MI3IJFOH1) DAILY TKIHUNK, MKPFORD, ORKGUX, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1008. AEROPLAN E FOR PORTLAND Portlanders to See Real Airship if Plans Do Not Miscarry Social and Personal tin rutTI,ANI. Or., AiiKHHt 111. I'oit 1:iih(th arc? look iit foriv.inl with n inat : 1 of intir.nt to the tirnn wlnn they will ho ritfht Ihtp in tticir linm' city, iH'rol:iiu'M xliootin tlironli ;tir, tlx- ri'iil thin l.uiiin WiiifinT, who di'diircft ho hut iiivi-nti'il mi ii'Toplimc thai wilt iicNially fly ,lH:irid today that within throe wM-k he will give I'ort In inters tin-tn-at of their liven in the flying inn rhiiii- line, Imt at present he is busy orinuii.iiii; the Warner A aeroplane foniimiiv. liHi,nuii i-oiimtii, whirh will proiMole the machine. Patents for it have already I teen applied for. SUCCESSFUL APPLICANTS FOR TEACHERS' CERTIFICATES Following is a list of the mieeeHsful applicant for te;n-hers' crrtifiralCH at the recent examination held nt Jack Honville: First unide Mac It. X.alon, t'cntral I'oint; iCose L. Nealoii, Cen Ira I J'oint ; Louise Ward. Tnlent; .Vellie A. Crock t-r, Ashland. Second aidc Harriet I. .Miller, Wi nter; Ida I-:. Ditswortli, IVvton; Minnie Corey, Mcdford; IMiniir . Freder irk, Medford; Kuhy K. Ilesse, Mcdford;! Her) ha Smith, Jacksonville; Loin I'helps, Climax; hie Willits, Climax; Kcssio Hiisidton. Kale I'oinl; Charles H. JohiiHou, JacliHoiiville. Third urade Hessie Flippen, Koch I'oint; Klennor Manle, Medford; A linn S. Hansen .Mcdford; Frances (J. Mil ler, Mcdford; Lucille Miir.tlw.ll, Med ford; May Howe, Climax; Nell C Hal mer, Anhland; Marj;arcl Shucl;. Cen I in I I'oint. INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED TO REPAIR THE COLORADO NAVY YAKIi, I'liet Sound, Wash.. A iifriiHl 111.- The deparl inenl of con slrnclioii and repair of this yard receiv ed telegraphic aid hoiity from Wash in Hi on todny to make complete repairs of I he hull and otner parts of the emi er Colorado, which went aground Hal unlay. It will take aliont five weeks lo complete, the nccesHHry rcpaiiH. The naval const inctors report I hat at IcJiHt 10 plates on the Indium of the ship will have to lie removed. It will lie possible to straighten out the dents in some of tin1 plates and replace them. In most cases, however, new plates will have lo he put on The ribs and frame work in the forward part of the ship will linvo lo bo Htroiiffl honed. The wood work on t ho dynamo room fleck was splintered mid this will have to be re moved. No conimisiinii has been called to impure into the cauo of the acci dent. The only authorities who have t he power to call for an inquiry nre the rpctident of the I'niled States, the secretary of the navy and tt tmmnnd iiitf officer of the squadron to which the ship belongs. era I limes COMMISSION TO DRAW INTERNATIONAL LAW V WciirVF.H. It. C, August HI. The i lit it nnl i on :il fisheries commission appointed lo draw up a uniform code of laws for the fisheries lyinjj bid ween Canada and the Tinted Stales U in the city. It is cotupsoed of I'rofessor Pavid Starr Jordan, president of Lelimd Slan ford univresity. and S. T. Hastedn of Ottawa, who represents (!nnt Itritaiu. With them nre Mr. M !(. St.d of San ! i.