Social arid-0 iy Tribune MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR EG OX, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 1908. I WALKS MILE AND A HALF WITH ARM CUT OFF peb is a Live Town- j& every evening except Sundav. jiD PUBLISHING COMPANY Oeorge "Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fie e at . Med ford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One month, by mail or carrier. . . .$0.50 Oa .rear, by mail. . . .5.00 City ffubac libera who desire The Tribune mailed to them at summer resort or other out-of-town place will please notify the office, giv- lng city address and the length of time they desire paper sent to Dew address. On returning, please notify office In order that service by earner may be promptly resumed. THE A VI' LEG A TE VIIOVOSITION. It is hoped that the water committee will leave its first 1 I .1. i II . II lull-, t usftuji cainon, King cimiign lo llioroilglliy UlVCSIl gate me proposition made by the fsterJiiig ..Mining com pany to supply water from the Little Applogatc. If the water is there in the ipiantity and quality claimed and can lie delivered in a satisfactory manner and satisfactory bond secured, there is no good reason why the city should pay $2),i): for from J 50 to 175 inches in Wasson canyon ($247,05:3 for pipeline, $25,000 for Wasson canyon water rights, $!)()0 for fencing intake and f'SOOO for rights of way), when 500 inches of equally as good water can be obtained for 2:50,000, or 15,000 less. Furthermore, the 500 inches secured will enable the city to sell water to both Jacksonville and Central Point, besides for irrigation purposes. Jacksonville will probably bond for $50,000 for an adequate supply, and so will Cen tral Point. While the city cannot issue bonds to supply other places, after the water is secured it can be sold, even it necessary to pass a special act of the legislature for the purpose. The sale of this water will eventually reduce the cost of the system to Medford by ,$100,000 to !fl;jU,WUO ironi the .2:J0,000 first cost. One thing is certain, the present bond issue is not suf ficient to secure the water from Wasson canvmi. .miin.lo J - -J '.tJ..V, inontod by other supply, as it will have to he, and more bonds cannot he issued. The bond buyers cannot object as long as tne system is a gravity system. iiOH.VUkOUK. Lai., August 20. A txmu uatntd Ttiuniu Watsoa. ued about -2 years, fell tivm a freight tram near Lure Saturday bight. His kit arm was ! nearly cut off, only bunging by a small j piece of flesh ou the under bide. His shouldt-r was baldly bruised, and his ' head cut iu many places. Xutwithstand- J nitf this, he walked a mile and a half after the ut-cidi-iit, when another freight train 'following picked him up and brought him here, where he was given medical attention. He luiit been sent to the county hospital. After arriving here be gave another, exhibitiiia of m-rve and sand. It is the custom of the train crew to stop at the water tank nbovo town. Tin was done Saturday morning, instead of taking the unfortunate man on to the depot, where be could receive imiim.t attention. He got down from the train, and takiitL' the (lamline left nrm in his right hand walked the Ifoo yards unassisted. The netinn of the crew was much criticized. Watson's relative have been com municatcd with at Loomis, Wash. The doctor says with his Hpleudid courage In- will recover. LUKE LAUNCH j KENNETT MAN KILLS BOB OAT WEIGHING 60 POUNDS IS WRECKED Will G. Large Lake Steel Reports Crowds at the IT'S NEWS TO MEDFOIU). The following mass of misinformation is supplied edi torially by the Eugene .Register under the caption ".Med ford 's Experience : " "The busy, thriving city of JUedford has a gravity sys tem, but the fatal mistake was made of taking water'from a small, inadequate stream, with the result that the creek w comparatively dry, the city is without fire protection and now at a big expense the city is compelled to hunt a Jiew source ol supply. "The Albany Herald u notes Mrs. I) All,... i...i ford, who is visiting Albany friends, and from information received from her. speaks of the situation in her home town us iouows: " 'Medford has voted bonds for the establishing of a thorough water plant, and they of the thriving cit v are do ing their utmost to complete the same. ' " " 'At this time they see the neeessitv of a permanent water supply. They are without this important factor at present. Deer creek is dry, and as that was the onlv source tor water, it leaves Medford in a rather difficult posi tion. " 1 Medford is not without water and not without fire pro tection. It does not h.m. . ,r...,. i. . i . ".' --mi-mi. i eer creek ,lul n,,! source ot supply, but Bear creek, lint all these calamities nm.lit 1...,, ...... .... i ...n ... ;r., .. ... " "i r"1 Mm worse if the city spends $300,000 to secure water from small and . ... uequiiic springs, when the back country is ribboned with ji-.ii mere anu streams. .'ESTi.Xt; WITH DEATH. "tione, never to l'l'tini. " i ti... 1 n:.. . . ., i,..Ar,ic i-i, , "-.mmic 10 ine item in he Medford Mad ,n reference to the shipping of the bodv , ; V 101 ",,n;"- 111,1 ''''vtunstances s,u -unu, g .u . .v-.kes decease were such as to excite the sympathy ot the community; h for the man himself ...... j.. lau.i.y. yet the newspaper which poses as the v, ........ ,,r i . 1 ... .. . ;l, a.s-,r ollu-rs-s.vs fit to head the ,W -o "' ,,,',i,r,,,lv " "! "'"1 mourn ing family with a line that re:.,ls 1,1,-. .. ,,i ... : ... . Ibis is the second time within the past few weeks that ,.,. nnmorous at the expense of the dead even a poor grief-stricken widow fails to escape the shaft of its scintillating humor. New Cases. I A. r A M Uoortfo William Stevens v. Hanker., Work in the third ,l,vr,.,.' Fri,lv ,,.. "int;. August is. H),is. Members ml '.iiitrniiiK brothers invited. '17 v. rrnniN, w. m " - " Kt'ierra I.if rnniiuinv; arlinn l, r ..- rr monpv. ColviK & Ourlinm. attnrii,.vi for plaintiff. St. Ilrvnii v. Wi-Hlcrn Or.hnr.l , , pany; art inn to rocovor mnncv. W. I'. I'hipp, att.irnr.T f,.r plaintiff. Donglaa ( ouiu.i hr.nk v. I). lir. rvi i.t tl r,.,.i-,., mo,,...v. Kuli.rton Orcutt, alturnoya for plniniiff. One pri,-,. (0 all, , ,,, iri.p nil .' im me ,'xira piN.nai of the onMit l.iiKiii.'n.. H.-K.inninK Septenihrr 1. the M.sf..r.l rompanv Kill R,. for eai.1. ami ,. for le. M.ller, Kwl.ank .V t'ulp. . FISHING SEASON CLOSED AT NOON TODAY ASTOH1A. Or.. AuLMint 21. At noon today the iHliiiif season on the Colum bia river will be at an end ami the pack is belter than was nntieipated earlier ill the season. Iteilueeil to a basis of eanned fish, the Benson's total park is :i.'l"i,lti0 run. On a basis of four dozen one-ponnds to a rase, which estimate " KLAMATH FALLS, Or., August 26. Will 0.. Steel is in the eity from Cra ter Lake. He report:! the lusa of his small gasoline lanu.-h. A severe storm occurred on the lake one night last neck during which the launch broke loose from its moorings and was dashed against the r.K-ks, wrecking it so bad ly that it cannot be repaired. The en gine was removed from the wreck nml will probably be used iu another boat or in the old ono if it is rebuilt. He says travel has been very lively for the past few weeks. He now has accommodations at his camp for about 20 people and says his place has been taxed to its utmost capacity every night during the past fen- weeks and that aside from this hundreds of people eume und go, bringing with them their own ramp equipment. now has a large shipment of bed- KLXXt'TT. Ca!., August 20. War ren U. Jt lias th record for killing tU0 lariat bob cat tuat hn been seen in this district for aeveral years. Sirs. Roor discovered the animal lying flat upon a large rock near their cabin o..n Squav creek. A well directed shot brought the big fellow low. He weighed 00 pouuds. The week before he had made way with u large 12-pound I'ly rently -back to see what more he cuuld mouth Hock rooster, aud be was nppa-et. He ..... ... . ' , . .urge hiiii iu or neu difficult to annroxiinate. but the onlv .li... .- ,, - , h iuuiiiib ,,oiii -uciiioru ana witn one , reMWlK(Ml, thn total ,Wt.k , in a f,.w (ava h. will ho i a position in canti for the wanon was 2i3.3('tn. or t i i IM.nnu more than last ytMir. nn.l the mil.l ,,f tr:.v,...r- f.., ..t , , . . " ". I'll- Miiruii- urr cured pack was -f!.u tierces f about visiting the lake since thev can get nc S(M) pound each on the first l.ackillL'. cunini,lli,,.w t I ".i, ..".. ami the sharn frozen steelhi'llds I ., , , , , ' l mm u-ai mail n nas gated ... tons. ,,... .i,,.;.,,, .... ., Gorham Sterling Silver and Hawke's Cut Glass Nothing nicer for a present. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postoffice Fine Watch and Jewelry Eopalring a Specialty. OR1P THE WOULD' -.-Vis. J MOORF.S.SONS. OCNTON.S. LONDON, tNCLANtt CAt-DW C LL A Co 5.. SoS.w NEW YORK. TWtEN HATS Tor TWEF.N HEADS In T WEEN SIZES. Are you one of those unfortunate individuals that possesses a head which does not exactly fit the usual standard sizes in Stiff Hals? That is, you find one size is a little too small, and the next size a little too large, and your Hatter has to either STRETCH or PAD a hat to fit you. If so, you are the man we want. You have got a "Tween" Head, and you want a hat that is "Between sizes." Hick aie the but hats in the wortdWe have beeo .elected a. selling agents for this city. "THE TOGGERY" MEDFORD' S FASHION STORE FOR MEN. . Notice to Water Consumers Owing to the scarcity of water supply, it is ordered that no city water be used for ir igation or sprinkling except between the hours of 6 and 8 o'clock a. m. and 