MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO ON. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 2ti, 1908. (D MM A r1 At the Medf ord Tea and Coffee House, Beginning Mon., Aug. 24 EVERYTHING : AT : OR : BELOW : COST HAVE GOT TO MAKE ROOM FOR FALL GOODS. WHICH WILL ARRIVE SOOX. AT LEAST ONE-HALF OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK MUST GO. A NICE .SOUVENIR GIVEN WITH EACH $1.00 PURCHASE. COME AND GET PRICES AND TELL YOUR FR TENDS, WHETHER YOU WANT ANYTHING OR NOT. THE MEDFORD TEA 6 COFFEE HOUSE PHONE .1051 216 WEST SEVENTH STREET BLUE LEDGE Mining Man Urges LoGal Capital to Aid Develop ment of the Mine J. W. Cheer, a practical mining man who has been looking over different mining propositions in this section, has returned from a visit of some length to the Iilno Ledge mine. Tn speaking of the mine he said: "After :U years of mining and pros-pi'i-ting in the west and having boon in most every camp of uote, I can truly say that never have T seen a eatnp wifh such ledges as the Blue Ledge contains. In fact, the camp is a con tinuous stratification of ledges, with dikes of country rock ns a separation between continuous masses of mineral bearing rock rightfully designated ns ledge matter. "As the camp is yet in its infancy, little more has been done than to plant stakes and prospect the ledges in the soft spots in order to hold on at the least possible cost in the idea of devel opment. "This may hold the claim for time eternal, but in the end it butchers the claim and reduces it to an unsalable condition, and as copper lives best in the hard rock, the harder the hetter for stability. It requires sound judgment to gain a good result tor every dollar that is exended from time to time on assessments or otherwise. "I would say to the business men of this vicinity that they do not know of the rich reward that lies at their door. They have all to gain and little to lose when good judgment is enlisted in a mining venture, and T repeat that there aro more failures in mining from the effects of cold feet than is due to any other fault. But the business man of any venture must pave the way to gain the confidence of capital to invest, and this cannot be done till you show cap ital that a prospective mining prospect contains more than a hole in the ground surrounded by stakes. A prospector can do little. It. remains for the mid dle business man to scrape the surface as a guide to invest to men with mon ey . "What the people of this vicinity need to do is to get in the Blue Ledge camp and open up the maney prospects, so that capital will come and open up the country in a big way. Capital sel dom takes hold when the buainesn of a town will not venture a dollar to pave the way. "A lively mining camp is the best market on earth. A thousaud things are required ami the transit travel is a harvest in itself. Can Med ford and other towns afford to play the lag gardf MRS. E. H. HARRIMAN VISITED CRATER LAKE BUTTE FAUX ITEMS. KIWI VTIT FALLS. Or.. August 2(1. Mrs. K. H. Harrimj'n, daughter Miss Carol, and mn Roland, together with a number of the other guests at Peli- can Bay, went to Crater uokc r ruiny and remained over night at the Hteel camp. They made the trip in an auto mobile. Claspill & Wheeler have nearly com pleted a fine store building. A moving picture exhibition is billed for Wednesday nt Butte Falls. Ifev. Mr. Owens held church services at the schoolhonse Sunday night, which were largely attended. A slight forest fire is raging near the Derby hills, as also one a little southeast of Butte Falls. .Tack True has a large crew of men at work on the Browns boro road and will soon change to another point, Charley Obenchain was u visitor at the Roumltop mill on Sunday. What is the attraction over there for Charley? Mrs. . W. Albert has opened a fine restaurant,-which will be largely pat ronized bv the local and traveling pub lic. B. IT. Harris has gono to Portland on mill business. Mr. Harris will stop n few days at Xewport on his return trip. The huckleberry crop is said to be very large and many of our people talk of going out to gather this de licious fruit. Butte Falls Lumber company is fur nishing the county with bridge timber for tho repairs of the county bridges near Brownsboro. Tt is rumored that C. P. Briggs has purchased the store building of 11. T. Tiichards.. Mr. Briggs has erected a fine barn on the lot lately bought. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon of Tiogue Riv er are visiting John Obenchain and family. Mrs. Gordon is their daughter. Mr. Gordon has since left nnd gone to Wyoming to view the country. Some of our woodsmen got lost late ly in the mountains and camped out, but found their benrings next mnrning and came into tho Falls O. K. Work on tho new schoolhouse is be ing pushed to completion very rapid ly. This will be one of the finest schoolhouses in the country in the coun ty districts. Superintendent Wells should come up and see us, ns well :i the building, which reflects credit upon the school interests. Xow that Judge Neil has so kindly and properly taken the "Geppart cordu roy bridge in hand and is having it repaired, we suggest that from Gep- pcrt up them is not a safe bridge for several miles. When these bridges are built the boards should be spiked to tho side supports and not left to flap about aad fly up. We expect some thing done with these defective and dangerous crossings, ns also tho large rocks and boulders which encumber the main highwav. We thank Judge Xeil nnd the commissioners for their promjft response to our suggestions. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Walter Williams of Sacramento is in town shaking hands with old friends. "Mrs. Myrtle Lawton Forbes of Tal cut is making Miss lssie McCully a visit. Miss Mervyna Kenney has returned from a week s visit with Med ford friends. Mrs. C. L. Ileames was among those who went up from here to spend Sunday at Colestin. Mrs. R. B. Bow, who has been at Klamath hot springs, returned Satur day evening after an absence of two Weeks. W. It. Coleman returned from Dead Indian, where he has been camped for a numher of weeks. His family will remnin a while longer. NOTICK. Notice is hereby given that my wife, Mrs. L. L. Jacobs, will have charge of my city treasurer s business during iny ! trip east; she will have authority to receipt for monoys and protest city warrants and other matters portainiug to said office She will be at the city recorder's of fice from 10 o'clock a. m. to 4 o'clock p. m. each day aad all who wish to pay their street paving assessments can do so by calling at tho recorder's office during hours as stated above. Dated at Medford this 2fith day of August, 1908. Ij. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer of Medford, Oregon. NOTICE OF ELECTION Bo it resolved, by the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, that a special election be and the same is here by called, to be held on tho 31st day of August 1!)0S, at the hours provided by law, for tho purpose of submitting to the people of said city a proposed measure granting to F. J. Blakeley a franchise to operate in the city of Med ford a street railway upon the terms and conditions therein mentioned, and such other measures ns may legally bo submitted at said election. Tho follow ing polling places, judgos und clerks of said election are hereby designated: First ward Ptlling place, old city hall, over Haskins' drug store. Judge, Georgo A. Jackson. Judge and clerk. F. M. Gordan. Judge and clerk, F. Oscnbrnggc. Second ward Polling place, Hotel Nash. Judge, V. J. Emurick. Judge and clerk, n. II. Harvey. Judge and clerk, D. G. Karnes. Third ward Polling place, c.ily hall. Judge, A. T. Dnsko. Judge and clerk, F. M. Stewart. Judge and clerk, O. E. Collins. And that notice thereof be given as required by law and the ordinances of said city. The foregoing resolution was passed by the pit! council this 13th day of August, 1 i0S by tho following vote, to wit: Olwell aye, Merrick aye, Trow bridge aye, Wortman aye Eifert aye, and Hafer aye. Approved by the mayor this 13th day of August, IflOS. J. F. REDDY, Mayor. Attest: B K NX M. COLLINS, 140 City Recorder. The Big Sale Is Drawing to a Close! Many have taken advantage of the bargains we have offered, and supplied themselves with Shoes, Oxfords, Etc. We have u number of pairs of Oxfords, which we will sell at $1 - One Dollar - $1 per pair. Oilier bargains equally as good. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity. Only a few more days left. Come early, as these goods will go fast. SMITH & M0L0NY Announcemen t to the Public I WISH TO AN NOUN OK TO MY MANY KIM KNPS AY HO 11AYK KA YOb'KP MK WITH TIfKI R, PATUONAOK DURING T1IK YEARS 'PI TAT I IfAVK BETCN EXUAQEP'j IN THE I I Al? DAY ARK 1UISINKSS IN MKDKORD 'PI TAT I HAVE SOLD MY STORK, TOGETH ER WTT1T THE LARGE STOCK OF HARD AY ARB At ERCILVN DISK, TO THE MEDFORD HARDWARE OO. FOR. MY SUCCESSORS, AY1 10 WILL CON DUCT THE RITSTNESS IN THE SAME HON EST AND STRAIGHTFORWARD POLICY AVIITOH: I HAVE ALAVAYS ENDEAVORED TO MAINTAIN, I RESPECTFULLY ASK 'I'll K CONTINUATION OF THE TRADE OF MY MANY CUSTOMERS. VERY RES PECTFU LLY, IT. 13. ROYDEN. THE MEDEOIW DAILY TRIBUNE HAS THE BEST NEWS SERVICE IN SOUTHERN OREGON. Medford Tribvno, 30e per mourn. ASHLAND COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Ashland, Oregon. Thorough, practical training In commercial, ahorthand and English branches. Our bik'li-rlam training in proverbial, mir facilitiea for (.lacing jjraduntea is nut unrjiansed. and the smallnew of the ex.cnc in neruring mica an education bore is appreciated. SPECIAL OFFER FOR 1HW-10. All student who secure a nine month' w hohri.liip and enter at the bcginninii of the term, S'ptemlwr 7th, will be entitled to the combined course commercial, shorthand and English to July 1, &t9. Ten month of expert, practical, indi vidual instruction for $00.00. Investigate and at'id the ASTTLAXP COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. ANOTHER Man Separated From His Wife! Who Is Responsible? We refer to a man who lives here and keeps his family in Portland because he cannot find a house for them in Medford. This is bad for him and bad for Medford. The real estate men tell us they cannot supply half the demand for houses. We will furnish the LUMBER, LATH, SI UNCLES and CKMKNT, if somone will get busy and build a few more houses to rent Crater Lake Lumber Co, MEDFORD, OREGON Oak Park Addition On railroad on the AYest Side, north of depot grounds and conveniently located for business men seeking home sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale choap, on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer building inducements to anvone wishing to make the right kind frf improvements. AVhy go out to the faraway suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot situated where au advance in price is assured, and where the first benefit will be derived from the completion of th railroad to the timber? It pays to figure on such investments in a live town like Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look lik a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For full particulars apply to the Rogue River Land Comp'y Exhibit Building BIJOU THEATRE TONIGHT AND THURSDAY "l-OI( TIIK HA K K OP A CHOWN" lliuuliful drama of tho 14th cen tury. "A VICTIM OF II IS HONEST Y " "TIIK DKTKHMINKD I.OVEHS" Where there's a will there ' a way Mr. Clyde will sing the beautiful illustrated ballad, "AT THE OLD cnosa no ads." Admission 10 cents. i Q O