-iiicisco. the official secret nr of the eominitsion. and lr. W. H. Kvcrman, li world famous biologist, who is head nf the hiirenii of fisheries a tW:idiilie; ton. I. C. It is n..t the intention of the com mission (o boli) auv public sittings, but it will spend a wei-k on the cout (J.llli erini; int'nrmaion respecting fisheries in the strait of San Juan de Fuca and the (Jnlf of Ceoruia. l'rofessitr .budaii stated tintnv thev were in accordance with a trealv be tween t treat Hritain ami th el'nited States niued lnt April, when it wan agreed lo appoiul a coiutiussion lodrnw tnttites from Dm llautic to Ihe I'm cific. PORTLAND HEAT TO ORI'.AT FOR YOUNO WOMAN IMiKTI.A M. Mr. August 111. Miss Mary Fvnns, whose home is in Heaver ton. Or., is the linrsl person t fall a victim of I hi season 'n heat in I'ort land. She was shopping and w.is slainl ; iiK in the midst of a croud o' hoppcr iti n dep:i 1 1 meat store when she swoon i I'd and fell to the floor. At first it wa thought flint her condition was serious, but today she Mas reported out of dan tfer. KIHER BROTHERS ADD TO THEIR 1IOLD1NOS IN VALLEY The Kerry ranch near Jacksonville has been x.. to tin- Kisci Hiotherx, the consideration bet no; l.'i.ttim. These men last fall : il in,iiitn for the Anderson place south of this city. The Hi rrv ranch consists of U'l acres. F. K. Aitiiitu and hi brother, W. If Ad num. of Urund ForK. N, !., have purclinsod 20 iicies of W. H. Hrown, tlie c onnidciutinn bring lS,r0il. Fred I.'oot has returned from Itntte Falls to Medford. Order yonr treis for fall plant now. C. F. Cook has the hfM. l'U William Ileffner of UNuit mill in the city on mill husiness. Miss Kmma Wend I of Jacksonville was in Medford Tuesday afternoon. Hrofessor Churleb K. Taylor was a .lacksonville visitor Tuewiay I). H. Harneburg of Ashland spent Tuesday in MedfoM. Mrs. A. M. Short of Portland is pay ing Medford, her fornmr home, a visit Hurry Messier .ileputy aine warden, went to (iold Hill Tuesday evenine-. Robert Whclj.ley was in Medford mo long ago. Hon. It. (i. Smith, the ihmiU I':. In w yer, spen t Tuesday a ft em i S. H. Moon, who lives in Wimer pre einct. was in Medford Tuesday nan acting business with our merchant. Flovd I'oaree of I'oormaii "s r the miner, was in Mcdford lately. Frank Cameron of Applegaie. th sto. krniMcr. was a recent iiloi in M ford. Full line of extra fine imported bulb" at Portland prices C. F. Cook, the rnir sery man. ' 1 J. X. Hockersmith i having a mat cottage built in Kant -Medford. which he will occupy wilh his family soon. Abner (i rimes of Jacksonville was jimniig tin- many in Medford during the week. W, Hibbon and S. A. I'attison of Central I'oint transacted business ii Medford Tuesday. Charles If Fierce, president of the Ashland Canning company, was among the business men of Medford 1 uesdny. Oris Crawford, assistant cashier of the First National bank, and his fain Iv are making Hold Hill a visit, P. M. Kershaw went sont h Tin winy on business for the Oregon Crnnite works, Sidney Cole is among hit Medford relatives and friends again, lie is lo .a ted at Portland now. C. II. Pierce, the real estate agent, and his wife have returned from New port. Mrs. F. W. Cnrnalinn cam edowii fr the Hlue Ledge Tuesday for a nhort stay in Medford. Mr. II W. (Jrirues and her daughter, Km ma .went to Jacksonville Tuemlay evening to visit relatives and friends, J .11. litis and Levi Hawsou.ll pio noer of southern Oregon, were in Med ford Tuesday, J. v . Com 111 J he Well k noWll hoi I ic ill turisl , who ilves near eiit ral I'oint, was in Medford Tuettdny visitintf his brother, 11. Coruru. Miss Kdith King, who lias been teach iug school near i'ort land, is making relatives and friends living in Medford a virtit. Professor and A. J. Haiiby were in Mcdford Tuesday en route to Lake view, which will be their fuluiv home. The best wishes of many friends ac company them. Waller S, King, former .street super intcmlcuf of Medford, was over from Josephine county Tuesday in I lie south em part of which he i engaged in farm in l(. II. von .lei Hell- n of Welle vveiil to Newport Monday to accompany home Mrs. von dor llellen and her lit t Ic at the cot I age at Nye Heach of Mrs. J Nuiinn of Jacksonville. Peler Uenhoff, the expert worker in lime ami cement, has been awarded ihe