Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 15, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Au oritiuunee providing for tlu- imbii
unce of the negotiable coupon lunula of
Xh9 City of Medfonl, O-won, (or the
. purpose of securing funds to extend and !
improve tbe existing water distributing
aytem of said city, pursuant to the
authority granted to the city eouueil of
said city by an ameudmeut to the char
ter voted imp 4th, 1907.
IVhej-eas, At an election duly called
a lid held Juno 4th, A. I. 1007, to vote
oq, the question of amending the char
ter of the i-itor of itedfuid, Ouugou, ftfld
VThoriia, Ojie of the amendments vot
eil thereon authorized the council of
said city to borrow money on the faith
oft said city and issue bonds therefor
fur the sole purpose, of extending and
improving the existiug water distribut
ing system of said city and of purchas
ing, establishing and maintaining Htund
pipes and ranfervoir;), pu rehiring and lay
ing water pipes and mains, connecting
dead ends, carrying on investigations as
to. the possibilities ot maintaining wa
tV for said city by means nf walls,
and otherwise establishing nn adequate
Wter distributing system for said city,
ajid that the bonds so issued and the
aftcnmulntid interest thereon shall not
a any time exceed $40,111.0; therefore,
The City of Medford, Oregon, doth
.Section 1 . That for the solo purponc
of extending aud improving the exist
ing water distributing system of said
e&y, and of purchasing, establishing
:vd maintaining stundpipes and res
wwum, pur.d lading aud laying
water pipes and mains, connecting
dead ends, carrying on investigations
an to . bhe .poasibiiitiea of imuntiuniug
Wit or for said city by means of wells,
and otherwise establishing an adequate
Watur distcibjiting system in and for
sjiid .city, the negotiable coupon bonds
Qi' said city shall be issued to the
amount of thirty nine (J inn sand dollars
d$:i9,00i) to be know u as the 'f Water
Jist,ribntiug System lionds of 190S,
Series 'A,' " to be dated July 1, 1908,
And to lie payable a follows: $10,000
July 1, 10.2: ; $10,000 July 1, 1024 ; $10,
000 July I, Ul2", aud $i0iM) July 1,
&(2ti, being in denominationa of $1000
Often, numbered from one (1) to thirty-nine
(.U) inclusive, .bearing interest
at tho rato of five per centum (."i per
ent) per annum, payable soini anuually
on the first day of Januury and July
In each year, both principal and inter
est to be payable at the banking house
.of John Nuveen & Company, hi the city
iOf Chicago and state of Illinois.
Hoc. 2. That the form of the said
ibouds and the coupons, evidencing in
terest on said bonds and attached there
to, shall be substantially in the follow
ing forms, respectively, to-wit:
United States of America.
;8tate of Oregon, County of Jackson,
City of Hertford.
Water Distributing System Itoud of
190S, Series 11 A."
'jN, " I,M,
Know all men by these presents, That
,tho City of Medford, in the County of
;Jaelujoii and State of Oregon, a mimic
,ipnl corporation duly organized and ex
isting as a city under a char
ter duly ed by the people
litf said city, acknowledges it
-self to owe, and for value received
ihereby promises to pay, to bearer the
Biim of one thousand dollars on July
Jut together with interest on
said sum from date hereof until paid at
the rate Qf five per centum per annum,
-payable semiannually on the 1st days
of January and July in each year, as
evidenced by and upon the presentation
and surrender of the interest coupons
hereto attached as they severally be
come due; both principal and interest
.payable, iu lawful money of the Cnited
States of America at the banking house
of John Nuveen A: Cn., in the city of
Chicago and state of Illinois. And for
the prompt payment of this bond, with
interest as aforesaid, at maturity, the
full faith, credit and resources of said
city are hereby irrevocably pledged.
