4 MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON. FRIDAY, SEPTOMBER1M908. , Classified Advertisements i JOHNSON 10 MEET BURNS Big Pugifistk; Event Shed uled For AustraliaKct Ghel Got Another Chance LONDON, Sept. 11. It was learned hore today that Tommy Hums and Jack Johnson have been matched to fight at Sydney, Australia, tho latter part of November. It is n nderstood t hat a syndicate, of Australian!) will finance tho fight, giving a purse of 25,(100, winner take 60 per cent and the loser 40 per cent. The advices received here today state that tho preliminary ar rangements have all been made and that the match is a certainty. The general opinion among fight fans here is that Burns will be whipped by the negro. Tho announcement of the proposed fight was carried in the dispatcher two wooks ufo, but today's dispatches confirm the story that Hums has at last been forced to accept the match with the negro. Tt is understood that preliminary arrangements are being made in London. K etc lie 11 to Meet Papke. SAN FKANUIHCO, Cnl., Sept. 11. The fight fans hero today were sur prised to learn that Htanley Ketehcll will be given another chance to regain his lost championship laurel u by Hilly Papke. Papku signed with Ketchell last night, .Ton O'Connor acting for Ketchell and Tom Jones for Papke. Jack Oleauon has cecured the match, which is to bo pulled off Thanksgiving day at the Coliseum. The men will fight under the samo weight conditions that govorned their last battle ami will re ceive 50 per cent of tho proceeds, (to per cent to go to the winner and 40 per cent to the loser. The referee is to be selected lfi days before the fight. ( 'Connor left for Los Angeles today to bring Ketchell here. He says thrit Ketchell hud taken on too many fights nud was stale. Hi' feels confident thnt the, Michigan young ster will be ublo to regain tho middle weight championship November 25. Papku has a threat rical engagement here next week and will then leave for Chicago, where he will stay until with in three weeks of the fight, when hr will come west to train. BKFOItK purchasing your range let us show you tho winning points of Moore, handlod exclusively by tho Medford llardwaro Co., successor to It. K. Hoy den. 151 Anybody wishing to invest in one of the neatest, most modern and best locat ed homes in Medford, should adrdess P. O. Box 448. Social and Personal See Sawyi-r & Hon for engineering ami surveying railway, din-lien and reservoirs; hydraulic work of all kinds. Special attention to subdividing and nlnttiiiK land. 303 N. (.' at. ISf Mrs. J.nvinin Mingiia of Ashland has been visiting i Medford, the (uest of her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Aitken. H. I'ntterson, II. Silver and .lames Hailev of Ashland onssed through Med ford Thursday, en route to Josephine county to imjiect some mniuij; urui ertv. W. M. t'iinuiii(,'hiiin of Kdirewood. ( al., spent a few days in Medford this week. W. E. lieufly, the miner, has returned to Winter precinct after a protracti-d stay in Nevada, lie may not remain long. Walter Moore, the festive granger, spent a few hours in Medford Thursday afternoon. T. J. Owens and his wife, were in Medford one dny this week on their way to the Hlue L?dge. j. A. McDonald ami Mr. Treshain, energetic young residents of Sams Val ley, mnde Medford n business visit Thursday afternoon. Harold Deuel, who has been spending his vacation in Medford, left on Toes day evening for Culver, Ind., to re suuie his studies. W. T. Kane was a recent visitor in Medford. He returned lately from the state of Washington and bought the Connor place in Ashland for $2U."fl. II. Wntkins and K. Spencer of Eagle Point precinct were in Medford Thurs day on land business. Willinm Cameron, who has been ipiite ill, is able to be about again. John Daley has returned from Engl Point. W. Moore, who is engaged in fruit culture near Woodville, made his for mer home in Medford a visit Wedncs day. Professor X. I.. N.'irregan and his son Carl, whu are ranching near Eagle Point, were among their Medford friends Thursday. Christian (lomniel, who lives nenr (ininlH Pass, hus been visiting rein lives living ill this vicinity. Mrs. .lumen Pope, who has been visit ing in Jacksonville, has rejoined her husband, who is operating in Kane's Creek district. Tyson Heall of Central Point pre einct was aiming his Medford fri N a few days since. II. E. Peyton nnd his family were down from I'pper Kogne river Thurs day. lie reports un excellent crop of fruit in thnt section. John I.. Thorndike and his family, who have been scpendiug tin? past sen son at Jacksonville