Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 17, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Hunters Report That
There Are Many Bands
o! Young Quail
Though the season for hunting ipiail
does not open until Otoiher 15, the
nimrndfi tire already excited vr the
fine prospects for mi n.Hindance of
sport when the law the harrier,
nnd nllows the sportsmen to kill the
birds. Vouiik bloods of quail in lurRc
numltom nre rfjiortfit throughout the
foothills, ii h they are junt making their
Quail ant said to he plentiful in nl
most all localities, tampers nlon; the
R(KU' have run across large hands
of quail sue), an they have never wit
nessed before ho early in the season.
Many a man has winded that be bad a
shotgun handy on such occasions and
had nne been in the possession of some.
temptation would have pulled bard at
the trigger.
The section of the foothills near Jack
sonville in tmid to be alive with quail,
jih Is also the repnrt from Kaglf Point,
and these sections are only n few of
the many that will be visited by the
nimrods when the law raises the en
trance gate, (idling the limit thin
year on quail look to be an easy mat
ter, with conditions ut all favorable.
Deer Hunting.
Deer are leaving the higher ranges
of late and are necking the foothill
mora. This is probably due to the
fact that the weather is somewhat cool
er of late than during the latter part of
July and the first week ia August. A
number of hacks have been brought in
by tlio various hunting parties that
have been out, and venis.ui is not un
common in Mndfonl homes at the pres
ent time. The meat this yenr is ex
eeptionally good, as the deer seem to
be in splendid condition.
A number of the sportsim-n who came
to Medford to attend the tournament
of Hie Medford Itod and (inn ehih have
taken to the surrounding hills in cast
a few flics and try theirg link deer
Ed Walker of the Iowa camp ha
roij to Medford to attend ilie fumritl
of bin mot her.
Spencer Hros. of Hutte Kails, who
have been working at Kagle Point, an
making Medford a visit.
0. K. Powers, architect of the Hutte
Falls new school bruise, has gone on
a business trip to Medford.
Don Mctllashaii, R. A. Jnnken, lond
Maker and Kred Jnnken passed through
Unite Fulls tramping to Crater lake.
The hoys report a splendid time along
the way and that they find the journey
pleasant by easy stages. They linil
from Medford.
Several "rattlers" have been killed
in and near Untie Vails. This is nncom
mnn. as it has always been a fact that
"rnttlers" have not been fonnd above
Ohenchnin's heretofore. It is well for
rnmpers to be on the lookout and de
troy these venomous reptiles.
An uniniie innovation in the wav of
fancy balls will be that of the French
"Pondree" to be given under the man
ngement of Mrs. ). W. Albert at Hntt.
Falls on the evening of the i!Sth. Wt
predict fl large nl tendance for boll
hall and supper to follow.
Fred Itoot of New York nnd his uncle,
respectively the cousin ami brother nf
United States Secretary nf State Knot,
nre contemplating the purchase of sev
ernl thousand acres of Oregon land nnd
nre looking over the country to this
end. Mr. Knot is nt Hutte Falls nnd
camping at the homestead of Judge
Pentf, whose uuest he has been for some
Judge Neil has been among us and ts
making a careful examination of road
conditions preparatory to hnving need
ed improvements made. He will not
bnibl nnv "Putin e1evatidi nor call
upon the people to "dig" their way
out, hut provide good travclnble high
wnva. Hie Unite stood bv Judge Neil
nnd Judge Neil will stand bv the pen
pie of Hig Unite.
The Olson mill wns lately burned to
the ground and a large quantity of loin
her was burned. The origin of the fire
Is unknown and the loss will be total
without insurance. M r. Hson will
move his plant to Medford and
connection with the mill will also open
on a idanttiL' mill. Mr. Olson has been
one of nnr most reliable millmen nnd the
sympathy of the public goes out to him.
Tho Castor mill has been sold by IV
H. Harris to Frank Netherland and
!. I'M limn. Mr. Harris retninins an
interest. The mill is to he started up
at once and with the mill nt Hutte
Falls, which is now operating, the in
e ren sed d e m a n d f o r I u m her will be
nearly supplied and the loss of the
Honndtop mill be compensated. Mr.
Steppe nnd Hamlin of the K-tundtop
mill are now in charge of Hutte Falls
mill under the management of J It
Miller and TV II. Harris
Los Angeles won the opening gamt
from Portland Tuesday. Hosp and
(Iraney were the opposing pitchers.
Oakland Tnent Hnn Frnnctsro on the
home b rounds on the nmno Anv. The
IjOo T,oow load the Henvem hy sit games,
which it considerable at this lime.
