Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 14, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Ask for
Our Asbestos Ilorsehide,
Reindeer Tan, Fire and
Waterproof, G uaranteed
the pair
Positively the finest work
ing glove ever made. Soft
and pliable as a kid, but
tough as ii These gloves
don't know what it is to
wear out.
the story. Other glove mak
ers have never equaled
this famous brand, whieh
has been awarded gold
medals at every world's
exposition sinee 1893.
We also have i eraekerjack
Gauntlet Glove, Hansen,, of
course, to sell for 75 cents a
We are sole agents here.
Ssch4 tii Personal
Bo not fail to consult Xifjlame Fay,
clairvoyant ad i.4iii. Odll block,
room 3. tf
I'rofi'MHur J. V. HhirVy, wlto formerly
taught th eighth grade ami wan prin
eipnl at t In North school, and to re
tain whom flic scholar hi his class
went on a threu days' strike for last.
February, is vifiting in Medl'urd, Ho
will fnrh school in a northern eity
tU fail.
Hid ffriiwii and Leon Ii. Husking re
turned Hatuniny fnon a camping trip.
They had an exciting time, experi
encing two runaways ffTlTI killing throe
deer. They report I heir money 'h worth.
Mihh Ada Went of Ia (Ira tide and
Minn Jessie Hale, daughter of Judge
Hale of (Jraats Pans, are visiting Mrs.
II. K. Foster and will go to Ashland to
day as guests of Miss filndys Heard,
who wax a elasmiate at Ht. Helen's hall.
The night-blooming cereim owned by
Mrs. .John Ii. Dent, whose residence is
at the corner of Hijth and J MtreetH,
will bloom for the first time thiH sen
son early tonight. Any lovers of flow
ers who earo to view this marvelous
creation of the phint world will be
welcomed by Mrs. Dent tonight. This
plant holds the record for blooming
further north than any other
(!iiy Mickey, who has been employed
as engineer at the Med ford steam laun
dry for some time past, has gone to
Cortland and other Willamette valley
points on a visit.
Tho best lot in Bungalow addition,
just off Seventh street; can bo bought
a bargain if taken at onco. Write
box .108. 52
It. H. Dow, K. If. Helms and C. F.
Rowman were among the many down
from Jacksonville .Sunday afternoon.
Mm. K. F. Winkler of Ashland has
been visiting friends living in Medford.
Thomas M. (.'enter of HiHckiyou conn
,ty, California, madu Medford and its
vicinity a visit during the past week.
Mrs. Matilda (binong Miller, who for
merly resided in Jacksonville, and Dr.
Hugh HteveiiB Mount were married in
Portland one day last week. They will
spend the coming winter in New York
W. Ii. Miller of (Viifrul Point pre
cinct was a recent visitor in Men ford.
A Bryan club with over MX) members
lias hcen organized at (irauts Puss '.
I,. Manguiu is president. Medford' will
follow suit soon.
William Clarke had tho misfortune
one day IhhI week to lose his fine
ClydcHdalo Htalli ui, " The (lovernor. ' '
This is n distinctive toss to the horse
raising interests of southern Oregon.
( 'liirenee Pierre and Mert Kmeriek,
who have been making a trip to Hoise
find other Idaho points, are tit home
A. Lavin of Siskiyou county, Cnli
1'nriiia, was one of the many veterans
who nlleudcd, the Into reunion of thi
ll. A. It. nt C(M',tral Point.
Bishop Scudding of the Portland
Kpiscnpnl church has announced the
following appoint men Is for this vnl
ley: Ashland, September Hi; Medford,
September l.H; (i rants Pass, Septem
ber L'O.
Km met I llecson of Talent precinct
was in Medford Sunday afternoon.
Pence brothers w -re down from Flit
Creek Saturday on laud business.
Messrs. Tronson (iuthries, who have
extensive interests in the vicinity of
Fugle Point, t ransncted business in
Medford Saturday,
A. Murbee, who liven in the southern
part of Josephine county, spent Sat
urdav and Sunday in Medford.
I0d lteiiii'Ue, who is assisting in the
management of a mill ntAver's Spur,
t ransncted business in Medford a few
days ago.
Page & Illingsworth have Hold their
bnsincHs property on C street, neat
Sixth, to Mr. Floyd, who has been milk
ing a number of investments in Med
ford. ( 'ousideriit ion, $;t"i00.
Robert A. (irny. who has been in Ida
ho for some t iine, is located in Med
ford for the present.
