Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 08, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Iffoune
A Live Paper in
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Pwtof fW t.
Medford, Oregon.
D. month, bv mil or earner. .. .0.50 Oa rear, by mail...
CHy rebscribars who deilre The Tribune matted te them
Mri .tber ouVoftown place. wW please notify the office glv
dty 4dre.. and the length of time the, to dr. paper m to
nr. addiwi On returning, plaaee notify office In order that service
by oarrter may be promptly resumed.
Ttofnro tho water committee irrevocably tics up
Jv. i.ya v. v- .
city in its contract for pipeline and water from the north
fork of the Little Butte or Wasson canyon the proposition
to bring water from the Little Applcgate should he thor
oughly investigated. The water committee has as yet only
given'it the most superficial consideration.
Only three things are to lie considered by the city:
quantity, quality and price.
The Little Applegate proposition is for oOO niches
against 300 indies from the north fork of the Little Butte
or from Wasson canyon. In quantity the comparison
favors the former.
In quality, the Little Applegate is equal or superior to
any water in the country. Comparison is favorable even
with Wasson canyon. The watershed is the forest reserve
covering the snow-capped peaks of the Siskiyoiis.
In price, the Little Applegate is sfctfO.OOO, including
500 inches of water, interest in conduit and ownership of
reservoir and pipeline. Even if the contractor cuts his
figures to .$210,000 for the Wasson canyon line, there is
still the water to purchase and other expenses that will
make the total considerably more than the Little Apple
gate. It is therefore due to the citizens of Medford that the
committee have its engineer
sition thoroughly, for in cost, quality and quantity, it
makes more than a favorable comparison with the proposed
If the Mail hasn't got an angel back of it, if ought to
hunt up one, for the patronage given it would not support
a semi-weekly, let alone a daily, and it is (loomed to an
early grave in the immense graveyard of journalistic as
pirations. There was no call for its creation, and none for
ita continued existence, except in the disordered imagina
tion of its publisher, whom it will leave a bankrupt.
PORTLAND, Or., Annual H. " Maine
never has boon a prohibit inn mUIc in
spite of the fact thr.t for (17 yen kIic
has hnd a prnhiliitory Inw mi hor stnt
utc books and for iiiomI of the time
in her constitution," wive llolmun liny,
the well known rd'nor uml writer of
stories about the Pino 'l'rop Htnto, who
has just completed a study of the much
discussed Maine lienor luw for Apple
ton's magazine. As a newsneper innn
Mr. I)av has observed the working of
the prohibitory law in Mniue for the
past 'JO yeurs, anil he asserts Hint ut no
time since tho prohibition Inw ivn
passed has it been enforcod through
out tho state. In some plnces, chiefly
in rural sections, the open sale of liquor
has been almost entirely suppressed nt
times. In cities and other communi
ties where the majority sentiment hriw
been Hgitinst the nntiliuor Inw, the
sale has been permitted openly, nl
though illegally. Maine's experience
does not prove that prohibition is either
a good thing or a btid thing for a stale,
in Mr. Day's opinion, hernuno Maine
never hns had reul prohibition.
lTntll the ndoptinn of the Hturgii law
the sole power of centreing the lnt
utes against liquor selling rested in Ih
hands of sheriffs and other loeal offi
eials, who interpreted the law nt rding
to the sentiment of their own eomuuini
tiea. Under the Hturgis law a si
commission appointed by the gove
rrith m large number of deputies nt it
command, has bad charge of the
forcement of the prohibitory measure
According to Mr liny, the legislature
ia almost certain to roienl this law at
its next session, nnd the state will
back to the old plan bv which eneh com
munity regulates the matter for itself.
Thla will mean a resumption of what
baa come to he known as the llnngi
"Under the Jlinoor plan," hiivs the
Appleton article, 'fhe sheriff and conn
ty attorney permitted a certain niimbe
of saloons and hotels to sell liquor.
Prior to tho term of court nt which fines
wore to bo 'assessed' the eounty Httor-
ner or his Agent went to tho office of
the collector of internal revenue and
drew off a list of the ne.mes of those
in tho county who were paying n spe
cial liquor retailer's tax to the l'ltited
Htatcs government. The. list wns pre
vented to the grand jury, was accepted
aa evidence nnd the parties were in
dieted and paid the regular fine and
costs amounting to 1111,
Usually Hie
eounty 'umil' twiro a your. Ven-
v !t? J.""".1" r"1'' '" d"ht nA
tk.t ptan a. In opwatloi,.
a Live Lows.
go over the Applegate propo
"While any man who wants to ob
tain liquor can do it without- much dif
I'ieultv in almost anv part of the state
there is no prospect that the prnhibi
tiou law will I"' repealed," said Mr.
