Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 13, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
By fat the largest and beat news report
of any paper in Southern Oregon.
Mly Cribune.
The Weather
Showers tonight nnd Friday; norther
Iv winds.
No. 125.
Boyden's Place of Busi
ness Is broken I n to
Watchman Gives Chase
but Men Escape
Two unknown men early thin morn
ing broke tho window in the front of
II. E. Hoyden's hardware establishment
ou Seventh street und decamped with
two rifles and a revolver. An alarm
was given and, although the men were
t'hased by Night Watchman Clark fur
Nome distance, they escaped in a car
riage t.aking their loot with them.
This is the second time within n year
that this place has been burglarized in
a like manner.
TIm1 theft was committel about l:.'ti)
n. in. A woman residing ojpposito the
storo was awakened by the crash of
the glass and telephoned an alarm to
tho- Hotel Nash. Night Watchman
Clark was notified and he hurried lo
the scene. No one was in sight, but
the woman directed htm to H at reel ,
where he arrived in time to aee two
men get into a, carriage and drive
with much speed towards J'hoenix.
The police have no clue to who the
two men were. The value of the guns
taken amount in all to about .f ill.
HAN JOSE, Cal., August Pt. Alleg
ing that she and her sister are Iming
pursued by a Hyde in real life, who is
fiendish over the spilling of human
blood, Mrs. Eva Seckler. wife of a
young musician here, has written a let
ter to Coroner Hnrke of Cleveland, O.,
imploring him to arrest a suspect, who,
she says, is dogging t he footsteps of
her sister, M rs. Antoinette Garrard,
now living in La Porte, Ind. Mrs.
Seckler, who was formerly M iss Kva
Zcechmaun, declares that he murdered
her sister Lena and her sister's sweet
heart, ( 'nrl lienthalen. in "evelaiid
a year and a half ago. The bodies of
the two young people were found in
Heights park in Cleveland, shot through
the heart, and a revolver was found
near the body of the young man. The
coroner's jury brought in a verdict of
murder and suicide.
Mrs. Seckler declares that the two
were really murdered by a fiend, who
had been haunt ing the household for
months. At one time, she derlares, the
fit nd sprang from tin' bushes and tried
to strangle her sister. A recent letter
from her surviving sister in La Porte,
she says, states that the fined is haunt
ing that place. y
"If he kills my other sister, T shall
kill myself," says Mrs. Seckler, who
is prostrated. She declares that Cor
oner Hnrke is the only one who believed
her storv, hence she wrote to him.
SANTA ROSA. Cal., August Pt.
Heeause fanat ical religionists calling
themselves J Yntocosnl missionaries ex
tend their worship into the small hours
of the night and keep residents in the
neighborhood of their church awake,
the police authorities of this city today
warned the enthusiasts that they will
have to moderate t heir eelehrat ions
henceforth or move to a less populous
The worshippers conduct their serv
ices somewhat along the line of t he
"Holy Rollers" and in converting scof
fers tit their fold, give vent to wails
and groans. Those vho have witnessed
one of their meetings declare that tlw
scene is fearful. Wonon are wrought
to such a pitch thai they fall nn the
floor in a faint. The strange bowlings
are referred t as "talking with
tongues. ' ' and are supposed to be a
means of communication with the dead.
HOT SPRINGS, Va.. August Pt.
When risked today what disposition had
been made of the fight for tnd of
the party in West Virginia. Taft today
reiterated his determination not to In
dragged into any state contests.
" t shall take no part whatever in
such matters," he said. "The national
committee will be left with a free hand
to make decisions in all such case."
Active Work Started to
Supplement the Present J
Water Supply of the j
Active work was commenced this
morning on a trench which is to be
dug across Bear creek near the city's
pumping plant in order to catch the low
water in the creek in order to supple
ment the present water supply. There
is considerable seepage in the creek and
it is claimed that much water can be
obtained across the bed of the creek
and turning this under flow into the
Yesterday in many sections of the
cilv in nearlv all sections there was
no water in the city mains. The cloudy
weather, however, has caused a slight
increase in t he amount of water in
Hear creek and should the rain, which
seems promised at this time, material
ize, the situation will be much improv
ed temporarily.
