MttDFOKI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MKDFOR1), OKEfiOX. FRTDAY, AITjUST 28. 1008. Social and Personal We Urge Attend You to This Lri. LvwLs Vhith of Jacksuuviilv made Medford u visit Friday. Emory Hunt of Rogue River was u recent business visitor iu Modford. O. M. Selsby buti n'turned frum )hh outing in the hills of Uppor Hugm riwr. M. M. Taylor of Jacksonville Ihih returned frum n ImsimsH trip to Port land. Mrs. P. H. ll...kinn uf (Yiitrul Point vn a Medfon. visitor TliuriKlay ftir noon.- A. Alford and C. V. WoIIith of Tal cnt transaeh-d buniiunH in Mt'dfon) on Thursday morning. Mm. It. V. A ikIitmoii mad a trip to Anhland Weilm-mlny. Ht health in nm fiinVmbly iiuprovi'd. A. .Icldni'HH, the well known miner, arrived from Purl land Tluirwlny, hi oompaniml by liift wife. Mp!WM. IlutchaHon and (Inrnett, who have been making n short sojourn at t'olestin, are home tignin. Mr. Roy Cooper of Crescent City, Cal.. is making her parent a, Mr. and Mm. D. li. IHoHhh, a visit. Krnont Itobinson arrived for a visit with relatives in Medford on No. ID last evening fnwii Tniekee, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Stewart, who live on the Jurkmmville-Centrnl Point road, tarried in Medford Thursday afternoon. The Jrnnd is playing to capacity houses At every performance ami is giv ing an entertainment thnt meet with the approval of the amusement loving public. l.'tS Jake, the little giant, was aboard the southbound train Thursday en route from Grants Pass to Williams, Cal. Jofieph llnnm-n, who owns a fine farm a short distance south of Medford, is supplying this market with superior pro ducp. Maury brothers and Ueorge Hons were down from Central Point Thursday mak ing preparations fur an outing at the Umpqua divide. Musicians, attention! Wanted, piano, cornet and clarinet players who are willing to organise smnll orchestra for dance work. Address or seo J. W. Wilson, Halo's Music store. KIS Mrs. N. A. Jucobs, who has been vis iting relatives and frn-uds residing in Oregon and Washington, left for her homo at Riverside, Cal., Wednesday eve ning. Sinee tho Pacific & Eastern's train comes into our city on the Southern Pa eific company's trnok from Kagle Point. Medford presents even a more animated nppearanco. We hope thnt this order of things will not be temporary. Pen 't fail to see the show at the Grand for Priday and Sat unlay. An exciting program will be given. Satur day matinee at 3:.'t Admission only S cents. 138 The California Northeastern railroad was opened from San Francisco to Calor, on the lino bet we1 n Oregon and Cnli fornia, Wednesday. The firnt ear to stop at Calor was that of W. P. Her rin, chief attorney for the Southern Pa cific road. K. II. Ilarritnan, since he went over the road on his way to Klam ath lake, gave orders to get the line built through to Klamath river as soon as possible, and work has gone on night and day. Passenger officials uf mil roads en tering Portland, as well as the officials of commercial organizations that have been boosting southern Oregon. exvt heavy colonist travel during the au tumn months. The season when reduced one-way homeseekers' rates are offered by the railroads opens September V There is heavy inquiry, both from the railroads and the publicity headquarters of Pie various organirat ions, as to con d it ions Jiere. It is believed that the movement will be heavier than last an tumn, when the accommodations of the railroads were taied to can' for the col onists coming to this section. mm Must Raise $4,000.00 During This Sale. Goods Will Be Sold for Less Than the Cost of Production We are bound to give the people Southern Oregon goods at the lowest prices. In order to pay cash for our goods we need $4000 right now. By paying cash we save 6, 7 and 8 per cent on each bill and by turning our stock three timesa year we have saved enough on discounts alone to enable us to sell almost at wholesale prices. Buy youaFall supplies now. If you come now and lay in your fall supplies you will save almost half. Our prices realready exceptionally low, and we have decided to sacrifice almost all goods now in the store in order to raise the money we need. Extra Cuts on Prices Are Being' Made Every Day New Goods Arriving Daily, and All Go in This Sale. Never Was There Such a Splendid Opportunity to Save Money on Your Fall Supplies THE MEDFORD HARDWARE CO., Successors to 11. K. Hoyden. Now oveu for business, and rvsnr-ct fully solicit your patron on pood, sound business h.isis. J. 0. HICHAM, ManapT. See the windows showing harvest The store that has lowered the prices BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank See the interior for BARGAINS Why Not Iron in Comfort?; FOR SAIjK R. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-ner trncts. best location in the Tailor. L- Nee- No reason to be uncomfortable in aj (neyer. .larkionville. ' hot, stuffy kitchen. j . FOR SALK A first class pianoln-pia- o; a bargain. 