Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 17, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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- mm Tiimrun
Dill lUKIVtld
McCray Has New Way of
Ridding Young Orchards
of Grasshoppers
Two million sovon hundred forty-two
thousand grasa hoppors in two mouths
is the record claimed by V. C. MeOng,
manager of tho Fish Lake Pitch Co., for
his flock of turkeys. Ho claims to have
solved the puzzle of freeing orchards
from the destructive posts mid at the
same time made thorn commercially
"The company 'a orchard cast of the
city is the finest looking young orchard
in the entire valley' said Mr. McCray.
"The grasH hoppers kept the trees free
of leaves last year in spite of tho nett
ling and paper hags, hut this year, the
turkeys are keeping the trees unharmed
by the hoppers.
' Grant hoppers are thicker along the
desert' than any other place. I bought
11 flock of 4f7 turkeys and the way they
go tif twrth' hoppers is ft wonder. They
just mow a clean sweep through the
pests. I estimate a hundred hoppers
a day tho average eapacity of the aver
age turkey though if they could get
more down, they would. Why at night
tho birds aro H 'swelled- up and the
hoppers are actualy sticking out of their
mouths, which they can't find room for
below. The birds are the fattest ever
and will sol) well for the fall market.
4'I predict that in another year, every
ore hard 1st will have his flock of turkeys
and then it is good bye hopper;!. "
J. K. Knyart stands high among Ihe
ranks of the shooters who comMted
during the-third nnnual tournament of
the Medfnrd Itod and flun club, and
succeeded in passing some of the pro
fessionals. who were prosent. He broke
U7ii birds out of .100 shot at and was
only passed by three professional shots.
The scores mnde by the shooters dur
ing the two days in which 300 hirds
wro shot at are as follows:
Roed . iiss
Wllletts 273
Enyart 271?
Pevton 272
King 272
Holmau '. .. 271
Nnmnan 26S
Uaight 2i7
Ilillis 2iifi
Hoello 22
Ulrica L2
'arlton 202
Garrett 2(!2
Seely 201
Juntius 2"iti
Morss 250
Smith 24H
Leucli 36
Meek 2:i4
Tolls 222
Rcickhoff and Ilillis gave a very
interesting exhibition of fancy shoot
ing in the afternoon after tJie events
had closed.
The Hoaglnud orchard, a mile ;:nd a
half east of Centre! Point litis been
sold to T. 11. KniaUon, a hunker of
Hrecken ridge, Minn., for $17,000.
Ther? nre 70 acres in the place of which
lrt acres are iu six year old fruit trees.
The sale was made through .1. Brown.
An ordinance providing for the issu
ance of the negotiable coupon bonds of
the City of Medford, Oregon, for the
purpose of securing funds to extend and
improve the existing water distributing
system of said city pursuant to the
authority granted to the city council of
said city by an amendment to the char
tet votM .lime 4th, 1907.
Whereon, At an election duly called
and held June 4lb, A. I. 1H07, to vote
on the question of amending the char
ter of the 4 Jity of Metlford, Oregon, and
Whereat, One of the amendments vol
ed thereon authorized, the council of
said city to borrow money on the faith
of said city and issue bonds therefor
for the sole purpose of extending and
improving the existing water distribut
ing system of said city and of purchas
ing, establishing and maintaining stand
pipes and reservoirs, purchasing and lay
ing water pipes and mains, connecting
dead ends, crrying on investigations as
to the possibilities of maintaining wa
ter for said city by means of walls,
acl otherwise establishing nn ndequate
water distributing system for said city,
sad that the bonds su issued and the
accumulated interest thereon shall not
at asy time exceed $4't,0nti; therefore.
