Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper is a Live. Tows. Published everv evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING Ca-MPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof fice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. a., month, bv mail or carrier .... 0.f.O Oltj. subscribers who deslra Tha I tea city adtaas and the length o ' ' , raoorta or other out-of-town places bow address. . un reiumuw, v by carrier may be promptly resumed. ; ' . . AAiA "THIS CAN FOlt TWEXTY-FIItS'f HHOADH'AY." It is probable that at this evening's session of the eity council the petition for an electric line franchise upon the streets of this eity will be acted upon favorably by that body and submitted to the people for their action. In ease this is done it is to be hoped that the action on the part of the people will be favorable. For there is noth ing, with the possible exception of the securing of an ample water supply, that will do more towards building up the eity. As it was with the development of the entire continent, so it will be with the smaller locality. It has been said that "the history of the railroad is the history of the coun try," and this may well apply to each section of the coun try which is covered by the lines of an interurban trolley company. J - No better example of the benefits derived from such a system can be named than the net work of lines in the neighborhood of Los Angeles. Southern California has developed since the trolleys were built there in a measure that has astonished the entire country. With the advent of the line into Medford will begin an era of building such as this city has never seen and will never see until such a line is inaugurated. The convenience of (lie trolley has resulted in a great ly increased amount of travel they have been built. They the interchaime of business and farms. Interurban electric lines have had a distinct socializing effect upon farm isolation; they have introduced higher standards .and have broadened the horizons of country dwellers. I hey aitord a profitable outlet by means of the express and freight trolley for the produce of the farm. They bring superior school facilities of the town home. They render the shops and markets easily acces sible. In fact, every argument is for favorable action. If the terms agreed upon by the tee are fair, the movement support of local people. '"One by one the plagues by science. The frogs were tile. 'The lice have been checked by insect powder, and the darkness that could he felt has melted away before the arc light. Th sixth plague still remains in full glory. The fly is always with us. It is where the medical men are eradication of this pest. And it is well. May the glad day soon come when the fly bial lien's teeth. Reports are reaching the that timber wolves are raising county. In one instance five been slaughtered. A bonntv game. protected. Deer hunting to the attractiveness of southern Oregon, and all evils which tend to injure either died. COMTOBSB DRIVEN I'ROM ' OPERA HOUSE IN ITALY - LTXIHOHN.lTAl.V, Ann. 1 1, I'i. trn Masgani, the famous composer of "Cav aria Kusticana" wan driven from the opwrm house here laNt night while rnu ducting hie new opera, a shower of fruit and vegetable throws by t'laequcrs Who bad been refused passes by the maaagement. The 'lacquer bought gallery aparn and started in to raise a tumult aa eonn aa the composer appear M. Maaraffni wan atrui'k in tlir fare 1 aa 'Orange but tontinucil to conduct the openr until one of tbo singers wns hit in the fact by an onion. The composer then stepped down from the composer 's eat and shouted: "I will not remain in tbater where onionM and garlic can toe) tbmwn at a lady on the stage 0ith out protest." The irate cnmponer left the theater, but wns follow M for n black by the manager ni rsiutt) t rmurn, when he renum,d hi ttoe gallery wan hissed by the Hmlatko the pit, which Mood up and rt'cn M4iai Tribaae, tvs fat iWKtv 0. rear, iy man. Tribune mailed to them at summer r time they desire paper enV to t . Af.. in Anlar that service ww v""" - - AND through all sections where have contributed largely to between cities, small towns life; they have broken lovn within reach of the country promoter and street commit should meet with the hearty of Egypt are being abolished 4.