1908. MEDFOUD DAILY 1KJ.-UU.in .a, sa.iux uitu, uuniuu., "-""' ; . . . . I Medford Daily Tribune A Live Papeb in a Live Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. What Papers Say THE LABOB VOTE. however, not in obedience lu timers from (jumpers " or from any other source, but in obedience to the deliber ate judgment of the individual toter. TAFT OEOAN ON THE TIGHT. Admitted aa Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On month, by mail or currier. . . .0.f.O On. four, by mail . . . .5.00 - f Olty subscribers who desire The Tribune mailed to them at rammer re ir .tt.r .uVof-town lace , will please notify the office, giv Z ty and the lengtH of time they deaire paper sent to nVw adOre. On returning, please notify office In order that service by carrier may bo promptly resumed. .i 4-f t4- A COTTAGE GROVE hNUUKt.it. A correspondent writes from Cottage Grove as follows: "I notice in the window of the Cottage Grove Leader two small pears marked San Jose scale, "Medford 's Best." I was rather taken aback and had another look to make sure. I have lived in Medford and know what kind of pears and apples are grown there. J f Cottage Grove can .produce any fruit to compare with that grown about Med ford, then it is more than I have seen; hut the idea of any Oregon newspaper slurring any town in Oregon is not right. If a good word can't be said, say nothing. All should pull together for the benefit of the whole state. "I have got my opinion of any newspaper man that would show such poor judgment. I am not the only one that noticed these pears; there are several ex-Medford people here, and they feel indignant about it. "Subscriber and Collage Grove Citizen." Medford pears need no defense. Their quality speaks for them, and the prices they bring in competition with the world speak still more convincingly. They are the finest pears on earth, barring none, and so acknowledged No orchards are better cared for or freer from pests than those of the Rogue River valley, a credit to and even an advertisement for, all of Oregon, including Cottage Grove. The Cottage Grove Leader exhibits the narrow, petty, miserable knocking spirit of the mossback and ought to li iiKhimiml of itself for its littleness a sniallness that cannot help anyone and can only injure itself. "Eugene was the lirst city in Oregon to invite E. II Harriman to be its guest. Later Portland, Astoria and other cities fell in line and extended similar invitations,' says the Eugene Register. This is not so. Medford had invited Jlarrinian and he had accepted the invitation be fore Eugene thought of it. That's where Eugene got its cue. Moreover, last year Medford invited Mr. Jlarrinian, and this was the only town in Oregon he stopped at (Cuast Seaman's Journal.) Those who criticize the policy of the Aincrirnn Federation of Labor in the present caiiinif(u affect great confi dence in the "independence of labor," but that position is belied by too much insistence. Did the opponents of or ganized labor really feel as they ipeak, did they really regard tho workers n so many sovereign citizens able to form their own opinions and capable of net mil upon I heir own judgment, they would talk u good deal less than they do about the "bargnin to deliver the labor vote," their confidence would be ex pressed by dignified silence rather than by noisy asseveration. These expres sions of pretended respect for and con fidence in labor nro merely so much flattery, having itB basis in a convic tion that tho labor bote can be deliv ered whero it belongs, i. e., to the party of labor's self styled friends. Theso frionds (?) of ours may rest assured. Although they do not really helicvo It, thoso who take exception to tho policy of tho American Federa tion of I.nbor in the present campaign are dead right in asserting thnt "the labor voto can't be delivered." 