MKDKORU DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDF01TP. OREflOX, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1008. PREPARING FOR THE DELUGE Editor Ed Root, Independent Candidate For! . Mayor, Building an Ark to Escape Expect ed Flood From Wasson Canyon-Freshet Headed This Way From All Sections--Keene Mans Dyke to Save City, but Stock Is Watered Also man J "I'm nf tin fliHiil IIiuI'n chii- Intf," mud I'M, iinli'HMikiil II ilulo for iniiytir, tin lm ntnli a fi w inin lit I'd from writing Hlnmimiiii cililorliilrt for the Murnliitf Mttll. "I'm lil'niiil of t lm firing. Mn ri Mlil n 'h f iurltiK ult btiilillnir iiiHilluT nrk mi iih tn ldn nfhuti wlirit tlm fltiofl frmn Wiihhiih ciimvuii IiHn (Iiii luiitf. Anil tli"ii IImti-'n IIhinc other wiilln nf wnlir n Vtmiin. TIhti'h tlio I'' I nil I ,u lit' ilium lut inn, with Mhorly htnnrliiK It four ihIIi'b lit n cli. Tlirro't Hltf lliil io fit tin. with Hiwtih khimk over Viii rlKht onto I ho town. Thoro'n Vmv tor nnl DavltO lnnl, lirnml of Imlilillnu Hprlnyrt, ciMinotl ninl n-mly for ilt'llvoiy. Thorn 'n Hoc Kuv pitmnht Hie Mourn' ilrv ninl niillHiiil H nil mi Mi'ilftml no merey at. nil. Thorn 'b I ho lurronl from Iho Mole Apli'K'to, wilh llliilto ley n nl lloiinl ridintl Iho hunm, likely to hunt timl drench ub all any immito . Ami thon Ihi'.v'rn ifniiitf tn hliiitf Slin or ranch, Itlt acroB of hi wot ponyi t luht on tup of all. I "Tho Bilunl Ion 'b BorinuN, coal inuod Mr. Knot, "and growing wuibo hourly. Now froHliolB nro headed HiIb way from nil iHrootloiiM. Hoc Koeno Ib trying tn Bitvo tho town hy orgatiiring n coin puny tn huild il dyke uhoiil Modford to keep off tho tlolngo, hut there 'b bo much water In tho Block that il ' nearly iih had an Iho fined. "Hlowarl niivb Iho overflow will make n hnum In IiIb Btyto of niilo. which can't ho unci I mi dry laud. Slick Hilt I'hich Ib tayiug in a pile of Mlieker and BtiyB they licat ihor liidi'B fnr inniHture, ntul Hill might to know. Worlman huvb no ono can drown who wonrB life pro Horvpm In tho tduipe of pink wliUken. Social and Personal Iht not fail to commit Miidiitun t'liy, dnirvoyanl and medium. (Well Mock, room X tf I ,y ndou H, Pen I , bou of A 1 1 oi ne IVntu, U in Modfonl from t aliloinia and will miter (ho hih aeliool. (Ho Hnldmnl of (tlnon mill ih in Met! Scott I'hiNpill and Sam HudNou or Hut to KnIIb nro imting Mistl'ord, Mr, and Mib. ( ( Heekinmi nod Mini IteekiHHU loft TuoBday lor n vinit lo IMrtlamt. tleoiljo II. Kitfgihhon, the gonial icp roBon I at ive of V , 1 or t 'o . , i i again tn the vnlloy. Mr. and Mrs. 1,. K. I.orier made .dt Inud a wn Monday a Oct noou. H. H. t'olo of rolenlin Bpent Monday nad Tuomlay in Moilfoi-il, ,1. ,1. 1. nylon of Wolf Crook spout Tuesday t MiMfont. lno hundivtl cnwh and Imlanco e OBnv tenon hu tho hiitl tBijiHin in a rhoico huildiug lot in Modfonl; I' Btivot, fAcing tho lalholic m'hool; Ingh and nightly; in lot rend once bccIioh. Tin lot At Iho prio ib a Baap Write Ho J. H. Kcnniff of Sn VrncitM, chain pion fl,v cantor of tho world, whoso roc or1 i H.1 f iit. i visiting NUvlfonl Ho prnt Tnosday on tho Koguo m or fluhing with Togp'ty h. V. U. lUrry of San Vrnncisco, the wll known travohng man and. polili cUn, in Again In Modtord. Ho ib the great ot practical joker and utory teller on th rad. Ho aIwbvb Kb some new Apparatus for making fun. This time ho la cArrying among olher tlunr a psit of nAudcuffs with which ho hind the unw Aiy. Hefon yon huy a innfi, boo the many excluBivo foaturei of tho Mon Ah-h M aUoaMo bm and Ste'l