MEDl'OH I) DAILY TJUBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 11. 1908. Social and Personal J". H. Carter and his Jnmily wont to Ashland Sundny morning. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hansen of Hoxy precinct were in Medford Monday. Mrs. A. K. Davis of California is in the section, making her former homo n visit. E. II. and M. F. Hanluy, also A. K. Keamcs, their attorney, wer in Medford Saturday. Ben Whotstoue is paying tiiin section a short visit. Ho in located at (la zelln, Cat. Mr. aad Mm. Kciocke, who have boon visiting in Medford, retnrnfl to Avers Spur Monday. Mrs. J. A. Thomas went south Hatur day morning, for an outing at one of the summer resorts. Mrs. Maggie lteddy DcLin of Spo kane is in Modford, paying relatives and friends a visit. Cleorge I). Baldwin, n prominent eiti aen of Klamath Falls, spent a few hours in Modford Saturday. M. C. Maboney and Scott f'laspill were down from Big Butte's metropolis the first of the week. Frank Robison was over from Jack sonville Sunday. Ho will, roongngn in the barber business there. V. Blust of Albanv, the well known operator in hides, etc., was among his customers here on Monday. Thomas I. Hosa and William Lewis of .Central I'oint precinct were among the many, in Modford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. II. I'eeh of Central Point precinct wore in Modford Satur day, trading with our merchants. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Carter of Port land, Frank Hughes of Salem and Mr. Carter of Uold Hill are in Modford. Mrs. W. Tt. Coleman nnd Miss Marian Towno of Jacksonville visited with rel utlves living at Phoenix on Sundny. Oeorgo Mickey nnd his family have returned from a camping trip in Klam ath county, which included Crater lake. "Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wells enme down from Portland Monday to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. K. Wilkin son. Mrs. James HaHs and two of her daughters ore mnkrng relatives and friends living in Douglas county a visit. George F. King and his family have returned from a trip to Crater lake nnd other points of interest in Klniiialli county. J. H. Casey, postmaster of Ashland, was on the southbound train Sunday, enroute homo from a sojourn al the seaside. K. C, D'Armnnd, n prominent young citizen of Oriints Puss, has made hi brother, Dr. D'Annond, a visit the llrsl of the week. Oeorgo II. Church of Itoselinrg, the baker, spent a few days in Mcdtonl during the week. He si ill has a fond ness for our city. Mrs. Lewis IMrieh of Jacksonville i sponding the week nt Colostin. This re sort is receiving a bettor patronage this season than ever beloro. Dr. ,T. M. Keene nnd his wife, who havo boon stopping nt the Stewart place on Itoguo river during I lie past week, nre at homo again. Orin Davis and his fnmily have re turned from Big Buttu, and Mr. ami Mrs. J. 10. Bnrkdiill, who havo l i uc- eupylng their residence on Oakdalo ave nue, have removed lo Kast Modford. Mayor Hopkins of Central Point nnd his sons have returned from their so ' journ at Newport. They will be joined later by Mrs. Hopkins, who is visiting in Portland. The two hobos who wore jailed in Yroka last week for burglarizing Thorn as Asbbaugh's snlooti at Hornbrook did not get much booty. Four buttles of whisky, some cigars, a set of dice and ft few nickles constituted the haul. Alturas, Modoc county, California, is 'o become quito ft railroad center. The Nevada, California & Orogou road will run trains iuto the town from lteno within throe months, nnd the Modoc X Norlhwesteru will build from Alturas to Klamath Falls, whore it will c nect with the California Northwestern. J. A. Whitman has returned from a trip to Klamath county, where he made his father a short visit. He will leave nt once for New York, which is his present home. He is president