M K , ) vnim DAILY TRIBUNK. MKD'FORO, OKKf.OX, MONDAY, AU(iLST 10. 1008,. OREGON'S UK IS 100 RICH Postmaster's Have Rous- Sum Vim I''"' ing Convention-Good :,ur""wwI Roads Meet Tomorrow PHACTS FROM PHOENIX. Willi.uu .(. H.ardsloy riMiirmn ' business trip to Pnrtlnu.l mnn....... .... .. Alfred Weeks we t ,, from Mcifnid im.1 spent Sunday l,"r" Fred Monro came across in m i.. ,1 transacted busincM her vv,,...,,,,,... I In- Mcdford butcher K.-.nmlnv iliokerinn ior ....... ,:i,m,n euro, ' and wife left Monday .ing for Newport to ii" K"" - ... ...... I... I,,. mb ii Meillor.I rr. rutin i i- a lunu oi i Social and Personal! t.r.fPT VI Ikr AUL'UKt 10. Ill postmasters' of Oregon h,l .. rousinK ...in nt the Portion.! ( omiiior.-uil Mintu of Portland prcs.dod and o,,,vo , ..., m thi) visit ine fraler...,y. A . ..i linn till' inn: iii- 0f the fourth-class pi.at.naiit.-rii, with Ail.liHon ll.-nn.-tt nl irr.K.... - I " ..... ,...!,. ,.f rii.rv.-iH m-.-ri-iiiry. anil vv. - I"--- , ,.,,.,. ... Everybody f.-lt mat "i.-y ' profited li.V iiiu-iiu"iK ... ti.ul IVMH Vlliuruus ......... commercial interests of "n-KJ and I In Oregon State im. y " - the "d?''V, ' '" a. Mi-i... "f smndnrd'fnr ,-va, .!.,! ""'I. r!lrinR "K tier I'l'lit ""HUH. iircR.... - 1 r fnt. OWillL' to "lir l-llllllll l ". In,! alinn.lii.il pasture 10 '., : ...ilk from means loss . . . r. ..1..I.1.. 1,1, Ml l.H III Hi W'ir """" ... i ..,iiloso.s insist Oregon uniryiii... ,.ii rroin in.' '"'"''V.'' . ,..;...,.., ,.- irroatosl Individ umy in the r.a!ro.l worl.l, ir. ;' inE with h.s ran y ,,. COIl'H AUUl ri " " ... h . it. ... i, . Tlifi r Ht ii v wi . .. L-...U..I.. it .mil K. I- ' alMii :;;:;i,,,M,..a:an.:or,r;, bnt durinR n. v..c.... '' .. buBy lnspoct.no, mo.r the state. , . . ...l ... nn.iff.r.-111-e I.POnH lO The rooii .... . morrow. There ia nlisolll'-f aaanra u-e nl an. i n .a K'-i"'"".'. , . ,.,-..t,,,i manenl orKnaimlion " ' ' ' ' ' B,l ,..,!. RetlinR . -""" on. rnnferenec is under Hi- ana ".' ' . .. . n.,v,.nmi nl li ai-iii- tni-ea nr im- k , ' Three ()r, K..n all.l.-lea won honora lit thn Olympii- Rain.a m i. m.-"- ...... .. ii... IU.'.,.i. made Hull H "now .... -ei. will be royally enter ained in 1'ortlund when they rnlur. early in Sep.eml.er. H.,11, utliU-l n-ii"d commercial Imdioa are nnitinR the arrangemenla. i:iv .1 f..lr fiilMOl-llltlOllH Of t r I ne lllll"l" , ,. . .. ........ i. ...i f..r ti an enilld oia izon are i-o-uj',-.i.."h - . Lv.of pro.lu.-lH and a Rrent al.ow.lie f llv,-lo.-k t the fall ahow '."rt- land, will, the heal ra.ea ever held in the itnte. All thin has ila I m he development of Hie atnlo by eroa inK such an inlereat in liveatoek pnidueljon aa will mean an ample supply for the support of the Rreal pa.Ui.iR dant now under .