Kango only by Oarnott l.V 11. H tVIc of tho iVloiin Maietal Waior oompattT paid Molforl a tmine vtit TiUv. V. K. 1awt of tho American ViM A Water company ot Kana ("itx cmc in lhi morning on No IA H. T. riatt of tho NwhoUon wai em)nv made a hum no trip to .tacksonv ille Tuoala motmug. lr. .1. t K.1dy, W M Hamilton. J. And P. l Hum of ln 1an rinits tho Kaloigh t-oppr mn-.c in Ifco I'mjsDi dixido ahoc Trsil Tno day, J. P. Hoard, of St oi ling coin1 mi. XloiHonl Ttolay, h A. t Amhnry of tioM II H fs-ni Tno)- in Moiifonl. dow 1 jvr wonih with t introt iM hny i) acrox of choice tv Aard land, ono m i lo f rom ra 1 1 rad ufAtion. tAll at our offi.v an1 w rrrig to nhow yon thow tracts 'or rv 11 A IWssW. os1 of S.'ortk strvt. nor M.vnc hotoh Mis Amht' M ot) 1.x . 1ecr in the pnhV.. . h.s lAlk-, mil bxo for iho . 1uiirs one d t : ,vV KN-rl 11 Hvl. x of tVc P Va rrtv.rnM from i-c h g V ptrh in KlsrsiV .-,ni.!. i j I i: of The of , koto' - 1 . pt oxfral cIaxi K Koborl.n g a aft. r ! A lhTi ..Mitn m p-r,sywv d ii r v t i 11' U rtwr KvMk, ' ' --- n nSlll I Tat xMvratt fv o 1 Vrw-M v.m XV,. rnT6 1 tv v. wv. wf toHt t, -Life Preservers inDe Kil'ort HiiyB no iinti fill for him with n dohiK" I'liinin. Ih1 'h Burn of hooping iirimil. tlio way ho In boon pracl iciiiK in I ln Hlorlinu ililoli. Kok.v hiivb it'll Hf ii i it It In Iho dopi't yriMindH for tho IIthI liiiio-hul It 'h iiKiiiiiHt tlio ruloH, and ho don't know what llnrrimnn will do ahout it. Ilafor kiivb tho I1. & Kiibv In watnilMUK1'')' hut hopoN it will final iiii In tho tinihor tndt. Tlx flood will ho nwollf'il frmn tho Ornler lako rail rniul Mt licit , Init h1 ponnlo think thin in li'inon jo i co. "Merrick in tho roal Monet, of Him water Hitiiation, loading tho people Into Iho prniniNod inoiNlnro, Ho Binoto tho ilrv hod of WitKHon (Mi n yon ninl a nt renin of will UUHlicd forth, Hiiff icloiil for n ; city half Iho bI.o of Tnlo. Ho can load iiii to wator, hut ho cnii't in like iih j iim (i drink except tvlien Bomohody not b Vm up. "Nliorty (liiritott bhvm ho and Chafin havo hoon predict injt tho flood for a l"ii 1 iini hut thon Mhorly oxpoctB tn drill into Iho niuvorulty and hmilile. rhiitiu hiivh walor wan niioli' In drink, Nhnrty Niiy m tn ho pumped, nud I road Nniiii'whci'O it wiib In whmIi In, hut that wim hel'nie lloar crook wiih .Uncovered. Nohody Iiii n ycl found what its water ia good for- -it 'rt m:iKic utoiNl uro, too Illicit tn run and too thin to walk and vaiiiKhi'M when you look for it. "Well." concluded Mr. Koot, "I nuiNt hurry to net together tho animals we're uoinif tn tako it hoard the ark luo of oMtv kind found in Moilford, lieyinnin with the inosNhack and ond m wilh Iho water witch. We're jjo loir tn ut't IoIn of wator, no donht ahout il iih Bonn an il rnitiH. ' 1 'nptaiu 11. H. ) aitN, of Aiihlaud, mail promiuenl Modfonl init Monday afternoon. Iteani Keen i ralher nninerons in Hi ling tliNlrict. An iminnlent Bpeeimon raided .1. H. Ilogera' wnodnhetl Sunday niylit ami packed off a ham and other articles. I'red Schneider of Kaglo INout pre ci net was in Med lord Monday doing hnincrtN wilh our merchant. Annual 1'ulil and Mr. Sehiil., who live in Cent ml Point precinct, are furninli iug tho nmrket nith fine melons. William and ach Camorun, pioneers of 1 ho Apploatc viilley, wore among tho many in Moilford dining tho past w ook . Coorgo W. lVwoy of Talent precinct wan m Modfonl Monday aflernoou o hilnting Bomo of tho finest New town applcH shown here this season, lie will piohahly furnish it lot lr Iho Seattle Yukon oioBition. I'd