Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 25, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Papehol a Live Town.
: What Papers Say :
Puliisi! every evening except Sunday.
GeojE Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Classified Advertisements
Admitted a Second-Cltss Matter in the Postoffice at
Medford, Oregon.
One month, by mail or carrier ... .$0.50 Ok rear, by mail $5.00
City subscribers who desire The Tribune mailed to them at summer
resorts or other out-of-town place s will please notify the office, giv
ing city address and the length of time they desire paper sent to
new address. On returning, please notify office in order that service
by carrier may be promptly rosumed.
From the preliminary report of tho
cummimiioner of internal revenue it in
apparent that tho conmimption of whis
ky and other ardent spirits is on the
decrease and that the consumption of
beer is increasing- During the fiscal
year which ended on June .'to lant,
$131,789,241! was paid to the govern
ment as revenue on whisky and other
spirit ous liquors. For tho year pre
vious $147,550,281 was paid, a loss in
revenue of $.r,7it7,0.'JH. Thero was dis
tilled during tho year which ended June
30 last, 110,808,402 gallons of distilled!
spirits, a decrease over the previous
year of 14,333,072 gallons,
During the past year fH,747,(!sO bar
rels of beer, ale, etc., were made, a gain
of 201,$. At over tho preceding year. On
this boer, alo, etc., the government re
ceived as revenue tho sum of $iN,747,
fiSO, a gain of $201,fjlJJ.
Tho receipts from all sourm-H of in
ternal revenue for tho year aggregated
$2r,(m.'(9.r0, being a decrease of $17,
"98,072 from the receipts for the fiscal
year which ended Juno 30, 1007.
Tobacco of all sorts yielded a n-v
enno of $10,8(12, 7.1 1, a loss of $1,048,
315, tho figures of the year which end
ed June 30, 1907, being $;1(H1 l.milt.
This year cigars contributed a total sum
of $20,714,270; little cigars. $.r,4r.,o.piO,
nnd cigarettes $4,879,310, and tobacco
of other kinds, including chewing ami
smoking, $21,840,502.
Oleomnrgarino paid revenue to the
ox tent of $or4,3o4, a gnin of $00,003
over the previous year. This represents
79,107,302 pounds consumed.
Renovated butter was a close sec
ond to oleomargarine, .10,240,708 pounds i
being manufactured, upon wliieh $12-"i,
tin I revenue was paid.
Pilled cheese paid $1271; mixed flour,
$2380. Playing cards were taxed for
$M9,810, a loss of $112,904 for the pre
reding year.
in desolving the injunction sued out
by the liquor interests of Independence
to prevent the county court of Polk
county form making an order declar
ing Polk county dry as the result of the
last Juno election Judge Calloway in
open court at Dallas last week took
jiint the opposite view of the const rue
lion of the state statutes to that of
Judge II. K. (fauna, of the circuit court
for Jackson county when tho latter
ruled that the charter of Medford,
which gave the citv exclusive control
and regulation of the liquor traffic
and repealed all laws in conflict with
its provisions, took precedence over the
local option law.
The Medford cast is taken up to the
Hiiprcine court on appeal of the dryB,
and notice of appeal from tho decision
of Judge Calloway in the independence
rase has been given by the wets. The
decision of the supreme court in both
those cases, the Independence case being
identical to that of Medford, will doubt
lens be watrhed with much interest on
the part of both tho wet and dry ele
meats of the .state. Judge (ialloway
also sustained the motion of the defend
ant, county court of Polk count v. to
lissolve the injunction sued out bv the
liquor interests of Dallas.
The Dallas in junction suit was based
upon the question of local option and
the legality of the local option law
itself upon several grounds, tho priu
pal one of which was that the title
the Act cont ins over 200 words and
that initiative and referendum ainenc:
meat to the const if at ion provides that
the title shall contain no more than 200
a. arson oi huh city repre
nled the plaintiffs in ln.Hi cases and
District Attorney John II. McN'arv un
penned on behalf of the state. Doth
cases will probably be nppenled; the
defendants in the Dallas case having
mx months in which to perfect
appeal Statesman.