Social and Personal
Pro. L. L. Nnrrfigiin of Eagle Point
nod Attorney L. ('. N'nrrngnn spent
S..tunlny in Mi-dfnril.
Mr. liuil Mm. .1. E. Envnrt arcniu
panir.1 K. II. Jtcilil anil wife en n fili
iiiK f'l to Trail Friday evening
A. I. H'llns, owner of u rti'iinl lin-iik-i
f'P'' oreliard iii-i'.r AhIiIihhI l::is re
turned from Imperial, California i-oimt-rv,
where lie has ereetfd a .hotel with
Mark I'ellelt.
I'oloi.el (ieorge P. Mima of Central
I'ont j.reeiaet, Bpent Saturday in M-d-ford.
He reports Chinese pheasanta an
Ihiek this year that they are ruining
hiH melon erop.
Mr. and Mr. II. I,. I'owera arrived
Monday to upend a few days in the val
ley. Mr. Powers is the head of one
of the largest irrigation systems in
Idaho. He was formerly n menilier of
the firm of llartman Thompson 4 Pow
ers nf Portland.
A wagon load of eoal from the Med
ford I'oal mine exeiteil the attention
of si rangers Monday. It is as fine
eoal as produeed anywhere and resem
bles lloek Springs eoal.
A forest fire is ravaging the hills
ar I Neil ereek.
Traina report that the oily of Te
,n i Cal.. is lieing destroyed hy flames
as thetrain passed through Sunday
W. (!. Kslep has piirehased n lot on
(mkdale avenue ami eolitemplates tae
erei-tion of a bungalow.
Chief Kngiaeer Ifol.erts of the water
gravity system has pnreliased a lot in
West Medford and will ereet a modern
The Itiiadlett sisters leave Monday
for the fall millinery opening In Port
Dr. Phipps and Dr. Carter spent Hun
dav at Colestin.
"Stoektoii is leading tho California
State League one half game ahead of
S.icrauiento, nnd one game ahead of
S'iii Jose.
la the California League Hen llender
:oa has the wonderful reeord of winning
lit games out of Si he has pitched, lie
is lead by Marry Woltors, but he has
pi-.ehed only aim guinea winning eight
of them. Jimmy Whalen has won 17
out of l he L'li games he lias pitehnl.
Joe O'Connor, manager for Stanley
ketehel, middleweight champion of the
world, stateil that he could not consent
10 accepting the terms laid down by
Tommy Burns as conditional to a mnlch
between the two fighters, liurns' man
nger. John Wren, wired from Melbourne
. '.., that Ketehel must first whip
.ho-k O'llrien before his man will eon
filler a clialleiige from him, which shows
the white feather. "Ketehel is not
afraid to fight O'Hrill." saiil O'Cno
nor today, "but we look upon Jack
o'ltrieu as old faker and don't care to
loive anything more to do with him. I
don': believe there is n fight promoter
ie ihe world wlo wna.s to handle such
11 fight and I urn sure that the public
il oi 't want it.
Monday and Tuesday, i. 1. l.
A beautiful Melodrama.
" i' i: c k s i; n no v
Latest coinedy pielnre a scream from start to finish.
The popular singer. Mr. Clyde, will sing a beautiful
illustrated song.
Admission 10 cents.
Program for Tonight and Tuesday:
lleautifnl Illustrated Song " Dear Old Memphis."
The best bill yet. Film service the best in Southern
.Admission 10 cents.
Classified Advertisements
Ouo Cent ft Word No single Inser
tion! less than 35 cents. Bix Insertions
tot the price of four. Seventy-five
cents a Hue per month.
l-'OU H.I.K--Dry eordwood, pine, fir,
oak and laurel. I". Oiu-ubrugge, Snide
haker Uros. ' warehouse.
l-'olt SALK A good small bilsiue-s on
Seventh street. Heasons for gelling.
Address, P. ). hoi .112 or call at this
ofl'ico. tf
I'Dlt SA1.K An iron trrav mare, 4 1
yeare old, weight I00U pounds, geutle,
splendid driver, good light buggy and
harness; price li'i. Imuire of Will
Jcschke, the jeweler. lil'l
Poll HALi: At a snap. Two first class j
building lots facing new tainonc
school; one uaiter cash takes them.
Address Hoi SUN.
PUli SALK- -4011 fine Angora goats. Ad
dress Charles Shillingl'urd. Crescent
City, Or.
