MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE MEDFORD, OREGON. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1WS. hi V ' I lr V , SOUTHER! : t Items and Ideas Picked Up by Our Special s : " Reporter in a Day by the Way j Forty pound watermelons are now coming in from the lower Bear creek flats, llit watermelon does not wait till after election to see if it is safe to expand. Trout fishing on the liogue river is affording royal Bpori for many pleasure seekers from the cities. Steel heads rainbows aud young salmon from about two to 10 pounds aro lauded by the dozen every day. Watermelons, grapes aud peaches on the western slope of Roxy Ann, near Med ford aro now piling into the murket. Honey, melons and cream are all mighty good things but they abound every where in this valloy. L. II. Pan key who pilots fishermen on tho Koguo river says houever .cares any more for trout, he has had so many of them that he prefers pork and beans. I. M." Meers of Portland caught 26 poundB or rainbow and steelheads from tho waters of tho Roguo on September 10 aud 11. II. D. Walker, a nowepaper man of Saa Franc ibco has been securing reero ation with rod and reel on the Rogue river for several days. lie bagged many a speckled beauty but thaere are some mighty big saucy trout and salmon who aro now swishing their tails in glee aud saying, ' ' ha, ha, he, never touched me." A Boy Melon Magnate L, Thompson formerly of Kalispel, Montana, has a 23-uvru fruit and melon farm at tho Bear creek bridge below Central Point. Master Russel Thomp son, a boy of 12 years attends to the hoeing of the meions under the direction of his mother and th-J result is mighty fine melons which market at a figure that gives a return of about $100 per acre besides all the melons that Russel, the rustler with the aid of his many fnends can consumo at home. The re porter found him carrying iu melons from tho nearby fields in tho cool of the morning and storing them in the shade of a big oak tree aud after secur ing two melons from the young melon merchant we wero invited by him aud his mother to a treat of a red ripe 35 pound watermelon. Tho melon was most excellent, being stored with nectar of delicious flavor. There is nothing but friendship that can improve tho flavor of a watermelon. Attacked by Panther S. B. Tarbell came from Minnesota end settled here in Southern Oregon about four years ago. Ho has a little ranch up near Buck Rock on Trail creek, a tributary or the Rogue river about 27 miles from Medford. Mr. Tar bell has either transformed into a typi cal Southern Orcgoniau or elso he was born to the type. He ie big and broad and honest and couhl strike a blow with his fist that would shutter a hard oak board and so he is not afraid of any kind of animal that roams tho woods. He was out some time ago in the cool of tho evening near his raneh looking for jack rabbits from force of habit when he heard something coming trot, trot, trot behind him and then pawing at his heels. Ho turned around and thero was a big cougar purring and grinning to think what a big supper! ho would have on Mr. Tarbell 's eareas. . Now Mr. Tarbell is a subscriber to the Southern Oregonian and he cannot hi taken by surprise by anything. Ho looked the cougar square in the ?vs and said "what do you think you .in doing there." Before you could say "Jack Robinson" he poked the sh'-t gun in tho cougar's face and fired li s.i full of fine shot, then he jabbed the cougar in tho belly and fired the other barrell. I'.y this time the old dog Brave came on the scene and the cougar scram bled up a big oak tree, but he was kill ed "too dead to skin" by the third and fourth discharge of Tarbell 's artillery. It was my birthday said Mr. Tarbell and the neighbors all laughed about that cougar trying to whip me. Ho was reaching for my heels just like a cat would play with a base ball. It seems that tho bear and cougar supply on the upper Rogue river will never grow lean. Advantages of Irrigation for Oregon The Rogue river ranchers Bay that this is one of the dryest years in all their experience and while it has greatly diminished tho crops it still is not so bail when you find plenty of corn giv ing 45 bushels to the acre , wheat 41), oats as hiph as 100 bushels per ncre and loads of fine fruit and melons. There are abunilant water resources in this country, such for