A four-inch main is being laid north
from the distributing main on A street
to connect with t he Fish Lake ditch
-limi) feet distant. A pump is being
iustu lied and thin will also furnish a
certain amount of water. The well ou
the station and the tank is to be kept
full if possible so thut a splurge of
some kind can be made in case fire
should break out.
Yesterday the box factory of the Cra
ter Lake Lumber company was forced
I to shut down, as no water could be
obtained to feed the boilers.
I The water committee notified the
i Sent hern Pacific company I hat their
supply may be shut off at any moment,
taud it is likely that this notification
will soon be followed by action to that
The situation is fast becoming desper
ate, and despite the fact that these
steps are being taken by the water com
mittee, Medford seems face to face with
a water famine.
i SEATTLE, Wavh., August P!. With
the exception of the returns from mil
I lying disricls which il will take from
one to two weeks to secure, the vote
cast in Tuesday's election in Alaska
I for delegate to congress shows that
i .la in is Wickersham has undoubtedly
j been elected, and the few votes yet to
come in cannot change his plurality,
j Wickersham :t4."t, .John V. Corson 1 ST t.
John Ronau HO, .1. K. Chilborg 2n:t
and John C. Lnm A'Ty.
It is charged that in Cordova Him)
laborers employed by the Guggenheim
Were voted before the deputy marshal
arrived. A contest will resplt as n resi
dence of one year in Alaska is remiired
from voters and the !Mlu laborers have 5
not bein in Alaska one month.
The victory of Wickersham has com j
pletely routed liovornor Hoggatt and
Louis Shackelford, b th of Juneau, the I
latter being Corson's manager.
CLEVELAND, o., Tugust Pi. The
police today are searching for clues to
the identity of an unknown woman who
they believe to have bt-en brutally mur
dered. Captain Krne found a severed
head of a woman cut off at the chin
with some instrument floating on Lake
Erie, just inside the break w ater last
Tie- head appeared to be that of a
woman between t'l and "i" years of age.
Absolutely no cine as to the possible
identity of the woman has been oh
ROME. Italy. August Pt Archhish
op Farlev is on his way to Switzerland
today and will remain in that country
some time. It is considered pactically
c. r 1 :tin that the pope intends to an
jtoniice that Ar. hbisliop Fa rive is to be
made a cardinal, a- was indicated in
the disp;it.-lies of yesterday. Cardinal
Gibbons today went to OrviMo, r,o
miles rmrt Invent of Pome, to rem per
ate, lie seemed to have almost entire
tv r vered from his latest relapse.
but is quite weak.
Rev. Williams Denies That
He Has it in Charge --D.
T. Lawton Stated the
"Where, oh where 'h the petition gone;
Oh, where, oh where can it be?
With its names so scarce,
And its blanks so long
Oh where, oh where can it bef"
Itev. M r. Williams has come forth
with a statement that he has never had
charge of the petition being circulated
in the First ward for the recall of Coun
cilman John 1). Olwell. 1). T. Lawton
a short time since informed The Tri
bune that the petition was in the hands
of the Rev. Mr. Williams.
Yes? Nof
When Mr. Lawton made the state
meat that Key. Mr. Williams had charge
of the petition, Hev. Williams nas nb
sent from the city on a vacation. Now,
when Itev. Williams denies that he has
the petition, l. T. Lawton is absent on
a vacat ion.
And there you are.
One thing is certain. The First ward
its do not seem to know what happened
to the petition. There has been no ac
tivity in the matter for some time. All
seems serene in the First ward.
When it became known that the
movement had more lo do with pro
hibition thai: the fact that Mr. Olwell
was no longer a resident of the ward,
a number of t he original signers had
their names taken from the petition.
.Mr. Lawton stated at the time he said
l he petition had passed to Rev. Wil
liams that it bore the names of about
SO voters of the First ward. This is
as much as can be learned.