contract for building a sidewalk along tbo city park Ho will no doubt give satisfaction, as he alvvavs stiivcs to please. The I'm I la ml t elegrain sav s: ' M is Kslher Maegley left by sieamer last Saturday for Mills college at Oakland, from which she is lo be giaduated the coming June. She and her sisters. Mourn ami Krinii, has just returned from a two months' visit east. They an- pa-sing, the summer at Cinnabar. A freight wagon arriving in 1'riio villi' brought six bariels of beer coil ' signed to six different persons of that I city and a five gallon keg of stronger j fluid. Which shows that Piiucvillej knows ha vv to assuage its t IniM even if the city did Vote prohibition, sav si the Review. Charles M. serve, se, ivlary and man ager of I lie Crants Pass I'm it growers ' association, who was instrumental m forming the Uoguc Itiver Fruit growers " association i.ere when he was m Med lord some years ogo, has nepried a teal estate office in the Kittci building in I he rooms foi :.( rl y occupied by lb . Van (Jcssncr. Mr. Mescrve expects to remain in Medford hidef in it el v. HA, t U 1 ill ym .ta ill A Pointer on Groceries As vim !'(', wo have limiii the Indian "sign" mi t lie credit n-ices. Our cash prices are ;i Imioii a way to tiel gruceries for less. Form the cash-pa vim;' liahit and the end id' the month will have no terrors I'or vim, We are not selfish in this cash husiness, either, hut .will pay you cash, dollar I'or dollar, for your farm pro duce. This helps us and helps ymi, as we always lrive the very choice in Fresh Voj;ela hles and Fruits hy so pay ini;-. Kead on, A SAV INC OF . M:ir:triini lit tlli r I'liNT I iound () .( nrloiis, : packnge A SAVINO OF li.j 1 CKNT OX TFA M iiuiue rinolon-d Japan Tea Tipps), a credit seller for Ulle, we sell for cash for 10 G (Sprini; 45 G ."() I'FU CKXT MOK'F FOh' .1.00 cash iiiv M-llinj; Auansl I'llli l.i A ittrosl -'nil, :;n ., iiiimI, ni' ,',,., i;iis i , i s i .on. OUll'IM Hill I'H I Mils ',ir tl.l rrrilit. "!o"iTKI CKXT SAV 1X0 OX SOAP 'iill Will Jiiiv L'.'n' I'm- I'uur li;ns i.C ".Similay lun.liiv " Sn:ii; wit sell :ni'l him' I'ivi' linrs i.l' it :i "I'rvKtal Whit..-' 7 sTvvlxo o C! Ann II i' S. Jill, kill,'.' I'nr iti il: I'tir riisli :il fur. . . F tit! : :xt .hi si lK 25 G 6c The New Goods Are Piling Up beavers to get ready for you can show you We are working like items checked up and to see. Already we g many of the new things and we wish to impress you with the fact we are Marking Every Item Very Close The Store That Shows the New Goods BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North Jackson County Bank Classified Advertisements Tint SAliK A imitity Uox liil, Orci'iivillo, Tex. One Cent a Word No single inser tions less than 15 cents. Six lnnertioua for tho price of four. Seventy-fiva cents a lino per month. FOU SA.LE. second i;ti I'Olt 9AI, 10 Lending rooinin house in Med font, locution unsurpassed, genu ine baignin to right party, cit-dt prop tisitioii only. Write O, Box .r08. I-'OK SA Seventh street busiuess property, two-story brick, 50x140; also i li.'ttl feet on Seventh street by 50 feet mi liivfrHide avenue. P. C Page. of bearing or pears, to describe Miller & Ewbank "THE HOME OF 1'RUE ECONOMY" j A lioinc Imill with a sine I ailil Snllil I'ollliilal iiill ( 'ilsh I f'oli n:ik W. S. I.!-! I iry rorilvvuml. pinr, fir, :niil laurel. I-'. ( ;n-iiliriij;'-. Stiuli j r I SroM. wihi-'Ihiusi'. - j rtiK ..tjl'i -. fiMul niikim uilHinir's on i Krvi'iilh ir.M!l. Iiiii:;uii3 fur fli'lliag. ! ','tllt SAliK A A.I.Ii-.