MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, ORKOOX. SATURDAY. AUOUKT 8, COMMUNIOATIONa The Athletic Club. To the Editor: Ou account of so mniiy people askii me aoout aitterent things, concerning the Mcdford Athletic club, I wish to atate that I know nothing about the business of that institution. The facts are, 1 am not or never was a member of the club, although 1 may have been the cause of it starting, but I did uot think that it would be a success the way the parties in charge were running thiugtt, so told them plainly that 1 would have nothing to do with it. An athletic club is a good thing for any town when properly managed, but you have to do these things right. Huaiuoss men will not give up their money un less they see something or receive some benefit from it, and you can't run a club without having the support of the business men. Yours respectfully, W. H. XVEST. BEYAN GOES TO CHICAGO TO SEE LABOR LEADERS LINCOLN", Neb., August 8. Appa rently the real reason for William J. Bryan's proposed visit to Chicago on August 8 2, when ho exteots to remain in that city threo days, is to hold n conference with the presidents of the labor organizations of the country, who are to be in Chicago at that time. This information was obtained today from a source close to the Commoner and it is understood that the conference with the labor leaders will be a signif icant event in the campaign. The obvious reason for Bryan's trip is to attend sessions of the campaign committco. " BASEBALL MEETING GOES OVER FOR WEEK LOS ANGELES, Cal., August 8. Lo cal baseball maguat s today say that the meeting for the organization of a Bixth team for next season's Pacific Coast Baseball league would he held the last part of next week. The meet ing was to be kiOd last night, but post poned owing to the absence of Cal Ew ing, president of the league, who was called to Denver by the death of his mother. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. , The Iowa camp is reporte.d seriously' damaged from fire lately. The Eagle Point stage, loaded to the guards, came in Hunday. Several fino bucks have been killed near us by sportsmen from the valley. B. P. Fredenberg and family have been visiting friends in the Falls pity. Claapill S: Wheeler have purchased a fine business lot and will build at onco. Charley Edmonson ami family have gone to their homestead to harvest the hay crop. Our town is free of strangers camp ing around in the woods or on their way to the tall timber. We are glad to report B. H. Harris able to be out and mending rapidly. lie will soon visit Mcdford. J. II. Miller of the Butte Falls Lum ber company reports many orders in the mill for finishing products. Sickness is fast disappearing from among us with the advent of cool weather. We sleep under blankets. Much satisfaction hereabouts is ex pressed at the app intment of Judge Cannon tin United States commissioner. All the camping parties are enjoying themselves and there is no sickness among them. They are having a good time. N. B. Stoddard has purchased several business lots in the Falls. Mr. Stod dard and N. Raker have gone on a busi ness trip to Mcdford. Albert hall has been the spine of many pleasant summer gatherings. Mrs. Albert is always found equal to the oc casion in preparing refreshments. W. F. Entrop, N. H. Stoddard anil Baker brothers all left Inte Sunday eve ning to walk through to Medford, ex pceting to reach their destination early Monday morning. C. P. Hull of llrownshoro supplies his many customers with Medfonl ice and makes tri weekly trips for supplies. Mr. Hall and William Flrleh will soon make an extended trip to Crescent City, Cal.. and tho coast. Robert Hicks, with his son. Thomas Hicks, vice president of the 11 icks Building k Contracting company of nan Francisco, are camping near uu and report splendid sport in fishing. They had the misfortune of having their pro vender stolen from them, but, being near tho Falls, their larder was soon replenished. Rogue War Veteran Dies. AHEHDKKN', Wash., Angunt S. Jan. M. Merrick, aged Si years, died at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. I.. Helling, on Saturday, of dropsy. Mr. Merrick was born in Stnten Island, N. V., and was a pilot in New York har bor for 15 years. At the time of the gold excitement of 'W in California he came around the Horn, and has since lived on the Pacific canst, principally in Oregon. Ho was married to Miss Nancy Scott at rjeottslmrg. Or., in 1853, nnd was father of 11 children, but two of them, his daughter, Mrs. Helling, and