-oust r.iel ion in Portland. ,eleK..lion or liuaineaa men frmn Hpokane under the auspice- of the ' her of commerce 01 mm enlnrluined in Portland AuRiist 1... The aide of special one way tickets rrom all P"'ml I" ",ln'1 u8t'l,UH .. ........ :.. ... ...... 11 hi-unis Sl'lilciu 10 ail puiiiia " " 0. : . . . . ..n ,mt Octolier 31. tier J ami ,0""" Your conimunity can Ret more thiin ts share of II"' newcomers mm " effort. MARRIED. KKI.HOE RK'll.MinSDN In .In.-k ..... a ut r. t.v .liulee Neil nnvilie on John W. Kelaoe and Kit a HicliBr.li.on. in vi im I'l.lTTP lii .lackaolivill AuRiist 3, bv .Tnatlee Dot. Thomas P Taylor ann may wn ...... New Cams. W. .1. Warner vs. Mi.rR.irct 'Pico et . .. i: ti.... i.. roiMMti-r litlo. Zi.leina Koalomlataky vs. MarRiirot Tiec et nl.; application to rcRistcr ' ' tie. t'ruter Lake Lumber company vs John Wolff and (leorRi. Kinu; liclion to recover money. VV. K. I'hipp. at tornev for plaintiff. Crater Lake Lumlier i ipnny vs. 1're.licka Wolff and Cl.-orRe K.i.r: a.' tion to recover money. W. I' Phipps attorney for plaintiff.' Probate. Kstute ('. II. l'linnre; older niiide Ii ell real properly. i-ntered by tin .......n...l from a I'reiL'ht llltl lir.iiiiin i - . . . . .. ii. .....intv Tliiirsdiiy iiir trip in im" - cveniiiR. t,. Ooddard and wife nl ' " . .....1 1 lurried 11 K'W "OUia U 1,. v ,, u;.,l...,n the M.dfor.l UT nuin ' . e i.; i.ro.lnct lo re on ilel.vere.1 H.iiuc " ...... . hlmffer of Jacliaiilivill ,i. I...... j. . .ip.'lit rl.lniny ' . . lli.iirv. nr. i. ... " , Suv, Mr. Milur, jul Iiiivl U.ai uv !ini t'OllH Uli inrou iii.-.u-tKirutn thru. . ii' .1 ..... 1 1 1 IM Ml w,.rp over from their ranches ... r-ms .......... ....,.li.v on business. vin.', .' ... . r: ,v,h in MclK'nl anniaiiv 1 l.r rhl lllM'K II (WW MiK ii"r'i'K ' V.7 tmiist ...... II. wi ip rcmn nun-. i i.rfttV HIKIII I mi ,l l-WIMH, . .... .. nt AHlllIllKl viHiti ''v ,i . !(n. 'ish. Miss For... iey i" .1,,,,,1,1,,-ilia in hiRll aclio.n ... . o. I. keener "I I ne I ' tin. in ni""-. , !..r ' lllirs.lll rell rilllcliea, .... ircn oi l"' I . .. Xpl'cti.l 10 c... I" . i I .,,,.11 ferns lelt Inal . . . . i, ilniintv. Ilav Ward week ror imu . . .. 1 1. .,,, ,,l. I IV i.u, will siny i.M-i . .,....,U i.-i . reiuiii ii'. .... ;,. r,,r i. while. .. .. ... ti i.i of I'ciunr.o, I nl., ai m, ' : , ...in ,.c..k i. ilTho preb.vlerian eliurch toi"lit and loinorrow at H alio ais..i in n,. ,,n l mid hear mm. ,(,,1,1,1,1 lleecroft. yollllRest so.l , l AI ..mini mt i r tin i.ii" Ra-h B fa... where he a em,; oyej . erk n laree liiion ai"i ' 1 "" hi vacilion witn ins p.u.-... , ;',i, l,i Me.lfnl.l from hen ,.,.,, ..... ... l"l'- , . i i:.:.... I (irilftlH tlllil Wit IIHIII " . . , . i .... i lti:iK,M iiiul MlHH JL'llUic I Leinuel-lliiRhes. M all h. w . alhoi.n, 1 i: WriRht. 1.. . "'I. ... t W. II. mil liiillir. ii. ' ..' "... V..! .! I liirt'. Ouv It lirrv IHMinni . , ., ; . -....l M.n.re. Noah han '.'!''