MEDFORD D.ULV TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREO OX, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1.', 1908. 7',' " , ', " T " " " --1 .1 .. ' MILITIA FIRES VOLLEY (Continued from page 1.) id bullets in the arms or sustained slight flesh wounds. Some probably were seriously hurt, but were nble to reach their homes. Brought Mob to Senses. The volley of bullets sufficed to bring the mob to its Benwes and it marked the beginning of the restoration of or der. Tlu soldiers then surrounded the burning wet ions and, under their pro tection, the firemen went rapidly to work nnd soon had the fin men under control. Uy order of Governor Deneen, the negroes whose lumies were destroyed lost night will be given shelter at the arsenal and tents will be provided for them as temporary places nf abode. Tho troops will be quartered at ('limp Lincoln. The streets will be patrolled and tho city kept practically under innr tial law until all danger of further nut breaks has passed. How X rouble Started. The trouble was started by an anna nil upon Mrs. Karl llallum. wife of a street enr mnn, by a negro Thnrsdny night. When fJeorge Hiehardson was arrested a mob immediately began tulkiug of lynching. The burnt of fury followed the knowledge last night that the negro had been taken out of town in liOper's at immobile. Most of the injured nnd the killed were struck by bullets fired during the rioting nnd it is difficult to place responsibility upon induvidufil. BRADLEY EXPLODES A "PEAR BLIGHT CURE ' In a recent report Chemist Kradlcy of tho Oregon (Experiment station says: In the struggle to combat the rav ages of pear ami apple blight many treatments have been tried and lint a few "cures" invented. A sample of pear blight remedy was recently anal yzed by us and found to consist of sul phur mainly, together with gunpowder, asafoetida, and n small amount of nr Ronlc. Directions stated that tho body nf the treo should bo bored, the stuff poured in nnd the hole tightly plugged. The insolubility of the ingredients of tho mix turn in the tree Nap would pre vent their being curried to the various portions nf the tree and the Kiibstanee would not doubt prove useless. PHACTS FROM PHOENIX Johnnie ('alliouinl is able to be about again, wo nm glad to note. Dr. II. l Hargrti vp made u profes sionul call here Monday. Henry Miller, who has been seriously ill for some time past, was taken to the county hospital Tuesday. John Calhoun the Med ford dairyman nnd family were op Monday visiting relatives living here. O. A. Hover of i In- Valley View or chard spent n portion of Mmida v in Med ford. Ifeporls are thai one of our worthy young Indies will wed himmi. Congratu hit ions. Miss Kt'fie Mills of Independence precinct was in on a shopping tion Tuesday. j Roy Morse of Truitvale, Cal., eanic up Monday to spend his vacation here1 with his uncle. (1. A. Morse. Mrs. W. It. Cid'iiiaii and Deputy I '(unity Clerk Mollie . Towite were over Sunday iimI spent the day here wit h relat ives. Itertie Stniicliffe lias resigned his p wit ion as sndit water dispenser at Hit ter & iHmlnp's in Med ford and intends packing pears for .1. (. (lore. Mrs. lilli:iu Klitekwood mill Miss Gertrude Woek:t atteudedo the funeral t.t the late Mrs. K. Wilkinson at .lack souville. Mrs. Charles Grubh ai.d her daughter Frances of Ashland are spending the weert here with her r iii law. Mrs. G. A. Morse. Wurk was eoniineiieed on an artesian well on the lttlrn II place Wednesday. The drillers report guod sm hh, as thev drilled oer :ttl feet Wednesday night. " News cum" to ns as we go to press that Itert Orr in old Phoenix boy, was recently married in liedding. Cms I lie cigars, Mert. luilon Carey -n.l wife ai return ed from their Hip to Newport. They sny it is cold np then- to what it is here. Uniic Cnlwr and wife i.n.l IM ;,., inson nnd wife returned yesterday