SPOKANE PLANS BIG APPLE FAIR Many Growers in North west Will Enter Exhibits and Try For Prizes Spokunu is mnkiiig great iremrittioiin for a national npplo show to be ((tveii iiiDueonibcr. Tin men in clmre are meeting with great huccchh in imluciiitf growern to enter the eom petit ion fur u ward a. E. Ij. Htewurt, former jircHiilcnt of the WiiHhingloij Htiite llortieiiltnnil uh gociution, writen an follnwH to the ; rotary of tho apple hIiow in nply to a request for an exhibit; "Replying to your favor of the litith tilt., I will certainly enter Mm1 content with a curolad of applet. It Heemrt to me that thin in a grand upport unity for the different apple linlrictn of the northwest to hIiow their faith in their clainiH of growing miperior appleH. "1 think the matter nhouM he brought to tin attention of com inorciul clubn of tho differeiit diHtrietH, with a view of their tking the matter up und getting the best equipped grow er in each district to enter I hit eumpe tttion. "It h eerlainly the ht-Ht opprtrl unily tho wottt Iiuh ever hud of Hhowing to I lie eaHt that we are really growing choice applet! on a commercial calef and at the same tiiuo convince them that we lead tho world In our grado and pack. "I would prefer to bo in the com petition with 25 competitors rather than only two or three, and if it could be known early enough how many earn would bo entered it could be arranged to havo an auction sale of tin exhibilH in thiH claHH on the last day if the show, and the buyers coudl land their purchased in the market in time IW tho holiday trade. I believe this could bo worked up to bo the most important feature of the show, and as the apples would all bo known as the "cream of tho northwest," a fancy they would1 sol lat prices never before heard of in any country. "The parties making exhibits in thin class are running no risk whatever, for if they put up meritorious fruit in iiood shaps, it is certain to he)f at a price to more than repay thn extra expense of making the exhibit, without taking tho prize money into cousideral ion at all. "Tho competition cannot fail to do a vast amount, of good to the whole country, for it should bring out the very best material, the best ideas and work man ship in grade and pack, ami in this wav show I liousands of visitors he verv best methods known. I know that personally I want to Had the man that beats me out, I'd when I do I am sure to leant some thing that I can profit by." REPUBLICANS NAME LILLEY iN CONNECTICUT NEW HAVEN, Conn., Sept. Con gressman (leorge II. Lillev, instigator of the famous submarine bout investi gattou hy congress last winter, was nominated for governor by the republic an convention today. The vote stood Eiltev 402, Eieutenant II. Lake HI and (loveruor Woodruff The distinct victory for 1 alley is lull in lis the stamp of approval by the party in this state of his tight in con gross, which proved unsuccessful, and for which he was severely criticized in many quarters. You Will Admit (hat you consider oilier tilings besides the price when you Iniy clothing Why Don't You do the sin lie wit li y o tt r groceries ? Isn't (iiality in your food just as es sential f It Costs No More to have first quality groceries, if you trade here. AVe sur pass in iialify and Our Prices Stand comparison w i t h those anywhere on equally high grade foodstuffs. Tht best Balcery in jntarora. Fresh Daily. .Free Deliv er Mien b Reag&n Grocery." Social and Personal One hundred cash aud balance on easy terms buys the best bargain ia a choice building lot in Medford; O otreet, facing the Catholic school; high and sightly; in best residence section. This let at the price is u snap. Write fiox 50S. 153 Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Moore of Wimer spent Tuesday in Medford e:i route to Jacksonville. Mr. Moore reports the best hunting in years on Kvans creek and plenty of water for irrign t ion. W. V. Hachus, a prominent hardware merchant of J 'or I hind, passed through Medford today on his way home from a three weeks' fishing trip at I rail. He reports the fishing as fine ami f ullv up to what he exacted from the enthu siastic reports he had heard in the spring from his friend Toggery liili. Mrs. Marion Trvrr, who has been ail trig