Ta City of Bedford, Oregon, dots
HMtint 1 . That for the sole purpo
j d tp4ng asd iiapvin the exist
iij triter rtirihutis ytem of said
jitjf, and of pnr fearing, establishing
0 isinTtfmitf t and pi pes and res
ervuirs, pur.ising 0an laying
ater pipes and main-t, connecting
dead, !, earryi$ on ivrsti0itions
a to tb pohiiine of iintaining
rr f d city by m-iafe of wells,
M 'otAaYf establishing an adpwt
ftvr- f ut fit, for
of said city shall be iss&d to the
amount of thirty niue thousand dollars
($:i9,00o) to be known as the "Water
Distributing System Bonds of 1908,
Series 'A,' " to be dated July 1, 190S,
and to be pnvable as follows: $10,000
duly 1, 19P3; $10,000 July 1, 1924; $10,-
kOOO July 1, 192., and $9000 July 1,
lllu, being in denominations ol $tuuu
each, numbered from one (1) to thir
ty-nine (39) inclusive, bearing interest
at the rate of five per eeutum (3 per
cent) per annum, payable semi annually
on the first' davs of January and July
in each vear, both principal and inter
est to be payable at the banking house
of John Nuveen & Company, in the city
of Chicago and state of llliuois.
Sec. 2. That tho form of the said
bonds nnd the coupons, evidencing in
terest on said bonds and attache! there
to, shall bo substantially in the follow
ing forms, respectively, to-wit:
United States of Ainericu.
State of Oregon, County of Jackson,
City of Medford.
Water Distributing System Hnnd of
IftOS, Series " A."
X $1000
Know all men by these presents, That
the City of Medford, in the County of
Jackson nnd State of Oregon, a munic
ipal eorwrntinn duly organized and ex
isting as a city under a char
ter duly adopted by the people
of said city, ' acknowledges it
self to owe, and for value received
hereby promises to pay, to bearer the
sum of one thousand dollars on iluly
1st , t oget her with i n t crest on
said sum from date hereof until paid at
the rate of five per centum per annum,
payable semi annually on the 1st days
of January nnd July in each year, as
evidenced by and upon the presentation
and surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached as they severally be
come due; both principal and interest
payable iu lawful money of the United
States of America nt the banking house
of John Nuveen & Co., in the city of
Chicago and state of Illinois. And for
the prompt payment of this bond, with
interest as aforesaid, nt maturity, the
full faith, credit and resources of said
city are hereby irrevocably pledged.
This bond is one of a series of thirty
niue (39) bonds of liko date and tenor,
except as to maturity, issued by said
city for the sole purpose of providing
funds for extending aud improving the
existing water distributing system of
said city and of purchasing, establish
ing and maintaining stnndpipes nnd res
ervoirs, purchasing and laying water
pipes and mains, connecting dend ends.
:irrving on investigations as to the pos
sibilities of maintaining water for the
said citv by means of wells and other
wise establishing an ndequate water
list ribtit ing svstem for said city, and
is issued under authority of the amend
ment to the charier of the said City
of Medford, duly approved by a major
ity of the qualified electors at an elec
tion duly called and held on the 4th
dav of June, A. D. 1907, and of an or
dinance passed at a legally held meet
ing the council of said city.
And it is hereby certified and recit
ed that all things, acts and conditions,
required by the. constitution and laws
of the state of Oregon aud the charter
of said city to happen and be done and
performed precedent to nnd in this issu
ance of this bond have happened aud
been properly done nnd performed in
regular and due form and time as re
quired by law; that the total indebted
ness of said city of Medford, including
this bond, docs not exceed any consti
tutional or statutory limitation; and
that provision has been made to pay
the interest on and tho principal of this
bond and of said series of bonds prompt
ly when and as the same fall due.
In testimony whereof, The said conn
cil of the said city of Medford has
caused this bond to be signed by the
mayor of said city and nttested by the
recorder of said city and the seat of the
said city to be hereunto affixed, and
the coupons attached hereto to be exe
cuted with the original or lithographed
fac simile signatures of the mayor and
citv recorder of said city, this firnt day
of '.Tulv, A. D. 190S.
City Recorder.
(Form of Coupon.)