King and Mack Adams hao re tnininl from a two weeks' outing at Ike iVad Indian splings. V . A . lnnlap. Hr. Houar and ottier residents of Talent pnvmot transacted I'lhiiii vi in Med Void Monl:o . II. t). Mejor ami t;orgi- K. Vivx1, well known citiJeiis of l,ako Crook district, tiansactod husiaoss in Mislfonl Monday Knl Kick and Coorgo Little, con tractoi-s and hnilders, wen o or fioin .tacksoux ille Monday. Prank liooigv1 came down from the I tine I .ihIo Monday and loft for Ku gvno Mouda exomng. Ho rspnrts that Ti' men ati now employed at that prp ortw IV P .tones f Central Point was A lnime. visitor in Moilford Monday mot iuu. Mr and Mrs C. P. 11 ill were gnett of d. Young of Cold IV Hall ami his w ife Monday, Tin1 K . K . " . Ka 1 1 road c om pa n is running special tiams to .tacksouvtllc dining the session of circuit eonit, winch are a givat convenience to inanv M PsilMr M in ph i w ill i .-a. h m ols during ihc dopntx countx at her homo m of lhooni, i smes (,t He n Hcnton conn lite tenlial Point s.h. ensuing ear tiv Mar mi Tow no, . U rV. sp., nt I ,shor d.i Phoctu P ev.gvr, formerlv lnaking 11, is s'lc ;4 hi i- comfoithaH )oca:ed 1v. Mi and Mi Low is Vhich spent LitoM Morda o. h. Mr Plex.t. who nv. atU bought the Pt sko pivvrl on H si t. corner of PeiiriK has tis..1cl propyl al Hollx w.svl, Cs!.. for H Schnetto ' houe i.l lot on H si nvt Mr and M r. Sit net to left Monday for their new homo. Cuv Thrasher, l ho m .nor, has gnr lo the StsVnon to avsist ia tho dcxol i-mciit of sMiic promising copivr i-np ort'os ,Lv H the V toivn Ksntn of IVrCsod i ex. ri-prontrg Pc v'vn in If von have lost or fount! anvthinc. invd work, or have nioUnnj; to soil, it xKvsnt . aor vni you vnt is, trv ft Wwt Ad iu Tfc TrxVniwe. BUFFALO BILL TO VISIT CITY The Wild West Show Is Home From European Trlumps to Tour America Itiiffalo Hi) I'm Wild Woat and Con groBH of Ifniigli Itidera of tho World hiia returned frmn il h four yonra' tour uf (I rout llrituin and continental Ku mpe. where, during I lm t imo it wiib ahroad, it oxhihiteil in IH dillereiit cuiintrioB. Opening at iMuiliBiiu Hipinre garden, Now York city, Hiia Bpriug, it hogau ita hume coming tour amid bcoiicb nf euthuBiiiBlie appreciation, and it will exhibit in thin city Hepteinher UH, pro Nontlug tho aaiuo prugrnm w it limit al Ictaliuii or oliminatioti. Ihiring hia cunl iiientnl triumpa Cnl utiol William V. Cudy (Itiiffalo Hill) guveiha uniipie exhihitioii heforo nil caHlB and cIiinsob and unfolded before tho gami of wondering Kumpoana hia- torie scenoB in t ho development of American history; bcouoh which havo I oiiio a part nf our uatinn'a paat ua well iih a part of our nut inn 'a glory. Although (hone ovoutH havo panned Into hiHlory, they worn novortholoaa oagerly ucci'ph'd by MuropemiH iih marking u part nf nur I muaial ion frmn a acini barbaric Htnlo to nur prompt groat uohh aa ono of tho wnrhl a powcra. Ahrnadw nearly fivo yoiira, Huffalo Itill comes homo with practically il now exhibit inn. liven to thoao who enjoyed the wold woat performancoa yeara ago wilt find a renewal uf inter-oat in the tniiioiiueeinent that il in Bonn to return for exhibition in I hia oily. Children who wore little ones at that time have grown to an ngo whom I hoy can heat appreciate tho historic valuo of tho ox hi hit ion while enjoying its atirring scenes and thrilling BotiNatinua. There is no chapter in American his lorv ftauirht with such interest as nro the days when the western wihU wore being redeemed from the red man by tho allot ami rnvmil of