if. .ILEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORiy OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMHKR Ifi. IMS. s" 4.-4. " 4- SAYS EASTERN PRESS DOES n 7MIT;TREATBRYAN FAIRLY i ' LONDON, Sept; 16. Samuel H. tton lawyer or few lork, left this anja. Air. 'Untcuaeyer thinks Bryan feus a good chance of being the next president. i i P Viewing the poHtical situation 4- Mtne-wledge of political conditions, on-souietiegets a better pmpec-v- tive than when in the heat of the fray' said Mr. Uutermeyer. . l have been deeply interested in the obvious change of opinion in the 4 eust concerning Mr. Bryan and his policies. Among the conservative ?-element he is no longer- regarded ?-wiUrdi9trusit-:ven-.aHMng the most 'partisan of bis political opponents, and his sincerity and ability ) ""are-today concede! by the f air-miWdecr 'mh' of all "partieB. 'It rarely "' haB been the good fortune of any public man out of office bo success- fully to withstand the test. For years ho has occupied the centor of "the stage, and ho is today a bigger man- and better beloved than at , any other time in his careor. He bus lived to see his ideas of corpo- -rate control, for which he was denounced .and dorided,and bis good ' faith uttackcd, appropriated by his opponents. , 1 "I do not believe tho press of the east fairly represents Mr Bry. an's strength in the pending struggle.-.. I bolieve no was an equal chanco of winning audtliut hra ft-ietory7will be -the greafe-st sblesaiug that has come to the nation in many years. "It is true I am a corporation lawyer, but above all I am a citizen. As a corporation lawyer, I know ' management and the necessity fon - On the two great issues of tariff TOform anumorccfToctivo Torporattf control now before tho people it-SQcms absurd to expoct the people will -4- get as fair treatment or that it will bo as easy to inaugurato the dras- 'tic reforma-that aro ne'eded'under tho guidance of thdTepubHenn'pnrty -t- 'which is dominated -by the interests that are to be affected; Jns under -t- tho.democrutie-pnrtyy-wbieb- has-no- such affiliatious.Amid the-deafeu--f- ing'clamor of tho tooting horns and tho shrieking of whistles about tho punishment Of Wealthy bffendofr "against" the" laws"vcry "little has been done, and onlv few of the least nernicious abuses have been abat vd.f Tho real work is still to bo and other lawbreakers within the -.--"Even tuat.whieh has beeiu accomplished- bas been, done !by;-the - - -president almost kinglehanded-nnd against the protest of themost pow-v . erful party associates he had had nothing but abuse from powerful , ' iliterests that are now supporting Taft.Ir llis eutouragement has-corad ' from democrats, and nono has been broader 6r more patriotic than MY.' Bryan.'. 'ilt is fair .tojudgo, n party, .as , a. man, by .the company -it ? ' keepsilWhcre aroi the Jaw-defying- trnstaiand -corporations i in this ? fight t Has anybody any doubt?" r. .,. , ... ,; , - . ' .. .- , -. :: : ,' : ' ' BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. C. P. Briggs, whilo ridiug, was thrown from his horse; which- had a bucking fit, and Mr. Briggs sustained painful injuries to his right hip nnd was. oth erwise injured, but not f seriously. )le is able to bo around -on-crutchee. J Doubloday is down from his home stoa'd and will renmin a short time. .. . Mrs. Jila Milea, with . Shorty and wife, aro all at tho homestead.' 1 'Mrs. Miles Is improving her claim in a splen did manner and is a most deserving woman. x , Professor Wright of Ohio-has arrived and will open school . Monduy;, 'Sep tember 14. He appears td bo well 'suit ed -for- the- place -and will no doubt give good satisfaction. John Lee of Eagle Point is Vishing our town. v ' ' ' "" - Mr. Hnwk, a sawmill man of the new ly surveyed lands, made a trip to 'Hound top mill with a view of buying the ma chinery. ' . .r I , . '' T f Frank Nctherlaud ' and' .1" J. Pattnii are making a trip to Medford. Ben Fredenburg, Charley Obenelinin and Clarke Edmonson are driving their stock to Medford