CHTOO, Oil., August 2."i. The board
of education met this morning at 9
o'clock for tho purposo of acting upon
a petition presented by li. O. Rolls, locnl
agent for the f'alifornia Fruit ( 'a liners'
association, nnd signed generally by the
fruit men of tne district, asking that
the public schools of the city including
the Chico high cshool, pnstpoue their
dato of opening two weeks in order
that tho services of the children for
that period may bo secured.
Tho hoard agreed to postpone the
opening of the primnry and grammar
schools one wmtk, making September
14 the opening day. It was decided
not to delay the opening of the high
school, which will be on September 7,
fin there are but 12 high school students
working in the fruit. These will be,
privileged to make up for the lost timel
if they continue working in the can
neries or packing houses.
About one-half of tho school chll
dren employed in tho ennnery nre said
to be from the normnl trnhiing school,
so the n arm n 1 t rns t ees will be asked
to postpone the reopening of this school.
Thr regulnr date of opening of the
primary nnd grnmmar schools of the
city hns been the first Monday in Sep
teiaber, which this year falls on Sep
torn her 7. Not for a long period of
time have the school authorities been
nailed upon to jwntpono the opening of
the schools in order that the children
may work in the canneries, but this
yesr, because of the extra heavy crop
of peaches, which fruit comes in large
quantities to the canneries, the cor
porntions feel that they are called upon
to retain the school children two addi
tlonal weeks. Seven days ago a hi in i
!ar petition was granted bv the board
of education.
A I.liA . , Or., August 2,1. Chief of
Police Hies milled and captured all the
equipment ol a full fledged blind pig
late this afternoon. The joint was be
mg run by l. Kennedy and Frank
Alhrecht and was well supplied witli
all kinds of intoxicating liquors. About
a dray load ot hooze was captured am
taken as evidence.
Ahonl ten men were in the pig drink
mg at the time the raid was made In
itio officers. The captured men are out
on bail and will have their hearing
.M outlay.
Sheriff Smith assisted Chief IfiN
raiding the blind pig. They discovered
thnt booze was shipped into Albaav in
bulter boxes, consisting of bottled be
io narrem or wmsKV ami port wine.
CHICAGO, August 2J. William J
nrynn. with a party of leaders, left
here at noon today for Indinnnpolis to
attend the Kern notification ceremonies
tomorrow. Pryan today issued a state
meat urging the organization of dem
oeratie clubs throughout the country
declaring while the raising ol
funds is necessary, the best eontrihn
tioa that can be made to the parly i
service nnd cooperation. He spoke op
nmiHtieaUy of the situation and the
outlook nad said:
"I am glad to know that our work
is so well si art. 'd and in such good
hands. "
LOS ANOKLKS. August 2 Final
arrangements have been made for an
nil day nud all night bank in I,os An
gcles, for this community a departure I I I
MKXICO CITV. X. M., August 21.
.Many peopi,. ho formerly traveled m,
class on Mexivan railwavs will be
I forced hereafter lo travel (lrsl class and
I pay 2'. .Tins Kold per mile as against
s. i he second class fare. It
in bs nkilig, was announced that the Mexican gov
Tim new institution to be known as eminent has granted nearlv all the rail
tho All day and All night Hank, will! roads in Mexico the privilege of abol
open for business not later than Septem filing the third . lass coaches that have
her 10, The authorised capital of the hen so popular and liberally patron
bank in $2.10.000 ami by tho time the
bank opens It is said $100,000 will be The Vera Crur. line running from this
pnid in. The organization of the new
bank has. ben in the hands of Newton
J. Skinner, who hns been tunned as the
president of the institution. Skinner
was organixer of the Dank of Southern i
California, nnd was its vice president
until about a year ngo.
The new institution will bp a com
mercial bank and will pny interest on
savings. There will also lie a safe de
posit department. The bank will be
open at all hours of the night and day
except from midnight Saturday until 7
o'clock Moiidny morning
city to Vera Crux through a populous
country is the only line to continue the
third class conches. Figures show that
passenger who formerly rode second
elnss ;,r,. taking first class coaches.
The revenue of the roads has been ,
greatly increase.! hy the new arrange
Although there has been much out
cry from certain banking interest a-
gainst the Bryan policv of guaranteeing
deposits through an imposition of a
clight tax upon tho total amount of the
deposits, the plan has worked well in
Oklahoma, whero it hns been in opera
tion since last February.
