MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON. WEDNESDAY, 16 INCREASE IH TIMBER CUT During 1907 Over Forty Billion Feet of Lumber Was Cut EXPERIMENTS WITH FENCING ' SQUATTER W TROUBLE TO PROTECT SHEEP WASHINGTON, I). C, Sept. 2, Figures of tho lumbor cut in 1907 torn piled by the Berau of Census and the Forest Sorvico showed the largest total ever reported in the United blares, c coeding by over seven per cent the cut reported for 1!)nfi, until then tho record veur. This does not necessarily show a iarger actual cut than in lflufi, for the returns obtained last year wero more complete than ever before. The figures facts. In 1907, 2S,2(iO mills made returns, nud their production was over 40 billion foot of lumber. This is believed to be 113 per cent of the actual cut. In 1900, 22,:i!W mills reported nbout 37M- billion foot. Since according to these figures nonrly 29 per cent more mills reported last vear than the year before, while 41,n inerpimo in nroducMon was only a little over seven per cent, it might be thought that the amount actually man most invo been greater in v.,ii,,r Mm miira to protect sheep fr.,m nrtfluka or Dredatory animals has met with, excellent results iu the Wal lowa 'National' forest, Oregon. . ine ...i.i,n m to find a strung fence-that wni.M make the sheep secure, even with out the are of a herder. Tho chosen fence, which is built of woven wire with barbed wire on the top h lonf nut all the minor animals such as wild cats, lynxes and coyotes, but has not withstood the attacks of the grizzlies, which are apparantly able to pasB through it with little trouble. mv, nnmherine 2.200 head were placed in the enclosuro with their lambs upon June 20 and have ben allowed to graze nt their -free -will with no atten tion whatever lrom any neruer. moj have done splendidly and as far as the observation of those in charge of tho exneriment iroes. a (riven area grazed bv sheep under such conditions will carry more sheep per acre than ono grazed under tho eliargo ot a neruer. Tracks nlong the fence snow tnnt ine predatory animals come to the fence constantly and follow it arouna nut. with the exception of tho bears, do not seem able to eater. The hunter employed by the service for hunting predatory animals in the vicinity of this fenced enclosure has killed no less than six large grizzlies this season, besides numerous other ani mals of the predatory class. The results of this experiment are so satisfactory so far that private individ- ,.lu urn nrnfitincr bv it. J. W. EmmOlIB of Troy, Oregon, has a largo tract of private land fenced witu special ivm- fence in which ho has tins season iniuu- de a herd of 070 owes without a herd ntitetureu niusi. inivo ut-ru Ki,i. --jue a item ui m,- the earlier venr. This, however, would 0I.-a caro and with very little attention i,a n too hnstv inference, for it is al most wholly among mills of small in dividual output that the gain in number nf establishments reporting has been made. Business Deoression Felt u..r..rn il,e venr closed the general business depression was severely felt in the lumber ministry, n """ ever, th most important cans of the fall orent success. Mr. t.mnlons xtending his fence, for he finds that it pays. Careful records win ue. ai-pi Hie weights of lnmbs raised insioe me fence ou tho same class of range, so that any gains or losses in weight ana growth may bo determined Mrs. Harriman Remembered . I. ...I. l.,ff Anltliiuil for ever, th most iniporuuii can m m- i ne stag,- , - ing off in the production of the year i-,.icn Buy this morning carried some . .i-.- ..W.i i,.,- it,, I -u ..i...;..i.ut fruits nud flowers ...i. n c.ll in, H ncenrreil. 1'or o dine in production took place only in certain regions. The south is the region ,.c ,.,., i ir. nelivitv ill lumber produc tiou, and yellow pine the most import- ....I. ...,1 ' C.rinincT !H Der CCllt of tllO .,t ,,f the countrv. The cut of yellow pine reported shows an increase 'of 13 per cent over that of 190IS. In the earlv part of the year many of the southern mills cut so heavily that, in spite of the curtailed output which fol i .i i. l.,,u;,, ilenressioll later, tin luntii ,i, ...... i ,rr,.,.t..r than ever before. But :.. i. ..ii. i. iiike states and the north west a smaller cut was reported than for nine. tl,n,,.,l, t 10 Jlulll