MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, MONDAY. AUGUST 21, TOPS. Social and Personal Ordar your trees fur fall pluut uww. C. F. Cook baa the best. LIS Mrs. Henry Albert of Roxy precim-t is reported to bt quite sick. Dr. Carter spout Sunday with his family, who are camping at Colestiii. William Noah of Sams Valley, the pionerr, at Sat ur Jay to MeJforU. C. 0. HazelriK ami his family have returned from their trip of rustica tion. Full line of extra fine impurUd bulbs lit 1'orllaml prices. ('. F. Cook, the nur sery man. LIS Frank K. Bybee, the well known stuck man, was over from North Jacksonville. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. IS'iidietuu of Table Kork were anions the many in Med ford Saturday. I j. II. Meiys and II. Puhlman of Or chard Hutm transacted business in Med ford Saturday. Jurle 'harlot I 'rim is amoiiK the southern Oregon colony who are so journing at Newport. h, L. Love and W. K. Price, who live near Central Point, transacted business in Medl'ord Saturday. Misses Issie McCully and A ma I in Jtritt of .Jacksonville were amnng their Med ford friends Saturday. Mrs. Fred Cart wriglit, who has been sojourning at Newport during the past fortnight, is at home again. Dr. J. It. Keene and wife have left fnr a visit to Pytun, Or. They expect to lie gone until September -r. Charles Human was over from Ap-pb-gftto Saturday in eompntiy with sev eral other residents of that section. Mr. and Mrs. Mini in McDouogh have returned from a trip to the hills, where they spent their vacation very pleas autly. John F. Miller, postmaster of Jack sonville, accompanied by his partner, Kmil Britt, went to Colestiu Sunday morning. Hoy Fiubbel, who is in charge of the Hogue Hiver Electrical company 's branch store at (irants Pass, has been visiting in Medl'ord. Hereafter nil pensioners will be al lowed the free ns of mails to return their pension vouchers, as the result of an order issued todiiy amending the postal regulnt ions. Mrs. C. K, (lladslone will lecture on South America at the I-'ree Methodist church. Tenth and C streets, on Tuesday evening. An trust -Mi, at X o'clock, Mrs. (lladstone has lived in South Aiuerii-a for manv voars and her lecture will be very interest ing. Scott Davis and family returned yi terdav from an outing at Newport. Tin report a very eniovable vacation amid the cool ocean breezes. Mr. and Mrs, K. N. W'nrnnr leave for Newport this evening and will occupy t he cottage which the Da vises have just vacated. J. V. W'illeke, former councilman from the Kirst ward, and Mr. Mackliu, mi insurance agent, have bought the Mc Clemlon place, located on I'pper Koguc river, and continuing several hundred acres of good laud, paving $10,0110 there for. 'onsiderable stock, farming im piemen ts, etc., were included. Those gentlemen will plant a I arge port ion of the land in fruit trees. (Irace l' Kduuiuds has been given a divorce from ( 'buries II. Kdinuuds, in the slate circuit court for Multnomah county. The defendant failed to ap pear. The testimony offered by his wife put I'Mniunds in a most unenviable light. She said he ha.t been continually cruel, is given to habitual drunkenness, has beaten her, and devotes considern hie of his time to dissolute women. His flirtatious were a subject of constant boast in her presence, she said. Tin parties are well known in Med ford. Superintendent .1. Percy Wells of Jackson county and Superintendent Lin coin Savage of Josephine county have arranged for a joint teachers' institute to be held (ho latter part of October, j probably the 'JSth, 'JOth and :10th. It will be held either here or at Ashland., which has not vet been determined. In addition to local talent. Superintendent Wells is planning to secure foreign Hpcukcrso of note, and it is planned to make the program of more than usual interest to teachers, and all those win are concerned wilh the schools ,tf (h valley. RUSHING TROOPS TO END FINLAND REVOLT