Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 13, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Plans for Forest Service
Headquarters Are Near
ly Completed.
Plans fur the Format Service fit-Ul
lu'iuliiart th wlm-h an soon to be on
t.ihlislicd in the west art being vnpitl Iv
worked out in detitil. Kaeli liiitdtimr
ters will he minified alter ttie Washing
kiii in inc. in ;u mere win he nix His
triet headquarters, urn lm-aled at eacli
of the present inspection district head
quarters Cortland, San Francisco, Al
lnupiertpie, Salt Lake, Denver mid Mis-
soma, Aiiintnna, or so utlicr points
equally well or l.etler located for the
At the head of each office there will
bo a District Forester and an Assistant
Dietriet Forester. 1'nder these there
will be experts in charge of the various
lines of work. A Chief of Crazini; will
have charge of range matters. A Chief
of J 'rod net h will handle the preservativ
treatment of timber and strength tests
and .study market conditions. A Chief
of Lands wil look after such matters
as land exeminntinns. The office of
Lands deals with the qiicstinmt invnlv
ing the validity of claims aserted under
tho public land laws; applications for
Bpeeinl use of the resources of the
National Forests; changes in boundaries'
ot borests, nnd the examinations of
landa applied for under tho Act of .Tune
11, l!HHi, fur agricultural purposes.
i ne r oresi service, however, never
passes on the titles themselves. That
is entirely n matter for tho i( neral
Land Office to decide. In the case of
applications for homesteads nndT the
Act of June 11, limit, the Forest Service
is called upon to decide whether (In
land is in fact more valuable for r.trri-
culture or for timber, and if it is, to
recommend its listing as open In entry
and patent. In the caseof claims ',1m
Service ascertains whether any facts
exist which teem to aliav.- that the claim
is not a legal one, in order Hint the
National Forest land may not be un
lawfully taken up. Hut it rests alwavs
with the Land Of fie? of hc Interior
Department to deeiuo whether the title
should or should not be granted. Tho
branch of Lands in the District Forest
Service organization does uol menu any
now assumption of land busiue-w.
There will also be in each district a
Chief of Silviculture, who will have
t-hnrge of timber sales, planting, and
fulvicnl experiment: , and a Chief nf
Operation. The latter will supervise Ihe
personnel of the Forests; the permanent
improvement work, through an engineer
in charge, the accounts of the district,
including receipts, disbursements,
bookkeeping, which will be dirocMy
supervised by an expert accouninnt;
and tho routine business of the district.
In each of the lines of work iiie iiir.ii
ngement will be in the hands of a man
who is n specialist and who has had
thorough experience both in t i:e west
: in Washington. The f.n-e-iers i.ud
clerks nl each district headquarter.- will
number about fifty. The establishment
of there field distrieets will bring the
Service into more immediate touch wiili
the public. It is merely the complelion
of the movement started some tim. ag.
to have the Forests administered r.s far
as possible by men actually on the
Tie change will not affect I lie invest i
g.'itve work of ihe Service, wliii-1: will
oe nter, as hit herto, in
Mr. Pinchot is expected soon to name
the men who will fill the various
SACK A M KXTO, Cnl.. August IX
Comment was excited in the state board
of education today by I he report of the
ntate superintendent of public instruc
tion, Hyatt, in which he gives figures
to show that there is an alarming de
crease in the number of high scl I
children in the first to fourth years.
The statistics nre for the year litn?
H08, nnd nre based on the attendance
all over the state. It is shown that out
of a total registration of 7o7i x,vs nnd
7S",.t girls in the high schools for the
first year course, there, are only 1 ijr,
boys nnd -117 girls i the senior grade.
This means that between the tirst mid
fourth yenr thnt .;).-( boys and .V77
girls have dropped their high school
Superintend nt Hyatt declares that
the proper remedy for this condition i
to offer a more varit-d course nf itud
it:s in the high school.
SAX JOSi:, Cat.. August i:t. A. II.
Micliener, attorney, notary public ami
private secretary to Congressman K. A.
Hayes, today declared that the charge
of fraud made against him in emmec
t ion wit h Tuesday 's primary elect ion
is preposterous and that lie intend- to
fight it to Ihe last ditch.