market, the stock having been sold to Pottingcr. Tho cat- .. .tLe were in prime .condition... r.v,r " 0. Adams and family started iron- day for a visit to Medford. '""" ' Father Fredenburg of Medford "Is spending some time in our town vis iting kin and friends. Mail Carrier Rayburn suffered the loss of his mother, who died lately at an advanced ago. C. E. Wolvcrton of Sills Springs was interviewing our merchants lately John Allen is driving his marketable cattle to Medford. J. II. Miller and B. H. Harris- have gono to the valley and from there in company with some Michigan friends will make a trip to Crater lake during tho week. Some of our boys had considerable sport in killing n porcupino on Satur day. The dog fight was interesting, but finally the "porky" was", dispatched, but not until ho left his mark in the throat of tho dogs. It is reported that some of the young men are in the habit of carrying con cealed weapons. This is a bad and un lawful practico and troublo is apt to como from it. Miss Steppe has been visiting the Obenelinin family. It is a strange coincidence that for est fires have increased since the rnng- - ers have been on duty. There are enough of them to keep down all fires and it would be well to harc- thcmbnnithp woods of nil litter in the early spring months, as did the Indians. - Judge, Pcnta has been in attendance . - upon the court and homestead:' Ho does not find nny business demanding the exercise of his judicial functions. The county judge and commissioners aro to bo commended for tho oxcellent .- rond work boing dono on the road be tween Eagle Point nnd Brownsboro. Lot' the good work go on and the ' bridges and culverts along the road from Brownsboro up the Obenehain road be looked after. Sntnc nro dangerous. Ed Walker of the Iowa lumber camp is paying a visit to Medford in eon , ; ncction with business for Crabrr Lake ' company B. H. 'Harris and .7. H. Miller have returned from Medford. ' ' Robert L. Wilson has left Bntte Falls to make an extended trip to Coos Bay. He mav invest there. ff a-x J. tteppart baa sold his raneb prop erty. 'CP. flriggs has purchased the D. T. Bichards storb room nnd house. ' ; JJ Teubledny is . supplying J. P Hughes with a fine ntt of shakes. Mr. - Doubleday is also imjiroving his Butte Falls property. John Leo of Eagls Point expects to mako Butte Falls his home Mr. Lee is an excellent carpenter and contrac tor and will no dnubt find plentr to do. - - Mrs. Peott Claspill it improving much in health. Mrs. O. W. Albert ha! a fine run of tiprmanunt nnA trnnainnt tinnn!ira nnd ' all f-peflk In high terms of her UMr 4-4 -f-f y ' Tnternieyeiy a well known rpora-v. morning tor home on tM' Unit- f-f. ; from - a distance, with a 'eortuiu 1' - something of the abuses of. corporate . for grcaterontrol:Ukau now'eiists. dona to bring tho powerfulcorpornto -f : law. . t Al- Boardraan treut' to: thoi valley Sunday to assist John Alleu iji stock matters. ? . t ' .; d ' ! 4 ; Alvin lfaycs Tf mothdrhavo'rmov" cd to Grants Pass. ... C. O. Baker has been -Bufforing with a. bad -attack oft tonsilitia.1 Ho :ifl Jm pfrfvlng. ' - " i Franli. Tico 'OXpoots1 to1 take Mrs. Miles and . Shorty, ' with' his wife, to tho valley., Mrs. Miles has been on hor homestead .a' long' .time and has made many permanent' improvements. All the housowivos aro busily 'engag-od- in. canning land 'preserving' fruits and boarders enjoy much sweetness thesa times. - j '.: From thes indications of tho heavy "mart'1 crop this is likely to bo a sevoro winter. r William Perry, has been, supplying to several of our citizens a' fine-quality of grain hay. ;' B. Y Fredenburg expects to"t)'uild a fino. homo .in Butto Falls. . t T lrofc's8or Wright' bpc nod schoof with an avorago attendance and many will enroll from the surrounding country, as the attraction of our new and beautiful school building is a drawing card. Schools and churches build up a town aud7improvo thu, quality , ofcitiaou ship. Mrs. Frank Nethcrland has removed from "Butt 0 Falls to" Derby td bo near Frank, and his