. ,..i ; r..,iiboiiL'h. Miss Ada H''.V ilier, ., ,, lda,(). K. Keynolds, Harry """7' J. I). Kvnns. .Mlierr ,.",. - .her Fish. ""r H"":'1 carloomai warbler. . . . About IS.) feel of I'"' rlu""'. carries Hie ival r from me i...... " Mearns to tin, Penalalk ... the Mandard M1i broke down Tuesday momiiiR. Messrs. Cole and Slinl.-r, .no iuiiiihh -f (he mill, are 111 work rcpumuR the flu.no. MnniiRor Hl.afer staled lo a r. p reaenlallve of the l'hacls vealerdny I Imt ,,ev woudl not try to "... the mill any .,. nii.il llie full rains set in. Ihii. is I he best time ,.. The place where in Me.lf.ir.l Sn.l- water cmi be In"! Walter 1..I..R. win. lias i''i at .lad ...ii.. ..;;. i. ,r ins iaiiHiv. i ... i..i;!.,,nl ( nl 1 hi ni'ii in - . . .1 t he fioeirifiini, i .1. 11. r i"K' t . . . hru ln--n i-,niim-.t to ihh mm. - i .i , .iw. nt iitniiii W w H-ii-niiril. I.M'SHU'IU oi im- MvK- I..H I ,w ;it Till' I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 :.. .1... ....... .it'imn III l ll' , . . ... w..ul.v h ill ip lulls, niim ... Tvi it". 1 1, ii Jr. who lias het-n Jit ,,ll,,if srhnnl in Malii l:i cimniv. . .w. r..! !.,!.. ik nl Ihiiik' auain Mr, r.-lia' M.CIalh'ii 4.1 KumI.ui xi.... I C I.iKCinoii l.t loll iiain.i- .,,, ,,.liry W. Ortl. of HiuiKia uJ ili.v, having linn rallHl iinm-r . . . .1...;- ululcr l ru. ."S. lllvlll mm A irv s. H-ii.n lil; in nrosiiri'l for wat lif.iniia. ati'ivi-il ..... i.nr lUi'lllv mi n 1.1 . ri-liril mil id Wlil'll W( llllf .i .i.. .....ir i.i.i ir (i aiii-r such a uiiilV. . . '.,.. livki- u in l'"1UNl'''l .1 I .III i I il. . I ..,!..! i .1. 1:i ri't'l'll 1 I V . !' I l .tll ! . . . i.. l...M.tr. :t short visit nin mini , ii'" . i.r.lav and was the Rin-si 01 K linnet while here, ell IS How c..K..K. .. im m'niiliR near ll.lla. fill ,-..i . : . . . .1. ... V.io.lieis of Porllan.l, a I uvenior i nan hiriiiR the pas' week II. Vi Ill, wll" has been looklllR i.: i .....I in Hie l-'isl. Lake am. c iv iiii.roveinenl c'-in ,,.,:,. ,.t for In I nl llakl.imi. I., Suliirilny. . .. .1 1. II l.uev of I'l. nix nrecinct were iim.mR the n Medfurd Sntur.lay ,..:n: l,ii sold 11" licrea of II llll." ... ., Inn.l located near ARale I" .. ..r c,..,.,-,.! Poiiii. lauini; in" l.r's residence properly in ;.. 1.I.UI. Our Annual August Clearance Sale NOW ON IN FULL PI-AST TO M VKE IIOUM F..U OI'K W1NTEM UOODS THAT WILL BOON ARH1VK VK UFKER "VriHE STOCK f SK OV KT HONEST LOW INi I'ltlCKS. LOOK THEM OVER. COMPARE THEM WITH .OTHERS WE THESE 1'KICES TALK. THESE PlfH'ES, AND WHEN WE TELL YOl.' AXVTIll.NW VOU CAN PhNU U ON IK 0UK SHELVES. -,:,,i,u ,,i- Ml THIS SI'MMEICS HOODS. WE ALLOW NO! HIM. rO t.fcl -UOLi.L.1 Now. $4.75 $4.50 $4.25 $4.25 Regular L'rioe Men's Xettleton Patent Oxfor.ls $U.OO Men's Neltlelon Tun Oxfords $.00 Men's Xettleton Viei Kid Oxfords r?:.M ii...... v.... 1.4. .. r!..i,i,if.t,il fK-f'in-ils jnj.oO .ieil s .M-lliri'iu viiiiiiiiv.ii.. .'...