Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 11, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Communication from the
Manager of Nason & Co.
WhiGh Shows a Visitor's
View of Water Question
The following communication from
O. G. Hughsoii, mnnnyer of 11. S, Xa
Hon & Company of Portland, is n fair
example of views taken by victors in
regard to the water situation in Mcl
forti. The communication remls:
"Oa our return from a trip to Crater
lake today we read with more than or
dinary interest your editorial in today's
issue entitled "Give Us Plenty of
'Tho reasou this article interested
uh was because we have just spent six
days and five nights in n territory thnt
is all tributary to tho city of Medford
exclusively, abounding with tho fint-st
streams and moat wonderful spvings of
icy mountain water, puro as water can
bo made and nearly ull of wihcli in
practically going to wasto.
"Wo dipped up pails full, used all
wo wanted and wasted it without stint.
'Use plenty; there is lots more whero
that came from' waa the word, but
when wo got back and engaged room
in one of your city's first-class hotels
whfu we expected to wash the lava
and pumice atone out of our hair and
eyes, you can imagine our surprise on
being shown to our room, that was first
class in every way so far as plumbing
wns concerned, to find that the afore
said plumbing was inen-ly ornamental
and that screw and turn the faucets
aa we might we could only obtain a few
spoonfuls this stat. ment is tho abso
lute truth and when we called the
bellboy and osked for a pailful or two
of water the lad fairly gasped at the
thought of such extravagance and asked
4 What you going to do going to take
a bath?'
" 'No,' we said, 'go get us a pail or
two of water so we ean wanh up a lit
tlo for dinner. ' Whereupon the boy
brought in an ordinary wn(er pitcher
about half full. And yet when we
drove into town your streets were cov
ered with mud and the spiinkh-r whs
Btill sloshing it ou.
"So, we say with you, 'give us plen
ty of water.' We who visit your city
and advertise you abroad and swear by
you and who go out in the hills n step
or two or so out of town and stand
and marvel and ride and ride miles and
miles and then some and wotub r at t If
rolling, roaring torrents, the pouring
cataracts and tumbling rapids of mil
lions of gallons of the best water Cod
ever made, hurrying seaward so that
it ean be lifted by the sua and dropped
for the next stage in its transmigration
on the hills back of Baker City, or
Joseph or Eugene, or Ashland, or Port
land, or anywhere, anywhere, so long
UH some old fruitless, useless course
past Medford.
' 'Who owns this stream ! Who owns
and controls this waterfall, etc'' we
asked. 'This company or that iiidivid
ual.' 'Where does Medford get her
water? 'We'll show yon.' lint they
didn't, for we didn't get any.
" 'Give us plenty of water.' A pray
er a demand? It should be n demand.
How such people as we have seen and
? known in your city ean keep up appear
ances on such a meager supply of frog
spittle is a mystery.
"'Water famine' in Medford! Well,
wouldn't that boom your real estate?
"Of eon rse, M ed f ml will gro w. '
What else could yon expect from such
a climate and such people? Medford
has grown; she is growing; she is go
ing to outgrow and overgrow the big
gest dreams of your most progressive
d reamers nd you have a few and
yet yon are begging for water. 4 Give
us water.' From whom? Who is go
ing to 'give it' to yon? It is already
given to you. Stir up your water com
mittee and sluice it in and while you
are at it, get enough so it will run at
9 o'clock in the evening from the fail
cets on the second floors of your resi
dences and hotels. There are plenty
voiisulting engineers us honest as your
water committee who can run n stream
of ice water into your city at a very
small cost to each property owner who
will be here in There are enough
here now to keep up the interest till
"Water pure, cold water is the
best advertisement any city can possi
bly have, nnd we have teen enough
available for votir suiiplv to put the
fire out in a volcano, the eruption- of:
which were of such an awful nature
to make it a world wonder, and n t only
put out its fires, but fill it h crater i
with SO) M feet of water of tu7.f'wu
purity and pour down millions of gnl ;
Ion right pat your very doors tor
tnousaals of years pant and thou:i'l
" Pfci' i ve m plenty of water. j
S tot nht to dry."
Put Duncgau, Jr., was a Sunday visi-
tor at Colestin. - - j The Seals won a fine game at Sau
Mrs. Fred Luy and sous of Medford ' Krauciseo from the Beavers Saturday
are visiting relatives living here. ' h? J of 1 to - WUUs ami Kin'
Mrs. Chris Kennoy aud baby arrived 1 sella ww the-opposing pitchers.
home Sunday moruiag from Portland.
W. K. Coleman, county clerk, leaves
today for Dead Indian, where he and
his family will camp for a few weeks.
Miss Maude Prim came down from
Colestin Monday to be present nt the
teachers examination, which is to be
held this week.
Packy McFarland wou from Phil
riroek before t.e Pacific Athletic club
at Los Angeles in the seventh round
ou August .7. There was no knockout.