1 lie deration itself knows this at least as well, and probably better, man no its critics. Tho difference, between the nttitudu of the Federation and that of its critics and opponents is that where as the latter merely nsBcrt the "indo lence of labor" tho former not only asserts that condition, Inn nelieves it. Tho American Federation of l.nlmr knows that labor is not a "coinmiKii ty," and that the "labor vote" is not a deliverable quantity. The Federation knows more than this; it knows tlint labor can be united in its own interests for action in the political field as well n.t.i rei.:n 1n.nl. as ill too economic neni. mm Ige inspires both tho hope of the fed eration and th fearo f the Federa tion 'a opponents. The Federal ion hopes bv a campaign of education to unite the "labor vote" in such manlier as to make it an offoctivo factor at the polls. Tim cinnolienls of the Federation fear Hi, i result of that campaign nnd on the desiierato chance of defeating it have raised the false issue of an attempt to "deliver tho labor vote." It remains to be said that that fear is well found ed as the method adopted to offset it is absurd and futile. Thnt the campaign of education will produce material re sults iH now beyond doubt. That the "labor vole' will be "delivered" where it will do most good is eipmlly certain. Tho delivery will be made (New Vork Evening Post.) The campaign has gone far enough for the classic "warning note" against over-confidence to be "Bounded," bs Postmaster General Mover sounded it at Hot Springs yesterday, bui mis yiar Mr. Meyer need not hold up the uicture of the republican conorts im- ing their time away in their domestic j Cnpuas while Fabius Minimus Bryan is drilling his forces and leading them to battle. Kven if tho republicans go to the polls and do their very best, they have a fight ou their hands this year such as they have not had since 1HSI0. There are still largo numbers of dem ocrats who cannot stomach Hryan, but there are large numbers, too, that have made up their mind this year to swal low the doso. liryan's strength in the middle west is yet to bo tested. l'ora ker's capacity for mischief in Ohio must bo. discounted. Johnson's rcnom ination In Minnesota raises a new sen sitive spot on the siirfnco of tho repub lican body politic. Xo, there is no reason for republic an over confidence this year, and Mr. Meyer's warning was uncalled for, un less the corporations have shown a ten dency to fall into what the colored preacher called "contributory negligence." St.' Mary's Academy f Directed by toe Slaters of tlie Holy I Names of Jems ana Mary. j g Mediora, ur. Rates for the scholastic year, or per iod of 40 weeks: Boarding School. Board, tuition and laundry 180.00 Private room 50-00 Day School. Tuition, prlmarv and grammar grade. 20.00 High school and special course.. 30.00 Luncheon for day scholars who too far from school to rteurn home, or who prefer a warm meal at nooa 50-00 Special rates to parents entering two ur more children. Music Department Piano, two lessons per week . . . 60.00 Viniin two lessons Dr week , . . 60.00 Mandolin, guitar, banjo, etc 60.00 j Vocal, two lessons per ween . . . ou.w N. B. The ratos quoted above in clude an hour's practice daily, under the supervision of a sister. Art impairment. en, ink. charcoal ana waier colors 30.UU Oil 4 4 COMMUNICATIONS. To tho Kditor: Will you kindly give mo spaeo in your paper In correct an error which nppenred in this morning b Mail. It BoeniH strange that an editor of a morning newHpnpor like the Mail will invariably gel thingH wrong when it come to anything connected with politics or economies. Tho Mail buvh that Eugene V. Pelm will oiioly upenk jr minutes and in fern that the local organization has just f on ml out the (Into. Tho fact is wo have known the full particular for weeks. Debs will speak hero for one hour and may bo longer. It all dcpemlH on the size of the audi euco. I Mm has ample time between o'clock and S o'clock p. in,, the time at (J runts riJnun, to deliver a good, long lecture. It is nut hard to gui'tm tin reason for these mistakes f). Tho red spocial is striking terror in tho heartH of plutocrats and their henchmen, hence they are resorting to every means at their command to dine red it hoc in I itmi, and tho red special. We will nee if tho editor of the Mail will be man enough to publinh a correction of his mistake. LOCAL BKC'Y SOCIALIST l'AHTY. SPOBTINO NEWS. 4 Loh Angeles and Portland are playing on the grounds of the latter and, an usual, the latter are not faring very well. At the Kccentric Firemen's games at Celtic park, New York, one day this week Kalph Hone beat his own world ' record with a 1- pound iron ball, throw ing it oil fuel ii inches. The feature of the opening day of llie grand circuit meeting of the Hud !ou liiver hriving park, N. Y., was Ihe 'J: 111 pace, in the tlrnt heat of which The F.el went t he milo in -:U-j. He thus broke tho track record, his own record and made the fastest mile paced in the grand circuit this year. The Mel ' chief com pet it or was Oeorge Claim. EXTRA GUARDS WATCH 40 FISH DYNAMITERS. WALLACK, ldahoept. ft. Kxtrn