4 FRISCO SCRAPS over mm Medford Not Alone in llav ing a Bothersome Water Problem to Contend With BAN FHANVlSt'O, ful., H.t. 12. Tlio bonnl of tnpor inor tf S:m Vrnn oinoo fiinla ilm-lf in a juvuliar mt mil ion toilny In tho ttuich mootiM riMt ion to briim wntor from tli Kiorra Novmla mount ninn to nnpply tlio oily. Tho SpriiiK Valley WhIit oompaiiy, which fumittluN tin city water at iwwut. mi nouacoB itHi'lf n u couiMMitor with thr Uolch Hi'd'hy properti.. Tho Spring Valley uffirinU havo Ihoii ijuu-lly buy injl np pnimiiU'raltli Hiorrn property ami water rights for Home t tme ami now comes forth the charter proposition that tho tmperviHom unint nsk fur vahia (ions on cxitiutf plnntH before pur clumiuK water nupply plnntH. Tho mipervioortt may have to nlmmloit I lit Hot eli lletehy project anil take the Navntla county properties that the Hprintf Valley company Imi uiulor con trol. William Ham Hall, tho owner of the Lake Klinor rititn, which are neoesHary for the city to own if tlio llelch lletehy finpply n to be protectt), ha mnilo hin formal offer to the city. Ho w:iutn $1!00,000 nml all tho power right n. The MiipcrviNorn ilo not favor llii plan. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Mm. Uorlio Young "itl infant Italic of Atlhitniil are huphIh of Mm. S. Hay pholtr. ami family thin week. Mr. Young wan formerly a JackHonvillo girl nml is viRititiK old frioml hero be fore leaving for Nnleni, where her moth or resitlon anil when ho intend-' to inako her homo in the future. M r. a ml M nt. K. K. Ii a 1 1 a n 1 M i w (Iraco KaypholtK of Hig Sticky were visiting fr.otn.tt anil relatives here 1hh( Ha turd ay and Sunday. Mix Hay plod t r. In teaching a very miccrftaful term of school in tho Kooevelt diwtriet. M iws A Idtie 1 1 enry, w ho ha been quito indinpOKod for mn.t time, i con vnlcNciug, we are glad to nay. Her school in I ho Ant ioeh tl it riet tthonld have commenced AuguM .11, but on nc count of her ill health h;id to bo post potted. Miss i'lara Kltner ha returned from her visit to the seashore. School will commence next Monday September 14. The janitor. 1.. O. Van Wegon, has been at work for several days scburring the room, washing win dows and dusting, so that now evevr thing is in perfect order for tho begin ning of tho term. We understand that .lolui f lngg:tn of Sams Valley is to be the new janitor at tho courthouse in place of Owen Kcegaa, who has filled that petition faithfully for years. Tho surprise party given to Mr. and Mrs. Johnson by their many friends was much enjoyed by all. The crowd met at Hie parsonage and then proceed ed in n body to the Johnson home, where they ook possession. The ove ning was spent in social Intercourse, singing of hymns, etc., after which re frotdimrnts of ice cream, bauituas and rake were sered. Mr. and Mrs. John son and daughter Mamie are leaving ns to locate near tyrants Pass and car ry wilh them the good wishes nf a host of friends. Krod Kick has about completed Mr. M. Taylor cottage in Mei'nlly nddi lion. Mr. Kick took the contract for tl.VH) and has put np a very neat and attractive house, benides having all the modern conveniences. Mrs. J. N'unan and daughter, Mrs Josephine liussell and IVnald Kussell, have returned from Newjmrt, where they have been sending the summer. John Zera and Irvin l':hack og Kagle Point were in town Friday, being wit nt-ase in the state of Oregon v era lhrk CAM. 8. 0. Van Pykc of rh.Hr.v i at tendirg c-rcir.t e.-v.rt ti w ff-i Mr. W. R. Cali-mxn n.i M vs C L 1 JjfUlTIK wr V.tMor& )ni.-. V.5i.v T. V. W. V. Hr': -Lt .i. ir:.n t rrit.t Pnoiy il mi iiOMt ii ii" e'.i-n linusB. Wiliiun. 'Eyot tiiuii or int I.t. r i rtrow wim pt'itT nii a' vr- m( -a irtiuwtU.T uni. T -uu Circut; Cjout: TJfwi, h J.