our soldiery, Thorughoiit a warfare uniipie in a I immt ovorv foal ore. American hintorv was written in deeds of valor and wilh tho trin in nli of Iho victor came Hit lib ritv nud advancement of tho vnmpuHh ed. The barbaric lorda of tho prairie have become wards of thoir compioror and t heir aal html iug grouiuls havo In on reclaimed for tho beneficial use nf ci ion. Steps in this eompiest aro ilhiHtratod in ( olonol Cody 'h exhihitioii ; no ono is so well suited to tho task, for Huffa lo Hill was n moving ami potent force in t he si niggle for supremacy. As plainsman, hunler, scout, guide and interpreter. Colonel Cody lived the early days of his life wilh tho open prairie as his environment, and tho Indian as his companion al first, hia enemy later, an.l tiuallv as his friend. Por Ihis roa u his position as public entertainer as uniipie as the exhibition which ho oiigiualed, maintains and still directs. Por the present season tho congress of rough riders has boon nugmented by drafting o.piestnaiis from many nations, and the w ild w est entertainment will havo distinct i o features of historic value and impelling interest. "Tho Hat tie of Summit Springs" will illustrate ono of the most thrilling chapters in Indian warfare., ami tho "Ureat Train Holdup" will depict ono of a score of lawless incuts which have market! the development of tho groat west since the Pnion Pacific railroad first linked tho Atlantic and the Pacific with its ribbons of stool. HIGH ORADE TRAINING FOR riRSTCLASS rOSJTIONS A few xcars agx the courses given in the commercial colleges wort ery in coinploto, each ikOuhiI vioing with the other in advertising th shortwt fonro. This prxvst most unsatisfactory to tho business world, and a more com pletc and thorough training wrs do maudded. TiX moot this necessity tho scluvls for business education have stn'ngth cmsl and extended their courses, and the inquiry noxv is, xx her can I sovwro the best and not necessarily the short est? The best that can bo gixeu is none too gyod for our students pxen if it takes a bttlo longer than formerly. Pumig the recent AnanciAl disturb Mice mauv stenographers and offic s i s t a n t s wen t o m po r a n ly d isjvn sod with . those of let aluc and wo aro glad to note that our former students have uniformly been able to hold thoir place. To nu v t the g ro w i n g c v a c 1 1 on s of the business community which we servf, to ad x atice the h'ghcat welfare of our students for whuh w e labor and to ad x a tt.e best mtcrvsts of our lr.sti tution, we fcax armr.gtM courses of training to meet the h-ghost den. and, and at the same tim? can be sevurod ii. as short a lime as skill, exuvrienef and energy can gix e them. To enable all to srvurt the best vs sitj course and to insune umpis time for ex cry earnest, cnthus-.astic student to oo-rr.plete tho oxmbirel course. Com raercial. Shorthand and Pr.glish, wo are making the follow irg offer uriprl!elcd for liberal-.ty : Those a ho stviirr a nine months j scholarship for rniV ats.1 enter At th Ngir.n-.rg of the term, September 7th. ItV'V .ii be entitlexl to the combines! cc-urpe to .lu'.y 1st, I1.4!1, maitg the j lotaj ci :ise of s-hoarh;p ar.d Nvks bv.t vo. TV.f ..ioiiAjp- of iki iisoM purr- j oi r;r.rk-vs'orl ku k l tkf ; rr, t of rwr.v k;y.t.t.