-. nit '. abolished long ago by the drain gratifying to note that every turning their attention to the will be as scarce as the prover city continually to the effect ha 'oc with the deer in this were found where they had should be offered and this and trout fishing add much sport should be promptly rem riRST DRATT Or PETITION rOB REHEARING COMPLETED t'HU'AilO.IlK, August II, A pre liminnry ilriifl of the petition for re lienring of the famous Stlllhliiril Oil rune in which .ledge I.uudis imposed a fine of . ItHi.ilmi. wan complete to l!iy tuid Hen! by I'nited State District Attorney Sinn, to Washington vlwri it will be panned upon by Attorney gm eral Hoiiaparle. It a ill le fib 4 for hearing on August HI. 1'OHEHT rilt M4C1IM AMOUI 8UUTI timt t STOCKTON, Cal.. August 11. The big forest fire which has been raging along Ihc South.F'ork of the Stanislaus Itiver for over a week is reportisl to have reached the south grove of the f::ru Vvrn big trees. It, -ports fro 19- feea of ,-,Mif'.:i,.n are n( e. .' telephone lines are out of ,4er. A brief message lodv said: " ft- fire is II burning and It reach,) ! nth grove yesterday (p'ternoon 19 main grove is safe." MED FORD rjAlliY TRIBUNE, ; What Papers Say : HARRIMAN. (feast Oregoninn.) Mr. Ilarrimno, the railroad magnate, is coining to Oregon. The press dia palrhes announce he is coming like a eug'd criminal, inaccessible to the pub lic, secluded, isolated, hidden away in the recesses of H private t nin, not to lie neon or heard or interviewed. '. Hut let him come. He is welcome, and he isn't welcome; we like him, and we don't like him: he iH both a bene factor and n curso to Oregon; he has ili, in- Home'of the worst ami best thjugH for the Htnte; he tins made it forge ahead and nan smothered out it in- lustrial life; he hus blessed and giight eil Oregon; )ie has planted industrial seed uird he has kept entire counties, in tesolation; with one hand ho has hceu a ehiirilitbln empire builder, -wltli-the other A-iniHorly blood-sucker; ono nt his .lamia faces looks out on the green llehls which bis industry has created, the other lookii on desolate waste which his tlnniicial tyranny and selfishness have created and perpetuated; he is a paradox, n contradiction; a delusion. We expect something from him in one lu-calli and wo expect nothing from him Ihc next moment; we havo his promise in vordri ami his refusal In actions; we il.ten in rapturo tn his fluttering phrases and we hate him for the very emptiness of his phrases; he is the biggest and narrowest, the shal lowest and the deepest character tie fore the public. We arc glad he is coining and again we don't care; it will mean something for the state and yet we know It will mean absolutely nothing; we will look ahead tu his coming with pride and hate ourselves for it, after his sump tuous train has passed and he has pull ed down his window blind and forgotten us. BRYAN'S PERSONALITY. ( Host on t 'ongregationalist.) Mr. Ilryan wn have known for the 1 of his domination of I he democratic parly. We spoke Inst week of his re sources of power and charm. He has added to our knowledge of his charae ter by his complete control of the Den ver convention. His enemies have been ruthlessly suppressed. He has personal ly conducted the plntfornl-making. The delegates hnve stopped at his home tn pay their homage on their wny to Den ver. Ho anil he only must be held re sponsible for all the acts of the con venlion. Whatever tribute n thousand delegates and their nttendnnt friends 1,1 pay has been his. lie stands nut as one of the masterful figures in Amer ican politics. PAPKE KETOHELL MATCH MAY BE CALLED OFF HAM VHANOISCO, Cal., August 11. I'nless he hears from Los Angeles thai Hilly I'apke has posted a for feit. Manager Joe O'Connor for Stan lev Ketchell may declare off the Ket ehell I'apke match, arranged for the Jeffries) club nt l.os Angeles. Labor day. Ketchell began training today for his glihl with Joe Thomas. The middle weight champion is In good shape. He went on the road this morning and this afternoon is to box at Recreation park. The lottery drawing is to bo held to night for the selection of a referee for the light. Each tighter or his mnnager will name two referees. The four nnmes will be. put in a hat and John T. Clark, as official stakeholder, will draw out one for referee. This is something new ill the selection of referees. THOUGH WORTH $10,000,000 18 STILL