No 2o.fi0
tin the 1st day of 19. .,
the City of Medford, in the County of
Jackson and State of Oregon, promise
to pay to bearer the sum of twenty five
dollnrs, lawfnl money of the United
States of America, at the banking house
of John Nuveen & Co., in the city of
Chicago and state of Illinois, for semi
annual interest due that day on its
Water Distributing System Rond of
l'.mS, Series "A." No
Attest :
City Recorder.
Sec. ,t. That the said bonds shall be
signed by the mayor and attested by
the city recorder, with the seal of the
city affixed to eneh bond nnd the cou
pons attached to said bonds shall be ex
eent'l with the original or lithographed
fnc simile signatures of the said offi
cials nnd the said officials are hereby
authorized to so execute the said bonds
and coupons and to hp afterward deliv
ered to John Nuveen 4: Co., of the city
nf 'hirago and state of Illinois, the
purchaser, thereof, upon payment of
the purchase price therefor.
Sec. 4. That for the purpose of pay
ing the tnid bonds ut maturity there
dial I ! et aside out of the gross rev
enue derived from the said water sys
tem in eat-h year hereafter until said
b..udo are paid, a sufficient iofltU
eteate a sinking fund to pay mvt
bond :it maturity, and for tD- purpc
i uf paying ihe iiitTet on aid bonds nn
the same f:ill due, there is here and
i now levied a direct annual xftx all
the taxable proj-erty in said city j
sufficient to pav a)d inte. M it fill j
Idu. and i-vv tl
IfJWteJ in d M JAW I"")
until all Ihe said bonds are paid.
See. A. That all ordinances or parts
of ordinances heretofore passed, in con
flict with this ordinance, are hereby re
pealed. The foregoing ordinance was passed
by the city council on the 14th day of
August, IPOS, by tho following vote, to
wit: Olwel voting aye, Merrick aye,
Trowbridge aye, Eifert aye, and llafer
J. F. REDDY, Mayor.
Oitv Recorder
An ordinance providing for the issu
anco of the negotiable coupon bonds of
the City of Medford, Oregon, for the
purpose of further improving the wnter
distributing system of said eity, pur
suant to tho authority granted to the
City Council of said eity by an amend
ment to the charter voted March 17,
Whereas, At an election duty called
and held March 17th, A. D. 1908, to
vote on the question of amending Mie
charter of the City of Medford, Oregon,
Whereas, The amendment voted there
on authorized the council of said city
to borrow money on tho faith of said
city and issue bonds therefor for the
sole purpose of further improving the
wnter distributing system of said city
provided that the mains installed in
improving said system shall all be of
cast iron of approved design and man
ufacture; and that tho bonds so issued
and the accumulated interest thereon
shall not at any time exceed $1?.",000;
The City of Medford, Oregon, doth
Section 1. That for the sole purpose
of further improving the water distri
buting system ot said city, provided
tnat the mains installed iu improving
said system shall all be of cast iron of
approved design, the negotiable coupon
bonds ot the said city shall be issued
to the amount of twenty-four thousand
dollars ($21,000) to be known as the
"water distributing system bonds of
190$, series It," to be dated July 1,
190K, und to be payable as follows:
$1000 July 1, 192ti, $10,000 July 3,
1927; $10H0 July 1, 192ft, and $3000
July 1, 1929, being in denominations
ot $1000 each, numbered from ono (1)
to twenty-four (24) inclusive, bearing
interest at the rate of five per centum
(o per cent) per annum, parable semi
annually, on the first days of January
and July iu each year, both principal
aud interest to be payable nt the bank
ing house of John Nuveen & Company,
in the eity of Chicago, state of Illinois.
Sec. 2. That the form of said bonds
and the coupons, evidencing interest on
said bonds attached thereto, shall be
substantially in the following forms, re-
spectively, towit:
United States of America.
State of Oregou, County of Jackson.
City of Medford.
Water Distributing System Bond of
of 190S, Series "II."
