4 Social and PersonaljCIassified Aitisemnts We Urge Every Woman to Attend This Grand i'OK HALL Ofc-Lwe iigtt waggn aad W. E. ttt ;.- rt.tr, uAit Gold Hill rLt jrof-ii7LAl Tjjit. J. J. C'mW of AfcLUuJ tra&utu4 ttuizcHw in Medford Tueviky fcfircooo. tirtovf, lz. out tfc4.:i of dr. . l.gu wtgiE, ati tan.r?t. tearri back kivi tart-, 175. V.'. H We,i C o. bALt--Two tinbr tikim, eaih or time; aiso a eam era, Cx5 to 4x5, for 140, With ail equip ment. J. E. Pavette. l.'jfr K. L. Polk 4 i.u. ' ditrrVry giv- Eugeu 10,0w jojl, protsiLJv & trx fcggerfctcd total. Mr. and Mn Luke fjf Gold Hill are gn-tf of C. H. farmer of On-lie- aud bit family. W. H. Hhrid, Lo hat hri in Ariz on during tbe Al year, arrived in Medford Monday. FOK n.Lfc Bartieti p-ar-j, ire from woribi, at Tb Botkey Ore ha fin, on mil nortbwett of Talent. I'i'J H. C. MwrD(f-r, who ii farmi&g at Agate and Trail, maA M)foM a tmii lJrn B-silly of Outral i'oint, oj- of the U-aAihK farmer of thr valley, was iii Mf-dfoM Ttiiy'ay afternoon. A. J. Olv-n of Gold II ill bit fum ily have returned from a trij to "re rent City, Cal. Mr. and Mr. Jan liuun of J'ho- nix jrein-t were in Medrford Tu'-May traJiiitf with our inv'-baijU. K. S. KwenriiriK, forent fJii.ji'T. who ban heen quit mele, in aid-- to tn- aiotit again, , JoM-j.b Kent and H. von d r illlu were over from Wellen Tuetwlay after noon, Heott I'ooW- of Kaj-lf I'oint prwmt was among the many in MMford during the pant week, J. L. Kowe and Jiora I'elton, pion fft citiwm of Kama Vall'-v, tranart ed hiifinettt- in Med ford Tuetwlay. , W. Conk in and hi family hav returri'd from their outing, -nt in jJig Butt; diHtrict. 12. V.. Purwl of Jiig Awdegat! and his fton j-nt a f-w hour in MMford Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. H. I'. I(ewl of Gold Hill, who have been vjfitirniiitf at N'-w K-rt, r''turif a few day iu-f. George Alford and William Kinua of f'hoeuix re-iiM-t w-re in M'-dford TdHMlay trading with our m r-hantn. The boIy of the late Mr. .NVk-. the unfortunate man who ui' ied in Med ford recently, wan hi-d to ( hieago for burial Tuesday evening. i'OH SALE hry eordwood, pm- fir, oak and laurel, f. Oiibrbgjj-, .Ttuie baker Bro. ' warehoue. KGK HALE A jfod tmall bix.tL e on Keventh itrfet. K'raaont for tailing. Ad lrew, K O. box .112 or eal! at Ibis offjc. tf EOK HALE At a map. Two first-eliN building lots facing new Catholic school; owe quarter cash ukes them. Addreaa Bo 50-J. EOK KALE Hix good plater claims, at one half what they are worth; will take good work team as part payment. M. . JAimtf, Medford, Or. 142 FOK HALE 6. N. SobdivisioB is in tbe market now; choice ti acre tracU, best location in tbe valley. L. Ne dmeyer, Jacksjnvnie. FOIi KALE A first-elaa pianola pia no; a bargain. V. O. Box 95, Med- W A'. STKU Japanese, honest worker, wants situation such as house clean ing and garden work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, day and hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsumi, 7th street, near bridge, Medford. 155 W A T EI To reu t, 1 u rn i hed boue fur family of two. G. put nam. Tbe Tribu ne. WANTEI To trade new steel ranges for old stoves. Wordoff k Wolf, Lads' old stand. 153 W A N T E t Cook at the Hopkins or chard. Central Point. Telephone Main 115. f 137 Too Lata to Classify. FK KALE Horn-, buggy and harn--'; also steel range and bei, -heap. Wil liam A. HylHrg, Ore hard Jlorne Tract, Medford, Or. 1 i'2 WANTEl A good, freih milch cow. Addreu Box 51, MMford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. UIII Military Academy A Private Boarding and Day School for Boys Primary, preparatory and academic depart riM'nit. Colhg preparation, BuNinea foiirni', Manual Training. Prim-ipal '.Ut cath' i-xpttrieni-e in Portland. The Hill Military att ract and retniiiN jm1 boyn, but ba- no plac fur any othr. Tall t'-rni beuin Hi pt -in l-r If!. Make n-wna-titfi mH' ,for f'W remaining v;w;ttn n . 'ntahm n applirat ion t t lie prineij.al. .1. W HH-L. M. !.. Portland, Or. We Must Raise $4,000.00 During This Sale WE AUE HOl'NU TO (ilVK THE PEOPLE OF SOUTHERN OREGON . GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRIUES. IN ORDER TO PAY IWSll FOR OUR GOODS AVE NEED 4ihm) RIGHT NOW. BY PAYING CASH WE SAVE G. 7 AND S PER CENT ON EACH DILL. AND DY TURNING OUR STOCK THREE TIMES A YEAR WE HAVE SAVED ENOUGH ON DISCOUNTS ALONE TO ENABLE US TO SELL AL MOST AT WHOLESALE PRICES. BUY YOUR FALL SUPPLIES NOW. IF YOU COME NOW AND LAY IN YOUR FALL SUPPLIES YOU WILL SAVE ALMOST HALF. OUR PRICES ARE ALREADY EXCEPTIONALLY LOW. AND WE HAVE DECIDED TO SACRIFICE ALMOST ALL GOODS NOW IN THE STORE IN ORDER TO RAISE THE MONEY AVE NEED. Extra Cut Prices Have Been Made For Thursday. The Greatest Bona Fide Opportunity to Save Money Ever Offered the People of Southern Oregon See the Windows Showing Harvest The new store with the smallest prices BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank See the Interior for Bargains New Neckwear A GALAXY OF BEAUTY WORDS FAIL TO CONVEV ANY ADEQUATE CON CEPTION OF THE STUNNING SHADE OF OFR N EW SILK TI ES, .J UST I N PEARL G RAYS, JR IM SONS. CREAM WHITES, AND THE VERY NEW EST SHADES IN GREENS, DROWNS AND BLUES. ALL THE LATEST SHADES IN FALL SUITS PER FECTLY MATCHED IN THESE TIES. PRICES "() CENTS, .f 1.00 AND -f l.r.i). G UARANTEED ALL PURE SILK. IF YOU CAN FIND ANY TIES TO I! EAT THESE WE WILL GIVE THEM TO YOU. "The Toggery" THE MEDFORD HARDWARE CO. SUCCESSORS TO II. E. I'.OYDEN. Now Open for Business and respectfully solicit your patronage on good, sound business basis J. G. BIGHAM A ill Pfl A nn nn nn MAN AG Eh". Those swell Boys' Suits with straight short pants and Knickerbockershave arrived at Daniels' Big Store at last The Patterns are the swellest ever and the supply won't last long at the prices asked Better get that School Suit now Largest Clothing Store in Southern Oregon 1MB