Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, September 04, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Long List of Cases Under
way For Coming Term
Many Civil Actions
The following civil and criminal cnses
arc on the docket of the circuit court
for the coming term:
Criminal Actions.
State of Oregon vs. Ehler Rind; dis
turbing tho peace.
State of Oregou vs. Sam Hudson;
Stato of Oregon vs. Lottie K. Sim
mons; adultery.
State of Oregon vs. .Tames F. Coss,
.lr.; libel.
State of Oregon vs. James Kays;
assault with attempt to kill.
State of Oregon vs. Jack Montgom
ery; selling liquor without license.
State of Oregon vs. August Buccu
ine; assault with intent to kill,
ine; assault with intent to kill.
State of Oregon vs. William Eaton;
selling liquor to a minor.
State of Oregon vs. E. M. Hostetter;
assault with dangerous weapon.
Actions to Recover Money.
George W. Slovens vs. Bankers Re
servo Life company. Colvig & Durham,
attorneys for plaintiff.
M. Bryan vs. Western Oregon Orchard
company and Fred Lundahl. V. E.
1'liippa, attorney for plaintiff.
IT. M. Coss vs. J. M. Mcintosh. Col
vig & Durham, attorneys for plaintiff.
- Josoph Currie vs. Robert B. Powell,
Vnwter & Purdin, attornevs for plain
tiff. John Walters vs. A. D. Walters. F. J.
Newman attorney for plainff; If. K.
Ilauna, Jr., attorney for defendant.
W'adhams & Kerr Bros. vs. Rose ITay
mond. II. 1). Norton and H. K. II mum,
Jr.. attorneys for plaintiffs.
Forbes Supply company vs. J. II.
Fitzgerald. Vnwter & Purdin, attorneys
for plaintiff; Withington & Kelly, at
torneys for defendant.
Alonzo Onl vs. tleorgo lira. W. E.
I'hipps, attorney for plaintiff.
Ashland Manufacturing company vs.
Woods Lumber company. F. M. Cal
kins, attorney for plaintiff; E. D.
Briggs, attorney for defendant.
Amos Ninuinger va. Ferd Million nnd
Leona Million. C. B. Watson, nttorney
for plaintiff.
Charles Kohn, doing business under
name of Charles Kohn & Co., vs. ,1. II.
McClrndon. Colvig & Durham, attorneys
for plaintiff.
11. Messenger vs. (i. O. Van Nat
ta. S. S. Pentz, attorney for plaintiff;
K. B. Briggs, attorney for defendant.
C. V. Walters vs. A.' .T. Stevens et al.
W. K. Phipps, attorney for plaintiff.
E. T. Huth vs. Scott Bruce. V. E.
Phipps, attorney for plaintiff.
Crater Lake Lumber company vs. I
John Wolff ami (ieorge King. Vnwter
& Purdin, attorneys for defendant.
Crater Lake Lumber company vs.
Fheroricka Wpjff and George King. W.
E. Pliipp;:, attorney for plaintiff; Vnw
ter & Purdin, attorneys for defendant.
Gold Hill Bank vs. Gold Hill Canal
company et al. J. L. Ilammorsdey and
William Colvig and lieames & Kenmes,
at tome va for plaintiff.
W. W. Kirk vs. J. F. McKay. H.
1). Xorton, attorney for plaintiff;
Kennies & Keames, attorneys for de
fendant. C. H. Pierce & O, C, Pierce vs. Clar
ence Wheeler, Chris Sorensen and If. L.
Getchell. O. C. Boggs, attorney for
plaintiff; Kenmes & Keames, attorneys
for defendants.
E. E. Phipps vs. J. II. Settlemeier nnd
F. W. Settlemeier. W. E. Phipps, at
torney for plaintiff; Vnwter & Purdin,
attorneys for deft ndants.
Lucy Mee vs. J. N". Messier. George
W. Colvig, and Gus Newbury, attorneys
for plaintiff; Kenmes & Keames and J.
L. HammerHley, attorneys for defend
ant, tm
Horace Pelt on vs. Gold Hill Canal
company. Colvig & Durham, attorneys
for plaintiff.
J. W. Dressier and .1. B. Wood vs.
Joshua Patterson. R. G. Smith, attor
ney for plaintiff: Keames & Reames, at
torneys for defendnut.
A. J. MePonnell and L. E. Smith vs.
T. B. Goodseli et nl. C. B. Wntnon, at
torney for plaintiff.
