Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 15, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
Do not fail to consult Mad&mo Fay,
clairvoyant and medium. Odell block,
room 3. tf
The boat lot in Bungalow addition,
just off Sevonth street; can be bought
ut a bargain if taken at once. Write
box 508.. 352
Dennis Puggiin of Sums Valley, on
old time friend of the Houthern Orego
nian, called the office Monday.
Poter Young, one of t he inerg t ic
young farmers of Kagle 1'omt district
was a bufltht'KH visitor hero Naturduy
II. A. IlanHi'om of Talent informn
us that his eliililren, who were afflict
ed with dtphtlierin, are coimilem:cnt.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hunter ami W.
It. Nynwarner, who livo near I'hoenix,
spent Sunday afternoon in Med ford.
J, L. Kngwlnle, M. I). Howies and
Mr. Martin of Lake ('reek were in
William Kendall came down from
liia Climax liomeKtead for a few dav'
stay in Medford.
M. R. Hack of Apidegato transact
ed biiHiness in Metlford ono day during
the week.
J. H. Hear, a veteran of the civ
war, has crturned from Heattle, Wash.,
where he han been stopping for several
J. Faugh t was in Medford Monday
and offers his wood ranch in Jackson
Crook district for salo.
Oscar Talent, who is improving a
largo body of fine laud in Antioch
precinct, was ia Medford Monday.
Mrs. V. T. McCray has gono to Oil
ifornia on a visit with relatives living
at Stockton.
Hnncroft coming Monday and Tms
day nights. l.r5
H. W. Huston, the pioneer miner, was
among tho many in M cod ford during the
past wcok.
Charles Ohenchain and Charles Kd
mondson wero down from Hig Hutte
Monday afternoon.
Misbcs Lena t'lrich nnd Kertha Trim
wero Medford vim turn Sunday after
noon. .Too Duval of fluid Hill, the well
kuown druggist, has been visiting in
Alex Mensor was un the nort hliound
train Monday evening en route to Cou
lee, Wash., from San Francisco, Cul.
.1. T. Carrie, who is engaged in in in
ing in Siskiyou county, California, ar
rived in Metlford Monday evening.
Shaw Coiiscr, the veteran railroad
er, is now connected with the Portland
real estnto firm of Heed, Tynan &
Fields. He has been a conductor for
ItG yearB, or six years longers than M
(J. Webster, who has been in charge of
a train running between Portland and
CorvalliH, Wash., 'Ml years.
P I). (Jilliert, the genial representa
tive of Wndhnins & Co.., has been in
the valley interviewing his customers.
Grant Stone, superintendent of the
Hurrell orchard, left for Portland Mnii
day evening.
J. 1,. llaminerHley, the (lold Hill
banker-lawyer, spent Monday afternoon
in Medford.
Under Sheriff How was in Medford
Monday evening on official business.
JI. (I. Coltoa of Port land, manager of
the Massachusetts Mat ual I usiirauce
company, came to Mrdford Monday to
buy a large tract of land, but found
ho was too late.
Arthur Hunt, who it-, now operating
in (he big stock markets of the Pacit'ii'
northwest, caino down from Portland a
few days since
W. M. French has moved In real
estate office from Palm building to
over t ho .lac It son 'ounty bank, with
W II. Canon, justice of the peace. Mr.
French has received word that a colony
of six families is soon coming from Vir
g'm in.
Mrs. Kalph C. Mulligan left today for
her home in Hoston. She will also visit
relatives at New York and Pliiladel
plua and will witness (lie Harvard Vale
football game at New Haven nnd the
Princeton Vale game at Princeton. Mrs.
Mulligan expects to be gone for three
months, and will bring her sister, Mrs.
Chalres l. Hill of Hrookline, back with
her. They will vixit in Washington.
New Orleans and San Francisco on
their way to Oregon. 'I'll in is the sixili
time that M rs. M iilligau has crossed
the continent.
Hnncroft coming Monday and '1'ius
day nights. 153
Harry Morrison has sold the American
Cafe to H. Campbell and Kay .lames. 11
pays nil outstanding indfbledtu h an
collects all account- due the tv it intrant
up to September 1 t, I'.ms. K
Pjculiaritlos of Employers and Tour
ists Noted by Marki.