of the Camera Phono compnnv, which is man ufacturlng and selliug nn invention of his own that is a wonder aud has proved ft great success. Charles Morton of Merrill, Klamath county, nhipied four carloads of beeves from Montague to Oakland one day last Week. These wore the first beef rattle to arrive there for fall shipment. Men tague will be the shipping point for another year, as there is no station at Mount Hebron, on the California nrth western railroad, whore it was thought the shipping corrals would be located A point in favor of .Montague as a shipping point lor beef cattle is the big yield of meadow hay in Little Sims tft county. .. nm n ..Tiling rT c mmamiimmKBKnKBnBKBMIKBBKER&MRKI&BBBBMBIflBHBBBBtBVS riTTSBVBU i;ui7iuna j 0,1 ' ... CITV TREASURER'S NOTICE. Office of City Treasurer, Modford. Oregon, August Id, 190S. Notice is hereby givoa that (here ro funds in the city treasury for the redemption of sll oiistanding general fond warrants protested prior to Au gust 1, If Of. Interest ou the same will cease after the above date. 125 h. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer. CUKE FOR LOCKJAW! People do not appreciate vomeininy for nouitny it- i human nature to value only that which it paid for. The Tribunt't circulation in paid. 1'ITTSHl'lHi, August 11. The Ma gee annex, also known ns the Pasteur institute, nttached lo the .Mercy Hos pital of Pittsburg, yesterday came to the foro with what it claims is the first real cure for tetanus, or lockjaw. Magnesium sulphate injected into the piual column is said to have eiieoieo the cure. Last eveniiig Harry fiilbert, II yours of age, was discharged fenm the. Pasteur annex as well. His wns one ot llie most severo oases to come under the notice of local physicians, and the new cure was watched with great interest. Tin- boy was hurl with a toy pistol 011 July 4, and on July 13 was carried to the hospital m convulsions. Iiijec j lions of a fl per cent solution of mag j nesiiiin sulphate were started and grad- ulilh' increased to 1.1 per cent. Hy logrcea the body of the boy, which had heroine rigid, resting only on the back of his head mid his heels, begun lo relax. Anti-toxin, too, wns luted in good quantities to assist in the work of relaxing Hie muscles. All the hospi tal physicians assert that there was uo hope of anti-toxin saving tne boy s lire. so far hud the disease progressed be- fore he was treated. The treatment lasted 12 days before the muscles of the body became once more pliant, and the Inst nine days have been spent by physicians in examining the boy to see that his condition is what it was claim ed by the Mercy hospital physicians. SEATTLE, Wash., August II. This market is being flooded with alifor nia pears infertod with the codling moth. The fruit inspector today con demned SUA boxes of Barllett pears that arrived here Friday. Another shipment of nearly 101 boxes, made direct from Sua Francisco lo Victoria, condemned nt that point, were rcconsignisl to this iiiarkelli, where it was today again con deiiiu'sl. The boat duo tomorrow ia ho lieved to1 earrv a hoavv shipment of pears in the same condition, found infected will be rfiiideiiine small fruits were scare today. Eggs will lie higher Monday at 31 cents. Shippers will be yuoted 2!l cents for the best. In spite of very heavy poultry re ceipts today little slock was carried over. Prices will be illichullged next week. Veal is very firm. A few sales were reported today at 1- cents, although 11 is the generitl price. Wheat was quiet and unchanged to-dnv. Any All PUTS FRENCH WARSHIP IN PAWN FOR 100 DEBT ClIKItHOl'KfS. August II. It pens sometimes that mechanics' WATER USERS MAY BUILD THE CANALS KLAMATH FALLS, Or., August U If the present pluns of the hoard of directors of the Klamath Waters Csers' association materialize it is very prob able that many of the land owners