for a long time, . leaves for t he Ifurke sanitarium in Sonoma county, fuliforirn, tomorrow for treatment. Art Nichols of Hrowasboro district was in Medford Tuesday afternoon. He is serving the people as a juror at the present term of circuit court. Mrs. I fat tie Kidinger of Jacksonville made relatives and friend living in Medford a visit Tuesday afternoon. Mr. i ud Mrs. H. I. DeKohoam wen over from Jacksonville a few days since. They accompanied their nieces, M isses Watts of Anderson, Cal., who have been visit ing them, this far on their way home. $200 down and $10 per month with out intorest will buy 10 acres of choice orchard land, one mile from railroad station. Call at our office aud we arrange to show yon these tracts. Wor rell & Oiessler, west of Movent h street, near Moore hotel. 170 Messrs. Norton, Hale, Smith ami Col vig, (J ran Is Pass attorneys, were in Jacksonville' Tuesday on professional hiisineHft. A. T. Drisko made Jacksonville a business visit Tuesday. He has sold his property in Medford aud with his wife will soon remove to Cortland, Mr. and Mrs. .1. I). Cook of Cortland have been visit ing friends living in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. V. H. Simmons, who were badly hurt in a runaway Mon day, a i msiderahly improved. It will be several weeks before Mr. Sim mons will be able to use his broken shoulder. M r. ami M is. (leorge 1 Merriman have returned from their trip to I'ort land. M iss Hess Nickel has been making Jacksonville a short visit. Maurice Winter of Portland, the gen in I representative of Neustadter Mros., was in the valley this week interview ing his cii.slomi'i's. Itefore you buy a range, see the many exclusive features of tho Mon arch Malleable Iron and Steel Range. Hold only by H. C. Oarnett. 1.10 Mrs. Maud Stone Wright came down from ( 'ulesl in Suudav, ret urn ing t he next. day. Ceorge W. Priddy and Mr. () 'Prion liuvo been ul Shasta springs, Cal., for a short sojourn at that famous resort. Mrs. T. J. Konuev and Mrs. Nell New bury of Jacksonville were among the many in Medford Tuesday afternoon. It. I. Powell is down from Portland again on business in the circuit court. Mrs. ,1. Niiuati and her daughter, Mrs. loHephiue Russell, who have been so journing at Newport during the past two months, returned to Jacksonville Tuesday. A. S. Kleinhanimer of Applegate, the successful stnekraiser, and his family have been visiting in this section. (1. K, Allen has returned from a busi uoss trip to Portland. J. h. March and 11. T. Pankey of Cen tea I Point were recent visitors in Med ford. C. C. (lilchrist of Sams Valley, Hie well known horseman, transacted busi ness in Medford the fore part of the week. Miss Itertha Prim of Jacksonville is the nuosl of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Lny. Riifus Kdwards, who owns some prom ising properly in the Bohemian district, has t ii developing I hem. He is at home again. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker of the Meadows sp lit Tuesday night in Med fold, quests of Mr. and Mrs. White. M. W. Ilnle, the well known pioneer, was among Ins Medford friends recent ly. He owns a line farm in Ward's cr. ek district. t liarles II ti K ill. an energetic young fanner, was in Medford a few dnvf ago doing husiuo.ts with our merchants, Wjihler Pros, of liuxv district have been iu Medford several I imes lately. 1.. C. Hill is dou ii from Ashlnud, where he is holding forth at present. Mr. N'oe, the tonsorial artist, is fin ishtng his acatiou and .1. T. Summer ville i in charge of his shop iu I hi meant ime. TAFT TAKING LIFE EASY AFTER SPEECH MAKING TOUR CINCINNATI. O.. Sept. i. William It. Taft is resting todav after his ipeech making tour. He is taking life rasv at tin home of his brother, Charles P. Taft. Taft today received an invitation from the Lake to Gulf Waterwava asso ciation inviting him to make an address before that association at Chicago (V tober 17. He will probably accept it. THOUSANDS OF CASES OF SALMON LOST AT SEA SAN FRANCISCO, Cal!, Sept. !. Parting from her moorings at the en t ran f Nngashita river on August l!, the salmon ship Lucille went ashore on t he sand and w it Inn 12 hours she parted amidships nnd her cargo of ;i!t, Joo vHHts of nalmoii w re