Douglas County bank vh. D. M. Par
ry. Fullerton & Oreutt, attorneys for
Kmil Peil vs. Charles Hooper. Ilnrvey,
Miles & Mulkev, attorneys for plain
J. B. Dungan vs. Gold Hill Canal com
panv. W. E. Phipps, nttorney for plain
tiff. Suits in Equity.
Edgar Hafer vs. Medford & Crater
Lako Railroad company, lieames ft
Keuines, attorneys for plaintiff; Col
vig & Durham, attorneys for defend
Frederiek C. Page vs. Laurence L.
Grover, et al. Vawter & Purdin, attor
neys for plaintiff; suit to quiet title.
F. G. Allen vs. Pearl Mining com
pany, Peter Applegate et al. Colvig
k Durham, attorneys for plaintiff.
Reames & Reames, attorneys for de
fendants. femlant. Suit to foreclose lien.
Sterling Mining company vs. Edward
A. Spaulding et al. Reames A Keames.
attorneys for plaintiff", Vawter & Pur
din and Charles Prim, attorneys fnr de
fendant. (Veelia L. Mnegley vs. W. C. Kit
to, administratnr estate (I. Knrewski;
suit to quiet title. Gus Newbury, at
torney for plaintiff; Resmes & Reames,
attorneys for defendant.
William Puhl vs. Adolph fWmlt and
William Schultz; suit to appoint re
ceiver. Peter Deisch nnd Rran. k
Re me, attorneys for plaintiff; IT. R.
Haoaa, Jr., attorney for defendant.
J. H. Bee man et al. vs William Me a
den hall et al.; iuit. - H. !' Norton, at
torney for plaintiff; Charles Prinrand
W. I. Vawter, attorneys for defendnnt.
Alonzo Wimer and Moliie Wimex vs.
toe General Machinery" company; suit
to quiet title. Harvey, Miles & Mulkey,
attorneys for plaintiffs,
' A. J. Olson vs. George W. Dunn et al;
suit for 'injunction. R. G. Smith, at
torney for plaintiff.
H. G. Kesterson and A. W. Silsby vs.
Griffiu & Skelly company. Robert O.
Smith, nttorney for plaintiffs; Colvig
& Dnrhumji attorueys't'or defendants..
Charles Bnteman vs. Joseph S. Wil
son; suit to quiet title. Harvey, Miles
& Mulkey, attorneys for plaintiff.
G. F. Amous vs. RanBom Carter; suit
for partition. R. G. Smith, attorney for
Harry Luy vs. George W, Dunn et
al.; suit for injunction, R. G. Smith,
attorney for plaintiff.
Oregon & California Railroad com
pany va. Patrick Donegan et at.; suit.
Colvig, Fenton & Loiter, attorneys for
plaintiff. !
First National Bank of Ashland vs.
City of Ashland; suit for injunction. F. ,
M. Calkins, attorney for plaintiff; E. I
D. Briggs, attorney for defendant. ( I
Amelia Britt and "EmU Britt vs. Lau-1
ra A. Gardner et al; suit for foreclos
ure. II. K. Hunna, Jr., attorney for
Judd V. Miller and Grave V. Miller
vs. E. A. Speueer, J. Turner and C. F.
Krlckson; suit to quiet title.
O. & 0. R. R. Co. vs. Peter E. En-
yart et al. Colvig, Fenton & Loiter,
attorneys for plaintiff.
R. S. Towne vs. William Spaulding;
suit for injunction. George W. Tref-1
ren, attorney for plaintiff.
Gus Isewbury vs. Edgar E. Lee; suit i
to quiet title. Gus Newbury, 'attorney
for plaintiff.
J, C. Hall vs. George W. Dunn et al;
suit for injunction. Robert G. Smith
nnd E. E. Kelly, attorneys for plaintiff.
J. C. Hall vs. George W; Dunn et al;
suit for injunction. R. G. Smith, attor
ney for plaintiff.
Condor Water & Power company vs.
Enterprise Mining company and Grants
Pass Banking company; suit in equity.
K. G. Smith and Reames & Reames, at
torneys for plaintiff.
Grants Pass Banking & Trust com
pany vs. Enterprise Mining company
and Condor Water & Power company.
R. G. Smith and Reames & Renmcs, at
torneys for plaintiff.