-sh. I'. II. Imx 1 L! ur rail :il ttiis j " ; a I'Hrjjaiu. ol'fii'i'. tf f I'Olt SA1,K S. X. Stibiliviamn is in the niari;et unw: i-linire touacre tniottl, bi'Ht loi-atiim ill the vulloy. I. Nee 'li'tnever, .laekauuville. first elaBB piauola-pia-I'. O. Hoi 9,"i, Mid- IHJH SAI.IO An iron gniv mure, 4 years oltl, weilit llHHI ioiiiuU, penile, iloiuliil illiver. oiil lilit liue'V mill j .. j. i .1 i .. will' 1 l-'lllf SAI.i: MxlS, l-fool lolll; also I lent !)' j.! 1 alisolntely new. Will. H. K'ainfi.ril Meilfuril. j;ir liarness; prift' $1 .leHi-hlie. tile jewel I llillire Will Kit) I'llli SAI.I') At a siia Iniililin lots faein srhool; one quarter A.lilress liux .".OS. 'I'wu I'irst-eluss I new t'utholii I'lish takes them l-'tlU SAM-: llM) fine Angora outs. Ail ilress Charles Sliillingforil, 1,'rescent fit y, t)r. lilli ItAh'liAlX Owili to reverses ill loiiness, 1 inn-t sell my home at nllee; 1' lieilr i. I ilininj room, 1 parlor, I hitehcli. I hall room, I pantry, 1 hlle Sllininer l.itehen, - porelies, fhieh- en houie anil yaril, oaiileu and fruit, apples, pears, plums ami grapes, fine weel. walhiiif; ilistanee, 2 lots, each "illxllll: pliee $l."i."0. $7;VI rash will liamllr. A.l.lress I'. 1 1. B.n -J72. Moil ford. I3S l-'i I C SAI.K--A Barred I'lyinouth roost er, :lioron;llliri d, lo IllontliH old. Ad dress I'. l. Hoi iui. Medford. 'ill: S U.I' Kesiilonei rooms aud bat li, eity lights, sewer eonneetioi property; i water, electric . F. C. Page. KOli SAI.K--l.-i choice lots, live mill utes from ilepot. near school; easy terms. V. ('. 1'ae. A ipiantity of secoond Applv to Vooii;; .V Hall. KII.Ll'D HARE WITH HATPIN AND HANOED HEKS1F I'nlt SA Li lian.) Iirl.li. Me. Iloid. l.l-J Kill; SA1.M A iininher of second hand aulomoliiles of various makes; all iu oood condition; can arrange to accept I I'M acres of land as payment for sumo. I'. II. Snyder, Covey Motor Cur Co. 1.13 I'Ol! .SAI.i: Hxlfi, 4-font wall lent; also tent IMixIMo, alisolntely new. Win. II. liniiisforil, Mclforil l:!." WANTED. WAXTKI) Owners eliards, apph-s and f nil v what thev have to sell. Med ford or Ashland preferred. I'osloffice till. Greenville, Tex. llil WAXTKI) A yonne; man wants room and hoard with private family. Ad dress iiox 07, -Medford. 131 BUSINESS CARDS. DR. A. B. SWEET I'hysician and Surgeon. Office at. Kcaidence. COL PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL EECTION AOENOY. Lock Box 8t)8. Medford tr. COTfVTO & DURHAM,"" Attoniey.t-at-l.aw. Qco. II. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Wm M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL D1UOKH. MED FOH I), Olt. Pricci right. Pumps furnished when Wauted. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Phones: C. W. Conklin 30; .T. H. Butler 14S. 00 TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUtt OLASSES. W A N'l'KI) I lining room pirl at Mrs. l-'ay's. C street, opposite 1', O. 140 WA N'l'KI) To trade new steel ranges for old stoves. Woldol'f i Wolf, Fails' old stand. loll WA.VI'F.I' Boh factory ineu, good wages; high wheel teamsters, $ti." per mouth; lumber edger. $4 per day; good girl for housework, Silo per month. W. W. West Co. WAXTKI) -A Address Box good. -.1, M WAXTKI)--To buy i typewriter cheap. Medford. fresh milch dford. Ur. i good Remiugton Address Box .108. WAXTKI) To buy from 100 to 300 bead of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. WANTKl) Furnished house; rent no obji ct ; no children; six rooms. Ad dress "II." Box r.os. Optical Parlor iu Perrv 's Warehouse, SKVKNTII STKEKT. "lie Has No Other Business." E. R. SEELY. M. D. Physician and Surgoou .Modern Kquipped Operating Rooms. X Kay. Office lloura. Ill 12. 