her (H mm n- portiug increased. Tnef-nnnA in Oregon ei. fw,.,v,.u nf nroiluction show that during 1907 Washington tell ott iiociu ,r Awl,l,iil's iineost lrults anil Lowers to Mrs. E. II. llarrimau with the compli ments of the Iiadies Civic Improvement lub, and an invitation to tne iinrrimnu I'liinilv to stop in the city on ineir n out from the summer visit to the Lodge. Other towns in Oregon liavo neon fi...i;,. llorriiiinn with invitations to visit them but the ladies of Ashland . -. . .. . tl.A are helieveil to nave hhu first invitation to Mrs. Hnrrimnn and they arc hopeful that it will be ac eep'ted, not only by her but by Mr. llarrimau and the memliers oi ins It is rumored that tlio llniriinuns in leave the Lodge during tlio presem week. 1 M.,.ur nriMier and Robinson, two , oiing Now Yorkers, arrived in Ashland at S o'clock tins morning -"i"- i.-:.,i.i'. riviile car from Portland, nnu WITH FEDERAL. AUTHORITIES I'uoa vomplaint of United States Dis trict Attorney Johu .McCourt, a war- pan lina KuAT, iaSIIAlt VlV CnmmisiiOU 61 Canon for, the arrest of ono Charlos"W. Anderson.ivharged wita cutting and sen inB 400.000 feet of sawed timber from the Siskiyou National forest. Anderson squatted within the bound ary of the Siskivou forest in 1903, an a homesteader. He was a married man. The land upon which he settled being unsurveyed, he was uuuu.e 10 muse u filing upon it, but would have been prevented from so doing in any cvom ku,ni,a nf the territory having been withdrawn as a forest reserve by proc lamation ol tne rrosiueiii. nw , however, left in undisturbed possess ion of tho land. It was an unsnus- ae.torv home for Mrs. Anderson, and ;,. 11,1, fnll nf tho vear she left him going to the stjito of Washington, where she procurred a divorce, in August, 1903, sho returned to tho homo of An derson, and, it is alleged, again resumed her place as his wife. In tho meantime coal had beu found on tlio place, ami Mrs. Anderson filed on H0 ncres as a onl claim, taking 120 acres additional as a homestead, fines Anderson, her rstwhile husbnnd, nlso filed upon the mil lnnds nud a homestead in addition. They then applied for patents on all the lands. At tho hearing of tho contest Ander- nttnnmted tn liroVO tlint lie COlllll ...l,n ,, tlvini, nn the lnnd 1)V 8llOWillg that he had cut 400,000 feet of timber from one 40-ncre tract nud had sold it ,.t ,mnil nrico. His arrest was ordorpd upon his own admissions wnne on mu witness stand. When conl was first discovered An derson is snid to havo been very act ive in letting his friends in on the ground floor, but whether he located them for a consideration or not has not been developed. The porsons who join ed him nre alleged to have done so in good faith, and feel that they have beu ilefraudeil of large sums or money mev !,,.. invested ill development for the reason that the coal vein hns not proved profitable, and in tne opinion oi expert it never will. l tie ciaimuui vaiuuil a good deal of reeling lowaru mi service officials, claiming that, they should bo given patents on the ground that they have exniunea goou mini, even if the conl was unt there. Tidings Win BUSINESS CARDS. CTCVrO ft DURHAM, Attorneys-at-iaw. Oeo. H. Durham, Oranti Pau, Oi. M. OolTig. Medfort. .Or. DR. A. B, SWEET Phytlcian and Surgeon. Office at Residence. Madfoid Furniture Co., Undertaker Day phone 353; Night Fhonea: u. w. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 148. Mediord Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAI1WAV OO TO DR. OOBLE FOB 'YOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry ' Warehouse, SEVENTH BTKKKT. Northbouad No. 10Oregon Eipross 6:84 p.m. No. 14Portland Exprcsa. . ,j 9:49 a. m. Southbound No. 15Callfornia Exprest. .I0:3S a. m. No. 139an Francisco Eip.. 3:20p.m. No. 225From Oranti Pas.. 9:lBp. m. No. 225 For Asniana PAOIFIO ft EASTERN RAILWAY Medf ord . . 'He Has No Other Business." Nn. lll.ea.vat Nn lilowi Msdford No. 2Arrivi Medford No. 4 Arrivet Medford E. R. 8EELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Modorn Equipped Operating Rooms. X-Raj. Office Hours, 1012, 2-4 P. M. Office la Jackson County Bank Bug. ROOUB RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 211" Whon others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist. Office iu tho Grand Theater bldg. Phone 35. Seventh and Main. a M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed on short notice. Leavs orders with ' ehlef of police. 