-'" Crawford's Patents. Tans and (innnietal oxtorns. j pk ular priee 4.00, now selling at ..... . ... ..... Full Double Sole Slioes, reg U values, at. Men's Canvas Slioes and Oxfords, regular 1 and .00 values, now Ladies' Patent Oxfords. H1 values, at I.a.lies' Patent and Kid Oxford, 'M values, at -. Ladies' WW and :!"' Kil "and Turned .... .-- Low-Ifeel Patent Oxfords, rer. $.'() vals., nt Ladies' Patent llan.l I iirned noes. i-euiuai $3.90 $5.00 values, at V" 'i.:nn Ladies' Patent "Button A elt. regulai .00, 3 )0 $3.50, now 'j.i -o Y Liulies' Cauvas Shoes and "M 100 -ffof (iaM;.s;;.i.d;i;u.lreu:s Oxfords and iers, soiiifr at. ier pair Thev eost us more tlian this. V'n-iiier.s' Jleavv Mountain Hoots. Fanners' Lial.t Slioes. just riht for August and Sep tember, ffoinjr. at Sprrial Prices. u,lt,r;l P,ovs' and Misses' S.-hool Shoes, we will sell at Spennl i'riirs tliat will astonish you. SMITH & MOLONY The tirst "try" in any Jiue of o f fort is not us u a 1 1 y enough. "Try again" is a slo gan as old as experienee nt human affairs. African Na'.ivci' Drum Signals. Ml lii-.mu!l llie coil H .vi"' H, i,,,li"l Ikivi- .1 very I'd I sl- 1 .iRIIillillK Hh ilfllini. i, cans llie.v rap "i" iii"ssni:i- n'"" ,ri. I.. vill.u;.-. and H is .inte '... , , how swil'tly and I...W far ll.ey i,e .i Kprenil news. .... .. i,..r U h iv.l. nunc ei I no in .nil,.".. . nlirlit. wln u .iimd travels Hrf-lliui. one lies ll nil lie on a . . ...... ii .,. ,, el m-lll.i i,--....'.. 1IIKIU I"' ' , , bv lln- I""'. iii'il'-al I'"" ii ' ..in...... I,,.., i- n.iil one wails Willi pleasant e ian.y till in- .niswerhiR e,., me--, lilill'leil n.v iii-hm- ill.ii:o Men, -Iln iw iwe .nlles iiii.v. - ,-,,. W"il. I Miiua Chat ity. l l.l.-a - AI .leiniies woil.lli.R in-i k. i.vvlllK lo a Illlsilllilel-slllliillHK. t,(. p.,,1 ... wall nl Hie .ll"l''h HUH.' .liimtos for llie lirl.leRi- " v"".n well. Il.l.iy i.ilniiles Isu I iiny- i.llii- In a w.Mini'l wh" Has viaiieu l-iy years. Classified Advertisements Ona Cent a Word No single lnser tlons lew than IB cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five couts a Hue per month. FOR SA1E. I-'OH SALE Host R.-neral purpose team in the city; new waRi.n ...id harness; j..-.,.,,. . Ii i.iiw. a nood one, :'."; I inil',1. cow, :i'i; 1 milch cow. W. II. West .V (.' l.'OII SALE AI a snap. Two first-class bnihliiiR lots faeiuR new falholie school; one .piarter cash takes them. A.l.lress Hox oll.S. ... .i, u.vr v ..in fine Anuora iroiits. Ad- r i ' i. .T...., - " , i ilress Charles Huillingmni, City, Or. Daniels' new elotl.iiiR store aanoniiccs the arrival of nil the new styles in the famous Alfred Benjamin k l o.'s .-lollies fur full and winter, In". 