Miehener was arrested yesterday .hi
n warrant sworn out by Adolph Cre n
ingt-r charging him with attempting to
remove ballots from the ballot b.xs
in the precinct in which he w:. an
election inspector. He wa released on
200m bonds furnished by ,!. . (Liven
find Attorney Will liiggs and his pre
liminary examination was set for next
F. V. Medynski t his homeste-id.
Holier. L. Wilson has been sick with
a severe attack of ague.
Aaron Beck lias purchased two lots,
as has also Oliver Adams,
Several new buildings are under con
struction, others contemplated.
Our mill in kept busy turning out
finishing lumber to meet the demands.
E, 11. Hoard inn u ia harvesting a fine
crop of wheat and oats from the Kapp
Taylor x Conklin, the expert painters
of Medfurd, are camping in the hills
near by.
What do Medfordites think nf sit
ting by n fire mornings nnd evenings
these hot days,'
There is talk of .in early marriage
of one of our young ladies to a most
worthy young man.
Lawyer Foniz is at his homestead
making improvements. Fred Hoot of
Xew York is with him.
Mrs. Kate Faske of Medford lias sold
her business lot to Claspill & Wh.elor,
whi will build upon it a store building.
Additional help has been engaged for
the Motel Duprey, ns it is taxed to the
utmost to entertain local and transient
pat roiiage.
I'M Walker was ci renin t iug among
his many friends thi:; week and reports
verytluug O. K. at the Crater Lake
oinpany's camp.
-Mr. Malhes of Medford, who lately
bitught a fine resilience lot. has come
the Falls and is getting roadv to
build a fine home.
Eagle Point has sent quite a number
of campers to the Kails and vicinity.
who an; rusticating in the woods near
the cooling streams.
l osnuasier iniggs has returned trom
u business trip to the valley. He fr
quently imports ice ui)d refreshes our
townsmen with ice cream.
It became known today that a seven
war upon Irattic in immoral women in
San Francisco has been begun bv
igents of the Cuited States immigra
tion bureau, who nre working in con
junct ion with Commissioner Mart II.
.North to stamp out the evil trade. A
branch of the so-called "Protective
league, organized for the purpose of
I'nrrying on t he importat ion and dis
;il of women of this class has been
found here. Henry E. Villett, who is
supposed lo be at the head of the league
has been arrested bv federal officials.
Villclt is held under $0.noo bonds
ami his case is set in the mied States
listrict court for tomorrow morning.
The specific charge against him is that
brought Muiigerita I'aissu, a Kivncli
girl, t ro m rn ns to the United States
ami placed her in a house of ill-fame
in this city. The woman was arrested
in Tucson, Ariz., ami is being brought
here as a witness uguinst Villett. The
prosecution ot Ihe man is in the hands
f Assistant Cnited States District At
oiney Itlai k.
I f convicted, Villett may be sni
enced to five years in the state prison
iml fined .."mhii. The woman will be
NEW YORK. August IX Honey
imbed Manhattan island is to havc
inother subway extending from the
Kroiix to the P.atterv. if the Xew York.
New Haven & Hartford Kailmad coin
my is unable to make an agreement
with the existing underground lines.
according to the statement made today
iy Charles S. Melleti, president of the
-ail road. The New Haven road expects
l big increase in the suiluirban sections
ami Mellon savs the present svstem of
ulting passengers down al (lie (iriuid
'en t rn I stat ion a I Forty second st reet
is unsatisfactory. New York business
men must be taken bv the trains lo the
iuiuideiate vicinity of their offices, lb
"The const met ion of the new sub
wnv is inevitable it we e.'iniinl make
;u agreement with existing lines.
Office of City Treasurer. Medford.
Oregon, August, in, liMiS.
Not ice is hereby given that t here
are hinds in the city treasury tor tin
redemption of all oustamling general
fund warrants protested prior to Au
gust 1. !!.
Interest on the same will ce:re after
the above date.
1 '.' L. L. .IACOMS. City Treasurer.
NOTICE To cuNTh'AcTnlts.
Notice is hereby giyru that the cilv
(order will receive sealed bids up to
'2 M.. AliLMWt 17. lilHS. fnr the eonit ruc
tion of nn artificial stone sidewalk I I
feet in widt h mi Seven! h st reet it long
the north side of block IN. from II
treet to I street, and an artificial stone
sidewalk M feet in width along the north
side of block 77, from the ends of the
present walk to the , t)rb on 1 and .1
d reet s.