( yourc mil cJ , woir. ia !.. lr : p- 0t to t on. at vVl.l.l.K ' A.thoA.,, u tarrt . cat of ' V. Mlw, oJtti a4 vt Wt ! Z aw UTIn Classified Advertisements Out Cent ft Word No ii lift It I tutor- j tlons lets than 15 cents. Six insertions for ths prtc of four. Sevanty flT cents ft Una pox month. FOB BALE. FOIt BALE aiJU aero ruueii, $12,000, first cIuhb improvements, well, family orchard, etc. This ia a barjfuin. Be 1 1. K. W., Tribuun office. tf I'OK HALE 100 down and :iLM on ouny payineiitu, will buy ono of tho beat building lotB in town, (I at reel, facing Catholic sihool. .MIS, Mod I ford, Or. lftO POIt HALE Young buy inuro, good Hingle driver, nut ui'ruid of uutomo biloH, prico $7.1, weight l.rd. AildrotiH T. Ii. lluomlor, J'huonix. 147 KOU HALE linrao, nr will tnulo fnr wood, $i!5. ("nil north end of C at. 147 Polt HALE Fivo aero tracts inside tind lutjoining city limitH nf Med ford, on fivo yoara' time, Apjdy (luhl Kay Itcitl ly ('o., in office Condor Water & Pow er Cu. 1(19 ANYKODY wihing a nice, now resi dence property, HJOxIflO foot big, with lawn, fruit ninl ornamental trooH, Lo gan find Htrnwhorriea, modern in every wny noil located on tho boHt street in Modford, should add reus P. (). Box R7a. 105 FOK HA IjE Dry curdwoud, pine, fir, oak nnd laurel. F. OBeubrugge, Stude buk or HroB. ' warohouBc. FOR RENT Two furnished bedrooms, electric light nud bath, cIoho in. Mrs. L. (. Coleman, corner I and Ninth streets, 14S l-'tiR SALE Furniture of a threo roomod house, satin brass bod, hand Borne dresser, oak chuirs, ruga, kitcht. ctbiuet stuve, '4x6 kodak and a Jersey cow. Inquire at Toggery. 147 FOR HALE Two Iota in Eaut Mod ford, fine location, good anil, well, wundhoimo, H0 bearing apple trees with good crop npplos; price reasonable. Ad dress Lock Jinx 2S, city. 1.10 FOR HALE A good small busincs ou Seventh street. Reasons for colling. Address, P. O. box 511! or cull nt this office. tf FOK HALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, host location in tho nil ley. Ii. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR HALE A first-class pianola pia P. O. Hex !;, Mod- bargain. ford. WANTED. W A N T F. 1 J npa nose ma n a ml w i f e wish situation as cook, house, or office work, or can do any other work. Ad dress X. W. Wah Chong. Ashland, Ore gon. fl;VJ WANTEO To bow wo, $."i00. good real estate security; drop postal. P. O. Hex IIS. Mnlford." 147 WANTED Woman or girl to dn iron ing, washing, houseeleauing. Apply A, Tribune office. 150 W ANTED Saddle pony for na for a mouth or more, or horse and wagon. Tribune office. tf W A N T ED Thro i t cuius, w ork horses, about 600; one team (mines about 'J000; one team about 2300; must be in go)d order and reasonable. V. H. West & Co. tf AN TED Japanese, honest worker, wants situation such as house clean ing and garden work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, day and hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th street, near bridge, Med ford. 1S5 WANTED To rent, furnished house for family of two. 0. Putnam, The Tribune. V A NT E to'Trad e no w s teeTran gos for old stoves, Yordoff & Wolf, Eads old stand. lo3 W AN i'ED A good, fresh nuloh cow. Address IVx ftl. Medford, Or. WANTED To buv from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. rem RENT. FARM FOK KENT li0 acre. VKl in cultivation, 40 alfalfa, will sell farm implements, hay and some stock if renter wants it. Address C. C. Oil chnst. Cold Hill. Or. 147 FOR RENT Furnished rxom, electric light, with bMh. Mrs. W. W. Eifcrt. 