MEDFORD DAILY TKIBU-SL, MEDFORD. OREGON. FRIDAY, AUGUST 28. 1905. Medford Daily Tribune A Lite Papeb in a Live Town. Published everv evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokge Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oa awwia, bj nail ot eurir . ... 10.30 U year, b y mad . . .3.0O NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTKE. 150 U. E. BOYl'EN". city mlMcnban wko desire Tit Tnbtm mailed tnem summer nwrW at oxht ntol un place i will please notify t& jKIm, hi oity address aad the lengta of torn taejr dealt paper aen to m addreaa. Ob returning, pleaae notify oftic is niz tlut iimtt , tj carrier may be promptly resumed. IA'r T IS URYAWVARP. 'What little life there has been in the national political eampaign up to date has It-en principally on the democratic side but it has been too hot to talk politics. With the coming of cooler weather will come the partisan debaters ami soon the air will ring with discussion. Taft's candidacy has not brought forth the enthusiasm and following hoped for by hi supporters. There Ls no gainsaying the fact, Taft L not popular, even in his own party. His ability is not questioned, but hU training, tem perament and occupation have been such as to put him out of touch with his fellow men, and he knows little of life as viewed from the workaday side of humanity. Taft has never rubbed elbows with the masses, and does not know them save at a safe distance. Taft's worst handicap is the way his nomination was secured, forced upon the party by the "big stick" against the wishes of party leaders, and as a result, apathy and listlessness characterize their support. In many states, open disruption has followed, and it is doubtful if the re publican party wa ever toru by as many internal dissen sions as at present. j While Taft has been playing golf with, that industrious! Oregon courtier, Jonathan Bourne, or gettuiii wedged iir telephone booths, or breaking horses' backs by riding, j Bryan has been busy making speeches, and they have been ' the ablest in his career. It Ls doubt t'ul if a better summary j of the tariff was ever made than that recently delivered! by the "peerless one." Everywhere Bryan has been ac corded ovations and if surface Lriilicatioiis count, he has a far stronger hold on the people than his opponent. Be hind him Ls the democracy, more united than ever before. Factional fights rend the republican party in New York, West Virginia, Ohio. Indiana. Illinois. California, j Oregon and other states, and it seems at this writing that1 Bryan is steadily gaining ground and that the drift is un-' doubtedly toward him and indications favor his election. .' ' WHS as TUB MAIL GETS ITS NEW& Be it rwuJvl, by th ey cocxil of t&e city uX XedXurd. Orwu-u, t&at a peial elestwn b aad the miu u here by tailed, to be ld vl toe list day ji Ajust x. at lb boor prwnded by law. fvr tie luirpoee ef atAmittuif to the people oi laid city a prupoeed meaaure graatmj to 5 J. BlakeleT a fraachiae to epvrate U tae cite ef Med fvrd a street nilwii upoa it terma ! DEPARTMENT FOR BOYS ad eoadmona therein matioad, aad , AT ST. MAST'S ACADEMY uvb ether measures as mjv lejay few : ubwitud at said eleetiea. The i-tllow- We are l?hht-d M Kara thai, the mg polling places, judgee aad eierka of 1 S.t,.