and Sterling, lire in Medford again. C. A. Mnlboeut', the genial traveling passenger agent of the Southern Pacific company, hus been in tho valley again. William .1. Scott and Theodorn Glass, prominent citizens of Antioch precinct, transacted business ill Medford Thurs dny. Anybody wishing a nice, now resi donee' property, KltlxlSO feet big, with lawn, fruit nnd ornamental trees, lo gan and strawberries, modem in every way and located on tho best street in Medford, Bhould address P. O. Box fi7" IBS SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 OPENING DAY AT Hussey's Cash Store The New Store COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. WE WANT TO C1ET ACQUAINTED WITH THE PEOrLE OF MEDFORD AND VICINITY. GOT SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU IN THE WAY OF EN AMELINE TINWARE, HOUSEHOLD NECESSITIES, DRY GOODS, NO TIONS, ETC. WHETHER YOU WANT TO BUY OR WOT, COME IN TOMORROW AND LOOK AROUND. WE WILL BE BETTER FRIENDS LATER ON. WE NEED YOUR MON EY AND ARE GOING TO TRY AND KEEP THE MANY LITTLE THINGS THAT YOU NEED IN YOUR EVERY DAY WAY. Anyway, Come in and Let's Get Acquainted Hussey's Cash Store West ot Moore Hotel LUDWIG THE LUNATIC Patti Once Threw Kim Into a Frenzy of Madness. A FREAK OF THE CRAZY KING. H Frightened and Enraged the Great Diva by Hit Strange 0Whimi, and When She Finally Sang For Him In Munich It Drove Him Wild. When I'atli was la the first heyday of her fame Ludwig II., the mini kin? of Itavarla, set his heart on having her slug for hiui ut privute auditorium Id Munich, lie wrote letter after let tor, begging. Imploring, offering ex travagant sums of money, but Pa til resolutely refused to go. She ha. I heard too many stories of Ludwlgs fre.ik and was desperately afraid of hliu, but at last the king offered her a sum so enormous that It seemed ridiculous to refuse It. Then the siuger plucked np courage aud startetl for Munich. When she and tier maid allghteJ at the Ma li ou not even a carriage was there to met . them, aud they had to Inquire the name of the best hotel nnd call a cab. That was the first shock to the diva's nerves and temper. After luncheon she started out to see the town nud Inci dentally to examine the posters nu nounclug Europe's greatest singer. Not a menilon of her uame could she find., She rushed back to the hotel uud toid her maid to pack the trunks. Just at that moment a nwpleudcut olli cor delivered a letter from the king. The letter stated curtly that bis maj esty would wait for her at 7 o'clock precisely lu the royal palace, where bis singer In ordinary. Mine. Fischer, won'd give her further directions. Mine. Fischer would also slug witb Mine. Paul the duets which uU maj esty wished to hear. A programme was Inclosed. Pattl wept with rage. "I have never been treated so bru tally." she said. "I shall leave at once. Teli the king no. I will not sing ii'.n'cr. never, never:' The otlicer I'leij-icl with the Iniie prima domia His majesty had been wild with ex i lleuieut ever since he Uuew she would rome and had cot slept for three MigMi. kj great was his joy ut the j.n.sptvt of hearing her. ilesldes." adt'.ed the oilicer. "you l.now your l:iug Is is b"." Crazy," snapped Patti. "Yea, limfs Mry comfortit..;. Uu't It? 1 t'o:i't know why I ever came.' .lu-t then she caught sight uf ibis poslr. ript: "The king commands Mine. Pattl to ttpic.;r 1: pure white, w it bout any color whatever. ui:d not by uny mea.s to wear a naiin g.v.u. but suit woo! SI!!; is p::infi:I to his majiy." P. i. ijerry will have to l e paitu-d 1 Inue no white woolen gown except my peignoir. I shall wear red velvet." "lied!" groaned the o Hirer. "Oh. no, no! Ited hc!!i1s his imi.lesty Into fits If you appear lu red, he will scream t:ti ) hate convulsions. Oh. do he pa tient, iinidauie! 1 will lring Mu.c Fhclicr lo you. She uiulerstar.ds the kind's nerves. She will explain." II:' tied from t!ie room, t;nd whortly nfler Mine. Fischer appeared upon the F'v: . She soothed Pattl Into good hucior and also attacked the white wot I peignoir aud tnnisfonncd It Into li m. a becoming Creek robe. lie fore 7 the royal carriage arrived nl (lie hotel and Pattl went to t lie pal aee She was led through dimly lighted rooms and corridors Into l.ud wI-'h private theater, which was l:i tiller darkness save for the moonlight thit entered throi.gh the windows Paltl stood upou the dark stage, while mi orchestra, somewhere out of sight, begun a sort prelude. Through the gloom Nile could Just make out a white fare I u l!ie royal box opposite the stage Not another auditor was In the great h:ill. Pattl felt the cold