guard nro today on watch in and out side of the jail in Wallace, where the 4(1 men accused of dynamiting fifth on the north fork of the Cucur d 'Alenc river nro behind tho bars after being brought here like a herd of cattle bv (tame Warden Loin Wilson and two is sistnnls heavily armed. When the party approached Wallace late vosterdav tho prisoner showed signs of becoming restive. Kvery pre caution in being taken t) day lo prevent a jail delivery. W. A. Lamed of Annapolis retain: I he tenuis championship, winning tin challenge round. Tho gathering for tin nut ional tenuis chain punish, p bet ween Larned, the title holder, and Heals C Wright of Host on, winner of the all conivr.i tournament, was tho largest of the year. As Lamed won permanent possession of the nut ional cup last year, a new tropin- was at slake at the pros nit tournament, ami Larned is the firs I to have his name inscribed upon it. Probato. Estate J. M. Hevkathoru; order iiiioli to made supplemental inventory. Estate Snmuel W .Clary; order made appointing O. K. Kubanks, .1. W. Me Coy and F. E. Engle appraisers. Ad ministrator's bond filed. Est at o Thomas Paid win ; bond of Margaret M. Hrownfl ndniinist ral ris. filed. JtiWIiai LK'INUI Koizur and Fena Dresser. V.imiH -DliKHHKU In Jarkson v.U on HftptnmW , by Judge lUtma, A. W. Kr.ur anA On Dresner. Three pugilistic cm tents, each in vol ing t he championship of its re pectivc class, will bo decided in Calt t'ornin uet week. One of tluiu is an nilenialiouiil match between Owen Mo ran, the Kugtish champion, and Abr Attell, the holder of the featherweight title in America. The other two are between Stanley Ketchelt and Hilly Pnpkc for tho middleweight champion liin, and Hattling N'etson and Joe Cans for Ihe lightweight title, in every case Ihe fiirhts are rturn matches, as all have met their respective opponents in previous battles. TENNIS CHAMPIONS ARE OATHERINO AT TAGinC OROVE Christian Science. Christian Science services lire held every Sunday morning at II o'clock the Commercial cluli room, ftunject for September (i, "Mull." All are wcl- mile. Medfo- 'ribune, I50e per month. Murna Rlatur Miscellaneous. Craduating fee (at completion of four year academic course; . . lo.uo Library feo 1-uu Laboratory fee Sine ner in concert, physical culture, elocution in class, art needle work, plain unwinir. do not form extra charges. The Bisters are happy to miorm ineir friends nnd tho public that the new and commodious building and the mod- trn improvements introduced therein, enable them to ensure the comfort ot pupils while facilitating educational advantages. Write for program of studies, also for booklet concerning dress regulations, etc. Address: BISTER SUPERIOR, ST. MART'S ACADEMY, MEDFORD, OR. I t m mm: To beat Ihe Dutch Venezuela can't do much. Holland is now kicking at Venezuela. There is always room to kick. We don't blame people for kicking if tliey don't get cigars that are made bv K. K. V. Uigar Works. AVlien you insist on netting them, you get the best and help to build up a home industry. Medford 5 cent, R R V 10 cent and Del Marca 15 Gent Cigar monev can buv. Made only by on sale everywhere. R. R. V.Cigar Works Medford. Or. Why Not Iron in Comfort? No reason to be uncomfortable in a hot. Htnffv kitchon. Yea ran take your Klexic Iron to any part of the houe where there is a liht socket. An extension cord from the kitchen bulit will enable you to use it on the porch. Telephone Main S55 and haro an Kloetrie Iron sent you on one week's free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successor to Condor Water Tower Co Office 206 West Seventh St., Opposite Hig Klectric Sign. Pubber Goods iuukii' (ikovi:, rni.. 'iiiiih champions from the I,. K. llslrtwln ot UB llutto has gnnol to Medford. J Tt. J!. enit and wi'Nt are here ln,lav preparing for the oiirtiaineiit next week, when the two -o'l-t ion of the countrv will be renresell 1 on opposite sides. Irvin I,. Wright, ninth on the roll of rld champions, and brother of ! ('. Wright, the American champion, M.1 Vt'lace 1,. lohnNon, the intt0 fenlit,: ic champion of lVniiylvnn:t "Pm igs'criicra nri. mmrrustiimi'd n'ltill courts and win RptMtii their time between now and tno opening of (he tnurnainant In hnrd prarUQa. V Just received, a complete line of water bags, syringes and everything i" the rubber lincfceach article guaranteed. Tho smvesnful mivoi lisi-r must un llel'SIMUll llUMWIl lllllUV. 