-r the H-'iy Arnvt have de:id iaid eieetiea are herebir deiaated: t vd swyz b-.-y ill til.1 various de Ftrtt ward PtUiD place, old eity iart.'ii.-i:s -i! th aew iaieir. P-reats bail, over Hhakia' dru aturv. Jsdv, ! reali-unr the alvaaraes derived rvm Uewrjfe A. Jackva. Jud aad clerk, the varetui ujTv!4i'-'c beruwd ir ueh K. ii. Gordaa. Judtf aad clerk. F. an in.-i:ut!-jn :i!d :he r,-ia:3g iat'Iu Laeabrue. " j eiK-e exercisr.1 br th kia.l i.scltj eau- Seeoad ward Polliiig place. Hoc! not ra.l t tihiy af.prei-iate aad favor N'aah. Jude. V. J. Emeriek. Jude aad a ysti-m ,.f e.1 i.-aci'.'U which !av the clerk, H. U. Harvoy. J-jde aad clerk, foundation of th-w manly principles t. U. Karaea. - j destined to mae ff these boys the Third ward Pullia place, city halL ' l,jy:i! s.ji.s atd dtia'iishM citizens Jude, A. T. Itaako. Jude aad clerk. of the future. V. M. Stewart. Judge and clerk, C. E. i .While ,jnly jrs are received into Collm. ! the boarding s-h-,'r. boys may enter the And that notice thereof be given as ; day school and ntusic -k-partwent. where required by law aad the ordinances ot the curneiil'im r-niai-is the same for said city. both. The foregoiAg resolution was passed; luri;:if the weekly lessons devoted to by the citl council this 13th day of I plain and artistic needlework, the sis August, laOS by the followinjj rote.! ters in ch:ir;' .-f the bovs' department to-wit: Olwell aye, Merrick aye. Trow- j wijl teach tuem the kinds of sewing bridge aye, Wortrnan aye, Eifert aye. ' necessary for f',rtiL,iii habits of neat and Uafer aye. i n,- and economy. Approved by the mayor this Uth day j The rnres char.-d in the various do of August, lyu. j ,.irttii.Mits will be published in this New Cases. IUv taie mv besiaess to toe iled Guardiaa James F. Com, Sr., n. coca ford Hardwar- "company, a!! persons 'T "art. Jarkwa coaaty, Oregoa: aotice knowing theniives indebted to aw will ' of appeal. plea call a: tie itvre aad e"tie with Mias HaU. ij hi har4-e t th4 books and will aiase trvper rewipti for all ac- I Cotxats. Medford Time Table SOOTHTBJt PACIFIC HAH. WAT I Xorthbosnd Xo. lS Orcgoa Express 5 ?4p. m. So. 14 Portlaad Express. . -j - - m. 1 Soatbbeand ( No. 15;Califori Express. . 19:35 a. m. N'o. 13Saa Fraacisco Exp.. S:20p.m. Xo. 525 From Graats Pass.-! 9:13 p.m. Xo. 22S For tfMtnJ 10:15p. m. PACIFIC EAJSTESJf SAJXWAY Attest: 144 J. F. EEDDY, ilavor. BEXJ. M. COLLIXS. City Beeorder. 'ar.-r beiiniuii4 with tomorrow's issue. Xo. 1 Leaves Jlsiford 8:10 a.m. Xo. 3 Leaves Medford 3:50 p.m. Xo.2;ArriTes Medford 10:2a.m. Xo. 4 Arrives Medford f5:0p.m. SOOUB BJTEB T ALLEY RAILWAY XoTTl tsaves Medford 10:45 a. m. Xo. 4Lsares Medford 5:33p. m. MotorLeares Medford 2:00 p m. Motor Leaves Medford j 8:00 p.m. Xi. 1 Leaves JaciaoaTille.. 9:00 a. m. Xo. 3;Leaves Jacksonville..! 3:30 p. m. Motor Leaves JacicsoaTille.. 1:30 p. m. 51 cor Leaves Jaeksonv-ills. T:30p. tn. MAIL CLOSE & a. m;p. m. Eagie Poiat I T:20 2:00 Xonbbooad . 