HKI.MINUFOR.S, Finland, August -1 Russia is hurrving troops into Finland in anticipation of a general revolt, in cording to informal ion brought to tin citv todav. So far the ion has been carried on secretly, but the fact are now known and have aroused gnat excitement throughout Finland. Officials of this place aie trying t minimie the extent of the military ,.j orations, but thev cannot conceal their conviction that t hey believe the y rut conditions are threatening. The Finnish diet is tin titer around which the present storm is raging, and the early dissolution of t he body b I ho e?.ar is expected to precipitate thoiible, Kiissia evidently views with alarm the strength shown in the UoA by the liberal majority, and leaders of the liberal movement have re p. at edly asserted that they would be inline (1 intely nr rested but for Russia's fear that such n movement would be tie signal for the opening of a campaign wilh which the car is not ready to deal It is now believed Russia pnHf In deprive Finland of its const i tut ion. PROMINENT FRUITMEN EXPECTED TOMORROW W. P. Shirk and W. I. Orvine, prom inent fruit uk ii of MiHsoiiri. will reach this city Tues.lnv on their tnur of the fruit district of the writ. WILL MAKE REPORT ON PEAR BLIGHT WASHINGTON, August 24. The ut-ttutiuu-ff the experts of the bureau of plant industry io the department of agriculture has been called to the claims being made and extensively advertised mCaliforuia relative to an alleged cure fur pear blight. This cure consists in treating the trees with a substance which enters the sap and is said to prevent the de velopment of blight. The claims made for the treatment have been investigat ed by the department experts and or chards which have been under treat ment fur two years by the method have been examined with the result that trees were found to be in very bad con dition with holdover blights. The only effect which the treatment seems to have had on the trees is to retard their growth, and as a result of this blight makes less active developments. AMERICAN HUMORISTS CRACKING JOKES IN DENVER DKNVKIi. Col., August 14. This city is shrouded in darkest gloom today. The American Press Humorists' asso ciation is holding its sixth annual con vent ion here. Lanky humorists, fat humorists and various other brands of funny men are here for the occasion, all wearing fun eral faces and appearing as gleeless as though they were attending a wake. Frank T. Searight of Los Angeles is president of the association. S. K. Ki ser of Chicago is vice president and J. Mortimer Lewis of Houston, Tex., is secretary. Thet chief event of the convention will be a session at which the funny men of the nation will exchange witti cisms and laughable compositions. SIMONEAU, FRIEND OF STEVENSON, DEAD MONTKKKY, Cab, August 24. Jules Simoneau, patron and beloved friend of Hobert Louis Stevenson, and once an interesting figure of California's pioneer history, is dead today at his picturesipM1 home in this city. The end came last night after a lone, illness. Simoneau became famous through the peculiar and admirable friendship that sprang up between him and Stevenson when the greit Knglish novelist came to California for his health. Steven son lived for several months at his lit tle hostelry in the old city of Monterey, ami the two spent many hours each day in conversation and over t he chess- hoard. Since the author's death, Si moncmi's Bohemian restaurant has been the Mecca of Stevenson's admirers. In the volume of travels Stevenson men lions Simoneau wilh great affection. Water for Jacksonville The water question has taken on new light and the prospects are good for u water system for Jacksonville. The proposed sight is in Jackson crek, jiml below the point where Cantrell gulch intersects Jackson crek. The board has investigated tins water supply and were so eni'ou raged thai I hey employed a water engineer to make measurements and survev out a proposed sight for the lam. Mis report will be prepared a:id come before the board at the next meet ing, September I, when, if it be found that tln report is favorable the board will take steps to float a bond issue. 