from their Crescent Hv Inp. uhieh thev ru joyed very miieh. .lake Shaffer is Mpeiuhng a few ,t:iv visiting with his parents in North .luck MUlv.Hr. .lake is employed here iii Die standard showcase factory, hut owing to a shutdown he has a few davn I n off. G. A. Morse, il. A. Hover. S. V. Key nolds, IVed Pratt, (y and Harry Hons sum, hcii.jnmiu Htevens, .1. D. Kvans, Hev. T. J. Iteid. Mrs. Nalhani.d t i'urkerson, Daniel Anderton, Noah Chander, Jacob Shaffer, Andrew Heam '"v more were .Mfiiltirit tui iness cfillera thin week. Knslerick Pratt and family left on Tuesday evening for Crescent City. They slopped nt Mcdford, win-re Miss Grace Calhoun joined the part v. Thev will be gone three weeks or a month. Moyd Culver, (irnee Ifose, Claud C. Cnte, Krnest K. Keainen nnd wife, K B. Furry and family, Dr. II. P. Har grave and family, (iertrude Weeks, W. It. ( 'oleum ii a nd fam i I v, A . S. Furrv nnd family and Mrs. Charles hell anil daughter compose a camping par'v at D nd thditin. Art Hover had piit- n mishap loii while h:uili.,g hiy. lie was go he comer nt Itcurdslevs nt J...I wait uafl k-"'""- "," then there atreet 0.f ""',7V""""'- more Social and Personal Jeff D. Heard i itopping nt the Ashland baths. Miss Rose Hockenyos has returned from a visit in Ashland. W. K. Hitchcock of California is making this section as business visit. Miss Km ma Heed of Jackson Creek was a Med ford visitor Friday. Joseph Morton, Klder Ilrownrigg and James Trask of Phoenix tarried a few hours in Med ford Thursday. f. li. Ilillis nnd W. II. Lewis, who live near Winter, were among tho many in our city during the past week. L. II. Meigs and Henry Pohhnan of Orchard Home were in Medford one day this week trading with our merchants. James Hums, John Hammersby and S. W. MeClendon have been iu Med ford recently on land business. IM Worman has returned from bis so jouru at Colestin. which he speaks of highly. Mrs. James A. Wilson and Mrs. T. C. Norris of Jacksonville have been vis I iliug in Medford. Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Nichols of An (inch precinct were in Medford Friday afternoon. Judge Neil is in Dig Hutte district visiting his son Krauk and his family. i Thomas Carr of Fotts Creek, the pin- I neer miner, was a recent visitor in Med ford. Miss Clara Manning of Dallas, Tex., is paying Medford a visit, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Cnlp. Miss Frances Harries, who has been visiting in this section during the past few weeks, left for Portland Saturday. Joe Hoaglandli the well known melon raiser, was down from Central Point during the week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. T. Landry of Tolo were nmong their Medford friends one day this week. George Ti. Davis, George N. Lewis and John Kchunipf were over from Jack sonvilln the tirst of the week. William Higham has returned from Trail, where he has been spending some time. Hon. II. vou dor llelleu and .lames Kershaw of Wclb'ti were in our city on Thursday. J. S. Harnett, (leorge Itoss and J. J. lirowii of Central Point transacted bus iness la Medford one day this week. James McDougall of Kane's Creek. the pioneer bridge builder, made Med ford a business visit Thursdny. Dr. Carter, the dentist, is having a neat cottage built on J street, which is fast becoming the principal resident thorough Care in Medford. W i Ilia in In nee of Jacksonville was in Medford Friday. He has been sick for some time past, but is now conva lescent. Captain .f. T. C.Nash, owner of the N'ash hotel building, isin Medford froii) his Derkeley, Cal. home, lookong after property interests, Joseph Fetuer of Croats Pass and is family were in Medford Thursday on I heir return from a trip to Crater lake, which they enjoyed very much. L. Thompson and J. McJinscy, w ho live near t 'en t nil Point , were among those who did business in Medford dur nig the