William McCredie, the expert pound
ogist, who is propagating a fine or
chard in the foothills west of Central
Point, spent a few hours in Med fori
Jackson and Josephine counties are
now being visited again by agents for
ranges iiinnt.fnetured by a company do
ing business in St. Louis. You can buy
one for a little less than $K0 and giv
your note therefor, but the best way to
do is to get n rang. from your local
hardware merchant, who will sell von
just as good a range maybe better
for about half that price. "Keep your
money at home" in u very good motto.
Thomas Crigsbv, who went to Lake
county, California, some time ago, has
returned to this valley.
John A. Benin of Portland, special
agent of the department of the interior,
is in Medford on business. He is a
former newspaper man, was sporting
editor ot the Cortland Journal, is man
ager of the Multnomah Athletic Clut
football team and a well known club
man and social favorite in the ritv of
Stanley Worskell of the Oregon Jour
mil spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,
W Aldonhagen.
J. W. Whitney, representing the Item
ingtoii Ivpewrtler coinpanv, is at th
Nash. He has with him ttiin trip a
typewriter which multiplies, adds and
subtracts aside from its regular work
rrauK ,i. .tricKfaden, a luisiuess man
of Anaconda, Mont., ami his familv
arrived in Medford Mondav with the
intention of looking over the vallev
and bei-omiug residents,
Mrs. W. S. Jones has returned from
an extended visit with relative at l.a
Joe Hanimrrsley, the tlold Hill bank
er, spent Monday in Medford,
Anybody wishing a nice, new resi
deuce property, 1 00x1 All feet big, with
lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, lo
gan and strawberries, modern in everv
way nud located on the best stro-t in
M ed ford , should add reus P. O. Box
572. in
Anybody l.kin. I .... t i .
I - vmm or
Ina neatest. miNi h t .
l .v, adr.M
1 . J. DVS
Dreyfus of American Army
Ordered Back Into Exile
Without Riding Test
HIIACHUCA, Ariz., Sept. 14. Or
.liTtd traluy linok into nxilo at Kort
(Iriint, C'oliiiii'l Willium P. Stewart, tlio
Drcvfii" of tho Ami'rii-an army, will
nut lin allowed to niftko tlio 110 milo
tint riilo rwi'ntly iinwrilM-d for him
liy tho war ilt'imrtmi'iit. No roason
has bwii iimmisiimI for tho c-haii;e in
plaiiH. A tome onlcr, maili-il from the
hiMiiUpmrtorn of (ii noral Thomas at Den
ver, HiptomliiT J !, was received com
manding the colonel to report for duty
at Fort Grunt, the lonely poBt to which
hi; was exiled a year nijo, when ho first
fell under the linn of the department's
When seen today Colonel Stewart
said he would take the train from here
Wednesday morning and go to Wilcox,
Ariz., where he will lie met liy his com
panions in exile, a colored cook and
William Nail, an exsoldier, who will
drive with him to the force.
The colonel, it is staled, was ordered
hack to the post without taking the
test because the statement of tho army
surgeons that he suffering from
heart trouble and the sight was gone
from one of Ilia cyeB.
Colonel Stewart will resist retirement
before he reaches tho age limit. He
declares that lie can prove ljimself fit
for service if given u court martial
and that lie will never surrender until
ho is given a hearing. Ho hns applied
for court martial three times, and his
wife has made an nppeal to the de
partment, but nothing has been done
Tl oh I is mix ions that his court
martial bo ordered soon, as tho men ho
wishes to cull its witnesses in his bo
hall' are growing old nnd death may
interfere with his plans. Acting oil the
advice of friends, Colonel Stewart to
day declared that he wouldn't accept
a furlough of four months, lo which
he is entitled. He said that he would
serve continuously until he reached the
age limit unless forced by illness in
his family to nsk for a leave of ab
The Medford Military band gave a
most enjoyable concert Sunday nfter
noon in the city park. A large number
of citizens attended and thnriighly en
joyed the ufternoon. The selections
were especially well rendored.
Now Casos
Stale of Oregon vs. Zera Dahack;
pleaded not guilty and September 11
set for trial.
State of Oregon vs. Charles W. Stin
soon anil Lottie K. Simmons; discharged
from custody.
State of Oregon vs. Ii. M. Hostotter;
grand jury returned true bill of assault
with dangerous weapon.
"Something which is of considerable
interest to tho public genorully and
which is perhaps not generally known
is the system of prepaid orders now in
oiTect between stations of tho Southern
Pacific company and nil points in tho
United States. Ity means of this system
tickets may bu purchased at Medford
from any place in the United States and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to conio hero. Sleeper
accomiuodalioiis and small amounts of
cash iu connection with theso tiokots
may also be forwarded at tho same
time." tf
St. Mary's Academy
Directed by tlio Sisters of the Holy
Nam cm of Josus and Mary.