Hay in explaining the conclusions he
has drawn from his - yours' at inly of
the subject. "In other words, Maim
is strongly commuted to prohibition,
but is just as strongly against its -
IM lUTLAN l, August S. Hi-ninuinn
HMO utu I'ontimiinn ciich year t Imti1-iil'tt-r,
rnrlltni'l will hnvt mi tift'ifiitl
futurity in ninwtiim with tho lunmnl
Country Club InirnrHs raco mort. Yi-s
tcnliiy iiftcruonn n ol'tVr was iitailc ti
tho liirnrlnrH of thr Country Club &
MTtnrk ocintinn f a -tKio t'utu
ritv stake fr Orcuna fmiU of Wt
rulluiK for two 2 year oM hvimiIh in
i 1 il au.) two It your ohl I'VontH In 1 11 1 -The
offrr wiih a.cilt1 an.l tho linmr
iiH'n whn injnb' tin olVt-r wt-n- notified
that tlnv limy auk for I'litiit'M tor the
iNirtliuol fulurily nt omo. Tho only
conitition impom-d on tho Country flub
wnt to put if.'l'"' for oarli of the four
vent. or a total of .flL'm' tor tin
two yearn.
Tin- H) Ntuke will be divided a
follon: $d0 for '2 year ol.l pure in
I1H0; fitiii) for l! year old trot in HUH;
Jir.iHr for :i venrold pari' in H'll; ,imii
for :i year old trot in MM 1.
At the Maine ineelinn it wan tenia
tivelv nrrniiK'-d to ereet bleneher ml
ioihimr the irrnnilstand at the meet rack
with a aeatintf eapaeity of from 7iii
to 1 0,011.
K. O. Downing was nehvled as ehair
man of the eominittee to have foil man of the entire week's eventu
eoverinn the harness raee. the live
Htoek displays, (lie Hmimeinenls, eon
eessioim and the like. Thin commit
teo will shoulder reHponsihiiny or see
iiii; that evrv tiling is run t f i rl
iiitf to program mid on time.
The bin Id i nt; committee reports, tnai
the mile track, the barns, utilities and
grandstand would he turned over Ni the
association not later than .vpiomiH-r i.
SKATTI.K. Viih.. Auiiit S Sur
miincli'd liv Henri of friemln mm nitli
four (fiMtrrulioli' reprenente.1. Mrs. An
K'linn T:iylr liiow ! toilnv rel-
lirnlinir her lllillli liirtlidnv. I lie eon
tennriim, who liven here with her iIiiukIi
i. ,.ivinir uood lienllli ami is well
pre.erve.l. Hl. m the ,lnuKhter of the
was nt one timi
l,vk.. ot .he h.m.e t .w.i.,na.
VIA Npers Sty
hy Folks to te 9et.
(Vaquinn Hay Mail)
When all other coast smarts ere de
serted, -het times sre reputed hard all
over the country, Lincoln county pr-
.-r and r beerli's ere with
visitors, it is suite nyrl to ik whyf
The cesisia it Jiii: We pvt oi o
sirs, we yllow tse sreisry 10 uu our
talking assl osatt iwir,
mosly kn m "t'itt C'lutkui" not
witk us. A mm c tutu te Newport
and fish, knit or hsi-f is his very oMeat
clothes without exciting the contempt
of nnvbwdy. A woman can wear her
h.-iir in any style at all, a skirt that is
indistinguishable to cut, tnilor or goods
shoes as large as she dare and she's
just ns beautiful as if she wore a
tiW.7.1 creation. If a man has no
money he isn't made to feel his crime
too heavily. We never d'-spise the mun
of modest menus any more than we can
help. The happy family in a tent
lias just as much of our good things as
Die mini in the automobile. And nature
that great democrat, treats us nil alike
no matter how much or little wo have
In this regard, it is true, a brassbnirttd
loll boy could give nature pniiits.Rut
as she is, we have her down here on Va
quiiia bay; and, hard times or soft,
every time here is a goodtime.
This is why, when money in scarce,
Yuquinn bay fills up with people while
other resorts echo the lonely call of
the culm nnd the vault of night hoars
only the solo of the desolated Hea ser
Cliarlen X. IlitHki'll, the new treas
urer of the democratic nat ional eom
inittee, hearH tho dintinction of hing
l he Jlrnt Kovetnor of Oklnhonia. Iln
sh chairman of the Important com
mittee on resolutions at the recent
Denver convention. Karly in life he
was engaged in railroad construction
Colonel Prank Smith, who is a
candidate for the republican nomination
for lieutenant governor of Illinois, has
sent an appeal to every voter in the
Hlate by Ihe name of Smith, asking for
his support in the general primary
which is to he held next Saturday.
'resident (Jumpers of I he American.