son, Frank V. Merrick, survive him. Ho was lieutenant in the Hogue Kiver Indian war and his fun eral was under the auspices of the O. A. R. 4Tli Sry Hm" wiU tfc" joot oxt tuttath fill, t the fov. lr. Spll.itf, pmf Disciples' ffciriV r 1H FEANOHEPPI SHOT THROUGH SHOULDER KEXXETT, Cal., August 8. C. Fruu cheppi, a member of a big Italian firm here, which conducts a Btore, hotel and saloon, was shot in the shoulder this morning by John De Costa, but wheth er accidentally or on purpose remains to be demonstrated. Pe Costa escaped, but was caught at Coram, four miles below here, by Special Watchman Thom as Uergin, formerly sheriff of Trinity county, and is now behind the bars. De Costa was sitting at a table in the saloon playiug cards. Behind him stood Antone Tinoli. Finally He Costa accused Tinoli f tipping off his hand at cards, and after a war of words one of the proprietors pnt Tinoli out of the room. Once outside, Tinoli demanded that De Costa come out and fight. He kept up his fuss until De Costa arose and started for the door. As he stepped outside, he pulled his gun and fired. The bullet struck Francheppi, who as serts thut Tinoli was uot in range at the time; could not, in faet, have been seen by !)e Costa, and that he thinks De Costa meant to shoot him. De Costa immediately made his es cajie, but Watchman Bergin was soon on his trail and took his into custody at Coram. PAYS FOR FREIGHT ROBBERY WITH HIS LIFE RENO, Nov., August 8. Lying at the point of death from a bullet wound in tho groin, William Crouin is about to pay the extreme penalty today for an attempted boxcar robbery in the Southern Pacific yards last night. Crouin was shot by J. II. (iooding, tho railroad watchman, after a fight in which three other robbers participated. Ooodtug came upon the thieves while they were at work and called upon them to surrender. They refused and Gooding opened fire. Crouin fell at the first shot. The otherH escaped. Officers went later to Crouin 's lodg ings and captured t ur men who are thought to be his accomplices. Twenty pounds of dynamite were found in the room. The police are sweating the captured men today in an effort to get informa tion concerning an organized gang of train robbers. THEATER TRUST TO INCLUDE EVERY PLAYHOUSE NEW YORK, August S. A gigantic theater trust embracing every theater of importance in the nation and extend ing from the Atlantic to the Pacific is in the process of formation here. Kluw & Erlanger, the moving spirits in the new enterprise have suceeded in bring ing together nearly every theiiter man ager in the country and it is likely that a central board of managers controll ing every house in the 1'nited States will result. At the meeting recently at which every big theater in the Tinted States and all the vaudeville circuits, both high priced and cheap were represent ed, a committe was appointed to drnw up a set of resolutions. NIGHTGOWN UNNECESSARY IN SUMMER, SAYS JUDGE CHICAGO, August N Killing that a nightgown is not a necessity in hot weather. Judge Harry It. Tuthill of the ln Porte county superior court has issued ar estraining order forbidding IS-yenrold Mary Polaski from indulg ing in thut extravagance, and Mary is today bemoaning her fate and won dering what will happen next. She was arrested some time ago as an incorrigible and put in charge of a pro bat ion officer. She got a placo as a domestic and wanted to spend part of her first week s pay to purchase a nightgown. Her father sought an in junction, which was granted. The court said that a nightgown could onlv be a necessity in cold weather. CURE FOR LEPROSY," DOCTOR GOES TO JAIL HONOU'LV, August 8. .1. Lorr Wallach, who claimed to have discov ered a cure for leprosy and who wns nrresteil for illegally practicing medi cine, has left Hawaii and it is believed here that he soon will appear as a phy sician in Vancouver, H. C. Wallach was under several indictments, and friends offered to gain his release by paving his fines, but the attorney gen cral told them it would be useless to try. Wallach remained in jail two months and left here soon after his re lease. One of his former friends said today that his destination was Van p" liver. BALLOONIST FALLS 900 FEET AND LIVES AllltOTTsl-'OIil), Wis., August a. Physicians atteuding Mrs. Eva Jones, the balloonist who fell HAOil feet from a balloon and still lives, announced to day that her chance of recovery is ex cellent, though her condition is still critical. With hundreds of eyes betow watching her. the woman plunged to the ground yesterday, the mpe to her pnrnchute having snapN-d. lirnnehes of a tree broke her full. She was in tcrnnllv injnnsl. TRIED SECOND TIME TO DSOWK HIMKELF TAf'OMA, Wsili., Aiitfiinl h. Aftor diving from thn wrnf into th erii tern of tin1 Itiiy for n monnln'am. afnpl inn tn hi own Hl.irv, in .win a fihi. out half Alli-rt Wi!