Astatement by the banking board of
the new state at the close of Juno shows
that while the unsecured banks, all of
the National, had bmt deposits to the
extent of $000,000, those National
banks which had come under the opera
tion of the law had gained in deposits
lo the extent of $ii45,n0o. And the
state banks, all of which were secured,
reported a total net increase in deposits
..r $3(SK.OOO.
Taft nhs attacked this policy, which
eoiistitufen one of the planks of the
National democratic platform, but it
certainly wins favor from the public,
and is destined to grow in popularity.
Admitting that it imposes a slight bur
den tin po the ban king busi gen
erally the eax required is so very small
as to be virtually inappreciable. And
the benefits far more than compensate
for the costs, not alone to tho depositors
but to the banks as well, which are
large gainers through the confidence
such n law inspires, especially during
periods of stringency and panic.
Some months ago, when a bank failed
in Oklahoma, the stato banking board
took charge and announced Its readi
chh to make immediate payment in
full to every depositor. Tho money
for the purpose was available in the
state treasury , from the small tax I
ied upon tho banks for that especial
purpose, although tho institution which
failed was almost destitute of cash,
II:ul there been no state guaranty fund
the one failure might have precipi
tatwl a general panic, in which nil the
banks would have suffered henvilv, ns
II as the public.
this Oklahoma law, embodying the
Bryan policy, is somewhat simitar in
um to that feature of the National
Banking Act which guarantees full
payment of the notes issued bv the
National banks. National bankers make
no objection to that provision, however
much any of them may be opposed to
tne isrviin idea of protecting deposit
irs against loss. Hut whv should not
depositors bo protected, as well as the
holders of bank notes.
So long as National banks are per
mileii to isue paper money, instead of
the government, there is no sound rea
son for the requirment that, their notes
shall be ho secured that the holders c
noi lose. Ami there is even greater
reason lot laws to protect depositors
One Cent a Word No single inaer
tions less than 15 cents. Six insertions
foi the price of four. Seventy-five
cents a line per montn.
Contractors and Builders.
Ail Work Guaranteed.
Office with 0. H. Pierce Sou.
Phone 653. P. 0. Box. 77L
FOR SALK Bartk-tt pears, free from
worms, at The Buckeye Orchards, one
mile northwest of Talent. 139
FOR SALE Dry cordwuod, pine, fir,
ouk and laurel. F. Oijenbrugge, Stude
baker Bros.' warehouse.
FoR SALK A good small Lmsimra on
Seventh street. Kc-acous for celling.
Address, I. O. box 512 or call at this
office. tf
If you have lost or found I
l1. . 1 1 1 l
unyuung, neea worn, or nave .
something to sell, it doesn't ;
matter what vou want is, try
n Want Ad in The Tribune.'
I'OK SALE At u snap. Two first-class
building lots facing new Catholic
school; one-quarter cash takes them.
Address liox 5US.
FOR SALK Six good placer claims,
at one-half what thoy are worth; will
tuko good work team as part payment.
M. It. Jloorc, Medford, Or. 142
I'OK SALE A Barred Plymouth roost
cr, thoroughbred, 13 months old. Ad
dress P. O. Box 572, Medford.
Office of City Treasurer, Medford,
Oregon, August 20th, 190S.
Notice is hereby given that there are
funds in tho eity treasury for the re
demption of all light and water fund
warrants from Nos. 1352 to 1374, inclu
sive, protested December 5th, 1907.
Interest will cease after the above
date. ' 134
L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer.
FOK SALE Residence property; 7
rooms and bath, city water, electric
lights, sewer connection. F. C. Pago.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa., August 25.
'he iiiinoiinccu t Hint .Miss Mmiraret
Drexel, ililllghler of Colonel and Mrs.
. .1. Drexel of this city, and rriciiiiiir
belle of 1 lonfi has thrown to the
winds proposals of ninrriaire from
I'ronch, Spanish, tlermnn and Italian
nobility I pledged herself to Lord
llerherl Vane Tempest is tho chief topic
IihciissihI in society today.
In Hie same aiinoui nt it is said
that her eiiiraL-ement to the Km.lisli
oni will he announced in September.
.mil tempest is the Drexels' closest
mend in London nnd is Colonel Drex
associate in several Mexican mill
ng deals. He lives in a mansion nil
joining the Drexel homo nnd is report
to be weallliv.
FOR SALE 15 choice lots, five min
uies irorn depot, near school; easy
terms, f. c. Page.
ruti SALE A quantity of secoond
hand brick. Apply to Young & Hall
Medford. 132
FOR SALE Leading rooming house it:
Medford, location unsurpassed, genu
ine bargain to right party, cash prop
osition only. Write C, Box 508. 132.
EOR SALE Sovonth-street business
property, two-story brick, 50x140; also
230 feet on Seventh street by 50 feet
on Riverside uvenue. F. C. Pago.
TOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the
market now; choice ten-acre tracts,
best location in the valley. L. Nee
oVmoyer, Jacksonville.
r'OIt SALE A first-class pinnola-pia-no;
a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Medford.
KOK SALE A number of pieces of
furniture, including largo range; all
in good condition. Call or address Mrs.
1'arrar, corner SUh and C sts. 134
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the city eonncil
of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the
next meeting for a license to sell spir
itous, vinous and malt liquors in quan
tities less than a gallon for the period
of six months, at his place of business
at lot 15, m block 20, in the city of
Medford, Oregon.
Dated August 12, 1908.
Notice to Water
Owing to the scarcity of water supply, it
is ordered that no city water be used for ir
igation or sprinkling except between the
hours of fi and 8 o'clock a. m. and 7 and 8
o'clock p. in. until otherwise ordered bv the
water committee.
Why Not Iron in Comfort?
No reason to be uncomfortable in
hot, stuffy kitchen.
You can tako your Eleuiic Iron to
any part of the house where there is
a light socket.
An extension cord from the kitchen
light will enable you to use it on the
Telephone Main 855 and have an
Electric Iron Bent you on one week's
froe trial.
Successor to Condor Water Power Co.
Office 206 West Seventh St.,
Opposite Big Electric Sign.
Violation of this order by any consumer
will result in said consumer's supply being
forthwith shut off.
Bv order of the Water Committee of the
Citv Council of Medford, Oregon.
Dated August 15. 1908.
FOR KALE Mild. 4-foot tent: also
tent !l'ix!M., absolutely new. Wm. II.
Rainsfnrd, Medford. 135
I'OK SALE A number of second hand
automobiles of various makes; nil in
good condition; can nrnmgo to accept
ten acres of land as payment for onmu.
C. H. Snyder, Covey Motor Car Co. 133
FOR SALE 14xlS, 4 foot wall tent;
also tent U'-jxfl'X., ubsolutely new.
Win. II. Kainsford, Medford 135
WANTED Japanese, honest worker.
wants situation such as uouso clean
ing and garden work, etc.; city or
country; by month, week, day and
hour. K. Mukayde, care Tatsuini, 7th
street, near bridge, Medford. 155
A Money
.Miss .Margaret Craiiiliea.l and Miss
Etta Taylor of Munsie, liu for Iwo
i-eeks, beginning August 25, will have
lisplny at Van Dyke's a complete
ino of art needlework, consistinir of
unuipcil ami limslieil pillows, table col
ors, centerpieces, waists and under
wear. Free lessons will be iriven mi
II goods sold. 35
A. F. A A. M.
Work in the third degree Friday eve
ning, August 2S, 1 90S. Member's and
sojourning brothers invited.
m prnniv, W. M.
Ho it resolved, by tho citv council of
I lie city of Jledtord, Oregon, that a
special election be and the same is here
by called, to be held on the 31st dav
of August lox, nt the hours provided
by law, for the p.hjkso of submitting
lo tho people of s . d city a proposed
measure Krantiii to F. j. Ulakeley a
franchise to operate in the city of Mod
ford n street railway upon tho terms
and conditions therein mentioned, nnd
such other measures as may legally be
submitted at said election. The follow
ing polling places, judges nnd clerks of
ma election aro hereby designated:
r irst ward Pilline place, old eitv
hall, over Haskins' drug store. Jndiro.
orge A. Jackson. Judge nnd clerk.
M. (Ionian. Judge and clerk. F.
Second ward Polling place. Hotel
Nash. Judge, V. J. Emerick. Judge nnd
lerk, II. 11. Harvev. Judce nnd clerk
D. 0. Karnes.
Third ward Polling place, citv hall.