swept to sea. The vestcl was owned by Henry B. Pete'xoii (1f thin city, to whom the news of ih Ionh was brought bv Captain Till i man of Hie cnniicry tender Pehua, which 1 arrived Hero today. Uao humlrml and mxv riyl.t men were "vw ff"" drowwi r.l no hvo were im vtNvi ami aro, worth nu sored. TUo Khtp hi a tut.l u. Cans-Nelson Bout (Continued from page 1.) Round H They rushed right into a clinch. Joe planted bat wit two wicked right uppercuts. They clinched, fighting hard for body. Nelson hit Joe on mouth with his forearm. They fiddled around iu u it-second clinch. Onus seems will ing to hold on with the Battler. (Jans got there with right uppercut that lifted the Battler off his feet. They clinched and fought for tht? body again. Hans caught the I Jane a hard right and left hook to jaw. Nelson got there with hard right ami lefts to the body. They were clinched at the gond. Kveu round. Between Mini Is Referee Smith call Honed Nelson about hitting with his forearm. Round i Obeying his second a or ders, Nelsou fought in close, and after taking right ami left on jaw, Bat chop ped (ians with hard right to face. They exchanged lefts to body, ftoth landed right uppcrciitH in a clinch. Nelson put three stiff lefts to body. (Jans jarred Nelsou with two right uppercut a clinch. Thoy were still clinched whei the gng rang. Kveu round. J t was remarked after t he ninth round Hint Onus was fighting much bet ter than the alst time. " Round HI Nelson took a right on body und right on jaw as the round opened. They clinched, Nelson fighting for body with left. Nelson tattocd Joe bod v with light rights. They mauled each other head to head for a full quar ter of a round, (ians whipped stiff left to body. Nelson again hit dans on face with forearm. Ho jolted Joe with light left uppercut iu clinch. Joe whippc hard left and right to body. Again Nel sou hit Joe on month with forearm. The crowd hooted Nelson. As the bell rang they stood and looked at each oth Nelson glaring at Joe, smiling ennf i deutly. Kveu round. Round 1 1 Nelsou ran over into clinch. Pat hooked Joo on ear with right Joe 's right eye, which had been bat tered early in the fight, started to c)ose. They clinched, the crowd shouting as the Bat Her landed a low punch, ul though Bat tried with both hands, he couldn't laud. Joe put right hard to jaw Nelson copped Joe on mouth with left (ians ducked hard right and left swings. I hev exchanged right hand hooks and tint open fighting (ians lauded the hard er blows. They wore fighting in a c at the bell. Nelson had Hans tired. Nelson was stronger than (Ians at the end of this round. Round 1- The Pane toro right aftc Joe as in the former rounds anil tlx clinched. Jw put right and left to face. Nelson tried with left in a pro longed clinch without effect. Joe got therewith hard right to body und hard left to chin. Nelson peppered Joe body and chin with left in clinch. (Imiis missed right, hook. Bat startled (laus with 14 left to chin. Hans caught Bat wit h t wo light uppercuts and jarrc him with left, but could not daze the Dane. Nelson swung himself out of position and (ians walloped him right sipiare on the jaw with his right. Th Pane was not fen zed. The bell rang Nelson s round. Round l.'t They rushed into a clinch, Poison intent on fighting close. Hans sent in two jarring rights to face ami two lefts lo body. They locked head again, Nelsou playing for body with left, (tuns chopped him with right up percut. Again their heads were locked (laus appears very tired in this round not seeming to wish to waste Ins strength by hitting. He wobbled tin Dane with two right-hand smashes to the jaw and two hard riirhts to bodv I lie crowd cheered and Joe smili through t he blood. Nelson rough Hans about t he ring, nushiuir Joo head back with left. For once tin were fighting in the open with the bell ringing. Huns' round. Round II They went right into th same tdd clinch. Nelson putting his head against Joe's chin and keeping there as he played for Joe's bodv. .Top put iu two or three jarring uppercut with right and cleverly avoided Bat left swing. They broke ami clitiche again, Hans putting hard right to body Coming out of a clinch, they cxehang ed right crosses. Joe ducked Nelsou ight aud left swings. Thev exchange right uppercuts with the bell and both smiled. Kven round. itonmi i.i turns looked tinM coming up for this round. 