Svrvnnts anil hotel purlers iff ninn.i
cltli's if Europe n hIbu lnnKii:if;i
tin complete iih Hint of the AliK-l'U ill'
"It Is not Koiiurnlly known." sitlil a I
courier. "Unit Hervunta are In tne (nihil
of gh Iiik useful Hps to (heir nucces
sors ami lo Hie mail who ilellvers Hie
groceries mill uiea( by marks on Hie
(jack enll'iiiMo. Ill most of (lie lilf
I'arls dais and apartments, sued
Amerli ans like lo take for Hie season.
Hie back iloor Is llieially covered Willi
barely pen-i'pilhle signs which nobody
but Hie Initiated i nn llliilersllllld.
A freshly encaged Uouieslie knows
exactly what to expect, whelhcr li W
masters nro easy or hard to please,
whether It Is -monsieur' or 'madame'
who Is hard to get along with. Other
signs (ell whether the ford Is good or
bad, whether the. work Is dllllcult or
not, ele.
"The boy from the grocer's or the
baker's or the butcher's will also be
Informed whether he can expect a big
tip or not.
"The system Is even more developed
among hotel servants. A family arriv
ing from Italy, after having refused tn
give what some liallan porter consid
ered a sutllrleul tip. will have the fuel
advertised in every hotel he visits In
Switzerland or Krauce. A little mark
on Hie trunk is nil Hint Is needed."
rhlladclphla Ledger.
Classified Advertisements
: KOIi SALE Dry oak atovo and cord-
wood. Apply Hotel -Nash. 17S
One Cent a Word No single Inaor. F0R SALE Fine residence lots, cb.ap,
tlom less than 15 cents. 8U Insertions ,,ll" k w, st "f Hi'iufiilow udditiou, West
for the price of four. Seventy flva 7tl "' lul" premises,
cents a 11ns per month. ' "''v'
The Struggles of a New Yorker In a
Paris Restaurant,
Ho gazed co:np!:ueiitly at the g iy
laU'Is on his t i: "Tumiy bow y u
hear In Paris" no ho continued his
reminiscences of travel "our thin
American net-cut struggling with tin
sonorouH French br.iKue. Von bear
ipiucr mistakes, too no end Of V::i.
The queerest I e:nie arrosa was made
hy n New Vnrlt man.
"Tlihi toitriHt tit (he Chatham wanted
Id say. 'I am hungry.' He should have
said. M:il fulm.' Then the waiter
wo" Id have brought hliu a meal it 1
unco. What he did any was:
"Mo ruIh fnmeiix. gureon.' He mild
there, 'I'm fnmoiiH, waiter.' And the
waiter. Impressed, bowed and smiled
'(.'ongraliilatluiiH. sir.'
"No food came, lie must have made
an error, ko lie tried again:
" ( iiircoii. J'al une femine.'
men n t he h:id a wife. The wnlter sniil
he was cure kIu was a winner.
"(father red now, he ttndt a third
' Me hiiIs femuie.' This time the
New Vorher s:ild he wns a woman.
" 'And nut dam ilrvsarij In this win
for coiiilort'H Hiike?' the waiter la
(jnl red. wllh a gulliint Kiiille. Nev
York Press.
Futioral Notice
I 1 1 J I At his homo in .Medford, Or.,
Sunday, September Mi, l!HS, C. A.
Sclir'iMivIe, a native of Mi-rliu, (lermaiiy.
aged "n yearH and (i mouths Knurr:, I
servieeH will he lield ut Baptist .hiircli
Wednesday at 1' p. m. under (lie auspieen
of (he Improved Order of ItVilnieii, Ifcv.
(1. L. Mall ol't'iriating. Interment in
1. O. O. K. ceiueterv.
t'Olt HALK hoice business property
on five years' time. Address Luck ilox
118, Medford. 162
KOIi HALF, Old pa peri., 5 ceatH a hun
dred. Tribune office. 100
Notice, Rednicn.
Members are requested to ussemble
at the tribe wigwam at :'M . in., Wed
aesday, Si-ptemlxr Hi, liios, to tiltend
funeral of our decerned brother, '. A.
