Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 05, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Rogue River Valley Fruit
Brings Third Highest Fig
ures in Eastern Markets
Rogue River vulli-y Biirtlott pears nre
bringing a third figures tlmii
pnarB from any other section in tlie
United States in eiiHtern markets, anil
tli ift dopitft poor conditio. prevailing
and tlio fact that the quality in below
the, average. Only a few earn have
reached the market, and the priie
brought was low compared to that of
last year. Medford fruit is, however,
bringing as high u price per box iih
those from other sections by the bar
rel. The New York market this week
has been badly demoralized and poorer
than that of any other sect inn in the
New York Apple Prices.
The Producers' Price Current of New
York, under date of August 2, gives
the following report of market condi
tions: Apples Wo have a had u fair supply
both from up-river and western New
York sections this week and the mar
ket has shown very liMe change in
h range of values. The demand is
fair, but chiefly for the better grades,
and much of the supply consists of me
niiuni nnd lower qualities, for which
comparatively easy prices havo to bo
accepted. A good ileal of the stock
arriving, consisting of ordinary to fair
average qualities of fall fruit of mixed
varieties, has been selling at a range
of $2(q2.5), with inferior qualities low
er. Largo green apples and fancy large
red tables sorts have been inquired for
and bring very good prices, but it re
quires strictly fancy fruit to n ach our
, outside quotations. Large varieties of
crabapples move slowly; some call for
small nt good prices, but few such ar
riving. Eastern Pear Prlcos.
Pears We have had a continued lib
era! supply of Bartlett pears, most of
which are of small to medium sizes,
often cloudy and largely packed in short
barrels. The market for such has been
quiet with the great bulk of Ihe busi
ness ranging from $,2(Ti,i!.7.' per barrel,
with inferior lots even lower. Then is
some scarcity of large clear llartletts
in full sized packages and these have
sold from $H(h fl.fiO, but there are com
paratively few worth the outside price.
Very few Clapp's Kavorite now arriv
ing and these hold steady when of lnrg
size, hogh color and fine condition;
ordinary Jots, however, have had to go
comparatively low, especially some ;
wastv iroods. Most of the Meckel are of
small to medium size and offered freely
in range of per barrel, some
very small and poor going lower, but
good sized Meckel have sold up to jfll.nO.
The commoner variet iea of pears, in
eluding all of the early receipts of bite
variet ies. have been meet ing a dull
market with prices in buyers' favor.
Social and Personal
The fall session will open Reptember
7th and wil lbe held in the rooms occu
pied nt present at tho Aikiu building,
remaining here until the Mwedenburg
building is completed.
From the prospects at present there
wil lbe a larger attendance than over.
Miss Hnttie ('mgcade of Eagle Point
was the first student to enroll in Mep
t ember; 1901. Mho completed the com
mercial courso and has been employed
as a bookkeeper in Han Francisco for
more than threo years. Mho has now
returned for the course in shorthand
and is tho first to enroll in September,
1908. Miss Oingcadu evidently knows
whero to secure a business education.
It is a fast that the young people of
southern Oregon and northern ('alitor
ma can save from $1(00 to $"00 on a
nino months' course of business train
ing by securing it lure. It is another
fact that with the individual instruc
tion given here that students receive
a bettor and more complete course. It
is also a certainty that we can promptly
place every young man or woman in a
Do not fail to consult Madame Fay,
clairvoyant and medium. Odell block,
room 3. tf
R. E. lleberling und C. E. Wolvcrton
of Sills Springs are iu Med ford on
land buHincsH.
Miss Francis Miller of liutte Falls
is visiting firends in Med ford.
Mrs. .1. II. Miller and son Morris are
paying a visit to Med ford.
H. J. KfivMiri. has sold his mail con
tract to Mr. Htowell of Butte Falls.
Mr. Stnwell will run u hack all the
winter from Eagle Point to the Falls.
Senator Frank .1. Miller of Albany,
grand commander of tho Knights Tem
plar of Oregon, made Ashland eommau
dery an official visit a few evenings
Mrs. Susie Neil of Ashland, teacher
of instrumental music, has returned
from Newport.