1'cdoruliou of Labor, it is said, in ex
citing all his Influence to induce the
members uf the Farmers' l-Mucational
and Co operative union to tmpport Mr.
lirynn for president. The union is said
to have a membership of almost 2,0110,
i inn throughout the country.
I'rey Voodnoii, who has been re elect
ed to his position of secretary of the
democratic nat ional coin mil tee, is a
Kentucky journalist, being editor and
publisher of ncwnptipcrs in I'adueah
and Owenboro. lie was railroad com
missioner of Kentucky from I so I to
Isit't, and has been a member of the
democrat ie nat ional committee since
Among those mentioned on the re
publican bide to suceood Tinted States
Henator Stone of Missouri are Colonel
HI chard C. Kerens, one of the veteran
leaders of the parly in Missouri! Lieu
tenant (loveruor McKiiiley, former na
tional committeeman; Thomas .1, Akin,
state rliairmnu; Walter S. Dickey and
Joseph ltlack of Hichinond,
The national committee of the so
cialist party is reported to be hard
put to find (he wherewithal to conduct
I lie coming campaign. It is desired to
si-nd KiiLrene V. Debs, the candidate for
president, on an extensive tour of lh
country in a special train, but the sub
scrintions to the fund to be used for
tin purpose are said to have fall
nhort of expectationa.
The republican state convention in
Xew York to nominate a candidate for
governor will be held in Saratoga, prob
ably the second week of September.
The prohibit ion party 's notification
meeting, at which Kugene W. Chaftn,
the nominee for the presidency, will be
ollicially notified of his nomination, will
be held in Chicago August IS.
Second Assistant Postmaster General
McCleary expects to receive the repub
lican nomination for congress in the
Second M iniM Sot a dist rict at I he prt
uiaries to be held September l.r.
Culled Slates District Attorney liar
ty Skinner, who in famous for his abil
ity as au orator, may be honored with
tin1 republican nomination for governor
of North Carolina when the state con
volition meets at Charlotte on August
A recent election at Georgetown,
which is located in the heart of the
distilling district of central Kentucky,
was curried by the anti prohibition ele
meat by the extremely narrow major
ity of one vote. The contest was a moit
exciting one.
The carnation is the favorite flower
of J urge Taft, as it also wns of the
late President McKinleV. Hut while the
latter favored the red carnntioii. Judge
Taft prefers the white variety of the
popular flower.
It in estimated that 20.000 Jewish
voters will not take part in the state
primary in Illinois next Saturday u
cause it is held on their Sabbath.
Whether this loss will be an injury to
the republican or democratic candidates
is a matter of co n j ec tare.
Two Furnacci Idle.
KKN'NKTT. fill- AiiiJint 8 As n
result of the fire in the Irnmfnrmer
Mullen, emisiiii n tempor.irv shutdown
of the entire timelting plntit of the
Mammoth eompnny Sunday, there at
present two or the rive furnaees still
out of oommiMsion with the likelihood
of their eontitiuin! so for sever:tt)weeks.
Their eessatinn nft'eets the employment
of sifo men. 9heir continued shut
ilnwn is not. however, entirely due to
the fire of Sunday, as these two fur
nnees were in need of some repairs.
They will be equipped with complete
liew water jackets.
use our Foot Powder, absolutely guaranteed.
Medford Pftoraacy
Tko fcig Drag Store with Little Prices.
Hear Postfke.
Do not put off having picturos taken
until tho rainy season, when tho clouds
are dark uml lowering nnd the sun is
weult. The weather is rather warm,
but the light is good, especially for
hildreu. You will want holiday pic
urea. Better have them made now. Re
member, there is but one high-grade fin
ish, and that is platinum; it costs more,
but it 's ever so much better.
II s
very pliiiu to srr
the it'iiini)i nominee.
Of fill the candidates nom
inated, vote for Dan Cupid.
The real advance agent of
prosperity. To help him win,
you must sumko cigars that
have no disagreeable odor. A
good smoke is assured if you
try our
Medtord 5 cent, R R V 10 cent
and Del Marca 15 cent Cigar
oil sale uvervwhere.
R.R.V. Cigar Works
Medford. Or.
The fololwing quntltlsnl r in im
rtial rtport of th prieel paid by Med
ford deilftri:
Whrxt 1 pr buibtl.
Wheat S5e per buahel.
Flour $'J.7f per pwt.
Whnlt' liarloy ptr Inn.
Hay 18 pr ton.
Alfalfa $10 par ton.
Naw potato, tl.Zi par pwt.
Butter 10c per roll.
Iard 10c per pound.
Doana Ac per pound.
Egg 22 He per deien.
Sunr HUHI per owl.
Turkey, 13e per pound.
Poultry Spring. 2 to t'i; heua. .1.50
1 1 $4 per dozen,
llama 12c per pound.