A WAITER NEW YORK, August 11. with standing the fact that he is today worth tir..iiii(l,nil, Oodfricd Probst is waiting on tables in a little Itrooklyn restnu rnnl. The money was left to the wait er by n distant relative in Oermany. It is a portion of a .rin,O0O,00O estate di vided nmong several heirs. Probst's sister, living in South Carolina, will re ceive in.noo.ono. Probst, who is 'JO years old, says that he will start for Oerniany in a fortnight to claim the money. He will then re turn to America, marry Lottie Ollson, a waitress in the restaurant and settle down to a life of leisure on Fifth ave lute. TEN KILLED IN COLLISION ON OERMANY ROAD Ki'KEHVOKRDKN, Germany. August 10. Ten people were killed and n score hurt today by the collision of a passen g, r train and a train of empty cars on the Keinsburg Kiel road. Several of the injured probably will die. The re sponsibility for the accident has not been placed. The passenger train was biullv wrecked, the coaches being shnt tered bv the carsh. The locomotive plowed through the empty cars and the " "'""" " '" . TWO REPUBLICAN TACTIONS OPERATE IN TENNE8SKB I HATTANiaXl V An rust II, What it te SlieTtd to be a hopelcsss split it ii" issl)icaa part of u crvtiilliacd iato two eoavsstiriasi tla "i t. IIS Trt ef Vsitb bafSS t ' day. T ittttea t roar. f folleaeit i f lit Ttr'4W iiistit rbc tion The I tin ! f-tien will gather aat.eirte licsdr.v. , lloth org:,, striata i this city are: WELCOME MB entirely regular sal hsve the authority to noniinste slat tickets. Kach has in.lep. dentlv ewlorsed the noii.ition of Taft naj kersaa tfalk In the open j ' of tav'a ceavc'ii pointed , to Wrt tt gito-git.mal n,of:s) o0 MEDFORD, OR KAON", TUESDAY. AUGUST 11. 1008. why Not iron in comfort?, No reasou to be uncomfortable in a bet, stuffy kitchen Vou can take, your Klftctric. Iron to any part of the house where there is a light socket. . . An extension cord from the kitchen light will enable 'you to use it on the porch. Telephone Main X5f, and have an Kleetric Iron sent yon on one week's free trial. -, ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Office 2(lti Went Seventh St., Opposite big Kleetric Sign. A Money Saver Wo fully realize that there is a ma jority of people who always wish' the very best. Tin-He people are wibc. The bent is always the cheapest in the long run. (-'specially is thin true of our " PrRE WHITE" FLOUH. in so much a a any housewife who baa tried it knows that it makes many moreloavea to the sack than ordinary flour. Don't be penny wiso ami pound foolish, but buy the best flour, i. e., "Piim White of Allen 6 Reagan TH K 0 ROC EltV ON THR CORNER ABOUT August 13 we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at $3.00 per tier, deliveiKl, or $2.00 pet tier at the ranoh. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawetl into tier wood, nt $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Oregon. If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in The Tribune." LOCAL MARKET. The fololwing quotations ara an im partial report of ths prices paid by Med ford dealers: Wheat tl per bushel. Wheat 8oo per bushel. 1'lour $i.7o per cwt. Whole barley t'j;t per ton. Hay $12 par ton. Alfalfa 10 par tun. N'sw potatoes 91.25 per cwt. Butter tOc per roll. I.ard 10c per pound. beans Ae per pound. ' Kgga 2 He per doieu. Sugar $0.60 per cwt. Turkeys 13c per pound. Poultry Spring. 2 to 1.1; heus, 13 50 to 94 per doion. Hams 12c per pouad. Shoulders 10c per pound. Hoga 4ie to 0c par pound. Cattle 1 to SHe par paund. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three miles south of Medford and 2H I miles west of Phoenix, i now cut up , in ,ia tracts to sun the purchaser. One foarth cash, balance in three pay I meota. This ia a tars opportunity for i af ainal I agenta. means. Liated with all th. I Asrbdr wssaisa tt IsveKt un east t4 las acAtesrt, wisst taoa-sca bjsI bvsaj ImhI d is Mnlfiml. ssM ssjsaes t r ana for barfalus We have farms r le.well improved; good orchards; rich, soil; 20 to IdO per acre. Pears irtle, Brownsville Land 1 Investment Co.. Brownsville. Oregon. tf Our circulation it legitimate and large for a city of this alio larger than any other paper In Oregon can show for pop station. 