Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 27, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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I J C I I T ' 1 I frr,m , j,ra ,.i.j, f in Oregon by
i!LCU 1 U! U Udi,y I II U U 11 C.; what Papers Say ljrJ
A Lite Paper ix a Lite Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Pltn'am, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffice at
Medford, Oregon.
(Oregon Journal.)
Mr. Harrimaa 's visit to Oregon will
That h hai JiJM to hu.M ft raHrua.l inr ii.uenein4 on their return
ln.i-r r.rit law even the
rr-ic of these tu-r:4i ff.j'iid ritt Aih
land, anl M&M,rd, &oJ Euae, and
Albany, and Sam, an.i Portlaad, and
other ities ,t the state. Scattering the
e rr'til eah as th'-y w-nt, and
into e--ntral Oregon is the main .aii4r
permanent immigration and the invest-
On meruit, by mail or earner. . . .0 50 o year, by mad. .
City subscribers who desire The Tribune milled to them at trimmer
resort or other ontof-tora f laee will please notify the office, giy-
teg dty add rem and the length of time they desire paper seat to
new addreea. On retaining, please notify office ra order that aerrtce
by carrier may be promptly resumed.
.J-The Medford Mail has at last discovered tliat there
is a water question before the people of Medford in which
the taxpayer's have a slight interest an interest which
ha not been deeded to the water eoninu'ttee altogether.
For some time the Mail has harped upon the applir-a
lion for a streetcar franchise, telling in double column
black editorials published on the fii-st page what a fearful
calamity it would be to Medford if a trolley line came to
town, and all the evils that a great city suffers from a
trolley monopoly have been conjured to scare the voter
into turning down the franchise presumably so that a
rival concern, in which the Mail's editor is interested, can
have the franchise reserved.
Now a franchise is valuable only in the future. It
costs the present nothing. It entails no taxes on the com
munity, no bonded indebtedness, and so, in the Mail's esti
mation, is much more important than a proposition that
means a 25 per cent mortgage on assessed valuations.
Therefore the franchise is discussed and the water question
left untouched and The Tribune regarded with horror
because it has the nerve to discuss water and rend the veil
of secrecy.
Now that some six months or more have gone bv and
the water committee seems in a fair way to make a bobble
of the whole affair, the Mail publishes an open letter from
J. S. Howard, favoring another proposition besides the
Wasaon canyon. The Tribune got itself in disgrace with
the water committee months ago In-cause it dared to print
such a missive. A shudder will convulse the communitv
when it thinks of the awful fate in stoic both for the .Mail
and Mr. Howard at the hands of a majority of the com
mittee of secrecy.
What Mr. Howard says is woi-th quoting for the infor
mation he conveys to the public. He savs:
"At the council meeting on Tuesday last a hearing was
granted to the -.Sterling Alining company,' who presented
two propositions to furnish water at a greatly reduced
price from any former estimate. The first was to furnish
the city 500 miners' inches of water (equal to ,H,07s,!lti
gallons per HI hours), delivered iu a reservoir five and one
half miles from the city, and at an elevation of over K50
feet above the center of the city, for the sum of .l,SI,(si:.
Now, let us see what this proposition means to the citv.
In the first place, it is '' X ) inches, or over :5,XX),000 gallon's,
per 24 hours more than any other proposals.
"So far all estimates and surveys and proposed con
tracts are based on a supply of :!0O miners' inches, e.iuali
.o-i,oo gauons per 1U Hours, while really the present
supply or flow of Wasson canyon is reported as less than
2,000,000, or less than one-fourth the amount agreed to be
furnished by the Sterling Mining company.
"Now, the .Sterling Mining company agrees to deliver
:t0 miners' (n,07tj,!Mil gallons into the reservoir
over 850 feet above the city; 2"iO-feet pressure is all that
the city can use, leaving a surplus head of over 000 feel
lwfore the water readies the distributing reservoir.