No $1000
Knok all men by these presents, That
the City of Medford, in the County of
Jackson and State of Oregon, a muni
cipal corporation duly organized and
existing as a city under a charter duly
adopted by the people of said city, ac
knowledges itselt to owe, and for value
rec e i ved h ereby prom i ses t o pa y t o
bearer the sum of one thousaud dollars
on July 1st ... ., together with in
terest on said sum from the date here
of until paid at the rate of five per
centum per annum, payable semi-an
nually on the 1st days of January and
July in each year, as evidenced by and
upon the presentation aud surrender of
the interest coupons hereto attached
as t hey severally hi come due; hot h
principal and interest payable in law
ful mnnev of tho United States of
America at the banking house of John
Nuveen & Co., in the citv of Chicago
and state of Illinois. And for the
prompt payment of this bond, with in
terest as n foresaid, nt maturity, the
full faith, credit and resources of said
it y are hereby irrevocably pledged.
This hond is one of a series of twen
ty-four (24 ) bonds of like date and
tenor, except as to maturity, issued by
said city for the sole purpose of pro
viding funds for further improving the
water distributing system of said city,
providing that the mains installed in
improving said system shall all be of
cast iron of approved design and man
ufacture; and is issued under authority
of the amendment to the eharter of the
said City of Medford, duly approved by
a majority vote of the qualified electors
at an election diilv called nnd hold on
the 17th day of March, A. D. 190H, nnd
of an ordinance passed at a legally held
meeting of the council of said city.
And it is hereby certified and recit
ed that all things, acts and conditions
required by the constitution and laws
of the State of Oregon and the charter
of said city to happen and be done and
performed precedent to and in the issu
ance of this bond have happened and
been properlv done and performed in
regular and due form nnd time as re
quired bv law; that the total indebted
neis of said city of Medfnrd, including j paid, at the rate of five per centum per
this bond, doe not exceed any constitu annum, payable semi annually on the
tioual or statutory limitation; and thatl 1st days of Janunry and July in each
provision has been made to pay the In- I year, nn evidenced by and upon the pre
terest on and the principal of this bond j -entntion and surrender of the interest
and of said series of bonds promptly coupons hereto attached as they .sov
when and an the same fall due. erally become du: both principal and
In testimony whereof, the said coun- interest payable in lawful money of the
cil of the said City of Medford, has' United States of America nt the bank
caused this bond to be signed by the house of John Nuveen t Co., in
mayor of said eity and attested by ; rity of Chicago and itate of Dlinnit,
th recorder of said city and the seal of And for the prompt payment of this
the said citv to be hereunto affixed, bond, with interest a aforesaid, at
nnd the coupon attached thereto to be
executed with the original or litho
graphed fur simile nignattirei of the
mayor atid etty recorder of aid city.
thi firt day nf July, A. D. I("H.
O City
(Form of Coupon.)
No $23.00
tin the 1st day of 19..,
the city of Medford, in the county of
Jackson and state of Oregon, promises
to pay to bearer the sum of twenty-five
dollars, lawful money of the 1'nitcd
States of America, at the banking house
of John Nuveen & Co., in the city of
Chicago nnd state of Illinois, for semi
annual interest duo that day on its
Water Distributing System Pond of
190.K, Series "H," No
Citv Recorder.
See. 3. That the said bonds shall he
signed by the mayor and nttested by
the city recorder, with the seal of the
city affixed to each bond and the cou
pons attached to said bonds shall be
executed with the original or litho
graphed facsimile signatures of the
Htid officials and the said officials are
hereby authorized to so execute the said
bonds and coupons and to be afterward
delivered to John Nuveen Jfc Co., of
the eity of Chicago and state of Illinois,
the purchasers thereof, upon payment
of tho purchase price therefor.
See. 4. That for the purpose of paying
the said bonds at maturity there shall
be set aside out of the gross revenue
derived from the said water system iu
each year hereafter until said bonds
are paid, a sufficient amount to create
a sinking fund to pay the said bonds
at maturity and for tho purpose of pay
ing the interest on said bonds as the
same fall due there is here and now lev
ied a direct annual tnx on all the tax
able property in said city a sum suffi
cient to pay said interest as it falls
due, and said levy shall be made aud
collected iu each of the years here
after until all the said bonds are paid.