1 he Dune came afte him with hard left handed body punclic but received uppercut ami jarring right on body for his pains. They jolted other with rights in a clinch, with hon ors even. Joe cracked the Battler tw l.arlul slams on the jaw. cutting tin Pane s mouth wide open. Both their mouths were bleeding iu this round Thev clinch and exchange rights t jaw. Both were cowrod with blood. I a clinch Cans pecked away at Nelson 'i sore month. Haas ducked Nelson's left swing. Hunt looked very tired and was leaning on Nelson at the bell. Both went to their corners all blood. Al though it was Hans' n und. XeNon is the stronger. Nelsou won the fight iu the fwent first round. MOORE NAMED AS ENGLISH CONSUL AT FRISCO SA.N KKANCISCO, Cat.. Sept. it. Uellesley Moore is todav on his wav to San Francisco from K'ngland, to as sumo the position of consul, to which he has been named by the British gov eminent. Moore has been vice consul for some time and has been connected with Ihi' British consulate for ;t0 years. Why i Am What I Am. No doubt you often wonder wliv some .jt your religions and irreligious neigh bors believe and worship as they do. I ha e often found ourselves a iking win do people beliee as thev do 7 It is a pertinent bought, as so many people differ religiously and ir-elig iously. The pa.t.r of the Christian church is inter iew ing editor, teachers, doc tors, lawyers, business men. prfcvr etc., with a view to fiuditft out !iv thev nre what they are. Aiiftwers will be read from the pulpit next Humliiy night. No doubt tin will b helpful ftu.l tntprvatlnff to ovorvonr Tl ,Mi.,ir will loll why hn U whiu he u. Hrtgi your mtighbonu Classified Advertisements Oue Cent a Word No single lnsoi-i tloni less than 16 centt. Six Insert ions j for the price of four. Seventy-fiva centi 11uh per month. FOB SALE. FOR SALK Good, dry oak wood, per cord, f. o. b. Medford. Address Reichseiu it Wilson. Hugo, Or. Hi FOR SALK 320 acre ranch, $12,000, first cIuhb improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This is a bargain. Sec I j. K. W., Tribune office. tf FOR SALK HiU down and :' on easy payments, will buy one uf the best building lots in town, G street, facing Catholic school. Box 50S, Med ford, Or. 150 FOR SALK Five-acre tracts inside and udjoiuing city limits of Medford, on five years' time. Apply Hold Ruy Reul ty (Jo., in office Condor Water ic Pow er Co. lUD ANVBOPY" wishing a nice, new resi dence property, 100x150 feet big, with lawn, fruit and ornamental trees, Lo gan nnd strawberries, modern in every way ard located on the best street in Medford, should address P. O. Box 57a. 165 FOR SALK Dry cordwood, pine, fir, oak and laurel. F. Oaonbrugge, Stude baker Bros.' warehouse. FOR RKNT Two furnished bedrooms, electric light and bath, close in. Mrs. t. (). Coleman, corner 1 and Ninth streets. 148 FOR SALK Two lota iu EaBt Med ford, fine location, good soil, well, wuodhousu, 30 bearing apple trees with good crop apples; price reasonable. Ad dress Lock Box 28, city. 150 FOR SALK A good small busiuc-a ou Sevonth stroet. Beacons for celling. AddrcBs, P. O. box 512 or call at this office. tf FOR SALE A first-class pianola-piano; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Med ford. WANTED. WANTKD Three or four furnished rooms or an unfurnished cottage; close iu; no children. Address , Tribune office. . 15 L WANTED Japanese man and wife wish situation as cook, house, or office work, or can do any other work. Ad dress N. W. Wah Choug, Ashland, Ore gon. 552 WANTKD Woman or girl to do iron ing, washing, housecleauing. Apply A. Tribune office. 150 WANTKD Saddle pony for us for a month or more, or horse and wagon. Tribune office. tf WANTKD Three teams, work horses, about "GOO; one team ponies about 2000; one team about 2300; must be in good order and reasonable. W. II. West & Co. tf ANTED Japaneso, honest worker, wants situation such as house clean ing and gardon work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, day and hour. K. Mukayde, euro Tatsumi, 7th street, near bridge, Medford. 