"Five hundred inches of water with a head of bin) feet
will produce 500 horse power, which the city could sell to
any company who' wished to install a power station of that
capacity, and any company would gladly pay the city $20
per horse jx.wer per year for water thus" delivered at'the'ir
power house all ready to attach to their turbines. This
alone would bring in $.0,000 per vear. or enough to pav
the interest on $200,000 of bonds.
"Now 200 rnches (:i,LM:j.5Sl gallons) of water is more
than the city can use for some time to come, so the city
would have 1500 indies to sell to the orchards below.
"Three hundred indies of water for four months irri
gating season will flood ITS, acres one foot deop, and will
he worth .f.r per acre, and will bring about $!MHK) per an
num, which would j iay the interest on if'180,000. j
"So you see that 500 inches of water as above will bring !
in revenue enough to pay the interest on 180,000 of bonds !
rvu; i i j 1 1 . ... ' .
jjns no.iiu virtually ne getting our water system for noth
ing. Tin's is no dream, but can be carried out to the letter
under competent management."
f - i,,. .... i.. . .k . ment of capital h-re.
ao.l it. 'immediate ,ulu the im-I ' " !"
wtu t.) t.,umt travel to (itwj hlc.h " " important
n.i hi- .. I ' provide thr neern.sary rad. They U1
will fiv in the ea-4t. fttrh people v-n I
more than the pour are eraturt- of
imitation. What thr Mftt toad in
the grrat puddle of s.i.i.-rv or affairs!
do the other h: toad do nt-it. ,fr. i
fiarriinan is not a ifreat eitv man.!
; for Ja.:k-ra ani Kiamath eountits.
eventually repay their eost many times
oter. They are a fearur of the proper
dev Inpin.-ht of ' rref.n.
hmt h i about the h'w-it man ,f his
ort in the eon n try, andi f year after
year he n.-U-et & region of fi'reon in
preference to the Adirt.nda.-kn or 7aii-
ala or California or Fiirop- as a rec
reation ground an. I a summer outing
plaee, we may he sure that many rich
people will er lng follow his example.
And he
iays he will te all h.s ac
quaintance of the delight of south
ern Orej-oa.
And.rejjon "has the nA," Al
viiitoM auree that Crater lake U the
mort wonderful and admirable rhinj of
its Kinl in the visitable worM.
But more than this, to many, there
is also thfl game. Deer, bears, wild
fowl, fish and other game are to be
found with jiist enough effort to make
their hunting g..od sport, in manv of
the mountain and lake regions of Ore
President Roosevelt gient some rlavq
down in a Miswiwippi forest vainly
trying to bag a bear. One of Mr. liar
riman 's half grown ons shot a im
pound bear after no great chae the
other day. Kh .Kermit, what do von
think of thatf i
Hut to make the magnificent south
ern Oregon country available to tour
ists, roads, espeeially one to Crater lake.
must be made. Tourists these days will
not go far afoot or on hurro-back. but
only as to the main lines of their travel
in automobiles. With good roads along
strategic routes, we would have tourists
The Long Lived Pear.
Fh- p-nr is really more hardy than
tne appii- an. I net-i, I- eotweting.
in-re are tre,-s M'ill standing near Mon
re, m the sta'- of Michigan, whi.h
were plant.-d by the FVe-eh setrTers be
fore penn fuun-K-'l Philadelphia. Pear
trees can be kept in goo I and bearing
condition for 3"0 years, and apples
for at least l.'fj y.-ar-. f have an apple
tree Jl.j years old. and its annual fruit
age is as perfe,-t as it was 60 years
You find rharr.-d pears in the kitchen
heaps of middle F!tirore. vhere the lake
viJInze use.! to be. These remnants
i:ite back of the apple, and -so far as
we ran di.irov.-r. the pe'ir was the very
first np.e of hi.' wonderful family to
b-,-., me of importance to human beings.
