalled for at the postoffice at Medford, Or., September Ifi, 1908: Mrs. Caro Cliff, Hutchinson & Pierce, Lewis A. Mr Arthur. Mrs. Inez Moore 3). B. J. Popham, Mrs. Martha Rus sell, C. E. Stoddard. E. 0. Woodworth, J. T. Wilkinson, Mr. Weston Lumber Co. A charge of 1 cent will be made upon the delivovr of each of the above let ters. Parties calling will please say adver tised. A. M. WOODFORD, P. M. St. Mary's Academy Directed by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. Medford, Or. Rates for the scholastic year, or per iod of 40 weeks: Boarding School. Board, tuition and laundry $180.00 Private room 50.00 Day School. Tuition, primary and grammar grades $20.00 High school and spoeial course.. 30.00 Luncheon for day scholars who too far from school to rteurn home, or who prefer a warm meal at noon 50.00 Special rates to parents entering two or more childron. Music Department. Piano, two lessona per week . . . 60.00 Violin, two lessons per week . . , 60.00 Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc 60.00 Vocal, two lessons per week . . . 60.00 N. B. The rates quoted above in elude an hour's practice daily, under the supervision of a sister. Art Department Pen, ink, charcoal and water colors $ 30.00 Oil 40.00 Miscellaneous. Graduating fee (at completion of four-year academic conrse) . . 15.06 Library fee l.0 Laboratory fee 6.00 Singing in concert, physical culture, elocution in class, art needle work, plain sewiDg, do not form extra ehargea. The sisters are happy to inform their friends and the publie that the new and commodious building and the mod ern improvements introduced therein, enable thrm to ensure the comfort ef pupils while facilitating educational ad vantages. Write for program of studies, also for booklet concerning drew regulations, etc. Address: BIBTEK 8T7PEEIOE, 87. MART'S ACADEMY, MEDFORD, OR. Day School Department at St. Mary's Academy published in another column. These are the fixed rates in all the schools of the Sisters of the Holy Names, but, as the Sisters' main endeavor is to work for the physical, intellectual and moral de velopment of youth, they wish the par ents who feel that they can not meet these rates, to call and see them with the assurance of being being received with every courtesy and of finding the Sisters willing to co-operate in the great work of forming the youth as good citizens. To Our Good Friesd The Farmer: Before sendlug your money uwuy on Mail Orders suppose you Just peruse tliu ADVUltTlSINU COLUMNS ot tula paper for b:u'r;i!::s. Of course If you dou't seo ADVUUTIS15D here wli:it you waut you are quite likely to yiekl to the temptation to buy through n cntnlogue. Some of our lornl Merchants have discovered that the best way to com bat Mail Order competition is to use the chief ammunition of the Mall Or der people-ADVKKTISINO. Xo doubt you compare notes ns between Home Advertisers and Forelpti Advertisers the outsiders nud prefer to trade at home If you see what you want. LOCAL MARKET. Tho fololwing quotations are an im partial report of ths prices paid by Med ord dealers: Wheat 85e per buBhel. Flour 2.76 per cwt. Whole barley $23 per ton. Hay $12 per ton. Alfalfa $10 psr ton. New potatoes $1.25 per ewt. Butter 40e per roll. Lard 10c per pound. Beans 5c per pound. Eggs 22VjO per dozon. Sugar $6.60 per ewt. Turkeys 13c per pound. Hams 12o por pound. Shoulders 10 per pound. Hogs 4c to 6c por pound. Cattle 2 to Sc per pound. SaJlownese Transformed to Dusky Beauty A dark kin be comet fucinating when dehrarelr wft, undrrxprcad with the radiant How which indi catc 4 healthy. 4tiie Robert inc kecpa the sir in refined in quality, keep oreifrcr froiiiclniii waste tod itiimiUtri tle tiny rai'lianc to contribute tiiccoloi wf.irhi harms m bl-mdeand brunette alike Robert ine i certain protei lion ayin.t tan, uDhuru and itrrk'et if applied k-e lore eti-umrr to tun 01 win, J Spreadi like an inipen cprihli- ilirrr f orrittin air fare, funtiinp' i If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't I matter what you want is, try I a Want Ad in The Tribune. BUSINESS CARDS. COXVia ft DURHAM, Attorneys-a t-k&w. Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Wm M. Colvif, Medford, Or. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. W. Oonklin 36; J. H. Butler 148. GO TO DR. GOBLE FOR TOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, 8EVENTH STREET. "He Has No Other Business." E. R. SEELT. M. D. Physician and 8urgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. XRuj. Office Hours, 10 13, 2 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Sank Bldf. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist. Office in tho Grand Theater bldg. Phone 35. Seventh and Main. . G M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed on short ootice. Leave orders with chief of police. BALL & GLOSOOCK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with O. H. Fierce ft Sou. Phone 663. P. O. Box 7U, Stationery "We carry a complete line of Stationery and School Supplies. See our bargain box paper. We deliver goods to any part of city. Medford Pharmacy Phone 10G4. Near P. O. it is up to You What Will You Do? If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking down your system day by day, then you may reflect for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Golden Grain Granules Xo man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily. GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 25c. Order a package today. All grocery sell it. A Seven RoomHouse can e. built now for what a six-room will cost a little later. Js this worth taking ad vantage of? Our stock is complete and we solicit your orders for your requirements, pledging satisfactory service. Crater Lake Lumber Co. $200 down and $10 por mouth with out interest will buy 10 torua of choice orchard land, one mile from railroad station. Call at our office and we arrange to show you these tracts. Wor rell & D; easier, west of Seventh street, near Moore hotel. 170 Mr. Marshall, tho weulkuowu dairy man, amt his son, who live neur Central Point did business in Medford Wednes day. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAV I Northbound No. 16Oregon Express.. 5:24 p. m. 0:40 a.m. 10:35 a. m. 3:20 p. m. 9:15 p. m. No. 14Portland Express soutnoouna No. 15California Express.. No. 13 San Francisco Exp No. 225From Grants Pass No.225For Ashland 10:15 p. m. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY No. llLeaves Medford . . 8:10 a.m. 3:50 p. ni. 10:28 a. in. 5:03 p. m. No. 3 Loaves Medford.... No. 21 Arrives Medford pjo. 4Arrives Medford.... BOQUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY "tio. 2Loavoa Medford. . . . It: 45 a. m. 5:35 p. m. 2:00 p. in. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a. m. 3:30 p. ul 1:30 p.m. 7:30 p. m. No. 4 Motor Motor Leaves Medford .... Leaves Medford .... iLeaves Medford .... No. 1 Leavos Jacksonville. Leaves Jacksonville. No. 3 Motor Leaves Jacksonville. MotorjLeaves Jacksonville.. MAIL CLOSES. 1A.M. IP. M. Eagle Point Northbound Southbound Jacksonville 7:20J 9:00 4:01 2:50 5:20 9:11)! 10: OS 10:20 Why Not Iron In Comfort? No reason to be uncomfortable In a hot, Btuffy kitchen. You can take your Eleolrio Iron to any part of the house where there is a light socket. An extonsion cord from tho kitchen light will enablo you to use it on the porch. Telephone Main 855 and havo an Electric Iron sent you on one week's froe trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successor to Condor Water Powor Co. Office 206 West Seventh St., Opposito Big Electric Sign. Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES! mi ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. Thorough, training In commercial, shorthand and English branches. Our hih-dnss truiuing is proverbial, our facilities for placing graduates Is not surpassed, nnd tho simillncns of the oxponse in securing such an education hore is ' approcinted. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1908-1909. All students who socuro a nine months' scholarship and entor at the beginning of tlio ttnn, September 7th, will bo entitlod to tho combined course-iommereial, shorthand nud English to July 1, 1003. Ton months of expert, praotieal, Indi vidual instruction for (G0.00. Investigate and attend the ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. PERKINS . ARCHITECTS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson W. W. CITY TAILOR Tribune Ads ex FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CALL ON H. M. COSS CORNKR WKST TrnTH AND K STRRHES City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Laud,' Hay Land Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta tion to and from all tracts. Office hi residence. No comm ssiou business. I buy asd sell direct. Bargains I have a few fitic Pianos left that I will sell at a bargain. a Call at my office in rcaidonco, corner "West Tenth and K Streets. in heavy or light soles. Pat ent Leather, Kid of Calf sizes and widths to fit any foot. We Guarantee Every Shoe We Sell Special lino of Men's and Women's High Top Shoes for the wet weather. Wear Van Dykes & JANNEY i AND ENGINEERS County Bank Building. THE BEST THAT'S OOI1TO. aftor a good din nor at this restaurant you'll gut (i pk'UHunt Burprian. Instead at wondering if you havo to "go light" for tho roHt of tho wcok to make up for tho good time you havo had, you'll find that your meal lion cost you much Iobs than you oxpcctml. Come and enjoy both the dinuor nnd the unusual expe rionce N71SH QAhE If You Will focus your oye on tho Bwell made-t-ordor Suits wo aro offering, yon wfll roulizo at onco that thoy are excep tional values. You will find over Ave -hundred different suitings here frees which to make a seloctiou. We wowld : like to ttiky your nieasureniente aw. French Dry Gleaning and Pressing neatly done. EIFERT MEDFORD Bring Results in Pianos II. M. COSS.