Can it be possible that the petition
is accumulating dust in the pigeonhole
of someone's deskf
PALO ALTO, Cal., August PL Dr.
Fred F. Fitzgerald, the young San Fran
cisco physician who journeyed to Mor
ris. III., for t ho (Hi r pose of marrying
M iss Kl he! Lud wig, only to have his
intended bride spirited away by her
mot her, is today under t he consoling
wing of the young woman's father, Otto
Lud wig, at t he latter 's home in this
city. It is said that through the fath
er a n nciliation may be effected und
the marriage of the couple f fee ted aft
er all.
Avcording to the be.t information,
Miss Liulwig is even now on her way
to Palo Alto for that purpose, having
defied the maternal authority that has
kept her in hiding for almost n week.
I f M rs. Lud wig follows her daugh
ter to California ami again attempts to
outwit Cupid, it is declared there will
be a dash of family authority that may
be more serious than any of the events
thus far in the strange romance.
ROME, August Ft. A threatened mu
tiny in the Palatine guard, the pope's
soldiers, it said to have led I'ogn Pius
todav to order that the guard be ills
It is known that there has been much
discontent among the soldiers on ac
count of alleged unfairness in the sys
tem of promotion. They charged that
men an advanced through favoritism
'and influence and that more deserving
are kept in the small ranks because
they have not sought promotion in nil
s' ipiies.
The report is general that the sol
diers had planned a unit inv and ar
ranged to make a demonstration about
the witit-un. News of this plot is said
to have reaeio-d the p"pe. who there
upon issued an order for tie- disband
ment of the guard.
Ro.M E. Augu t PI. ' a rdival Gib
boiis, whose sudden chayen from illness
to health has kept his friends puzzled
lately, announced today that he has re
covered so rapidly fr m his last relapse
that he now proposes to carry out his
original plan of touring Europe before
his return to America.
water committee is Divid-
ed-No Quorum Obtain
ed Although Two At
tempts Have Been Made
There may be a meeting of the city
council this evening and there may
not. There have beoM three aL' uupts
made and three times have th- att :upN
failed. All because there are iwu ordi
nances to be passed relatin ; to ; lie
bond issue of $:iuT,iOi, aud Council
man Eifert prefers to havo the eatire
council prosent when any matters per
taining to the bond issue is acted upon.
Division in Committee.
Comicilmeu Merrick and Wormian
have lately been acting much by them
selves in regard tn the water situation.
Mr. Kifert has been rather neglected
until it came time to take action upon
the ordinances. He was much in de
mand at that time.
On Tuesday eveniug Couneilmcn
Wortman, Merrick, Trowbridge and Ki
fert gathered at the city hall to hold a
meeting. Mr. Eifert stated at that
time that he wished to await the return
of the nbseut members of the council.
The four city fathers thereupon went
Last evening an attempt to hold a
meeting came In an end when Kifert
could not bo locatod. A session was
called for this morning.
Early today Merrick, Trowbridge ami
Wortman gathered at the city hall. Mr.
Kifert did not put in an appearance.
Neither did Mr Olwell. Three times
the marshal jonrnevid to Mr. Kifert 's
place of business to get him to the
meeting, but nothing was done in the
way of forcing him.
Another Attempt Tonight.
Another meeting n scheduled for to
night. Mayor noddy returned this
morning ami Kdgnr Hafer may be in
this afternoon, s a meeting may be
Mr. Kifert states as his reasons for
not attending the meetings is that in
all matters pertaining to the bond issue
he wishes to have the entire council
present, as the matter is a most im
portant one and one that should not be
done rashly in any respect.
NKW YORK, August Pi. Twelve
American athletes who participated in
the Olympic games at London arrived
here today ami were met by a large
party of friends. The most notable
members of the party is .T. C. Carpenter,
who was disqualified in the 100-meter
race on the charge of fouling. He de
nied the charge was true, but said that
he derided it was best to accept the
decision and say not hing. The A mcr
icfins protested in his behalf nt the
time, but without avail, and Carpenter
said he is not inclined to keep up a
controversy over the matter.