week. A. S. Payne of Ashland, an expert mechanic, is in Medford nnd will assist in the construct ion of Deuel & Kent -tier's big building. Henry Carnell of Antelope, who was very sick for sovcla mouths, has al most entirely recovered. Ho was here I'riday. M r. and M is. Turner went oui h Thursday to spend the lira let I term at one of I he summer resorts along the line. Thumas Me A ndrew, who owns the Warner grocery store building, is having il extended some distance to the rear, which will give additional space t hat is needed. The Credit and the Cash Dollar We ur not cii;ip'(l in tin oiiiitrrtVitinj; lnisincss. Our ;ools lire all of (lie standard lirands. not imita tions. Still wi' claim to make your dollars larger. Tliev will Imy more ii-occrics here than clscwlicro. The secret of this transformation is "We sell for cash and so sell vou more." We the expenses of lost accounts and bookkeeping. Wi reijiiest that yon ineslisate our prices. Taney llried .iricnts, a regular l"ic a pound seller, for on'ih, per l r)l pound I SPKI'IAL Rolled Oonts. regularly sell ing LMI ll.s. for f I, .lulv 1.1 to ( I 2.'i. :w lbs. for A No. I Wlnsi Itrooms, rolling regular ly for 2ic and 2.1c, resj lively, OA non-, for cash, l.'ic and uvC VK lAV CASH l-'Oi; I'AUM PIMHHTK. VK I NOT ASK VOTTODO Til A T V 11 I C II W V. WILL NOT DO. Fred Lundahl. manager of the West ner Orchards eouipanv. has received word that his brother, A. F. l.uadnhl, st well known shipbuilder, is dying from consumption at Newport, H. 1. L. B. Hrowa and family have return ed from a six weeks tour of Oregon in their automobile. They made visits at Albany, Newport and other places. The only aceideat met was at (.old Hill, where a tire blew out. The worst roads encountered were in Jackson county. MRS. DUNN WOUJjD AGAIN CHASTISE HER HUSBAND SAN FRANCISCO, Cal.. August I.V Mrs. Dueksie " Hosenbaiun hog' is Dunn, who recently created a scene at Atlantic City by horsewhipping her hus band, James Dunn, is in San I'ran risen today searching for him with the supposed intention of again i-hastising his for his alleged infidelity. Just to show she had arrived, Mrs. Dnnii last night entered the scalomi of I lan I leanfi, formerly manager of t he Savoy hotel, of which her husband was proprietor, and assailed Dean wits a fusillade of fisticuffs, wine glasses and cuspidors until he was forced to call upon his bartender for reinforcements. Having satisfied herself that her prow ess had in no wise diminished, Mrs. Dunn beat an honorable ret real. Dean was at a loss to explain why he should be the object of Mrs. Dunn's wrath. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single tuaer tions leas than 16 cents. Six lnsertlous fox the price of four. Seventy f 1 va cents a Hue per month. FOB SAXE. l't Ht SA LK Dry cord wood, pine, fir, oak nnd laurel. V. Onenbrngge, Sinde baker Ilros. ' warehouse. " 1'Olt MALK A good small husinc?. on Seven I h street. ltea;:oui; for gelling. Address, 1 O. box TilL or cull nt this office. tf Toil SAI.F An iron gray mare, -I years old, weight 1000 pounds, genlle, splendid driver, good light buggy and harness; price $IJ". Impure of Will J esc h lie, the jeweler. W I'Olt KALK At a snap. Two first class building lots facing new ( 'atholic school; one quarter cash lakes them. Address Box .rHH. I'Olt SALK In fine Angura goals. Ad dress Charles Shillingiord, I "fence nt City, Or. To'HA1(Ta I N (TwTli 'to reverses in business, I must seli my home at once; l! bedrooms, l dining room, I parlor, I kiteheu, I hall mom, 1 pantry, 1 lare summer kitchen, " porches, eliiek eu house and yard, garden and fruit, apples, pears, plums and grapes, fine wcel, walk ing distance, l.1 lots, each .'