work. Mr. Nethcrland is arranging to build a fino residence on his recently acquired ranch. ,j L. P. Castor contemplates building a new residence and has some bf tho materials on the ground. i County Surveyor Grisez and Viewers Frank Neil and Will Perry will soon view out. tho roposed routo of the now road around Hocky hili. , j H "Chuck it, Dukel" ! ' While the1-Dalie of Connaugbt trna In Cairo be went for a stroll one', morn ing, nnd on bis way back to bttf quar ters he enme face to face with Ini'old lC!iMslnn:in Wearing the ribbon :of lii IndUm mutiny on his breast? The duke stopped and spoke to the man about Ids military service for some little time. Presently the uinu said not knowing, of course, to wlioifTitic wiis speaking. "Are you In th army yourself, then, sir?" The dukentn1lcd and admitted that he wus. "Getiing on all right?" was the next qut?KCIoii The duke smiled ngnln and said 4hat he bad uot very much to grumbloi at. on -tlio-wbtiej-aliouKh- perbap he -was not doing quite so well as he ('quid wish. "Xo. and you never will. liny boy." was the surprising retort oHthe veteran. "What you want in the itimy today Is either brains or n trPinef.uV,i amount of Influence behind you. I eVnu may tnke ray tip, old chap, and Knr-Ic Itr-London T. P. O. r.nrinn With tlmhrIU. Recently u I-YhicIi publication pfluC ed a picture of some American tflrls fencing with umbrellas nnd stated ilint they were tr.vlnu to acquire tbultlie nccossnrv skill and ussurnnce to pai'rv. with a shnplv gesture, an nttacl o" Apaches. .j It also stated that this sport will: not bom lu America: that for several .vars In Krance a notod fencing uii.ltri'KS. I Mme. Oullleiuot. nt the buiuo time tlut Bbe taught fencing, with the sword Tor hygienic reasons and for personal' d fense, also tauclit her pupils to "iiLny" with the umbrella. i The article finishes by saying tliil II in ertUtl-il4Uiuil" that thla.unM:Tb application of nn ancient Hpttvt tv;is tnught by a PnrtsleiinotnuK before America claimed the Original Idea. Dusiness Sense. "Has that tilled sou ln law at yilrs I nny business sense?" j . "yes." answered Mr. DustlnKtay "1 I must say I admire his foreslifhtSnnd I Hirnclry. He absolutely refn'l tu take any chances on my reirirdnS'r hlii I as a poor relnllon."-Wiii"blii(ttr) trif j f. j A cynic y thnt the laws & havo n terror for him: he only ft-ars the Jaws of life. Hi Is tnaT'lel - j 8n Tira Day School Department at St. Mary's Academy published in another column. Those are ?tTTX"h !! Sitters f the Holy Names, but, as ths SiBten'naiaadeavor is to work for tua physical; iitellectnal and moral de- volopment bl youth, they wish the par ent, who feci 4hat they can not meet these TatesJtoUall and see them with the aaauraaW'oi being being toceived with every ideutrsy and of finding the Sistetto willing to co-operate in tho great work-of forming the youth as good citizens. Our Good Friend The Farmer: H 1 I r Before sending your money uwuy on Mall Orders" t.p;njso you just peruse the ADVERTISING COLUMNS ot tills, pnper for 4jai'jali. 'Of courao If you'dou;t six; AlitfUUTlSUD hero wh-.i you-want yon nro quite likely to ylclu to the tDinp:otielr:, to buy tUroui.li n catalogue.' ' Borne lot our local Merchants have flfectivered that the best Nvny to com bat Mall Order competition Is to use the chief nuununltlon of the Mn!l Or- Jet people-ADVEHTISlNG. No doubt yoa comparo notes as between Home Advertisers nnd foreign Advertisers the outsiders nnd prefer! to trade at home If you see what youl want. 1 1 1 i . 1 1 1 '1 LOCAL, MAEILET. Thb' fololwihg quotations are an Im partial report of the prices paid hy Med- ord dealers: ; -AVheat 85c per bushel. 