8:10 a.m. 9:50 p.m. 10:2Sa.m. 6:03 p.m. Ashland, Oregon. Thorough, praouoal training In commercial, shorthand and EngJab. Sur high;'., training is proverbial, our facilities for plao 8 ' snrpassed and the smallness of the expense in securing sVh an education here is appreciated. L QJipgR FOR 1908-1909. Kn students who secure a nine months' scholarship and enter at the beginn ng Mhe erm September 7th, will be entitled to tho combinsd """"r8 ' shorthand and English-to July 1. 1909. Ten month, of expert, practical, indi vidual instruction for $00.00. Investigate and attend 100 . ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE; - eaves jLoaves Loaves Leaves Leaves Leaves No. 4 Motor 'Motor No. 1 No. 3 MotorlLeaves "Bedford Medford Medford Medford Jacksonville. Jacksonville Jacksonville. MotorLeaves Jacksonville., MAIL 0L08E& 110:45 a. n. 6:35 p. m. 2:00 p m. 0:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 3:30 p. m. 1:30 p. in. 7:30 p. m. Eaule Point Northbound Southbound Jacksonville A. M.P. M. 7:20 li:uu 9:191 4:51 10:05 2:60 10:20 6:20 it is up to You What Will You Do? ti ,i 1.. ii;,iirinr if vonr bram is aeuvi II yUU UU il 1"!, Kit. j - 1 and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking i i l J 4-UAV Tmii mav VATlAT. TOl down your system nay uy any, mu jy"."' i, ; ZJi a moment, if it would not he wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Medfo" "ribuns, 50e per month. ' BALL ft OLOSOOOK, ;. Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with O. H. Pierce ft Sou. Phone 653. P. O. Box 771. Golden -Grain Granules his strensrth and retain it ai the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount . - t . itTTT TTICI ' J . , nrT.T11T.M CHAIN ItltAJN UiiJ2iO la lar ouuw- ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee, a Dig pacKage can ue mu in anv grocery store for 25c. Order a package today, All grocery sell it. PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Bank Building. THE BEST THAT'S OOIKQ. can always bo had at tho Nash Cafe. All soasonablo dolicacies and all that is appetizing. Our service is prompt and efficient, and our cooking cannot be ex celled. Ono moal will convince you that we are friends you can tie to. NASH enFE (llirillC 11'"' iviiauiiiK,.,'.. ....... eilly from its huge cut of 190li, while its ,,f, the stage for lelicnn H.iJ :..,..,. tnt(. Oretnitl. IS creillieil Willi i:i,t l,.rniwe in its total. In the early part nf t lit- year Washington suffered from n ear sliortnirc. and at the end of i. ,l,l,,e,l effects of business dis tnrbance and higher freight rates had i l.t !, In.liislrv almost to paraly- i .. kenf nil its cut because of its larger proportion of coastwise and foreign trade, rncse iwo iun-i. er iiriiduci d mure lumber than any other ' . ... I l,n Union. l. ' i. n strikine fact that thougl i.. ,;. Imvn been steadily Ruing up during the last half century, the per capita consumption of lumber has nlso been mine hp. In 1S'.0, according to ., . i-;..r nhtninahle. the aver I ne ut-i 'h"" ' ' ., , age ponstiinptioii to each person in U I. -r.n feet, in 1900, 4C.0 COlllllll, " ' r, . .,, x.... .....i : mnr 4S0 feet. This illus . .' i... i..,. i,nn found true t lie trntes inn iii" " ...,i.l nv,.r that with industrial prog .. . ,i .l wood beenmes reHs ui" greater and greater. .edge. Tidings. W. J. BRYAN, JR., TO WED MISS HELEH isririui.iv MILWACKKE, Wis., Sept. 2, 1 he marriage engagement oi .mi Berger, dnugliter ot Mexanuer n .- a prominent miller und llonril ot i nine member of this city, ami . Ir soil of the Democratic l'resliieniiai caiiilidate. is admitted today by Mr. Merger, who returned from a business trip to Colorado and Nebraska. .Miss Merger and her mother nre at present visiting friends in liincoiu, m-u. is said the wedding may noi i.-im- r"" " fur about a year. T,nrn ir VW.ITJ 18 lltirui 11 - BROKEN INTO AMU Kunnr-u YREKA, Sept., 2,-r.arly hatiinmy into prrsuHKibly by nouns, u.. ... . . . 1 i .u:o1ri n mult ...,t"f.i. tu-n IlOIIH'H til mil""!. -l ami a half side of baron wn nv -v nnnrra JAP COMMriHuiATi r ..I": ..; ,." ,n .ho nerson or persons OBJECT TO POSTPOM.r . ..., . , (.lllim(.t0T iiu.ii .,. , - ..i.i.i e t.ilen it was HI""-'".' II UH- HI ." .... , i. .,f Uma. The depot was tiiieu Willi gooui. , . - ..'