MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 1908. I ! ? ! I i f Social and Personal M. F. HanXoy was duwu from Vuun canytm the fore part of the wek. M. M. Hall was iu Medford Monday, doing business with our merchants. C. W. Austin and John McClanuhan are down from Big Butte and Prospect. Ed O'Brien, who fcns been stopping on Applegate during the past several months, has located in Medford Meedames C. P. Buck and L. F. Lo zior, prominent temperance advocates, made Ashland a visit a few days ago, M. Marshall and his sou of Centrul Point precinct were recent visitors in Medford. New Perfection oil stove, the boat evor made, at J. A. Smith's, opposite llotnl Moore. (J. A. Wilson, the gcnhil suercUry of the Woods Jnuiilwr company, spent Sun day at Oleudnle. Mrs. Egan of Portland, who was the guest of Mrs. W. II. Walker, lms re turned to her home. C, B. Htout, one of Jacksonville 'h best mechanics, transacted busiiifss in Med ford Tuesday. S. It. Coffmnn mm h. Bowl wre over from Jacksonville the HrHt of the week. h. Thompson and his family, who live near Central Point, were recent Med ford visitors. I). ('. Wilson of Hams Valley was in Medford Tuesday looking after his husi netts interests. K. K. Morrison of Griffin Creek wns among those who did business in Med ford during the week. S. 8. Stevens, who lives near Phoe nix, was among the ninny who transact ed business in Medford Tuesday. William If. Gore and his family have been in from the lull farm several times lately. W. (!. Deneff, the Jacksonville fish ortnan, has returned from a successful trip to Applegato. G. W. Lanco, Jr., was down from Gold Hill in his automobile Tuesday, ac companied bv his wife and Mr. and Mrs. W. ir. Miller. Miss ('. 8, Banks from liotruit, Mich., is in Medford preparing to open ladies' dressmaking parlors in Hnskins' block after September H. J HI Mrs. J. W. Mitchell is being visited by her brother, Mr. Woodson, who ar rived from Siskiyou county, California, this week. It. If. Gardener and Simeon r'arlow, i who are engaged in ranching in Lake Creek diHtrict, transacted Ihishichs Medford Tuesday. Al Helms, the stockman, has gone to Curry county to Heck a location, as hi has too many eattlo for the range nf forded by Antelope district. Get voiir fishing tackle, intiis and ammunition from tho Medford Haul waro Co., successor to II. K. Hoy den. Ml' Brockman & Tuzar, the expert paint ers, are embellishing the inside of the Medford opera house in a handsome manner. They will also arrange the stage settings and paint the drop cur tain. Judge K. It. Watson of Portland and his family, who have been visiting in Jacksonville and its vicinity during the past fortnight, left for their home Tuesday evening. Picking lins hegun in a majority of the hopyards in Josephine county, and while the acreage is not as large thisl year, the yield is good and the quality I excellent. The scarcity of labor about 1 this season of the year is felt mainly by hopgrowers, for the reason that Ihey must have pickers at once. Some of the larger yards will pay pickers $1 a hun dred. One of the largest wells alonj; t he Southern Pacific hues in southern Ore gnn is being sunk at Grants Pass supply the company's engines with wa ter and irrigate the lawns around tli depot grounds. Wh-n finished it bo 20 by 2 nud 40 feet deep. For n number of years the company has tak its supply from the local water com pany, and of late it has been costing the railroad upward of $-00 a month, It is reported that J. II. Hay and his associates, who are developing n mine in Palmer Creek district, have struck ft well defined ledge carrying very rich gold bearing ore. Their property is lo rated less than miles from the fa mous Fowler ledge, located iu Steam bont district, from which several hun dreds of thousands of dollars were tak eu in tho early mining days of Jack son count v. You Are cordially invited to attend the Grand Millinery Opening