SANTA ItOSA, Cal., August IX
Word was received here today that Mrs.
Helton, wife of Policeman David Ro
ton of San Francisco, saved her hus
band's life in the Mendicino hills last
Monday by killing a huge rattlesnake
that was just about to strike him. They
were members of a camping party and
Bolton's horse stepped on the reptile,
and, jumping to one side, threw his
rider. Mrs. Helton rode up just in time
to see the rattler preparing to st rike
her husband, who was lying on the
ground stunned by the fall. She threw
a large stone tit the snake, killing it
just in t ime.
DPNSMPIR. August 1.1, The mill
of the Dnnsmiiir Lumber comp'iry will
be ready to resume operations touu-rrow
as the result of the eiifnrcd shut down
following upon the wreck of the mill n
week ago. The two large cedar trees
verc soon disentangled from th.' mill
buildings and blacksmith shop. The
work of repair is finished so far fis it
applies to the mill machinery. The re
ro nstrui'tioii of the shed and bbcki-mit h
hup will at once be nndTtnken. The
miraculous rise ape of the mill crew, in
eluding the son of Manager .T. W. Nn
hater, is still th talk of the community.
Prominent Men Interest
ed in State Highway to
Crater Lake to Cost
There will be a special meet
ing of the Med ford Commercial
club this evening at H o'clock to
consider ways and menus for en
tertaining (inventor Chamber
lain and E. 11. Ilarrimau, who
are expected to visit Crater
lake and Medford within a
week. Governor Chamberlain
has been invited to visit Pelican
Hay and out of the conference
great things for central Oregon
are expect ed t o ma t eria I ize.
The governor will interest Mr.
Ilarrimau in the proposed boul
evard ami both will be met at
the lake by Medford nulos,
taken here and entertained.
Mayor Reddy has returned from the
stale good roads meeting at Portland
and reports t hat t hit .lack son county
telega t ion was successful in interest
ing Governor Chamberlain, Judges Web
ster ami Scott, T. H. Wilcox, C. S. Jack
son and other prominent cit izens of
Oregon in a proposed stale highway
lo be built at a cost of $LT0,f(Hi from
Medford to Crater lake and thence to
Klamath Falls.
Governor Chamberlain has agreed !o
appoint a slate commission, which will
aid in securing t'tiinl;', selecting a route
and looking after ot her details, and
has requested the cooperation of K. II.
Ilarrimau and others interested.
1 1 is planned to build a fine auto
road, the state of Oregon, Jackson and
Klamath counties, I ho cities of Central
Point, Medford and Klamath Palls and
others interested contributing. The fed
eral government has promised hearty
pcratiou and will construct the road
through tin foresl reserve and national,
park. Hig timbermen and othera ben
efited will be asked to cooperate with
the commission.
Much in the way of permanent good
mads is cx ted to result from t In
formation of the Hlale association and
legisbit ion needed to accomplish I his
end is proposed by the association.
Jackson county was represented at
tho good roads meet by Iteuton Rowers
of Ashland, F. II. Hopkins of Central
Point, Dr. J. F. Reddy, Edgar Hafer,
Ed Ilanley and (1. Putnam of Medford.
and Will (I. Steel of Crater Lake. '
(iovi ruor Chamberlain promised the
Medford delegates that he would visit
Medford and Crater Lake at the earliest
opportunity. He expected to come this
Al'CKLAND, New eZalan.l, August
13. The Auckland rifle (cam today do
feat id the American marksmen from
t he At hint ic fleet by a margin of 11."
In order that the Americans might
compi le in the routes!, (lie law against
permitting armed bodies of foreigners
to land on Hiitish soil was suspended.
The American team was presented
with a handsomely engraved silver cup
as a consolation prize.
Today is jackies' day in Auckland.