Hhtvers creeping over her, She tdiook with nervousness nud fear, nnd when she should have begun her aria not n sound could she make. She opened her mouth, but her throat was paralyzed from nervous terror. There was n pause. The king up rang up aud leaned forward out of the box, his white face gleaming lu the moonlight. The violins re peat til the prelude. Pattl gathered herself to gether and made one heroic effort. Her voice rang out Into the great empty plnee. ami the king sank back Into the dark box. Pattl, though badly scared, made the effort of her life and unNhod the aria from "l.a Travlata" triumphantly and stood Hushed with victory. Iead si lence. Not a souud came from the gloom lefore her. She went off the stage In a temper. Mine. Fischer was behind the scenes, and Pattl waited with her for tho signal to sing the next mini Iter. A messenger appeared at the door. Ills majesty had bad enough music and bad gone to his apartments. For a moment PnttI stood stunned. Then she laughed. The rudeness was so colossal that It was funny. Mine. Fischer took tho diva to supper and then home. j The uext morning Mine. Fischer I called at the hotel once more, aceoin J pan led by the court rhamtcrlalu, who I bore the promised check, an autograph letter of thanks from the klug and I some Jewels of great value. King I. ml wig. Mine. Fischer said, was lu one 1 of his maddest moods, wild with re gret, cursing himself nnd cursing Pat tl. He had walked the floor all utght. groaning that he was a traitor, for Pattl's volev had so ravished his senses that for one moment he had gone over to Italian music and had been false to Wagner, the ono musician who alone had satisfied his nnjesty'a soul. "That was better than having bored him." added TatU, shrugging her hoal- ders. One Cent Word No singU Inser tions less than 16 cents. Six insertions fox the price of four. Seventy-five cents a Uuh per month. FOB BAUi. FOR SALK Choice business property ou five years' time. Address Lock Box 41S, Medford. 12 r OK SALK Old papers, 5 cents a hun dred. Tribune office. 160 FOR SAL?' Lnrgat rooming house in Medford; location unsurpassed; genu ine bargain for the right party; ensh proposition only. Addnss .1. , care of Tribune. l". I Reduced Rates to State Fair at SAlem, Oregon. The Southern Pacific company will sell round trip tickets to Salem at the rate of one fare and a third for round trip account Oregon state fair, to be held nt Snlem September 14 to 10 inst, Ticketes will bn on sale September 3 to 10, Itu'biAtve; continuous passage n both mmetioua. further parttcu- FOR SALE 320-acre ranch, $12,000, first class improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See L. E. W., Tribune office. tf FOR SALE $100 down and 320 on easy payments, will buy one of the best building lots in town, G street, facing Catholic school. Box 508, Med ford, Or. 150 FOR SALE Five-aero tracts inside and adjoining city limits of Medford, on five years' time. Apply Gold Ray Real ty Co., in office Condor Water & Pow er Co. 169 ANYBODY wishing a nice, new resi dence property, 100x150 feet big, with lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, Lo gan and strawberrie3, modern in every way ard located on the best street in Medford, should address P. O. Box 572. 165 FOR SALE Dry cord wood, pine, fir, oak and laureL F. Osenbmgg?, Stude baker Bros.' warehouse. FOR SALE Two lots in Est Med ford. fine location, good soil, well, wootihouse, 30 bearing apple trees with good crop apples; price reasonable. Ad dress Lock Box 2S, city. 150 FOR SALE A good small busincs on Seventh street. Reasons for celling. Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this office. tf FOR SALE A first-class pianola-piano; a bargain. P. 0. Box 95, Medford. WANTED. WANTED Three or four furnished rooms or an unfurnished cottage; close in; no children. Address '., Tribune office. z 151 WANTED Position iu charge of fruit ranch; recommendations furnished. 11. W., care Tribune. 161 WANTED Japanese man and wife wish situation as cook, house, or office work, or can do any other work. Ad dress X. W. Won Chong, Ashland, Ore gon. 552 WANTED Woniau or girl to do iron ing, washing, housccleauing. Apply A, Tribuno office. 150 WANTED Saddle pony for us for a month or more, or horse and wagon. Tribuno office. tf WANTED Three teams, work horses, about 2600; one team ponies about 2000; one team about 2300; must be in good order and reasonable. V. H. West & Co. tf WANTED Japanese, honest worker, wants situation such as house clean ing and garden work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, day and hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th street, near bridge, Medford. 