James M. Potter, editor of the Yreka
Journal, and his family are at Ashland
visiting their relatives.
Thomas and John Ross, the Central
Point n im rods, have returned from a
hunting trip to the I'mpqua divide and
killed their full quota of deer.
M rs. II. Obenchain, who has been
visiting in K la mat h county, is at her
home near Central Point again.
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Houston of Trail
precinct made Med ford and Jackson
ville a business visit this week.
Mrs. J. (Jibson, late of Central Point,
and her daughter, who have been mak
ing (Jreat Falls, Mont., an extended
visit, have located at Ashland, where
Miss (I. will tench in the public schools.
Volney Dixon, tho wideawake agent
for the Page wire fence, is in Med ford
again for a breathing spell.
II. C. Messenger was over from his
farm, located near Agate, E rid ay.
I'M Ttiuns, Jacksonville's jolly butch
er, was among his Med ford friends Fri
day afternoon.
tlolden Vibrator relieves rheumatism,
lumliago, neuralgia, nervous and sick
headache. Try it. Monday at Bates
Pros.' barber shop. 117
Misses Venita and Em 11 Hamilton
have been making Ashland a short visit.
Miss Ei a Weudt of Jacksonville
was iu Med ford Friday, the guest of
Mis. Anna I):inielsoii.
John Pearson was down from Ash
hind Friday with a load of fine pcache.'t.
Colonel It. C. Washburn of Table
Kncli I rauHiicted business in Med ford
N. It. Pradbiiry, who had his collar
hone broken iu a runaway, is a gentle
man of leisure nowadays, but rapidly
The fruitgrowers of Josephine rmtn
ty have decidt d to reorganize under I he
name of the Rogue River Fruitgmwrs
exchange. At a recent meet ing the
members aropted a constitution and by
laws. When the new organization is
perfected it will have a capital stock
nf KliM, o be issued in shares of $10
(olden Vibrator cures headache,
lieves pain, removes congestion. 1 1
Mrs. Wolf, proprietress of oi:e of
Jacksonville's best restaurants, visited
in Med font Friday afternoon.
Ed J. Hariris, the veteran commer
cial traveler, was among his numerous
southern Oregon customers during the
On account of Ituffalo Hill's Wild
West show at Medford Reptember
fhe Southern Pacific company will make
a rate of one and one third regular one
way for for the nut. id trip.
A. E. Kennies, the well known lawyer,
spent Friday at Ashland.
.1. Tuitgate of Mig Untie is visiting
relatives living in Jacksonville.
M rs. II . Norton and Miss Minnie
Thoinpiiou were down from Jacksonville
Friday afternoon.
Try the Uolden Vibrator for nervous
hoad'ache. Hotel Moore. 1 17
D. C. Avery of (Iriffia Creek left
for Collage Hrove Friday evening and
iniiv locate in I heir re TVcltunpetno
may locate in that section.
Mrs. ( 'liar Ies Prim of Jacksonville
wa in Medford Thursday visiting rela
tives and friends.
Dr. Avery and J. J. Skinner of (Irif
fin Creek were recent visitors in Med
ford. Mis. W. t. Coleman of Jacksonville
spent a few hours iu Medford Eliday
See the Coldrii Vibrator at P.-ites
Pros. barber simp. 117
A. II. Johns, ihe yen in I rancher, was
over from Meadows dint rict Ertday
M rs. A. Elmer of Jacksonville was
Ihe guest of Mr. and Mis. M. Pellinger
Thomas E. Nichols of Eagle Point,
Bickuioie LeRoy, who started a
newspaper ut Taleut recently, t put
tie past week iu Medford.
Miss Armeda Kaiser baa bwn at Ah
laud during the past several weeks visit
ing relatives and friends. She is a
teacher iu the Seattle school and will
resume her duties in a short time.