Thnrsday, Friday and Saturday in tne new Millinery Parlors in Medford's popular ladies' store Baker-Hutchason Company Central avenue, just north Jackson County Bank See the windows. Special orders taken JUDGING MEN BY THE SHAPE OF THE IB FEET HA NF ItANClHCO, Cab, .Sept. 2 If a man lias not a nicely arched in step, he need not apply for appointment as a policeman in Han Francisco. This is the edict that has disappointed many aspirants for t he force who are now undergoing examination for t heir fit ness to join the "city's finest." One thousand candidates have applied lor places and a corps of doctors is wink ing overtime to put these men through their paces. The physiciani! requirements are tak ea directly from t hose of t lie I'uitci States army ami t lie slightest det'ecl in ma uly proport ions is sufficient t disbar a candidate. One of the tests requires the men to stand upon a lass plate, nailer whii-h :i mirror is so ar ranged that the hut torus of hi feet are revealed. If any hut the hall and heel come iu contact wit h the jrlass, the applicant is qualified as foot ' ' and rejected. UIII Military Illlyly Arademv A Private Boarding and Day School for Boys Primary, preparatory and acad omic departments. College preparation, Business course, Manual Training. Principal 30 yoars' experience in Portland. Tho II ill Military attracts and retains good boys, but lias no place for any others. Fall term begins Septouibcr 1(1. Muko reserva tion now ,for few remaining vacancies. Catalogue on application to the principal. J. W. HIM,, M. D., Portland, Or. SEE THE NEW WINDOW DISPLAYS AT THE " HARVEST SALE You will enjoy a look at the windows j ust trimmed at this store. They show fair samples of some of the principal fruits, corn, melons, pumpkins, etc., raised in this section, and they are fresh from the ranch. The muni question is the tact that we are conducting a genuine Harvest Sale that is a surprise to everybody who conies and carefully examine the values. Now i s Hie chance to save on your fall supplies. A risit and trial -will convince. 7oc Hosiery, now only 67c iiOc Hosiery, now only 37c .toe Hosiery, now only 23c 25c Hosiery, now only 19c lc Hosiery, now only 8c Pillow Tops, only . '.47c One Wash Embroidered Silk 45c 1.50 Waists for only 89c ti.SO Waists for only $o.0u Waists for only 2.19 $S.OO Wool Skirts only 4.00 $11.00 Woll Skirts only 7.00 $17.50 Wool Skirts only J11.00 $L'5.00 Wool Suits only 12.60 $20,011 Wool Suits only $10.00 $15.00 Wool Suits only $7.50 $20.00 Silk Haineonts $10.00 $7.50 Silk Petticoats $4.69 CIIILDKKN'S DRKSSKS KEDl'Ch'U ONE QUAETEE NOW ONLY HALF PRICE. All Ladies' Wash Suits All Ladies' Princess Dresses All Ladies' Wash Belts NOW REDUCED OXE-QUARTER All new 'et Waists. All Kimonos, ono-quarter off. All Leather and Elastic Belts. All Underwear, one-quarter off. All Short Jackets for ladies and misses. All Silk or Satino Skirts. OTHER GOODS OX HALE 0c Outing only Cc. All Blankets and Comforts. Cotton Batting at sale prices. REE THE HANDKERCHIEF WINDOW. $3.50 Misses' School Skirts $1.98 The place to save money every day BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Classified Advertisements ' flat MANY PETTY BURGLARIES REPORTED IN EUGENE JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Win. II. V. Hester nnd family have returned from Crescent City, Oil., after a month 'b outing- 1r. ltoss, who luis been taking chiirtfo of hi practice, re turned to Portland tint next liuv. Mr. i, J. Hi'itrn, who :h ..ecu visit in( at the home of her daughter. Mr. R. T. Harnett, left tor DiniHinnir, Can Monday for a visit. Mrs. Kj. ,i. Kenney, .Mihxoh Mcniytia Kenney, Frances Kcnncv and lanrn Ncuher won Modford visitor Monday h. H. Watson of Portlnnd returned from Cinnabar Monday, whore he li teen taking hi vacation. Attorney C. It. Watson was dnwn from Anhland Mondnv on Imismh-h. Miss Oraoo llonrv lift for Portland oni dav last week. NEGRO