If I (J BAHUAIN Owing to roversea in
business, 1 must set: my home at once;
'' bedrooms. I dining room, 1 parlor,
I kitchen, I hall room, 1 pantry, 1
large summer kilchen, - porches, ehick
iii house and yard, garden and fruit,
apples, pears, plums and grapes, fine
weel, walking distance, J lots, each
oilxMU; price $l.r3U, 7ol) cash will
handle. Address P. o. Bnr '-'72, Med
ford. 133
Ft lit 8AM! A Barred Plymouth roost
er, thuroughbn.d, lo mouths uld. Ad
diets P. O. Boi .173, Medford.
Folt SALE Residence property; 7
looms and bath, city water, electric
tights, sewer connection. F. C. Page.
FDR SALF. 15 choice lots, five min
nti'S from depot, near school; easy
terms. F. C. Page.
Foil SALK Leading rooming house in
Medford, location unsurpassed, genu
ine bargain to right party, cash prop
osition only. Write C, Box .'.OS. 132.
Fi IK SALE Seventh street business
propoity, two story tiricli, SuxHO; also
L':l(l feet on Seventh street by 50 feet
on Riverside avenue. F. (!. Paje.
Full SALK S. N. Subdivision is in the
market now; choice ten acre tracts,
best location in the valley. L. Nee
t..iuever, Jacksonville.
Folt SALK A first class pianola pia
no; a bargain. P. O. Hoi M, Med
Fol!SALl7:--Uxin. I foot tool; also
lent pc.xii1-.., ubsolutely new. Win. If.
l:ainford, Medford.
poll SALF. A number of second hand
automobiles of various makes; all in
good condition; call arrange to neeept
l i'ii iii-res of laud ns payment for Hume.
C. II. Suvder. Covey Motor Cur Co. HIS
imcr. le so Hindi" ns t preserve tli'it
mtttnv app.'jir'inec so deirnhlp to well
dn'ssrd people, Thev mut not only fit
perfectly, lint miMt also retain their
shape under all eireuuisiances. Heintf
male from thin, lijjht fahries, those
conditions can only ho met by n skil
full tailor. Therefore ee to it that your
KiiruH nt are maile0ti measure lv
Our Annual August Clearance Sale
There were many wbo Uiok advantage of the low prices last week. This is the second week of the GREAT
.SALK. Don't delay. Remember, you are saving money for yourself. These goods must be sold to make
room for our Winter Stock. Look at these prices.
Regular Price. Now.
Men's XeUleton Patent Oxfords $6.00 $4.75
Men's ettlcton Tan Oxfords $(100 $4.50
Men's Xettletoii Vita Kid Oxfords $5.50 $4.25
Men's Xettletoii Ounnietal Oxfords $5.50 $4.25
'ra wford's Palenls, Tans and (Jminietal Oxfords, reg
ular price $4.00, now selling at $3.25
Full Double Sole Vici Shoes, reg $4 values, at. .$3.25
Men's Canvas Shoes ami Oxfords, regular $1.50 and
$2.00 values, now '. $1.15
Ladies' Patent Oxfords, $-1.00 values, at $2.95
Ladies' Patent and Kid Oxford, $15.50 values, at $2.S5
Ladies' $3.00 and $3.50 Kid Hand Turned $2.G0
Low-Heel Patent Oxfords, reg. $2.50 vals., at. .$1.80
Ladies' Patent Hand Turned Shoes, regular
WANTED MiM'uiid h:-iul bait' liorsc j
power I'li-t'trk' iiiolnr, with or without I
nimin-; ntlin-hmciH. A'llros V. ().
Mux 5M, .Nk'.ltVml. '.
WANT 1 I) Dining roum pirl ut Mrs.
Fit v C stln-t, nppo.sito l O.
WANTKD Tu trade new Hteel ranges
Cor old Htovi'M. Wordoff & Wolf, Kmls
old Htillld. 1:".:'
WANTKD Hob fuetury mon, good
wages; high wheel teaniHterH, $G5 per j
inunlh; lumber edger, $4 per day; good I
girl for housework, k'&Ti per month. W.
W. Went & (Jo.
VANT'D itoriu uud board lor ioiiu
ami ihild, or luruishi d rooms lor
hoiitt'kiMping. , Box olIS, Med ford.
WANTKD A gool, frh inilrh cow.
Address Box fil, Mdford, Or.
WANTED To buy a good Komiugtou
typewriter cheap. Address Box
WANTED To buy from 100 to 300
head of stock sheep. Write Ux I'll,
Medford, (Jr.
WANTED Furnished house; rent no
objflrt ; no children ; six rooms. Ad
dress " H, " Hoi fiUS.
Physic iau ami Surg?an.
Offii-e ut ReBidt'oce.
I.utk li.. i 808. Mmlfurd, Or.