Judge, A. T. Drisko. Judge and clerk.
M. f-townrt. .Iu.Ito and clerk. ('. E.
:nd that notice thereof be iriven as
required by law nnd the ordinances of
said citv.
The foregoing resolution was passed
bv the citl council this 13th dav of
August, I90S by the following vote,
to wit: Olwell aye, Merrick aye. Trow
bridge aye, Wortman aye, Eifert aye.
ami Kafer ave.
Approved by tho mayor this 13th dav
of August, ions.
J. F. HEDP-Y, Mavor.
HO City Recorder.
Mvlford Tribune, SOc per month
WANTED To trado new steel ranges
for old stoves. Wordoff & Wolf, Eads'
old stand. 153
WANTED Bob factory men, good
wages; high wheel teamstors, $G5 per
month; lumber edgor, $4 per day; good
girl for housework, $35 per month. W.
W. West & Co.
WANTED look at the Hopkins or
chard. Central Point. Telephono Main
!!'''. 137
WANTED A good,
Address Box 51, M
fresh milch cow,
dford, Or.
WANTED To buy a good Remiugtou
typewriter cheap.
We fully realizo that there is a ma
jority of people who always wish the
very best. These people are wiBe. The
best is always the cheapest in the long
run. Especially is this true of our
"PURE WHITE" FLOUR, in so much
as any housewife who has tried it knows
that it makes many moreloaves to the
sack than ordinary flour. Don't be
penny wise and pound foolish, but buy
the best flour, i. e., "Pure White," of
Allen 6 Reagan
State Depositary.
if you have not already put them whore
they are safe. Any ordinary receptacle,
Bi:ch as trunk, box or drawer, is con
stantly in danger of being burned or
Secure absolute protection for your
valuables by placing them in the fire
and burglar proof vault of the Jackson
County Bank, where you can rent a
safe deposit box for $4 and up per year.
Finest equipment in southern Oregon.
W. I. VAWTER, President
O. R. LINDLEY, Cashier
can always he had at the Nash Cafe. '
All seasonable delicacies and all that is
appetizing. Our service is prompt ami
ellieient, and our cooking e.annot be ex
celled. One meal will convince yon that
we are friends you can tie to.
Nash Buffet
August 15 we will be ready
to sell tiered and seasoned
WANTED To buy from 100 to 300
head of stock sheep. Write Box 131,
Medford, Or.
1 1
AddreHB Box 50S, i n4-U n4- Q AA
xij LjUnULlLV tlL peW JtJI
tier, delivered, or ?2.00 per
and Door Frames, Block Wood
Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and
fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS . J HONE 53.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office at Residence.
Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass. Or.
Wm M. Colvn. Medford. Or.
Prices right. Pumps Furnished when
Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers I
Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. W. ;
Conklin 30; J. H. Butler 148. I
tier at the ranch.
Good Rail Wood
Some cedar, sawed into tier
wood, at $1.50 per tier at
the ranch or $2.50 per tier
For all necessary informa
tion apply to
Medford, Oregon.
J. E. ENYART.Presid ent.
J. A. PERRY, Vice-President.
JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS 10,000
Safety Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage
Look Up-to-date
Hy luiviug us make you a perfect fit
ting suit. The way we fit the collar
and shoulders is a revelation New
Pull (loods are arriving daily in all the
latest shades.
French Dry Cleaning and Pressing
neatly done.
Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse,
Pubber Goods
He Ilss No Other Hunnen. '
E. R. SEELY. M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
Equipped Operating
Just received, a complete
Rooms, i j ,
x iint. office Hours. io 12. 24 p. M I '"" "l ""icr oags, syringes
Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. j
When others fail, call on
Eye Specialist.
Office in the Grand Thcnter bldg.
Phone 3.V Seventh and Main.
and everything in the rubber
line, each article guaranteed.
Medford Pharmacy
(arbage of all kinds removed on short , ,P. . ,
dice. Leave orders with chief 0j i B' D'R Store with Little Prices. I
City Scavenger.
Near Poitoffict.
Plans. Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying
in all its branches.
Rooms 28-29, Jackson County Bank Building.