155 WANTED To rent, furnished house for family of two. G. Putnam, The Tribune. WANTED To trade now steel ranges for old stoves. Wordoff & Wolf, Eads' old stand. 153 WANTED A good, fresh milch oow. Address Box 01, Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock ihoep. Write Box 131. Medford, Or. FOB BENT. FOR RENT Furnished room, electric light, with bath. Mrs. W. W. Eifert.4S TO TRADE Light single covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. E. W., Tri bune office. tf The People's Safe Store New Fall Lines on Display . W. .ant to uJ U- Mie. o, Mora aod jrUW W Jrutt a pleaDK. styles in all lines by your liberal patronage ssrents correspondingly greater. THIS FALL our stocks will be tnplc what tl.ey e e ls 1 andhe as t One thing we have striven for every day unrc we opened i tl is. 10 givo their money than they ever got before, and we have fXg Tmake good on nnv.hing anybody ANOTHER THING we have always done .. i to . d ' sJthe umnln of .Lie paid. buys here that does not prove all wo . la,,,, for it, an 1 a 1 on ' 11 ou " '. . , momv or ,,,,. ANY PERSON who ever bought u narticle here that did not prove satisi.u nr g ,'rtIT.Si,Up','T00yOU: 5r. to trade at the safe store. NVe iuvi.e you here to look and don't urge yon to buy when you come. You are always welcome. THE NEW SUIT STYLES Sizes 14 to 44 for Misses and Ladies We are proud of our stock of suits. The value, are absolutely the best and you will say too when you cxanvne th',n carefully We invite you to allow us the spec.,. Uavor of show mg the now I hoy ' ors- nivv cadet and Copenhagen blues, greens, London smoke, mined greens, browns, etc., also p am green, navy, own aud Z number o. r , v herringbone suitings. The fabrics are so new and rich nnd the finish so , luraMe r we casee satisfaction and value in every suit. Come and see then, today. Any price along j rom $10 to $75 Medford's Exclusive Apparel Store for Women BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Which Hilly shall it be, Billi Be or Billy Tf There is some doubt about the winner, but no doubt about the fact that our cigars are the winner every time. Medford 5 cent, R R V 10 cent and Del Marca 15 Gent Cigar R. R. V.Cigar Works Medford. Or. on sale bvervwhere. Day School Department at St. Mary's Academy published iu another column. These are the fixed rates in all the schools of the Sisters of the Holy Names, but, as the Sisters' main endeavor is to work for the physical, intellectual and moral de velopment of youth, they wish tho par ents who foel that they can not meet these rates, to call aud seo thom wi'h tho assurance of boing being received with ovory courtesy and of finding the SisterB willing to co-operate in tho great work of forming the youth as good citizens. WANTKD Hy reliable man of family, st.'mly employment; can give rot'er ftifi's. Address J. F. H.f Brooks' room ing house. bl BIJOU THEATRE KlilDAY AND SATTHDAY: .d.iTifc. '"n"' "TX-TKA I'AKTY" ZBBQ& A thrilling story uf tin' revolutionary war "MYSTKKY OFTHK MOUNTAIN'S" A thrilling draiun. "CONTAtUOUS, N Kit VOl'S T MTl II l.Nli " The funniest ouinie of them all. Song "DKAHIK." Admission.". 10 cents. Bubbling Coolness' Very Best o A rill from Cnh'itin 's Pine Shndowod spring conjures back the fail- iiitf appetite. nicki'ns tho action of tho liver and makes oiy live most forever. For salt by all drink dispensers. Smith 6 Molony Cany the Strongest Liue of High Cut Boots at the best prices in Southern Oregon Buy uow, for you will need them See Our Window A A M-.V The Whole Thing in a Nutshell &)i?!tiny vi,n.i t,, ;,,Uiw.r - " .v:-''' our list of city proper ty you see the whole show in Medford real estate, for every discriminating property owner knows who will find customers for him, and lists his property with us. A house is or is not desirable as a resi dence or as an investment; is or is not worth the money asked for it. "While we always use our best endeavors to sell property listed with us, we regard the purchaser as our cus tomer, and put our beBt judgment at his dis posal. We know the snaps, and we never mislead our customers, or misrepresent val ues to them. "With the town filling up rap idly, it is high time you were getting a home in Medford. Rogue River Land Company KXT1IUIT BUILDING, MEDFORD SEE The latest things in Neckwear Brooches and Belt Pins MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Poetofflce O Fin Witch and Jtwelry lepUrinf a Specialty. OVR TELEGRAPH XEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR OUR OFFICE