1. O. Jiox 95, Mud-ford. Yon can take your Kleufiic Iron to any part of the house where there is ft light socket. An extension cord from the kitchen light will enable you to use it on the porch. Telephone Mum S55 and have an Klectric Iron sent you on one week's free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Huecessor to Condor Water. Fower Co., Office 20fl West Seventh St.,, Opposite Big Klectric Sign. WANTED. W ANTKD Japanese, honest worker, wants situation such as house clean ing and garden work, etc.; city or c o u n t ry ; b y month, w eo k , day and hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th street, near bridge, Medford. 155 WAXTF.n T rent, furnished house for family of two. G. Putnam, The Tribune. jWANTKD To trade new stool ranges f for old stoves. Wordoff Wolf, Eads' i old stand. 153 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Mrs. Mary Pcaiing to llinx A I.aodt, 20 acres in sect ion 1, tow ml, ip ;ti, range 1 W .... W. R, rfaekson to J. A, 1von. property in Jackson's addition to Medford i Maggie tturmugh to W. K. Itig gingn.. K lot U and lot l block 1, Juoen Anne addition to Med font : J. E, Gibson to .v i Lewis Od. n, property in Wootlvillr i Frank 1. Cram-h to H. K. King, lots M and 34. block I. Railroad addition to Anhland Georg-e K. Marshall to t F. Row ell. lot 5, block 1. O.tklawn addition to Medford Fnitod States to Oregon A Cnl i f o r n i a I a n d r o m pa n y . 1 1 . 4 1 acrei in section 14, townlnp . S2, range 1 E pate Classified Advertisements One Cent Word No stalls lnser- Horn less thaa IS centa. Six inMrtlons for the price of four. SeTecty fir ranu a liue per month. FOB SA.LE. M..t I'm; nai.k t,. i.. is in Kii-.i .t..Hi.Mir. :tii .,-:irnij; :')iplf tret, with . l.'p :i.plrs: pritv r.-.oiuililc. Ai! . fitv. l.'n 1., H.. LOCAL HAJULST. Tk foUlwinf qutt)Mi arc in im rUtJ iprl of tke pritn paid hi Mk1 TOM dMlon: Wkut Mc per buetel. Tloui I TS per twt Whole barter 123 per Ion. Har III per tea. Alfalfa 410 per toa. New potato 1.8S per twt Butter t( par roH. Lari JOe per pamnd. Baama Se per paaad. T-tff MSe per daara. 8irja.l0 p wt ofV-V lav Bsk Haafla JJi r pnia4 7Wfl)QvM4V! a poid. HYH evift., S, if.. A.,akJ $ 11 a''!) r'tMi SAUK linn', lui:y niu! baniot also stt'i'l ranm ami ImhI, ohoaji. Wil ham A. Hvhori. Dn-lianl Homo Tract Or. 14-J I Oh SAI.l. -One horw waoii and Karnes. Js,'.; one team of tlmcra, niii n.ton ana rtarnt-sa. J1.H; one Irani liack and liarm'?. IT. W. 11 Wtwl t o rVK SA1.K Tno linihcr ilninu $.'ii)iH. cash or time; alao a $lo0 cam ora. tWS in 4i.i, for f to. w ith all oquip incnla. .1. h. ravctto. 3t rVK SALK hrv cordwinul, pine, fir, oak and laurel. F. Oseiibrue, Slu.le lakor Hrvia. ' narchou!c. fOU 8AI.K A good small a on Seventh iiwt, K asout for rolling. Addrras, 1 it. Lot .".li or call at Una office. tf VOH SALK At a anan. Two firm daaa tmilding Iota facing nw t'atholic chool; one quarter caah lake them. Addreaa Hox .'OS. VMK SA1.V-Sn gmd placer claim., at one bait what they are worth; will lake good work tram aa part pavmpnt. .. .Aiuorr, .Me.ltonl. Or. 14i VANTKl A goixl, fresh milch cow. Address Hox SI, Med fort. Or. VANTK1 To bur from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. LOST AND FOUND. KOl'NIi A small purse on t'enlral ave nue. Owner can have same by calling at tins office and proving propertv. V-- jr 3 tj W1 b, :at. rr. Wv rl 93 tMo$uscV tok t'l r,.,; ii.u,, i j tja rlx "'"'" V ' Our Young' Men's Clothes Attract Admiring' Attention STK.Yl:l OR STOl.KX A light Lay mare, while face, woiglit nlnMlt ll'i'O pouii-is. IMrect information to .1. t'. tiil.-n. Talent. Or. Liberal rewant for lllforrr.a: loll. 10 Medford Tribaae, ?Oc per montt. BUSINESS CARDS. PK. A. B 8AVEET rhysician and Snrgeoa. Office at Reaideace. CWVltl DURHAM. Attorneys-at kaw. Oeo. R. Durham. Orasta Paxa, Or. W'tn M. OolTig. Medford, Or. J. T. ANKBOM. KLL D1UOKB. X1KDKORH. OR 'rice right. Pomps Famished wheo Wantrt. Medford Fnraltan Con Undertaiem Day phone JM; Night Fhonea: C. V. I'caklii 3(1; J. H. Butler 143. Snappy Cut, Graceful Lines, Careful Tailoring, and all the .Little Wrinkles and Fads Demanded by Fall Fashions Make Our Young Men's Extreme Clothes Irreproachable in Handsome Elegance. Newest Suit Colorings in Browns and Elephant and Autumn Shades Prices from $10 to $40 "The i oggery 91 OO TO DR. OORLE FOB TOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Terry Warehouse, SEVENTH 8TKKET. 'Ha Haa No Other Buaisaa.' E. R 9CELT. M. D. Physician and 8nrgeoa Modera Stripped 0erating R 0.1ms. X-Ray. Ottirf Hours. 10 12, 1 4 P. XI Offlcw in J(cion County Bank Bldf j When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist, o Office m ihe Orand Thcalar bldg. Phoa. 35 Seven, ,oa Mlip DarbaiH t ail k notice. Tar am ajolica. AU. CbSCCB. daniswtaa. anal tuildera. Guaranteed. 0 .TJmmn P. O. Box 7TL I Jfcaf-4 ie, S0 par noita. o o