1'osl. Musicians, attention! Wanted, piano, ornet ami clarinet players who are willing to organi.e small orchestra for dance work. AddresH or see ,1. . Wilson, Hale's Music store. 131. TERRIBLE PANIC AFTER STEAMER STRIKES ROCK ItKIUiKX, Norway, August 'Jl.- Pas ngcrs who escaped from the Norwe gian steamer l-olgen rnndcii which sank three minutes after striking near Skon kits today, describe the terrible pan is following t he collision of the boat wit h the rocks and declare that t hey think more than 10 perished. The first report was that not more than that until her had gone down with the ship. Fifteen bodies have been recovered and a search for the remainder is be ing made today. The steamer carried 0 passengers, several of whom were unlives. those who were rescued say that many of those aboard lost control of t heinol'et and b aped overboard be fore lifeboats were lowered. Hunts from shore reached the scene loo late to be of a a V assist a ace. GERMAN AMBASSADOR HAS DIED Of CANCER ItlMil.lN. August '.'I.- I'reiherr Speck voti Stetiiherj,'. the tiermiin nniltussMdor to the I'nited States, died at Meulel berg todav following an operation for cancer. He had suffered a long tine1 :inl the o" t ;it ion was performed as a lieioie lne:inie to remove the cancer, which miik on his face. Itiiiioi vim Stei nberg was bora in Kng land on August 'Jl. 1N.VJ, and became ambassador to the I'uitcil Slates in tssit. The tieimau ambassador was one of the inihl popular member of the dip lomatie set, and his illness had caused iniieli concern. He was one of the most intimate friends of President Ifoosevelt, who ulwnvs addressed him as "Speeky The Harmless von Sternberg was the beautiful Miss l.anghaiu of Kentucky. The siitcr of Arthur O. I.angham of I, on lie. She has I n one of the leading figures in Washington society. si: TTI.K. Wash.. August -.'I.-A I tti.uigh Moore I'ily, Alaska, has been in ashes since July :t, news of it did not reach here until tislay. Passengers nr riving riiim Nome nnd St. Michaels on tin Northwestern brought the report, saying that the rnitod States commis sinner's office, the jail and some shall tics were the only building left. Classified Advertisements Oae Cect a Word No iloglfe Inser tion i less than 16 cents. 8U Insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a line per month. I FOB BALE. FOR 8ALK liartlett pears, free from worms, at The buckeye Orchards, one mile northwest, of Talent. 139 FOR iSALK Dry cordwood, pine, fir, oak and laurel. F. Osenbrugg?, Stude baker ilroa.' warehouse. FOR HALE A good small business on Seventh street. Reasons for celling. Address, 1'. O. box Mii or call at this office. tf FOR SALE At a snap. Two first-class building lots facing new Catholic Bchool ; one-quarter cash takes them. Address Mux 508. FOR BALK Six good placer claims, at one half what they are worth; will take good work team us part payment. M. D. Moore, Medford, Or. 142 FOR SALE A Barred Plymouth roost er, thoroughbred, 15 months old. Ad dress P. O. Box 572, Medford. FOR SALE Residence property; 7 rooms and bath, city water, electric lights, sower connection. F. C. Page. FOR SALE 15 choice lots, five min utes from depot, near bcuooI ; easy terms. F. C. Page. FOR SALE A quantity of Becoond hand brick. Apply to Young & Hall, Medford. 132 FOR SALE Loading rooming house in Medford, location unsurpassed, genu ine bargain to right party, cash prop osition only. Writo C, Box 508. 132. FOR SALE Seventh-street business property, two-story brick, 50x140; also 230 foot on Seventh street by 50 feet on Riverside avenue. F. C. Page. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE A first-class pianola-piano; a bargain. P. O. Box 95, Med ford. FOR SALIC A number of pieces of f urn it tire, including large range; all in good condition. Cull or address Mrs. Farrar, corner !Mh and C sis. 134 FOR SALK 14x18, 4-foot tent; also tent UlixlMf absolutely new. Wm. H. Rainsford, Medford. 135 FOR HALE A number of second hand automobiles of various makes; all in good condition; can arrange to accept ten acres of laud us payment fur name. C 11. Snyder, Covey Motor Car Co. J33 FOR SALK 14xJ8, 4-foot wall tent; also tout 0 ljx9lj, absolutely new. Win. H. Ruiusford, Medford 135 WANTED. WANTKD .luimncHe, honest workor, wnntx nituation such ns house clean tug unci garden work, etc.; city or country; by month, week, dny and hour. K. Mukayilo, enro Tntsmni, 7th street, near bridgo, Medford. 155 WANTKD To trudo new steel ranges for old stoves. Wordoff & Wolf, Kails' old stand. 1511 WANTED Bob factory men, good wages; high wheel teamsters, $05 per month; lumber edger, $4 per day; good girl for housework, $35 per month. W. W. West & Co. WANTKD Cook at Hie Hopkins or chard. Central Point. Telephone Main 1 '.!.-. 1ST WANTKD A good, fresh milch cow. Address Iloi 51, Medford, Or. WANTKD To buy a good Hcmington typewriter cheap. Addross Box 50S, Medford. . WANTKD To buy from 100 to 30(1 bead of stock sheep. Write Boi IM. Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and 8arg?on. Office at Residence. CttGVia k DURHAM, Attorueya-at--fj4W. Ooo. U. Durham, Oranti Pass, Or. Woi M. Colvlf, Medford, Or. J. T. ANKROM," WKLL DIUOKR. MKIiFORD, OH Pricea right. Pumps Pnrnishrd when Wanted. Medford Furniture Co., Undertaken Day phone 353; Night Phones: ('. W. Conklin 36; .1. II. Butler 14S. OO TO DR. GOBLE FOB TOUR OLA8SE& Optical Parlor In Perry Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. " Uo tlaa No Other Busineaa. " E. R. 8EELY. M. D. Phyaician and 8urgoon Mislern Equipped Operating Rooms. X Hay. Office Hours, 10-12, 2 4 P. M. Office lu Jackioo County Bank Bldg. When othera fail, rail on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist. Office in the Orand Theater bldg Phone 35. Seventh and Mnin. o7m."jo-ne8. City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinda removed on short ootieo. Leave orders with chief of police. GRAND HARVEST Read Carefully for There is a Reason Ever since we opened this store we have been running sales. Why? In order that ye might demonstrate to the people of southern Oregon that we eould and would save them, money. The reason for this sale is simple W'e have bought verv heavv fortius fall and must have monev with which to meet our bills m order to save the discounts, which amout to si.c. seven and ciijht per rent for cash. Yon see, if we save these discounts, and turn our stock three times a year, we have saved enough in discounts alone to enable us to sell very close to whole- We Must Raise $4,000 Now In oidcr to pay cash for our goods and save these discounts for our customers, we need 4000 by Sep tember seventh, and in order to show you that we mean every word that goes into our advertisements we have gone through the store and marked almost every line of goods now in the store at prices that average less than the cost of production. SUPPLY YOUR SEEDS FOR PALL NOW and save all the profits and more. SALE COMMENCES TUESDAY MORNING SEE NEXT ISSUE POR FULL PARTICULARS AND PRICES. SEE THE WINDOWS Our Annual August Clearance Sale NOW ON IN FULL BLAST There were many who took advantage of the low prices hist week. This is the second week of the GREAT SALE. Don't delay. Remember, you are saving money for yourself. These goods must be sold to make room for our Winter Stock. Look at these prices. Regular Price. Now. Men's Xettleton Patent Oxfords $6.00 $4.75 Men's Xettleton Tan Oxfords $6.00 ?4.50 Men's Xettleton Viei Kid Oxfords $5.50 $4.25 Men's Xettleton (Junnietal Oxfords $5.50 $4.25 Crawford's Patents, Tans and Gunnietal Oxfords, reg ular price $4.00, now selling at $3.25 Full Double Sole Vici Shoes, reg $4 values, at. .