Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 27, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Social and Personal
' Georg W. Niehwli made AsbU&d a
business Visit Wednesday.
. Professor Earl Moore was a Jack
sonville visitor Wednesday.
E.-F. Graham of Prospect was in
Med ford Wednesday on land business.
W. H. Clements, the miner, transacted
business in Medford Wednesday after
noon. Mr. and Mrs. David Wilson of Idaho
have been spending a few days in the
J. A. Larson was down from (1 rants
Pas Wednesday to make proof on u
timber claim.
C. Coleman, the San Francisco capi
talist, is in the valley looking after hi
landed interests.
Mrs. C. F. Young of Gold f I ill was
is Medford Wednesday the guest of
Mrs. J. C. Hall.
Dan and Charles Foeller were down
from Trail Creek Wednesday interview
ing our merchants.
" Joseph h. Hainmersley and H. D.
Reed of Gold Hill sM'iit WwlneMay aft
ernoon in Medford.
Mrs. J. W. Merritt and her diniyht. r
of Central Point were among M til ford
friends Wednesday.
James Stevens was in Ashland this
week, having taken his son thither for
medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Hanseom of Tal
ent were in Medford Wednesday trad
ing wit hour merchants.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Mead.T and Riley
(.ywarner of Phoenix precinct were
recent visitors in Medford.
II. Hupenergardt was among his Med
ford friends Tuesday. He is now in
teres ted in Jenny Creek lands.
W. W. Gregory of Motind district,
an enerjfatie young farmer, was among
the many in Medford Wednesday.
Frank Berden went to Ashland Wed
nesday to join his wife, who is camp
ing there for the benefit of her health.
; Harry H. Hall, who has been stop
ping at Sterling precinct during the
past few weeks, left for Curry county
The Southern Oregon Pioneer society
is holding its annual session in Jack
son vi lie. An excellent program has been
prepared, which will be supplemented
by a dinner that is one of the features
of these auspicious events.
Frank Short, the blacksmith, who has
been in northern California for some
time past, made Medford n visit Weil
Bend ay.
John I-e. the scientific ciuiipentcr,
has returned from Portland, where he
bought a big lot of material for a fine
residence which he will build at Kagle
B. N. h. Nam-gun, who is extensive
ly engaged in horticulture near Kagle
Point, spent a few hours in MM ford
W. R. Andrews, who formerly prac
ticed law in Medford nnd Jacksonville
has been nominntM for superior judge
by the dennterats of Diego county.
W. R. Ht a ti sol. deputy count v assessor.
is completing the assessment of Med
ford. The board of espial nation will
probably meet in r tuber.
. Musicians, attention! Wanted, piano,
cornet and clarinet players who are
willing to organ ire small orchestra for
dance work. Address or see J. W.
Wilson, Hate's Music store. 13$
L. L. Jacobs, assist nn t cashier of
the Jackson County bank, great repre
sentative to the great council of the
Improved Order of Kediuen. Ims gone
east to attend the annual session of
that body. The other representatives
are George M. Orton of Portland ami
Roy Ritner of Pendleton.
W. J. Hwenning. son of F. J. Swen
ning. arrived from Panama, la., dur
ing the past week, and will remain
some time.
Mr. and Mrs. F, II. Farrar will soon
become residents of (iold Kay. Their
daughter, Miss Knuun, is in Portland
contemplating a course in innate.
Ex-Hheriff Jrckson and his familv
have become residents of MMford. re
moving here from Jacksonville during
the past week.
C, K. Walker has returtiM fnm Sac
rameuto, Cal., where he was er.UM by
tho fatal illness of his mother. Death
resulted from ti stroke of parnlvsi at i
the age of 54 years.
A misguided emigrant dro e into
lowti the other day with a gallon
barrel of water in Ins wagon. He tat I
ed that at Ashland he was adMM-d to1
fill a barrel and haul it with him if;
lie was coming down the valley, as it
would be impossible to secure water for!
his team or even to drink nfr. r leaxing
the upper end of the valley. He w;i
the victim of some smart Aleck of Ah
land who thought that by this ux-ans he
could use his little hammer on neih
boring towns. Thus does the moba'k
knocker get in his little stunt to the
detriment of the nit ire Rogue River
valley, including his own town. t en
(nil Point Herald.