1MTIKEMENTS. namnn fuid Pythias. ..:. I... K...n irr.t llV 1 110 IIIHIUItf ment of the Hijoil tinnier for n lo niRhts' enRiiReinent coiumeiic.i.R ...nin... have been pla.vinR Hi" InrRer cities only. The cnmiiiny curries two and a hair miles of inovinR pictures, featur.iiR a wonderful reproduction of " Damon an. Pvlhias." with Frederick Ward and Louis .lam. in the cast. It is with out doubt Ihe most complete perform ui.ee over attempted with niovinR pic lure. You will feel as if y.nl nrc wil . . . ....rriiriinilice. as II. ncHninR ii ni-i.-i... i County Commissioners' Court. ai...i ..i- N. I,. Narreirnn. justice t.,r V ne 1' fllllll liiccni. , ,11" l,v.n v r. . .. . . ., I lie licnce "i S. n. rem ., jum - - rtutto Palls precinct were ..xanlilici a.. iiiinroved. .. i, I. A iii'iue' siii.e,". Mo. HI OI .linn- elect, was jiccepted. llon.l of C. W. Thomas, conslabl I'.iirle Point, approved. II.....I of .1. Percv Wells, school super ;.,...,lel- W. U. I 'olemiin. clcrli: .Inmi .. : i ., nrer. were exam M. . run im -i. - il.ed and approved. i, i.. ..I- II v 11. Dili, jllslic Ilium- .- ... ... . I....I ....i11c ii ml li. W Ihe peace 101 ..... Wilcox, justice of the peace lor W villi- were approved. A ,,,,. nl of II. II. !. depnl ii . sheriff, a.il.ruve.l. .,..i.. .,, inline Ocnree N .nine; fruit nispeclor. ii cerlificalcs I., p.operty in M' Ii.r.l were ..ssiipo'il lo .1. A. Siiiilli. In ihe mailer of the road I" ' ' '" f ... I., W M Sinilli el 111., older ma .. . I' I. . linse.. II. I'. Men 11 K , i .: M.irse revicnel the matter ol the pet, lion of Louis .;:,tuii for a road in sedien U'. lown ship IIS. lanf d W.. and pnvalc ease .!. iir.lirc.l that Pnui'i A. I-""!'-Miles I'aiitlall and .lau,.-s lln.-Uley be I vie Hers. Ill Ihe matter of road pel il ioned for In Thomas W. Si .allien, et nl. in town ship :i.l. .a,,u-e i W.. road cstablishd, Or.l.r made appr.ivniR plal of ' 1 he Alia Visla" orchards. Anxious. i , si I'., II"- r.-.i1okI--I a llli.il-i.ii.l y.-a.s si. are n .miile-l . i :,u Man ill llie -mi ,. ,' ..real S. ol I Ai.il ' " Udnl; 1 ,. , i,.;,o,..r.iry h-a.i "f C- ;1 ,.,., vile. In-ldi ews" Lo"''"" I'ele-jrapll Progress Reporttd. "H. I y. n have an In. U llslilnR':" v.-" U. i inn n.v did i "U ' al' h''" 1 .ii.l'i'1 . nl. b anv Hut I IhoiiKlit sl, ill.-: I" tell r.... a- i. eii.-'4 w.isiiieti.... smr f-oKpr ,ul Bridye. Kill.'.."' I was Mllim: up will, n ,.--, siel, l -i-lel I.I- I llllH. I "ell ' Mrs Kniiker Yes. I s: Willi his .'.-!; wife all this aflern.ion -Ilarp-ri I'nvill lllll HAIfllAI.V Owing to reverses in business, I must Bel. my nome .n o.n. , lieilnioins. 1 dining room, 1 parlor, 1 kitchen, 1 hall room, I pantry, 1 Iiiirc summer kitchen, 1! porches, chick en house und yard, gurdeti uud fruit, apples, pears, plums und Riapes, fine weel. walking distaai-e, 2 lots, each .