This bond is one of a series of thirty
nine (.10) bonds of like date and tenor,
except as to maturity, issued by said
city for the sole purpose of providing
funds for extending and improving the
existing wnter distributing system of
said city and of purchasing, establish
ing and maintaining stuudpipott uud res
ervoirs, purchasing and laying water
pipes and mains, connecting dead ends,
carrying on invest igntions as to the pos
sibilities of maintaining water for the
said city by means nf wells and other
wise cstublWhing an adequate waler
distributing system for said city, and
is issued under authority of the amend
ment to the charter of the said City
of Medford, duly approved by a major
ity of the qualified electors at an elec
tion duly called and held on the 4th
day of June, A. D. 1107, and of an or
dinnnce passed at a legally held meet
ing the council of said city.
And it is hereby certified and recit
ed that all things, nets and conditions,
required by the constitution and laws
of the state of Oregon and the charter
of said city to happen and be done and
performed precedent to and in this istu
ance of this bond have happened nd
been properlv done and performed in
regular and due form and time an re
auired bv law; that the total indebted
nes of mid citv of Medford. including
this bond, do-s not exceed any consti
tutional or statutory limitation; and I
that provision has been mftde to pay I
the Uterest on and the principal of thi
bond and of said series of bund prompt
ly.when and as the same fall due.
In testimony whereof, The said coun
cil of the said city of Medford has
caused this bond to be signed by the
mayor of said city and attested by the
recorder of wnid city And the seal of the
said city to be hereunto affixed, and
the rotii'ons attached hereto to be eie
ruted with the original or lithographed
fuc-simile signatures of the mayor and
city recorder of said city, this firt day
of" July, A. V. litfW.
City Recorder.
(Form of Coupon.)
No $25.i
On the 1st day of 19. .,
the City of Medford, in the County of
Jackson aud State of Oregou, promises
to pay to bearer the sura of twenty-five
dollars, lawful money of the United
&tate9 q Amoru, t the banking house
of John Nuvoeu & Co., iu the city of
Chicago and state of Illinois, for semi
annual interest due that day on its
Water Distributing System Bond of
1903, Series "A," No.."
Attest :
City Recorder.
Sec. 3. That the said bonds shall be
signed by the mayor and attested by
the city recorder, with the seal of the
city affixed to each bond and the cou
pons attached to said bonds shall be ex
ecuted with the original or lithographed
fac simile signatures of the said offi
cials and the said officials are hereby
authorized to so execute the said bonds
and coupons and to be afterward deliv
ered to John Xnveen & Co., of the city
of Chicago and state of llliuois, the
purchaser, thereof, upon payment of
the purchase price therefor.
Sec. 4. That for the purpose of pay
ing the said bonds at maturity there
shall be sot aside out of the gross rov
euue derived from the said water sys
tem in each year hereafter until said
bonds are paid, a sufficient amount to
create a sinking fund to pay the said
bonds at maturity, and for the purpose
of paying the interest on said bonds as
the same falls due, there is hero aud
now levied a direct annual tax on all
the taxable property iu said city a sum
sufficient to pay said interest as it falls
due, and said levy shall be made and
collected in each of the years hereafter
until all the said bonds are paid.