Hee W. B. Hart man at Hotel Moore
for information regarding the (ioldeu
Vibrator. 147
Richard Childers, the plasterer, has
gone to Yreka, Cal., accompanied by
his family.
Dr. George Farra of Corvallis lias
been visiting his cousin, E. h. Farra
of Central Point, accompanied by his
family. He was well pleased with our
Mayor Hopkins of Central Point and
his family are making an auto trip to
('rater Lake ami other points of inter
est along the road t Klamath county.
Vibration is health. See the Golden
Vibrator at Hates Pros.' barber shop,
or at Hotel Moore. 117
Major A. Carter, a well known min
er and prospector, is laid up for repairs
at his home in Ashland as a result of the
premature explosion of a box of half
a hundred giant caps, while he was
capping a fuse, near the mouth of a
tunnel which he and T. H. Gilliam are
running in on a prospect south of Ash
land Hutte, five miles f rom Coles, a
few days ago, says the Tidings.
Try the Golden Vibrator for general
tonic. 147
A flurry was caused in local munic
ipal circles Monday, when Mayor Hup
kins notified Marshal Wil lias that his
services would not be required nfter
that date. It is understood that the
marshal took a vacation of several
days without, permission from the may
or, and that fact, together with a desire
to retrench somewhat in the expense
account, caused the mayor to take the
action he did. Marshal Williams, how
ever, stood on a provision of the char
ter which says the mayor may not re
move an appointive officer except with
the approval of the council. The char
ter seems to be somewhat conflicting
on this point, ono clause stating that
Ihe mayor may, at his pleasure, remove
such officials, while in another placo it
says that such action may only bo taken
by the executive with the npprovnl of
the council. Mayor Hopkins learned of
the conflicting provision of the charter
yesterday forenoon just as he was start
ing with his family to Crater Lake
and further action on Ihe matter was
deferred until the regular monthly
meeting next Monday evening. Herald.
forest fire in t he vicinity of Hound
lake, northwest of here, has broken
out anew and is beyond the control of
the fire wardeus. J. Y. .Johnson, one of
t he Weyerhaeuser men, sent in I his
morning for a crew to help fight the '
fire. Charles Paldwin lett at !) o'clock
with a team and eight men.
Several fires have been in this sec
tion for some weeks, but they have
been kept under control. A party of
men were fighting fire in that district
last week, but returned to town after
putting it out. Since then, however, it
has started up again nnd is now doing
considerable damage. The men on t he
ground have been unable to do any
thing and were compelled to send for
assistance. The late fire is near Clover
To-night marks the close of the
If you haven't been to this store during this Sale or wish to come
again or just want to visit we invite you here tonight. You should
pick up the little needfuls tonight
We invite you to attend the opening to-night. You will enjoy a look
at the new hats. We are prepared to make to order anything desired.
The store that advertises and does as it advertises
Baker - Hutchason Company
Central Avenue,
Just North Jackson County Bank
W. II. Norcross met with a serious
and painful uccident Tuesday, when by
a misstep he fell from the haymow of
his barn to the ground below, it distance
of 10 feet. Ho landed on his head und
neck and wan rendered unconscious. Dr.
Ifawhouscr was summoned und respond
ed promptly and did everything possi
ble to make the patient comfortable.
lie was resting easy vesterdav and it is FOR SALE-
believed that aside from the shock and
bruises his injuries are not serious.
FOR SALti Dissolution of partnership.
The only first-class restaurant in tho
city of Afurshfield; Smith's cafe for
sale; best location; established repu
tation. Fur ftitrther particulars ad
dress J. Le Roy Smith, attorney,
Marehfiold, Or. HI.
cruises 3,000,000, feet
$.'1000. W. M. French.
timber claim,
near railroad,
The Coldcn Vibrator cures constipa
tion. 117
See Itates llros., barbers. Thev will
tell von about tin
Scores of Medford Readers Are Learn
ing tue Duty of tne Kidneys.
To filter tho blood is the kidneys'
When they fail to do this the kidneys
are sick.
Backache and many kidney ills fol
low. Urinary trouble, diabetes.