Theodore II. F. Kugel I. ft for 'hi
cngo, his former home, Wednesday evi
ning nnd will be gone several month'
He has not been in the ntv .lor
ing the mst 22 years.
Musicians, attention! Wanted, piano
cornet and clarinet players w ho are
willing to organise small orchestra for
danco work. Add res or see J. W
Wilson, Hale's Music store. lit
NKW YORK. August 27. Worried
bv constant conference? with lnw ver
and confused by Henwitinnnl newp-ier
reports, Captain Peter Huinn, ulayer
of Willinm K. A huh, tidinitteillv m nn
deeid nn to what course he will pur
sue. Dixtrict Attorney Parrin of
Qiieenn county Mid tly that he had
arratufeil to hold n conference with IH
trict Attorney Jerome thin afternoon
and will reeehe advice from the fa
ni on i proiiecutor.
Mdfr4 TribvA, 9t pr noatk.
UOLDFIELD, -Vev., August 7. A
cbiviari party that intended to sur
prise Oeurge Wiceld and his bride
on their return here last night was in
turn surprised by the lavish action of
the mining promoter in showering the
jesters with silver dollars and instead
of beating their tin pans and blowing
their horns, the members of the party
indulged in a wholesale scramble for
the money. Women and children fought
for the coins.
Wingfield aud his wife, who was the
daughter of Banker Murdoch of San
Francisco, spent' an extensive honey
moon in southern California. I'pon t he
arrival here they took apartments in
the 1 'onsolidated Mining company s
OMAHA, Neb., August 7. Seven
big motor cars left the Omaha hhops
today for Sacramento, Cal.. where they
will he placed on the lines of the South
ern Pacific railroad The cars are of
steel, equipped with six elyinder en
gines, with a view to developing high
hjmmhI when neeessary. They will be
used to replace seven passenger trains
on the roast line.
The cars are the tirst of their kind to
io turned out here since the organiza
tion of the MrKeen Harriman company
and are considered models of the high
est tye.
LA CKAXDK, Or., August 27.
Though the hour is 2rt days away, a
group of nine Portland men under the
guardianship of Cruiser Neuman today
IniM up at the t'nited States land of
fice to await the oening of a section
of government land in Wallowa county
September 1". These nine will be aug
mented in number tomorrow by eight
easterners, who are after the same val
uable tracts of land. Cntess the men
in line agree to disband by number sys
tem, the lineup will be the longest in
point of time in the history of the of
fice here.
The police department has not inter
fere with the lineup, nnd it is believed
the men will hold their seats the tated
length of timo. As the land is valua
ble, but iu limited quantities, it is not
believed the line will acipiire the length
of others which have been seen here.
The men will sit on the sidewalks dur
ing the day and use rude beds at night,
spread on the pavement.
LuS AMJKl.KS, Cal.. AugiM 27.
Plans are being made today for a $.HV
noo.OoO merger of the southern Califor
nia oil interests, according to the state
ment today of an official of one of the
companies concerned. fl The merger was
fir-t projMised at a meeting of the rep
resentatives of the iirinctpal operators
of the Whitfier district. Combination '
is believed to be the best means of reg '
ulnting certain bnsine of thrt com
pany and the merger will probably be
fleeted within a short time.
The principal companies interested
are: Central Oil company. Murphv Oil
nipanv. Home Oil company, Whittier
rud'. Pacific Oil company. Turner Oil
ompany. Warner Oil company. Whit
tier Fillmore Oil coin pa nv of the Whit
tier district, and the big companies of
the Fullertou and Pn.nle district.
KLAMATH FALLS, or.. A-iist CT.
Th- dit-h contractor w.irktr.,; on dif
ferent portion of the KJatrath pr.yj.vt
have b-en for.-M to etid vit f-r labor
t. nnd th. v rjrt a nun.l- r coming in
by way of I..rr'v The shorta."' "f
labor it ranged by the men being em
ployed ui the hafi.-!d nnd il! only
be temporarv.