RESCUED FROM MOB IN HEART OF CHICAGO Chicago, JI Sept. 2, Nathan Vin cent, a negro, 31 year old, was rem-nt'd by the police from violence nt the hands of a mob in front of the Auditorium Hotel, in the heart of the city today. The negro in ehargi d with having attempted to assault Josephine l.udwig. a 16-year old girl in broad daylight at the entrance of a building on Wabash avenue. The black had wired the girl and was attempting to drug her into a hallway, when her m-renins attracted at Irast i"u projie w no rosin1! upon the negro. The atroeU were fairly well crowded ! and the g rent out excitement prevailed.' Th npgrn was chimed nnd wns over taki-n in front of the hotel where, the police tobcuM hin. It U believed h would hnv mn lynched by the mnti within five minute. IMHJKNK, Or., Sept. 1!. During the last few days Kiigi'tio has had a siege of petty burglaries and holdups. A burglar with a pistol entered the house of County CnmmiHHioiKT l-Mwnnls last uiglit about il o clock by way oi t no kitchen window, hut he was discovered lief ore tiecuriug anything xcept a hat, which he exchanged for his own. Al a niter hour a man called at the home of Mrs. Hnrn t and, uponf unling her alone, drew a pistol and pointed it at her, whereupon she shimmed tin1 door in his face, calling the names of lifr boys. The robber beat a retreat. probably thinking there were some men in the house. A safe iu I. N. Holier 's office on West .Seventh street was broli en open Friday night, but nothing val uable was taken. Thursday night rob hers entered the residence of D. (. Deckwith. Mr. and Mrs. Heck with were out of the city, but on their return to lay they reported the loss of about $lo0 in silverware nnd ctothing. SUPT. SMITH ASKS YOUNG PEOPLE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS RUSSELL SAGE BOUGHT MANY BOGU8 SECURITIES NKW VOHK. Sept. Kurt her prob ing into the affairs of the Kussell Sage state has revealed a large assortment of worthless securities and the exeeu tors are today making an inventory of the bonds and slocks upon which tiny will be unable to realize. The total i;ir nine ol these holdings us shown by the late actions of the registry was 1.- tiiT.MOO. Now they are not worth tin- paper they are printed on. The executors also expect to realize litt le or not hing on many of Sage 's open accounts. Furthermore, two of these shown have been sold at loss, one of them being the I'oughkeepsie & Fast rn and the New Hninswiek Southern. I'tie former, which was originally val mil at $1,ihhi,0im. was sold for $;iiO, Oim, and the latter, held at tMl'.OiM, thev disposed of at L,S0.nS!, The bulk of these worthless securities a me into Sage 's hands early in his a rrT. MAYOR ARRESTED FOR SELLING CIGARETTES Prof, V, (I. Smith, tho new city su perintendent of schools, debates the in foresting (juestion uf a youth's return to school as follows; As the time for the opening of school approaches, no doubt a number ot young people of Medford ami vicinity are de bating in their own minds whether or not Ihey shall return to Hchnol. Thev have been busy during the summer va cation and many are occupying good po sit inns with fair prospects for advance ment. All in till, tho inducements for giving up school to continue at work , apparently, good. To such young pie wo would like to offer a few suggestions for thoir eonaideriit ion bo fore reaching a llnal conclusion, espoc hilly if inclined to give up school. In the (irst place, remember that you are about to decide a very important ami serious question, and vour decision laborer, (l!) to become a shop-trained only, but all your future usefulness and happiness. Your advancement in earn ing power and your opportunities for winning for yourself a place in society for usefulness and influence are to be determined by your decision. The value of an education iu deter mining earning power is quite indica tive of its value iu determining almost