Medford, Or.
Hates for the si'holnntii' yenr, or per
iod of 40 weeks:
Boarding School.
Hoiird, tuition nud laundry $180.00
Private room 50.00
Day School.
Tuition, primary and grammar
grades .' $20.00
High si'hoot and njH'cial course.. 30.00
Luncheon for day scholars who
too far from netiool to rteurn
home, or who prefer a warm
meal at noon 50.00
Speoiul rates to parents euteriug two
or moro children.
Music Department.
Piano, two lessons per week ... 60.00
Violin, two lessons per week . . . 60.00
Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc tlO.OO
Vocal, two lessons per week . . . (50.00
N. U. Tbo rates quoted above in
clude au hour's practice daily, under the
supervision of a sister.
Art Department
Pen, ink, charcoal and water
eolois $ 30.00
Oil 40.00
(iraduatiug fee (at completion of
four year academic course) .. 15.00
Library fee 1.00
Laboratory fee 5.00
Sinning in concert, physical culture,
elocution iu class, art needle work, plain
sewing, do uot form extra charge.
The sisters are happy to inform their
friends nnd the public that the new
and commodious building and the mod-
rn improvements introduced therein.
enable them to ensure the comfort of
pupils white facilitating educational ad
Write for program of studies, al&
for booklet concerning dress regulations,
Classified Advertisements
One Cent Word Mo tingle injer-,
tiooi lesj than 16 cents. Biz Insertions
tit ie price of four. Seventy five j
cwmsj a llkH per loonlu. i
FOB SALE Choice business property ,
ou five years' time. Address Lock Box j
41H. Medford. 162 I
FOU HALE Old puperb, 5 cents a hun
dred. Tribune office. 160
FOR SALE LergoHt rooming house in
Medfoni; location unnurpasHod; genu
ine bargain for tho right party; cash
proposition only. Address J. C, care
of Tribune. 175
FOR SALE 320 acro ranch, $12,000,
first elaBS improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See
L. E. W., Tribune office. tf
FOR SALE Five-acre tracts inside and
adjoining city limits of Modford, on
five years' time. Apply Gold Ray Real
ty Co., in office Condor Water & Pow
er Co. 169
ANYlJODY wishing a nico, new resi
dence proporty 100x150 feet big, with
lawn, fruit nnd ornamental trees, Lo
gan and strawberries, modern in every
way ard loeuted on the best Btrcet in
Medford, should address P. O. Box
572. 165
FOR SALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and luurel. F. Osenbrugge, Studo
bakor Bros.' warehouse.
FOR SALE A good small business on
Seventh Btreot. Beacons for colling.
Address, P. O. box 512 or call at Hub
office. tf
FOR SALE A first-class pianola-piano;
a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Med
FOR SALE Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. F. Osenbrugge, Stude
baker Bros. Co. warehouse. 16,'t
FOR SALE Small cook stove; price
$7.50. ChaH. Gay, N street. 153
FOR SALE Dry uak stove and cord
wood. Apply Hotel Xash. 178
WANTED To trade, timber claim for
city property; Bakor City property for
Medford property; piano for good
home. W. H. West.
WANTED Position iu charge of fruit
ranch; recommendations furnished. 11.
W., euro Tribune. 161
W A NT EI)-Japanese man and wife
wish situation as cook, house, or office
work, or an do any other work. Ad
dress N. W. Wah Chong, Ashland, Ore
gon. 552
WANTED Saddle pony for us for a
month or more, or horoe and wagon.
Tribune office. tf
WANTED -Three teams, work horses,
about 2600; oue team ponies about
2000; one team about 2300; must be in
good order and reasonable. W. II.
West & Co. tf
WANTED Japancso, honest workor,
wants situation such as house clean
ing and garden work, etc.; city or
country ; by month, week, day and
hour. K. Mukayde, care TatBumi, 7th
Btroet, near bridge, Medford. 155
WANTED To rent, furnished house
for family of two. G. Putnam, The
WANTED To trado new steel ranges
for old stoves. Wordoff & Wolf, Eads'
old stand. 153
WANTED A good, fresh milch cow.
Address Box 51, Medford, Or.
WANTED To buy from 100 to 300
head of stock shoep. Write Box 131,
Medford, Or.
FOIl WONT Furnished room, electric
light, with bath. .Mrs. W. W. Kifort. 48
TO TUADK Light Biiiglo covered bug
gy fur two-Heated rig. L. E. V., Tri
bune office. tf
Tonight and Tuesday.