Doan 'b Kidney Pills cure them all.
Medford people oadorso our claim.
M. S. Hidcr, living in the northern
pa rt of M ed f ord , Or., says : "I ro
coivod very gratifying relief from the
use of Doan 's Kidney Tills. T sufTored
from what doctors called rhoumatisin
caused from mi excess amouut of uric
acid in my system. My kidneys were
lout of order and the trouble served to
run down my general health. I could
not stoop over without becoming dizzy
and was in a miserable condition, when
Dean's Kidney Pills came to my atten
tion, and I procured a box at Ilaskins'
drug store. I saw a great change for
the better in my condition after a short
time, and wns so encouragod that I con
tinued their use and was soon entirely
free from tho trouble."
For sale by ull dealers. Trice SO conts.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. T., sole
agentB for the United States.
Remember the namo Doan 'a nnd
Dry cordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. F. Osenbrugge, Stude
bakor Bros.' warehouse.
'OR RENT Two furnished bedrooms,
electric light und bath, close in. MrB.
L. O. Coleman, corner I and Ninth
streets. 148
FOR SALE Furniture of a three
roomed house, satin brass bed, hand
some dresser, oak chairs, rugs, kitchen
cabinet stove, 4xti kodak and a
Jersey cow. Inquire at Toggery. 147
FOR SALE Two lots in East Med
ford, f iuc location, good soil, well,
woodhouse, 30 bearing apple trees with
good crop apples; price reasonable. Ad
dress Lock Box 23, city. 150
(Jolden Vibrator. 1 17 Uko no othor-
Day School Department
at St. Mary's Academy
published in another columu. These nro
the fixed rates in all the schools of tho
Sisters of the Holy Names, but, as the
Sisters' main endeavor is to work for
Ihe physical, intellectual and moral de
velopment of youth, they wish the par
eats who feel that they cau not meet
these rates, to call and see them with
tln assurance of being being received
with every courtesy nnd of finding the
Sisters willing to co operate in the great
work of forming the youth as good
cit izens.
Having sold my business to tho Mod
ford Hard wanj company, all persons
knowing themselves indebted to mo will
please call at tho store and sottlo with
Miss LI all, who has charge of the books
and will make proper receipts for all ac
counts. 150 H. K. BOYD EN.
FOR SALE A good small business on
Sevonth stroot. Reasons for colling.
Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this
offico. tf
FOR SALE At a snap. Two first-class
building lots faciug new Catholic
school; one-quarter cash takes them
Address Box 508.
FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the
market now; choice ten-acre tracts,
beat location in the Talley. L. Nee
demever, Jacksonville.
FOR SALE A first-clasB pianola-pia-
o; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Medford.
WANTED Woman or girl to do inni
ng, washing, housecleauing. Apply
A, Tribune office.
Classified Advertisements
One Ceut a Word No single insor
tlous less than lfi cents. Six Insertions
for the price of four. Seven ty-fiv
cents a Huh per month.
position in tho large cities, either north
or south, when they are qualified and a well known pionrer. was among Ins
wish to go. l td Medford friends Thursdav.
Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street.
Next Sabbath will be reception day.
Probationers will be received into full
connection and others with certificates.
At II o'clock the subject will b 1'he
tJlories of Zion." At T.'tit p. in. the
theme will Im "A Sad Failure and a
tiieat t'rash." Sabbath school at 10
a. in.; Kpworth league. tW p. m. All
are inviti'd.
FOli SA I.E ;iil acre ranch, $12,000,
first class improvements, well, family
orchard, etc. This is a bargain. See
i. E. W., Tribune office. tf
Foli SA LE Med room suite, brand new,
two nickers. ML-sioti table, china
closet, chiffonier nnd rugs. Inquire
of Mrs. W. A. Handley. lol
WANTED Saddle pony for us for a
month or more, or horse nnd wagon.
Tribune office. tf
We Are Open
Come to Dinner
Today we open tho
Mission Grill
on Central Avenue in "Wortnian & (ore's old stand.