Sec. That all ordinances or parts
of ordinances heretofore passed, iu con
flict with this ordinance, are hereby re
pealed. The foregoing ordinance was passed
by the oily council on the Mth day of
August, 1903, y the following vote, to
wit: Olwi'l voting aye, Merrick aye,
Trowbridge aye, Kiferl aye, and Hafer
J. P. 11KDDY, Mayor.
Citv Recorder
An ordinance providing for the issu
ance of the negotiable coupou bonds of
the City of Medford, Oregon, for the
purpose of further improving the water
distributing system of said city, pur
suant to the authority granted to the
City Council of said city by an amend
ment to I lie charter voted Mnrch 17,
1 90S. ,
Whereas, At an election duty called
and held March 17th, A. 1). 1908, to
vole on the question of amending the
charter of the City of Medford, Oregon,
Whereas, The amendment voted there
on authorized the council of said city
to borrow money on the faith of said
city and issue bonds therefor for the
sole purpose of further improving the
water distributing system of said city
provided t hat the mains installed in
improving said system shall all be of
cast iron nf approved design and man
luacture; and that the bonds so issued
and the accumulated interest thereon
shall not at any time exceed $2",00t);
The City of Medford, Oregon, doth
Section I. That for the sole purpose
of further improving tho water distri
billing system of said city, provided
t tin t the mains installed in improving
said system shall all be of east iron of
approved design, the negotiable coupon
bonds of tin1 said city shall be issued
to the amount of twenty-four thousand
dollars ($L'-l,000) to be known as the
' 4 water distributing system bonds of
1!ini, Ncries It." to be dated July 1,
l!Mis, and to be payable as follows:
$luiiii July 1, 1920, $10,000 July 1.
1927; $10,1(00 .Inly 1. 192S, and $:iOOO
luly 1. 1929, being in denominations
oi $10011 pjich, numbered from one (I)
to twenty four (24) inclusive, bearing
interest at the rate of five per centum
(o per cent) per annum, payable semi
annually, on the first days of January
and July in each year, boih principal
and interest to be payable at the bank
ing house of John Nuveen & Company,
in the city of Chicago, state of Illinois.
See. 2. That the form of said bonds
and the coupons, evidencing interest on
said bonds attached thereto, shall be
substantially in the following forms, re
spectively, towit:
Cnited States of America.
State of Oregon, County of Jackson.
City of Medford.
Water Distribut ing System Bond of
of 190. Series " H. "
No $1000
KnoK all men by thee presents. That
the City nf Medford, in the Countv of
Jackson and State of Oregon, a muni
cipal corporation duly organized and
existing as a city under a charter dulv
adopted by the people of said city, ac
knowledges itself to owe, and for value
received hereby promises to pav to
bearT the sum of one thouHnnd dollar
on July 1st ..... together with in
teres I on said sum from the date here
of until paid at the rate of five per
centum per annum, payable gentian
nnally on the 1st days of January and
July in each year, as evidenced by and
upon the presentation and surrender of
I he interest coupon hereto attached
a t hev e vera lly b . come d tie ; hot h
i principal and interest payable in law
: fill m-Mi v of the 1'nited States of
! America at the banking hone of John
i Nuveen V Co., in the eity of Chicago
! and state of Illinois. And for th
' prompt payment of tin bond, with in
terest n aforesaid, at mainrny. in.
I full fnith. credit and re-onrces nf said
citv ore hereby irrevm amy pi"igii.
TYmt li.jnil i ne i.f a wriM of ten
tyfr.ur (241 waU ! like !' n.l
tenur, except a to maturity, iMued by
tmid city for the sole purpose of pro
viding funds for further improving the
water distributing system of said eity,
providing that the mains installed in
improving said system tUioll all be of
cast iron of approved design nud man
ufacture; and is issued under authority
of the amendment to the charter of the
said City of Medford, duly approved by
a majority vote of the qualified electors
at an election duly called and held on
the 17th day of March, A. D. 1908, and
of an ordinance passed at a legally held
meeting of the council of said city.
And it is hereby certified and recit
ed that all things, acts and conditions
required by the constitution and laws
of the Stnte of Oregou and the charter
of said city to happen and be done nud
performed precedent to and in the issu
ance of this bond have happened and
been properly done and performed in
regular and due form uud time .is re
quired by law; that the total indebted
ness of said city of Mod ford, including
this bond, does not exceed any constitu
tional or statutory limitation; and that
provision has been made to pay the in
terest on and the principal of this bond
and of said series of bonds promptly
when aud as the same fall due.
In testimony whereof, the said conn
cil of the said City of Medford, has
caused this bond to be signed by the
mayor of said city and attested by
the recorder of said city and the seal of
the said city to be hereunto affixed,
and the coupons attached thereto to be
executed with the original or litho
graphed fac simile signature:! of the
mavor 'and citv recorder of said eitv,
this first day of July, A. 1). .1908.
City Recorder.
(Form of Coupon.)
No $2o.00
On the 1st day of 19. .,
I lie city of Medford, in the county of
Jackson nud state of Oregon, promises
to pay to bearer the sum of twenty-five
dollars, lawful money of the United
Stales of America, at the hanking house
of John Nuveen & Co., in the city of
Chicago and state of Illinois, for semi
annual interest due that day on its
Water Distributing System Bond of
190S, Series " B, " No
City Recorder.
Sec. 3. That tho said bonds shall bo j
signed by the mayor and attested by
the city recorder, with the seal of the
eity affixed to each bond and the con- j
pons attached to said bonds shall bo 1
e xec u t ed with the or ig i ua 1 or lit ho- j
graphed fac simile signatures of the
s.tid officials aud the said officials ape j
hereby authorized to so execute the said j
bonds and coupons and to be afterward i
delivered to John Xuveeu & Co., of i
tin city of Chicago and state of Illinois,
the purchasers thereof, upon payment !
of the purchase price therefor.
Sec. 4. That for the purpose of paying,
the said bonds at maturity there shall ,
be wet aside out of the gross revenue
derived from the said water system in
each year hereafter until said bonds'
tire paid, a sufficient nmnuut to create
i sinking fund to pay the said bonds
it maturity and for the purpose of pay- ,
ing the interest on said bonds ns the
ame full due there is here and now lev
ied a direct annual tax on all the tax-'
aide property in said eity a sum suffti-
cient. to pay said interest as it falis
due, and said levy shall be made and
collected in each of the years here .
after until all the tiaid bonds are paid, j
Sec. That all ordinances or purls
mi iiMiiuitiii;i: iiiJiuiiriuiv iuuu in vmi-
fliet with this ordinance are hereby re
pealed. The foregoing ordinance was passed
by the city .council the l tth day of An
gnM, IJ)oK. by the following vote, to
wit: Olwell voting aye, Merrick aye. j
Trnwbridge nye, Wnrtmnn aye. Kiferl j
:iye. ii nd Hafer aye.
Approved: j
J. V. ItKHDV, Mayor.
Attest: ;
nrcwr. m. coltjvs.
Citv Recorder. i
You Will Make No Mistake If You
Follow ThiB Medford Citizen's
Advice. i
Never neglect your Uidneva.
If you nave pain in tbe, buct, urinary
dinorderti, diziuens aud nervousness, it'w f
time to ai-t and no time to experiment. !
Tlifene are all Hyinptomn of kidney
trouble, uud you should seek a remedf
rrhich itf known to cure tbe kidneys.
Ih.itn'n Kiduey 1'illn is Die remedy
U ua,-. So uved to experiment. H ban
cured muiiy ntuhburu eimes in Medford.
follow tj6 Miivir of u Medford ritizeo j
and be eured yourself. '
Mm. A. Moore, living eorner V and
Kleventb nt reets. Medford, Or., sbvm:
"My husband hud suffered from kid
ney trouble for some time and tins com-
plaint kept gradually growing worms
He had pa inn iu his back aud kidneys,
aud was forced to arine many time at
night on areouut of the irregular :ind
t.o frequent utliou uf tbe turret ioum.
He took many rtuiedieti, but did uot
succeed in finding relief until Ihmn 's
Kidney J'ills were brought to bis at
tentiou, ami he procured it box at Huh
kins' drug store. They helped biui
from the llrst, so he continued to take
them. The pains ceased, his k id neys
were restored t o their na t u ral cond i
tion, nud he fels better in every way.
He is glnd to recommend lou's Kid
omv lill to others."
For sale by all dealers. Price ."m cent.
Foster MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole
agents for the United States.
Keaituiber the name Dean's aul
take no other.
Our circulation li legitimate and Urge
fur sit f tlm tli-lr(fr m
When the rain failed to materialize
we were bluer than ever. The creek
was dry nud washing scarce. Many
faces were ribboned where sileut tears
had washed away the dust. Orim des
pair gripped our parching throats. l,o!
The shril hvhistle of a locomotive in
the distance! We are saved! The ner
vous tensiou grudually relaxed leaving
our knees wobbly and our steps uncer
tain. It was plain to all now. The
problem was solved. The train slowed
down at the station, and fifty cases of
'olestin M inernl Water were dumped
out on the depot platform. You know
what to ilo now.
Notice is hereby given that tho city
recorder will receivo sealed bids up to
12 M., August 17, 19o8, for the construc
tion of an artificial stone sidewalk 1-1
feet in width on Seventh street along
the north side of block OS, from II
street to 1 street, nud au artificial stone
sidewalk S feet in width along the north
side of block 77, from the e ids of the
present walk to the curb on 1 and J
st reets.
Said walks to be built according to
the ordinances governing such construc
tion. The price bid shall be per squurc
foot of walk, which shall include all ex
eavnl ion and filling.
Advertised bv order of Hie citv enuu
cil. ' 127
BUN J, M. COM. IN;!.
City l: cor I. -v.
Gorham Sterling Silver
Hawke's Cut Glass
Nothing nicer for a present;.
The Jeweler Near Postoffice
Fine Watch aud Jewelry Repairing a Specialty.
Don't Bother to Cook
It's too hot. Get what you want aire a iv
prepared; we have it.
We cater to those who want the best.
it' is up to You
What Will You Do?
If you do a lot of thinking, if your hrain is active
and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking
down your system day by da', then you may reflect for
a moment, if it would not lie wise to drink the strength
of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack
age of
Golden Grain Granules
No man can consume his strength and retain it at
the same time; he ought to replenish an e(ual amount
daily. flOLDICN DRAIN DRANUJMS is far super
ior to (.toffee, although it looks like coffee, tasles like
coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had
in any grocery store for ilfic. Order a package today.
All grocery sell it.
Foolish People
I)on't care about cither extra ipialily or right price
when they buy their meals. Wise ones insist on bull
and so I rade at
Medford Meat Company
Successor to Pottenger
lii&une Ads
Man Separated From His Wife!
Who Is Responsible?
Crater Lake Lumber Co.
Bring Results!
Wo rot'or to a man who lives here and keeps his family
in Portland lieeausc lie cannot find a house for them in
.Mod ford. This is had for him and had for Medford. The
real estate nu n toll us they cannot supply half the demand
for houses. Wo will furnish the LUMBER, LATH.
SIIINTILT'X and CEMENT, if somone will gel busy and
Imild a few more houses to rent.
Cornkr Wkst Tknth A XI) K Strkkes
City Property, Farm Lands, Orchard Land, Hay Land
Improved and Unimproved Lauds. Prices reasonable
and easy terms to suit purchasers. Free transporta
tion to and from all tracts.. Office in residence. No
com in ssion business. I buy and sell direct.
Bargains in Pianos
I have a few fine Pianos left that I will sell at a
bargain. Call at my office in residence, corner West
Tenth and K Streets.
On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds
and conveniently located for business men seeking home
sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap,
on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer
building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right
kind (,!' improvements. AVli y go out to the faraway
suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at
prices ranging from
$200 to $350 per Lot
silnatcd where an advance in price is assured, and where
the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the
railroad to the timber?
It pays to figure on such investments in a live town like
Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look Ukt
a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. Poi
full particulars apply to the
Rogue River
I Ma us, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying
in all its branches. j
Rooms 'JK-'2!(, .Jackson
Land Comp'y
(toiinty Hank Huihling.
Till DUNK IMS Til KB ESI.! rkl? ' flf W