.tlx Nl; prico lfjfll), 7ot) cash will handle. Address I'. O. Vox L'71', Med ford. HIS !' IK 9AU-:--A Harreil IMviiiouth roost er, l lioroughhrt d, lo montlis old. Ad dress . O. Uox Medford. l-'Olt SA,-: Sand und gruvol; the best grade of sand ami y ravel for uule by .1, T. Long, Kiveruide avenue, mar M" Andrews' ford, Poit SALK- Kesideuifl property; 7 rooms aud bat h, city water, elect ric lights, sewer connection. 1'. ('. Page. KOH SALK- l.'i choice lots, live tnin ut en from depot, near school ; usy terms. K. ('. Page. I'olt SALK -Leading rooming house in Medford, I oca t ion unsurpassed, genu iae bargain to riylit parly, cash prop osilion only. Write, I ', l!o oMS, i:f'. KOR W. LK Seventh street business property, two story brick, JtOxMO; also j:Ui feet on Seventh street by AO feet on Riverside avenue. F. ('. I'iii, irive vou the hencfit l'ie bars of Swift's Pride Laundry S,i:ii and one of "P.-iry" Soap Ten liars of Swift's s-::" MILLER & EWBANK THE HOME OF TRUE ECONOMY Our Annual August Clearance Sale NOW ON IN FULL BLAST There were many who tnok advantage of the Juw prices last week. This is the second week of the GREAT SALK. Don't delay. Keiiieniber, you are saving money for yourself. These goods must he sold to make room for our Winter Stock. Look at these prices. Regular Price. Now. Men's Nettlet.m Patent Oxfords $(i.OO $4.75 Men's Xetileton Tan Oxfords $GM $-1.50 Men's N'eHletoii Vi.-i Kid Oxfords $4.25 Men's Xettletoii Oxfords $0.50 $4.25 Crawford's Patents. Tans and (iunnietal Oxfords, reg ular price .$4.01), now selling at $3.25 Full Double Sole Vici Shoes, reg $4 values, at. .$3.25 Men's Canvas Shoes ami Oxfords, regular $1.50 and ijy.OO values, now $1.15 Ladies' 'Patent; Oxfords, $1.00 values, at $2.95 Ladies' Patent and Kid Oxford, $:!.5() values, at $2.85 Ladies' $:!.()() and $:!.50 Kid Hand Turned $2.G0 Low-Heel Patent Oxfords, reg. $l'.5() vals., at;. .$1.80 Ladies' Patent Hand Turned Shoes, regular roit SALK S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice tenaerc tracts, best location in the valley. L. Nee-'t'-meyer, Jacksonville. KOH SALK -A first class pianola pia no; a bargain. P. O. hox !", Med ford. WANTED. WANT l)D Three or four rooms fur- ' nished for housekeeping. Address Box 121, Medt'ord. Jii7 j V ANTKD liob factory men, good wages; high wheel teamsters, $li." per month; lumber edger, $1 per day; guml girl for housework, .f.'t.'j per month. V. YV. VeHt & Co. WAN'Tl-Ji) -lioein and board for couple and child, or fiirnishi d rooms tor housekeeping. X. Ilox "DS, Medford. W ANTKI) A good, fresh milch cow. Address liox ol, Medford, Or. WANTcJO To buy a good hVininglon tvpowriter cheap. Address lim "f)S, t Medford. j WANTED To buy from 100 to :tt)0 head of stock uheep. Write Box l.H, j Medford, Or. VA 'TKL- -Ktirnishcd house; rent no i ubject; no children; h'ix rooms. Ad- ' dress 'Ml," Box fiOS. WANTED A spau of good horses, geldings or mares, which cau be drivan or worked, sovu or eight years old, sound and gentie, height 11U0 or 1200 pounds. Addres.t Tribune, Medford. BUSINESS CARDS. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon, Office at Uesideiicc. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COL EECTION AGENCY. Luck Bui 808. Medfcml, Or. THE ODELL, Li-ailing Rooming Houtip of 1 lie ity. Kri'8 liatha. Over Postot't'in'. M. D. MOOKK. COLVIQ & DURHAM, Attoraeys-at-&aw. Oho. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Oi. Win M. Colvij, Medford, Or. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIUOKK. MKDFORD, OK. iriena right. Puniia h' wheo Wanted. Can, at. on Milk, I - for 2.'ic. f'..r "Snap" Laun 32c i ;i iiiM-.i i fin. ;i SMITH & SEE THE WINDOWS Many Sensational Sales Now On It will pay you to go out of your way to see our windows. Even though you don't find anything you need displayed in the in, the pictures are worthy of a look. You can afford to huy the goods now on disp lay, for you save exactly One Half or One Fourth of the original prices and the good s are new. neat and clean and will he styl ish for a long time to come. Summer Goods and Parasols Think til' linviiij; lie:u:tit'ii! Silk ami Silkcil SiiiiiiniT O Is fur II.W.I' H.'li'i:. lt'j,nil:i r ll.'n- iii;ilitis Tor l'i'-c, ;!." yniilrs Jim- J7c, illlf imlrs I'ur 2fic ami liUr (ratli'S t'oi 30c n ytrI. I'AUASOI.S Fiiriii. rlv w'W Sl.fiO l.;-0 I'arav.ils 81.75 I' $'.;.rU 7.iiii Cm ru scils S:i..rj0 Jilii.iiu I'.