every other phase of usefulness and hap piness in life. The president of the Americrn society of Mechanical Fn gineers, Mr. James Dodge, has worked out along scientific lines, results show ing the great value of an education to an average boy of 1(1 making a start in life. To such a boy four possibilities lie before him: (1) To remain an unskilled laborer, to become a shop trained workman, (:) to acquire a training for an occupation in a trade school, (!) to acquire a liberal education before tak ing up his trade or professional (rain ng. The progress of four boys along these four linen produce the follow ing results: The reaches his high economic value at the age of 'JJ, whe:i wage earning capacity is 10.20 a week; the second has passed the first :ir the end of six years, with a wage ining capacity of 15.20 a week; the thud b foie he is J1 has passed the first and second, and at "I his wage earning capacity is $'2'2 a week; the fourth at the age of li is not up with the first, and not until he is '. does he catch up with the second or rise above the hori zon of the third. Hut at that time ail his competitors have reached the limit of (heir earning power thoir horizons and stations iu life are fixed. From the 'J.Hh year the fourth boy in even years reaches an earning power of $(.'( per week with his economic ho rizon and usefulness itfill broadening. These results of a careful, scientific u o igation reached bv a competent practical persons, speak for them Home Trade Roam Trade. One Cent a Word No single Inser tions less than 16 cents. Six insertions fox the price of four. Seventy-fiv-a cents a lino per month. FOB SAiE. HOiiSK FOR SALK A bargain for $25. Call at north end of C street. 142 FO It KALE Two lots, east front, full size, North C street. Address T. II. Webb, Itox MI2, eitv. 144 FOR SALE Deeded cruises 3,000,000, feet $;1000. W. M. French. timber claim, near railroad, lfiO and OlAMPIA, Wash., Sept. W. A llageinever. mayor of Olympia, who con duet two cigar stands iu this city in being "joshed ' todav bv his political friends because he pleaded guilty to selling cigarettes iu contravention to the Mylerly anti cigarette law passed by the last legislature. The mayor was arrested yesterday on a w a runt sworn to by W. II. Davis, a lender of a local reform society, who recently secured the conviction of sev eral local saloon men for selling liquor to minors and for Sunday law violation. The mayor was fined I0 and costs by Milton (tiles, justice of peace before whom he auiienred. Mr. Uniremiier -m. ..eeie.i mn or taut Pecemiier on years u.ied as n courtluiuse by Sacra n Known in me rnmoaiiin nn meitto count v n..- km 6j laUMMMtHMnHWIHMHUMBOni FOR SALE Horso, buggy and harness; also steol range and bed, cheap. Wil liam A. Ryberg, Orchard Home Tract, Medford. Or. 142 FOR SALE Dry cord wood, pine, fir, oak and laurel. F. Ooenbrugge, Stude baker Bros.' warehouse. 'OR RENT Two furnished bedrooms, electric light and bath, close in. Mrs. L. (. Coleman, corner I and Ninth streets. 148 FOR SALE Furniture of a three roomed house, satin brass bed, hnnd some dresser, onk chairs, rugs, kitchen cabinet stove, 411x(lt kodak and a Jersey cow. Inquire at Toggerf. 1 17 Com.' tr:'i!e? H-ttee trail ! It h licit, r i.u- Uimi roam uuh S. koep your darling dollars In the town 1 lltl Ihclil. Seiul tliein. ! .it never, never send ll:em Around tho world lo wan ler u and down. The celebrated Ainerleiiii poet who penned those Imntnrin! lines might have mlded n prose footnote to the elVe- t that roil m (rude will ee:ise when homo trade makes the num. effort to gel business us roam trade makes In oilier words, when the home mer eluuit adveiiies adequately In the home paper. ' TWAT ewr neeur to VouV Why Not Iron in Comfort? No reasou to be uncomfortable in hot, stuffy kitchen. l ou can take vour hleujkuc Iron to any part of the house where there n light socket. An extension cord from the