9:19 4:54 Southbound 10:0 2:50 JaokaoBTills jl0:30 5:20 One price to 3ll, and that price will be minus the extra expense of the credit business. Beginning September 1. the Medford Meat cumpany will sell for cash and sell for less. Miiler, Ewbank Culp. NOTICE. .Notice is hereby given that my sue. I Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, will have charge or" my city treasurer's business during my trip east: she will have authority to receipt for moneys and protest city warrants aad other matters pertaining to said office. .the wiil be at the city recorder's of fice from I') o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock Tf viU. have lnsf nr Ja-V Md ail who w'"h t0 P7 anytiiing, need work, or have soaiething to seU, it doesn't matter what you want is. try a Want Ad in The Tribune. street paving aAwssmeots can do w by ending a: th rv:ur' :s office luring hours cu:el above. Vautd at M';.Ifjri tn; 2Hth Jay of Au'ist. VMM. L. L. JACOBS. City Trvaaurr of Mifoni. Oryoa. HILL Military Academv A Private Boarding and Dav Softool for Bovs Prtmary, preparatory ami at:aj-in.i .l.'p;ir'.mat?. Cili Bu&iauM ctfurw, Manual Training. Prim-ipal JO years' Portiuad. Tae HUi it.lirary a::racr and r-tains goxxi no piito. fur any others. Fail term b.'-'imt S-pfMinifr !. una nuw .rur r,w rvtiiainniir vm:;iiirn principL j i. pr'.'paniLion. experience in buy, but has Makn reserva- f. .':icaJoi;tii uti aprjiiuatiun to tho W. I1LLL. M. L, Portian.l. Or. ( Mail, A'lguvt Us.) rf.VLEM, Or., August it. Henry L. Bnon, cirruit judge in thtt First I judicial Jitrirt( and brother if -v- I mtary .if .'jtate Fmnk l$4nttain, tut j him rignat:un tu tiuvurnur Chmn- br:in Montiuy, ty taKo orfttct rk-p- (Tnliim, Aagiit 'id.) SAJLKM, Or.. AagiiBt Uti. Henry L. Ik'iiBun, itrtuit juitgn in tho First jutiieial diittnct, and timthrr ot .Si rt'tary .if iat- Fmnrt Ben mm. -w-ut bm r"ni;iiat'.iii tu G-ivr-rnur t ham bernitn Muuiiiiv. ti tartu off net teraotr Hi. Judir livusua will n- ' tciiUxt tu. Judjio ii4 uMn will re- tin tu private pracuc, a th rapid t:rn tu prtu prnctict. a thu rapid deveiopuiout of KImtii i-uunty j i" iupimuit .t rviumatti emmty umito it an ailuriug held. T!mj j muif it an aauring ttrld. The F:r?t ditrtct cumprim Lh. Klmn- hirst iioiiut t-ouipri Lako, Klam ath, Juwphinr and .laniu cvua- - atu, JtM-puiiie and Ja tim vuun- j tlir, (iovernur i.'limnuf riam will be j Oi.virnur harnlnTiuiu wilt be eilwi upon tu appint a -tur.veaatir - ailed upon tu appumt a tuoetir tu Judg Ik'UMjn at um-e. and tt mi tu Judgt Ueu-Hin at oiue. aud it is niptHMed miner Ueor Nuian ur W. . ;H t.-i eitiur (ieori- Nuian ur V. J. M.Kim will 4t tho appointment, .1 . Mmt will v-t the apiHnntment. wiLh ohant't ii f:tvir i tin farmer. . with .:iianv- .u :rwr .f r m furuu-r. Both am iriiitn rafx Jtidi Ucuwu j lk.,a ar demm-rms. .ludiff ift-iiMu htta b-o 't!i the benih n KJumnili j inm th-n .m tttv hrm-h .n Kaimarii and Lake -muiita- f ir ten yur&. j ind I.aKe ...miiui-n r..r u-n vcars, iaving khwu nicctl fur a cond j saving Ik-u M.,-ed fur a v..nd twin four yean ago. whitli liav u-rm tuur v-w a.. whu h Iravn two mur yearn .1 inn uiifipirl , :w. nion- ymrs .l" hm mirxpir-l term to rw m--rv.,i Ly apuuuient. .-r-u bv vn.M by appomtm.-ut. The First jud trial dirtru t aun The- FirM juou ai di-tru t Uii9 bu .hvidt-d !riwtH-u Jiium U. IC . ne.ii diMded iH-twrn-ii Judi ff. K. Uunua and Juur- BintKiu uu : ! tiuuna and .ludti rU-nmn .u uunt of the pour :ranKrtaiun i .'mm .)t riw ;Nr(ir tmiporTutum ciliUt. Judyn Uunna baa .JWpa- iiu:i. Ju,i.