i f L - f 2 MEDFORD EAILY TRIBUNL, MEDFORD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 111908. .tTT Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. s Published every evening except Sunday. MED FORD PUBLISH IN U COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One month, by mail or carrier. . . .$0.fi0 One year, by mail. . ..$5.00 f -f What Papers Say THE CRATER LAKE ROAD. (Oregon Jouriml.) Speaking of tho project for a fine public highway to Crater lake, after his departure from Oregon, Mr. Harri man Baid: "X am heartily in Hvmpatliy with the movement and will be glad to di anything I can do hi the building of a fine boulevard from Medford to the lako and Klamath Falls. No invent mont Oregon can make will yield big gor returns than money invented in making Crator lako aecsesiblo to tour ists, for it is the greatest natural won der in tho world, and thousands will come from all parts to view it." Ho also stated that though he could not attend to the matter in person, General Manager OM.rien would net in his place. It is encouraging that Mr. Harriman has thus expressed himself, and that Mr. O'Brien will be delegated to tako his jiluco on the committee ap pointed. This is really an important movement. As Mr. II urn man sayM, thousands will conio annually to view this "greatest natural wonder in tho world." They will spend a great deal of money in Oregon, but moro than that, many of them will return to settle here, und their reports will bring other settlers and investors, people with means, and who will energrtieally aid in Oreguii'B development. Bo this is not merely a local affair, nor designed solely for the pleasure of automobilo tourists. It is a project that will benefit the whole Hlnte, well as southern Oregon. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. JAPS REFUSE TO OBEY ORDERS OF WHITE OFFICERS HAN FKANOIRCO, Cal.. Sept. II Tho officials of the Tovo Kiseii Kaish ,tho Japanese line, are awaiting the rival of tho Tenyo Muni lo settle a dispute that disrupted the servieo for months and has threatened a nice war between whites nnd Japanese officers on tho vessels. Tho .Inpiinesn under officers nnd crow of the nliip have re fused to obey the orders of the white n (fleers, and the Japanese know that if tho whito officers aro discharged, there will be no passengers from this port tn Japnn. Tho white officers say that the in subordination of tho under Japanese officers is insuffernble. Thief Kngineer Seaver of tho Tenyo Mnrn has not been allowed nny sleep by his Japanese as sistants for months, according to the white officers and Captain Going has had to dischnrgo severnl lots of first nnd second officers. An investigation is to made when tho Tenyo Maru roaches this port next Tuosdav. TRAOET NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS BY DEMOCRATS ..SAN FRANCISCO, Or., Sept. II. After two ballots had been tnken, president of the State Federation of Ln bor, was nominated by tho democrats yostorday to make tho race for con gross in tho Fifth district ngainst Con gressman K. A. Hayes Trncey is today preparing to make n whirlwind cam palgn In his district. It is the only congressional district that the demo crats have any hope of capturing in this state, and they are all enthuslaHtic for Tracoy. Tho convention yesterday nfternoon was lively. Trncey had received the nomination of the independence party and was opposed by democrats on this ground. Former Congressman .lames 0 Medulre wanted the nomination. PROFESSOR PROSTRA7ED BY SON'S SUICIDE BKHKELEY, Cal., Sept. M.l'rofi sor Samuel Benedict Christ v, head of tho mining college nt the V Diversity of California, is prostrated today an the result of the death of his sou, Ste phon Field, who deliberately lay down on tho railroad track at An burn ye! day and allowed a passing train to sever his hend from his body. Tho boy's body arrived from Auburn today and the strange story of his death came to light through letters he left addressed to his parents. They say that he in tired of life and finds ho cannot make success. The dead boy was 17 years of age. He had been an invalid for ten venrs as the result of a kick in the back ndrninistered by a playmate. Fred Luy Is in town this week bo ing summoned as u juror at tho Sep tember term of court. II. M. Cobs and family were over from Medford on Tuesday of this week Frank Kashafer, Jr., and wife of Kdgewood, Cal., arrived on Sunday aft or an absence of six years and will visit with the former's family for the next few weeks. Frank has a largt dairy ranch at Kdgewood and made the trip by team. (ieorgo W, Trefren came down from Ashland the llrst of the week on court business. Miss Hess Nickell of Medford spent Tuesday and Wednesday with relatives living here. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Keegan have returned from Dead Indian, whero they have been camped for tho last month Dr. and Mrs. If. T. Burnett, Mrs. L. J. Sears nnd Mrs. O. Harbaugh at tended a social meeting of tho O. lv S. at Medford Wednesday evening. J. II. Beemau of uolrt Hill was a Jacksonville visitor one day this week Miss Mary Fetor, dtputy county re corder, spent the day in Medford Wed nesday. II. F. Mender and wife of tho Riser orchard near Medford wero among those who attended court on luesduy. Mrs. Nellie Newbury and Mrs. T. J Kennev were Medford visitors Tues day. Minn Leila Friui is spending a few davs in Medford. Miss (iraco Henry returned from Fort land Tuesday, where she has been ceiving treatment fur her eyes. Mr. and Mrs. I'M Andrews of M ford were guests at the home of Dr. li 'I . Burnett Wednesday. M r. Andrews cniue over in Ihu interest, of (lie count v fair, which will be held at Medford tlm lirst three days in October. A crowd uf young people al tended the pavilion dance at. the fair grounds ihir ug tun sohhers and sailors reunion Wuiliirmlny evening ami had a very en joy able t imo. Those present from here were: Misses Fay Sears, Mary fetor, Maude I 'rim, Itertha I'riiii, Fletn I'lrit-h, Laura Neuber, Frances Kenuey Kniiua Weudt, A una Wend I, Minnie Tucker, I! lady s Shaw, M r. and M rt. Lewis Furich, II. C. Wallner, liny PI rich, Fat loin'giiii, I1'. Wilson, Ira Tun gate and Chailes Nuiutii. Professor 'ai l Moore has ret ui ned tu Jnckson vi Mi nnd will begin his duties as priiiejpal uf the puhlic school next Monday. Attorneys Norton, Male ami Colvig i'u in e up from (! rants Pass to attend ri rcl n it court Thiirmlay. Hugh Klliotl, formerly a blacksmith here, but for a number of years a resi dent of Portland, has relumed and will take charge of tl'-orge Lewis' black smith shop. M rue. Klliott will follow in nbout a month. Adam Schmidt is able to be up again al'Lcr a serious illness of a number uf weeks. The Methodists held their last quar terly conference here yesterday, Presid ing Kldcr Wire uf Purl land bieng present. A TENDERFOOT'S REVENGE. Bully of Now Mexico Town Had tho Tables Turned on Him. The average tenderfoot is not a cow ard. He siuiply lacks ranch experi ence. An frustration of this fact oc curred down In New Mexico several year ago. One day n pile looking, thin and sickly young man alighted from the train and put up at the lit tie adobe hotel nt Hernal Springs. The tenderfoot walked up to the bar and called for a bottle of soda pop. "'Tain't allowed to drink that sort o' stuff out hero," Bald a toughy. "What you want 1b a stiff drink o' red llrjuor. Mr. Barkeeper, set out the plson for this young feller." "You bare the best f nie," replied the tenderfoot, "and I'll have to drink the HtulT, but I hope the time may come when I can make you drink my choice of liquid." The tenderfoot raised tho glass and gulped down the whisky. Sandy bud had bis wny ulwut it. nnd he made no effort to comprehend the vague remark of the stranger. The tenderfoot left for a ranch down the Pecos the next day after the Incident In the saloon, and be was forgotten until one after uooa more than a year afterward a strong, lieu I thy looking young man rod up to the hotel on a broncbo, j dropped the bridle reins upon the ground and dismounted. Ho bad the up pea ran cc of a typical young man of tho range. Ills face was bronzed and his eyes clear nnd peuetratlng. "I owe a fellow a debt which I believe I will pny right now," the stranger said. No sooner bad he made the remark than ho walked off in the dlreetlou of Sandy, who had his gun in bis right hand and was firing It Into the air every few steps. The stranger ap proached Sandy, pulled bis gun and unceremoniously drugged the bully up to the saloon and led him in that fash ion up to the bar. "Get mo a pan of water nnd set It upon the floor," he said to the barkeeper. Tho order was complied with, Sandy standing there meekly, wondering whut was going to hnppeu to him. "Now, get down on the floor and drink water out of that pau like a dog," the former tenderfoot ordered. Sandy at llrst re fused, but wheu the stranger begau twirling his gun around on his fore lin ger and said the order must be obeyed the cowed fellow unlluibercd nnd lay down upon the floor and began drink ing water out of the pan. Denver Field and Farm. LUMBER YAED BURNS IN BAN FRANCISCO SAX F3AXCISC0, Cal., Sept. 11. It is believed today that the loss sus tained by the Van Arsdale-Harris Lum ber company and Edward F. Niehaus & Co. in a disastrous lumber yard fire lust nigl.t will amount to up to a quur ter of a million dollars. Starting from some unknown cause, the flumes gained such headway In the lumber yardB at Fifth and Brannon streets that it was impossible to save the costly stock of hardwood and the mills, which occupied the property. Aft ter a fight of four hours, the flames were checked and prevented from spreading through the lumber und plan ing mill district. F. Calhoun and L. Phoenix precinct aro market with peaches ity. H. Hughes of furnishing the if a fine quiil- 60.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 A WILD RACE. When Was RUSSIANS OBSERVE THE BIRTHDAY OF TOLSTOI ST. PKTi:itSltl'I(i, Sept. II. Pes 'lite the prohibition by the governineni of an official eelubratiun in honor ot the Silih birthday of Count Leo To! itoi, yesterday was virtually a holiday in Russia. The efforts uf (he govern nieiit to prevent any celebration hm served only to increase the entliusiasu f the people, and all classes are cele braling the anniversary of the birthday f the great Russian philosopher. All atlempts at formal demount rn tion have been suppressed. The gov mm. 