$3.25 Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, now $1.15 Ladies' Patent, Oxfords, $4.00 values, at $2.95 Ladies' Patent and Kid Oxford, $3.50 values, at $2.S5 Ladies' $:!.()() ami $:5.50 Kid Hand Turned . . . . .$2.60 Low-Ueel Patent Oxfords, reg. $2.50 vals., at.. $1.80 Ladies' Patent Hand Turned Shoes, regular BALL & OLOSCOCK, Contractors nnd Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with C. H. Pierce & Sou. Phone 653. P. O. Box 771, If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what von want is, try a Want Ad in The Tribune. Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAH WAV Northbound No. ltijOrt'gnn Express fl:14 p. m. No. 1 4 j Tort land Express... 9:41) a.m. Southbound j No. l"C'aifornia Express. . 1 10: 35 a. m. No. 13'San Francisco Exp.. 3:20p.m. No. 225 From Grants Pass.. 9:15 p.m. No. 22.VFor Ashland "10:15 p. m. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY No. 1 Leaves Medford I 8:10 a.m. No. 3Lea-fs Medford 3:50 p. m. No. 2Arrives Medford 1 10:28 a, m. No. 4Arrivps Medford J 5:08 p.m. ROUUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2 tsaves Medford. . ".7.10:45 a. m No. 4 'Leaves Medford 5:35 p.m. Motorjlioavea Medford j 2:00 p m. MotorlUaves Medford 9:00 p. m. N . lj Leaves Jacksonville.. 9:00 a.m. No. 3 ( Laes Jacksonville.. 3:30p.m. MotorjLeavt Jacksonville., j 1:30 p. in. MotorjLeavrs Jacksonville. ,. 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES. A. M.P. M. Eagle Point 7:20( 2:00 Northbound 9:1 4:5 Southbound jl0;05 2:50 Jacksonville 110:201 5:20 ''fektmething which la of considerable interest to the public tmtfrnlly and which is perhaps nut generally kiiwi is the svsttMi of prepaid ordors now i effect between stations of the Souther! Pacific company nnd all points ia t I'nited Stales. Hv means of this syst tickets may be purchased at Medf.j from any place in the I mted Slatoa mailed or telegraphed direet to oartv wishing to come here. '"e. accommodations and small a ensh in connection witlJ. q Th .UN'S, mar also he rurnisn tints. v KoordiT. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank SMITH & Guess it u'ill take a seer To tell who wins this year. You don't have to be gift ed with any unusual fore sight to see we are a winner when it conies to manufac turing cigars. The prices on our various brands of cigars are always as low as good ness will allow, and as high as the right quality requires. Why not place your order with us for your vacation cigars 1 Medford 5 cent. R R V 10 cent and Del Marca 15 cent Cigar on sale everywhere. R. R. V.Cig'ar Works Medford. Or. II it.:....-.. 11 in ccr iniug in me runner ne. each article guaranteed. ledford Pharmacy Rig Prutf Store with Little Prices NVar HMofifa. $5.00 values, at $3.90 Ladies' Patent Button Welt, regular $5.00, now $3.90 Ladies' Kid Button, Hand Turned Shoes, regular $3.50, now $2.95 Ladies' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, $1.50 and $2.00, now $1.00 and $1.60 100 pairs of Babies' and Children's Oxfords and Slip pers, going at, per pair 50? They cost us more than this. Fanners' Heavy Mountain Boots. Farmers' Light Shoes, just right for August and Sep tember, going at Special Prices. Boys' and Misses' School Shoes, we will sell at Special Prices that will astonish von. MOLONY PERKINS ARCHITECTS Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying in all its branches. Rooms 28-29, Jackson BIJOU THEATRE Manila) anil Tnesila. PONT LR. A HUE The country of the Bigondens. "THE INTERRUPTED ROMANCE." "THE TALE OF A TRAMP." Song "CEIP AND OA EL." The Bijou theater is securing all of the latest fea ture films. A good performance tonight. Admission 10 cents. Don't Bother to iCook It's too hot. Get what you want alrea iv prepared; we have it. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, NfEAR EIGHTH THE MKVKOllD DAILY XKpl SKltVICE IX SALE AND INTER lOR DISPLAY & JANNEY AND ENGINEERS County Bank Building. TllIBUNE HAS THE BES' SOUTHERN OPEGOS.