See. f. That nil ordinances or parts
of ordinances heretofore passed in con
flict with this ordinance are hereby re
Tho foregoing ordinance .:is pissed
by the city council Ihe 14th ':iy of An
gust, 1908, by the followii..,' vote. i
wit: Olwell voting aye, viek a. v
Trowbridge aye, Wortaian aye, Kifert
aye. and llafer nye.
J. F. It EDDY, Mavor.
Citv Recorder.
An ordinance providing for the issu
a nee of t he negot inble coupon bonds
of the City of Medford, Oregon, for the
purpose of securing funds to secure,
furnish nnd install a gravity aupply
of pure water in and for said city, pur
suant to the authority granted to the
eity council of said city by an amend
ment to the charter voted April ,'td,
Whereas, At au ejection duty called
and held April 3d, A. D. 1 90S, to vote
on the question of amending the charier
of the City of Medford, Or., nnd
Whereas, The amendment voted there
on authorized the council of Raid city
to borrow money ou tho faith of said
city and issue bonds therefor for the
sole purpose of securing, furnishing and
installing a gravity supply of pure wa
ter for said city and that t he bonds
so issued and the accumulated interest
thereon shall at no time exceed I he
sum of $300,000; therefore,
The City of Medford, Oregon, doth
Section 1. That fi r the solo purpose
of kccii ring, furnishing and installing
a gravity supply of pore water in ami
for said city, the negotialde coupon
bonds of the said city shall be issued to
the amount of two hundred and ninety
two thousand dollars ($292,000) to be
knoH n as t he (Iravity Water Supply
lionds of HtOS, to be dated July 1st,
I90S, nnd to be payable as follows:
$7000 July 1, 1929;' $10,000 July 1st,
1930 to 1937, inclusive, ami $20.".ooo
July 1st, 193S, being in dennminat ions
of $1000 each, numbered from one (I)
to two hundred ninety two (292), in
clusive, bearing interest nt the rate
of five per centum (5 or cent) per
annum, payable semi-annually on the
first days of January and July in each
year, both principal and interest to be
payable at the banking house of John
Nuveen & Company, in the city of Chi
cago and hi ji t it of Illinois.
Sec. 2. That the form of said bonds
nnd Ihe coupons evidencing interest on
said bonds and attached thereto, shall
be Substantially in the following forms,
n-Npcct ively to-wit:
United States of America,
State of Oregon, County of Jackson,
City of Medford.
firavitv Water Supply Donds of 190H.
No '. " $loOO
Know all men by these presents, That
the City of Medford. in the County of
Jackson and State of Oregon, a munic
ipal corpornt ion duly organized and
existing as n city under a
chnrter duly adopted by the
peojde of said city, acknowledges
itself to owe, and ftf value received
hereby promises to pay to bearer the
mini of fine thousand dollnrs on July
1st, 19 together with intercut on
l said sum from the ditto hereof until
maturity, the full faith, credit and re
nurces of said
it v are herebv irrev
ably pledged.
Thin bond In one of n serle of two
hundred ninety two (IMli!) bonds of like
date and tenor, icept an lo maturity,
iued bv said city for th nac nnrpon
t r.rAt'ld itiif fnhrl fllT HCCIirinff. fllf
I niching and irmlallitig gravity aupply
oOpure -er for mid ch and ift
Man Separated From His Wife!
Who Is Responsible?
Crater Lake Lumber Co,
lulled under authority of the amend
meat to the charter of said City of Mod
ford, duty npproved by a majority vote
of the qualified electora at an election
duly called and held on the 3d day of
April, A. 1. 11MIX, and of au ordinance
putted at a legally held meeting of the
council of suid city.
Ami it is hereby certified and recit
ed that all thiuH, iic(h and conditions
required by tho constitution and lawn
of the state of Oregon and tho chniier of
said city to happen aud be done nnd per
formed, precedent lo aud in Ihe issuance
of this bond have happened and been
properly done and performed in regu
lar ami ilue form and time as required
by law; that tho total indebtedness of
said city of Medford, including this
bond, does not exceed any constitutional
or statutory limitation; and thai provi
sion has been made to pay the interest
on and the principal of this bond and of
said series of bonds promptly when and
:'s the same fall due.