un der the Klamath roi-lainatioii project will assist In the construction of the Irrigation aystom. It is the plan of the directors to enter into an agreement with the serv ieo to secure the privilege of advertis ing for bids on certain pieces of work, the contractor securing the work to be paid in certificates of work, which. whoa duly'upprnved, enn bo npplicd on the payment of water rights. The di-1 rectors belinvil that by adopting this 1 method they will bo successful in get- i ting the fai'lucru to coastruct most of the laterals connected with the pro-I ject. It is realized that it will bo Impos sible for any farmer to take a large coatrnct when there is no cash consid eration, but the uiui is not to secure big contractors among the land own ers, but rather to get the farmers to build, for instance, Ihc laterals neces sary to irrigate their own lands. If the plan moots with the approval of the reclamation service officials it is very probable that it will bo adopt od and that the directors will at once begin to advertise for bids. hap- an- placed on Turkish wara-iiim, hut tin cruisers and gunlioiitH of tlio republic havo oHcaped that indignity until a tVw days ajjo, when u libel wtiH laid on thr French intm of war Henry IV at anchor in thin harbor. The claim .enforced by a deputy Mhcriff, wns for ft hundred dollars and ill favor of a mechanic who had Buf fered injury while working for the Htato and secured a pe n on of l0n per minum. Iy Home oversight the pension waa i;ot placed on the budget and when the laborer nskrd for Ipm money the murine prefect wns obliged to any that them were no fundfl to pay htm, where upon the claimant consulted ft lawyer and forthwith laid a lien on the. mnn of war, which remained in puwn until (he hundred dnllort. was paid with cost. Our Annual August Clearance Sale NOW ON IN FULL BLAST There were many who took advantage of the low prices last week. This XAT.K. Don't tli-lnv. Remember, von are savim: money for yourself. room for our Winter Stock. Look at these prices, is the second week of the UREAT These goods must be sold to make Now. $4.75 $4.50 $4.25 $4.25 Regular Price. Men's Xettleton Patent Oxfords $6.00 Men's Xettleton Tan Oxfords $G.OO Men's Xettleton Vici Kid Oxfords $5.f0 Men's Xettleton (iiinnietal Oxfords $5.50 Crawford's Patents, Tans and (Junnietal Oxfords, reg ular price $4.00, now selling at $3.25 Full Double Sole Vici Shoes, reg $4 values, at. .$3.25 Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, now $1.15 Ladies' Patent Oxfords, $4.00 values, at, $2.95 Ladies' Patent and Kid Oxford, $:$.50 values, at $2.85 Ladies' $3.00 anil $...00 Kid Hand Turned $2.60 Low-Heel Patent Oxfords, reg. $2.50 vals., at. .$1.80 Ladies' Patent Hand Turned Shoes, regular ..$3.90 ...$3.90 $5.00 values, at :...:..... Ladies' Patent Button Welt, regular $;.00, iinvv Ladies' Kid Button, Hand Turned Shoes, regular $3.50, now .$2.J5 Ladies' Canvas Shoes ami Oxfords, $1.0(1 i and ' $2.00, now ..$1.00 and $1.60 100 pairs of Dallies' and Children's Oxfords and Slip pers, going at, per pair , - .50? They cost-us more than this. Farmers' Heavy Mountain Boots. Farmers' Light Shoes, just right for August and Sep tember, going at Special Prices. Boys' and Misses' School Shoes, we will sell at, Special Prices that will astonish you. SMITH & MOLONY PRESIDENT ELIOT GIVES HIS VIEWS ON SOCIALISM PIONEER MINING MAN OF WEST IS DEAD MW AN'tJKLKH, ('al., AuMt 11 William A. I tennis, a pioneer mining man of the west, died suddenly in front of his homo Sunday afternoon from heart trouble. He was walking in the garden wheu he suddenly pitched for ward nn his head aud died in a few minutes. He was nged 7! years. Mr. Dennis came to ( 'iilifnrn.a in IK") and was prominently ident illed with mining interests for years. A widow, four sons aud a daughter sur vlve him. ItOSTON, Mass, August 11. Univer sity circles were yesterday discussing an interview on Socialism given out by President Eliot of Harvard. Thin i the lirst expression that President Kliot has given to his views, and is an nil swer to n recent article nn American Trouble Makers.' President Kliot wild: "Socialism has not a chance in this country, because wealth is too ditl'use. If a man has $100 al his own he gives up. all idea of shar ing it with anybody else. To have so cialistic society when every one thought llrst of the rest of the world. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single inner-; tlons less than 15 cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Seveuty-flvj cents line per month. FOB 8A1E. KOI! SAl.K lipst general purpose loam in tlio rity; now waijnn anil hnriii'M: $."011; 1 lllilrll row, II (Jolicl ,- M; 1 inilrh row, 1 mildi emv, 4n. V. II. Went k Co. 1'OU SALK At n simp. Two first c lass lniililiiiU lots fm'iiiK ww Cntliolir si-hool; one -uartr-r mull Inkus tlicm. Aililri'ss Box '''I. FOB SALK 11)0 tine Angara gouts. Ad dress (Jliarlcs Sliillingford, enwnt City, Or. IllO BA 1(0 A IN' Owing to reverses m business, 1 must sell my home nt oiikc; J bi'dn is. 1 dining room, 1 parlor, 1 kitihcn. I hull room, 1 puntry, I von would liavo to cliungp not soriety, I iari0 SUi,uner kitchon, - porches, chick- hut Immunity." en house and yard, garden and fruit. minion, nears. iilnins and grapes, fine CHAMPION IS NEARLY DROWNED IN DOVER CHANNEL DOVF.Ii, Fug., August II. In .spite of the fact that he came near drowning S lav in an attempt to swin across FOR SALK A Barred Plymouth roost weel, walking distance, 2 lots, each ."lOxUO; prion 1550, 7"0 cash will handle. Address V. O. Jtoi 272, Med ford. I8 the Knglish channel, .laiues Mearins. the Scottish champion, declared yesterday that ho wns rendv nnd willing to try it again. When he was three miles of France after heing in llie water 21 hours. Mearins grew so weak that those watch ing him frntn a tug advised him to give up the slruggle. Mearms wns per sistent. Finallv one of the men oil tin' TouiKht nt the Chaiul. Modford 's only class A thenter. In a matchless program. A Case of Arson, a highly colored film of special interest. "The Horn," another headliner. Other good Niitijects iu motion pictures. II llistraled song, "The Best Thing in I Life," from I In' pen of I'has. K. liar ris, excelilig his world famous "After the Hall," illustrated with 2."i lienilli ful views. The last uight of this pro gram. Complete change of program to morrow night. Hememtier the (irami, the acme of high class shows. Admission 10 cents. I boat leaped overboard with his clothes I on nnd rescued the Scotchman from drowning. COLLEGE SHOWER ! OIVEN MISS STREETS Miss Kent uer gave a verv pleasant college shower last evening to Miss Tliee Streets, who is to leave soon for college. About 40 young people en-.jovi-d themselves on the lawn of the Kentner residence. Fay I.ane won the cnudy eating contest nnd llalbert Oeuel the smelling contest. Flnborate re freshments were served. ur, oiorouglinrrii, dress 1'. O. Box 1.1 months old. Med ford. Ad I- I'Olt SALK Half intorest in the best business proposition iu Medford. Ad dress Uox 27, Medford. FOU SAl.K Sand and gravel; the best grade of sand und gravel for sale by .1. T. Long, Riverside avenue, near Mc Andrews' ford. FOR SALE Residence property; 7 rooms and bath, city water, electric lights, sewer connection. F. 0. Page. " FOR SALK 15 choice lots, Ave nun uten from depot, near school; easy terms. F. C. Page. FOR SALK Leading rooming house in i Medford, location unsurpassed, genu i . ine hnrirain to right party, cusli prop , ositiou only Write C, Box .'jIH. 1:12 Announcement! DANIELS'' New Clothing Store ANNOUNCES Til K ARRIVAL OF THE INCOMPAR ABLE ALFRED HEN.I AM IN CO.'S CORRECT CLOTHES FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. Tlif naniK'iits lmvo all Uvn plactvl in stock aiwl will !' placed in our window when the weather is seasonable. Call and sec the new srvles. Alwav plen-ntl to oMitfe visitors. A t U 1ST T. I. G V E X T II N I N E T ft K S tt V V II II E I) K 1 0 II T A STUNT 2 . HARD TO BEAT When a person pays cash they buy with much more care. At the end of the niounth there is no inillstone of debt aronntl your ueck. Cash buying is all a habit to be formed if you would -et ahea d in the world. You can buy for much less also, actually saving from three dallars up on your total bill, fs a saving .' from 10 to '20 per cent worth while'? If so, conic in and price our groceries whether von buv or not. A re CORN STARCH nilar 10c seller, we sell for HIAWATHA HIGH GRADE COFFEE As you all know a popular brand, soil ing at -10c a pound, we sell for. .35 COTTOLENE A regular $1."0 seller, now, for cash $1-40 In the for CHIPPED BEEF regular ri.'ic glass jars. we sell . . .30? WEB FOOT A perfect flour, made from carefully selected hard Eastern Oregon Spring Wheat, sold evervwliere for $1.50, we sell for '.,..$1.40 KELLOGG -S TOASTED CORN FLAKES Per package 10? POST TOAST IKS Per package 10? WE LI' IPS GRAPE Regularly selling at tide 3dc a pint, we sell for, Pint .Tine 15 :i quart and quart. .50? 30? As we sell for cash, we pay cash for farm produce MILLER k EWBANK P.S.- Powder. The House of True Economy -Remember, the big .f.")0 Steel Range to be given away free with Baking You mav be the lucky one to draw it. FOR SALK t'Hiiipiug outfit, one horse, light spring wagon. Inquire Vinson's feedvard. I'- FOK SALE Seventh street business property, two story brick, 50xM0; also 230 feet on Seventh street by 50 feet on Riverside svenne. F. C. Page. FOR SALE S. .V. Subdivision is in the ' market now; choice ten-acre trncts, best location iu the volley. L. Nee denieyi r, .lacksonville. FOR SALK A first class pianola pia no; a bargain. I'. O. Boi i5, Med ford. WANTED. WANTED To buy from 100 to 30U head of stock sheep. Write Boi 131, Medford, Or. ' WANTKD Furnished house; rent no object; no children; six rooms. Ad dress "II," Box ."0S. When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNEB, Eye Specialist. Office in the Grand Theater bldg. Phone 3.i. Seventh and Main. O. M. JONES, City Scavenger. WANTED A span of good horses,' Garbage of sll kinds removed oa short geldings or mares, whick can be driven notice, i.eave orders with chief or or worked, sovm or sight years old, police. BALL k OLOSOOOK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office with 0. H. Fierce t Son. Phone 653. P. O. Boi 771. sound and gentle, weight 1100 or 1200 1. . Ji ...... rpr;v1.. r.,teA.i BUSINESS OABDS. DB. A. B. SWEET Physician and Sorge.m. Office st Residence. WANTKD I'o buy a good Remington typewriter cheap. Address Box 50. Medford. YANTE1 Two girls for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Fay, North Ceii Iral avenue. Medford Fnrnltur Co., Undertakers Day phone ,153; Night Phones: 0. W. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler 148. OO TO DK. O0BLS FOB YOtTB OLaMES. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. MedfordL Oj. I Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, SEVENTH STBKKT. YANTKI Young girl to help in house work; must be neat and cheerful. Mrs. K. Srholtt, North C st. 125 , WANTKD- Teams of horses, about 10"0 pounds each; suitable for light orcizcrd work. Win. R.linsford. Hotel Moore. " Urn Othje- Vaaa-M." MtLY. IK. B. l'fcysician 1 8uryeoa MislerM Equipped Operating tooOT. X Rai. Office Hour 10 12. t-4 P. M. THE ODELL, ending Rooming House of the city. Fne baths. Over Postoffice. M. D. MOORE. We. COLTIO DUMAJB, Attsraeys-aOSaw. Are. . BtrhMa, fieam Vm Hd M. Cstvia, mittfvaax, On. 9. Dnxaan, IU, OlOUtk MRDeORjW, tM fonm, tiffin, rejuf furaWM gM o o o o O