Much cnntrii''tii-n w--rk i fT'dn on
in the different crtntm.-tor ' ramp ond
the t.tnn!. K. W. S:nirh. the contra, tor
who n.a le tlo automobile road f r FTar
ima-i from p. li,- (r, h-1.-. ill tl.' wV
taVe hi outfit to the ..uth branch
ratial to o i.-e work r. thi .-r,
tra.'t let o W H M.n of thu ritv.
on ev.n n-!'. of th. ...:h brand:
SN JoSF. Cal.. A-scu-t ?7 J. .it
T. t.t-w.H. the St.H-kton c..i:ractor. whe
i! . audi-btte for tate T..itor. fcl!
li' fe.t i, -lay through th- kyliht nf
thr Ktinipwii.k-er building He suffer
i-- ;uiiful brniM-4. but i rt oVr
ni;tk.ik,' invt i -n cf
the buil. ling at the tmie f..r r.-.:.-r
.! St.s kton ).. t:li-t Kb -. c-.r.V!-plnted
its -',irh.f.
Th fololwicg quotatlMii ar an im
partial rvport of th pricea paid by Ue
ford dealer:
Wheat .1o ier buahel.
Flour $ 2.75 per ewt.
Whole barley 23 per ton.
Hay 12 per ton.
Alfalfa 110 per toa.
New potatoes 11.25 per rwt.
Butter '( per roll.
Ijird 10c per pound.
Heatia per pound.
Ejnr 2t-e per derea.
Snjfar $tV60 jer ewt.
Turkaya l.V per pouad.
llama 12e per pouad. j
Should art- Uc per pound. j
Hoft 44fl to 6 pr pouad. I
Cattle U 34 fr peuad. J
Un Tuesday at Portland btg-iu tive
crucial series of tl? baseball season
of lwoU, when the local team began
a five weeks ' session ou the home
-gruunds. Oakland was the opposing
faction. Whether the Beavers have a
chance to win the pennant will now
be decided. They were nearly 60 points
behind Ios Angeles, the leaders, with
San Franeisro very close up. During
this series Portland will meet Lo An
geles, and Oakland, while San Fran
cisco, the bane uf the M.-Credie clique,
comes north but once. After the inaug
ural series with Ookiand,( Portland
gets Angeles for a two weeks '
scries, w -h ieb w ill include something
like 17 games in day. Labor day
is the cause of the fXtension, for. com
ing a it on a Monday, the league
has arranged for continuous playing by
the visitors, instead of breaking up
the second week by a journey to the
soul If! and in midweek.
A new world 's record for six fur
longs for circular tracks was made at
the Kmpire City track at New York,
w hen Nimbus, varrving 1". pounds,
won in 1:11 1 o. The time clips two
fifths of a second off the mark mail
by Roseheu, carrying 147 pounds, at
Belmont Park, a couple of years ago.
Nimbus M'rformance was not as good
as that of Rosebeu, for he had consider
able weight off.
Tommy Burns, the champion heavy
weight pugilist, again defeated "Rill"
Squires, the Australian, this tune at
Sydney, knocking him out in the 1.1th
round in A fast battle, which was wit
nessed by 2Vhi -ople, among them
hundreds of sailors from the American
battleships then in the harbor.
,Iim Jeffries today denied that there
is any danger of the Papke -Ketchell
fight, scheduled at Los Angeles for
l.alntr day, being called off. He said
the rumors that the match was "up
in tfie air" were started by " sore
heads. '
-'Something which la of considerable
interest to the public generally and
which is perhaps not generally knowL
is the system of prepaid ordars now iu
ffect between stations of the Southern
Pacifie eompan and all points in the
United States. By means of this system
tickets may be purchased at Medford
from any place in the United Slates and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here. LUeeper
accommodations and small amounts of
cash in connection with these tickets
may alss be furnished at the samr
time. ' '
If you have lost or found
anything, need work, or have I
i something to sell, it doesn't j
matter what vou want is, trv '
a Want Ad in The Tribune." !
Gorham Sterling Silver
Hawke's Cut Class
Nothing nicer for a present.
The Jeweler Near Postoffice
Ftn Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty.
All Kinds of Job Printing
done on short notice.
It does't matter what it is
in Printing, we do it for you.
Our Office is now the best
equipped in Southern Oregon,
our workmen the most skilled
and output superior.
Only union Print Shop in
Rogue River Valley.
Portland prices our sched
ule.We pay the freight.
The Tribune
21 Central Ave. MEDFORD
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a Word No Ungls insez
tiom les than 16 cents. Six Insertions .
foi th pnee of four. Seventy-fit
cents a line per month.