The officers of the fleet are still at
Rotorua and the eily is given over to
the enlisted men. They are having the
time fo their lives. No streetcar com
pauy wilt accept money from the sail
ors nnd they are admitted free to all
theaters, public gardens and plio-t-s of
rJNCAGO, Angus! Mi. -Fire de.i
lioyed the Coey automobile shop here
today, "fS cars being totally lost. The
company estimates ils loss at ,"100,000.
The cause of the fire is unknown, but
once the flames hrnl gained hen d way,
they found their way to the gasoline
tanks nnd there wns practically nn Hn
possibility of saving the property.
Son and Daughter and
Slashes His Wife With
an Axe
LOS ANGELES, Cal., August PI. i
Chopping off the heads of his son Fred I
and his daughter, Mrs. Ada Lacomb, ;
utting his wife's urm with tho same;
ax with which the murders were com
mitted, stashing his own throat with a
huge cleaver and fighting n hand to
hand battle with Policeman Coo, who
attempted to arrest him, M. .1. Put ley,
a retired capitalist Oil years old, ran
amuck here early today during a sud
den attack of epileptic insanity. Offi
cer Coo was rescued by Detectives
Jones and Hoyd, who reached Duffey 's
residence and arrested the insano man
just as he was about to plunge a knife
into tho heart of the policeman, with
t whom he was struggling on the floor.
1 Killed Son First
' Duffey, who lived with his aon, inur
; dered the young man while ho lay in
i bed asleep this morning. Seizing un
'ax, he severed the youth's head from
his body, nnd, leaving the warm corpse
i lying in n pool of blood, dashed a block
down the street to the residence of his
daughter, with whom his wife, who had
been separated fioiu him for Home time,
j made her homo.
i Entering the Lacomb house quiHly,
I he slipped up behind his unsuspecting
j daughter, who was seated at a sewing
; machine, luiising ine ax, nn cnoppeu
;off the young woman's head with one
: powerful blow. Then in fiendish rage
lie slashed and cut at. the prostrate form
i of his victim. Mrs. Mary Duffey, wife
i of the maniac, heard her daughter's
: body, fall from the chair and rushed
I into the room. Maddened by hin lust
for blood, he turned upon the helpless
! woman and struck her upon the urm
, with the keen blade of his terrible
weapon. He was not successful, how
ever, in inflicting a mortal wound, and
his wife, screaming with terror, ran
out of the house ami sought protection
at a neighbor 'a.
I Tries to Kill Himself.
I After hacking his daughter's body
i in a score ot places the maniac coolly
sauntered out of her house and made
: his way back to his own residence. Re
I morse, apparently awakened by the
.i.i i- i '. :i . ...I I....I.. '
signi oi ins noil m iiiiii inn I'M iHiio, in ii-
look the aged man upon his return home
and, laying down upon the bed in a pool
of his own child 's blood, lie tried to
commit suicide by hacking his throat
with a huge cleaver.
Huforo Duffey cut himself fatally
officer Cue arrived and upon being
refused admittance broke down the
grunt door. Seizing a sharp knife, Duf
fey at lacked t he police tun a. They
clinched aud fell to the floor, With the
mysterious strength of a maniac, Dot
fey was rapidly overcoming the officer
aud had raised his hand to plunge the
Icuifc into his victim's heart when th"
detectives appeared.
Remarkable cunning marked the
man's wild orgy. After he had slain
his Hon he carefully wiped I he blood
fioiu his hands mid the ax before leav
ing the house. At the Lacomb home
he passed silently by I hti cot upon
which his ;t year old granddaughter was
sleeping, offering her no harm, and ex
ernsing I lie greatest care not to awak
en her and alarm his daughter.
ISCHL, Austria, August Pk King
Edwatd of England entered this city to
lav through line of beautiful women,
strewing flowers in his path. Emperor
l-'rnnz Josef greel ed the king at t he j
railroad station. j
It is known t hat. t he king and em
peror discussed the conditions in Tur- j
key. which are considered exceedingly i
serious by both monarclis. No public I
statement was made regarding the con j
lereiicr, but there is no doubt that the i
sultan's moves was the subject of their
animated conservation.