1 Flour-$2.75 per cwt. Whole barley $23 per ton. Hay $12 jwr ton. , Butter Oe per roll. Lard lOe -per-ponnd. Beans 5o per pound, j 'fEggs-22i4e per dozen- J Sugar $0.60 per cwt. Turkeys 13c per pound. Hams -12c per pound. Shoulders 10c per pound. Hogs io to 8c per pound. GatHt 2 to 3Vj per pound. to Uusky beanty A dark iiki become fesrunmng hen delicately oHt ilth Uie radUnt ffJow trti it'll ln-li' cat ci a heutiiy. active ittu Kotu tt inc k.eeu the ikiu wfiucd iii)it:ilti 1lc pi yortt frit front cloyw g wAir Andtimuuit 'hebtT fatitlLrif.ty font film te the color wliirh rlunun 11 bMftndbninrttraliU Kolirrt ioe it certain prorrctimi jnfMi t.in, unburn sjkJ freckle if applied he, ftfft il ira iiu un fit kiuil SprraiW like an imircri)tir due , of(rauteoerkiilfcti fict.f.ifM.ins r fhraJil atirnutatiiiji ft'l'v''''11 ''- ' 1 JeIirate.liuinMi.c rt V- " -' -'j, If you have lost or found anything, need work, oj have something to sell, it doesn't I matter what VOU Want IS, try Waut Ad toTrie Tribune. . - BOSINBtia CABB8. . 0DL"VlO ft DURHAM, ' i Attornej-at-kaw. i: Oeo. Kd Durkam, OranU Pass, Or. Wa)? M..OelTlf. Medford. Or. j DR. A. B. 8WEET Physician and 8urgeon. ' Office at Residence. Medford Furniture Co. Undertakers -Day fhone 3S8; Night Fhouosi C. W. Couklin 38 j. J. HButler 148. 00 TO OR. OOBLB FOB TOUR OLAaSES. i Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, '. SEVENTH' TREET. s ' "He Has No Other Businea."' ; E. R. BE ELY. 1L D. Physician and Burgeon V. 1 -Modorn Equipped Operating eomk. X-Ray. Office Hours, 10-12, I t P.' M; Office In Jackson County Ban! BlOg. When others fail, call on' II DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist. Office in' the Grand Theater bldg. Phone 35. . : Seventh aui Main, O. M. JONES, City Scavenger. -rG&rbaga of uil,kinds roinoved on short notioev Leave-' 'orders with chief 1 ef police. r' BALL & GLOS0O0K, . (Toetntetors and Builders. '''' All Work Ouaranteed. -Office with 0. H. Pierce ft 8ou. , Phone 653. P. 0. Dos 7.7L Stationery AVc carry a coinpletfj iline of Stationery and School Supplies. Sec our bargain box paper. "We deliver goods to any part of city. i ! Medford Pharmacy Phono 10G-1. :. Near P. O. it is up to " You r What Wmt You::Do? If you do a lot of -tliiiikingif your: brain is actijve and the strain is wearing put your nerves and breaking down your system daft byay,. then you may reflect for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a paqk- age of . ... ...... .....vi . No man can'consmne the same time; he ought to daily, .GOLDEN GRAIN ior to Coffee, although; it coffee and smells like coffee. fioldeipQramGraiiulesI in any grocery store for 25c. Order a package todah'. All grocery OTE of the faot that at our yard you can get three kinds of finish pine, fill or cedar that our fir is shipped from tho'Jiorth exclu sively and that we can make prompt deliv eries on all estimates. Grater Lumber Uake $200j down and 10 por month with, out interest will buy 10 acros of oholc orchard land one mile from railroad station. Call at our office and we arraego to show you these -tracts. Wor rell & Diesaler; west of Seveuth street, near Moore hotel.. 170 . Before you buy a raugo,' see : the many exclusive features of the Mon arch Malleable Iron and Steel Rango. Bold only by H. C. Garnott. 150 Medferd Time Table SOUTHERN PAOIFIO RAILWAY Northbound TTi I No, 10Oregon Express...., 5:C4p. m. Jfo. 14 Portland Express... 8:49 a.m. Southbeund California - Express.. 10:35a.m. No. 181 No. 13 Sau Francisco Exp.. 3:20 p. m, No. 225From Grants Pass.. 9:16 p.m. No, 226For Ashland. .. . 10:15 p. m. PAOIFIO ft EASTERN RAILWAY ! No. lLeaves - lfedford. . 8:10 a.m. 9:60 p.m. Ne.S Leaves Medford. Noi2Arrivs Medford.. No, 4Arrives - Medford. 10:81a.m. 5:08 p.m. ROOUH RIVER TALLET RAILWAY "So. Seaves Medford "ioT45 a. m. 8:85 p.m. a.-00p m. 0:00 p.m. 9:00 a. m. 8:80 p. m 1:30 p. m 7:80 p. m No. 4 Leaves Medfurd..,.. Meter Leaves Medford . . . . Motor Leaves- Medford . . . . . No. 1 Leavos Jacksonville,, No. 3 Leavos Jacksonville.. Motor Loaves' Jacksonville.. MetorfLeaves Jacksonville. . . - MAIL OLOaEtX pnnpra Eagle "Point.....;.. Northbound Southbound ........ 7:201 9:01 9: ID 4:6 B:Ci 8:2' 10:05 Jacksonville 10:10 Why Not Iron In Comfort? . iNo toasoD to be uncouifortHblo in V hot, ttuff7 kltehM. ; , , , You can Uko yttr an put of th houjo whr k a light luckut. . 