-inisols $.'.00 Children's Dresses DEDUCED ONE-FOURTH Now ts I lie I inn1 to fur early srliuol wua 1 It., il res mailu up f cusf. Dri'ssus lur only lln-ssi'N fur .. . 1 .."0 Dri'ssos fur . . ..t-.-O Drussrs fur . . . t.'l.. 'ill Drosses fur . . . e money on Think of it liuiil what The Store Central Avenue, Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day jilioue 353; Night Phones: l W. Conldin .10; .1. II. Butler MS. OO TO DR. OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Opncal Parlor in Perrv 'a Warehouse, SKVKNTll ST R KMT. 'He Has No Other Business. 1 regularly selling for Nomegiaa Saide for l.-ie. w II for we sell IOC r-Lnil:ir -J i',.r - .. mIIt. a IOg , II thre. $5.00 values, at Ladies' Patent Button Welt, regular $5.00, now $3.90 Ladies' Kid Button, Hand Turned Shoes, regular $3.50, now $2.95 Ladies' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, $1.50 and $2.00, now $1.00 and $1.60 100 pairs of 'Babies' and Children's Oxfords and Slip pers, going at, per pair 50 They cost us more than this. Fanners' Heavy Mountain Boots. Fanners' Light Shoes, just right for August and Sep tember, going at Sitccinl Prices. Boys' and Misses' School Shoes, we will sell at Special Prices that will astonish vou. MOLONY Children's Dresses now, yun mil l.n the material voul! . . .15c . . .7fic . .$1.13 . .31.88 . $2.63 That Shows the New Goods BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Just North Jackson County Bank E. R. SEELY. M. D. Physician nnd Surgeon Modern Kquipped Opernting Rooms. X -liny. Office Hours, 10 12, 24 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. U ALL & OLOSCOCK, l Contractors and Builders, i All Work Ouarantevd. Office with C. H. Pierce Sou. Phone 8153. P. O. Box 771. Our Cash System We believe that Medford lias jirown to tho point whei'c it can and will support a strictly cash p-ocerv. The foundation of this belief is the fact that it is pos sible. 1st. to save much useless expense; 2d, to sell mi a nnii'h closer margin of profit, as we always know "where we are at." We believe that the public see and appreciate this fair, square proposition, and tho rapid increase of mir trade since adopting this sys tem is bearing us out. III. L' it u here 0G regular I.V l.r.akfa .1 f I. packajes 36G $3.90 Princess Gowns REDUCED ONE-FOURTH Princess Oowns in white lawn and silk may lie worn for receptions and special occasions any time in cite yea r. Tiny the 2.!S Dresses for $1.98 liny the $5,011 Dresses for $3.75 liny the $ Dresses for $5.25 liny the $10.00 Dresses for $7..r0 liny the $11.00 Dresses for $10.50 Kny the $22.00 Dresses for $10.''.0 Marvel Hosiery SIX PATHS for $1.50 All mizos in a finp Kibbod Lisle Throtul Most1 for mint's ami children; very clastic and durable; guaran tee ticket in every hox; sold only by the box; six pain guaranteed to wear six months without a hole in heel, sole or toe. You should supply the family now nnd quit darning hose and your lot. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Kye Specialist. Office in the Grand Theater bldg. Phone 35. Seventh aod Main. O. M. JONES, Olty Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed oa short notice. Leave orders with chief of police. Toilft So;ijs, inolu-lirtR ninny -ti :i intii nl tirniwls. tn rush, p inll 'Arm nnl llaiumrr" Soda, a regular liK- 'tlir, fash buvM r for OG i'nrn Starch with a regular rrfilit price nf l"r. we si' 1 1 for C"sh y l'AVINO CASir. WI.; AL WAYS IIAVK FIRST (UANCK FOR SELEC TION OF FRESH FRTIT ANn VEOETAHLES h "4