- irinl I. 4n n hif t tto" rtil .rly tlt b Intong tt" ,r i0 t ?ii'.i:iil !: W4 fcis 14 j. v.i b d6. Wiikr ?f feter iQ it ftii.iugl iBW tan i1frtt ttnt to tt.-ifc-o'lft) REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William Boss to John Cadzow, lot 13, block 5, Ross addition to Medford $ HO John Cudzow to X. B. Stoddard, half interest in lot 13, block 5, lloss addition to Medford ... ftn It. H. Harris to M. B. Stoddard, property in Butte Falls lf0 B. II. Harris to X. B. Stoddard, lots Hi and 17, bloelc 13, Butte Falls 4o0 B. II. Harris to X. B. Sottard, lot 10. block 13, Butte Falls.. !" K. Troeksel to X. B. Stoddard, X lj lots 4 and 5, block 20, Butte Falls M li. H. Toft to W. ti. Aldenhagen. lot It, block 2, Bungalow addi tion to Medford 10 Joules F. Cole to James II. lo ran, property on the boulevard, Ashland . . .' l'0 William Yeo to James H. Borau, property on Morton street, Ash land ..' 10 Flora Wigle to Sarah li. Fox, lot 39, Mountview addition to Ash land 10 James C. Beagle to H. W. Hnnt- zinger, property in Ashland ... 10 Margaret A. Sax man to .John IX Taylorti lots 1 and 2, block 1, Pracht 's Alaska addition to Ashland 1 Charles W. Wolters, guardian, to Chris I'lrieh, property on Third street, Jacksonville MO Patrick McMahon heirs to Chris Clrieh, property on Third st., Ashland 450 T. E. Nichols to W. F. Smith, ( of Vi of U interest, in water right, in Eagle Point 100 A. I). Helms to James Bowling, 39, lo acres in O L O "9, town ship 37, range 2 W 4(100 H. L. Kubinson to W. C. Moore, property in Enoch Walker place .' 2,"00 P. P. Tucker to August Miekel sou, 10 acres in section 111, township lUi, range 1 E 400 August Mickelson to C. Cunning, ham, 10 acres in section Hi, township 3il, range 1 E Tt.'iO E. D. Briggs to Emma E. Pellett, propertv in Woolen addition to Ashland 200 J. T. Parkinson to Aniee McClen ahau, property in Ashland ... 10 Kdwiu F. (ir.tliam to (iold Bay Hoalty company, 40 acres iu sec tion 20, township 32, range 3 .; 4."0 Edwin F. (Iraham to Gold Buy liealty company, water right . 1 BIJOU THEATRE Friday and Saturday "T1IK YOUNG EI) BROTHERS" The old home scone Raid by the guerrilla band and the killing of the father The Younger brothers organizing for re venge The first holdup The great Northfield bank robbery The fight with the posse Capture of the Younger brothers. "Oil, WHAT LUNGS" The best roinie on market THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is tho best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS Warranty Deed MurtKttKL'. I .onir and Short Forma NHtirtiitrt'n of Mortiritu- Transfr of t.fcn IWer of Attorney Mwhiinir'n ,'ft Water Kiiiht Bill of Salr Lk.uor License Forma Notice to Trespawierx Creditor'a Claim Aft-ainat FOR RENT. FOR SALE. FURNISHED Placer Location Bond for Ud Miner'a Lien Summons E i ecu t ion Judgment Tranacript Commitment fur Trial Search Warrant PROBATE PetHtoruifor Uttera of Administration, Adm.nlatn.tor a, Kiecutor 1 1 and Ouanltan Bo dTand Decda: Order Setting Apart Property Exempt from Execution; Order ConhmnngSnle-f Real and Personal Property Citation: Af1" Letter of Administration; Inventory and Appraiaement; Proof of Will. Iltera Testamentary. CIRCUIT COURT Attachment Notice of Garnishment C.rand Jury Subpoena Indictment Traaacriptof Judgment A romplcl-. up-lo-d.t. lin. ..f U.S. MHKK1FF BLANKS. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN Oold Kay Realty company to E. F. (iraham, water right Electa E. llalladuy to Floreuce A. Gferhart, lot 2, block 2, Palm's addition to Medford .. 300 Florence A.rGearhart to O. H. Carter, lot 2, block 2, Palm's addition to Medford 1200 W. O. Dix to Agnes Jackson, property in Pracht s addition to Ashland 2000 New Cases. Justin Wilson vs. Etta Wilson; suit for divorce. J. L. Hammersley, attor ney for plaintiff. In matter of applicat ion of J. F. Coss, Jr., for a writ of habeas corpus vs. H. M. Cobs. Martha Odeu vs. Abraham I.. Oden; suit for divorce. Pearl Duncan vs. Jesse H, Duncan; suit for divorce. George W. Trefren, attorney for plaintiff. E. T. Ilutli vs. Scott Bruce; action to recover money. W. E. Phipps. attorney for plniutiff. State or Oregon vs. E. M. Hostel -tor; criminal action. State of Oregon vs. William Eaton; criminal