'id has ordered every theater ti the rmpiro closed iu order to prevent anay demonstration by Tolstoi's ad mirers. Count Tolstoi is spending a quiet day nt his home at Yiumnva, Poliana. Mun I red- called to congratulate him on the 'tccasioit, but owing to his illness, tin oimtess would not admit anyone to hit iick room. WRIOHT MEETS ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF UNCLE SAM WELL GIVE ORANT FOR EXHIBIT AT EXPOSITION VANCOUVER, H. C, Sept. Id. lion. William Tent pieman, cabinet minister, mot tho Victoria boiml of trade today to ascertain the views of the board regarding a government appropriation for tho Alaska Yukon-Pacific exposition at Brattle. The, members were strong ly In favor of a substantial grant be ing maflo. Mr. Tvntolemnn said his U ASIUXliToN, Sept. 11. Signs' orps men freely t press (ho belief hat Orvillo Wright, who shattered al records iu his three story making nor tplane flights yesterday, will be aid. to exceed by a wide margin tho re quiioinents of the war department. One oOIcial predicted that the Wright leroplane Mondl be able to make 4:' niles an hour. The matter of remain ;ng in the air fur a given length of times bothers no one now. since Wright "ailed last t'veiiinif for til! minutes nnd. l,"i seconds with perfect ease. f Orville Wright is the hero of the I lay and his claim to the title uf king 'f the air," though not nduinced bv I himself, is not disputed. Ho has re 1 congratulations from aeronauts! from all parts of the Knited Staten nnd Europe, but is calm and unassuming as Me has little to av except that ' the machine would do it. I the First Pony Express Nearing Sacramento. Cornelius One, ex-senntor from Cull fornla, ltd Is in bis uieiuofrs how the first "pony express" reached Sacra mento, Cal., long before the llrst trans continental railroad was surveyed: J ' loose who were there to witness It will never fovget the arrival of the first of these exprcsH messengers at Sacramento. It was an iteration of great rejoicing, u ml everybody, bigninl little, old a ml young, turned out to see the fun. All business for the time was suspended. Even the courts ad journed for the event. A largo num ber of the citizens of all classes, grave and gay, mounted on font horses, rot It; out some miles on (he line to meet l!u- Incumiug wonder. The waiting was not long. The lit- . tie rider upon his blooded charger, un der whip and spur, came down upon them like a meteor, but made not the! slightest ball to greet bis many visit- 1 ors. Then began a race of all that waiting throng over the stretch tm.U to the city, the like of which bus never been seen. It may have been rivaled In speed and confusion by mnne of tho cavalry disasters dining the war that presently followed, but the peaceful people uf Sacramento, 1 mil sure, never beheld anything of the hind before or afterward. The whole eiivahaile, tdmi'ihtg nnd cheering, some waving banners and bareheaded, tiding al (be top of their speed, dashing down .1 street, might have been taken, had It occurred on the plains for a bund of wild Co manclten, but the little mail eani.-, paid no intention to them and kept iu the lead." You Will Admit that yon consider other things besides the price when yon buy clothing Why Don't You do the same with y o u r groceries? Isn't quality in your food just as es sential? It Costs No More to huva first quality groceries, if you trade here. AVe sur pass in quality and Our Prices Stand comparison w i t h those anywhere on equally high grade foodstuffs, The best Bakery in Medford. Fresh Daily. Free Delivery Allen 6 Reagan ' The Quality Grocery." Rubber Goods Just received, a complete line of water bags, syringes and everything in the rubber line, each article guaranteed. Medford Tribune, SOp per month. Medford Pharmacy Tho Big Trug Store with Little Price.. Near Postoffies. iHII ln knew Ono hundred ciuh nml balance H. fit l . "' 1 r.l. y lor,,,, buy, the l ,t bargain in . I 111 ! ITT ""T0 "" "' building lt in Mo,lforl- O.troot ' nd ...nrert Iho mertln, that if n. f.,ln. the cni. k. .1 ',. .. ".' ! tning wu flone by tho OIL, govern- .inhilv in l.o.t ...11 .. 7 . JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for yon. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. MEDFORD St. Mary's Academy Directed by the Bister, of th Holy Name, of Jestu and Mary. Medford, Or. Bates for the acholastie year, or per iod of 40 weeks: Boarding School. Board, tuition and laundry 180.00 Private room 50.00 Day School. I Tuition, primary and grammar 1 grades 20.00 High school and special course.. 30.00 Luncheon for day scholar, who I too far from school to rtourn I home, or who prefer a warm meal at noon 50.00 Special rates to parents entering two or inoro children. Music Department. Piano, two lessons per week Violin, two lessons per week Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc. , Vocal, two lessons per week N. B. Tho rates quoted above in clude an hour '8 practice daily, under the supervision of a sister. Art Department. Pen, ink, charcoal and water colors 30-" Oil 4000 Miscellaneous. Graduating fee (at completion of four-vear acadomie courso) . . 