155 WANTKD To rent, furnished house for family of two. G. Putnam, The Tribune. WANTED To trade now steel ranges for old Btovos. Wordoff & Wolf, Bads' old stand. 153 WANTED A good, fresh inilch cow. Address Box 51, Medford, Or. WANTKD To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. FOB BENT. FOR RKNT Barn for 2 horses with hayloft, good wagon shed, suitable for garage. K. K. Sawyer. MS FOR RKNT Furnished room, electric light, with bath. Mrs. W. W. Kifert. 48 TO TRADE Light single covered bug gy for two-seated rig. L. K. W., Tri bune office. tf BEFORE purchasing your range let us show you the winning points of Moore, handled exclusively by t he Medford Hardware Co., successor to 11. K. Hoy den. irr Day School Department at St. Mary's Academy published in another column. These are the fixed rates in all the schools of the Sisters of the Holy Names, but, as the Sisters' main ondeavor is to work for the physical, intellectual and moral de velopment of youth, they wish the par ents who feel that they can not meet these rates, to call and see them with the assurance of being being received with every courtesy nnd of finding the Sisters willing to co operate in the great work of forming the youth as good citizens. "Something which is of considerable interest to the public gonerallv and which is perhaps not generally known j is the system of prepaid orders now in : effect betweeu stations of the Southern Pacific company and all points in the I Pnited States. Bv means of this svstem tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the Pnited States aud mailed or telegraphed direct to thv party wishing to come here. Sleeper coMimodatious and small amounts of ash in connection with these tickets mav also be forwarded at the same ime." tf rOLDtt ISSUED TO ADVStTIW tttDFOfD I'he Southern Pacific company has issued 10, i too ftdders giving informa tion regarding the colonist rates to Medford from eastern noiuts. The fold er contains n splendid article regarding MMford. Secretary Miller of the Com mercial club will distribute n large num ber of the folders, . Don't Make a Mistake on Your New Fall Suit Be Sure to Look Here Before Buying Two hundred and i'iftv Suits to show you riht now. A new shipment arrived yes terdav bv express. AVe have hundreds of suits that have never been shown to a sin., ladv 'in Medford and we invite yo u to have a look before you pur.-hase. All thcVvest elotli stvles-eon.bining the very best style ideas known to the largest nianufaeturers. A'look will eonvinee yo u that we have the nglit suit to fit your fa iu-v. Medford's Ground Fbor Suit Store BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Air si r-t V Washington Fashioned Apparel Don't Bother to, Cook It's too hot. Get what you wmt alrt ir prepared; we have ;t. We cater to those who want thi bmr. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, NEAR EIGHTH "For Men Who Know." MEDFORD OREGON No Two Suits Alike Xow be careful when you buy from a drum mer's samples, his entire line is bound to bear the mark of direct similarity. We show you suits frpm .sir of the leading factories of the United States, so you have choice of style. We feel that we have bought these suits very low and can sell vou as good suits as you will see on the coast for ifil'j to $100 and we ask a little less on every suit shown or $10 and along to $75 Now all we ask is a look. If we can't give you better style and better values for the money, then we don't want your business and don't deserve it. Come and see our suits and take your time about buying. I f the suit doesn't wear we GIVE YOU ANOTHER FKKE. The fine worsteds and unsurpassed tailoring in our fall suits, produces clothes that impart dis tinction to every man who wears them Extreme Styles for young men Plainer cuts sor those who prefer more conventional lines in their clothes I hese suits are beyond comparison with anything ever shown iu Southern Oregon $10 to $40 We are the pioneer Men's shop iu Med ford. We blazed a trail to r t clothes aud low values that others have never been able to follow "THE HOME OF GOOD CLOTHES" MEDFORD'S GREATEST VALUE OIVEB3 THE PLACE NEAR THE CORNER WITH PRICES ON THE SQUARE I If you have lost or foiifl'! j anything, need work, or la' I nwthing to Ml, it doesn't matter what you want is. a Want Ad in The Tribune.