Attorney a-at-fcaw.
Geo. II. Durham, Omnts Pas, Or.
Win M. Colvlc. Medford, Or.
iriciia right, euuigm tiriiiaheil wbeu
Having to vacate our present location, we are moving into the new pressed brick front building of Young &
Hall, about the first of September. And. wishing to o pen up with a new stock, we will for the next six days offer
our entire stock of Cigars. Tobacco, I'ipes, Stationery. I'urses. Cigar Cases, etc.. at wholesale prices, thereby
li'iviiur our customers and
roods voiirself. make votir
Purses, retail 73Mo50o Cigars, retail $5.00to$3.75
Purses retail 50MoPS Cigars, retail $15.00 to $9.80
Purses, retail 2-VtolSr Cigars, retail $7.50 to $4.50
Harmonicas, retail 75Mo-10o Pipes, retail $5.00to$2.75
Harmonicas, retail 50Mo'iO Pijies, retail $4.00 to $2.35
Hannonicas. retail 2rMotS? Pipes, retail $1.00to60
Stationery, retail 500 to 35r Pipes, retail 750to40
Cigar Cases, retail $5.00 to $3.00 J Pipes, retail 50 to 35
Cigar Cases, retail $4.00to$2.C5 j Pipes, retail 250 to 18
Cigar Cases, retail $2.50 to $1 .75 j Piuses, retail $1.00to69
Tobacco anil all other goods cut in proportion. Come e early and get your pick, as this sale will end Satnrdav eve
ning. August '22.
Modford Furaltur Co., Undertaker
I Dav .bone 35; Niyht I'honnt: ", W
! l oi'aiin :; J. H. Bullrr HS
li neal I'arlor in I'errt ' Warrboiiee,
'He II Mo Other Butiieye "
f R. qpLT. It. D.
I'byiloian and Surgeon
M,ler Kouipiwd Operating Koome.
X Ha. ortice Uoure. 10 IS. I 4 P. M.
Office In Jaokioa Qouatj Bank BIdg.
The New Goods
Are Piling Up
We are working like beavers to get
items checked up and ready for you
to see. Already we can show you
many of the new things and we wish
to impress you with the fact we are
Marking Every Item Very Close
The Store
Central Avenue,
friends a bin- savinu on these
friends a present. For tlii s
Coatnii'tori and BniKlrra.
All Work Oiiarantwd.
Otnm W1 0. It. Fierce Sou.
I'bone 853. P. O. Hoi 77 1.
lieu (ithcrs fail, call uo
Eve SlH'i'Ulidt.
I Oll'i. in tlif tirmi.l Th.-atrr'.
0 Phone 35. Sev.-ntb au.l Mam
City Scavenger.
Oarbage of all kindi removcl on sbort
Leave ordrre Kilb chief ef
$5.00 values, at $3.90
Ladies' Patent Button Welt, regular $5.00,
now $3.90
Ladies' Kid Button, I land Turned Shoes, regular ' ' '
$3.50, now $2.95
Ladies' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, $1.50 and
$2.00, now ,.$1.00 and $1.60
100 pairs of Uabies' and Children's Oxfords and Slip
pers, going at, per pair SO?
They cost us more than this.
Farmers' Heavy Mountain Boots.
Fanners Light Shoes, just right for August and Sep
tember, going at Special Prices.
Hoys' and Misses' School Shoes, we .will sell at Special
l'iiri:s that will astonish you.
That Shows the New Goods
Just North Jackson County Bank
troods. Come one, come all,
is an opportunity seldom had
't'liu fololwing quotatloni are aa in
partial riport of the pricee paid bj Med
for.l dealers:
Wboat 1 per huebel.
lii-ftt S.".c per lithel
I'luiir -T.'i jH'r cwt.
Whole harlev H':i per Inn.
I lav li per t
Alfalfa ill) per ton. 0
Vew poiat. -..25 par
Hiitter )c roll.
IJinl Mc ir ) t
Beam 5e 4f fMl.
Sngir-tC ilii Mr cm:
and if vou don't use these
on this class of goods.
1 1 1 14 per deien.
Hami ISc per pound.
Skouldart 10c per oouad.
; Hoga He to 8c per peuuJ
Cattle S to 3Hi far neuna.
Tbrr mile truth of Akdferd and lift
tt'-lm of nnii, i bow cut op
atJl trjB to tea mm furcltuer.
tm imri etu. bataRM m tire paj.
einui Tk rie mm eaatimau. in.
T mwi Maab UAa) aeflk )
(t)(M') Tr.r., ftm) r (jaakft.) O