In fact, it seem-t prohnble that an eat
able pear, or possibly a eookable pear,
was in posf4fsior. of our ancestors a
good while bef.irir there were eatable
apples or even cherries, plums, and pos
sibly even strawberries, hut the whole
pear family was just as surely working
up foward civilized and garden condi
tions as human beings themselves. Evo
lution has brought us along together,
with pretty nearly equal step, and now
it looks as if our future development
w.ts to br nearly as (dose as our past.
The Outing Magazine.
Henry Plagrnann and Ollie M. Ft issue.
X Ison Pnrsel and Ina Stoker.
HUT Military
- j
A Private Boarding and
Day School for Boys
POfcTLAXD, Or., Au(fOJt 27. Daa
Me Allen, early promoter of the Lewis
a ad Clark eip'sinon atd father cf
m.acy Portland Fourth of July caibra
tiotu. has taken up another pUn for
the exploitation of products and enter
prises of Portland and the state of Ore
gon. Mr. Me Allen has started a move
ment for the creation of a state immi
gration board. He strongly advwate
the passage of a bill in the next session
of the legiiiature which shall author
ize the governor to appoint a board,
and believe three members would tx
sue ient. He savs the honor of ap
pointment is ail that is necessary to in
duce the right sort of men to accept
and that clerk hire and cost of supplies
need not reach any large amount.
The duties to be discharged by the
board, aeeording to Mr. Me Allen, would
relate to official information concern
ing the resources) of the state and ad
vice to intending settlers as to the best
locality for any given line of business
or pursuit. Literature and reports from
the several state boards woold be sent
out and work of advertising the state's
resoarees would be done in harmony ;
with like work done by commercial or- I
ganizations of the state. !
A feature that impresses Jiff. McAllen ,
with particular force is the mainte- I
nance of a permanent exhibition of field
products and of manufactured articles.
This exhibition, he suggests, might be
installed in the forestry building, which
could also be made the office of the
board of immigration.
Notice to Water
Owing to the -scarcity of water supply, it
is ordered that do city water be used for ir
igation or sprinkling except between the
hour's of 6 and 8 o'clock a. m. and 7 and 8
o'clock p. in. until otherwise ordered by the
water committee.
Violation of this orderly any consumer
will result in said consumer's supply being
forthwith shut off.
Bv order of the Water Committee of the
Citr Council of Medford. Oregon.
Dated August 15. 1908.
I nmary, prr-parMorr and a,-a,l ,nu.- ,l..(,.irtm. nts. C..ll.-(f preparation.
BusmeM ronra. Manual Training. Principal .10 years' ciperienrc in
Portland. The Hill Military att ram an,l r.-taina' Kuo.l l.ovs, hut ha
no place for any others. Fall term l.eini S. pt.-mber Ki. Make reserva
tion now ,for few remaining vac :,. ( atal.,,,.- n application to the
'"""'P1- . W. IIII.I., M. !., Portland. Or.
City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land, Hay Land
Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable
and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta
tion to and from all tracts. Office in residence. No
com in ssion business. I buy and sell direct.
Bargains in Pianos
I have a few fine Pianos left that I will sell at a
bargain. Call at my office in residence, corner West
Tenth and K Streets.
5- "r' ' CALDWELL f.
Are you one of thoie unfortnnr.'o
individuals that poecs a head which
does not exactly lit the usual standard
sizes in Stiff Hats? That is, you Lid
one size is a little too small, and tiv
next size a little too Ur?e, and vol,'
Hatter has to either STRETCH 01
PAD a hat to fit you.
If so, you are the man we want.
You have got a "Tween" Head,
and you want a hat lhat is "Between
Thett lie the bed h.u m the world. We
hare been (elected u telling agents (or this city
Stats Depositary.
The Officers
of the Jackson County Bank will at all
times be glad to confer with depositors
on any financial matter that they may
desire to submit to them for counsel
and advice.