action. State or Oregon vs. James F. Coss. Jr.; criminal action. State of Oregon vs. James Hays; criminal uction. If you have lost or fount I anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in The Tribune." Why Not Iron in Comfort? Xo reason to be uncomfortable in a hot, stuffy kitchen. You can tako your Electric Tron to any part of the house when- tli to is a light socket. I An extension cord from the kitch. n I light will ennble yon to use it on the porch. I Telephone Main 8f,ri ami have an I Electric Iron sent you on one week's ! free trial. I ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. I Successor to Condor Water Power Co. j Office 20ti West Seventh St., I Opposite Big Electric Sigu. REAL ESTATE Quitclaim I Dpm Bond for Owl MurtiTHifo lo-w With Tax Payment I'rovlnion Option to buy Iand Attnt' Contractu MISCELLANEOUS: Chattel Mortiraire Acknuwlfdkfntnt Confeaiiin of Judgment Covera for Blanttn Mtate ROOMS. ETC. (on cardboard). Quart i Location Woler Kiuhf Oregon and II. S, Forma Contract to Sell Deed I' roof of llKir JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminnl Suhpoenaa Attainment , Umlertikiasr and Am RamiKhment davitfnr Attachment Cont Bill Commitment for r ine Notice to Juror Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest Undertaking and Affidavit Summon fur Attachment Coet Bill Criminal and Civil Suhpnena Execution Search Warrant Notice to Jurura LAND Ol'FICK.lrfODNTY COUKT AND All printed after the latest and best forms. Cg3 Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. Cj3 Give u trial. A Money Saver Wo fully realize that is a inn .iority of people who always wish the vory boat. These people aro wise. The boat ib always tho cheapest iu tho long run. Especially is this true of our "PURE WHITE" FLOUR, in so much as any houswwife who has tried it knows thut it makes many morelonves to the sack than ordinary flour. Don't bo penny wiso and pound foolish, but buy It he best flour, i. e.r "Pure White," of Allen & Reagan THE OHOgKHY ON THE COltNEK Nature's Grace When warm, drink "Cole sliii" to make you cool. When eool, drink "Cole slin" to keep you well. ANDERSON 6 BURBIDGE Agents for Medford. ABOUT August 15 we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD iu any quantity at $3.00 per tier, delivered, or $2.00 per tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar,' sawed into tier wood, at $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Oregon. : tMMM of We have EMENT iin.l will soil you a sink, a harrol or n rarloul. We handle si'verul graili s and will (jive you tlie tosts of nil. Comont tmiowulks aro going in all over town ami whut loolm cheap or thriftless as au old loose lionrd sidewalk in front of your properlyf t'onsull a cement contractor nnd you'll find his price right. The big demand now on for couieut is going to tnuko it hard to get and naturally at an increase iu price. G rater Lake Lumber &o. Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get what you want alre&Jv! prepared; we have ;t. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, NEAR EIGHTH Oak Park Addition On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds and conveniently located for business men seeking home sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap, on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right kind. of improvements. Why go out to the faraway suburbs when such fine residence lots can he obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot situated where an advance in price is assured, and where the first benefit will be derived f-rom the completion of the railroad to the timber? It pays to figure on such investments in a live town like Mcdford, and the present prices for these lots will look like a veritable gift to the buyer in a year of two hence. For full particulars apply to the Rogue River Exhibit it is up to You ' What Will You Do? Jf you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking down your system day by clay, then you may reflect for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a. pack age of Golden Grain Granules Xo man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily. OOLDKN GRAIN GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee anil smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 25c. Order a paokagd today. . All grocery sell it. THE MFDI'Oltl) DAILY XKWS SEIIYK'E IX Oil! TELEtl HAI'II XKWS IS It EC E IV ED J1' TELEGRAPH OPERATOR IN ,OUll,OFFLQM Land Gomp'y Building THIIU'XF HAS 77 ft' 11 EST SOVTHEUX OltEdOX. o e