1 '11 Ills lliosl illici t appeal usually I., lo Woman Nu lure. The ladles :uv Hie bargain limit ers. Very likely smne of lliein rlnlit now are rending I Ills and will turn lo look for bargains advertised In this pa nor. Thev gel on the trail of n bar gain and follow It right into eiinip they once (lnd the trail. Your store is the camp. This panel Is the Hall. Why not connect the camp Willi the Irali? 40.00 Notice to Water Consumers Owing to the scarcity of water supply, it i. ordered that r "".v water be used for ir igation or gprii""ft except" between the hours of and n'.-lork a. in. and 5 and 7 o'clock p. in, until otherwise ordered by the water committee. vinlntinn of this orderly any consumer will result in said consumer's supply being forthwith shut off. Bv order of the Water Committee of the Citv Council of Medford. Orepron. Dated August 15. 1908, ABOUT August 15 we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at $3.00 per tier, delivered, or $2.00 per tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tier wood, at $1.50' per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford. Oregon. ft IS (tmuttg, Stato Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $116,000.00 Equally Good ServiGe For All This bank renders the same proiapt, courteous and abloging service to tho smallest as well as the largest dopositor. It wishes to promote the interests of all its customers. Let us be of service to you. Make the JackBon County Bnnk your depositary. Finest equipment in southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTER, President G. K. LINDLEY, Cashier MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Frames, Oak Veneered Doors, Bevel Plate Carried on Hand, Cheap. Office futures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fSncy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONE 2291. OUR TELEGRAPH NEWS IS RECEIVED BV TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN OUR OFFICE Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get what you want alrea iv prepared; we have it. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, NEAR EIGHTH J. E. ENYAHT.Presid ent. J. A. PERKY, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cseaier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS.....: 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage Mcdlord Pharmacy M11ot Trlkui, par ant. Th Ul Drug Blot, with UUL PrteM. i Mu PaatottU. Oregon,, Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? OREOOX N'KEl'S PEOPLE Settlers, honest farmers, mechanics, merchants, clerks, people with brains, strong hands and a willing heart capital or no capital. Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.) is sending tons of Oregon 1 iterature to the East for distribution through every available agency. Will you not help the good work of building Oregon by sending us the names and addresses of your friends who nro likely to bo interested in this state? We will be glad to bear the expense of sending them complete information about OKEUOX nnd its opportunities. COLONISTS' TICKETS will be on side during SEPTEMBER AND (K TOHKH from tho East to all points in Oregon. The fnres from a few principal cities are .From Louisville. . $41.70 From Cincinnati. 42.20 From Cleveland.. 44.75 From New York.. 55.00 From Denver 10.00 From Omaha.... 30.00 From Kansas City 30.0G From St. Louis. . :5.50 From Chicago. . . 38.00 TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If von want to bring a friend or relative ' Oregon proper amount with any of our agents. nished by telegraph. A. S. UOSKNll.U'M, Medford. Or., Local Agent. WM. M '.MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland deposit the The ticket will the be fur- Or. You Get The Cream . oi the Cream of Creation When yon buy of ns. Who have made the "killings" in Rogue River orchard lands? Our customers. Who are assured of the best buys in the valley? Our customers. "Who will always steer you right when you are prepared to buy? Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING. MEDFORD HILL Military A Private Boarding ami Academy Day Sctiool lor Boys Primary, preparatory and academic departments. College preparation, Business course, Manual Training. Principal 30 years' experience in Portland. The Hill Military attracts and retains good boys, but has no place for any others. Fall term begins September 16. Make reserva tion now ,for few remaining vacancies. Catalogue on application to the principal. J. W. HILL, M. D., Portlnod, Or. J j THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SUUTUEKN UHUUUiV.