-illxllll; price $1550, $7.ril cash will handle. Address P. O. Hoi 272, Med ford. 1:W. 1 WHY IS IT2 I'OU SALL A Harrod I'ly.aoutli roost- i ... IT l. l.l A.I. er, tlioronRlinrcii. i.i nioinim ilress P. . Box fi72. Medfonl. Poll SAI.K Half intorost In tho best business proposition in Wedford. Ad ilress Hoi 27, .Medium. FOB SA LI-' Sand and gravel; Ihe best Rra.le of sand unci gravel ior aim- .... .1. T. Long, lliverside avenue, near Mc Andrews ford. foH SALK Residence property; 7 rooms ami bath, city water, eiecinc liRhts, sewer coliueotioli. F. ('. I'aRC KOH SAI.K -IS choice lots, live mill ules from depot, near school; easy terms. F. '. I'aRe. Thai each month in ft 1 1 l"'" in litis country, on the library lal.l.-, ;ml in t-vcry . lul icadinj room, you find tin- metropolitan magazine city Ti:i:.sri;i:irs noti. i:. Office of City Treasurer. .Meiinn... Ilri-Ron. AiirusI I". H"'"- Notice is herebv Riven that I here ..,. fund- in Ihe city treasury for the re.leiiiili.n of all ouslandniR R' '-'I r.in.l wnrranls prole I prior RIISI I. 11'U". Interest on I he same w . the above dale. I'M I.. L. .IACOHS. C.lv Ircasuro.. All n ini.tinn Is lcnlUniBse and lards . ,i. or this sue larRcr than any other paper In Orc.m can show for pop ulation. , perforniai.ee. as tie) wintfi scenes nr.- all explained by a special , (M. - rr 0 render, who is also a mi-inner nl in. ,1 ., !t , compunv. Other funny pictures will be so Itl (I II I H l Ol WHinn.j shown In conjunction with "Dninon ,,,,; ,,i.;.i anA Pythias. " "OiildH." the mliRii.R lIUIIflH in.l't?- ' 0)11 Bjirt, will slnR pictured mclmlles nnn all I . l TI in ll you will find Oils lo be Ihe llie UlKlt IPlM'l IX JIHKt JOf. 1 IIP attlca iTeRt ol the sesson. No increase . . . ., in prices. Tribune circulation paid. Notice to Water Consumers Owimr to ihe s.areiiv of water supply it is ordered that no city water lie used fi.i in it;dti"ii except between the hours of and S o'clock a. in. and between 7 and S ..'dock p. in. until otherwise ordered (V the water committee. Violations of this order bv anv consumer will result in said consumer's supply heinu: fi-t li with shut off. . I'.v order of the Water committee of llie ( 'it v 'oiincil of Medford. Or. Dated Amiust 7. 1WS. . It is because il keeps you in touch will, .hose great public and human movements on which llie American family depends. It is because its stories are the best published anywhere. It is because ils illustrations in color, and black and while, set the standard. . It is because its articles are the most vital mul interestini). It is because there is somclhiiu.i in each copy (r every member o( every American family. A YEAR'S FEAST 1K00 Beaulifid Illustrations. 1360 Paies of Reading Mailer. 83 Compi le Stories. ' 7 ) Good Poems. () Timely and Important Articles. 1 000 P.iiaiiai ..lis pre.H-iitiiK) ihe hii news of llie "World at Large." 120 Humorous Contributions. Womlerlul Color Work, prcumtrJ m frontispieces, inserts und covers. All Vo.i -.i for I i 1 1 o Yd"'.; Sabst. ription (o Til 10 ME'il?ksOLiTAN MAGAZINE Pi-i. .- .SI..' 'i l-es- e:i.