J. W. ITI'ZOKlf Aid), ('. of If.
"Something which ib of conniderablc
iatorest to the public generally and
which is perhaps not generally known
in the system of prepaid orders now in
otVect between stations of the Southern
Pacific company anil all points in the
(Tinted States. Hy means of this system
tickets may (hi purchased at fedford
from any place in tho United States and
mailed or telegraphed direct to tlu'
party wishing to come hero. Sleeper
accommodations and small amounts of
cash in connection with these ticket
may also be forwarded at tho same
time. " tf
Spirit of the Open Lite.
The great' charm of scenery and the
country life Is the moral feeling that
seems to pervade It. This has prevail
oil through all Kngllsh literature from
Chaucer to Wordsworth and down to
our own times. It has cast Its iipell
over almost all of our Canadian novl.
Who hare wooed nature In her mo.t so
cret haunts nnd studied her minutest
caprices. Montreal Witness,
Sized Him Up.
Iirlgga 1 have made a will leaving
my brain to the hospital and Just got
ttU nckiiowl.Mlgment from the autlioil
ties. (Jrlggs Were they pleased?
firIgg-Thcy wrote (hat every little
helps. Illustrated Hits.
St. Mary's Academy
Directed by tho Sistors of tho Holy
Names of Josua and Mary.
Modford. Or.
bates for the scholastic year, or per
iod of -10 weeks:
Boarding School.
Hoard, tuition and laundry $ ISO. 00
Private room 50.00
Day School,
full ion. primary and grammar
grades $20.00
High school and special course.. 30. Oil
Luncheon fnr day scholars who
too far from scuool to rteurn
home, or who prefer a warm
meal at nooa (r0.00
Special rates to parents catering two
or mere children.
Music Department.
Piano, two lessons per week ...
Violin, two Irssons per week ...
Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc
Vocal, two lessons per week ...
N, l. The rates quoted above in
dude an hour's practice daily, under the
supervision of a sister.
Art Department.
Pen, ink, charcoal and water
colors $ 30.00
KOK SALK Largest rooming houso jn
Mcdforu ; location unsurpassed; genu
ine bargain for the right party; cash
proposition only. Address J. C, care
of Tribune. 375
FOli SALK ;i20 acre ranch, $12,000,
first class improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See
L. E. W.s Tribune offico. tf
FOH SALE Five-acr" tracts inside and
adjoining city limits of Medford, on
five years' time. Apply Gold Pay Real
ty Co., in office Condor Wator & Pow
er (Jo. 169
ANYBODY wishing a nice, new resi
dence property, 100x150 feet big, with
lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, Lo
gan and strawberries, modern in every
way ai'd located on the best Btrcet in
Medford, should address P. O. Ilox
572. 105
FOR SALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. F. Oaenbriigge, Stude
baker llros. ' warehouse.
FOR SALE A good small business on
Sovonth street. Keaaons for colling.
Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this
offico. tf
FOR SALE A first-class pianola-pia
no; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Medford.
FOR SALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. F. Osenbruggo, Stude
balter Jims. Co, warehouse. 303
'OR SA LE Improved or unimproved
city lots, 5 and 10-acru blocks, near
city; orchards ami farm lands. W. M.
French, over Jackson County bunk. 170
WANTED To trade, timber claim for
city property; Baker City property for
Medford property; piano for good
horse. W. II. West.
WANTED Position in charge of fruit
ranch; recommendations furnished. JI.
W., euro Tribune. 101
WANTED Japanese man and wife
wish situation as cook, house, or office
work, or can do any other work. Ad
dross N. V. Wah Chang, Ashland, Ore
gon. 552
WANTED Saddle pony for us for a
month or more, or florae and wagon.
Tribune office. tf
WANTED Three teams, work horses,
about 2000; oae team ponies about
2000; one team about 2300; must bo in
good order and reasonable. W. H.
West & Co. tf
WANTED Japaneso, honest worker,
wantB situation such as house clean
ing and garden work, etc.; city or
country; by month, week, day and
hour, K. Mukaydo, care Tatsuaii, 7th
street, near bridge, Medford. 155
WANTED To rent, furnished houso
for family of two. O. Putnam, The
WANTED A good, fresh milch cow.
Address Box 51, Medford, Or.
WANTED To buy from 100 to 300
head of stock sheep. Write Box 131.