Keferee Charles Eyton stopped the
fight and gave McFarland the victory
when Brock was in the last stages,
having been beaten through the ropes
I). I). Gage and family will return to j and chased across the ring with a rain
their home at Minneapolis, Kan., Thurs j of blows upon his bleeding face. Brock
day after a visit of a number of months carried the fight to McFarland at the
at the home of Jay C. Sexton. Ray beginning and fought gamely to the
Sexton will accompany them on
month's visit to his former home.
u last.
SAX FRANCISCO, Ca!., August 10.
Alleging that the Southern Pacific and
Santa Fe railroads have been raising
their rates despite the law, by imposing
extra switching charges, icing charges
and other extras, thai bring rates far
above the published schedules, the mer
chants of San Francisco ami vicinity
will file charges against theso railroads
when the interstate commerce commis
sion meets hero next week.
The merchants say that these extra
charges have been imposed for the pur
pose of raising the rates and will eon
It has become known that tho three
attempts made by Sir Thomas Lipton
to capture the America's cup, tho in
trinsic value of which is about $2o0,
have cost him $500,000 for yachts alone.
The heavyweight championship fight
between Tommy Burns, the American,
and Bill Squires, the Australian, has
been fixed to take place at Sydney,
X. S. W., August S4.
of Port
isco, ami
The Pacific Coast league has eight
pitchers who are ripe or nenrly so for a
trip to the big leagues, and the circuit
is better equipped with flingers than
any minor league in the country. The
best of the twirlers of this slope are
test th Wiilit v of the charts. The ! y. Hnup and Nagle of Los Angeles;
jobbers' association will join with theturooni uracil aim viriuu-.v
morM,n,t i.. tl.o nnnn.lnJiit ' lnd; Kutor of San Kronen
Tho oxtra switching charge of $2.50 Wright of Oakland,.
a car imposed by the roads was contest
ed some time ago by the jobbers aud
was nt that time abandoned by the rail
roads. A switching charge of 50 cents
a ton was submitted. The new rate
makes the switching chnrges per car
about $10 instead of the old rate of
$2.50. The merchants also say that the
charge for returning empty boxes has
also been imposed to make the freight
rates higher. Another complaint to be
made is that Seattle merchants are
charged but $30 a ear for icing, while
California merchants are charged $75.
Arnetttt Burch to J. W. Carson,
90 acres in D L C 42, township
;17, range 1 E
Lottie Peters to J". A. MeLeod,
lots 12 aud Kt, Kendall addi
tion to Medford
Katte Fordney to A. P. Ilelman,
land in section 5, township 110,
range 1 E
William II. Hamlin to G. E. Pur
din, lot 0, block 2, Boss addi
tion to, Medford
G. E. Pnrdin to W. E. Hamlin,
lot 9, block 12, Ross addition
to Medford
$ mm
New Cases.
Frederick C. Page vs. Lawrence L.
Grover; suit to remove cloud from title
OYSTKi; BAY. X. Y., August 11,
Scores of beutiful presents and a large
number of letters of congratulations
poured into Sagamore Hall for Miss
Ethel Koosevelt in honor of her 17th
birthday. .Not only has the event been
remembered by her school friends and
the members of her f ami I v but admir
ers from all parts of the country have -
sl,.nvo,o,l h.-rwiH. many manifestation, ! FEDERAL OFFICERS LOOKING
nf il,.r, st. Althouifh lb,. nriiHMW i INTO POSTOFFICE ROBBERY
Flhel still retains much of her rnrlish
enl Iiosimsui. nlu is raiiidlv irrowimr into i SANTA Cltl'Z. August 11, Federal
charming young womanhood. Her in
tellectual attainments are much above
the average fur a girl of her age and
in nmny ways she is said to resemble
her illust rions fa I her. She will not
actively enter into Washington society
for several veais but is nrobable she
will take a prominent place in t he ! off ice into t he money order department
White House functions. ' where they drilled the big safe deposit
vault and after emptying it of its vnlu-
CALIFORNIA SHIPPERS i able contests, escaped without lenving
qttp WT-TTH-rABfinl"10 slightest dew to their identity.
SUE WELLS-FARGO gt jn hp cmit )U,k
i of the post office funds were deposited
j was overlooked. To supply themselves
i with tools for their task, the cracksmen
broke into a blacksmith shop earlier in
the evening and secured n large sledge
hammer and other instruments for pry
ing of the post office doors.
j James F. Ferry and Lulu May Gard
! nor.
officers arrived here today to investi
gate the robbery of the postoffiee by
clever cracksmen enrlv Sunday morning.
The entire money order receipts of Snt-
urdnv and n large quantity of stnmi
were taken. The robbers forced their
wav from the main office of the post
A S ANGELES. Cal.. August 11.
