MEDFORD UA1LY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paver in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geouce Putnam, Editor and Manager. What Papers Say Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoi'fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One month, by mail or carrier U.S0 0e rear, by mail. . .$5.00 REPUBLIC A N 11 A I! MOW. That delightful harmony, 'practiced by the famous felines of Kilkenny, is again in evidence among the ruling elans of Oregon republicans. The Bourne and Fulton factions will have nothing to do with each other except to scratch and spit and scrap; apathy rules the ranks and inertia the headquarters. Our Jonathan is back from a summer spent assiduously cultivating Mr. Tal't after predicting the hitter's over whelming defeat, lie will not trust the organization, which has kicked him out, with his campaign contribu tions, and has his secretary organizing Taft and Sherman clubs, using his coin in the organization. These clubs will not be joined by the Fulton stalwarts, because those promoting them favor tlie carrying out of the popular will in the election of a senator, and would place the toga on a democrat. The Fulton men made an effort to oust Chairman W. M. Cake, but were forced to desist. As a result, Mr. Cake has let the spider spin its gossamer webs about his office, while the campaign ran itself. The Oregonian is scolding against direct primaries like an old woman, and suceeed irg in driving apart still further the faction". There is a tardy awakening at state headquarters, but the name and personality of Taft fail to arouse enthusi asm, and the hopelessly divided condition of the party renders it extremely likely that Oregon will slip into the Bryan column, for the Nebraskan's policies are those of Roosevelt, while Taft has the support of t lie trusts. THE MAINE ELECTION A STRAW. Returns from the stale election in Maine held Monday assure the republican party's victory, but show that its plurality has been cut to HI MM), the smallest in 30 years While the next legislature undoubtedly will be republican, the opposing parly will have a stronger hold than before This is a straw that shows how the Brvan sentiment is growing, even in the far east. Bert M. Fernald was chosen governor over Obediah Gardner, democrat, and the four republican candidates for congress Allen, Swazey, liurlon and Guernsey were victorious. The prohibition question entered largely into the state fight, the small vote of Fernald showing (he growth of the anti-prohibition sentiment. In 1!)01, Cobb, republican, had 7","!)1 ; Davis, democrat, 40,701, the republican plurality being Uf,K()(). Roosevelt carried the slate by :i7,K()(i over Parker. In 19012, the republican plurality for governor was 27,190, and in 1900 the republicans carried the state by 34,1:112 for governor and 128, (ill! for president, In 1S9S the republican plurality was 121,709, and in f9li, l."),777. In 1892 it was 1 1,979; in 1888, 2:5,2."):!; in 1881, 2(Ui()(. and in 1880, 8808. MURDERER'S UNCLE TELLS OF THE CRIME KLAMATH I'Al.l.S, Dr., U, fiul O. Jnrnhfl, tho inim imirdrri-d on the Klntnntli Imliiin remrvutiin, it, found to be a well known nl.i.-K rimn of Modoc county. It wiiN his first visit to this county. Shoriff ltttrnos anil tho coroner who wont to tho scone, learned Unit on Aug list !!(), Jacobs ami n half breed Indian by tho name of Willi.. Hurclnv l.a.l started toward Alturas. " Lit tip John an Indian l0 years old, and an uncle of Unrilny, was a witui'KS of the murder and helped hide the bodv in a cliff of rocks ou top of Yainnl Unite, anil c orod with rocks and sticks. His knowledge of the terrible deed troubled the old man nnd he finally told the reservation fanner. Search was made and the body was found with throe bullet wounds in the back ami Rasa in tne throat, liohhery is thought to be the cause of the crime. Barclay Las be. a arr.-i.tij by tli sheriff of Modoc county and will be brought here for trial BUTCHERED TO MAKE AN AMERICAN HOLIDAY Clllt'AOO, III., Sept. I.",, I'ive Hums and six hundred and twenty three men. women and children killed and injured this is the siauj-hter that went to "lake A Men's holiday. Tliis is the indictment by the American Medical Association, through its official journal in grim row of statistics ami a biting editorial. The bull tight with which tho Amer ican taunts his Latin neighbor sink int.. insignificance, the tragedies of the foot ball gridiron which luie rais.d such storms of indignation are trival b comparison, and on'v the gladiturial conflicts of pagan Home mal the car n:tg' of the American Fourth of Julv. The number of r:ii,alti..j is lL'U re than last year, though the nurnbr of deaths. If..!, is one Th- li-t eon tains l."7 111,-re nano-s than thst of :'.'. the s.cti.l largest of the m j,.r, ,.Jt g wh . h statistics Imr I n kept bv thc .lnuriu.1 of American As s-'Ciation. WALKS ON CRUST Or METAL AND BREAKS THROUQH THREATENS TO BETRAY SECRETS Cr MASONRY GLASGOW, Ncotlaai. Sept. I.