kitchen light will enable you to use it on the porch. Telephone Main $.r)3 and have an Electric Iron sent you on one week's free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Succi'usnr to Condor Water Power Co. Office 206 Wed Seventh St., Opposite Big Kleetrie Sign. wives it ml sliouM l.o helpful to voung people in ilei'iiling the of con- tinning in Hchool or not. Tho posailul itir.H of which of the four xtutions in life "hull it lof WOMEN WOULD SAVE OLD CALIFORNIA CAPITOL s( li.M i:Tii, t .. Sept. ;. The iilifi.rnia IV.Ier.'it ion nf ' l inl.s i lc.l:iv vigorously prosecuting ii movement to wive from ile;itruction lliigemi yer ' the ol.l ulnto rupitol linil.ling. for ninny th tAc-iifn Hrkvt. Pubber Goods Just received, a complete line of water bags, syringes and everything in the rubber line, each article guaranteed. VOH SALE Two .lots in Enat Med ford, fine locution, good soil, well, woodhouse, 30 bearing opplo trooa with good crop apples; price reasonable. Ad dress Lock Box 2S, citv. 150 FOR SALE A good small busiuc8 on Seventh street. Iteasons for celling. Address, P. O. box 512 or call nt this office. tf POH SALE At a snap. Two first-class building lots facing new Catholic school; ono-quartor cash takes thorn. Address Box 508. You Get The Cream of the Cream of Creation When you buy ol' us. Who have made the "killings" in Rogue River orchard lands? Our customers. Who are assured of the best buys in the valley? Our customers. Who will always steer you right when you are prepared to buy? Rogue River Land Company EXHIBIT BUILDING, MEDFORD FOR SALE Six good placor claims, at one-half what thoy are worth; will take good work team as partpayment. M. D. Moore, Modford, Or. ' 142 FOB SALE S. N. Snbdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the ralley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOB SALE A first-class pianola-piano; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Medford. WANTED. WANTED Japanese, honest worker, wants situation such as house clean ing and garden work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, day and hour. K. Mukayde, care TatBumi, 7th street, near bridge, Medford. 155 WANTED Te rent, furnished house for family of two. 0. Putnam, The Tribune. WANTED To trade new steel ranges for old stoves. Wordoff ft Wolf, Eads' old stand. 153 WANTED A good, fresh milch cow. Ad Ins Box 51, Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. WANTED Experienced waist and skirt makers. Apply to Miss C. S. Bunks, Haskins block. 146 BIJOU THEATRE .1 at ron ij Comic Bill Wi'ilncHilaij and Tliarsdai. "MK. SOKTHKA1) HAS A GOOD TIM K" The funniest of all comics. "IT OLI'KS EVERYTHING, EVKX IRON" A continuous round of laughter. "WEARY WAGGLES' BUSY DAY" The hobo is a good entertainer. "THF, PRKNS GANG" An exciting drama. Song "LET ME .BE YOUR ROMEO." Admission 10 cents. LOST AND FOUND. STRAY KD OR STOLEN A light Lav mare, white face, weight about UM0 pounds. Diroet information to J. t. tiibson, Talent. Or. Liberal reward for information. ,o YOUR SUMMER SUIT is in order yet, but we have our Fall Fabrics nil ready for your inspection. "In times of peace prepjare for war," uud in times of heat prepare for cool evenings and fall days by ordering your Fall .Suit or Overcoat now from J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUTLDINO, MEDFORD, ORE. ' Medford Pharmacy Mrtfor4 Trtbun, 60. pr moth. to Ii.' ... co,v ..uiuiug, Th" 8i' " p-. in. I,uml U.iie. v, PajtofH,. KAKM FOII KENT ItW acres. ( in .'iiltivation, 40 alfalfa, will sell farm implements, hay and some stock if renter wants it. Address ('. ('. Oil . iirisl. Hold Hill, Or. 147 Jf you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what vou want is, trv a Want Ad in The Tribuue." - Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get wl;it yeu vint fclrt r prepared; ti have ;t We cater to those who vant th Waf. TPS DELICATESSEN C STREET, SEAR EIQIITII