- J'(I)1H VI onwr THmtntf.- uni Ttlllf lIHttl' HUij ttiai: nun- ntvn; pruHiti ruiuniDib Atmr rtinnmi' - t, V J ; 3nttTTn : mil mm ti iini'Mtiit run. jiuiui: iriMTumrt; i? ifflw fiiip)iy 1'iiriiiKii" vi, ,7 Tv.:qrrrutl..: niu"Tr ri:iniT'i. uitr (itrtitiiiinirr fi'vi xim u fit luiftr J1 W. ',tHitr- nut ' I. V t ut Xwimtti Jv. tmni ; i.T.i'i. !!' ti ' j W. V,(if at. J Hon to ri-n-t u,'ti-y; ttnri-t ut ruM and A1 iAt ff,; n ur.t.l H- r ItjUt )0 to fil ir.M, M. lirytti Vf'i-nt-rn Of -tu Hf,t rutniintiY ft ftl.; tututt t o t-trui-. If. Vivtvf el til : n. Inn hn Wl(rlff it al.; lii'wurt' r uunUtii,' im-l plaintiff ((ivi-it tint rl K , Ultt-f o )U Whib to file rrmiplaltil. I .'( lM IT to in Inn :rtr lika 1tirtitMr "Mni.nnv v tWn t, .trlli from ..,.i,i,l.n,t nvvrrnlM. ',ul"k Wolff .u.l !,, y Mm Mr u tha iry noi.l.r v.. Krmnk X. l).,m- t iii.r; Milt fir 4lvor. 4iftmLift4. r. Social and Personam IP PAQQtfl Less than a month remain in which talcs can be paid and thus save certif icates uf deliiitineucv bring isHiiod. The sivmid half of the lt7 tax will be i delinquent iiuIohn pnul on or bi'fore letober 5, and the nhoriff will issue certit'tcato of delinquency on all real cNtate on which tlicixc have not been paid. Theao certificaten draw li per cent interent. and out it lo the holder after three years to a deed to the prop erty. IVrwonnl property on which tuxes are not paid by October 5 will be sold by the sheriff. While Kiln Williams of (Irants Pass, about 1 7 year nld, was going home from a dance given by hoppicker in the vicinity, she and her escort stopped at a ino:iid on the Appb'gute. While in the yard two shot were fired, the first striking M is Williams. A bunt eight bird shot entered her face and head. Tin sheriff took into custody Mrs. Imbler, wife of tho owner of the vinevard, who confessed to tho shoot ing, claiming that they had been both erod bv the Imppiekers and had to re sort in idiooting for self protection. The wiuind nro not serious and the pro ha lolitios are that they will not disfigure Mis Williams. J. I'erev Wells, superintendent uf hcIiooIh for this county, ha been nt tending tin1 annual slate convention of those officials held at Salem. State Sti peri tit endent Ackernian presided. Dr. Oudlev X. ( lark died suddenly at laytou, Wash., n short time since. What inbU to the Hadness of the death of tho deceased is tho fact that he was soon to be married to Miss Htanche hickensnu. 1 r. Clark was a son of Mr. ami Mrs. I. N. I'lark, formerly of Jackson countv, and was bom near Medford HO vears ago. Klamath Falls will indulge in a big Hireet fair and carnival, beginning Oc tober Ii!. The annual count v fnir will be merged therewith and premiums on exhibits will be offered as usual. Mr. ami Mrs. Ansel Oilson of St ling were in Medford and Jacksonville Friday on a trading trip. Frank tlrejjorv, who lives near Con trul Point, has been in Medford sev eral time lately. O. I. Sargent, Albert Smith and Owen lun hip were down from Phoenix a few days since. A new book has hern issued by th Soul hern Pacific company describing the attractions of Crater lake. "There is but one Crater lake," is the slogan of the booklet and a number of int vs ing pictures of the famous resort illustrate the text. It nut ox of travel iinrd in reaching the nhoroa of the lak t he variom point of interest on the journey and other details that every traveler eoiitomplal ing making the trii will want to know are included in the booklet, which is now ready for distri but ion. Fred Fick. the Jackom ille builde and contractor, is building a neat cot taije on an orchard near Sterling, which will be occupied by .1. T. Miller. John S. Ply male, Frank Xetherland and