Medford, Or.
FOR RENT FurutHhcd room, electric
light, with bath. Mra. W. W. Eifort. 48
TO TRADE Light single covered bug
gy for two seated rig. L. E. W., Tri
huno office. tf
Now is certainly the time to
New Lines Just Opened Up
Come now and select one of those neat little coats for
the young lady, while the assortment is complete and you
can have your choice of price, quality and style.
CI )C for beautiful little fancy striped and plain cloth
Vl.LJ coats, an exceptional value if sold at $1.75.
tf 1 Cfl for neat, durable fancy striped and figured cloth
Jl.DU Coats, splendid values if sold as high as $2.25.
CT for llcat (lurablc Coilts which would be g00cl
J values at $2.50.
gr) n( and 2.25 for splendid values in neat plain and
$UU fancy cloths, exceptional values if sold at $3.00.
No matter how nice a coat or how low priced, we have
the best values at ?2.50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, ?4.00
and to ?10.00.
See the Windows
Just received, an extra large shipment
of Coats for ladies and misses. We
can show you fine quality in black and
fancy coats; regular $8.00 and $9.00
coats', to start out this season, ; ff C AA
we offer them, choice, for
Other special values in new Coats for
ladies to sell at
$7.50 AND UP TO $35.00.
Ladies' Coats $5.00
You should see the windows this
week. The new Fall Goods are showing
up grand, and we display them so that
all may have a careful examination.
We are not afraid of anyone beating
our values unless they offer "baits"
and then they will have to sell for less
than cost on some things and will have
to make up on others.
Medford's Exclusive Apparel Store for Women
Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank
To add to our already profuse showing of
Autumn Suits, another large consignment
of Fall Novelties, fresh from the workshop
of the World's Best Clothiers
Those who have been so kindly waiting for this lot to come, will be glad to learn they are now on display. Come in and
take your choice of a countless variety of colors and patterns, There are plenty of suits to go around, for our shipments
tin's fall, in the aggregate, exceed any ever bought by a single store in Southern Oregon, but we don't expect even our
big supply will last very long. So come early and you will get a better selection too
It -
We Challenge Comparison
those sold elsewhere. We are sure of your verdict
Look at The Tog
gery suits, and then
compare them with
Another Thing
Xo matter how fine a suit is, it is very little
use, unless it fits. Toggery Suits are up to
the minute in stvle, the workmanship and
materials are unsurpassed aim wuai s inoie, iiiey in, " niaut m jum in
dividual measure. They make the tailors jealous
Stunning Shades in
Brown, Elephant and Green
Fashioned Apparel
Fashioned Apparel
. Ebb Tide.
father (ciiilnoiil KiiuklimkiTi -Willi
(ho flow Hit1 urn rlsc.i, ni.v Imy; wild
the cbh It fiillM
Sod (n chip of tin- old hlcvki-Thi'ii
woulil lie Hie Mini- in tut v. wuiililn'l It
Wlmt rmiiivi mill Hi,- nin.i nil K,i
Willi the rnln. -Irish I'rnvi'iti
(!rtiluntiii fee (nt completion of
four vrar iiemlemic course) .. 13.00
Library fee 1.00
Laboratory fee 5.00
Siniiii; in concert, physienl culture,
I'locutiun in dim, art neivllo work, plain
Ht-WHitf, ilo not form extra charges. j
The sinters are sappy to inform their
friemlrt niul tho public thnt the new
ami comtiKiilioiis buiMing asil the uioil
irn improvements introduced therein.
enable tlu'in to ensure the comfort of
I pupils vhilo facilitstinu fhlucntional ad-
An amateur viwiiiitii nunc ptirmlinit I vantages,
down Central avenue shortly after' noon I Write for program of studies, ujss
Tuesday, niving an imitation of HutTntolfor buoklet concerning dross regulations,
Hill's wild west show, when the timueo I etc.
he wns riding went over a fenre audi Address: H1HTER BUPF.RIOR,
stood the cowboy on h's head. ,o 1m. 1 ST. MARY'S AOADBMT,
wore broken. I MEDFORD, OR.
Some Great Value Giving' Suits for$ 10
Others Better for $15
and from there on to $40
Better Clothes for Less Money, is Our Motto