Your account, subject to your check,
is invited.
Finest equipment in southern Oregon.
W. I. VAWTER, President
G. R. LIXDLEY, Cashier
A Money
can always be had at the Xash Cafe.
All seasonable delicacies and all that is
appetizing. Our service is prompt and
efficient, and our cooking cannot be ex
celled. One meal will convince you that
we are friends you can tie to.
Nash Buffet
and Door Frames, Block Wood
Office fixture anrf all Vj. A. i , ....
" u"uit mm wora, including turned work and
fancy grilla. F. BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. I HONE 63.
Are you doing what you can to populate your State ?
OltKOON NKEI.8 Pi;ol'LK-,-...,,l-rs. h,,ne,t farmers, mechanics,
merchants, clerks, ,s,pl, , ,r1ir,,, rini, han,u n, wm;,,K or no capital.
Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.)
' !',,,! Of""" literature to the i:Ust for distribution
through every ava.lable K..,v. Will you ! help the B,.od work
uf buildup (lren by aendini; us the name,, and adln-ea of vour
irienui no nro likely to be i i,tere,t.l m tins .Inlet
" nr me cxpen.e ot scti'lim; them
ORKtitIN and its opportunities.
COLONISTS' TICKETS will be on .ile dun,,,.
(HTOI1KK from the Knst to nil points in (ink.n
few princip.-il cities are
We will be
t'orm.u ion sbotit
Tlio fnre. from n
One prien to all, and that pries will
bs minus the extrn expense of the credit
bnsineim. lb-ginning Heptember I, the
MM ford Meat company rill sell for
cash and mil for less. Miller, Kwbsnk
Col p. .
HcHilillinif Heptember I, the Medford
Meat company will-cut the extra ex
I"'1 ' the credit business off th
llni( prire of meats. We will sell for
cash and sell for less. Miller, Kwbank
(nip. .
From 1 eii vr 10.00
From Omaha .'10.00
From Kansas City .'50.00
From St. Louis. . :5,")..")0
From Chii'airo. . . I5S.00
If von want to bring a friend or r. latne ' Ogon. deposit th
prn-r amount with any of our aetit.. The licli.t will then be fUI
nishe.1 bv t.-leraph.
Frmn l,mis ilk. .41.70
From Ciiiciiinati. -12.20
From Cleveland., -l-t.7.1
From New Vork.. .".00
We fully real no that there is a ma
jority of people who always wish the
very beat. These people are wise. The
best is always the cheapest in the long
iuu. iapvciauy is xnis true of our
"PURE WHITE" FLOUR, in so much
aa any housnwife who has tried it knows
that it makes many moroloaves to the
sack than ordinary flour. Don't be
penny wise and pound foolish, but buy
the best flour, i. e., "Pure White." of
Allen 6 Reagan
UosKMUUM, Medford. Or, !.,
M 'MURRAY, Oeneral !'.. -.nk. -
,-al Airetit.
Acent. Porllsnd, Or.
August 15 we will be ready
to sell tiered and seasoned
iu any quantity at 3.00 per
tier, delivered, or $2.00 per
tier at the ranch.
Good Rail Wood
Some cedar, sawed into tieri
wood, at $1.50 per tier at
the ranch or ?2.50 per tier
For all necessary informa
tion apply to
J. E.
J. A.
EXYART.Presid ent.
PERRY, Vice-President.
JOHN S. 0RTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSOX, Ass t Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL '....$50,000
SURPLUS 10)000
Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. "We Solicit Tour Patronage
Look Uptodate
By having us make you a perfect fit
ting suit. The way we fit the collar
and shoulders is a revelation Xew
Fall Goods are arriving daily in all the
latest shades.
w. w.
French Dry Cleaning and Pressing
neatly done.
Plans. Specifications, Superintende.ri.-e. Surveying
in U it brunches.
Kooms a-. Jda(ax Oountr Pm Baaiittf.
Medford, Oregon.