W. I,. Kdmousoit were down from Mig Untie during tho week. K, H. Hall and J. C. Fry. who lixe on t ho M ed ford "ent ral Point road, transacted business in Medford a few days ago. C. H. Coffin, a linersido capitalist, has bought the placer and ipiartu mine of W. T. (irider. located in Klamath r dit riel not far from the Jack son county line. The consideration was i:t,oim. I. K. Morrison, county road super visor of this district, has been trans letitttf business in Medford. J. C. Parnniu. niauauer of the K. H. V. railroad, made a hort trip south this week. O. llarbauh of Jocksanville was imong his Medford friends recently. lo not fail to consult Madame Fay, t'lairv oviiut and medium, t XI ell block. room X tf At tho Bijou, and well pleased crowd at Pijou last night. The per A large tided th. formanc was one of the best in tnanv day. "The Hoston Tea Party " a thril ent pre The cli Im-I picture on that historic rodinu the r' olutiouary war, f the picture show . band of dti;ml a- Indians board ire Br if. oh merchant esol and her i rfcv .l' tea out into the A ha: f.gM taVes pla.c b" ' lr v! a-i tVe ).:;. patriots lartfe t htow ;r V.'AP. f :i t V'i-; r.-.rr. .- t ,.1 GJTXK TO n.A.mxfc 1 !! llll'l IM'W i t.ir IM'IIMI "U)"-M Jill" V IT &ttb'.t4 El'-, Uf 0uic Tt3 Kt frjian, Olt-fJU. f'.f. -I xrf. fj Hh '-s tl tJM A '.t- ff i'J a !t; r-1 f .r t'j'jfi t ht'.fin H Jt' TT.bT M tO J! IL.l. U, Jlii-luiir-; rtifttiljuotit 'ijr"tior.. Further parttcu I',7 IlKK'ltlK ur lirmriK inr rhuf li-t un iw you tlji winiiinif iioirit. of Moor. Iihrnll.-I n. lu.ivtly t)- thr Mi . If. .r. I llarlar Co., aurn-..or to II. K. llov ir.T Aoyl,o4 wUkiai to la.nt la ... arata-., mint Bio4.ra and bnat Ucal- u.maa la MMfutd .k.IJ . ..j Tha u. K.i via . LIL I HUULU BY DEBATERS Gowk l Oktahofii iVt PolitlGiai Nearly Come to Blows on Platform STKOFI, Oklu., Sept. 1. A bitter p4tlitical feud has developed here today as the result of an attempt to hold a joint debate last night between Govern or Haskell and Dennis Flynn, former delegate to congress. Tho men exchanged t he lie before the debate had tartd, and the event came near terminating in a riot. The troublo started before the debate was communcod, when tho republican and democratic commit In engaged in a pqunhblo over tho allotment of time to (he debater. Flynn opened his speech with a di rect personal attack upon Haskell, charging his with misappropriating school futuhi. "It's a lie," saiit Haskell. "lt8 the truth," retorted Flynn. 'M'ou lie, and you know you lie," said the governor. "If it was not for one thing 1 would smash your face, ' ' exclaimed Flynn, as their friends parted them. It was announced today at campaign headquarter that there will be no more debates between Haskell and Flynn, as the renewed enmity aroused by the meeting last night may have serious results. Tho best lot in Hungalow addition, just off Seventh street; can be bought :.t a bargain if taken nt once. Write box .fOS. l.vj One hundred cash nml balaneo on easy terms buy tho best bargain in a choice building lot in Medford; 0 street, facing the Cat boiic school; high and s ghtly; in bent residence section. This lot at the price is n snap. Writo liox 50$. 153 Medford Tribune, 50a per moath. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public generally and which i perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of tho Southern Pacific company and nil points in tho Fnited States, lty means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in tho Fnited State and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Steeper accommodations and smalt amounts of catdi in connection with these ticket may also be forwarded at the same time." tf St Mary's Academy Directed by the Sistors of the Holy Namos of Jesus and Mary. Modford, Or. Rates for tho scholastic year, or per iod of 40 weeks: Boarding School. Board, tuition and laundry $180.00 Private room 50.00 Day School. Tu it ion, primary and grammar grades $20.00 High school and special course. . UO.OO Luncheon for dnv scholars who too far from senool to rteurn home, or who prefer a warm meal at noon 50.00 Special rates to parents entering two or more children. Music Department Piano, two lessons per week ... 60.00 Violin, two lessons per week ... 60.00 Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc 60.00 Vocal, two lessons per week ... 60.00 N. B. The rates quoted above in clude an hour's practice daily, under the sutervision of a sister. Art Department Pen, irA. charcoal and w.uer eoiC-rs $ 30.iV1 Oil 40.00 MyoeliineoaJv :.iMf fe st fiE:.f;ip cf 15 "O 1 ? iAi: -k', ; rt ft J C." Si.f if .t r;vrtn. jlyritl edvrt t" i .1 t .im. kn i,titt w.'rt. Ti-t t;f, cr M'l . '-n i:-a fLkrffc f-intn mk: tli 7Hii it Hit: l.t-n i. in 1'ini.nnit: ituif t'lLicitf kuc Oif umC t.-t in:ji-pv..iii'i :f ii.t-tieiivec tln-ti:i. Miiuint t. ti "ii ti- 'iiHu ttit fun-furt f I'lip. ii- n.ii u'-i;:u.i.iif cu-L.tiniiu' uo UHUifk i W -in- in' ii-tijr-un i5 Mturiirft hin : fur iMM't-ifT iDin'i"i;mr cw rtuiii:iuk :t Aut:-.' B1FTXX FTTHiUOK. FT KAIT B ACA1E1CT. Pubber Goods Jut rf cived. a complete line t water bag?, srringes ami everything in the rubber line, caeh article guaranteed. Medford Pharmacy tii Drug Rtora wit l.lttl. Pricaa. Naar Poatoftla. Classified Advertisements On Cent a Word No ilngle lnai tloui than IS centt. Six lnwrtlom for lh pnea of four. 8Tonty ctu a Uuh per laontb. I FOB FOU SALK Choice business property on five yearn' time. Address Lock Hx 41S, Medford. 12 Foli SALK Old papers, 3 cents a hun dred. Tribuno office 1(10 FOR SALK Largest rooming houso in Mcdforu; location unsurpassed; genu ine bargain for the right party; ensh proposition only. Address J. C, care of Tribune. J75 FOU SALK :t20-ucro ranch, $12,000, first class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See L. K. W., Tribuno office. tf FOU SALK Five-aero tracts insitlo and adjoining city limits of Medford, on five years' time. Apply Clold Hay Heal ty Co., in office Condor Water & Pow or Co. 109 AN YBOJJV wishing a nice, new resi dence property, 100x150 feet big, with lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, Lo gan nud strawberries, modern in every way n imI located on the best street in M etl ford, should address P. O. Box 572. 105 FOR SALK Dry cord wood, pine, fir, oak and laurel. F. Oscubrugge, Stude baker Bros.' warehouso. FOR SALK Two lots In Kest Med ford, fine location, good soil, well, woodliouso, HO bearing opplo trees with good crop apples; price reusonablo. Ad dress Lock Box 28, city. 150 FOR SALE A good Bmalt business on Seventh street. Heaoons for celling. Address, P. O. box 512 or cnll at thin office. tf FOR SALK A first-class pianola pia no j a bargain. P. O. Box 15, Med ford. WANTED. WAXTKI) To trade, timber claim for city property; Baker City property for Medford property; piano for good horse. W. H. West. WANTED Three or four furnished rooms or au unfurnished cottage; close in; no children. Address W., Tribune office. z 151 WAN TKl Position in charge of fruit ranch; recommendations furnished. H. W., care Tribune. 101 vV A N T K D J a pa nese ma u and wife wish situation as cook, house, or office work, or can do any other work. Ad dress X. W. Wah Chong, Ashland, Ore gon. 5o2 VANTK1 Woman or girl to do iron ing, washing, houseeleamng. Apply A. Tribune office. 