7 and 8 o'clock p. in. until otherwise ordered by the water committee. ; Violation of this order by any consumer will result in said consumer's supply being forthwith shut off. By order of the Water Committee of the Citv Council of Medford, Oregon. Dated August 15, 1908. Why Not Iron in Comfort? No reason to be uncomfortable in a but, stuffy kitchen. You can take your Eleofxie Iron to any part of the house where there is a light socket. FOR BARGAINS IN REAl ESTATE CALL OX H. M. COSS Corxkr Wkst Tknth and K Strkkks City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land, Hay Land Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable aud easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta tion to and from all tracts, Office in residence. No coiiim ssion business. I buy and sell direct. An extension cord from thi kitclu-n light will enable yon to use it on the porch. State Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $116,000.00 YOU NEED PROTECTION- FOB YOUR VALUABLES if you have not already put them where they are safe. Any ordinary receptacle, anch as trunk, box or drawer, is con stantly in danger of being burned or robbed. Secure absolute protection for your valuables by piecing them in the fire and burglar proof vault of the Jackson County Bank, where you can rent a safe deposit box for $4 and up per year. Finest equipment in southern Oregon. W. I. VAWTER, President O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier Bargains in Pianos I have a few fine Pianos left that I will sell at a bargain. Call at my office iu residence, comer West lentil and K Streets. H. M. COSS Telephone Main 855 and have an Electric Iron sent you on one week's free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Office 200 West Seventh St., Opposite Big Electric Sign. THE BEST THAT'S GOING. can always be had at the Nash Cafe. All seasonable delicacies and all that is appetizing. Our service is prompt and ellicient, and our cooking cannot be ex celled. One meal will convince you that we are friends you can tie to. Nash Buffet A Money Saver MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Frames, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including tnmed work and fancy grill.. p. BETWEEN 6TH AND .7TH STS I HONE 63. Oregon Builders Are you doing what you can to populate your State ? We fully reulizo that there is a ma jority of people who always wish the very best. These people are wise Th best is always tho cheapest in the long run. Especially is this true of our "PURE WHITE" FLOUR, in so much as any housewife who has tried it knows that it makes many moreloaves to the sack than ordinary flour. Don't be penny wise and pound foolish, but buy the best flour, i. e., "Pure White," of Allen 6 Reagan I THE GROCERY ON THE CORNER OI1KOON NKKI.S 1-Kori.l:- ..,... , f:ir,rs. , "..r.-h:,t. , ,rk,. p,,,,,,,, ,vitl, ,,,. r,1(. ,i:in.,, witling Southern Pacific Company (Lines in Oregon.) 'n'!" "Vyr" " fr attribution , i,i,i,,. or,,,,,, .,- S1.,ii, . ,m, ,,, :;,liirs if l k f , who r,. hKolv .,, .o i,,,..r,t,a , , ,t:iu; Nv wilil ui'n-ov'" "f -'I'K '" ! ,:,.-r,nn .bout onoitMS trom th Ka,t t all p, i Or,-,,,,,. The f,lr,,, fr, a " princip.-.l ,-ni,., ilr(. From l.(,iiisvill,..f1.70 From Ciiiciiui.-iti. J.'JO ! rout Clovt'land.. -II ! roii i New York. ".-.oo From Denver !;)0.00 From Onialwi 'AO.m From Kansas Ci(y 30. M From St. li()uis. ' X..00 From Cliicauo. . . ;?S.OO TICKETS CAN BE PREPAID. If v.mi want t,. brine a fri.Mid or relativ,. Oreson. ,l,-iit th r.....r amonnt with any f our ap-nt: Tl- ti.-k.-t 'will then b- fur nuh.-.l by l.'1(;raih. A. S. KOSKMIAI M. Mlf,,r,l. Or., Local AK,.,, WM. M 'Ml'KHAV, tienernl l'a..,1f,.. A,.,,,,,, Ir;a,i, Or. ABOUT August 15 we 'will be ready to soil tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at $3.00 per tier, delivered, or ?2.00 per tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tie-r wood, at ?1.50 per tier at the rauch or ?2.S0 per tier delivered. For all necessary infornia-! tion apply to J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J- A. PERRY, Vice-President. JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cftshier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, PR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to lient. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage TAKE Look Uptodate By having ns make you a perfect fit ting suit. The way we fit tho collar and shoulders in a revelation New Fall Goods are arriving daily in all the latest shades. w. CITY TAILOR French Pry Cleaning and Pressing neatly doue. W. EIFERT MEDFORD WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Yedford, Onus PERKINS & JANNEY ARCHITECTS AND EXO INFERS Plans. Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. U.Min.1 28-20, Jackson County Bank Building. CP iir