In testimony whereof, the said couu
cil of the eity of Medford has caused
this bond to be signed by the mayor of
said city and attested by the r rder
of said city and the seal of I ho said
city to be hereunto affixed, aud the
coupons attached hereto lo bu executed
with the original or lithographed fac
simile signatures of the mayor and city
recorder of said city, this first day of
July, A. I. 1!08.
M ay or.
Attest :
(ity Recorder.
(Form of Coupon.)
No l!
Oa the 1st day of Ii. .
the eity of Medfnrd, in tho county of
dacksou and slate oi Oregon, promises
to pay to hesirer Ihe Hiitu of twenty-five
dolhus, lawful money of the Tinted
States of America, al the blinking house
of John Nuveen & Co., ill the city of
Chicago and statu of llliuois, for semi
annual int-res due that day ou its
(iiuvity Water Supply Hond of l!im.
Attest :
City Kecordor.
Sec. .'I, That said bonds shall be
sigm 1 1 by t he mayor a art at tested by
I lie eity recorder, with the mohI of 111
city affixed to earli hoad mid Ihe cou
pons attaehed to said bonds shall be
executed with t lie original or litho
graphed fur simile Kignat tires of the said
otlli ials ami the nid ollb-inls are hereby
ant horiz'-d to so execute the said bonds
and eoiipons and to be utter ward deliv
erid to John Nuveen li Co., of the cily
f 'hi en go nnd state of I llinoi, t he
piireliasers t hereof, upon payment, of
the purrlirise price therefor.
H'c, -I. That lor the stirpose of pay
ing t he said hnuds at mat u rity there
-hall be set aside out of the gross rev
enue derived from tho ha id water sys
tem iii eneh yenr hereafter lint i I said
bonds are paid, a sufficient amount to
create u sinking fund to pay the suid
bonds at maturity and for the purpose
of paying the interest ou j:iid bonds as
the Name falls due, there is hero and
now levied a direct nnr.ital tax on all
the taxable property in said city a sum
siillii'ieiit to pay said interent as it fall
doe, and said levy shall be made and
collected ill eaeh of the yearn hereafter
until all the said bonds are paid.
See. .". That all ordinances or parts
of ordinances heretofore pned, in con
flirt with this ordinance are hereby re
The foiQoing ordih.llite was paed
by tl iiy council the I lib day of Au
gunt, l!os, hy the following vole, to
wit: Olwell voting aye, Merriek nye,
Trowbridge aye, Kifert ave, and H:il'er
.1 l ItKliUV. Miivor.
City Keconler.
Wo VL'tVr lo a man who lives here and keeps his family
in Portland because he cannot find a house for them in
Medford. This is bad for him and had for Medford. The
real estate men toll ns they cannot supply half the demand
for houses. We will furnish the LUMBER. LATH,
SHINHLNN and CEMENT, if somone will get busy nnd
build a few more houses to rent.
Cornkr West Thnth and K Strf.khs
Cily Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land, Hay Land
Improved and Unimproved Lands. Prices reasonable
aud easy terms lo suit purchasers. Free transporta
tion to aud from all tracts. Office iu residence. No
coium ssion business. 1 buy aud sell direct.
Bargains in Pianos
1 have a few line Pianos left that I will sell at a
bargain. Call at my office iu residence, corner West
Tenth aud K Streets.
On railroad on Uh; West Side, north nf depot grounds
and convenient ly located for business men seeking home
sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap,
on good terms, ami the owners are in position to offer
building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right
kind o4' improvements. Why go out to the faraway
suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at
prices ranging from
$200 to $350 per Lot
situated where an advance in price, is assured, and where
the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the
railroad to the timber?
It pays to figure on such investments in a live town like
Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look lik
a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. Foj
full particulars apply to the
Rogue River
Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying
in all its branches.
.Kooms 'JK-'J!), .lackson
Land Comp'y
County Hank Building.