2 1 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Kye Specialist, office iu tii.. (in.ud Theater Iddg. Phone 3o. Seventh and Maui. O M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed on short notice. Leave orders with chief of police. BALI. & GLOSCOCK, Contractors aud Builders. All Work Giiarantcvd. Office with C. H. Fierce & Sou. Phone 6D3. P. O !li 77 1. IIOUSON AFTBK A RI'.CORl) TO CRATLR LAKE Hilly Hods, .a left at 2 o'clock toady for Crater Lake, expecting lo cover tin entire distance of 7 miles this after noon and evening Accompanied l.v Ins n Iianic. he went iu tin' 22 horse pow er. two cylinder Ituick in which lo- ma.le 1ns famous I... selling record. BRYAN IS PRESENTED WITH DEMOCRATIC MULE FAIHVIKW. Lincoln, Neb. Ail)just III. Ilryaii today welcomed to I'.-iiniew a mule presented to hum by the Minne o.ta Stale Agricultural soeiely. He declined lo discuss Sliciman's speech of acceptance, saying I hat lie would reply later. IU. llei vslal.bilii; :l,. Anybody wishing to Invest in one of the neatest, most modern Hud best local cd homes in Mcdford, should sdrdess P. 0. Hei a l llli'Alio, III.. Angnsl li.-o nig killed her bal. el, it with a hatpin and throwi a va.aiit lot, Mis. I'reddie of tin- citv vestcnlav Wept IV.'.-d-i and hanged herself lo a tie.' Her body was looond this morning swinging from a limb not nunc tliail lluee blocks away from the tot where she had I III own her babe's body. The body was identified l' II setup of paper found iu the hit with her na writl.n en it. Investigation showed llilll she bad slopped for a Week at the liolne o fticorge Klen of Kvanston, but nothing is known about there ' The police are investigating the . is.- TltOOPS STARTED ON ilf.OMILE MAKCll SAV I'l! WVISiO. t ah. August l!l. Tliree Hoops of Ihe First Held aitilleiv. ...Miprisnig latteries l. V. and I'. in command of Captain Albeit I". Faulk ner, left the Presidio eailv to, lav to begin their 2ol mile march I.. Camp Alas, adorn, t al,. where thev will e'llei Ihe annual tafget pia.-tue and niac'ii v eis to he held there by l'lHied Stal, s troops .lining Septeillbcr and Oclobcl The l.latei les leav mg loda v l.o m the advance guard of trooje detailed l,.r tins service and will be responsible lot establishing t lie camp Twelve. lavs will be consumed ill the iirnvli, an a. i :ij'i' distance of about 20 les per .lav. REMOVAL SALE I la i 1 1 Li In vai-alc Hall, aloiiil the I'ii rnir t ill ire stork o timiiu1 our i-u l2noils nurse ur ii'i'sciil location, wc arc movin g into the new ircsst'(l Itrick I'roiil liuililin of Voiinr -I ol' Sci iiciulicr. . iiil. wishiii'r lo o I icii up w ith a new stock, we will for tlie nevt si d:n-s l',.i- k of Cigars. Tohacto. Pipes. Siatioiiei' y. Purses. Cigar Cases, etc., at wholesale prices, therein' Iniiiers aiitl I'rietiils a liitr savinii' on these goods. Come one, conic all, and if von don't use these mal 'iir friends a present. or this is an opportunity seldom had on this class of gi iirscs, 'lll's-'s, 'iirscs. retail retail retail I lat in. inii-as. retail I larnioiiicas, retail Harmonicas, retail Stat ionery, retail . ( 'iu.'U' ','iscs. retail 'iu'.i r ( 'ascs, pet a il ( " t '.-) r- 'ascs, retail Kediii-ed from 75c to 50o KclHccd from 50cto3Sc K'cduced from 25Cto18c Kcduced IVom 75e to-lOc UYihircd from 50c to 30c l.'rdiiced from 25C t,, ISc Reduced from 5()C to 35c Unlii.rd from. . S5.00 to S3.00 K'cduced from. . $1.00 to $2.65 1,'rdurcd from. .2.50t,,$1.75 'igars, retail Cigars, retail Cigars, retail . Pipes, retail . Pipes, retail . Pipes, retail . Tipcs. retail . Pipes, retail . Pipes, retail . Purses, retail Reduced from. . $5.00 t,, $3.75 Reduced from. $15.00 to $9.S0 Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced Reduced from. .$7.50 to S-1.50 I from. .$5.00 $2.75 I from. .$1.00 to $2.35 I from $1.00toGO- I from 75Mo-iO- 8 from 50Mo3.V I from 25 to j from. .. $1.00 I,, fif)c- 1 T,.!.;l nil"'-. and al Vmvust '' ,. her nuoiN ml iu proportion. Come e early and get your pick, as this sale will end Kalurdav (" WASCHAU & BROWN "THE BILLIARD MEN" o o o vO o