- llannu ha .Wph m auU Jaciiavo cvuntu-a. wijitf , in- ami .l;i. Kn -ount:c-. wtide Judg- bsav.n ur bia auier baa .Indiji Ifa-iihin ur hia Miei-MMHir mi tko and K-'amatb. Lai-.e Klhinath .-..iir.ti FOR BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE CALL ON" H. M. COSS Corner West Tenth and K Strekes City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land. Hay Land Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta tion to and from, all tracts. Ottiee in residence. N'o comm ssion business. I buv and sell direct. Bargains in Pianos ave a few tine Pianos left that I will s.-ll bargain. Call at my olSce in residence, corner Tenth and K Streets. I h.i at a West H. M. COS; It has a strons and honet'i'-ial effect on the liver. Colestui Natural Mineral Water makes a dear complexion. Ask a due-tor who is familiar with it. Notice to Water Consumers Owins to the scarcity of water supply, it is ordered that do city water be used for ir igation or sprinkling except between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock a. m. and 7 and 8 o'clock p. m. until otherwise ordered by the water committee. Violation of this ordeHiy any consumer will result in said consumer's supply being forthwith shut off. Bv order of the Water Committee of the fitv Council of Medford. Oregon. Dated Aueust 15. 1908. i MEDrOSD, OBEGOV S. The Officers State Depositary. CAPITAL AKTJ STJEPLUS 1115,000.00 of the Jackson County Bank will at all times be glad to confer with, depositors on any financial matter that they may desire to submit to them for counsel and advice. Your account, aubjvt to your check, m invited. Finest equipment in. southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTEB, Preaideut O. B. LINDLEY. Cashier 3CTTTB rAIL3 ITEM 3. K. W- Coniiim Jrn.t tu tu- inni to mi-vt aouia Hmfnika wbu will rtMt hnn Mimhu-b. South. Uugtiov uud H-ni maa am in M-nlfoni tin buMiu-t. B. M. Hflfi hart rrturnci fmin qurriou trrp to i'ortiami aiitl .Ni'WfHtrt. Mrs. J. R Htihi' is fitting fur th faJI tnillinnrT trmlit. Frank nthorlntio! i-hjiui in for . tlii visit from Caator mill, which ht ami Lee Edmunttou arn now oHTAtin. Sain Xualoii anI U(ik;hti-r i( T ihv Kovk Wfrw in our vainilv tut fly. Mi .Viialon will tcarh shIumiI at Kr-nviin boro antl will k,vw nmnl HM!mt:t-liun, ,im nlio is a npU'iuiiil U hi h r. Mra. J. Umrt litis bt-t-u oif mi a long trip to Koii V:ill.v. rt tnrnl home. Your curri'Npumltnit iti,tvil i fm,. vabimin bnwktitat at Ob. m lium .n woaaMiay. Mr. and Mrrn, Ottvnutinin aol tw mturtk tu tUotr rjr awuti. 1 Ul .Sw.llltM t UtilliJ .Inllt our untry. wfH-rt iutt tut iivy will r- huckitbirry ' iarf rhn aiiln. TUv hills 4r :uil twM'p . 'Hit .'ni -Mr. Hail .if limwnsboru ban !anl in fim tovk for hit incnaain(; tratltv IU in tho man in rim riiriit iiin.-f mmiKlatinn ways have iv.hi fir him. Ithl his nv man frirmla Oregon,, Builders Are you doiny what you can to populate your State ? -MTMH.J Uuiuis ami :i nrilliuij W-II be nt ,iboit .'I'TKMUL-!? AND HiKiuimii s,.)U.mlit r I, thu Miniloni Mi-at oumpauy will cut eh oatrn ox ii'uso jt thu cnilil Imxuiuu off tho wiling ppico l aiiata. Wo will wil for hh ami wil fur 1cm. Miller. Ewhauk l t'ulp. U'iit.ail Anybody wialung to invrt ia oat of h nratoat, moat aiodnra and boat Iwat- 1 homoa ib MoUforU, aaould ulrdiwa P. O. Baa . ORKtiON NKKDS PEOPLE --A-itirr niorrhunta. .'Iitss. p.pio with hniuts, .i-.