Shouldera 10c per pound.
Hoga 4Hc to 6c per pound.
Cattle 2 to 34e par pound.
Three miles south of Medford and 2 Vi
mllea west of Phoenix, is now cut up i
in small tracts to sirti the purchaser.
One fourth cash, balance in three pay-
j monts. This is a iar opportunity for
! men of small means. Listed with all
the agents.
Anybody wishing to Invest in one of
the neatest, most modern and best locat
ed homes in Medford, should ndrdees
'. O. Box 44)).
See us for bargalna We have farms
for sale.well Improved; good orchards;
rich soil; $20 to ISO per acre. Pears
Plrtle, Brownsville Land A Investment
Co., Brownsville. Oregon. tf i
Usiferd Tribune, 50 psr monts.
Moroni nuz liwe i 1 w-e
I Northbound
No. 16Oregon Expreaa 8:84 p. m.
No. HiPortland Expreni... 9:49 a.m.
Southbound I
No. 15California Expreaa. . 10:35 a. in.
No. 13San Franciaco Exp.. 3:20p.m.
No. 225From Oranta Paa..j 9:15 p.m.
No. 225jFor Aehland 10: 15 p. m.
Na. ljLeavea Medford...
N'e. 3,Leavee Uadford...
8:10 a. m.
2:50 p. m.
10:26 a.m.
5:08 p. m.
2Awivea MeJforJ...
Ns. 4- Awivea Medford . . .
No. 2Leavea
No. 4 J Leaves
No. lLeavea
No. 3Leavea
10:45 a.m.
5:35 p. m.
2:00 p m.
9:00 p. n).
9:00 a.m.
3:30 p. in.
1:30 p. m.
7:30 p. m.
MotorjLeavea Jacksonville..
A. M.P. M.
. 7:20 2:00
....' 9:19 4:54
10:05 2:50
...,10:20 5:20
Eagle Point...
Northbound . . .
Southbound . . .
Jacksonville . . .
Will be made this season by
Lines in Oregon
as follows:
Both Ways One Way
Through Via
Portland. California.
Chicago ..$82.40 $87.50
St. Louis 77.40 82.50
St. Paul C9.90 81.75
Omaha 69.90 75.00
Kansas City .. 69.90 75.00
Tickets will be on sale
June 39, 20.
.J uly 6, 7, 22, 23.
August fi, 7, 21, 22.
Good for return iu 90 days
with stopover privileges at
pleasure within limits.
For any further information
call on
1 iocal Agent, or write to
WM. M 'MURRAY, General
Passenger Agent, Portland
Inferior meats when you
can have the best for the
same money by buying
here I We sell better meals
because wo buy bettor
moats, and keep them in
our cold storage plant,
which makes tliein better
State, Depositary.
Window and Door Screens, Block Wood
Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including timed work and
fancy grills. T, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH ST& THONE 63,
J. E. KNYART.Presid ent.
J. A. PERRY, Vice President.
The Medford
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS 10,000
Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage
W. W.
Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort
The Place to do for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv
able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation
and an abundance of it. IVesb water from springs. All
modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets
freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages
partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict
municipal sanitary regulations.
NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to
Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R.
Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout.
Rate From Medford
Our elaborate new summer book gives a concise description of Newport,
including a list of hotels, their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write
Local Agent, Medford General Passenger Agent, Portland
ipvn r.iiT "
Rankin? 8ci
Of tsM litfeat Charas.
Liberality and uniform courtesy is
extended to ALL depositors of this
bank, if you appreciate banking aerv
ice of the highest character, you will
find great satisfaction in transacting
vour banking business with the Jack
son County Bunk. Confer with our
officers at your convenience, it desir
ous of opening a now account or mak
ing a change in present banking rela
tions. W. I. VAWTEB, President
G. R. LINDLEY, Cashier
Tho Nuah hots a merchants' luncheon
each noon from 11:30 to 1:30.
Relishes, aoup, choice of two meats,
your favorite beverage and ceffae, for
2."i cents.
Nash Buffet
JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier.
National Bank
A Timely Hint
for the warm weather. You know a
good thing you're reading about it in
this ad. Don't choat yourself but get
a cool, comfortable Bummer Buit at a
groat reduction. Wo make you a styl
ish summer suit ut $20.
Full and winter goods are here in all
the late shudeB.
Patronize borne industry. Keep your,
money at home. French Dry Cleaning
and Pressing Neatly Done. A Perfect
Fit Guaranteed.
A Good Pointer
to the man who isn't acquainted with
an artistic tailor who can give him
the recherche style and swell appear
iiiiL-e sought by many who don't know
where to find them. Come to our rooms
mid examine our handsome styles iu
new fabric, nnd have a suit made for
v.i r own individunl form .