0 Medford Tnbuns, 50c per oentb. Medford TiraeTablc SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Northbound l So. 16Oregon Expreas 5:24 p. m. j So. 14Portland Express. . . v:v a. m. Southbound No. 151Californi Express. .10:35 a. m. No. 13!San Franciaeo Eip..j 3:20 p.m. No. 225From Grants Pass.. 9:15 p.m. No.225Por Ashland 10:15p. m. "PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY NoTTjKa-Medf 67dT." 1 8:"l0 a. m. No. 3Leavea Medford 2:50 p. m. No. 2Arrivea Medford. . .'. . .110:28 a. m. No.4Arrivea Medford ..j 5:08p.m. ROOTJE RIVER ALLEY RAILWAY No. "lijliavea Medford. . . . .10:45 a. m. No. 4ILeaves Medford I 5:35 p. m. MotorLeavea Medford 2:00 p m. MotorLeaves Medford 9:00 p.m. No. lLeavea ' Jacksonville.. 9:00 a. m. No. 3Leavoa Jacksonville..! 3:30 p. in. Motor Leaves Jacksonville.. l:dup. m. MotorfLeaves Jacksonville. ..I 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES. "A.M.P.M. Eagle Point 'I 7:201 2:00 Northbound I 9:191 4:54 Southbound 10:05( 2:50 Jacksonville 10:20 5:20 LOW RATES EAST Will be made this season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines in Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE. as follows: Both Ways One Way Through Via To Portland. California. Chicago $82.40 $87.50 St. Louis 77.40 82.50 St, Paul G9.90 81.75 Omaha 69.90 75.00 Kansas City .. 69.90 75.00 Tickets will be on sale .1 une 19, 20. .Inly 6, 7,22, 23. August 6, 7, 21, 22. ( lood for return in 90 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. REMEMBER THE DATES For any further information call on A. S. BOSENBAUM, Local Agent, or write to WM. M 'MURRAY, Geueral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Why Should You Eat Inferior meats when you can have the best for the same money by buying here f We sell better meats because we buy better meats, and keep them in our cold storage plant, which makes them better yet. The Medford Meat Company f State Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS (115,000.00 MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Door Frames, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills, F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STa I HONE 53. J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. .1. A. PKURV. Vice President. The Medford MEDFORD. OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS ' 10,000 Safety Boxes to I? nut. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage W. W. CITY TAILOR NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to (Jo for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and I tilit ful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modem necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is readied by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX .MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer Look give, . concise description. f Newport neluJ.n( a list of hotel,, their capacity sad rates. Call on, telephone or writ.' A. a BOSENBAfM. WM. McMUBBAY, Looal Aent, Medford General Passenger Aent, PortUna Banking Srvic Of the Highest Character. Liberality and uniform courtesy is extended to ALL depositors of thia bank. If yon appreciate banking serv ice of the highest character, you will find great satisfaction in transacting your banking business with the Jack son County Bank. Confer with our officers at your convenience, if desir ous of opening a new account or mak ing a change in present banking rela tions. W. 1. VAWTKU, President O. K. LI NDLEV, "Cashier MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON The Nash hets .t merchants' luncheon each noon from 11:30 to 1:30. lielislies, soup, choice of two meals, your favorite beverage and coffee, for cents. Nash Buffet .JOHN S. ORT1I, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Abs t Cashier. National Bank A Timely Hint for the wurui weather. You know n good thing you're reading about it iu this ad. Dou't chout yourself but get a cool, comfortable summer suit at a tfreut reduetiou. We make you a styl ish summer suit at $20. Full auil winter goods are here iu nil I he late shades. Patronize home industry. Keep your money at home. French Dry Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. EIFERT MEDFOItl) Next to a Bathing Suit :i Summer Suit made front nur fine -tummer faliricfi is the collent .if the cnol. In point of style and ar tist ir tailoring they uro unoxelM, and anyoiip nortrini; it suit made by uh gvt th nemo of oomfort rind the tt:ttnp of -tvle. .U.XRElflrUW. 9- r i m o o o o o