instance as the great beautiful Rogue river with mnny tributaries. If there was any such great streams in the desert states they would be drawn through canals as wide us t hese Oregon lanes and the mere desert sands would be nini to blossom as the rose. There is no measuring the fertility of the Oregon soil and ulti mately under irrigation it will produce double nnd triple tho present excellent crops. Where desert lands give a fair yield under the same unfailing process these fertile Oregon fit-Ids would become a dense jungle of garden, fruit and grain. By getting together on irrigation Southern Oregon farmers ran treble the products of their farms. Bro'r Grasshopper The " grasliopjM r is in his glory when the is dry, but when it rains he has to put on his overcoat and rubber boots and jtand nmund in the wheat and clover till he gets fever nnd ague nnd dfos not flourish. He feeds on th farmers prod we and laughs defiance when it la "extra dry" but in damp weather he gMn the dumps and cannot ung, though Bre 'r Cricket and the katydid seem never to cease their tongs nf praise to the aemler of moisture t, 'v rnnn Bro'r Grasshopper is fond of the gar den patch and corn field. Perched upon a big water melon or pumpkin he looks through his spy glass at the far green universe of the graden bed and Is a gay fellow until ho is chased down and swallowed by so mo industrious yellow legged chicken, the lore of Bre 'r Grass hopper in Southern Oregon and might be sung in folk lore as follows: Oh the grasshopper lived in the big corn field And he felt so fat and 8a By That he Baid, "By gum, I'm a goin ' some," And the fields are green and grassy. I'm a goin to fly to the clover patch, Where the blossome cover me over, And there my brood I'm going to hatch And we all will dwell in clover; So he flew the clover field And there his luck he tried sir, Green gogles ho wore and a troth he Bwore Against "raco suicide," sir. Old Bre'r Rain, ho came along, Came along, came along, Old Bre'r Bain, he came along, The clouds hung heavy over; Grasshopper then he ceased his song, Ceased his song, ceased his song; Grasshopper then he ceased his soug In the soaking fields of clover. Grasshopper couldn't stand the ills, Ho couldn't meet his doctor bills, He passed to a receiver, Old Doctor Cricket got the case And putting on a solemn faco Ho killed the whole darned hopper race And called it "chills and fever." FOLDED HANDS. (By Claronce E. Eddy) shores where the rocks are the steepest By The sea mourns most to tho lands But tho pathos divinest and deepest Is the pathos of folded hands. I seek not to war with another, It would break my heart I know To look on some poor dead brother And I feel I had wrnoged him so. To every heart there is given, In all of tho world's broad lands A touch of the pity of heaven When gazing on folded hands. It is God's own just decreeing That this to the dead wo bestow, He may seek to chasten us, seeing That in life we neglected him so. Though roses are worth the giving, A single rose, it is said, Ts worth far more to the living Than countless wreathes to the dead. There are many lives so lonely, Longing for love that lingors, Give not the roses only To the poor folded fingers. AMBULANCE COLLIDED WITH CAE WITH SERIOUS RESULTS SAN' FRANCISCO, Cal., Sept. 14, Suffering from a fractured fikull and injuries to the spine Robert Doepfner, driver of the ambulance of the Harbor Emergency hospitnl, is in a preenrious conditiou today as a result of a col lision between his ambulance nnd a st ret car. Wiliam Heffennnn, who was with Doepfner at the time of the accident, escaped with a broken shoulder blnde and minor injuries. The ambulance was responding to a call when the accident occurred. The heavy vehicle was hurled more than 25 feet. Doepfner was picked up in an unconscious condition. The surgeons attending said today they had but lit tie hope for his recovery. George Fisher the motorman is under arrest. WEDS MAN SHE HATES "FOR 24 HOURS ONLT' CHKYENNB, Wyo , Sept. 14, "Do you take this man, John II. Worthing ton, to be your lawfully wedded hus band?" said .fudge Houseman to Carrie Ethel Bnrkhart, of Denver today. "I do fro twenty-four hours only," sno answered. There was a murmur of surprise from the doxen spectators. Mrs. Worthigton explained that five years ago she married Worthington only to find after her