A. D. Helms vs. E. S. Wolfer, J. IT.
G. Morrison, Julia Morrison; suit to
foreeloso mortgage. Vawter & Purdin,
attorneys for plaintiff; Reames &
Keames, attorneys for deefndants.
E. X. Pro volt vs. Lola Bailey et al;
suit for an injunction. R. G. Smith, at
torney fur plaintiff; Reames & Reames,
attornevs for defendants.
John Banning and William Banning
vs. E. S. Wolfer, J. IT. 0. Morrison,
Julia Morrison, A. D. Helms, Dunn, By-
eo, Pickens Ditch company; suit to
foroclose mortgage. B Vawter & Pur
din, attorneys for plaintiffs; Reames &
Keames, attorneys for defendants.
Laura Radcliffe vs. N. W. Bonney;
suit to quiet title. Harvey, Miles &
Mulkey, attorneys for plaintiff.
Mark Applegate vs. C. W. vEans et
nl; suit to foreclose mortgage. Gus
Xewbury, attorney for plaintiff ; Col
vig & Durham, attorneys for defend
ant. Condor Water & Power company vs.
Gold Hill Canal company; suit for in
junction. Reames & Reames, attorneys
for plniutiff; Colvig & Durham, attor
neys tor defendant.
M. D. Mendenhall vs Roaring Gimlet
Gold Mining company. "W. I. Vawter,
attorney for plaintiff; Charles S. Parker
and Reames & Reames, attorneys tor
W. E. Phipps vs. B. P. Theiss et nl;
suit to quiet title. Robert G. Smith and
W. E. Phipps, nttorneys for plaintiff;
Vawter & Purdin for Theiss, Colvig &
Durham for Bashford, attorneys for
R. F. Lew man and Herman Messinger
vs. W, R. Coleman; suit for injunction.
K. G. Smith, attorney for paintiff.
M. B. Whipple vs. George W. Dunn
et nl. R. G. Smith, attorney for plain?
tiff; B. F. Mulkey and William Col
vig, attorneys for defendants. Suit for
T. E. Pottenger vs. Lulu Phillips;
suit to quiet title. Harvey, Miles & Mul
key, attorneys for plaintiff,
j. E. Watt et al. va. John W. John
son et al; suit to remove 'cloud from
title. Vawter & Purdin, nttorneys for
plaintiff. .
Rovenue Mining company vs. T. F.
Hopkins et al.. W. I. Vawter and Chfts.
Prim, attorneys for plaintiff; Colvigfl&
Ptirbum, attorneys for defendants.
J. F. Reddy, receiver, vs. TTerence
Fee, R. E. Fee, C. P. Fee, doing busi
ness as Fee Bros. Reames 4 Reames, at
torneys for plaintiff.
L. C. Sivers vs. G. F. Amnion.
Ifonifh 4- Blmirhnnl. nttornPVs for nlain-
tiff; Robert Glenn Smith, nttorney for
iWi'ndnnr. JP
Frank Jordan Vs. M. M.8beldon ajod
William .Tones; unit to foreclose lien.
K. P. Rripfrs, attorney for plaintiff;
Colvig & Durham, attorneys for de
fendants. E. C. Sherman vs. E. E. Baglcy et al.
Reames tc lteames, attorneys fnr plain
tiff; A. C. Hough, attorney for defend
ants. Otis Newbury, administrator estate
nf A. Pool, vs. George R. Wilkerson and
Dosie Wilkerson. (ins Newbury, attor
ney for plaintiff. r,
Alfred Pmlth vs. City of Modford;
writ of review. Reames A Reames, at
torney for plaintiff; Colvig & Durham
and Holbrook Withington, attorneys for
defendant. t-
William (). Tate vs. Mae K. Tatoj suit
for divorce. F. M. Calkins, attorney
for plaintiff.
Pearl iMinean vs. Jesse H. Duncan;
suit for divoree. Oeor(fe W. Trefren,
attorney for plaintiff.
Martha Htunkard vs. Matthew fitunk
ard; suit for divoree. ifarvey, Miles
4 Mulkey, attorneys for plaintiff.
Mary A. Jordan vs. Edwin Jordan;
suit for divorce. Colvig Durham, at
torneys for plaintiff.
Annetta I. Hlaoer vs. Orlando IT. Rla
eer; suit for divoree. F. J. Newman,
attorney for plaintiff.
Marie A. Vanghan vs. Walter A.