4S Tv TR ADE Light single cox crcd bug gy for two seated r g. L. E. W Tri bune office. tf Day School Department at St. Mary's Academy pi,b.;shet in another column. Those are the filed r;o in a. I the schools of th Sisters of the Holy Names, but, as the Sisters mam endeavor i$ to work for the phx ir.te"octnal and moral de x ciopn-.cnt of youth, ihey wish the par ents who foci they can not meet tfcc rates, to call and sc-e them with the assurance of boir.g hcir.g received ith exeiy conrtosy ard of finding the Sisters wiHirg to co operate in the grejit work of formirg the youth as food citiron. I "Sof:bit: wfcwh is of eon!.lrmb u lfc svytfim of p:v;d or.:r tow ia i rffoot b!iron l.ln-r. of ).t So-nthm roifif coaipaiiT ui U poia: n tLo VmtoJ S:Io. i?r mexr.t of tYs.t y-ftem u-VfI jt.t pvrfkvvj al Miforl fm anT p':,,, , th I'Bitnl Statr aai ' '. iv.a'.vtxl or tftvrak(l :rrvt to taj ; ir1T -.nil it to for-f kfrv. S;IW aocomtroJalionj .T.all axoaat .k a roaaivtsoa wila tki- ticktH K, f orarJi at tk aajn A Word to the Wise About the New Fall Suits For Women New Shipments Just Arrived See the New Hats You Can Match Your Suit Here We have everything for making Hats to order. Every kind of trimming used this season. You can get any shade of f eather here and the additional expense for coloring don't, need to bother von. "W e invite vou to visit our Millinerv Parlor and examine the patterns on display. PR ICES AEKY REASON A BLE. Medford's Ground Floor Suit Store BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank To beat the Dutch Venezuela can't do much. 1 Tolland is now kicking at Venezuela. There is always room to kick. We don't blame people for kicking if they don't get cigars that are made by R. R. Y. Cigar Works. When you insist on getting them, you get the best and help 'to build up a home industry. Medford 5 (est, R R V 10 cent aad Dl Marca 15 cent Cigar money can buv. Made onlv by R. R. V.CIgar Works Medford. Or. a aala rmrhr. i r r ; t t : f -o ..t !t I..- ..o- vl.uje to ..kou.u&. as .v.j; uallv fix-t 9 icob.-i. i: irrsoat th y.fhl be It.e fft-.-Nfw Yofk American. Faminina Intyitwn. ITartlo rca pos:tirf vioorpp kTea mt asd an n to b hia wife. EUa Ha be t(1 roa ao? Hartie X. bat be haa taken uch a ttrvcj Jiaiita to ttiamma "tkro TYibsoe. In Med ford's only ground-floor suit parlors we are showing some two hundred and fifty of as swell Tailored Suits as will he shown on the Pacific coast this season. Now Doirt Hurry in picking out your suit, for you know that you can't go and pick from a drummer's samples in a short while as satisfactorily as you can by taking your time. "We don't urge you to buy, but we do urge you to look and assure you that we are not showing any Two Suits Alike Now, friends, when we came here last October you couldn't find but about one dozen suits in Jack son county in all the other stores. We showed you the new tilings, sold them close and every suit has given satisfaction or we stand ready to make good even at this date. If you buy a suit of us you get goods direct from the factory and we'll guarantee the prices a little lower than you can procure like values for elsewhere. All nr, ask -is a look before you buy your suit. If you can do better we don't want your business and don't deserve it. Suits marked special $10 JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule.We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. !-- r.' MEtyFOKP daily SEWS SERVICE IX to $75 MEDFORD Early Autumn Days will make vou think of doffing your ummor attiro anj garbing yourself onof morp in your dignifiej rrinfe Albort. a cutaway or s.vk suit for hujinpss wear. You ka,l bettor order your fall suit or ovoreoat now and have it ready to wear in the early autumn from J..4.XRIIIZER4C&. tmucxe it s tiif kft SOUT11EHX 0EGOX.