.ii o tnan uir niut v.... IIUHt- in Tin' theft was reportpa 10 iuo u,, ,,,n and the matter is hemK inveangnmi. The Customer That Is Particular Is the One We Want If You Will focus your eye on the Bwell made-to-order Suits wo are offoring, you Trill realizo nt once that they are excep tional values. You will find over five hundred different suitings hore from which to mnko a soloction. We would liko to tnke your measurements now. French Dry Cloaning and Pressing neatly done. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR Mnununi' Tribune Ads Bring Results ONE DOLLAR FOR SAI.EM.O,, 'Pt.8.-.-3 sen, a Marion couniy mtu.....-, Fruit Inspector Armstrong " wormy apple ol, his farm; m ft ho has sent a written common.. ....... - ...:. in.neelnr nst wees ini""'! n.. -...- a..f "The dissatisfaction , ' ' ,,r,.iiil bodies over the postponment of the Tokio World "s . .- iot-2 until 117. has r.Xllosn inn !" - . in.irked that there is danger that the scheme will have to be alum (lonen iiiu'g.-i ir.LJn . . n-i-.ntr of the Tokio At a iiii. . w business men's associations this after ., f il,e cabinet ill post noon tne aim'" -. . : ,i, nvnositinn was condeiimed in ' . 7..,...i.i t,, und a formal pro llllIlllSIilKH"!' - , test against the notion was framed and . ... i, ..mimiissioners of agri- sent ui i" frit inspector nisi - - culture and commerce. .Ji,i, 1 for everv wormy apple that he The meeting of the business men ns him l I r e . ., c. h,. orent I COlllll III'" '" ' exciting. 1 ""rK' " s , ),,, ,he management of the proposed . . .. ... c.i,- ...nil,- It was slated lair wen- ii . ...... .i. f ir can be given for less mon ; r.,.ise,l if the manage . ' .',..m; The business men meni is ..... i sav that the exposition will do a n. factor in ending the hard times , an alternative they threaten to ,,,,'ve an industrial fair of their own ,n 012 under the auspices of the various commercial bodies of .Tapaa if the cab inet does not restore the original of the " . , -.,,j'. Fair. The matter is to bo .liwiiwpil M a mooting. Crater Lake Lumber Co. MEDFORD, OREGON NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation tth lOAfiTTJTIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel m abundance, uouagea partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train'service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout Rate From Medford W10AKON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our ....borate new summer book give, a concise -1'P '1: Including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or writ. A. B. BOBBNBArW, WM. MoMOTRAT. Local Agent, Medford General Passenger Art, Portland cabinet OFFER WRIGHT $100,000 IF HE CAN MAKE GOOD trrvu r- ni.l o A con tract was signed today between M. Weiller and Wilbur Wright under the terms nf which Weiller ngrees to pay Wright Jioo.nnn fnr his aeroplane if it able to make two flights the terms of which nre stipulated in the contract. It is believed that Weiller is backed by the French government and that the Wright mothers' wonderful invention i, n.Wcl bv the French do- nil -,iu i UNION LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLE Formerly Located on the corner of Seventh and B Streets, now removed one block South on B Street. FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CALL ON H.M.COSS CORNKR WKST TKNTII ASM. K STRKKKS Cily Property, Far... Lands, Orchard Land,' Hay Land Improved and Unimproved Lands. Pnces reasonable and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta tion to and fro,., all tracts. Office in residence. No cumin ssion business. I buy and sell direct. Baled Hay and Grain ' The contract specifies thae .! aer ,M,lne is to carry two assistants bo-ide , the operators. It is to accomplish two flights of HO kilometers each within a . l i.;.. must f v against! Twind of 14 miles an hour and neither; " , an hour. The 1 1 Some First Class Mules and Horses Bargains in Pianos a few fine Pianos left that I will sell at a bavirain. Call at my onice 111, w.-w H. U. COSS Tenth and K Streets. Bargains if taken soon TV DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BESlI NEWS SEBVIUia xw ouvxuv , "' , hr Weiller and ,1 tho machine must fly within the pre-1 scribed bounds.