"TUV. l'ATUMOT" Showing tho horrors of war.
slorv of overvdav lifo.
"TIIK FAT HA H V" Tlio latest lauijli pmduocr.
"A TRIP TO TIIK Sl'DAX" Very instruotivo
and entertaining.
Hoaiitifnl Illustrated Sontr.
Admission 10 eents.
"Excuse Me
from inferior ijroeerios,''
says tlio i;ood housewife.
"That kind of (-eonoiuy isn't
worth while the best eook
iinj is spoiled by poor mate
rials, and to be sure of the
host always trade at the qual
ity jjTooory."
Allen & Regaa
On the Corn
Best Assortments Shown Now
Medford's Exclusive Apparel Store for Women
Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank
Day SgIiooI Department
at St. Mary's Academy
published in another column. Theso are
the fixed rates in all the schools of tho
Sisters of tho Holy Names, but, as the
Sisters' main endoavor is to work for
the physical, intellectual and moral de
velopment of youth, they wish the par
ents who feel that they can not meet
these rates, to call and see them with
the assurance of being being received
with ovory courtosy and of finding tho
Sisters willing to co-operate in the groat
work of forming the youth as good
Sailownesa Transformed
to Dusky Beauty
A Urk ikui become fuctnirjng
when deli.-ately oft, undcnpmd
with the radiant fluw whuh imli
catcwhealthy.sriivcikin. R.ibcP
ine keeps the ikin renned in qualit ,
keeps porcWrer f nun clouding v,te
and stimulates the Un t jjlUia.s ((.
contribute thecolor which lunns m
blunde and hnmtt a lit l ..k..-.
ine is certain protection um mn
uiiuiiiu aiio nettle It i)iiti i.r
furt eiliuauit U- inn ui ti..;
Spreads like an imp" tiki,. i..
of m ie ovrr ikn. ..i
fr'.J ""cm miiiu iiTin ,1. jitrscr. r. i
V tlrliratr !
Just n little Cascasveet is all that is
necessary to givo your baby when it is
cross and peevish. Cascasweet contains
no opiates nor harmful drugs and is
highly recommended by mothers every
where. Sold by Eagle Pharmacy, m
WANTED By roliublo man of family,
steady employment; can give rofer
enci'S. Address ,1. F. It., Brooks' room
ing house. 151
Every woman who examines the La Vogue Suits shown
here exclusively in southern Oregon will be attracted with
their grace, tone and perfect air. La Vogue Suits are made
and shown here in most every known material that is styl
ish and adaptable to this section. La Vogue Suits are fash
ioned to fit living, breathing, active women not pictures
of impossible models. They wear with grace, comfort and
enduring shapeliness. Those "big" little things, such as
placing a button or the turn of a pleat, shields, skillful fin
ishing, are what make the La Vogue Suits and Coats the
peerless garments women say they are. La Vogue offices
in Europe and New York assure correctness to the women
who' wear La Vogue stvles. In fact they are .universally
recognized as "THE STANDARD OP STYLE. La
Vogue garments are practical as well as stylish. Made
from proven materials picked from the world's products,
they give perfect wear, style, comfort and fit, all for a
correspondingly low price.
La Vogue Suits foe Women, $12.50 to $75
La Vogue Coats for Women and Children
$2.00 to $35.00
We invite you to examine the line of La Vgue gar
ments shown here exclusively, and feel perfectly confident
that you will declare them to be a little the best values
shown anywhere.
Smith 6 Molony
Cany the Strongest Line of
High Cut Boots
at the best prices in Southern Oregon
Buy now, for you will need them
See Our
W' ,1- i-r-j-r'Tr T 'r f
ty you see the whole show in Medford real
estate, for every discriminating property
owner knows who will find customers for
him, and lists his property with us.
A house is or is not desirable as a resi
dence or as an investment; is or is not worth
the money asked for it. While we always
use our best endeavors to sell property listed
with us, we regard the purchaser as our cus
tomer, and put our best judgment at his dis
posal. We know the snaps, and we never
mislead our customers, or misrepresent val
ues to them. With the town filling up rap
ldly. it is high time you were getting a home
in Medford.
Rogue River Land
KY111HTT inmnTn ,
Bubbling Coolness'
Very Best
A rill from Col,.in Pin, Shadow .,,ring roniurf, bn(.k thB fa.
; O
F"r alp hy nil .lrink
The Whole
Thing in a
When you inspect
mir lief rf .Jfir .M..i....