"We will give to the public a first-class restaurant
and dining service. "Cleanliness" is our watch word.
"A fjoorf service to all" is our motto.
Our chef is an expert. : : Short orders at all hours.
Regular Dinner 20 cents
Mission Grill Catering Co.
WANTED Three teams, work horses,
about 2600; one team ponies about
2000; one team about 2300; must be in
good order and reasonable. W. H.
West & Co. tf
ANTED Japanese, honest worker,
wants situation such as house clean
ing and garden work, etc.; city or
country; by month, week, day and
hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th
Btreet, near bridge, Medford. 155
AP.3LLC? I Jrp
Early Autumn Days
will make you think of doffing yoni
summer attire anil garbing yourself once
more in your dignified Prince Albert,
cutaway or sack suit for business wear.
Von had better order your fall suit
or overcoat now and have it ready to
wear in the early autumn from
WANTED To rent, furnished house
for family of two. G. Putnam, The
WANTED To trade new steel ranges
for old stoves. Wordof f 4 Wolf, Eads '
old stand. 153
WANTED A good, fresh milch cow.
Address Box 61, Medford, Or.
(VANTED To buy from 100 to SOU
head of stock sheep. Write Box 131,
Medford. Or.
We are headquarters for all school supplies
$2,000.00 worth of School Bookshave arrived
and more have been ordered.
On account of losses sustained in years past,
we cannot give credit on School Books, but
will wrap up books and hold until called for.
WA.TKI Kxpcrienced waist and i
skirt makers. Apply to Miss C. S. '
banks, Ilaskins block. 140 I
mare, white face, weight about 10M0
pounds. Direct information to J. C.
(iibson, Talent, Or. Libornl reward for
information. 150
FARM FUR KENT 100 acres, 90 in
cultivation, 40 alfalfa, will sell farm
implements, hay and some stock if
renter wants it. Address C. 0. Gil
Christ, Gold Hill, Or. 147
I'OI! KENT Furnished room, electric
light, with bath. Mrs. W. W. Eifert. 4S
To EMMANGE For wood; a team of
horses. Len F. Kose. Medford. 1411
To TUADK I.iirht single covered hnir.
gy for two-seated rig.
oune offico
L. E. W.. Tri
Something which is of considerable
interest to the public generally and
which is perhaps not generally known
is the system of prepaid orders now in
etTeet between stations of tho 8onthern
Pacific company and all points in the
i nited .tates. By means of this system
tickets may lie purchased at Medford
from any place in the United Slates and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here. Sleeper
accommodations Bnd small amounts of
cash iu connection with these ticket
may also be forwarded at the same
time." tf
The duck hunting season for Oregon
has opened and it will be lawful to
kill up to 50 a week until February 1.
Ducks are not plentiful in Oreuon so
early in the year, but a number are
reported on the slouchs just the same
and several parties of hunters will hesd
for them Catnrdav nieht. The China
pheasant season opens October 1.
In Four Different
Days in Two
Hours Time
"Impossible!" you say, but let ns
see. Remember ns you go east you
keep resetting your watch Six hours'
difference in time between Medford mid
New York city. If you were to go
entirely around tho earth you would
gain or lose 24 hours as the ease might
be. This discrepancy is equalized by
the international date line out west of
the Hawaiian islands. You have two
days of the samo name going west at
that point and skip a day coming east.
On the obi Ohio one foggy night in
July. ISO!), at ll:)o p. m., t crossed
this date line into Sunday Right here
the old tub's condenser system broke
down nnd we drifted back over tho line.
H.v 1 p. in. of .Saturday, we were
repaired and steamed up into Mon
day! Thus being in Friday, Saturday,
Sunday and Monday in two hours time.
This reminds me that I started out to
sa ythat you will never drift into ill
health if you drink "Colestin Natural
Mineral , ater," nnd your days will be
as the merry widow of Curlew."
Anybody wishing to invest in on. of
the neatest, most modern and best locat
ed bom.s in Medford, should adrds
P. O. B.x 441.