Said walks to be built accordine;
the ordinances governing sm-h construe
ri. The price bid shall be per square
foot of walk, which shall include all i
avation and filling.
Advertised bv order of the city conn
il. Ili7
City Recorder.
Nut ice is hereby given that the un
b-rigned will apply to the city council
of the city of M.dford. Oregon, at the
next meeting fr a license to sdl spir
itous, iiioiis and malt liquors in qtinn
tities b.M than a gallon for the period
of nix tin.nth. ftt hi" pbice of busiro-.
at lot l't, in block L'o. in the city of
Mrdford, iregoo.
Dnted August 12, Hum.
All Kinds of Job Printing
done on short notice.
It does't matter what it is
in Printing, we do it for you.
Our Office is now the best
equipped in Southern Oregon,
our workmen the most skilled
and output superior.
Only union Print Shop in
Rogue River Valley.
Portland prices our sched
ule. We pay the freight.
The Tribune
21 Central Ave.
Don't Bother to Cook
It's too hot. Get what you want alrea iv
prepared; we have it.
We cater to those who want the best.
it is up to You
What Will You Do?
Tf you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active
and Ihe strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking
down your system day by day, then you may reflect for
a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength
of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack
age of
Golden Grain Granules
Xo man can consume his strength and retain it at
the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount
daily. OOLDKX (ilJAlX GRANULES is far super
ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like
coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had
in any grocery store for 2.r)c. Order a package today.
All grocery sell it.
Oak Park
On railroad on the West Side, north of depot ground.
and coiivenicnl I v located for business men seeking home-
sites close in. These fine lols are offered for sale cheap,
on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer
building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right
kind improvements. Why go out to the faraway
suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at
prices ranging from
$200 to $350 per Lot
situated where an advance in juice is assured, and where
the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the
railroad to the timber
Jt pays to figure on such invest mauls in a live town like
.Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like
a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For
full particulars apply to the
Rogue River Land Comp'y
Exhibit Building
mm ww
on,' ti:i.i:;i:.I'ii sfays0is hfeivkd nv
We have
unil will Bell you it Back, a barrel or a cnrlond. Wo ha tulle several gratis and
will give you ttie tests of alt. Cement sitlowulka are going in all over town
ami wlm t looks so cheap or thriftless as an old loose board Bidewalk in front
of your property f Consul1: a cement contractor uuj you'll find his price
right. The big demaud now on for cement ia going to inako it hard to get
and naturally at au increase in price.
Grater Lake
Lumber (Bo.
fTUf mcvi
Tlml each moiilli in all tho best homes in this country, on the
library table, and in every club reading room, you find tlie
Il is because it keeps you in touch willi those great public and
human movements on which the American family depends.
It is because its stories are the best published anywhere.
It is because its illustrations in color, and black and white, set
(he standard.
It is because its articles are the most vital and interesting.
It is because there is something in each copy for every member
of every American family.
1800 Beautiful Illustrations. 1560 Pages of Reading Mutter.
83 Complete Stories. 75 Good Poems.
50 Timely and Important Articles.
1 000 Paragraphs presenting the big news of ihe "World at Large."
120 Humorous Contributions.
Wonderful Color Work, presented in frontispieces, inserts and covers.
All Your.y for One Year's Subscription to
l'i l p $l..r T Yi-ur iir 1.1 Onlv ii llupy
Tka publishers of tbe SOUTHERN OREOONIAN hava mailt a special arrangement wlto
TUB METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE by which they are enabled to offer the following extra
ordinary bargain: The com of one year's subscription to THE METROPOLITAN Is ll.SO.
The eoet of 12 months' subscription to the SOUTHERN OREOONIAN la 2.00. We offer
both for 12.60.
For Those Tired '
Aching Feet j
iiie our Foot 1'owdor, abHultiluly guar
Medford Pharmacy
Tlie Hij Drug Ntore with Little Prlron.
NVar l'oNtoffic.
People do vol appreciate
something for nothing it is
human nature, to value only
that which is paid for. The
Tribui&' circulation is puid.
Plans, Specifications, Superintendence, Survoyiug
in all its branches.
Rooms 2H-2!), Jackson County Hank Hitilding.