-,. Tli. Naders in the agitation among the tin employed which has been going on here for several daya dill maintain a men acing attitude, necessitatis, constant VitrilnnA n.1 ( 1. I I' , " . !. " ler, ill which molten metal is all Tonight one of the lenders, after as sorting that it ha. I been decided to make a series, of midnight marches into tho wealthy sections of the city, made the extraordinary threat that, unless the Municipal eoi il did something prnc tiral for the unemployed w ithin a month ho would reveal all the secrets of the Masonic organization nnd put every man, woman and child in (ilnsgow iii possession or all the tokens, grips and passwords of the order. One hundred cash nnd balance on easy terms buys the best bargain in a eholeo building lot in Medford; (1 street, facing the Catholic- school; high ,)' Ightlyj in best rasidenra section. This lot at th. price I. . ,,,. Wrlt Ho, 0"- M Msdfo-t 'rlhut., Ms per B.atK KKNXKTT. Cal.. Sei.t. 1.1. J. K. M (nuns an employe of the smelter at tins plac.v has one of his feet cooked ami may lose it as a result of an oeeuliar lent, lie was at work in the smel 1 lo stand and purify before being run out into pigs. Aeruat forms on the top of this molten metal, and ordinarily it will easily support a man's weight. Mediums was walking on this en. si while at work in the settler making s. repairs when one foot broke through into the metal beneath cooking his toot ami leg halt way to his knee. It is not yet decided whether 111.' foot will be saved or will have to be ninpu-l.-iled. OREGON DOUBTFUL. (Cortland Spectator.) j Oregon is gradually edging toward the "doubtful" column in the table of of those who inuko estimates in pres idential years. Kxcepting for one or two extraordinary displays of political aberration, Oregon hus bIiowii a deal of political sanity in cnstitig'lier electoral i vote. In late years little has occurred j to disturb tho belief that she was safely republican. Itut confidence in her po- litical stability is being shaken; on tho j eve of battle, when none but republi- j cans should conduct tliecnmpuign, too many populists are lieing put on guuru. The victories of tho republican party havo ever ben won on straight party lines; heretofore fusion with populists has been consider d impossible, as be tween principle of the party of prog ress and prosperity and those of radical ism nnd depression thero is nothing in common. Today, is noted a union of populism and republicanism, in which the latter party is being forcibly wngg ged by what has always been consider ed tho tail of the political dog. The eonlemplntinn of this unifluo spectacle has caused those who make estimates of electoral voles to put Oregon in Ihe "doubtful " column. It may be regarded ns a political calamity that Senator Hourno should uianuge Mr. Tuft's campaign in Oregon Tho senator, even from the gfeat va riety of his political affiliations, has learned everything but political wisdom, and gained nothing but office Ho has changed his political complexion 80 often that he has awakened tho envy of the chameleon na he has aroused the distrust of his former and present as sociates. His method of advance has been al tenulidy that of a cuttle fish, tho pole cat, and the hyena, r'roin the many political pools he has darkened by his own excretions, he has oinerged, the only survivor. Office that had hithorto been considered honorable, by his too eolso approach became intolerablo to respectability. From tho grave whore he helped bury them, he has dug the shoes of tahe dead, and is wearing them. lie has become in this stnto tho head of a party that owes him nothing but its own discredit and from which ho ox pects oulv his own uggrandiziuent. Senator Hourne will manage Taft's campaign for Senator Hourne 's interest solely. If hia profit appears to bo with tho republican candidate, Senator ftourue will exercise just enough effort to secure Taft's election as will gain Taft's favor; if tho star of tho l'eerless Son of Nebraska seems to bo in the ascendency, Senator Hourno will givo Mm Apostle of Discarded Policies the hearty support of a man who, while ap pearing lo be fighting hnrdeiit for his friend, never failed to'save the loot for himself. It is Senator llourne's nppenrunce nt the head of the republican party here thai is putting Oregon in the "douobt ful " column. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. ... 1 Adkins to Perry Stewnrt, land in section 30j township 117, range 1 W $ 11. 1,. McNary to D. H. Soliss, lot I, block 17, Medford ... II. t'. Kentner et al. to J. W. Chandler, l'JO acres in section 'J7, township .'lo, range 4 W ... . lames K. Leabo to II C. Messen ger, 1.-0 acres in 'section 17, township .'III, range 1 E II. ('. Messenger to Horace tioble, l.'M) acres ill township lilt, ran;o 1 K Mary Mora llarbaiigh to Louis Lager, land in 0 L (' 57, town ship ;17, range 1 W Ashland Cold Storage & Meat company to Henrietta Hosley, property in Ashland Klmer I-:. Itagley to Morrison Itryau, 10 acres jn section 2-, township Mti, range 4 W ... T. J. Teeters to C. L. Ztltuwult, laud in section S. !iwuship 3;, range 1 1-: Charles L. Zumwal to Kllen Jinpiish, 7 acr.-s in section 8, township range 1 K O. .1. Nelson to Clyde A. Payne, land in I L (' 4.'.. township HQ, range 1 K rtiomas T. Heeler to Clyde A. P;,n". land in 11 L c 4". town ship .'!!. rar.g- 1 K c. H. L, WJ to lxr i'tc ' 1 r .t :i-T, i :. '.' I. ' 47. t- wr.; : ! vr :' Agv.