-irt capital or nu capital Southern Pacific Company ( Lines in Orejon. ) '.lin torn, of Or..11 l.t.-minr.. !u tho Eaj for Jiatribution tltrnuKU ovnry availablo atrn.-y. y,.i, ,n,t hi ip tho ipvod work '" bu,!,im "f'"n uu too namos :iu,l .i.idnisiHs of vour ' iiiioii who .iro oKfiy to be i :ici-te.i :n rhm -tnrof W. in.l to bear the i-xpt'ow of -Mniiin v,,"n tmt,e ::fortn:it OHKtlO.N :1:1a its opportunity. COLONISTS' TICIIST3 will !), t.HTiHKK from tho East to ail few pnnoipal .'itles :irn From Denver SiO.OO From ( )nialia .... IJO.OO From Kansas City '30.00 From 8t. Ltutir. . :i").,")t) rrom (.luoajjo. . . IJS.lH) TICKETS CAN BE TBEPAUJ. If you want to bring a fnen l or rriauvo Oreii. pnior ;unount with any of our :iipn:. T'io ii.'kct will iilitHl by tolornph. A. S. HOSKNH.vrM. Modfor-I. Or.. Local .snt. WM. M'Mfnn.VY. (lonoral I'lwnif - A,-.ut. Portland. From Louisville.. -f4l.70 From Cinoiimari. i'2:20 From Clt'vcljuul.. 44.7-1 Fnm N't w Vork.. 5.00 deposit the then be fur- A Money Saver We fuily realize that there is a ma jority of people who always wiah the very best. Theee peopie are wise. The best is always the cheapest in the lonu run. Especially is this true of our "PUBE WHITE" FLOCB. in so much I as any housewife who hus tried it knows : chat it makes many mo re loaves to the sa;k than ordinary fluur. Don't be : penny wise and pound fooiisb. but buv , the best flour, i. e., "Pure White," of Allen 6 Reagan THK GBOCEBY ON THS CORNER ABOUT August 13 we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at 93.00 per tier. delivead, or ?2.00 per ' r at the raneh. Good Rail Wood i iSome tiedur. sawed into twr; wood, at S1.S0 per tier at; tiic ranoli or $2.30 per twr, delivered. j For all necessary informa-1 tion apply to I i WESTERN OUCON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Orejoa. THE BEST THAT'S GOING. can always be had at the Xash Cafe. All seasonable delicacies and all that is appetizing. Our serviee is prompt and efficient, and our cooking cannot be ex celled. One meal will convince you that we are friends you can tie to. Nash Buffet MEDFOBD SASH ft DOOB CO. and Door Frames, Block Wood Office fixtures ad all kinds of planing mill work, including tamed work and fancy gnlla. F. BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH 8TS J HONE 63. Window E. EXYART.Prenid ent. A. PEBBY, Vice-President. JOHN S. OETH, Caahier. W. a JACKSON. Am t L'MQier. The Medford National Bank MBDFOSO. OB. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS io,000 Safety Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage TAKE Look Up-to-date By having us make vuu a pertevt tit ting ,iuit. The wav we fit the oullar and slhMiId.irs is a revvlutiuu New Fall Uuoda are arriving daily in all the luteat $hadr. w. w. CITY TAILOR b'rmich Dry Cleaning aud Prvxainf ntly done. EIFERT MEDFORD PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans. Specifications. Superintendence. Surveying mi All it branches. Rooms -JS-J:.i. Countv Bank Building-