child wnB bnrn that ho had committed bignmy. She left him, nnd nfter four years succeeded in forcing him to obtain a divorce and marry her legally in order to give her child a name, she said she hated him. THREE INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE WRECK LOS ANGELES, Cal., Sept. 14, Wil liam Hunting Conpe-, Miss Lulu Cliff and Charles MVFarlnnd are all In a critical condition today as the result of two automobile accidents yesterday in which the automobiles were going slow Iv and were hit by electric cars going at high rate of speed. Cooper and Miss Cliff were horltv) several feet whn an elfc'tric car hit th automobile in wh.rh thMr were rid ing and that neither were killed was surprising, "a car was hit by a speed ing ear and pitrhM Info a nPtarnv yard. He received broken ribs, a broken arm and internal injuries. It is reported that he h but a slight chance of re rnvery. SIHS 8POBTTNG NEW a The Beavers and Loo Loos are still having a battle royal at Portland. Af er being beaten thre straight games, the former turned the tables at Los Angeles; but at last accounts their ruu of luck bad ended. There seems to be no doubt now that Los Angeles will again win the pennant. The real contest seems to be between Portland and San Francisco for second place with chances in favor of the latter. Oakland may not remain in the cellar always. Gang, Attel and Ketchell, the pugilis tic favorites met with a strenous set back in their fights during the past week. The negro has lost the light weight championship for good. Matthowson, who is now leading tho National leaguo pitchers, has struck out more men than any other major leaguo pitcher. Waddell leads in the American league. To get to first place Portland must win the next 12 games straight, and Los Angeles lose 10 of the same nnmhor. It has been definitely decided that there will bo four umpires in the world's series. Two of them will prob ably act as patrol umpires. See Sawyer & Son for engineering and surveying railways, ditches aud reservoirs; hydraulic work of all kinds. Special attention to subdividing and platting land. 303 N. C st. 150 To Our Good Friend The Farmer: Before Bending your money nwny on Mall Orders suppose ynu just peruse I he ADVE11T1SINC COLUMNS of this pajier for bargains. Of course If you don't see AD VEllTiSED hero whnl you want you are quite lllu'ly to yield to the temptullnn to buy tliroiiKh a catalogue. Some of our local Men-hunts have j discovered that the best wny to com-j but Mail Order iMimpeliliuli Ls to liae the chief iiiiiiiimiltlou of the Hull Or der people-ADVEItTISlNt!. Xn doubt you compare notes ns between liome j Advertisers and Foreign Advertisers I the outsiders nnd prefer to trade nt home If you see what you want. j LOCAL MARKET. The fololwing quotations are an im partial report of the prices paid by Med ford dealers: Wheat 85c per bushel. Flour 12.75 per cwt. Whole barley $23 per ton. Hay $12 per ton. Alfalfa 10 per ton. Now potatoes $1.25 per cwt. Butter 40c per roll. Lard 10c per pound. Beaia Be per pound. Eggs 22e per dozen. Sugar $6.60 per cwt. Turkeys 13e per pound. Hams' lo per pound. 8houlders-i0e per pound. Hogs 4e to 6c per pound. Cattle 214 to SV per psuad. If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, toy a Want Ad in The Tribune. BUSINESS CARDS. COIi"VIO & DURHAM. Attornejrs-at-feaw. Oeo. H. Durham, Grant Pass, Or. Wm M. Colvig, Medford, Or. DR. A. B. 8WEET Physician and Surg?ou. Office at Residence. Medford Furniture Co., Undertaken Day phone 353; Night Fbones: C. W. Conklin 30; J. H. Butler 14S. GO TO DR. GOBLE FOR TOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. "He Has No Other Business." E. R. SEELY. M. D. E'hysiclan and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X-Kay. Office Hours, 10-12, 2-4 P. W. Office in Jackson County Bank Bldg. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist. Officii in the Grand Theater bldg. Phone 35. Seventh and Main. a. M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed on short ootice. Leave orders with chiof of police. ' BALL & GLOSCOCK, Contractors and Buildors. All Work Guaranteed. Office with O. H. Pierce it Sou. Phone 653. P. O. Box 771. THE MEDFORD DAILY NEWS SERVICE IN 8 ft it is up to You What Will You Do? If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking down your system day by day, then you may reflect for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Golden Grain Granules No man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily. GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 25c. Order a package today. All grocery sell it. OTE of tlic fart that at our yard you can gel three kinds of finish pine, fir or cedar that our fir is shipped from the north exclu sively and that we can make prompt deliv eries t- estimates. Crater Lake Lumber Co. $200 down and $10 per month with out interest will buy 10 acres of choice orchard land, one mile from railroad station. Call at our office and we arrange to show you these tracts. Wor rell & Diessler, west of Seventh atreot, near Moore hotel. 170 Defore you buy a seo the many exclusive features of tho Mon arch Malleable Iron aud Stool Range. Sold ouly by H. C. Garnott. 150 Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Northbound lGOregon Express... 14Portland Express. I Southbound S:S4 p. m. 9:49 a. ra. 10:35 a. m. No. 15Californla Express. 13San Francisco Exp. No. 3:20 p.m. 9:15 p. m. No. 225 From Grants Pass. No.225For Ashland 10:15p. m. PACIFIC it EASTERN RAILWAY No. 1 Lenves Medford No. 3Leaves Medford.... No. 2 Arrives Modford No. 4Arrives Modford.... 8:10 a. m. 9:50 p. til. 10:28 a.m. 5:08 p. m. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY 2TL.I eaves Medford Medford Medford Medford Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. Jacksonville.. 10:45 a. m. 5:35 p. in. 2:00 p in. 9:00 p. m. 9:00 a. in. 3:30 p. m. 1:30 p. m. 7:30 p. m. No. 4 Motor Motorj No. 1 Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves Leaves No. 31 Motorl Leaves JtotorjLeaves Jacksonville.., MAIL CLOSES. A. M.P. M. Eagle Point Northbound Southbound Jacksonville 7:20 2:00 9:19 4:64 2:50 5:20 10:05' 10:20 In The Autumn your new suit and overcoat will look stylish and handsome if it is mado by Krcuzcr. Thero is an nir of distinction in our clothing that no ono can give it but an artist tailor, and wo huvo nil tho Intost fabrics to mnko into business and dress suits. J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST SOUTHERN OREGON. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. Thorough, practical training in commercial, shorthand and English branches. Our high-class training is proverbial, our facilities for placing graduates 1 not stirpasHcil, and the snialluess of the expense in securing such an education heTe is appreciated. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1908-1909. All students who Bccure a nine months' scholarship and enter at the beginning of the tiTiu, September 7th, will be entitled to the combined course-commercial, shorthand and English to July 1. 1D09. Ten months of expert, practical, indi vidual instruction for $(10.00. Investigate and attend the ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson J W. W. CITY TAILOR Tribune Ads 'life NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer book givos a concise description Newport, Including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, tttepaone or Write A. 8. BOSENBATM, Local Agent, Modford FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CALL ON H. M. COSS CoRNKR WKST TknTII AND K STREKES City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land, Hay Land Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta tion to and from all tracts. Office in residence. No comin ssion business. I buy and sell direct. Bargains in Pianos J have a few fine Pitnos left that I wil sell at a bargain. Call at my office in residence, corner West Tenth and K Streets. II. M. COSS. THE MEDFORD DAILY I NEWS SERVICE IN County Bank Building. THE BEST THAT'S GOING. can always bo had at tho Nash Cafe.' All soasonnblo delicacies and all that is appetizing. Our service is prompt' and eflicient, aud our cooking cannot be ex celled. Ouo meal will convince you that we aro friends you can tie to. NASH QAhE If You Will focus your eye on the swell made-toon! or Suits we aro offering, yon will rt'iilizo at once that they are excep tional vnlues. You will find over five hundred difforeut suitings here from which to mako a selection. We would like to tnko your measurements now. French Dry Cleaning and Pressing neatly dono. EIFERT MEDFORD Bring Results wm. mcmtjseay, General Passenger Agent,' Portlani TRIBUNE TIAS THE BEST SOUTHERN OREGON. - I.