FuR SALE Horse, buggy and harness;
also steel range and bed, cheap. Wil
liam A. Ryberg, Orchard Home Tract,
Medford, Or. 142
FOR SAL I' One-hore light wagon and
harness, $V; one team of drivers,
light wagon and harness, lot); one
team hack uud harness, $17. W. H.
We-t & Co.
FOR SALE Two timber claims,
r.VitiO, cash or time; also a $150 cam
era, Cxs to 4i5, fur with all equip
ments. J. E. Pavette. 139
FuK ft ALE Lfry cord wood, pine, fir,
oak aud laurel. F. Osenbrugge, Stude
baker Bros. warehouse.
FOR SALE A good small business on
Seventh street. Reasons for celling.
Address, P. O. box 512 or call at this
office. tf
Foli SALE At a snap. Two first-class
building lots facing new Catholic
school; one-quarter cash takes them.
Address Box 50$.
FOR SALE Six good placer claims,
at one-half what they are worth; will
take good work team as part pa mi en t.
M. U Moore, Medford, Or. ' 142
FOR SALE S. X. Subdivision is in the
market now; choice ten-acre tracts,
best location in the valley. L. Nee
deniever, Jacksonville. f
FOR SALE A first-class pianoJa-pia
no; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Med
ford. WANTED.
WANTED Japanese, honest worker,
wants situation such as house clean
ing and garden work, etc.; city or
country; by month, week, day and
hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th
street, near bridge, Medford. 155
WA XT El To rent, furnished house
for family of two. G. Putnam, The
WANTED To trade new ateel ranges
for old stoves. Wordoff & Wolf, Fads'
old stand. 153
WANTED Cook at the Hopkins or
chard. Central Point. Telephone Main
lit.-,. 137
W A N T E D A good , f r es h milch cow,
Address Box 51, Medford, Or.
WANTED To buv from 100 to 300
head of stock sheep. Write Box 131
Medford, Or.
FOI'ND A small pitre on Central ave
nue. Owner can have same by calling
at this office and proving property.
Your Best Opportunity to Save
Never Were Prices Made So Low
Never Were Qualities Better. You
Should Lay in Your Fall Supplies
Now and Save Money
The store that guarantees satisfaction
Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank
Mniford Tribune, SOe par moots.
Phrsician mnd Surgeon.
Office at EeiiJonee.
Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Ot.
Wm M. ColTif, Medford. Or.
Prices right. Pumpa Furnished when
Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers
Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. W.
Conklin 36; J. H. Bntler 148.
Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse,
'He Has Ho Other Business.'
E. B, SEELT. M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Mudtrn Equipped Operating Rooms.
X-Raj. Office Hours, 1012, 2-4 P. M.
Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg.
When others fail, call on
Eye Specialist.
Office in the Grand Theater bldg.
Phone 35. Seventh and Main.
City Scavenger.
Garbage of all kinds removed on short
notice. Leave orders with chief of
Contractors and Builders.
All Work Guaranteed.
Offlc with 0. H. Pierce Sou. -Phons
85S. P. O. Box 77L
Medford Tribune, 50c per month.
Why Not Iron in Comfort?
N'o reason to be uncomfortable in a
hot, stuffv kitchen.
You can take your Elejfie Iron to
any part of the house where there is
a light socket.
An extension cord from the kitchen
light will enable you to use it on the
Telephone Main JW and have an '
Electric Iron sent you on one week's
'roe trial. I
Successor to Condor Water Power Co.
Office 20 West Seventh St.,
Opposite Big Electric Sign.
Rubber Goods
Just received, a complete
line of water bairs. syringes
uul everything in the ruhber
line, each article guaranteed.
Medford Pharmacy
The Big Drug Store with Little Prices.
Near PosWffics.
We Are Bound to Raise That $4,000.00
and from the way people turned out yesterday, we will do
it easily. We are making priees so low on almost every
line of roods that no one can say that they didn't get a bar
gain. Remember that, no matter what you buy. we stand
back of it and will make good if it fails.
To Adequately Describe
the Stunning Snades of
Our New Silk Ties
Pearl Grays, Cream
Whites, Crimsons and the1
Newest Colorings in
Greens, Browns and Blues
Matched by these Ties
50c, $1.00 and $2.50
all Pure Silk. Find Ties
to Beat These and We
Will Givs Them to You
Of Course
Mcdford's FasJiiwi Store for Men