The na1 visitor was the gue-il of I
I he emperor at luncheon at the imperial
villa. They then took a long drive.
This evening a chorus, composed of
tiouil men, O.-renaded the king while lie
was dining with the emperor,
Edward w'.s welcomed with great en
thusiasm by the people of Isehl, who
heered him loudly whenever ho ftp
peared on tho streets.
Chops OH Heads of
of Five Men With
15 Shots Each Broke 73
Birds at This Morning's
The third annual tournament of tho
Medford Rod and Gun club opened this
morning with neurly -10 shooters in
attendance, and the explosion of shells
and bursting of blue rocks continued
from ! until 1- o'clock.
In the morning shoot E. E. EIHb of
Seattle, Wash., was high gun, with
a score of lid nut of PJU birds Buot.
The record for the squad shoot (1"
birds) was made by Heihl, 15; Hillis,
14; Justin, 1-1; Kohl, lo; Ellis, 15.
finrrntti Numan, Seoley and Boy den
tied in the'tieeoud event for tho prize
of a pair of hunting boots offered by
Smith & Molony. Seoley won on tho
Meek nnd Peyton tied for tho prize
offered by Theiss & Co., and Poyton
In the third event the $tl worth of
trade lit "Shorty'-' Harnett's went to
Nomina on a tie between he, Meek nnd
Dyer now is entitled to lie in trig own
hammock, having drawn down the, ono
offered by tho Medford Furniturti com
pany in the fourth event. 'i'
Meek, who had been playing in hard
luck on ties, llnally came through with
a winning in the shape of a $7 pipe
offered by Ritler & Dnnlup.
There is nothing the visitors can say
in praise of Medford that is too good,
and the fact that this city is th coaly
ono anywhere near its size that can
draw such u bunch of trnpshooeers as
Hillis, Morns, Garratt, Ellis, Hurt,
H night , 'nrlou, Newman, Hoollo and
the other great shots who aro here
now speaks volumes for Medford and
Medford 's people as entertninera and
good fellows.
Three years ago when tho first shoot
was held, Medford was not. even on
the shooting map, but now thero urn
shooters nil over the country who aro
planning a trip to southern Oregon, hav
ing been inoculated with southern Ore
gun inn is by tho tales told them by
their confreres who had boon here.
Will Organize Now Tribe.
During I he tournament a tribe of
the "Pacific Indians" will be organ
ized. This organization was started
in ISii in the middle western states
and is confined entirely to shooters, and
its object is for the upholding and
fostering of clean sport in the Held
and at tho traps.
Tho officers of the Pacific Indians
aro: Morris Abrahams, Portlnnd, first
sachem; Ed C, (iarratt, Seattle, first
vice; J. E. Enyart, Medford, second
vice; F, C. Rcihl, herald custodian, Tn
coiiin. Mr. Rcihl was among the organ
izers of the original Indians and was
for Hoveral years the head scribe. The
counselors, one for each state in the
jurisdiction, are: E. E. Ellis, Seattle;
W. E. Carlon, Portland; C. A. Haight,
San Francisco; P. J. Holohan, Twin
Falls, Idaho; II. K. L. Hart, Tucson,
Ariz.; J. T. Hillis, Vancouver, B. G.
ST. LOPIS, August PL Nocessity,
which knows no law, was responsible
for the release of E. Kelch of St. Louis
from jail at Liucvoln, 11)., where he is
charged with bigamy by his first wife,
Mrs. Elizabeth Kelch, residing at the
Park hotel, St. Louis.
Kelch is a decorator, and visits towus
where celebrations are about to be bold,
adorning the city with artistic bunt
ing. He had many contracts to make
Hloi.ntington, 111., bloom out for the
state tournament of Illinois firemen
this week.
In order to have the city properly
decorated, Kelch wns released on his
own recognaiznnce. He says he mar
ried his second wife in good faith, he
i. mg his first wife had secured a di
There will be a concert by the Med
ford Military band at tho city park to
morrow evening at 8: 15 o'clock. The
program will ho announced tomorrow.
Medford TrtWe, R0 vT