The California Traffic association, with
headquarters in San Francisco, and Paul
Yon Xeindorff, a Los Angeles commis
sion man, lepresentin various firms, in
eluding Mitchell & Goodall and the Tro
berk - Bergen compuuv of San Fran
cisco, have fileil a joint complaint with j
the in terest ate commerce commission '
at Washington against Wells, Fargo &j
Company's express. The complaint, un- )
derstood to be the first of the kind ever
brought against this company, charges
discrimination, excessive, unjust and un
reasonable rates, exorbitant icing as
sessments, unsatisfactory service nnd
lark of suitable equipment in handling j
vegeiaoie eoikNigmneiit ,
Various instances are cited as prov
ing the allegations, and the complain
ants assert that by reason of having a
monopoly of the express service out. of
California, the company was enabled
to make such rates and perform such
services as it may see fit. They pray
t1i:it the matter be i n -A inat ed and an
In, rnt.nrut t ho rnilllKlll V to K.'llldl Woodford, deputy pOStllUlKter
delist from its aliened violations of the oi .ieororu, nic'iuim in imi...K ...
act to regulate interstate commerce, ap the postmasters of Oregon held in Port
proved February 4. 17.
PA It IS, August 1 1 , - Without ani
public show such ns marked the wed
ding of Alice lioosevelt, Mile. Fallieres,
daughter of the president ot trance,
wns made the bride of M. Jean Lanes,
her father's private secretary, today
The affair was extremely quiet and
simple. No pomp or ceremony charact
erized the occasion and throughout
France little public interest was taken
in the event. The wedding wns treated
with no more enthusiasm than is accord
eil anv similar affair in diplomatic fir
cles. "
land last week.
Plans, Specifications, Superintendence. Surveying
in all its brandies.
Rooms 2S-Jf), Jackson Comity Hank liuildiiitf.
LONDON,- August 11. After being
arrested twice as a Gerntan spy, while
trnveling'on the northwestern coast of
Ireland, Carl Kabell, an American of
Teutonic origin, is ia London today.
kabell d ex! ires all Britain is aroused
by the rumors of with (ternmuv
and that he was eonstastlv unde sur
veillance during his trip. At Baliv-
shannon he was arretted r.nd missed his
train before the authorities were con
vinced that his American passports
were genuine, lie started for the next
town on foot and was arrested again.
Something which Is of considerable
interest to the public generally ' and
which ia perhaps not generally known
is the system of prepaid orders now in
effect between stations of the Southern
Pacific compan and all points in the
United States, By means of this system
tickets may be purchased at Medford
from any place in the United States aud
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here. Uleeper
accommodations and small amounts of
cash in connection with these tickets
may also be furnished at the samr
We have
nnd will noil you a sack, a barrel or a curloail. We handle neveral grades aud
will give you the tests of all. Cement sidownlks are goiuf; in all over town
nnd what looks ho cheap or thriftless as an old loose board aidowalk in front
of your property! Oousul1. a cement contractor und you'll find his price
right, The big demand now on for cement in going to oiuke it hard to get
and naturally at an Increase in price.
For Those Tired
Aching Feet
use our Foot Powder, absolutely guar
Medford Pharmacy
The Big Drug Store with Little Prices.
Near Postoffiee.
Q rater Lake
Lumber Qo.
it is up to You
What Will You Do?
If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active
and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breakuig
down your system day by day, then you may reflect for
a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the Btrength
of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack
age ot
Golden Gram Granules
No man can consume his strength and retain it at
the siiniei time: he oudit to replenish an equal amount
diiilv. GOLDEN GRAIN GRANULES is far super
ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like
coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had
in any grocery store for 25(!. Order a package today.
All grocery sell it.
Notice to Water Consumers
Owing to the scarcity of water supply,
it is ordered that no city water be iihciI
for irrigation except between the hours of 7
and 8 o'clock a. ni. and between 7 ami
8 o'clock p. 111. until otherwise ordered
by the water committee. ViolntionH of
this order by any consumer will result
in said consumer's supply being forlh
with shut off.
My order of the Water committee of
the City Council of Medford, Or.
Paled August 7. 1908.
9. X. H'44, ilttIl''nt nf the
Don't Bother to Cook
It's too hot Get what you want aire iv
prepared; we have :t
.We cater to those who want the best.
Graham Sterling Silver
Hawk's Cut Glass
Nothing nicer for a prewnl.
The Jeweler er FcwtattU
All Kinds of Job Printing
done on short notice.
It does't matter what it is
in Printing, we do it for you.
Our Office is now the best
equipped in Southern Oregon,
our workmen the most skilled
and output superior.
Only union Print Shop in
Rogue River Valley.
Portland prices our sched
ule. We pay the freight.
The Tribune
21 Central Ave.
Oak Park
On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grouiids
and conveniently located for business men seeking .home
sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale-cheap,
on good terms, and the owners are in position tor offer
building inducements to anyone wishing to make the rjght
kind of improvements.' .Why go out to the faraway
suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained'at
prices ranging from ' . . .
$200 to!$350 per Lot
situated where an advunce in price is assured, and. where
the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the
railroad to the timber?
it pays to figure on such investments in a live town bike
Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like
a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two. hence, Pop
full particulars apply to the .
iRoffue River Land Comp'y
Exhibit . BuMing; ;
o o 0
CO o
o o