150 WANTED Saddle pony for us for a month or more, or horse and wagon. Tribune office. tf WANTEB Three teams, work horses, about 2600; one team ponies about 2000; one team about 2300; must bo in good order and reasonable. W. 11. West & Co. , tf WANTED Japanese, honest workor, want situation Biich as house clean ing and gardeu work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, day and hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th street, near bridge, Medford. 155 WANTKD To rent, for futility of two. Tribune. furnished houso U. Putnam, The WANT El.) To trade new steel ranges! for old stoves. Wordoff A Wolf, Eada'l old stand. W A N T K L A g ootl . f res h mil c h co w. Address ltox 51, Medford, Hlr. VANTKI To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheop. Writ Bx 131, Medford, Or. roa rent. FOR KKNT K-urcisheJ room. e!e-rtne light, with hath. Mr. W. W. Eifert. TO TRAPE L-ght n.g:. covered b7p gy fr two tiu i t p. L. E. W.. Tri bute Off.ff. tf BIJOU THEATRE I'UI'AY AM" THE B'A-TVN A ttirillntp HHry- if tin rt x iiluli'iiirr ar .vr.--Ti:i;V cif THE MOl".V7 A !5 A tiruliig inu. Avl-.t. XKEVOfS TV 1T.-.;:.N, Tit funniest comic of tlin. ul'. tv.i,!! IiEAK'i. .' ' Admission 10 c-eiit. persons wishing to tele phone between the hours of 9 p. m. and 7 a. m. will please go to the PUBLIC PAY STATION at the Nash Hotel J. J. Buchter, Manager ft' v L. o. Medford's Exclusive Apparel Store for Women BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Which Billy shall it be, Bill if Be or Billy Tf There is some doubt about the winner, but no doubt about the fact that our cigars are the winner everv time. Medford 5 cent. R R V 10 Gent and Del Marca 15 cent Cigar R. R.V.Cigar Works Medford. Or. on aaJe uvemrbere. Day School Department at St. Mary's AGademy; lubb&hed iu another column. Those are the fixed rate in all the schools of the Sister of the Holy Names, but, us the testers main endeavor is to work for f the i-hysical. intellectual and moral de veloj-ment of youth, they wish the par- ! ents who ft el that they cn not meet j these rates, to call and see them with the assurance of being being received ! with every courtesy and of finding the j tfistfrs willicg to co-operate in the great j work of forming the youth as good fitiiena. , WATEI By reliable man of fsmity, z;k ady t mpioyment ; can give r?fer enff. Aidrt-ss J. V. K., Brcnks room-ii-i L:us-. 151 SATlliIAT: TLA 'AE'TY ' The New Goods nit h tile Flice and We Set the Prices Wo invite you hero to sec the new goods, feeling that you .-uimot but help being pleased at the large assort ments and splendid values shown in w.w WALL SUITS FOR WOMEN WAV PALL SUITS FOE MISSES NEW FALL WAIST LINES WW FALL DRESS SKIRTS XEW LINES OF GOWNS AND ROBES NEW PTEOR POOPS, ETC. Smith S Molony . Carry the Strongest Line of High Cut Boots at the best prices in Southern Oregon Buy now, for you will need them See Our ty you see the whole show in .Medford real estate, for every discriminating propertv owner knows who will find customers for him, and lists his property with us. A house is or is not; desirable as a resi dence or as an investment; is or is not worth the money asked for it. While we always use our best endeavors to sell propertv listed with us, we regard the purchaser as our cus tomer, and put our best judgment at his dis posal. Ae know the snaps, and we never mislead our customers, or misrepresent val ues to them. With the town filling rftp. Rogue River Land Company IT imiLDTXn jnv KX11II SEE The latest things in Neckwear Brooches and Belt Pins MARTIN The Jeweler Fin. Watci sr, OCR TELEGUAVll SEWS Is KECEIYED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IX OUR OFFICE Window The Whole Thing in a Nutshell AVhen you inspect our list of citv immer- MIODFORD J. REDDY Near Postofflce m,Urlni . 8palty. -A i