-. :- y .., lt .: 130 10 1000 WO I. M rt p. 1 . tvwt 1 E - s r. Jiksv.s. I' 4 ', township See Sawyer 4 Son for engineering and surveying railways, ditches and reservoirs; hydraulic work of nil kinds. Special intention to subdividing and platting land. 303 N. i: st. lot) I. p ? l; J. l: ir-,. , Sand m ! 1. elC range II: Kate a Kankill to Ceorg. W. Mr Xabb. lots 3 and 4. block 2. I'racht 's Alaska additioa to Ashland Martha M. March :. March H. Carter, lot 34 and part of lot .'to, block A, h'.tilroaJ addition to Ashland K. M. Mclntire to P. T. Mclver cher. lots 37. .Ti and 3!. High land Park addition to Ashland P. W. Settemeir to L. K. Hooevr, 4-.SS acres in township 30, range 1 K II. V. Pohland to Robert O Ilun can. lot S. block 3. Hunker Hill addition to Medford Smith 6 Molony Carry the Strongest Line of High Cut Boots at the best prices in Southern Oregon Buy now, for you will need thein Trobate. eorge W. Isaacs I.stato tleorge W. Isaacs; order made confirming sale of real propertv. 11. I). Angle is among us ngain. Ho has been engaged n developing his mining property looted in HiskWon o eounty, California. Circuit Court News. State of Oregon vs. K. M. Hoestetter; assault with dangerous weapon; on mo tion of defendant's nttorney, the ease be dismissed, the same was done aftor hearing evidence by the state. Vfr Trlkmat, M pr aaeatk. See Our Window Stat Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1116,000.00 Where Are Your Valuables? Your jewelry, silver, stocks, bonds, deeds, mortgages or will are they ex poaed to danger of loss by fire or bur glar. At a snskU cost they may be 'placed In oar fire and burglar proof vault, where they will be beyond the possibil ity of loss. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. Finest equipmont in southern Oregon. VV. I. VAWTER, President O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier Luck waits upon all who buy through us, and yet it can hai'dly be called "luck," for our customers get the benefit of our best judg ment in every investment made through us, and we never permit them to buy at unrea sonable figures. AVe not only want them to get value received today, but to secure prop erty which will be worth more tomorrow. In a rapidly growing town like Medford knowledge of present and prospective val ues is very important. There never was a better time. to secure a home in Medford at rock bottom price than right now. Inspect our list and you will be convinced. Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT PiUTLDTNO. MEDFORD OUR TE LEG RAPJ I NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE SEE The latest things in Neckwear Brooches and Belt Pins MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Poetofllce Fin Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. Notice to Water Consumers Owing to the scarcity of water supply, it is ordered that no city water be used for ir igation or sprinkling except between the hours of 6 and 7 o'clock a. m. and 5 and 7 o'clock p. m. until otherwise ordered by the water committee. Violation of this order -by any consumer will result in said consumer's supply being forthwith shut off. By order of the Water Committee of the Oitv Council of Medford, Oregon. Dated August 15, 1908. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bevel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Planing Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND SEVENTH STREETS. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN 8. OUTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule.We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. MEDFORD HILL Military Academy A Private Boarding and Day School tor Boys Primary, preparatory and academic departments. College preparation, Business course, Manual Training. Principal 30 years' experience in Portland. The Hill Military attracts and retains good boys, but has no place for any others. Fall term begins September 16. Make reserva tion now ,for few remaining vacancies. Catalogue on application to the principal. J. W. HILL, M. D., Portland, Or. Oregon,, Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? OREGON NBBDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, stroVg hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.) is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East tot distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who are likely to be interested in this statol We will be glnd to bear tho eipcno of sending thorn complete information about OI1EGON ond its opportunities. COLONISTS' TICKETS will be on snlo during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from the East to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few principal cities are From Louisville.. $41.70 From Cincinnati. 42.20 From Cleveland.. 44.75 From New York.. 55.00 From Denver $30.00 From Omaha... . 30.00 From Kansas City 30.0G From St. Louis. . 35.50 From Chicago. . . 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If vou want to bring a friend or relative Oregon, deposit the pro'per amount with any of our ngents. The ticket will the be fur ninhod by telegraph. A. S. ROSKNHAUM, Medford, Or., Local Agent. VM. M 'MURRAY, General I'awnger Agent, Portland, Or. Til E MKinORD DA ILY TRIBUNE HAS THE' BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. t C