- -.' lo t-nl-; ;i tlopv Tho publishers of the SOUTHERN OREC10NIAN have made a special arrangement wit.i THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE by which thoy are enabled to offer the following oxtia ordinary bargain: The cost of one year's subscription to THE METROPOLITAN is $1.50. The coTt of 12 months' subscription to the SOUTHERN OREGONI AN is $2.00. We offer both for $i.G0. I'iiK SALE -Can. ping outfit, one liorse, ejlt spllllR vvaiiotl. Ill.lllire v lose., s .".Ivar.l. '-' FOR SAI.K -Seventh street business property, two story brick, TillxHO; also .-Ml feet on Seventh street by 50 feet on Riverside avenue. F. C. Pafe. VA NT I'D To buy from 100 to .100 head of stuck sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. WASTF.il Furnished house; rent no object; no children; six rooms. Ad dress "II," Hox .".OS. YVANTF.D A span of good horses, ...i.... . u-liik nnn Iia driven or worked, sewn or eight years om, ponce . . ... -v. . .inn 1'imi When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Lye Specialist. Office in the lirand Theater bldR. Phone .'l.'i. Seventh and Main. City Scavenger, liarbimo of all kinds removed on short notice. Leave orders with chief or l run SAI.K S. X. Subdivision i- in llu- UT ru. ouriu ui o.in , F""-" -i. .. ...... . ,.li;.i.. I. .ti item Irnctti. i . . . , i.m.i .- , ,,, ,. Aiiareiu irinune. .ncnioru. n.,ij.r. ileinever. .lacks.. uville. ! Coolr.vtors and Builders , . , . ... ... .... I UMi SAUt, nisi Class pi.iuoi.s i-.i. no: a barirain. P. 1 . Hex I'.'.. Med ford. WANTED. WAN'TKI'-To Inn a good Kemincton j tvpewrner el p ..lres ll.-x .W, V edford. NTKI 'two i;irls for neral leme work. Apply I" v'f - Fay. N.-r;ii Cen trnl avenue. WANTFIi- Youi.c li'tl I" lielp in house work; niiisl bo nent au.l eloerful. Mm. li. Scliolu. North C si. I'-o W ANTK1' Tcae.s of h.-rses. :,,,in( I. 'HO s. uiuls ,a,-!i; nilall for !0i.t orci.r.r.1 rk Win l!:i..nf..:W ,il.'l Moor.' lli oO cj BUSINESS CARDS. DR. A. B. SWESt I'hvsiiian and Surn'on. Office at Residence. Medford Funtituro Co., Undertakers P.iv phone 333; Nilht Phones: C. V. ( oliklin Sli: .1. II. Butler OO TO VB.. GOBLE FOB VODR GLASSES. Optiral Parlor in "? " SF.VFNTH Mnr.r... "He Uas NoOthor Business. " E. B SEELY. M. D. Phvsician and Suriieon . , v'.viiinned Operating Rooms Mislera hquippe" I " .. Mint lffic noun.. I olc. to Jck.n Cit 9 n a.. Wnrlc tluaranteed. Office with 0. H. Pierce Sou. Phone 65S. P. O. Box 771. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANT; OOL EECTKXN AGENCT. Lock Bex 80S. Medford, Oj. THE ODELL, I i..alit) li.i'-luing House of the city. Free baths. Over Postoffice. M. II. MOOKK. COLVIO & DURHAM. Attorneys-at&aw. Geo. II. Durham, O rants Pass, tt. Win M. Colvlg. Medford, Or. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIUOKK. MEDFlD, C Price cljH ttm 19 Or, o ill -Ii -, w