15.00 Library feo 1 Laboratory fee H.OO Singing in concert, physical culture, elocution in class, art needle work, plain sowing, do not form extra charges. Tho sisters aro happy to inform their friends and the public that the new and commodious building and tho mod trn improvements introduced therein, enable them to ensure the comfort of pupils while facilitating educational advantages. Write for program of studies, als. for booklet concerning dross regulnti.ns, etc. Address: SISTER SUPERIOR, ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, MEDFORD, OR. Stat. Depositary CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1116,000.00 Where Are Your Valuables? Your jewelry, silver, stocks, bonds, deeds, mortgages or will are they ex posed to danger of loss by fire or bur glart At a small cost they may be placed in our fire and burglar proof vault, where they will be beyond the possibil ity of loss. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4 per year and up. Finest equipment in southern Oregor. W. I. VAWTER, President G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier L " -1 Why Not Iron In Comfort? No reason to be uncomfortable in a hot, stuffy kitchen. You can take your Electric Iron to nny part of the house where there is a light socket. An extension cord from the kitchen light will enable you to use it on the porch. Tclophone Main 855 and havj an Electric Iron sent you on one week's free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Office 206 West Seveutk St., Opposite Big Electric Sign. ABOUT August 15 we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at ?3.00 per tier, delivered, or $2.00 per tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tier wood, at $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $3.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion applv to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Oregon. Are Ycu Living In the Cobweb Kingdom? a-" j i kgs., Th-re are cobwebs on the windows. There art ccbwths on the door, There are tobwebi swinging, swaying Frcm the r.-fters to the fiocr. Now the pl.i: ij Ceb.veb Kingdom, Though it used to be a store. Notice to Water Consumers Owing to the scarcity of water supply, it is ordered that no city water be used for ir igation or sprinkling except between the hours of G and 7 o'clock a. m. and 5 and 7 o'clock p. m. until otherwise ordered by the water committee. Violation of this order- by any consumer will result in said consumer's supply being forthwith shut off. By order of the Water Committee of the Citv Council of Medford, Oregon. Dated August 15, 1908. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR COMPANY PHONE 2291. Window Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, with Bovel Plate, carried in stock cheap. Office Fixtures and all kinds of Pinning Mill Work, including Turned Work and Fancy Grills. F STREET, BETWEEN SIXTH AND S KVENTII STREETS. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BY TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE J. E. ENYART.Prcaid eut. .1. A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN S. OHTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Abs t Cashier. The Medford National Bank 1 MEDFORD, OB. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage HILL Military Academy A Private Boarding and Day School for Boys Primary, preparatory and academic departments. College preparation, Business courso, Manual Training. Principal 30 yoars' experience in Portland. Tho Hill Military attracts nnd retains good boys, but has no place for nny others. Fall term begins September 10. Make reserva tion now ,for few remaining vacancies. Catalogue on application to the principal. .1. W. II ILL, M. D., Portland, Or. aOregon Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? OREGON NEEDS PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmors, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strclhg hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.) is sending tons of Oregon literature to the East for distribntion through overy available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of yonr friend!: who aro likely to be interested in this statot We will be glad to bear tho expense of sending them complete information about OREGON and its opportunities. COLONISTS' TICKETS will be on sale during SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER from tho East to all points in Oregon. The fares from a few principal oities are From Denver $30.00 From Louisville. . $41.70 From Omaha 30.00 From Cincinnati. 42.20 From Kansas City 30.00 From Cleveland . . 44.75 From St. Louis. . 35.50 From New York 55 00 From Chicago... 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If you want to bring a friend or relative Oregon, deposit the proper amount with any of our ngents. The ticket will then be fnr nished by telegraph. A. S. ROSENBAUM, Medford, Or., Local Agent. WM. M 'MURRAY, General Pasng.T Agent, Portland, Or. If th Cobvwb Kingdom's ruler Were a mn discreet and wit He would have no cobwebs swaying, S.vining ov.nJ and catching flics AovERT.iE r j THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNeITaS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON .f