K , ,,,-,) i . i) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, FlilllAY, AUfUIST 14. V.m. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Live Town. Published every evening except .S",da.v. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY Geokge Putnam, Editor and Manager What Papers Say SHALL THE PEOPLE RULE?' " in the Postoffice at Medford, Oregon. " SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One month, by mail or carrier. . . .VM Q. rear, by mail. No reason lu be uncomfortable in a lint. stnffv kitrbeo. Medford Tirac Tabic SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY L"r 1 "n" "i" i . ,. .n. m iI.biu at summer i oitv subscribers who desire 1 " I7f . .h office, aiv- I resori. or other outof-town pu . v- - - w ln elty address and tlia lengxn . ., Mrvu:. now address. On returning, P"" by carrl.r may be promptly resume- (fSucralili-nto IU-:) Ti.n. la tin. oiti-Htion which Willilim Jennings Bryan nts before On- citizens of those 1'nitid States in m : ptmiri! which liiifar ill full in tin- columns of Tin- Hi e toilny. Thai nddri-s is in Uryau ' best vein full of meat, pithy and ointeil, wily, ..u,i iiml iiririiiiieiitiit ive. i. ;.. :,, utrniiu contrast wilh the . I u.lclr.-HS put forward by William How nnl Tall in u similar .ou rcnly fouiul hiniHi-ll in an awawani ,ri-iiii-aini-nt. I'nsiliK H t hi' heir I" ..1...1-...-.., uMiteieil iitel i-inasrulitti-d by i""' .. ; Inmi-litul ami vital dm-lr s in n- Otism, the reiublie.'iu eamliilale en avoreil lo shape hi aildnss an lu -mbrai-i- a nioilielllll of I lie Know-veil principles which Hie convent ion nan put liable, wilhont ofeiuliliK I he plat form makers who lin.i- no u, " lionsi-vi-llism; ami, at the. mi tune, ,1 to pin his loyalty lo the .latlanii oiiMpieuoimly us lo irniaie uie KooMi-vell ei.utincent winch thai plal form hail spur I ami I he cnnveatiouii hail Hat uiiui. la that attempt Talt inline a . wiry sorrv failure. Fur his aililri-SH ih evas ,uti-!iilicloi-v: incoiiHisleal here ami tln-re with Hie pluform upun which I,., viiimlu ami inconsistent there nnl You can take your Kleetric Iron to any part of the bouse where there is a light ancket. Aa extension eonl from the kitchen light wilt enable you to use it on the porch. Telephone Main S5'i anil have au Kleetric Iron sent yon ou one week's free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Office iiuU West Seventh St., Opposite Uig Electric Sign. n.iiliiiie of this inconsistency, Homing of this coiitniiliction in the nildn-ss put forth by William .1. Hryan. I here is which lie nseils to eviule, or for which he has to apoligize. I'nlike his distinguishi-il opponent, llryna linen not staail upon a plattorm wliich he bail repuiliateil ami epn! upon IhoHi- vital principles which he has nlwava chaintiioneil. On the ciintrnry ,r , KTKD-MOUK A DYEliTlSEHS A few days ago Th(. Trihune printed among Med lord' n 11 ... 1 ..... . wants tne lonov,.,.. , 'More merchants with Drams enong.. i ..... , , i .. m tor w tar, a new ii senseenougiiios.i.." ... does lor a community l.y supplying h 1 1,. if In nvist he staaiis, ami in """" (liable It t. (-A Int. .,,,-iuslV at Work here with the principles in which he ,s Since then the opposition lias l.een lalioi iousi nw,mnt , i-...vr.i.iinr t induce merchants to construe this into a (in limm.vu ,.,,.,, ClldeaVOling 10 I'l""'1 .... ... riil,:,, cr,.,-t There is nnthini: of this evasion waiiton insult" to Medio,,, ' ? , , 1 ...;n. 1 . ti 1 wiii-i'i'ss. 1 mi ii n JUIS 1 1 Ol, met vi 1111 1 1;..., ....11I. I sii const rue it. hV envv aim limn- . .1 r Hi On increases, so m m AH Hie liui'inni , . ... .. ln.ntst On v live mercliams amciu". mimiH-r ..1 . . , , iu,d the hulk ol' the l.usiness will go 10 u.e mi.K... ...... ... 1 1 :.. f w. L-.'iiiiwii nr 1 1 uc ru. T ip nilvertisinu mercuaiii m im: . I lit .KIM 1 ii-'i'h ..... Ilw. vim.- 11... , uciiiti at form is a plntlorm A ncwsnaiier is depon.lent lor e.isici.i.- ..iu. -i ;.,,. ,i n,ai is to say ..is.. J 1 . . . . .......it ..ii lllltl It . -. . ... ... ...;il. .. ... ....t .1 iiiiu.il... . . . . f 1 1, in. .... . ....... iii,i ,1 iu 11 oiniioriii msi port it receives. . ..... ' i.. ii ..v..i !...-. f..r u.h..v..i was but nilnimntc suiiiiort. Kor a wiuie sonic ...n... nnM.s.,.Mmi w .. . .1- .1... I',, 1,. i-.. 1. i-ii- .-it IIS OWll CX- 1 L .million mure than the prac publisher gamming upon ,IllIiMllio-11 y ,, pubii- ...n..i.i .....In,... n licw-SDalier IICHCr ill 1 uuiii 1 1 ,.. ,,, 1;11,.i1,i.,f, which William .1. ' 'II i ... :. . .1... I,.,,,,- vim till' llMllCl' In,.,,,. I,., .hii 111 1 ,i oi.i-il for a ilo.eu ort dven lum uisiuies, ou. ... ...- h . i... 'nuUire it,.osev,-i, . i i- ii ....... i..ii..i. ii ncwsiianer s -. , .... , ... ,, , v trust' with that set forth by Tnt'l is a shiiulibr, consistent ilcclaralion ol 111 I,. in line with the policies h i i . . ., Iuih alwavs ailvncateil ami in lann nun Hi,, iil.itl'orin uniiii which he stnaib -.. ... r ii. l u. Mr. Mrvan s leecn apulney for the platform which hi I,.. ,i i 1. no ellort to cnlii-iliaii I I,,, Ml, .Villi lllll I alwavs believeil iu him , :il I (1... l.u;.n.uu Mini 'I'llC 'I I'l- l.v HviiiL' to make them think thai lu vals, tor tne nnveruscr - - jH n ,,.,.,, , ,.-ii n iiU 1 1,,, ciiviil.-it mil and Hie prestige aim is ncic i Mill. III.,' I.... . 1 - . I I.. ........ ilu stav Its iniiirovenicnt or nepreciai ion i. .. niitrmie'e. j .i ...... i ii ; I.. iimi i-i'i'iiii owns Hive liieir 1.1 !. K.ipporUliat they have such poor papers-and travelers .... H, c (own hv the naner. It is an index to the (owns "i 1 ... ... ....-....i,i...in.. ils ni-imressiveness and us pins hum. t " !-- .... I- . ..K. .... I.'. i...u tin. i-ciint.-i ion ol lienm one 01 uie iiu-mi ... ... ... .ill'.. .1... i li.i'iv-i. I 1,1 .In. anil beiiiL' reilicuuuslv weali towns in Oregon, and us papers j..m.i ,,, ,, r,.i,iu,,n nartv-whid lion for the merchants spend live nines as iinicn m .m ,,,ls ,,., KMiUl power for in.- ms. ' . .. . e ii .li' I .1.. I.'.i.r.n i ll. i ilo.ea vears Ihe i.ol i-n.-y to ilo ::ll ol vertising as tlie nicrciiams 01 nicoiuni ..... ......... ... , , i,it.K .-ver ii,.,..- ....... of . .. . i.l ,,..ui .... ii 1 1 vi v no In- IC ' 1 11 nose I, ,, l,l has a navs vute.1 ea.ll ol nciieriown.a.... .... i-i".-; , , ,,,; ,,, , - M...lford. vet more ol Kugene mercliams .ii.nc.s....,u itH1,lr iB ,;,r i,,.t . i i:..: ,.1 tin, ...it.i.i'M ;ll'l llll'l'l'i'ore ihlllV ailVClllSe- ,.r reu.lini; than any coniincnt The 11 I'll imiil ...in i"'l ,, ui . . colilil wrin- upon ii, - ".' jiii.nis ol 1 he cit v s lirotrressiveness. ,,,:s ..,. ,Mi,,u ,ke, . ,i .. l.t.u.i.iiu in li ll ll lll iriiin linn- in nine ' " ' " ' aiih'i' iit.-iii inn iiiu-i. '. .'...... ., ... .. ... . . .. .. nccasiiiTI tu locus llpnll III lll'is n. ii.. l.nil.liiiir no nf the ncwsnaiier means the building up . r,..i,,,.H . f saiiem p,.iuta ,. e .1 K ...... in Ihiu verv nithv aililress; but for ol llie comiimnii. . .mh.-i.-h......... .... - i , v .,.(,., ipeak for It A Money Saver "Vnrhliound Mo. 10Oregon Express 15:54 p.m., No. 14Portlnntt express. . . :-. I Honthboujld I No. 15Califomia Express. . 10:35 a. m. No. 13J8an Francisco Exp.. 3:20p.m. No. 225From Grants Pass.. :iop- u. No. 225 For Ashiana M.iy.. PAOIFIO it EASTERN RAILWAY NoTTiLeaves Medford 8:10 a.m. No.3Leavs Mdford j 3:50p.m. No.2Arrives Medford 10:23a. m. No.4Arrives Medford.'. 1 5:08p.m. ROOUB RIVER T ALLEY RAILWAY No. 2ILeaves Medford". 110:45 a. ni No. 4Lcaves Medford MoturLeaves Medford MotorLeaves Medtora.... No. lLeaves Jaeksonville. No. 3Leaves . Jacksonville. MotorLeaves Jacksonville. etorLeaves JacksonvilU. , MALL CLOSES. We fully realize that there is a ma jority of people who always wish the very best. These people are wise. The best is always the cheapest in the long run. Kspocially is this true oi our 111 ll K WII1TK" Fl.OUlt, in so much as any housewife who has tried it knows that it makes many moreloaves to the sack than ordinary flour. Uou't be penny wise anil pound foolish, but buy ihe lieat flour, i. e.. "Pure White," of Allen G Reagan THK OHOClOliY ON THE C'OHNKK 6:35 p. m. 2:00 p in. 9:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m. 3:30 p. ui. 1:30 p. Hi. 7:30 p. m. Eaule Point. Northbound . Southbound . JacksonvilU , tx.'m'.ip: M ,1 7:201 2:00 I 9:191 4:54 10:05 2:50 10:2 o:zu HIDFOBS, OEIOOM M. Stata Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 YOU NEED PROTECTION FOR YOUR VALUABLES if vou have not already put them where tbev are safe. Any ordinary receptacle, such as trunk, box or drawer, is con stantly iu danger of being burned or robbed. Secure absolute protection for your valuables hv placing them in the fire and burglar proof vault of the Jackson i-ountv Bank, where you caa rent a safe deposit box for and up per year. Finest eiuipmeut in southern Oregon. W. T. VAWTF.K, President 0 R. LlNDLEl, uasnior THE BEST THAT'S OOINO. ,,, ways be had at the Nnih Co" All seasonable delicacies and all that is ai.net ixiiiL'. Our service is prompt and elliciellt, mid our i i iiokiiiL' cannot be ex- ,.U,.,1. one al will convince yon that we are friends you can tie to. Nash Buffet ... ... ..ii ... ...... .,,.,. i..ii.. ii eun ii i will seeu the level 01 uu- r.u.,... ., . . ,,,, i. au wuicn m.- ...-p. . I .,,. niil'-lilini'- hill'onieter of 1 IC tinmil lonvenlion nl Chicago spurned. advertising columns are an iiniauinL, n rv'S ,ioc-i, ti.,-refore-i c,,,, . :...'.. .....,lu,uui.'iiiiKH. nasi with that set forth by Tal'l is ii ..; ..V ii'i.iri'i'Msiv'eness ii.) " 1" "h- . . i.. I.,. ..I vv.'ints more customers, and liccaust 1. .l'. nt. more, do the old customers feel insulte.W i i. .....i ,'u In ni'ili'i' to liroduct The Triiiune warns nion- .m.. ..c. . .. 1...H.... ..,....' New customers lor rnuune space w 1'oiiH'-either from mcrchaiils now here or from new arri is a plallorm iinlo niinscii; no .ihm. at a weak promise to do those things which Talt iiitimali's that he would like ilo, bill which the National Hcplllill can 1-onvenliiin, through its platlnrni, I has said he should mil dn. ami which a Kepublii-nll Congress would not let him dn if he Irii-d. iu I his speech of acceptance In llrvan. he riddles with grapeshi-t the candidate as to what he may ilo-such claims being in opposition to the dec laratinns of Ihe platform as to what he ABOUT August, 1") we will he ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any iiuantity at $3.00 per tier, deliver!, or $2.00 per tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tier wood, at $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Oregon. i i Tl, !ii-i I. nt lew- business houses m Medium ii,i i.i . " '. . ...... .... ...:n. .. i ..........n ii..., i 'I'll,. Ti-iliunc's. iind its everv Willi .1 i..i. ', " issue is a boost for city and county. shnuld Ami that it dm- tones ami wilh tin Uue Aiiieiii-ai-.ism. thai the address If. in no urn- -Hi-.iu Hterling nog m 1 f you have lost or found unv thing, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want. Ad in The Trihune. LOW RATES EAST Will he made this season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines in Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE. as follows: Both Ways One Way Through Via TO Portland. California. Chicago $82.40 $87.50 St. Louis 77.40 82.50 St. LJaul G9.90 81.75 Omaha 09.90 75.00 Kansas City - 09.90 75.00 Tickets will be on sale June 19, 20. .hdyG, 7, 22, 23. August , 7, 21, 22. Good for return in 90 days with stop.-ver privileges at pleasure within limits. REMEMBER THE DATES For any further information call on A. S. ROSEN 13 AUM, Local Agent, or write to WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Frames, Block Wood Office fixtures and aU kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. P, BETWEEN OTH AND 7TH ST& 1HONE 65. RU1.I.F.T HOLE IN DEAD MAN'S HEAD III the resignation of Superintendent l'arrar ol the . . .... . ill . 1 i ....if l ..in' n u num. v:i :i i i mm I . . , Willi! XH ln III" ill 1 ' I (UK Mi lit .MIH-M I t. ' efficient public servants- whose task, that of supplying --,t,n- when t iei-c WHS none. Ill a lliaKesllUI apnlog H1 .I i(,..,,r v.-sier.lnv. as the .-..mncr i . i i i....: II,, I. ..i ...iu ii wl absent and his deinitv is out un a hum water syslein, lias oeen ;i mm-m ii.mi.i; -.i.-. ... ,,iirIii ,, h,lvp ,,., as the promise ol a real water worus is maierian.uin. Wiissoii canvou sprini:' inches and si ill dropping. Hope still flows, however, in tin hearts of some of the water committee. body where it is tied ill the water by the pa-ty wlm found it, say there is a hide in ihe back of the head that looks OW is IIOW doWII to about 150 bbe a bullet hole. ..Irs. . Ifliam l.nne o. Inin:ii AEROPLANE MEETS WITH riRST ACCIDENT I.KMANS. I'nilice, August l:l. Wil bur Wright's great aeroph met with its first accident ill the flights here. wh by a false nuineuver, it was brought sharply In Ihe ground early today. The motor ns not ilamagnl. but the fiamework was considerably ulintterod. Wright was sailing nl a height of !M feet, w Ii li all pling to piuis over ll deep slough he was fore nl In make quick changes ia Ins course In the rapid work required iu such an emergency he miide a inislake thai came near being fatal to the ship. Wright, however, was mil injured. The aeronaut has been woirnil by the people who galher In see the fligbts. His previous flights have all beeu made in private ami the em-ile inelit of the crnwds has made him ucl vou. It wns In avoid this that be de terminer to make bis flights early in the morning. The mireessful flight of y.-steiday ttna practically prnv.-d the siircenw of the mehanicnl birA, and the accident tnilav is ant bulked upon as diminishing In .1 . After the : nleiit Wiiehl vml "The ilamage to Ihe machine is not .rrmii, The llinlnr is lint d.llllllci-.l at all. and I Imp,- tn have all repairs mini and In I n il Inn The American aernnaut is the lu-l il, ,hiv in I'aris The impels are tilled will, -.tnries nf his flights, his maun, nf life, his views oil any question on which he can In- made In talk' and des i-riplinns of Ins personality. The acei ,elil In.lav is Ihe cause nf deep regret near the bunk nf the river near her home bint Saturday, mid saw what she I thought was the body of a mail float itig in the Htream. but it passed nut nf Ight tu-lore Hhe collh! gel aslsiance in iuxeslieali-. Her hniuc is several miles up stream from where the remain:, were' fniniil, mid her di n-. vci may :h.i. III LOCAL MARKET. Tl, fnlnlwln ui.ntatloui are an iru partial rsport of tin prices paid by Mad ford dealers: Wheat (1 per bushel. Wheat S.V per bushel. Flour $-.7", per cwt. Whole barley $23 per ton. Hay Hi per ton. Alfalfa $10 per ton. New potatoes $1.25 per cwt. Butter 40c per roll. Ijird 10c per pound. Heaus 5c per pound. Kggs 2lVwo per dozen. Sugar - $l) .60 per cwt. T.trkAva Hie ur oound. Helltry Spriiif. $2 to $.1; liens, $3 .50 j IJ at per nor... Hauii 18c per pound. Shoulders 10c per pound. Hogs 4 He to 6o pr pound. Cattle 1 to 3V4e per pound. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH clearing up the mystery. be ready to cuutinue the flights WOMAN KILLED WHEN a few davs." AUTOMOHII.K Kliiuiur.ua CHINESE GOVERNMENT ATTER 10.HI MUTINEERS Three miles south of NLrdford and US j miles west of Fhoenii. ia now cut up lu small tracts tu sim the purchaser. One fourth cash, balanrc in three pay luviils. Tnis is a tare opportunity for men of small means. Listed with all the agents. 'Sonii'thiin which Is of Mideral iniet ti, the tiublic t-enerally and 1 which is perhaps oot generalW known UON'OKhNU. August 14. Pursued bv the gnvernm. lit, Hni iiiutiiiee-s nr.- fleeing to the T-klllg mnlllltains lo Inill Hie rebels there. After the Knldieri st al lulled al Wu . IIOW mullllleil . II, y iiiuiin ..-.. 111,11 - ... ..:n "i..i....l -..1 M..iit.r.,..iei' was seriously hurt about pnuiKci. ...- .in K'-, ....... n.-i .... 1 . diers ramping at Omylng ami escupe.1 111, i...ny. ,.u uie ...iu..-.. ..- with bootv amount l IHW.UOnO of Horehetter. HUSTON', iigu-t II - Miss May Karb of llnrchester. was instantly killed and three otheis were seriously iniur.sl in an autnm.'bili' accident on Mine Mill nveaite, near the encampment of the Knights nf I'vthias tonight. , 1..1., .,,..,...1 iii.I .In, en Ii W. C. Seavev, r., of liniehester, ran I is the system of prepaid omen now id into an elect ii.- car and, bounding back, i effect between stations of the Southere struck s. veial persons 111 the crowded Pacific eompn and all poiats ia the street. Mis Karb wa killed and lo r I ''oiled States. By a)cane of this system bo.lv was taken to the ciiii-ig.-n.-y hns I tickets may be purchajed at Me,lfnrd pilal department of Ihe I'vtlnali camp from iv la. Ihe l'nite.1 tVH M Mrs Alice Knib. mother of the voung I mailed or lehfl ra-hed ir't to the wainon killed, and Miss Winifred Wat I party nVsti f to c.l .,.! 1.' ..eoaiA.slatl.naa Kail ssewa.i aaivsiata v cash in eonnectien with aiay alas 6 furudfcd at Una." t,lmli)t) the ' o Why Should You Eat Inferior meats when you can have the hest for the Jtune money by buying here ? We sell better meats because we buy better meals, and keep them in our cold storage plant, which makes them better yet. The Medford Meat o Company o J. E. ENYART.Pri-sid exit. J. A. riiUHY, Vice-President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safetv Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage A Timely Hint for the warm weather. You know a good thiug you're reading about it in this ad. Don't cheat yourself but get a cool, comfortable summer suit at a great reduction. We make you a styl ish summer suit at $120. Kail and wiuter goods are here iu all the late shades. Patronize home industry. Keep your money at home. French Dry Gleaning and Pressing Neatly Done, A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR MEDFORD NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to do for Perfect Rest and Every Oonceiv ahle Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to he had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is readied by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvnllis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer book gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of hotels, their capacity an-1 rates. Call on, telephone or write A. S. ROSENBAIW, WM. McMTJRRAY, Local Agent, Meaford General Passenger Afent, PorUaad BIJOU THEATRE Another I'c.iiuie Performance Tonight and Tomorrow TIIK. 111. IT. AND THE (IRA V" The very lat est feature production. A thrilling drama on the Civil Win: "TWO LITTLE DOCS"' A Verv clever picture. 'Till-'. DYNAMITERS" A thrilling drama. Song I A K l'i A SAIL IN .n ItOAT.-Q w 11 ..i' .1... l....... r .Ill "i me l.iu vi ll' re .- II '.-li-tlolw l'i- Our patronage warrants it. secure tardlcss of expense. -i3 - - - - - w e - tut: uEQFtwn v.ur.Y Timu xe iUfHtfeMWo 0EWS SLHVlLi&l.X SUtTlitliSl VfilGOS. O mi) O O