1 i 1 i ' , . An oxtflnaioD, cord from the kitohei light will enable you to use It on tb porch,'--"- ' 1 lI- ''i j ,,(Telopliono Main S55 and hnvd an Ijsloctrio Iron, Bent you on one week 'is free. trial, i , j ' ' ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO.- Successor to Condor Water Power Co Office 80fl West Seventh St.,) ' ' " Opposite Big Kleetrie Sign, i ' -'' ' ' his strength and retain it replenish an equal amount GRANULES is far, eupdr look3 like coffee, tastes li "A big package can be hid E sell it. :Z at ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLlEGEjl'j Ashland, Oregon. Thorough, practical training In commercial, shorthand Sningpatf, brunches. ' Our high-class training is proverbial, our facilitjos for piuig,gViluatui Is not surpussed, and the smallness of the expense in securing, suohjup idistitn here is appreciated. ., . . f : J jfUUfit) I SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1908-1909. AH students who eccuro a nine months' scholars hip and enter at the beginning of the tiTiu, September 7th, will bo entitled to the combined courae-tomraerclai, uhorthand and English to July 1, llUUi. , .Ten niooUi pf prtDaatifaal. indi vidual instruction for $CO.00, Investigate and attend' lh6 ; ' " " ' ASHLAND COiIJIERCIA..COLLEGE;, PERKINS ARCHITECTS Plans, Specifications, Supoi'intendence. . Sui'veyihg i : in all its branches. , 'U,J", ' Rooms 28-29, Jackson W. W. CITY TAILOR ! Tribune -AdsBringlReSDlts trrrr v a nfTTxr iiii ) ?..rf i'i's Oregon 's Matchless: Beach: Resort The Place to Go. for! Perfect Rest and Every Ooiaceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS- '"RAGl I-ITIES A11E COMPLETEBest of food and iiii'abuiidaiice i of itl modern necessities, such freshly provided everyday." Fuel in abundanceCfettagea partly furnished or nlifurniihed to be had cheaply.xaStrict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT )9 f eaohed;by:way b the Spiitherj VjfafKjKc to Albany or Corvallis, thence, Corvallia & Eas:ern,3jI R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure'1 throughout Rate From Medford rlrrt SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET,' HO-OO,, Our elaborate new summer book gives a concise , description ef Newport including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone ot. write ' A. S. B08ENBATW, WM. McMTJBEAY, ( Lewd Agent, Medford Qeaeral Passengar Agonal -Portland FOR BARGAINS A" CALL ON H ; M. Corner West Tenth and K Strkkks City Property, Piirui Lauds, Orchard Land,' Hay,,L'?nd , Improved and Unimproved Lnnds. Piices reasonible and easy terms to suit purchasers. "" Free transporta tion to and from all tracts. . Office iii residence.r"',''No eomm ssion business. I Bargains in Pianos ' I have a few fine Pitnos left that I wil sell at a bargain. , Call at my. office in residence, corncr,,)y;e9t rciith'hnd K StR-cts. I 'mi i ! ,..'. i ' i." ',,'., m ig- i.j lhii,j t: THE MjSpFpUD DAILY ) WEtV STillVlCE IN & JANNEY AND ENGINEERS "i" ".!.. :.. '..I ,r.-.i.; - I.'-.I -,..t'..!.i(., Coimty, Bank Building. THE BEST THAT'S) oonro. '-i.-.i.,-;., aftor a good dinner t this rostaurant you'll got n loasnnt' surprisoiMnstead of wondering if yon have to "gb light" for tho rest ef the weok' to make up for the good time yon have hadj .you'll find that your monl has cost yon much less than jou expected.''1 Come and enjoy 'both the dinner aud the' unusual expe Tlenco'; 'f '""! '"l" i ' If You Will focus your eye on , he vel made-te-ordur, Suits we ore, offering, jreu will jroaliao at ouco tliat they are, eieep tional values. You.JviU find' Jivsr ttr , hundred .different, suitings,, iere turn which to make a BeloctioiK woald like to take your measurement now. ; French, , Dry , Clpanng,-,' anressing -neatly dono.i iij . . . -i .h i EIFERT ' :.;i.' i f. 'MEDFORD a i iav -i .i,,., ..i. ....... ' - '' -" - Freshi water from.springsjo All aSutelegraphi 'telephpn.W68 IN REAL ESTATE i I . :l iioi V i.!..!lill GOSS : : :ts buy and sell direct. ..),.. i ,. 1I.M.QQSS. TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST SOVfMlW&TlEOON. Q 1 li