Vsughan; suit divorce. Colvig' k
Pnrham, attorneys for plaintiff; Wal
ter H. Vaughan, attorney for defend
ant. Martbt Oden vs. Abraham. L. Oden;
suit l'of"divm-ce. George "W. Trefren,
attardey fofplaintitf.
Gertie M. Olsen vs. Ole M. Olsen;
suit for divorce. Vawter & Purdin,
attorneys for plaintiff; Withing &
tolly, attorneys for defendant.
F. W. Gaines vs. Ells Oahies; suit for
divorce. W. E. Phipps, attorney for
Thomas Hopkins vs. Martha Hopkins;
suit for divorce. S. 3. Pentz, attorney
for plaintiff.
- Mary Dumpier vs.' Frank' Donipior;
suit for divorce. C. B. Watsou, attorney
for plaintiff.
Ora V. Henderson vs. Thomas A.
Henderson; suit for divorce. Vawter
& Puntiu, attorneys for plaintiff.
l)amil Whetstone vs. Christobol Aoso
Whetstone; suit for divorce. Withington
& Kelly, attorneys for plaintiff; H. K.
Hanna, Jr., attorney for defenedant.
Caroline Swaker vs. Oscar Swaker;
suit for divoree. William Al. Colvig
and George W. Colvig, attorneys for
Helen A. SchoSeld vs. Charles H.
Schofleld; anit for divorce. (Ieorge r.
Trefren, attorney for plaintiff.
Emier E".Throop vs. Mae T. Throop;
divorce. Georgo W. Trefren, attorney
for plaintiff.
Justin Wilson vs. Etta Wilson; di
vorce. J. L. Hnmmersley, attorney for
Edith Pike vs. William T. Pike; di
vorce. W. E. Phipps, attorney for plain
tiff. Elzina Maupin vs. John T. Maupin;
divorce. II. K. Hanna, Jr., attorney
for plaintiff.
In the matter of the application of
William J. Warner to register title
to real property. F. J. Newman, attor
ney for plaintiff.
Ill the mntter of John Cox to register
title to real property. Harvey, Miles &
Mulkey, attorneys tor plaintiff.
In the matter of the application of
Aulema Kostoinlntsky to register title
to real property. F. J. Newman, attor
ney for plaintiff.
In the matter of the application of
Travers Lynch to register title to real
property. F. M. Calkins, nttorney for
In the matter of the application of
Sarah Fell to register title to real prop
erty. F. M. Calkins, attorney for plain
tiff. In the matter of the application of
Mnrtin McDonough to register title to
real property. O. C. Boggs, nttorney
for plaintiff.
In the matter of the application of
Sarah Fell to register title to real prop
erty. F. M. Calkins, attorney for plain
tiff. 5 In tho matter of the application of
Helen Dillon to register title to renl
projterty. O. C. -Boggs, attorney for
Tn tho mntter of the application of
Ed Dutton for a writ of habeas corpus.
Withington & Kellv, attorneys for plain
tiff. In tho mntter of the appeal of James
F. Coss from the county court of Jack
son county, Oregon. Withington &
Kelly, nttorneys for plniutiff.
Klfn-d Bnrzee A- Jennie Barzee vs.
John Wintjen; suit to quiet title, ('has.
Prim, attorney for plaintiffs.
' KLAMATH FALLS, Sept. 4, Klaffl
ath Falls is to have cheaper express
rates. A new schedule linn been nnWn.i
showing n reduction on an average of
.i per cent, but on account of nn error
in filing with tho Interstate Commerce
Commission the change will not go into
effect until October 1.
Rogue River valley irrigated orchards
tract at Kngle Point, is in Medford from
Santa Bnrbnra.
Having sold my business to the Medford-
Hardware company, all porsons
knowing themselves indobted to me will
please call at the store and sottle with
Miss Hall, who has charge of tho books
and will make proper receipts fnr all ac
counts. 150 H. E. BOYD EN.
The Customer That
Is Particular Is the
One We Want
Crater Lake Lumber Co.
rtftrVlQ DURHAM,
0o. H. Durham, Grants Pus, Ot.
Win tf. OolTlt, Medford, Or.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office at Sesidene.
Medford Fumitoro Co., Undertakers
Day phone 853; Night Phones: C. W.
Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 148.
Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse,
'He Has No Other Business.'
E. B, SEE1Y. M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Modern Equipped Operating Rooms.
X-Ray. Office Hours, 10-12, 8-4 P. M.
Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg.
When others fail, call on
Eye Specialist.
Office in the Grand Theater bldg.
Phone 35. Seventh and Main.
a. M. JONES,
City Scavenger.
Garbage of all kinds removed on short
notice. Leave orders with - chief of
Contractors and Builders.
AU Work Guaranteed.
Office wtU 0. H. Pierce k Sou.
Phone 653. P. O. Box 771.
ith 6
Carry the Strongest Line of
fh (Cot Boots
at the best prices in Southern Oregon
Buy now, for you will ueed them
See Our
it is up: to You
What Will You Do?
If you do a lot. of thinking, if your brain is active
and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking
down your svstem day by day, then you may reflect for
a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength
of roasted grains, to buy at
age of
Golden Grain Granules
No man can consume
the same time ; he ought to
ior to Coffee, although it
coffee and smells like coffee.
in any grocery store for 25c. Order a package today
All grocery sell it.
Miss C. S. Banks from Detroit, Mich.,
is in Medford preparing to open ladies'
dressmaking parlors In Hnskins' block
ufter September 14. 148
Medford Time Tabic
No. 16Oregon Express 5:S4p. m.
No. 14Portland Express. . . 9:49 a. ra.
Southbound j
No. 15California Express. .10:SS a. m.
No. 13San Francisco Exp..j 3:20p.m.
No. 225From Grants Pass..) 9:15 p.m.
No. 225For Ashland 10:lSp. m.
No. lLeaves Medford....
No. 3Leaves Medford
No. 2 Arrives Medford
No. 4Arrives Medford....
8:10 a.m.
3:50 p. m.
10:28 a. m.
8:08 p. m.
NoT STLeaves Medford ....
10:45 a. m.
5:35 p. lu.
2:00 p m.
9:00 p. m.
9:00 a. m.
3:30 p. in.
1:30 p. m.
7:30 p. m.
No. 4
Leaves Medford ....
Leaves Medford ... .
MotorlLeaves Medford.
No. 1
No. 3
Leaves Jacksonville. ,
Leaves Jacksonville.,
Leaves Jacksonville. ,
MotorLeaves Jacksonville..
A. M. P. M.
7:20 2:00
9:19 4:54
10:05 2:50
10:20 5:20
Gaglo Point.
Northbound .
Southbound .
Jacksonville .
your grocery store a pack
his strength and retain it at
replenish an equal amount
GRANULES is far super
looks like coffee, tastes like'
A big package can be had
Ashland, Oregon.
Thorough, practical training in commercial, shorthand and English branches.
Our high-class training is proverbial, our facilities for placing graduates is not
surpassed, and the smallncss of the expense in securing such an education here is
All students who socuro a nine mouths' scholarship and enter at the beginning
ut the tTin, September 7tl:t will be entitled to the combined course-tommercial,
shorthand and Knglish to July 1, UtOlt. Ten mouths o expert, practical, indi
vidual instruction for $ti0.U0. Investigate and attend the
Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying
in all its branches.
Rooms 28-29, Jackson
W. W.
Tribune Ads
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The PliKic to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv
able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation
ITS FACI.LlTi.lfiS ARlfi COM PLETE Best of food
and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All
modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets
freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages
partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply, Strict
municipal sanitary regulations.
NEW PORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to
Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R.
Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout
Rate From Medford
Our eluboritto now summer book givcg a concise description of Newport,
including a list ot hotols, their capacity anil rates. Call on, telephon or writ
Local Agent, Modford Oonoral Passenger Agent, Portland
City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land,' Hay Laud
Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable
and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta
tion to and from all tracts. Office in residence. No
com in ssion business. I buy and sell direct.
Bargains in Pianos
I ve a cv fine Pianos left that I will sell at a
bargain. Call at my office in residence, coruer West
Tenth and K Streets.
County Bank Building.
can always bo had at the Nash Cafe.
AU seasonable delicacies and all that is
appetizing. Our service is prompt and
eftlcioiit, and our cooking cannot be ex
celled, Ono meal will convince you that
we are friends you can tie to.
If You Will
focus your eye on the swoli made-to-ordor
Suits we aro offering, you will
realize at once that they aro excep
tional values. You will find over five
hundred dilTerent suitings hero from
which to mako a seloction. We would
like to take your measurement a now.
French Dry Cleaning and Pressing
neatly douo.
Bring Results
1. M